use crate::constraints; use crate::unit; use std::os::raw::*; #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)] pub struct Settings { bar_on_top_by_default: bool, border: Border, default_clients_in_master: c_int, default_master_area_factor: c_float, enable_swallowing: bool, focus_on_wheel: bool, gap: Gap, master_area_factor_per_unit: unit::Kind, max_clients_in_master: Option, respect_resize_hints_in_floating_layout: bool, show_bar_by_default: bool, show_bar_per_unit: unit::Kind, snap_distance: c_uint, swallow_floating: bool, } #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)] pub enum ForSingleWindow { Never, Always, NotInFullscreen, NobodyIsFullscreen, } #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)] pub struct Border { mode: ForSingleWindow, width: c_int, } #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)] pub struct Gap { mode: ForSingleWindow, size: c_int, } impl Default for Settings { fn default() -> Self { Self { bar_on_top_by_default: true, border: Default::default(), default_clients_in_master: 1, default_master_area_factor: 0.6, enable_swallowing: true, focus_on_wheel: true, gap: Default::default(), master_area_factor_per_unit: unit::Kind::Monitor, max_clients_in_master: None, respect_resize_hints_in_floating_layout: false, show_bar_by_default: true, show_bar_per_unit: unit::Kind::Monitor, snap_distance: 32, swallow_floating: false, } } } impl Default for Border { fn default() -> Self { Self { mode: Default::default(), width: 2, } } } impl Default for Gap { fn default() -> Self { Self { mode: Default::default(), size: 10, } } } impl Default for ForSingleWindow { fn default() -> Self { Self::NobodyIsFullscreen } } impl From for c_uchar { fn from(value: ForSingleWindow) -> Self { match value { ForSingleWindow::Never => 0, ForSingleWindow::Always => 1, ForSingleWindow::NotInFullscreen => 2, ForSingleWindow::NobodyIsFullscreen => 3, } } } impl From for ForSingleWindow { fn from(value: c_uchar) -> Self { match value { 0 => Self::Never, 1 => Self::Always, 2 => Self::NotInFullscreen, 3 => Self::NobodyIsFullscreen, _ => panic!("invalid value for type ForSingleWindow"), } } } impl Settings { pub fn bar_on_top_by_default(&self) -> bool { self.bar_on_top_by_default } pub fn bar_on_top_by_default_set(&mut self, value: bool) { self.bar_on_top_by_default = value; } pub fn border(&self) -> &Border { &self.border } pub fn border_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Border { &mut self.border } pub fn default_clients_in_master(&self) -> c_int { self.default_clients_in_master } pub fn default_clients_in_master_set(&mut self, value: c_int) { self.default_clients_in_master = constraints::default_clients_in_master(value); } pub fn default_master_area_factor(&self) -> c_float { self.default_master_area_factor } pub fn default_master_area_factor_set(&mut self, value: c_float) { self.default_master_area_factor = constraints::default_master_area_factor(value); } pub fn enable_swallowing(&self) -> bool { self.enable_swallowing } pub fn enable_swallowing_set(&mut self, value: bool) { self.enable_swallowing = value; } pub fn focus_on_wheel(&self) -> bool { self.focus_on_wheel } pub fn focus_on_wheel_set(&mut self, value: bool) { self.focus_on_wheel = value; } pub fn gap(&self) -> &Gap { & } pub fn gap_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Gap { &mut } pub fn master_area_factor_per_unit(&self) -> unit::Kind { self.master_area_factor_per_unit } // TODO: notify WM to rearrange clients pub fn master_area_factor_per_unit_set(&mut self, value: unit::Kind) { self.master_area_factor_per_unit = value; } pub fn max_clients_in_master(&self) -> Option { self.max_clients_in_master } // TODO: notify WM to rearrange clients pub fn max_clients_in_master_set(&mut self, value: Option) { self.max_clients_in_master =; } pub fn respect_resize_hints_in_floating_layout(&self) -> bool { self.respect_resize_hints_in_floating_layout } // TODO: notify WM to rearrange clients pub fn respect_resize_hints_in_floating_layout_set(&mut self, value: bool) { self.respect_resize_hints_in_floating_layout = value; } pub fn show_bar_by_default(&self) -> bool { self.show_bar_by_default } pub fn show_bar_by_default_set(&mut self, value: bool) { self.show_bar_by_default = value; } pub fn show_bar_per_unit(&self) -> unit::Kind { self.show_bar_per_unit } // TODO: notify WM to rearrange clients pub fn show_bar_per_unit_set(&mut self, value: unit::Kind) { self.show_bar_per_unit = value; } pub fn snap_distance(&self) -> c_uint { self.snap_distance } pub fn snap_distance_set(&mut self, value: c_uint) { self.snap_distance = constraints::snap_distance(value); } pub fn swallow_floating(&self) -> bool { self.swallow_floating } pub fn swallow_floating_set(&mut self, value: bool) { self.swallow_floating = value; } } impl Border { pub fn mode(&self) -> ForSingleWindow { self.mode } pub fn mode_set(&mut self, value: ForSingleWindow) { self.mode = value; } pub fn width(&self) -> c_int { self.width } pub fn width_set(&mut self, value: c_int) { self.width = constraints::border_width(value); } pub fn width_helper( &self, displayed_clients: c_uint, selected_is_fullscreen: bool, any_is_fullscreen: bool, ) -> c_int { if displayed_clients > 1 { return self.width; } match self.mode { ForSingleWindow::Never => 0, ForSingleWindow::Always => self.width, ForSingleWindow::NotInFullscreen => { if selected_is_fullscreen { 0 } else { self.width } } ForSingleWindow::NobodyIsFullscreen => { if selected_is_fullscreen || any_is_fullscreen { 0 } else { self.width } } } } } impl Gap { pub fn mode(&self) -> ForSingleWindow { self.mode } pub fn mode_set(&mut self, value: ForSingleWindow) { self.mode = value; } pub fn size(&self) -> c_int { self.size } pub fn size_set(&mut self, value: c_int) { self.size = constraints::gap_size(value); } pub fn size_helper( &self, displayed_clients: c_uint, selected_is_fullscreen: bool, any_is_fullscreen: bool, ) -> c_int { if displayed_clients > 1 { return self.size; } match self.mode { ForSingleWindow::Never => 0, ForSingleWindow::Always => self.size, ForSingleWindow::NotInFullscreen => { if selected_is_fullscreen { 0 } else { self.size } } ForSingleWindow::NobodyIsFullscreen => { if selected_is_fullscreen || any_is_fullscreen { 0 } else { self.size } } } } }