.TH ROFI 1 rofi .SH NAME .PP rofi \- A window switcher, run dialog and dmenu replacement .SH SYNOPSIS .PP \fBrofi\fP [ \-width \fIpct_scr\fP ] [ \-lines \fIlines\fP ] [ \-columns \fIcolumns\fP ] [ \-font \fIxftfont\fP ] [ \-fg \fIcolor\fP ] [ \-bg \fIcolor\fP ] [ \-hlfg \fIcolor\fP ] [ \-hlbg \fIcolor\fP ] [ \-key \fIcombo\fP ] [ \-dkey \fIcomdo\fP ] [ \-rkey \fIcomdo\fP ] [ \-terminal \fIterminal\fP ] [ \-location \fIposition\fP ] [ \-hmode ] [ \-fixed\-num\-lines ] [ \-padding \fIpadding\fP ] [ \-opacity \fIopacity%\fP ] [ \-display \fIdisplay\fP ] [ \-bc \fIcolor\fP ] [ \-bw \fIwidth\fP ] [ \-dmenu [ \-p \fIprompt\fP ] ] [ \-ssh\-client \fIclient\fP ] [ \-ssh\-command \fIcommand\fP ] [ \-now ] [ \-rnow ] [ \-snow ] [ \-version ] [ \-help] [ \-dump\-xresources ] [ \-disable\-history ] [ \-levenshtein\-sort ] [ \-show \fImode\fP ] [ \-switcher \fImode1,mode2\fP ] [ \-e \fImessage\fP] .SH DESCRIPTION .PP \fBrofi\fP is an X11 popup window switcher. A list is displayed center\-screen showing open window titles, WM_CLASS, and desktop number. The user may filter the list by typing, navigate with Up/Down or Tab keys, and select a window with Return (Enter). Escape cancels. .SH License .PP MIT/X11 .SH USAGE .PP \fBrofi\fP can be used in two ways, single\-shot; executes once and directly exits when done or as daemon listening to specific key\-combinations. .PP The default key combinations are: .RS .IP \(bu 2 \fB\fCF12\fR .RE .PP Show all windows on all desktops. .RS .IP \(bu 2 \fB\fCmod1\-F2\fR .RE .PP Show run\-dialog. .RS .IP \(bu 2 \fB\fCmod1\-F3\fR .RE .PP Show run\-dialog. .SH OPTIONS .PP \fB\fC\-key\fR .IP Change the key combination to display all windows (default: F12). .PP .RS .nf rofi \-key F12 rofi \-key control+shift+s rofi \-key mod1+Tab .fi .RE .PP \fB\fC\-rkey\fR .IP Change the key combination to display the run dialog (default: mod1\-F2). .PP .RS .nf rofi \-rkey F11 rofi \-rkey control+shift+d rofi \-rkey mod1+grave (grave=backtick) .fi .RE .PP \fB\fC\-skey\fR .IP Change the key combination to display the ssh dialog (default: Alt\-F3). .PP .RS .nf rofi \-skey F10 rofi \-skey control+shift+s rofi \-skey mod1+grave (grave=backtick) .fi .RE .PP \fB\fC\-now\fR .IP Run rofi in all\-windows mode once then exit. Does not bind any keys. .PP \fB\fC\-rnow\fR .IP Run rofi in run\-dialog mode once then exit. Does not bind any keys. .PP \fB\fC\-snow\fR .IP Run rofi in ssh mode once then exit. Does not bind any keys. .PP \fB\fC\-bg\fR .IP Set the background text color (X11 named color or hex #rrggbb) for the menu (default: #222222). .PP .RS .nf rofi \-fg "#222222" .fi .RE .PP \fB\fC\-bc\fR .IP Set the border color (X11 named color or hex #rrggbb) for the menu (default: #000000). .PP .RS .nf rofi \-bc black .fi .RE .PP \fB\fC\-bw\fR .IP Set the border width in pixels (default: 1). .PP .RS .nf rofi \-bw 1 .fi .RE .PP \fB\fC\-fg\fR .IP Set the foreground text color (X11 named color or hex #rrggbb) for the menu (default: #cccccc). .PP .RS .nf rofi \-fg "#cccccc" .fi .RE .PP \fB\fC\-font\fR .IP Xft font name for use by the menu (default: mono\-14). .PP .RS .nf rofi \-font monospace\-14:medium .fi .RE .PP \fB\fC\-hlbg\fR .IP Set the background text color (X11 named color or hex #rrggbb) for the highlighted item in the menu (default: #005577). .PP .RS .nf rofi \-fg "#005577" .fi .RE .PP \fB\fC\-hlfg\fR .IP Set the foreground text color (X11 named color or hex #rrggbb) for the highlighted item in the menu (default: #ffffff). .PP .RS .nf rofi \-fg "#ffffff" .fi .RE .PP \fB\fC\-opacity\fR .IP Set the window opacity (0\-100). .PP .RS .nf rofi \-opacity "75" .fi .RE .PP \fB\fC\-lines\fR .IP Maximum number of lines the menu may show before scrolling (default: 25). .PP .RS .nf rofi \-lines 25 .fi .RE .PP \fB\fC\-columns\fR .IP The number of columns the menu may show before scrolling (default: 25). .PP .RS .nf rofi \-columns 2 .fi .RE .PP \fB\fC\-width\fR [value] .IP Set the width of the menu as a percentage of the screen width (default: 60). .PP .RS .nf rofi \-width 60 .fi .RE .IP If value is larger then 100, the size is set in pixels. e.g. to span a full hd monitor: .PP .RS .nf rofi \-width 1980 .fi .RE .IP If the value is negative, it tries to estimates a character width. To show 30 characters on a row: .PP .RS .nf rofi \-width \-30 .fi .RE .TP (Character width is a rough estimation, and might not be correct, but should work for most monospaced fonts..) .PP \fB\fC\-terminal\fR .IP Specify what terminal to start (default x\-terminal\-emulator) .PP .RS .nf rofi \-terminal xterm .fi .RE .PP \fB\fC\-location\fR .IP Specify where the window should be located. The numbers map to the following location on the monitor: .PP .RS .nf 1 2 3 8 0 4 7 6 5 .fi .RE .PP \fB\fC\-hmode\fR .IP Switch to horizontal mode (ala dmenu). The number of elements is the number of \fB\fClines\fR times the number of \fB\fCcolumns\fR\&. .PP \fB\fC\-fixed\-num\-lines\fR .IP Keep a fixed number of visible lines (See the \fB\fC\-lines\fR option.) .PP \fB\fC\-padding\fR .IP Define the inner margin of the window. Default is 5 pixels. .IP To make rofi look like dmenu: .PP .RS .nf rofi \-hmode \-padding 0 .fi .RE .PP \fB\fC\-dmenu\fR .IP Run rofi in dmenu mode. Allowing it to be used for user interaction in scripts. .IP Pressing \fB\fCshift\-enter\fR will open the selected entries and move to the next entry. .PP \fB\fC\-dump\-xresources\fR .IP Dump the current active configuration in xresources format to the command\-line. .PP \fB\fC\-ssh\-set\-title\fR \fItrue|false\fP .IP SSH dialogs tries to set 'ssh hostname' of the spawned terminal. Not all terminals support this. Default value is true. .IP \fIThis command has been deprecated for the ssh\-command string\fP .PP \fB\fC\-ssh\-command\fR \fIcmd\fP .IP Set the command to execute when starting a ssh session. .PP \fB\fC\-run\-command\fR \fIcmd\fP .IP Set the command to execute when running an application. See \fIPATTERN\fP\&. .PP \fB\fC\-run\-shell\-command\fR \fIcmd\fP .IP Set the command to execute when running an application in a shell. See \fIPATTERN\fP\&. .PP \fB\fC\-ssh\-client\fR \fIclient\fP .IP Override the used ssh client. Default is \fB\fCssh\fR\&. .PP \fB\fC\-disable\-history\fR .IP Disable history .PP \fB\fC\-levenshtein\-sort\fR .IP When searching sort the result based on levenshtein distance. .IP Note that levenshtein sort is disabled in dmenu mode. .PP \fB\fC\-show\fR \fImode\fP .IP Open rofi in a certain mode. .IP For example to show the run\-dialog: .PP .RS .nf rofi \-show run .fi .RE .IP This function deprecates \-rnow,\-snow and \-now .PP \fB\fC\-switchers\fR \fImode1,mode1\fP .IP Give a comma separated list of modes to enable, in what order. .IP For example to only show the run and ssh dialog (in that order): .PP .RS .nf rofi \-switchers "run,ssh" \-show run .fi .RE .IP Custom modes can be added using the internal 'script' mode. Each mode has two parameters: .PP .RS .nf :