Update themer.md with specs (unfinished).

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Dave Davenport 2017-01-10 17:34:48 +01:00
parent 15cc7c5fb4
commit 3c7c1b3b40
1 changed files with 271 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -1,3 +1,274 @@
# Theme format 3.0
Rofi is now at the 3rd version of it theming format. Where previous formats was a basic version with an extension. This
is a full rewrite. The new format is loosely modelled after [css](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cascading_Style_Sheets).
This will hopefully be familiar and make it easier for people to get started with theming.
This file is organized as follow, first we give the specification of the file format.
In the second part we will list the possible options. In the final section a few examples are shown.
## File Format Specification
### Encoding
The encoding of the file is ascii.
Both unix ('\n') and windows ('\r\n') newlines format are supported. But unix is preferred.
### Comments
C and C++ file comments are support.
* Anything after `// ` and before a newline is considered a comment.
* Everything between `/*` and `*/` are a comment.
Comments can be nested and inline.
The following is valid:
property: /* comment */ value;
However this is not:
prop/*comment*/erty: value;
### White space
White space and newlines, like comments, are ignored by the parser.
property: name;
Is identical to:
property :
### Basic Structure
The file is structured like:
/* Global properties section */
* {
{list of properties}
/* Element theme section. */
#{element path} {
{list of properties}
#### Global properties section
Each theme has one, optional, global properties list.
If present, the global properties section has the be the first section in the file.
The global properties section is special, as the properties here denote the defaults for each element.
Reference properties (see properties section) can only link to properties in this section.
The section may only contain a '*' before the brace open..
#### Element theme section
A theme can have multiple element theme sections.
The element path can consist of multiple names separated by whitespace or dots.
Each element may contain any number of letters, numbers and '-'.
The first element should always start with a '#'.
This is a valid element name:
#window mainbox listview element normal.normal {
And is identical to:
#window.mainbox.listview.element normal.normal {
Each section inherits the properties of it parents and it own properties are added. If the property is specified both in
the parent as in the child, the childs property has priority.
So `#window mainbox` will contain all properties of `#window` and `#window mainbox`.
In the following example:
#window {
a: 1;
b: 2;
#window mainbox {
b: 4;
c: 8;
The element `#window mainbox` will have the following set of properties:
a: 1;
b: 4;
c: 8;
#### Properties
The properties in a section consist of:
{identifier}: {value};
The `identifier` names the property specified. Identifier can consist of any combination of numbers, letters and '-'. It
may not contain any whitespace.
The current theme format support different type of properties:
* a string.
* an integer positive number.
* a positive fractional number.
* a boolean value.
* a color.
* text style.
* line style.
* a distance.
* a padding.
* a border.
* a position.
* a reference.
##### String
Format: `"[:print:]"`
A string is always surrounded by quotes ('"'), between the quotes it can have any printable character.
For example:
font: "Awasome 12";
###### Integer
Format: "[:digit:]"
An integer may contain any number.
For examples:
lines: 12;
##### Real
Format: `[:digit:]+(\.[:digit:]+)?`
A real is an integer with an optional fraction.
For example:
real: 3.4;
##### Boolean
Format: `(true|false)`
For example:
dynamic: false;
##### Color
Format: '#{HEX}{6}'
Format: '#{HEX}{8}'
Format: 'argb:{HEX}{8}'
Format: 'rgb({INTEGER},{INTEGER},{INTEGER})'
Format: 'rgba({INTEGER},{INTEGER},{INTEGER}, {REAL})'
Where '{HEX}' is a hexidecimal number ('0-9a-f'). The '{INTEGER}' value can be between 0 and 255, the '{Real}' value
between 0.0 and 1.0.
The first formats specify the color as RRGGBB (R = red, G = green, B = Blue), the second adds an alpha (A) channel:
For example:
background: #FF0000;
foreground: rgba(0,0,1, 0.5);
##### Text style
Format: (bold|italic|underline|none)
Text style indicates how the text should be displayed. None indicates no style should be applied.
##### Line style
Format: `(dash|solid)`
Indicates how a line should be drawn.
##### Distance
Format: '{Integer}px'
Format: '{Real}em'
Format: '{Real}%'
##### Padding
Format: '{Integer}'
Format: '{Distance}'
Format: '{Distance} {Distance}'
Format: '{Distance} {Distance} {Distance}'
Format: '{Distance} {Distance} {Distance} {Distance}'
###### Border
Format: '{Integer}'
Format: '{Distance}'
Format: '{Distance} {Distance}'
Format: '{Distance} {Distance} {Distance}'
Format: '{Distance} {Distance} {Distance} {Distance}'
Format: '{Distance} {Line style}'
Format: '{Distance} {Line style} {Distance} {Line style}'
Format: '{Distance} {Line style} {Distance} {Line style} {Distance} {Line style}'
Format: '{Distance} {Line style} {Distance} {Line style} {Distance} {Line style} {Distance} {Line style}'
###### Position
Format: '(center|east|north|west|northeast|northweast|south|southwest|southeast)'
###### Reference
Format: '@{PROPERTY NAME}'
A reference can point to another reference. Currently the maximum number of redirects is 20.
> REST NEEDS updating.
# Basic Organization
Each widget has: