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# rofi(1) completion -*- shell-script -*-
# Prints all registered modi (by parsing the help text)
rofi -help | awk '/Detected modi/ {do_print=1}
NF==0 {do_print=0}
do_print==1 {print}' | tail -n +2 | sed 's/+//g' | awk '{print $2}'
# if no wmctrl, give up
command -v wmctrl > /dev/null 2>&1 || return
wmctrl -l | awk '{print $1}'
# if no w, give up
command -v w > /dev/null 2>&1 || return
w -ush | awk '{print $5}'
# Get the available xrandr monitors
# if no xrandr, give up
command -v xrandr > /dev/null 2>&1 || return
xrandr --listmonitors | awk 'NR<2 {next} {gsub(/:/, "")} {print $1}'
# Get valid formats for the -format command
echo "s i d q p f F" | tr ' ' "\n"
# Parse out flags that look like keys and mouse options from the help text
rofi -help | grep -E "[-](kb|me|ml)-" | awk '{print $1}'
# Get a list of all installed font families
# if no fc-list, give up
command -v fc-list > /dev/null 2>&1 || return
# list of installed font families
fc-list --format="%{family[0]}\n"
# don't split on spaces in a font name
local IFS=$'\n'
local fonts=($(_rofi_get_all_fonts))
# the word in progress, if any
local cur=$1
# strip trailing numeric suffix, if any (e.g. Font 12 -> Font)
local root=$(echo $cur | sed 's/\\ / /g' | sed -E 's/ +[0-9]+$//')
# if that is a font name, suggest that font plus a selection of likely sizes
[[ " ${fonts[@]} " == *" ${root} "* ]] && fonts+=("$root "{8..14})
# Return the entire font list, plus the sizes for a complete font name
printf "%s\n" "${fonts[@]}"
local mods=(Control+ Control+Shift+ Control+Shift+Alt+ Control+Alt+
Shift+ Shift+Alt+ Alt+)
local cur=$1
# Add bare modifiers as completion candidates
printf "%s\n" "${mods[@]}"
# find the "root" of the current word-in-progress and add all the keys to that
# as completion candidates.
# This avoids spamming the user with N_mods * N_keys
local root=$(echo $cur | grep -o ".*+")
printf "${root}%s\n" "${keys[@]}"
# Get a list of bindings compatible with the given prefix ($1)
# GTK keynames
local IFS=$'\n'
local keys=($(xmodmap -pk | awk 'NF>2 {gsub(/[()]/,""); print $3} '))
_rofi_construct_bindings "$1" $keys
# GTK keynames
local keys=(MousePrimary MouseDPrimary MouseSecondary MouseDSecondary
ScrollUp ScrollLeft ScrollRight ScrollDown
Back Forward)
_rofi_construct_bindings "$1" $keys
# Main completion function
local cur prev words cword
_init_completion || return
# These are flags that are always valid
local gen_flags='-no-config -version -dmenu -display -help -e
-dump-config -dump-theme -dump-xresources
-markup -normal-window -show -modi -combi-modi -eh
-no-lazy-grab -no-plugins -plugin-path
-width -lines -columns -font -bw -location -padding
-yoffset -xoffset
-fixed-num-lines -no-fixed-num-lines
-show-icons -no-show-icons
-terminal -ssh-client -run-command -run-shell-command
-window-command -window-match-fields
-icon-theme -drun-match-fields
-drun-show-actions -no-drun-show-actions
-disable-history -no-disable-history -ignored-prefixes
-sort -no-sort -sorting-method -case-sensitive -no-case-sensitive
-cycle -no-cycle -sidebar-mode -no-sidebar-mode
-auto-select -no-auto-select -parse-hosts -no-parse-hosts
-parse-known-hosts -no-parse-known-hosts
-matching -tokenize -no-tokenize -m
-filter -fullscreen -no-fullscreen -dpi
-threads -scroll-method -window-format
-click-to-exit -no-click-to-exit -show-match -no-show-match
-theme -color-normal -color-urgent -color-active -color-window
-max-history-size -combi-hide-mode-prefix -no-combi-hide-mode-prefix
-matching-negate-char -cache-dir -pid '
local dmenu_flags='-mesg -p -selected_row -format -u -a -l -i
-only-match -no-custom -select -password -markup-rows
-sep -input -sync -async-pre-read -w'
# installed modi
local modis=$(_rofi_list_modi)
# every modi gets a -display-<modi> option
gen_flags+=$(printf "%s\n" ${modis} | sed -e 's/^/-display-/')
# append the supported key/mouse opts
case $cur in
# these flags always apply
COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W '${gen_flags[*]}' -- "$cur"))
[[ $COMPREPLY == *= ]] && compopt -o nospace
local have_dmenu=0
# Check for modal trigger arguments
local word
for word in ${words[@]};
case ${word} in
-dmenu) have_dmenu=1 ;;
case $prev in
COMPREPLY=($(compgen -d -- "$cur"))
COMPREPLY=($(compgen -f -- "$cur"))
# This can be smarter by merging into a comma-separated list
# for -modi
COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W '${modis[*]}' -- "$cur"))
local windows=$(_rofi_get_window_code_list)
COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W '${windows[*]}' -- "$cur"))
local monitors=$(_rofi_get_monitors)
COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W '${monitors[*]}' -- "$cur"))
local displays=$(_rofi_get_xdisplays)
COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W '${displays[*]}' -- "$cur"))
local formats=$(_rofi_get_formats)
COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W '${formats[*]}' -- "$cur"))
COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W 'normal regex glob fuzzy' -- "$cur"))
COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W 'levenshtein fzf normal' -- "$cur"))
# this isn't quite complete, as not having a number is invalid
local fonts=$(_rofi_complete_fonts "$cur")
local IFS=$'\n' # don't split on fonts with spaces
COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W '${fonts[*]}' -- "$cur"))
compopt -o nospace
local bindings=$(_rofi_get_key_bindings "$cur")
COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W '${bindings[*]}' -- "$cur"))
compopt -o nospace
local bindings=$(_rofi_get_mouse_bindings "$cur")
COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W '${bindings[*]}' -- "$cur"))
compopt -o nospace
[ ${have_dmenu} -eq 1 ] && COMPREPLY+=($(compgen -W '${dmenu_flags[*]}' -- "$cur"))
# Handle completions with spaces
if [ ${#COMPREPLY[*]} -eq 0 ]; then
COMPREPLY=($(printf '%q\n' "${COMPREPLY[@]}"))
complete -F _rofi_completions rofi