void configborder(const Arg *const arg) { if (arg == NULL) return; const int old_border_width = settings_get_border_width(); const int new_border_width = old_border_width + (arg->i >= 0 ? +1 : -1); settings_set_border_width(new_border_width); arrange(selmon); } void configgap(const Arg *const arg) { if (arg == NULL) return; const int old_gap_size = settings_get_gap_size(); const int new_gap_size = old_gap_size + (arg->i >= 0 ? +2 : -2); settings_set_gap_size(new_gap_size); arrange(selmon); } void dorestart(__attribute__((unused)) const Arg *const arg) { restart(); } void focusmon(const Arg *arg) { if (!mons->next) return; Monitor *m; if ((m = dirtomon(arg->i)) == selmon) return; unfocus(selmon->sel, 0); selmon = m; focus(NULL); } void focusstack(const Arg *arg) { if (!selmon->sel) return; Client *c = NULL; if (arg->i > 0) { for (c = selmon->sel->next; c && !ISVISIBLE(c); c = c->next); if (!c) { for (c = selmon->clients; c && !ISVISIBLE(c); c = c->next); } } else { Client *i = selmon->clients; for (; i != selmon->sel; i = i->next) { if (ISVISIBLE(i)) { c = i; } } if (!c) { for (; i; i = i->next) { if (ISVISIBLE(i)) { c = i; } } } } if (c) { focus(c); restack(selmon); { unsigned int n = 0; for (Client *cc = nexttiled(selmon->clients); cc; cc = nexttiled(cc->next), ++n); // TODO: Maybe it's an unnecessary optimization // and we don't need the condition. if (n > 1) { // We have to rearrange because borders and gaps may have // changed in monocle layout. arrange(selmon); } } } } void incnmaster(const Arg *arg) { const int max_clients_in_master = settings_get_max_clients_in_master(); const int new_clients_in_master = MAX(0, selmon->nmaster + arg->i); selmon->nmaster = max_clients_in_master == 0 ? new_clients_in_master : MIN(new_clients_in_master, max_clients_in_master); arrange(selmon); } void killclient(__attribute__((unused)) const Arg *arg) { if (!selmon->sel) return; if (!sendevent(selmon->sel, xbase->atoms->wmatom[WMDelete])) { XGrabServer(xbase->x_display); XSetErrorHandler(xerrordummy); XSetCloseDownMode(xbase->x_display, DestroyAll); XKillClient(xbase->x_display, selmon->sel->x_window); XSync(xbase->x_display, False); XSetErrorHandler(xerror); XUngrabServer(xbase->x_display); } } void movemouse(__attribute__((unused)) const Arg *arg) { Client *const c = selmon->sel; if (c == NULL) return; restack(selmon); if ( XGrabPointer( xbase->x_display, xbase->x_root, False, MOUSEMASK, GrabModeAsync, GrabModeAsync, None, cursor[CurMove]->cursor, CurrentTime ) != GrabSuccess ) { return; } int x, y; if (!getrootptr(&x, &y)) return; const unsigned int snap_distance = settings_get_snap_distance(); const int ocx = c->state.geom.basic.position.x; const int ocy = c->state.geom.basic.position.y; Time lasttime = 0; XEvent ev; do { XMaskEvent( xbase->x_display, MOUSEMASK | ExposureMask | SubstructureRedirectMask, &ev ); switch (ev.type) { case ConfigureRequest: case Expose: case MapRequest: handler[ev.type](&ev); break; case MotionNotify: if ((ev.xmotion.time - lasttime) <= (1000 / 60)) continue; lasttime = ev.xmotion.time; int nx = ocx + (ev.xmotion.x - x); int ny = ocy + (ev.xmotion.y - y); if ( abs(selmon->window_area_geom.position.x - nx) < snap_distance ) { nx = selmon->window_area_geom.position.x; } else if ( abs( ( selmon->window_area_geom.position.x + selmon->window_area_geom.sizes.w ) - (nx + win_geom_total_width(&c->state.geom)) ) < snap_distance ) { nx = selmon->window_area_geom.position.x + selmon->window_area_geom.sizes.w - win_geom_total_width(&c->state.geom); } if ( abs(selmon->window_area_geom.position.y - ny) < snap_distance ) { ny = selmon->window_area_geom.position.y; } else if ( abs( ( selmon->window_area_geom.position.y + selmon->window_area_geom.sizes.h ) - (ny + win_geom_total_height(&c->state.geom)) ) < snap_distance ) { ny = selmon->window_area_geom.position.y + selmon->window_area_geom.sizes.h - win_geom_total_height(&c->state.geom); } if ( !c->state.is_floating && ( abs(nx - c->state.geom.basic.position.x) > snap_distance || abs(ny - c->state.geom.basic.position.y) > snap_distance) ) { togglefloating(NULL); } if (!selmon->lt[selmon->sellt]->arrange || c->state.is_floating) { struct WinGeom win_geom = c->state.geom; position_init_from_args(&win_geom.basic.position, nx, ny); resize(c, win_geom, 1); } break; } } while (ev.type != ButtonRelease); XUngrabPointer(xbase->x_display, CurrentTime); Monitor *const m = recttomon( c->state.geom.basic.position.x, c->state.geom.basic.position.y, c->state.geom.basic.sizes.w, c->state.geom.basic.sizes.h ); if (m != selmon) { sendmon(c, m); selmon = m; focus(NULL); } } void movestack(const Arg *arg) { Client *c = NULL, *p = NULL, *pc = NULL, *i = NULL; if (arg->i > 0) { /* find the client after selmon->sel */ for ( c = selmon->sel->next; c && (!ISVISIBLE(c) || c->state.is_floating); c = c->next ); if(!c) { for( c = selmon->clients; c && (!ISVISIBLE(c) || c->state.is_floating); c = c->next ); } } else { /* find the client before selmon->sel */ for (i = selmon->clients; i != selmon->sel; i = i->next) { if (ISVISIBLE(i) && !i->state.is_floating) { c = i; } } if (!c) { for (; i; i = i->next) { if (ISVISIBLE(i) && !i->state.is_floating) { c = i; } } } } /* find the client before selmon->sel and c */ for (i = selmon->clients; i && (!p || !pc); i = i->next) { if (i->next == selmon->sel) { p = i; } if (i->next == c) { pc = i; } } /* swap c and selmon->sel selmon->clients in the selmon->clients list */ if (c && c != selmon->sel) { Client *temp = selmon->sel->next == c ? selmon->sel : selmon->sel->next; selmon->sel->next = c->next==selmon->sel?c:c->next; c->next = temp; if (p && p != c) { p->next = c; } if (pc && pc != selmon->sel) { pc->next = selmon->sel; } if (selmon->sel == selmon->clients) { selmon->clients = c; } else if (c == selmon->clients) { selmon->clients = selmon->sel; } arrange(selmon); } } void quit(__attribute__((unused)) const Arg *arg) { running = 0; } void resetnmaster(const Arg *arg) { const int max_clients_in_master = settings_get_max_clients_in_master(); const int new_clients_in_master = arg->i == 0 ? 0 : settings_get_default_clients_in_master(); selmon->nmaster = max_clients_in_master == 0 ? new_clients_in_master : MIN(new_clients_in_master, max_clients_in_master); arrange(selmon); } void resizemouse(__attribute__((unused)) const Arg *arg) { Client *const c = selmon->sel; if (c == NULL) return; restack(selmon); if ( XGrabPointer( xbase->x_display, xbase->x_root, False, MOUSEMASK, GrabModeAsync, GrabModeAsync, None, cursor[CurResize]->cursor, CurrentTime ) != GrabSuccess ) { return; } XWarpPointer( xbase->x_display, None, c->x_window, 0, 0, 0, 0, c->state.geom.basic.sizes.w + c->state.geom.border_width - 1, c->state.geom.basic.sizes.h + c->state.geom.border_width - 1 ); const unsigned int snap_distance = settings_get_snap_distance(); const int ocx = c->state.geom.basic.position.x; const int ocy = c->state.geom.basic.position.y; Time lasttime = 0; XEvent ev; do { XMaskEvent( xbase->x_display, MOUSEMASK | ExposureMask | SubstructureRedirectMask, &ev ); switch (ev.type) { case ConfigureRequest: case Expose: case MapRequest: handler[ev.type](&ev); break; case MotionNotify: if ((ev.xmotion.time - lasttime) <= (1000 / 60)) continue; lasttime = ev.xmotion.time; const int nw = MAX( ev.xmotion.x - ocx - 2 * c->state.geom.border_width + 1, 1 ); const int nh = MAX( ev.xmotion.y - ocy - 2 * c->state.geom.border_width + 1, 1 ); if ( ( c->mon->window_area_geom.position.x + nw >= selmon->window_area_geom.position.x ) && ( c->mon->window_area_geom.position.x + nw <= ( selmon->window_area_geom.position.x + selmon->window_area_geom.sizes.w ) ) && ( c->mon->window_area_geom.position.y + nh >= selmon->window_area_geom.position.y ) && ( c->mon->window_area_geom.position.y + nh <= ( selmon->window_area_geom.position.y + selmon->window_area_geom.sizes.h ) ) ) { if ( !c->state.is_floating && ( selmon->lt[selmon->sellt]->arrange == NULL || abs(nw - c->state.geom.basic.sizes.w) > snap_distance || abs(nh - c->state.geom.basic.sizes.h) > snap_distance ) ) { togglefloating(NULL); } } if (!selmon->lt[selmon->sellt]->arrange || c->state.is_floating) { struct WinGeom win_geom = c->state.geom; sizes_init_from_args(&win_geom.basic.sizes, nw, nh); resize(c, win_geom, 1); } break; } } while (ev.type != ButtonRelease); XWarpPointer( xbase->x_display, None, c->x_window, 0, 0, 0, 0, c->state.geom.basic.sizes.w + c->state.geom.border_width - 1, c->state.geom.basic.sizes.h + c->state.geom.border_width - 1 ); XUngrabPointer(xbase->x_display, CurrentTime); while (XCheckMaskEvent(xbase->x_display, EnterWindowMask, &ev)); Monitor *const m = recttomon( c->state.geom.basic.position.x, c->state.geom.basic.position.y, c->state.geom.basic.sizes.w, c->state.geom.basic.sizes.h ); if (m != selmon) { sendmon(c, m); selmon = m; focus(NULL); } } void setlayout(const Arg *arg) { if (!arg || !arg->v || arg->v != selmon->lt[selmon->sellt]) { selmon->sellt ^= 1; } if (arg && arg->v) { const Layout *const new_layout = arg->v; selmon->lt[selmon->sellt] = new_layout; } unsigned int visible_clients = 0; for (const Client *client = selmon->clients; client; client = client->next) { if (ISVISIBLE(client)) ++visible_clients; } if (selmon->sel) { arrange(selmon); } } void setmfact(const Arg *arg) { if (!arg) return; unit_inc_master_area_factor(selmon->unit, arg->f); for (Monitor *m = mons; m; m = m->next) { arrange(m); } } void spawn(const Arg *arg) { const char *const command_name = arg->v; spawn_command(command_name, spawn_callback, selmon->num); } void spawn_callback() { if (xbase->x_display) { close(ConnectionNumber(xbase->x_display)); } } void tagmon(const Arg *arg) { if (!selmon->sel || !mons->next) return; sendmon(selmon->sel, dirtomon(arg->i)); } void togglefloating(__attribute__((unused)) const Arg *arg) { if (!selmon->sel) return; selmon->sel->state.is_floating = !selmon->sel->state.is_floating || selmon->sel->state.is_fixed; const int border_width = settings_get_border_width(); if (selmon->sel->state.is_floating) { struct WinGeom win_geom = selmon->sel->state.geom; win_geom.basic.sizes = sizes_create_from_args( selmon->sel->state.geom.basic.sizes.w - 2 * (border_width - selmon->sel->state.geom.border_width), selmon->sel->state.geom.basic.sizes.h - 2 * (border_width - selmon->sel->state.geom.border_width) ); win_geom.border_width = border_width; resize(selmon->sel, win_geom, 0); } arrange(selmon); } void zoom(__attribute__((unused)) const Arg *arg) { Client *c = selmon->sel; if (!selmon->lt[selmon->sellt]->arrange || (selmon->sel && selmon->sel->state.is_floating)) return; if (c == nexttiled(selmon->clients)) if (!c || !(c = nexttiled(c->next))) return; pop(c); }