
147 lines
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#include "components/screen.hpp"
#include <algorithm>
#include <csignal>
#include <thread>
#include "components/config.hpp"
#include "components/logger.hpp"
#include "components/types.hpp"
#include "events/signal.hpp"
#include "events/signal_emitter.hpp"
#include "x11/connection.hpp"
#include "x11/extensions/all.hpp"
#include "x11/registry.hpp"
#include "x11/types.hpp"
#include "x11/winspec.hpp"
using namespace signals::eventqueue;
* Create instance
screen::make_type screen::make() {
return std::make_unique<screen>(connection::make(), signal_emitter::make(), logger::make(), config::make());
* Construct screen instance
screen::screen(connection& conn, signal_emitter& emitter, const logger& logger, const config& conf)
: m_connection(conn)
, m_sig(emitter)
, m_log(logger)
, m_conf(conf)
, m_root(conn.root())
, m_monitors(randr_util::get_monitors(m_connection, m_root, true, false))
, m_size({conn.screen()->width_in_pixels, conn.screen()->height_in_pixels}) {
// Check if the reloading has been disabled by the user
if (!m_conf.get("settings", "screenchange-reload", false)) {
// clang-format off
m_proxy = winspec(m_connection)
<< cw_size(1U, 1U)
<< cw_pos(-1, -1)
<< cw_parent(m_root)
<< cw_params_override_redirect(true)
<< cw_params_event_mask(XCB_EVENT_MASK_PROPERTY_CHANGE)
<< cw_flush(true);
// clang-format on
// Update the root windows event mask
auto attributes = m_connection.get_window_attributes(m_root);
auto root_mask = attributes->your_event_mask;
attributes->your_event_mask = attributes->your_event_mask | XCB_EVENT_MASK_SUBSTRUCTURE_NOTIFY;
m_connection.change_window_attributes(m_root, XCB_CW_EVENT_MASK, &attributes->your_event_mask);
// Receive randr events
m_connection.randr().select_input(m_proxy, XCB_RANDR_NOTIFY_MASK_SCREEN_CHANGE);
// Create window used as event proxy
// Wait until the proxy window has been mapped
using evt = xcb_map_notify_event_t;
m_connection.wait_for_response<evt, XCB_MAP_NOTIFY>([&](const evt* evt) -> bool { return evt->window == m_proxy; });
// Restore the root windows event mask
m_connection.change_window_attributes(m_root, XCB_CW_EVENT_MASK, &root_mask);
// Finally attach the sink the process randr events
m_connection.attach_sink(this, SINK_PRIORITY_SCREEN);
* Deconstruct screen instance
screen::~screen() {
m_connection.detach_sink(this, SINK_PRIORITY_SCREEN);
if (m_proxy != XCB_NONE) {
* If any of the monitors have changed we trigger a reload
void screen::handle(const evt::randr_screen_change_notify& evt) {
if (m_sigraised || evt->request_window != m_proxy) {
auto screen = m_connection.screen(true);
auto changed = false;
// We need to reload if the screen size changed as well
if (screen->width_in_pixels != m_size.w || screen->height_in_pixels != m_size.h) {
changed = true;
} else {
changed = have_monitors_changed();
if (changed) {
m_log.notice("randr_screen_change_notify (%ux%u)... reloading", evt->width, evt->height);
m_sigraised = true;
* Checks if the stored monitor list is different from a newly fetched one
* Fetches the monitor list and compares it with the one stored
bool screen::have_monitors_changed() const {
auto monitors = randr_util::get_monitors(m_connection, m_root, true, false);
if (monitors.size() != m_monitors.size()) {
return true;
for (auto m : m_monitors) {
auto it =
std::find_if(monitors.begin(), monitors.end(), [m](auto& monitor) -> bool { return m->equals(*monitor); });
* Every monitor in the stored list should also exist in the newly fetched
* list. If this holds then the two lists are equivalent since they have
* the same size
if (it == monitors.end()) {
return true;
return false;