mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 16:05:20 -05:00
Config cleanups.
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 140 additions and 110 deletions
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ typedef enum {
typedef int ( *menu_match_cb )( char **tokens, const char *input, int index, void *data );
int menu( char **lines, char **input, char *prompt,
int selected, Time *time, int *shift, menu_match_cb mmc, void *mmc_data );
unsigned int selected, Time *time, int *shift, menu_match_cb mmc, void *mmc_data );
@ -32,4 +32,34 @@ void* reallocate( void *ptr, unsigned long bytes );
void catch_exit( __attribute__( ( unused ) ) int sig );
* Settings
typedef struct _Settings {
// Window settings
unsigned int window_opacity;
// Menu settings
unsigned int menu_bw;
unsigned int menu_width;
unsigned int menu_lines;
char * menu_font;
char * menu_fg;
char * menu_bg;
char * menu_bgalt;
char * menu_hlfg;
char * menu_hlbg;
char * menu_bc;
// Behavior
unsigned int zeltak_mode;
char * terminal_emulator;
unsigned int i3_mode;
// Key bindings
char * window_key;
char * run_key;
char * ssh_key;
} Settings;
extern Settings config;
@ -44,13 +44,11 @@
#include <time.h>
extern char *config_terminal_emulator;
static inline int execsh( const char *cmd ,int run_in_term )
// use sh for args parsing
if ( run_in_term )
return execlp( config_terminal_emulator, config_terminal_emulator, "-e", "sh", "-c", cmd, NULL );
return execlp( config.terminal_emulator, config.terminal_emulator, "-e", "sh", "-c", cmd, NULL );
return execlp( "/bin/sh", "sh", "-c", cmd, NULL );
@ -65,18 +65,34 @@
#define LINE_MARGIN 4
#define INNER_MARGIN 5
#define OPAQUE 0xffffffff
#define OPAQUE 0xffffffff
#define TERMINAL_DEFAULT "x-terminal-emulator"
char *config_terminal_emulator;
Settings config = {
// Window settings
.window_opacity = 100,
// Menu settings
.menu_bw = 1,
.menu_width = 50,
.menu_lines = 15,
.menu_font = "mono-12",
.menu_fg = "#222222",
.menu_bg = "#f2f1f0",
.menu_bgalt = "#e9e8e7",
.menu_hlfg = "#ffffff",
.menu_hlbg = "#005577",
.menu_bc = "black",
// Behavior
.zeltak_mode = 0,
.terminal_emulator = "x-terminal-emulator",
.i3_mode = 0,
// Key binding
.window_key = "F12",
.run_key = "mod1+F2",
.ssh_key = "mod1+F3",
void* allocate( unsigned long bytes )
@ -223,15 +239,22 @@ static int find_arg( const int argc, char * const argv[], const char * const key
return i < argc ? i: -1;
static char* find_arg_str( int argc, char *argv[], char *key, char* def )
static void find_arg_str( int argc, char *argv[], char *key, char** val )
int i = find_arg( argc, argv, key );
return ( i > 0 && i < argc-1 ) ? argv[i+1]: def;
if ( val != NULL && i > 0 && i < argc-1 ) {
*val = argv[i+1];
static int find_arg_int( int argc, char *argv[], char *key, int def )
static void find_arg_int ( int argc, char *argv[], char *key, unsigned int *val )
int i = find_arg( argc, argv, key );
return ( i > 0 && i < argc-1 ) ? strtol( argv[i+1], NULL, 10 ): def;
if ( val != NULL && i > 0 && i < ( argc-1 ) ) {
*val = strtol( argv[i+1], NULL, 10 );
unsigned int NumlockMask = 0;
@ -384,33 +407,7 @@ typedef struct {
workarea monitor;
} client;
#define MENUXFTFONT "mono-14"
#define MENUWIDTH 50
#define MENULINES 15
#define MENUFG "#222222"
#define MENUBG "#f2f1f0"
#define MENUBGALT "#e9e8e7"
#define MENUHLFG "#ffffff"
#define MENUHLBG "#005577"
#define MENUBC "black"
char *config_menu_font;
char *config_menu_fg;
char *config_menu_bg;
char *config_menu_hlfg;
char *config_menu_hlbg;
char *config_menu_bgalt;
char *config_menu_bc;
unsigned int config_menu_width;
int config_menu_lines;
unsigned int config_focus_mode;
unsigned int config_raise_mode;
unsigned int config_window_placement;
unsigned int config_window_opacity;
unsigned int config_zeltak_mode;
#ifdef I3
int config_i3_mode = 0;
// allocate a pixel value for an X named color
static unsigned int color_get( const char *const name )
@ -713,14 +710,14 @@ void menu_draw( textbox *text, textbox **boxes, int max_lines, int selected, cha
for ( i = 0; i < max_lines; i++ ) {
if ( filtered[i] == NULL ) {
textbox_font( boxes[i], config_menu_font,
config_menu_bg );
textbox_font( boxes[i], config.menu_font,
config.menu_bg );
textbox_text( boxes[i], "" );
} else {
textbox_font( boxes[i], config_menu_font,
i == selected ? config_menu_hlfg: config_menu_fg,
i == selected ? config_menu_hlbg: config_menu_bg );
textbox_font( boxes[i], config.menu_font,
i == selected ? config.menu_hlfg: config.menu_fg,
i == selected ? config.menu_hlbg: config.menu_bg );
textbox_text( boxes[i], filtered[i] );
@ -789,21 +786,22 @@ int window_match ( char **tokens, __attribute__( ( unused ) )const char *input,
return match;
int menu( char **lines, char **input, char *prompt, int selected, Time *time, int *shift,
int menu( char **lines, char **input, char *prompt, unsigned int selected, Time *time, int *shift,
menu_match_cb mmc, void *mmc_data )
int line = -1, i, j, chosen = 0;
int line = -1, chosen = 0;
unsigned int i,j;
workarea mon;
monitor_active( &mon );
int num_lines = 0;
unsigned int num_lines = 0;
for ( ; lines[num_lines]; num_lines++ );
int max_lines = MIN( config_menu_lines, num_lines );
unsigned int max_lines = MIN( config.menu_lines, num_lines );
selected = MAX( MIN( num_lines-1, selected ), 0 );
int w = config_menu_width < 101 ? ( mon.w/100 )*config_menu_width: config_menu_width;
int w = config.menu_width < 101 ? ( mon.w/100 )*config.menu_width: config.menu_width;
int x = mon.x + ( mon.w - w )/2;
Window box;
@ -813,14 +811,15 @@ int menu( char **lines, char **input, char *prompt, int selected, Time *time, in
if ( main_window != None && XGetWindowAttributes( display, main_window, &attr ) ) {
box = main_window;
} else {
box = XCreateSimpleWindow( display, root, x, 0, w, 300, 1,
color_get( config_menu_bc ), color_get( config_menu_bg ) );
box = XCreateSimpleWindow( display, root, x, 0, w, 300,
config.menu_bw, color_get( config.menu_bc ),
color_get( config.menu_bg ) );
XSelectInput( display, box, ExposureMask );
gc = XCreateGC( display, box, 0, 0 );
XSetLineAttributes(display, gc, 2, LineOnOffDash, CapButt, JoinMiter);
XSetForeground( display, gc, color_get( config_menu_bc ) );
XSetLineAttributes( display, gc, 2, LineOnOffDash, CapButt, JoinMiter );
XSetForeground( display, gc, color_get( config.menu_bc ) );
// make it an unmanaged window
window_set_atom_prop( box, netatoms[_NET_WM_STATE], &netatoms[_NET_WM_STATE_ABOVE], 1 );
//window_set_atom_prop(box, netatoms[_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE], &netatoms[_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_DOCK], 1);
@ -833,7 +832,7 @@ int menu( char **lines, char **input, char *prompt, int selected, Time *time, in
XStoreName( display, box, "simpleswitcher" );
// Hack to set window opacity.
unsigned int opacity_set = ( unsigned int )( ( config_window_opacity/100.0 )* OPAQUE );
unsigned int opacity_set = ( unsigned int )( ( config.window_opacity/100.0 )* OPAQUE );
XChangeProperty( display, box, XInternAtom( display, OPACITY, False ),
XA_CARDINAL, 32, PropModeReplace,
( unsigned char * ) &opacity_set, 1L );
@ -842,7 +841,7 @@ int menu( char **lines, char **input, char *prompt, int selected, Time *time, in
// search text input
textbox *text = textbox_create( box, TB_AUTOHEIGHT|TB_EDITABLE, INNER_MARGIN, INNER_MARGIN,
w-( 2*INNER_MARGIN ), 1,
config_menu_font, config_menu_fg, config_menu_bg,
config.menu_font, config.menu_fg, config.menu_bg,
( input!= NULL )?*input:"", prompt );
textbox_show( text );
@ -857,14 +856,14 @@ int menu( char **lines, char **input, char *prompt, int selected, Time *time, in
for ( i = 0; i < max_lines; i++ ) {
boxes[i] = textbox_create( box, TB_AUTOHEIGHT, INNER_MARGIN, ( i+1 ) * line_height +
config_menu_font, config_menu_fg, config_menu_bg, lines[i], NULL );
config.menu_font, config.menu_fg, config.menu_bg, lines[i], NULL );
textbox_show( boxes[i] );
// filtered list
char **filtered = allocate_clear( sizeof( char* ) * max_lines );
int *line_map = allocate_clear( sizeof( int ) * max_lines );
int filtered_lines = 0;
unsigned int filtered_lines = 0;
int jin = 0;
@ -912,9 +911,9 @@ int menu( char **lines, char **input, char *prompt, int selected, Time *time, in
menu_draw( text, boxes, max_lines, selected, filtered );
// Why do we need the specian -1?
XDrawLine( display, main_window, gc, INNER_MARGIN,
line_height+INNER_MARGIN +(LINE_MARGIN-2)/2);
line_height+INNER_MARGIN+( LINE_MARGIN-2 )/2,
line_height+INNER_MARGIN +( LINE_MARGIN-2 )/2 );
} else if ( ev.type == KeyPress ) {
while ( XCheckTypedEvent( display, KeyPress, &ev ) );
@ -958,7 +957,7 @@ int menu( char **lines, char **input, char *prompt, int selected, Time *time, in
for ( ; j < max_lines; j++ )
filtered[j] = NULL;
if ( config_zeltak_mode && filtered_lines == 1 ) {
if ( config.zeltak_mode && filtered_lines == 1 ) {
chosen = 1;
@ -982,28 +981,26 @@ int menu( char **lines, char **input, char *prompt, int selected, Time *time, in
// Up or Shift-Tab
if ( key == XK_Up || ( key == XK_Tab && ev.xkey.state & ShiftMask ) ) {
selected = selected ? MAX( 0, selected-1 ): MAX( 0, filtered_lines-1 );
else if ( key == XK_Down ) {
} else if ( key == XK_Down ) {
selected = selected < filtered_lines-1 ? MIN( filtered_lines-1, selected+1 ): 0;
else if ( key == XK_Tab ) {
if ( filtered_lines == 1 ) {
chosen = 1;
int length_prefix = calculate_common_prefix( filtered, max_lines );
if ( length_prefix && strncasecmp( filtered[0], text->text, length_prefix ) ) {
// Do not want to modify original string, so make copy.
// not eff..
char * str = strndup( filtered[0], length_prefix );
textbox_text( text, str );
textbox_cursor_end( text );
free( str );
} else
selected = selected < filtered_lines-1 ? MIN( filtered_lines-1, selected+1 ): 0;
} else if ( key == XK_Tab ) {
if ( filtered_lines == 1 ) {
chosen = 1;
int length_prefix = calculate_common_prefix( filtered, max_lines );
if ( length_prefix && strncasecmp( filtered[0], text->text, length_prefix ) ) {
// Do not want to modify original string, so make copy.
// not eff..
char * str = strndup( filtered[0], length_prefix );
textbox_text( text, str );
textbox_cursor_end( text );
free( str );
} else
selected = selected < filtered_lines-1 ? MIN( filtered_lines-1, selected+1 ): 0;
menu_draw( text, boxes, max_lines, selected, filtered );
@ -1078,7 +1075,7 @@ SwitcherMode run_switcher_window ( char **input )
#ifdef I3
// In i3 mode, skip the i3bar completely.
if ( config_i3_mode && strstr( c->class, "i3bar" ) != NULL ) continue;
if ( config.i3_mode && strstr( c->class, "i3bar" ) != NULL ) continue;
@ -1113,7 +1110,7 @@ SwitcherMode run_switcher_window ( char **input )
} else if ( n >= 0 && list[n] ) {
#ifdef I3
if ( config_i3_mode ) {
if ( config.i3_mode ) {
// Hack for i3.
focus_window_i3( i3_socket_path,ids->array[n] );
} else
@ -1307,7 +1304,8 @@ int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
const char *display_str= find_arg_str( argc, argv, "-display", getenv( "DISPLAY" ) );
char *display_str= getenv( "DISPLAY" );
find_arg_str( argc, argv, "-display", &display_str );
if ( !( display = XOpenDisplay( display_str ) ) ) {
fprintf( stderr, "cannot open display!\n" );
@ -1340,25 +1338,28 @@ int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
// X atom values
for ( i = 0; i < NETATOMS; i++ ) netatoms[i] = XInternAtom( display, netatom_names[i], False );
config_menu_width = find_arg_int( ac, av, "-width", MENUWIDTH );
config_menu_lines = find_arg_int( ac, av, "-lines", MENULINES );
config_menu_font = find_arg_str( ac, av, "-font", MENUXFTFONT );
config_menu_fg = find_arg_str( ac, av, "-fg", MENUFG );
config_menu_bg = find_arg_str( ac, av, "-bg", MENUBG );
config_menu_bgalt = find_arg_str( ac, av, "-bgalt", MENUBGALT );
config_menu_hlfg = find_arg_str( ac, av, "-hlfg", MENUHLFG );
config_menu_hlbg = find_arg_str( ac, av, "-hlbg", MENUHLBG );
config_menu_bc = find_arg_str( ac, av, "-bc", MENUBC );
config_window_opacity = find_arg_int( ac, av, "-o", 100 );
find_arg_str( ac, av, "-font", &( config.menu_font ) );
find_arg_str( ac, av, "-fg", &( config.menu_fg ) );
find_arg_str( ac, av, "-bg", &( config.menu_bg ) );
find_arg_str( ac, av, "-bgalt", &( config.menu_bgalt ) );
find_arg_str( ac, av, "-hlfg", &( config.menu_hlfg ) );
find_arg_str( ac, av, "-hlbg", &( config.menu_hlbg ) );
find_arg_str( ac, av, "-bc", &( config.menu_bc ) );
config_terminal_emulator = find_arg_str( ac, av, "-term", TERMINAL_DEFAULT );
find_arg_str( ac, av, "-term", &( config.terminal_emulator ) );
config_zeltak_mode = ( find_arg( ac, av, "-zeltak" ) >= 0 );
config.zeltak_mode = ( find_arg( ac, av, "-zeltak" ) >= 0 );
find_arg_int( ac, av, "-bw", &( config.menu_bw ) );
find_arg_int( ac, av, "-o", &( config.window_opacity ) );
find_arg_int( ac, av, "-width",&( config.menu_width ) );
find_arg_int( ac, av, "-lines",&( config.menu_lines ) );
#ifdef I3
// Check for i3
config_i3_mode = 0;
config.i3_mode = 0;
Atom atom = XInternAtom( display, I3_SOCKET_PATH_PROP,True );
if ( atom != None ) {
@ -1367,7 +1368,7 @@ int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
if ( i3_socket_path != NULL ) {
printf( "Auto detected I3 running, switching to I3 mode: %s\n",
i3_socket_path );
config_i3_mode = 1;
config.i3_mode = 1;
@ -1389,13 +1390,15 @@ int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
return program_end();
// in background mode from here on
// key combination to display all windows from all desktops
parse_key( find_arg_str( ac, av, "-key", "F12" ), &windows_modmask, &windows_keysym );
parse_key( find_arg_str( ac, av, "-rkey", "mod1+F2" ), &rundialog_modmask, &rundialog_keysym );
parse_key( find_arg_str( ac, av, "-skey", "mod1+F3" ), &sshdialog_modmask, &sshdialog_keysym );
find_arg_str( ac, av, "-key", &( config.window_key ) );
find_arg_str( ac, av, "-rkey",&( config.run_key ) );
find_arg_str( ac, av, "-skey",&( config.ssh_key ) );
parse_key( config.window_key, &windows_modmask, &windows_keysym );
parse_key( config.run_key, &rundialog_modmask, &rundialog_keysym );
parse_key( config.ssh_key, &sshdialog_modmask, &sshdialog_keysym );
// bind key combos
grab_key( windows_modmask, windows_keysym );
@ -46,11 +46,10 @@
#define SSH_CACHE_FILE ".simpleswitcher.sshcache"
extern char *config_terminal_emulator;
static inline int execshssh( const char *host )
return execlp( config_terminal_emulator, config_terminal_emulator, "-e", "ssh", host, NULL );
return execlp( config.terminal_emulator, config.terminal_emulator, "-e", "ssh", host, NULL );
// execute sub-process
static pid_t exec_ssh( const char *cmd )
Add table
Reference in a new issue