.TH ROFI\-KEYS 5 rofi\-keys .SH NAME .PP \fBrofi keys\fP \- Rofi Key and Mouse bindings .SH DESCRIPTION .PP \fBrofi\fP supports overriding of any of it key and mouse binding. .SH Setting binding .PP Bindings can be done on the commandline (\-{bindingname}): .PP .RS .nf rofi \-show run \-kb\-accept\-entry 'Control+Shift+space' .fi .RE .PP or via the configuration file: .PP .RS .nf configuration { kb\-accept\-entry: "Control+Shift+space"; } .fi .RE .PP The key can be set by its name (see above) or its keycode: .PP .RS .nf configuration { kb\-accept\-entry: "Control+Shift+[65]"; } .fi .RE .PP An easy way to look up keycode is xev(1). .PP Multiple keys can be specified for an action as a comma separated list: .PP .RS .nf configuration { kb\-accept\-entry: "Control+Shift+space,Return"; } .fi .RE .PP By Default \fBrofi\fP reacts on pressing, to act on the release of all keys prepend the binding with \fB\fC!\fR: .PP .RS .nf configuration { kb\-accept\-entry: "!Control+Shift+space,Return"; } .fi .RE .SH Unsetting a binding .PP To unset a binding, pass an empty string. .PP .RS .nf configuration { kb\-clear\-line: ""; } .fi .RE .SH Keyboard Bindings .SS \fBkb\-primary\-paste\fP: .PP Paste primary selection .PP \fBDefault\fP: Control+V,Shift+Insert .SS \fBkb\-secondary\-paste\fP .PP Paste clipboard .PP \fBDefault\fP: Control+v,Insert .SS \fBkb\-secondary\-copy\fP .PP Copy current selection to clipboard .PP \fBDefault\fP: Control+c .SS \fBkb\-clear\-line\fP .PP Clear input line .PP \fBDefault\fP: Control+w .SS \fBkb\-move\-front\fP .PP Beginning of line .PP \fBDefault\fP: Control+a .SS \fBkb\-move\-end\fP .PP End of line .PP \fBDefault\fP: Control+e .SS \fBkb\-move\-word\-back\fP .PP Move back one word .PP \fBDefault\fP: Alt+b,Control+Left .SS \fBkb\-move\-word\-forward\fP .PP Move forward one word .PP \fBDefault\fP: Alt+f,Control+Right .SS \fBkb\-move\-char\-back\fP .PP Move back one char .PP \fBDefault\fP: Left,Control+b .SS \fBkb\-move\-char\-forward\fP .PP Move forward one char .PP \fBDefault\fP: Right,Control+f .SS \fBkb\-remove\-word\-back\fP .PP Delete previous word .PP \fBDefault\fP: Control+Alt+h,Control+BackSpace .SS \fBkb\-remove\-word\-forward\fP .PP Delete next word .PP \fBDefault\fP: Control+Alt+d .SS \fBkb\-remove\-char\-forward\fP .PP Delete next char .PP \fBDefault\fP: Delete,Control+d .SS \fBkb\-remove\-char\-back\fP .PP Delete previous char .PP \fBDefault\fP: BackSpace,Shift+BackSpace,Control+h .SS \fBkb\-remove\-to\-eol\fP .PP Delete till the end of line .PP \fBDefault\fP: Control+k .SS \fBkb\-remove\-to\-sol\fP .PP Delete till the start of line .PP \fBDefault\fP: Control+u .SS \fBkb\-accept\-entry\fP .PP Accept entry .PP \fBDefault\fP: Control+j,Control+m,Return,KP\_Enter .SS \fBkb\-accept\-custom\fP .PP Use entered text as command (in ssh/run modes) .PP \fBDefault\fP: Control+Return .SS \fBkb\-accept\-custom\-alt\fP .PP Use entered text as command (in ssh/run modes) .PP \fBDefault\fP: Control+Shift+Return .SS \fBkb\-accept\-alt\fP .PP Use alternate accept command. .PP \fBDefault\fP: Shift+Return .SS \fBkb\-delete\-entry\fP .PP Delete entry from history .PP \fBDefault\fP: Shift+Delete .SS \fBkb\-mode\-next\fP .PP Switch to the next mode. .PP \fBDefault\fP: Shift+Right,Control+Tab .SS \fBkb\-mode\-previous\fP .PP Switch to the previous mode. .PP \fBDefault\fP: Shift+Left,Control+ISO\_Left\_Tab .SS \fBkb\-mode\-complete\fP .PP Start completion for mode. .PP \fBDefault\fP: Control+l .SS \fBkb\-row\-left\fP .PP Go to the previous column .PP \fBDefault\fP: Control+Page\_Up .SS \fBkb\-row\-right\fP .PP Go to the next column .PP \fBDefault\fP: Control+Page\_Down .SS \fBkb\-row\-up\fP .PP Select previous entry .PP \fBDefault\fP: Up,Control+p .SS \fBkb\-row\-down\fP .PP Select next entry .PP \fBDefault\fP: Down,Control+n .SS \fBkb\-row\-tab\fP .PP Go to next row, if one left, accept it, if no left next mode. .PP \fBDefault\fP: .SS \fBkb\-element\-next\fP .PP Go to next row. .PP \fBDefault\fP: Tab .SS \fBkb\-element\-prev\fP .PP Go to previous row. .PP \fBDefault\fP: ISO\_Left\_Tab .SS \fBkb\-page\-prev\fP .PP Go to the previous page .PP \fBDefault\fP: Page\_Up .SS \fBkb\-page\-next\fP .PP Go to the next page .PP \fBDefault\fP: Page\_Down .SS \fBkb\-row\-first\fP .PP Go to the first entry .PP \fBDefault\fP: Home,KP\_Home .SS \fBkb\-row\-last\fP .PP Go to the last entry .PP \fBDefault\fP: End,KP\_End .SS \fBkb\-row\-select\fP .PP Set selected item as input text .PP \fBDefault\fP: Control+space .SS \fBkb\-screenshot\fP .PP Take a screenshot of the rofi window .PP \fBDefault\fP: Alt+S .SS \fBkb\-ellipsize\fP .PP Toggle between ellipsize modes for displayed data .PP \fBDefault\fP: Alt+period .SS \fBkb\-toggle\-case\-sensitivity\fP .PP Toggle case sensitivity .PP \fBDefault\fP: grave,dead\_grave .SS \fBkb\-toggle\-sort\fP .PP Toggle sort .PP \fBDefault\fP: Alt+grave .SS \fBkb\-cancel\fP .PP Quit rofi .PP \fBDefault\fP: Escape,Control+g,Control+bracketleft .SS \fBkb\-custom\-1\fP .PP Custom keybinding 1 .PP \fBDefault\fP: Alt+1 .SS \fBkb\-custom\-2\fP .PP Custom keybinding 2 .PP \fBDefault\fP: Alt+2 .SS \fBkb\-custom\-3\fP .PP Custom keybinding 3 .PP \fBDefault\fP: Alt+3 .SS \fBkb\-custom\-4\fP .PP Custom keybinding 4 .PP \fBDefault\fP: Alt+4 .SS \fBkb\-custom\-5\fP .PP Custom Keybinding 5 .PP \fBDefault\fP: Alt+5 .SS \fBkb\-custom\-6\fP .PP Custom keybinding 6 .PP \fBDefault\fP: Alt+6 .SS \fBkb\-custom\-7\fP .PP Custom Keybinding 7 .PP \fBDefault\fP: Alt+7 .SS \fBkb\-custom\-8\fP .PP Custom keybinding 8 .PP \fBDefault\fP: Alt+8 .SS \fBkb\-custom\-9\fP .PP Custom keybinding 9 .PP \fBDefault\fP: Alt+9 .SS \fBkb\-custom\-10\fP .PP Custom keybinding 10 .PP \fBDefault\fP: Alt+0 .SS \fBkb\-custom\-11\fP .PP Custom keybinding 11 .PP \fBDefault\fP: Alt+exclam .SS \fBkb\-custom\-12\fP .PP Custom keybinding 12 .PP \fBDefault\fP: Alt+at .SS \fBkb\-custom\-13\fP .PP Custom keybinding 13 .PP \fBDefault\fP: Alt+numbersign .SS \fBkb\-custom\-14\fP .PP Custom keybinding 14 .PP \fBDefault\fP: Alt+dollar .SS \fBkb\-custom\-15\fP .PP Custom keybinding 15 .PP \fBDefault\fP: Alt+percent .SS \fBkb\-custom\-16\fP .PP Custom keybinding 16 .PP \fBDefault\fP: Alt+dead\_circumflex .SS \fBkb\-custom\-17\fP .PP Custom keybinding 17 .PP \fBDefault\fP: Alt+ampersand .SS \fBkb\-custom\-18\fP .PP Custom keybinding 18 .PP \fBDefault\fP: Alt+asterisk .SS \fBkb\-custom\-19\fP .PP Custom Keybinding 19 .PP \fBDefault\fP: Alt+parenleft .SS \fBkb\-select\-1\fP .PP Select row 1 .PP \fBDefault\fP: Super+1 .SS \fBkb\-select\-2\fP .PP Select row 2 .PP \fBDefault\fP: Super+2 .SS \fBkb\-select\-3\fP .PP Select row 3 .PP \fBDefault\fP: Super+3 .SS \fBkb\-select\-4\fP .PP Select row 4 .PP \fBDefault\fP: Super+4 .SS \fBkb\-select\-5\fP .PP Select row 5 .PP \fBDefault\fP: Super+5 .SS \fBkb\-select\-6\fP .PP Select row 6 .PP \fBDefault\fP: Super+6 .SS \fBkb\-select\-7\fP .PP Select row 7 .PP \fBDefault\fP: Super+7 .SS \fBkb\-select\-8\fP .PP Select row 8 .PP \fBDefault\fP: Super+8 .SS \fBkb\-select\-9\fP .PP Select row 9 .PP \fBDefault\fP: Super+9 .SS \fBkb\-select\-10\fP .PP Select row 10 .PP \fBDefault\fP: Super+0 .SH Mouse Bindings .SS \fBml\-row\-left\fP .PP Go to the previous column .PP \fBDefault\fP: ScrollLeft .SS \fBml\-row\-right\fP .PP Go to the next column .PP \fBDefault\fP: ScrollRight .SS \fBml\-row\-up\fP .PP Select previous entry .PP \fBDefault\fP: ScrollUp .SS \fBml\-row\-down\fP .PP Select next entry .PP \fBDefault\fP: ScrollDown .SS \fBme\-select\-entry\fP .PP Select hovered row .PP \fBDefault\fP: MousePrimary .SS \fBme\-accept\-entry\fP .PP Accept hovered row .PP \fBDefault\fP: MouseDPrimary .SS \fBme\-accept\-custom\fP .PP Accept hovered row with custom action .PP \fBDefault\fP: Control+MouseDPrimary .SH SEE ALSO .PP rofi(1), rofi\-sensible\-terminal(1), rofi\-theme(5), rofi\-script(5) .SH AUTHOR .PP Qball Cow \[la]qball@gmpclient.org\[ra] .PP Rasmus Steinke \[la]rasi@xssn.at\[ra] .PP Morgane Glidic \[la]sardemff7+rofi@sardemff7.net\[ra] .PP Original code based on work by: Sean Pringle \[la]sean.pringle@gmail.com\[ra] .PP For a full list of authors, check the AUTHORS file.