
295 lines
9.9 KiB

#pragma once
#include <unordered_map>
#include <map>
#include <sstream>
#include "common.hpp"
#include "components/config_base.hpp"
#include "components/types.hpp"
#include "components/logger.hpp"
#include "errors.hpp"
#include "settings.hpp"
#include "utils/color.hpp"
#include "utils/env.hpp"
#include "utils/file.hpp"
#include "utils/string.hpp"
#include <sol/sol.hpp>
class config_lua {
explicit config_lua(const logger& logger, const string& path, const string& bar)
: m_log(logger), m_file(path), m_barname(bar){
m_state.script_file(path, [](lua_State*, sol::protected_function_result pfr) -> sol::protected_function_result {
sol::error err = pfr;
throw application_error(string("Error loading lua config: ") + err.what(), 0);
if (m_barname.empty()) {
sol::optional<sol::table> opt_bars = m_state[BARS_CONTAINER];
if (opt_bars) {
sol::table bars = *opt_bars;
vector<string> keys(bars.size());
for (const pair<sol::object, sol::object> &kv_pair: bars) {
sol::object k = kv_pair.first;
if (k.is<string>()) {
} else {
throw application_error("The config file contains a bar with a non string name.");
if (keys.size() == 1) {
m_barname = keys[0];
} else if (bars.empty()){
throw application_error("The config file contains no bar.");
} else {
throw application_error("The config file contains multiple bars, but no bar name was given. Available bars: " +
string_util::join(keys, ", "));
} else {
throw application_error("The config file contains no bar.");
const string& filepath() const;
string section() const;
static constexpr const char* BARS_CONTAINER = "bars";
static constexpr const char* MODULES_CONTAINER = "modules";
file_list get_included_files() const;
void warn_deprecated(const string& section, const string& key, string replacement = "") const;
* Returns true if a given parameter exists
bool has(const string& section, const string& key) const;
* Get parameter for the current bar by name
template <typename T = string>
T get(const string& key) const {
return get<T>(section(), key);
* Get value of a variable by section and parameter name
template <typename T=string>
T get(const string& section, const string& key) const {
return config_utils::convert<T>(move(lua_get<string>(section, key)));
template <typename T=string>
T get(const string& section, const string& key, const T& default_value) const {
try {
return get<T>(section, key);
} catch (const key_error& err) {
return default_value;
} catch (const std::exception& err) {
pair<string, std::optional<string>> entries = get_entries(section);
if (entries.second){
m_log.err("Invalid value for \"%s[%s][%s]\", using default value (reason: %s)", entries.first, *entries.second, key, err.what());
} else {
m_log.err("Invalid value for \"%s[%s]\", using default value (reason: %s)", entries.first, key, err.what());
return default_value;
* Get list of key-value pairs starting with a prefix by section.
* Eg: if you have in config `env-FOO = bar`,
* get_with_prefix(section, "env-") will return [{"FOO", "bar"}]
template <typename T = string>
vector<pair<string, T>> get_with_prefix(const string& section, const string& key_prefix) const {
pair<sol::table, string> table_message = lua_get_table(section);
sol::table table = table_message.first;
vector<pair<string, T>> kv_vec;
for (const pair<sol::object, sol::object> &kv_pair: table) {
sol::object k = kv_pair.first;
sol::object v = kv_pair.second;
if (k.is<string>()) {
string k_str = k.as<string>();
if (k_str.substr(0, key_prefix.size()) == key_prefix) {
if (v.is<T>()) {
kv_vec.push_back({k_str, v.as<T>()});
} else if (v.is<string>()) {
kv_vec.push_back({k_str, config_utils::convert<T>(move(v.as<string>()))});
} else {
throw value_error("Wrong data type for \"" + table_message.second+ "[" + k_str + "]\"");
return kv_vec;
* Get list of values for the current bar by name
template <typename T = string>
vector<T> get_list(const string& key) const {
return get_list<T>(section(), key);
* Get list of values by section and parameter name
template <typename T = string>
vector<T> get_list(const string& section, const string& key) const {
pair<sol::table, string> table_message = lua_get_table(section);
sol::table table = table_message.first;
string message_key = table_message.second;
if (!config_lua::has(table, key)) {
throw key_error("Missing parameter \"" + message_key + "[" + key + "]\"");
sol::optional<vector<sol::optional<string>>> value = table[key];
if (value == sol::nullopt) {
sol::optional<string> value = table[key];
if (value != sol::nullopt) {
throw key_error("Not a list value for parameter \"" + message_key + "[" + key + "]\"");
} else {
throw value_error("Wrong type for parameter \"" + message_key + "[" + key + "]\"");
vector<sol::optional<string>> vec = *value;
vector<T> result{vec.size()};
for (size_t i = 0; i < vec.size(); i++) {
const sol::optional<string>& value = vec[i];
if (value) {
string value_str = *value;
} else {
throw value_error("The element of \"" + message_key + "\" at position " + to_string(i) + " cannot be converted to the expected type");
return result;
* Get list of values by section and parameter name
* with a default list in case the list isn't defined
template <typename T = string>
vector<T> get_list(const string& section, const string& key, const vector<T>& default_value) const {
try {
vector<T> results = get_list<T>(section, key);
if (!results.empty()) {
return results;
return default_value;
} catch (const key_error&) {
return default_value;
} catch (const std::exception& err) {
pair<string, std::optional<string>> entries = get_entries(section);
if (entries.second){
m_log.err("Invalid value for \"%s[%s][%s]\", using list as-is (reason: %s)", entries.first, *entries.second, key, err.what());
} else {
m_log.err("Invalid value for \"%s[%s]\", using list as-is (reason: %s)", entries.first, key, err.what());
return default_value;
* Attempt to load value using the deprecated key name. If successful show a
* warning message. If it fails load the value using the new key and given
* fallback value
template <typename T = string>
T deprecated(const string& section, const string& old, const string& newkey, const T& fallback) const {
try {
T value{get<T>(section, old)};
warn_deprecated(section, old, newkey);
return value;
} catch (const key_error& err) {
return get<T>(section, newkey, fallback);
} catch (const std::exception& err) {
// TODO improve message
m_log.err("Invalid value for \"%s.%s\", using fallback key \"%s.%s\" (reason: %s)", section, old, section, newkey,
pair<string, std::optional<string>> entries = get_entries(section);
if (entries.second){
m_log.err("Invalid value for \"%s[%s][%s]\", fallback key \"%s[%s][%s]\" (reason: %s)", entries.first, *entries.second, old, entries.first, *entries.second, newkey, err.what());
} else {
m_log.err("Invalid value for \"%s[%s]\", fallback key \"%s[%s]\" (reason: %s)", entries.first, old, entries.first, newkey, err.what());
return get<T>(section, newkey, fallback);
pair<string, std::optional<string>> get_entries(const string& section) const;
* Returns true if a given parameter exists in the lua table
static bool has(const sol::table& table, const string& key);
* Returns true if a given parameter exists in the lua table
static bool has(const sol::state& table, const string& key);
pair<sol::table, string> lua_get_table(const string& section) const;
template <typename T=string>
T lua_get(const string& section, const string& key) const {
pair<string, std::optional<string>> entries = get_entries(section);
if (!config_lua::has(m_state, entries.first)) {
throw key_error("Missing entry \"" + entries.first + "\"");
sol::optional<sol::table> opt_table = m_state[entries.first];
if (opt_table == sol::nullopt) {
throw key_error("Wrong type for entry \"" + entries.first + "\": expecting table");
string message_key = entries.first;
sol::table table = *opt_table;
if (entries.second) {
message_key += "[" + *entries.second + "]";
if (!config_lua::has(table, *entries.second)) {
throw key_error("Missing entry \"" + message_key + "\"");
sol::optional<sol::table> opt_table = table[*entries.second];
if (opt_table == sol::nullopt) {
throw key_error("Wrong type for entry \"" + message_key + "\": expecting table");
table = *opt_table;
if (!config_lua::has(table, key)) {
throw key_error("Missing parameter \"" + message_key + "[" + key + "]\"");
sol::optional<T> value = table[key];
if (value) {
return *value;
} else {
throw value_error("Wrong type for parameter \"" + message_key + "[" + key + "]\"");
const logger& m_log;
string m_file;
string m_barname;
sol::state m_state;