#ifndef INCLUDE_ROFI_TYPES_H #define INCLUDE_ROFI_TYPES_H #include #include G_BEGIN_DECLS /** * Type of property */ typedef enum { /** Integer */ P_INTEGER, /** Double */ P_DOUBLE, /** String */ P_STRING, /** Character */ P_CHAR, /** Boolean */ P_BOOLEAN, /** Color */ P_COLOR, /** Image */ P_IMAGE, /** RofiPadding */ P_PADDING, /** Link to global setting */ P_LINK, /** Position */ P_POSITION, /** Highlight */ P_HIGHLIGHT, /** List */ P_LIST, /** Orientation */ P_ORIENTATION, /** Cursor */ P_CURSOR, /** Inherit */ P_INHERIT, /** Number of types. */ P_NUM_TYPES, } PropertyType; /** * This array maps PropertyType to a user-readable name. * It is important this is kept in sync. */ extern const char *const PropertyTypeName[P_NUM_TYPES]; /** Style of text highlight */ typedef enum { /** no highlight */ ROFI_HL_NONE = 0, /** bold */ ROFI_HL_BOLD = 1, /** underline */ ROFI_HL_UNDERLINE = 2, /** strikethrough */ ROFI_HL_STRIKETHROUGH = 16, /** italic */ ROFI_HL_ITALIC = 4, /** color */ ROFI_HL_COLOR = 8, /** uppercase */ ROFI_HL_UPPERCASE = 32, /** lowercase */ ROFI_HL_LOWERCASE = 64, /** capitalize */ ROFI_HL_CAPITALIZE = 128 } RofiHighlightStyle; /** Style of line */ typedef enum { /** Solid line */ ROFI_HL_SOLID, /** Dashed line */ ROFI_HL_DASH } RofiLineStyle; /** * Distance unit type. */ typedef enum { /** PixelWidth in pixels. */ ROFI_PU_PX, /** PixelWidth in millimeters. */ ROFI_PU_MM, /** PixelWidth in EM. */ ROFI_PU_EM, /** PixelWidget in percentage */ ROFI_PU_PERCENT, /** PixelWidth in CH. */ ROFI_PU_CH, } RofiPixelUnit; /** * Structure representing a distance. */ typedef enum { ROFI_DISTANCE_MODIFIER_NONE, ROFI_DISTANCE_MODIFIER_ADD, ROFI_DISTANCE_MODIFIER_SUBTRACT, ROFI_DISTANCE_MODIFIER_DIVIDE, ROFI_DISTANCE_MODIFIER_MULTIPLY, ROFI_DISTANCE_MODIFIER_MODULO, ROFI_DISTANCE_MODIFIER_GROUP, ROFI_DISTANCE_MODIFIER_MIN, ROFI_DISTANCE_MODIFIER_MAX, ROFI_DISTANCE_MODIFIER_ROUND, ROFI_DISTANCE_MODIFIER_FLOOR, ROFI_DISTANCE_MODIFIER_CEIL, } RofiDistanceModifier; typedef struct RofiDistanceUnit { /** Distance */ double distance; /** Unit type of the distance */ RofiPixelUnit type; /** Type */ RofiDistanceModifier modtype; /** Modifier */ struct RofiDistanceUnit *left; /** Modifier */ struct RofiDistanceUnit *right; } RofiDistanceUnit; typedef struct { /** Base */ RofiDistanceUnit base; /** Style of the line (optional)*/ RofiLineStyle style; } RofiDistance; /** * Type of orientation. */ typedef enum { ROFI_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL, ROFI_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL } RofiOrientation; /** * Cursor type. */ typedef enum { ROFI_CURSOR_DEFAULT, ROFI_CURSOR_POINTER, ROFI_CURSOR_TEXT } RofiCursorType; /** * Represent the color in theme. */ typedef struct { /** red channel */ double red; /** green channel */ double green; /** blue channel */ double blue; /** alpha channel */ double alpha; } ThemeColor; /** * Theme Image */ typedef enum { ROFI_IMAGE_URL, ROFI_IMAGE_LINEAR_GRADIENT } RofiImageType; typedef enum { ROFI_DIRECTION_LEFT, ROFI_DIRECTION_RIGHT, ROFI_DIRECTION_TOP, ROFI_DIRECTION_BOTTOM, ROFI_DIRECTION_ANGLE, } RofiDirection; typedef enum { ROFI_SCALE_NONE, ROFI_SCALE_BOTH, ROFI_SCALE_HEIGHT, ROFI_SCALE_WIDTH, } RofiScaleType; typedef struct { RofiImageType type; char *url; RofiScaleType scaling; int wsize; int hsize; RofiDirection dir; double angle; /** colors */ GList *colors; /** cached image */ uint32_t surface_id; } RofiImage; /** * RofiPadding */ typedef struct { RofiDistance top; RofiDistance right; RofiDistance bottom; RofiDistance left; } RofiPadding; /** * Theme highlight. */ typedef struct { /** style to display */ RofiHighlightStyle style; /** Color */ ThemeColor color; } RofiHighlightColorStyle; /** * Enumeration indicating location or gravity of window. * * \verbatim WL_NORTH_WEST WL_NORTH WL_NORTH_EAST \endverbatim * \verbatim WL_EAST WL_CENTER WL_EAST \endverbatim * \verbatim WL_SOUTH_WEST WL_SOUTH WL_SOUTH_EAST\endverbatim * * @ingroup CONFIGURATION */ typedef enum { /** Center */ WL_CENTER = 0, /** Top middle */ WL_NORTH = 1, /** Middle right */ WL_EAST = 2, /** Bottom middle */ WL_SOUTH = 4, /** Middle left */ WL_WEST = 8, /** Left top corner. */ WL_NORTH_WEST = WL_NORTH | WL_WEST, /** Top right */ WL_NORTH_EAST = WL_NORTH | WL_EAST, /** Bottom right */ WL_SOUTH_EAST = WL_SOUTH | WL_EAST, /** Bottom left */ WL_SOUTH_WEST = WL_SOUTH | WL_WEST, } WindowLocation; typedef union _PropertyValue { /** integer */ int i; /** Double */ double f; /** String */ char *s; /** Character */ char c; /** boolean */ gboolean b; /** Color */ ThemeColor color; /** RofiPadding */ RofiPadding padding; /** Reference */ struct { /** Name */ char *name; /** Cached looked up ref */ struct Property *ref; /** Property default */ struct Property *def_value; } link; /** Highlight Style */ RofiHighlightColorStyle highlight; /** Image */ RofiImage image; /** List */ GList *list; } PropertyValue; /** * Property structure. */ typedef struct Property { /** Name of property */ char *name; /** Type of property. */ PropertyType type; /** Value */ PropertyValue value; } Property; /** * Describe the media constraint type. */ typedef enum { /** Minimum width constraint. */ THEME_MEDIA_TYPE_MIN_WIDTH, /** Maximum width constraint. */ THEME_MEDIA_TYPE_MAX_WIDTH, /** Minimum height constraint. */ THEME_MEDIA_TYPE_MIN_HEIGHT, /** Maximum height constraint. */ THEME_MEDIA_TYPE_MAX_HEIGHT, /** Monitor id constraint. */ THEME_MEDIA_TYPE_MON_ID, /** Minimum aspect ratio constraint. */ THEME_MEDIA_TYPE_MIN_ASPECT_RATIO, /** Maximum aspect ratio constraint. */ THEME_MEDIA_TYPE_MAX_ASPECT_RATIO, /** Boolean option for use with env. */ THEME_MEDIA_TYPE_BOOLEAN, /** Invalid entry. */ THEME_MEDIA_TYPE_INVALID, } ThemeMediaType; /** * Theme Media description. */ typedef struct ThemeMedia { ThemeMediaType type; double value; gboolean boolv; } ThemeMedia; /** * ThemeWidget. */ typedef struct ThemeWidget { int set; char *name; unsigned int num_widgets; struct ThemeWidget **widgets; ThemeMedia *media; GHashTable *properties; struct ThemeWidget *parent; } ThemeWidget; typedef ThemeWidget ConfigEntry; /** * Structure to hold a range. */ typedef struct rofi_range_pair { int start; int stop; } rofi_range_pair; /** * Internal structure for matching. */ typedef struct rofi_int_matcher_t { GRegex *regex; gboolean invert; } rofi_int_matcher; /** * Structure with data to process by each worker thread. * TODO: Make this more generic wrapper. */ typedef struct _thread_state { void (*callback)(struct _thread_state *t, gpointer data); int priority; } thread_state; extern GThreadPool *tpool; G_END_DECLS #endif // INCLUDE_ROFI_TYPES_H