Remove more traces of old theme.

This commit is contained in:
Dave Davenport 2017-03-30 08:33:40 +02:00
parent 898e4a2717
commit 4d19e35b0e
5 changed files with 0 additions and 212 deletions

View File

@ -219,70 +219,6 @@ Hide the indicator that shows what part of the string is matched.
Disables lazy grab, this forces the keyboard being grabbed before gui is shown.
### Theming
These options are **deprecated** and should not be used. Please use the new theme format to customize rofi.
All colors are either hex #rrggbb, #aarrggbb or argb:aarrggbbvalues or X11 color names.
Set border width in pixels.
rofi -bw 1
Default: *1*
Specify a font. Pango syntax is used.
rofi -font "Dejavu Sans Mono 14"
Default: *mono 12*
`-eh` *element height*
The height of a field in lines. e.g.
echo -e "a\n3|b\n4|c\n5" | rofi -sep '|' -eh 2 -dmenu
Default: *1*
The following options are further explained in the theming section:
`-color-window` *background* *border color* *separator color*
Set window background, border and separator color.
`-color-normal` *background, foreground, background alt, highlight background, highlight foreground*
`-color-urgent` *background, foreground, background alt, highlight background, highlight foreground*
`-color-active` *background, foreground, background alt, highlight background, highlight foreground*
Specify the colors used in a row per state (normal, active, urgent).
Set the spacing between the rows.
Default: *3*, Min: *3*, Max: *50*
`-separator-style` *style*
Set separator style. Possible options are "none", "solid" or "dash".
Default: *dash*
Hide the scrollbar.
`-scrollbar-width` *width*
Set the scrollbar width.
### Matching
`-matching` *method*

View File

@ -309,120 +309,6 @@ Hide the indicator that shows what part of the string is matched\.
Disables lazy grab, this forces the keyboard being grabbed before gui is shown\.
.SS "Theming"
These options are \fBdeprecated\fR and should not be used\. Please use the new theme format to customize rofi\.
All colors are either hex #rrggbb, #aarrggbb or argb:aarrggbbvalues or X11 color names\.
Set border width in pixels\.
.IP "" 4
rofi \-bw 1
.IP "" 0
Default: \fI1\fR
Specify a font\. Pango syntax is used\.
.IP "" 4
rofi \-font "Dejavu Sans Mono 14"
.IP "" 0
Default: \fImono 12\fR
\fB\-eh\fR \fIelement height\fR
The height of a field in lines\. e\.g\.
.IP "" 4
echo \-e "a\en3|b\en4|c\en5" | rofi \-sep \'|\' \-eh 2 \-dmenu
.IP "" 0
Default: \fI1\fR
The following options are further explained in the theming section:
\fB\-color\-window\fR \fIbackground\fR \fIborder color\fR \fIseparator color\fR
Set window background, border and separator color\.
\fB\-color\-normal\fR \fIbackground, foreground, background alt, highlight background, highlight foreground\fR
\fB\-color\-urgent\fR \fIbackground, foreground, background alt, highlight background, highlight foreground\fR
\fB\-color\-active\fR \fIbackground, foreground, background alt, highlight background, highlight foreground\fR
Specify the colors used in a row per state (normal, active, urgent)\.
Set the spacing between the rows\.
Default: \fI3\fR, Min: \fI3\fR, Max: \fI50\fR
\fB\-separator\-style\fR \fIstyle\fR
Set separator style\. Possible options are "none", "solid" or "dash"\.
Default: \fIdash\fR
Hide the scrollbar\.
\fB\-scrollbar\-width\fR \fIwidth\fR
Set the scrollbar width\.
.SS "Matching"
\fB\-matching\fR \fImethod\fR

View File

@ -92,14 +92,6 @@ void config_xresource_free ( void );
void config_parse_xresource_dump ( void );
* Dump the theme related settings in Xresources compatible way to
* stdout.
* @ingroup CONFXResources
void config_parse_xresources_theme_dump ( void );
* @param type The type of the value
* @param key The key refering to this configuration option

View File

@ -1110,12 +1110,6 @@ int main ( int argc, char *argv[] )
cleanup ();
if ( find_arg ( "-dump-xresources-theme" ) >= 0 ) {
config_parse_xresources_theme_dump ();
cleanup ();
main_loop_source = g_water_xcb_source_new_for_connection ( NULL, xcb->connection, main_loop_x11_event_handler, NULL, NULL );
TICK_N ( "X11 Setup " );

View File

@ -622,26 +622,6 @@ void print_help_msg ( const char *option, const char *type, const char*text, con
void config_parse_xresources_theme_dump ( void )
printf ( "! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" );
printf ( "! ROFI Color theme\n" );
printf ( "! User: %s\n", g_get_user_name () );
printf ( "! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" );
const char * const namePrefix = "rofi";
const char colorPrefix[] = "color-";
const char separatorStyle[] = "separator-style";
unsigned int entries = sizeof ( xrmOptions ) / sizeof ( *xrmOptions );
for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < entries; ++i ) {
if ( strncmp ( xrmOptions[i].name, colorPrefix, sizeof ( colorPrefix ) - 1 ) == 0 ) {
xresource_dump_entry ( namePrefix, &xrmOptions[i] );
else if ( strcmp ( xrmOptions[i].name, separatorStyle ) == 0 ) {
xresource_dump_entry ( namePrefix, &xrmOptions[i] );
static char * config_parser_return_display_help_entry ( XrmOption *option, size_t l )
int ll = (int) l;