/* simpleswitcher MIT/X11 License Copyright (c) 2012 Sean Pringle Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #define _GNU_SOURCE #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define MAX(a, b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b)) #define MIN(a, b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b)) #define NEAR(a,o,b) ((b) > (a)-(o) && (b) < (a)+(o)) #define OVERLAP(a,b,c,d) (((a)==(c) && (b)==(d)) || MIN((a)+(b), (c)+(d)) - MAX((a), (c)) > 0) #define INTERSECT(x,y,w,h,x1,y1,w1,h1) (OVERLAP((x),(w),(x1),(w1)) && OVERLAP((y),(h),(y1),(h1))) typedef unsigned char bool; typedef unsigned long long bitmap; void* allocate(unsigned long bytes) { void *ptr = malloc(bytes); if (!ptr) { fprintf(stderr, "malloc failed!\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } return ptr; } void* allocate_clear(unsigned long bytes) { void *ptr = allocate(bytes); memset(ptr, 0, bytes); return ptr; } void* reallocate(void *ptr, unsigned long bytes) { ptr = realloc(ptr, bytes); if (!ptr) { fprintf(stderr, "realloc failed!\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } return ptr; } void catch_exit(int sig) { while (0 < waitpid(-1, NULL, WNOHANG)); } int execsh(char *cmd) { // use sh for args parsing return execlp("/bin/sh", "sh", "-c", cmd, NULL); } // execute sub-process pid_t exec_cmd(char *cmd) { if (!cmd || !cmd[0]) return -1; signal(SIGCHLD, catch_exit); pid_t pid = fork(); if (!pid) { setsid(); execsh(cmd); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } return pid; } // cli arg handling int find_arg(int argc, char *argv[], char *key) { int i; for (i = 0; i < argc && strcasecmp(argv[i], key); i++); return i < argc ? i: -1; } char* find_arg_str(int argc, char *argv[], char *key, char* def) { int i = find_arg(argc, argv, key); return (i > 0 && i < argc-1) ? argv[i+1]: def; } int find_arg_int(int argc, char *argv[], char *key, int def) { int i = find_arg(argc, argv, key); return (i > 0 && i < argc-1) ? strtol(argv[i+1], NULL, 10): def; } unsigned int NumlockMask = 0; Display *display; Screen *screen; Window root; int screen_id; static int (*xerror)(Display *, XErrorEvent *); #define ATOM_ENUM(x) x #define ATOM_CHAR(x) #x #define EWMH_ATOMS(X) \ X(_NET_SUPPORTING_WM_CHECK),\ X(_NET_CLIENT_LIST),\ X(_NET_CLIENT_LIST_STACKING),\ X(_NET_NUMBER_OF_DESKTOPS),\ X(_NET_CURRENT_DESKTOP),\ X(_NET_DESKTOP_GEOMETRY),\ X(_NET_DESKTOP_VIEWPORT),\ X(_NET_WORKAREA),\ X(_NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW),\ X(_NET_CLOSE_WINDOW),\ X(_NET_MOVERESIZE_WINDOW),\ X(_NET_WM_NAME),\ X(_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE),\ X(_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_DESKTOP),\ X(_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_DOCK),\ X(_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_SPLASH),\ X(_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_UTILITY),\ X(_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_TOOLBAR),\ X(_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_MENU),\ X(_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_DIALOG),\ X(_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_NORMAL),\ X(_NET_WM_STATE),\ X(_NET_WM_STATE_MODAL),\ X(_NET_WM_STATE_STICKY),\ X(_NET_WM_STATE_MAXIMIZED_VERT),\ X(_NET_WM_STATE_MAXIMIZED_HORZ),\ X(_NET_WM_STATE_SHADED),\ X(_NET_WM_STATE_SKIP_TASKBAR),\ X(_NET_WM_STATE_SKIP_PAGER),\ X(_NET_WM_STATE_HIDDEN),\ X(_NET_WM_STATE_FULLSCREEN),\ X(_NET_WM_STATE_ABOVE),\ X(_NET_WM_STATE_BELOW),\ X(_NET_WM_STATE_DEMANDS_ATTENTION),\ X(_NET_WM_STATE_ADD),\ X(_NET_WM_STATE_REMOVE),\ X(_NET_WM_STATE_TOGGLE),\ X(_NET_WM_STRUT),\ X(_NET_WM_STRUT_PARTIAL),\ X(_NET_WM_DESKTOP),\ X(_NET_SUPPORTED) enum { EWMH_ATOMS(ATOM_ENUM), NETATOMS }; const char *netatom_names[] = { EWMH_ATOMS(ATOM_CHAR) }; Atom netatoms[NETATOMS]; #define ADD 1 #define REMOVE 0 #define TOGGLE 2 // X error handler int oops(Display *d, XErrorEvent *ee) { if (ee->error_code == BadWindow || (ee->request_code == X_GrabButton && ee->error_code == BadAccess) || (ee->request_code == X_GrabKey && ee->error_code == BadAccess) ) return 0; fprintf(stderr, "error: request code=%d, error code=%d\n", ee->request_code, ee->error_code); return xerror(display, ee); } // usable space on a monitor typedef struct { int x, y, w, h; int l, r, t, b; } workarea; // window lists typedef struct { Window *array; void **data; int len; } winlist; winlist *cache_client; winlist *cache_xattr; #define winlist_ascend(l,i,w) for ((i) = 0; (i) < (l)->len && (((w) = (l)->array[i]) || 1); (i)++) #define winlist_descend(l,i,w) for ((i) = (l)->len-1; (i) >= 0 && (((w) = (l)->array[i]) || 1); (i)--) #define WINLIST 32 winlist* winlist_new() { winlist *l = allocate(sizeof(winlist)); l->len = 0; l->array = allocate(sizeof(Window) * (WINLIST+1)); l->data = allocate(sizeof(void*) * (WINLIST+1)); return l; } int winlist_append(winlist *l, Window w, void *d) { if (l->len > 0 && !(l->len % WINLIST)) { l->array = reallocate(l->array, sizeof(Window) * (l->len+WINLIST+1)); l->data = reallocate(l->data, sizeof(void*) * (l->len+WINLIST+1)); } l->data[l->len] = d; l->array[l->len++] = w; return l->len-1; } void winlist_empty(winlist *l) { while (l->len > 0) free(l->data[--(l->len)]); } void winlist_free(winlist *l) { winlist_empty(l); free(l->array); free(l->data); free(l); } void winlist_empty_2d(winlist *l) { while (l->len > 0) winlist_free(l->data[--(l->len)]); } int winlist_find(winlist *l, Window w) { // iterate backwards. theory is: windows most often accessed will be // nearer the end. testing with kcachegrind seems to support this... int i; Window o; winlist_descend(l, i, o) if (w == o) return i; return -1; } int winlist_forget(winlist *l, Window w) { int i, j; for (i = 0, j = 0; i < l->len; i++, j++) { l->array[j] = l->array[i]; l->data[j] = l->data[i]; if (l->array[i] == w) { free(l->data[i]); j--; } } l->len -= (i-j); return j != i ?1:0; } #define CLIENTTITLE 100 #define CLIENTCLASS 50 #define CLIENTNAME 50 #define CLIENTSTATE 10 // a managable window typedef struct { Window window, trans; XWindowAttributes xattr; char title[CLIENTTITLE], class[CLIENTCLASS], name[CLIENTNAME]; int states; Atom state[CLIENTSTATE], type; workarea monitor; } client; #define MENUXFTFONT "mono-14" #define MENUWIDTH 50 #define MENULINES 25 #define MENUFG "#222222" #define MENUBG "#f2f1f0" #define MENUBGALT "#e9e8e7" #define MENUHLFG "#ffffff" #define MENUHLBG "#005577" #define MENURETURN 1 #define MENUMODUP 2 #define MENUBC "black" char *config_menu_font, *config_menu_fg, *config_menu_bg, *config_menu_hlfg, *config_menu_hlbg, *config_menu_bgalt, *config_menu_bc; unsigned int config_menu_width, config_menu_lines, config_focus_mode, config_raise_mode, config_window_placement, config_menu_bw; // allocate a pixel value for an X named color unsigned int color_get(const char *name) { XColor color; Colormap map = DefaultColormap(display, screen_id); return XAllocNamedColor(display, map, name, &color, &color) ? color.pixel: None; } // find mouse pointer location int pointer_get(Window root, int *x, int *y) { *x = 0; *y = 0; Window rr, cr; int rxr, ryr, wxr, wyr; unsigned int mr; if (XQueryPointer(display, root, &rr, &cr, &rxr, &ryr, &wxr, &wyr, &mr)) { *x = rxr; *y = ryr; return 1; } return 0; } int take_keyboard(Window w) { int i; for (i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { if (XGrabKeyboard(display, w, True, GrabModeAsync, GrabModeAsync, CurrentTime) == GrabSuccess) return 1; usleep(1000); } return 0; } void release_keyboard() { XUngrabKeyboard(display, CurrentTime); } // XGetWindowAttributes with caching XWindowAttributes* window_get_attributes(Window w) { int idx = winlist_find(cache_xattr, w); if (idx < 0) { XWindowAttributes *cattr = allocate(sizeof(XWindowAttributes)); if (XGetWindowAttributes(display, w, cattr)) { winlist_append(cache_xattr, w, cattr); return cattr; } free(cattr); return NULL; } return cache_xattr->data[idx]; } // retrieve a property of any type from a window int window_get_prop(Window w, Atom prop, Atom *type, int *items, void *buffer, int bytes) { Atom _type; if (!type) type = &_type; int _items; if (!items) items = &_items; int format; unsigned long nitems, nbytes; unsigned char *ret = NULL; memset(buffer, 0, bytes); if (XGetWindowProperty(display, w, prop, 0, bytes/4, False, AnyPropertyType, type, &format, &nitems, &nbytes, &ret) == Success && ret && *type != None && format) { if (format == 8) memmove(buffer, ret, MIN(bytes, nitems)); if (format == 16) memmove(buffer, ret, MIN(bytes, nitems * sizeof(short))); if (format == 32) memmove(buffer, ret, MIN(bytes, nitems * sizeof(long))); *items = (int)nitems; XFree(ret); return 1; } return 0; } // retrieve a text property from a window // technically we could use window_get_prop(), but this is better for character set support char* window_get_text_prop(Window w, Atom atom) { XTextProperty prop; char *res = NULL; char **list = NULL; int count; if (XGetTextProperty(display, w, &prop, atom) && prop.value && prop.nitems) { if (prop.encoding == XA_STRING) { res = allocate(strlen((char*)prop.value)+1); strcpy(res, (char*)prop.value); } else if (XmbTextPropertyToTextList(display, &prop, &list, &count) >= Success && count > 0 && *list) { res = allocate(strlen(*list)+1); strcpy(res, *list); XFreeStringList(list); } } if (prop.value) XFree(prop.value); return res; } int window_get_atom_prop(Window w, Atom atom, Atom *list, int count) { Atom type; int items; return window_get_prop(w, atom, &type, &items, list, count*sizeof(Atom)) && type == XA_ATOM ? items:0; } void window_set_atom_prop(Window w, Atom prop, Atom *atoms, int count) { XChangeProperty(display, w, prop, XA_ATOM, 32, PropModeReplace, (unsigned char*)atoms, count); } int window_get_cardinal_prop(Window w, Atom atom, unsigned long *list, int count) { Atom type; int items; return window_get_prop(w, atom, &type, &items, list, count*sizeof(unsigned long)) && type == XA_CARDINAL ? items:0; } // a ClientMessage int window_send_message(Window target, Window subject, Atom atom, unsigned long protocol, unsigned long mask, Time time) { XEvent e; memset(&e, 0, sizeof(XEvent)); e.xclient.type = ClientMessage; e.xclient.message_type = atom; e.xclient.window = subject; e.xclient.data.l[0] = protocol; e.xclient.data.l[1] = time; e.xclient.send_event = True; e.xclient.format = 32; int r = XSendEvent(display, target, False, mask, &e) ?1:0; XFlush(display); return r; } // find the dimensions of the monitor displaying point x,y void monitor_dimensions(Screen *screen, int x, int y, workarea *mon) { memset(mon, 0, sizeof(workarea)); mon->w = WidthOfScreen(screen); mon->h = HeightOfScreen(screen); // locate the current monitor if (XineramaIsActive(display)) { int monitors, i; XineramaScreenInfo *info = XineramaQueryScreens(display, &monitors); if (info) for (i = 0; i < monitors; i++) { if (INTERSECT(x, y, 1, 1, info[i].x_org, info[i].y_org, info[i].width, info[i].height)) { mon->x = info[i].x_org; mon->y = info[i].y_org; mon->w = info[i].width; mon->h = info[i].height; break; } } XFree(info); } } // determine which monitor holds the active window, or failing that the mouse pointer void monitor_active(workarea *mon) { Window root = RootWindow(display, XScreenNumberOfScreen(screen)); unsigned long id; Atom type; int count; if (window_get_prop(root, netatoms[_NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW], &type, &count, &id, 1) && type == XA_WINDOW && count > 0) { XWindowAttributes *attr = window_get_attributes(id); monitor_dimensions(screen, attr->x, attr->y, mon); return; } int x, y; if (pointer_get(root, &x, &y)) { monitor_dimensions(screen, x, y, mon); return; } monitor_dimensions(screen, 0, 0, mon); } // _NET_WM_STATE_* int client_has_state(client *c, Atom state) { int i; for (i = 0; i < c->states; i++) if (c->state[i] == state) return 1; return 0; } // collect info on any window // doesn't have to be a window we'll end up managing client* window_client(Window win) { if (win == None) return NULL; int idx = winlist_find(cache_client, win); if (idx >= 0) return cache_client->data[idx]; // if this fails, we're up that creek XWindowAttributes *attr = window_get_attributes(win); if (!attr) return NULL; client *c = allocate_clear(sizeof(client)); c->window = win; // copy xattr so we don't have to care when stuff is freed memmove(&c->xattr, attr, sizeof(XWindowAttributes)); XGetTransientForHint(display, win, &c->trans); c->states = window_get_atom_prop(win, netatoms[_NET_WM_STATE], c->state, CLIENTSTATE); window_get_atom_prop(win, netatoms[_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE], &c->type, 1); if (c->type == None) c->type = (c->trans != None) // trasients default to dialog ? netatoms[_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_DIALOG] // non-transients default to normal : netatoms[_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_NORMAL]; char *name; if ((name = window_get_text_prop(c->window, netatoms[_NET_WM_NAME])) && name) { snprintf(c->title, CLIENTTITLE, "%s", name); free(name); } else if (XFetchName(display, c->window, &name)) { snprintf(c->title, CLIENTTITLE, "%s", name); XFree(name); } XClassHint chint; if (XGetClassHint(display, c->window, &chint)) { snprintf(c->class, CLIENTCLASS, "%s", chint.res_class); snprintf(c->name, CLIENTNAME, "%s", chint.res_name); XFree(chint.res_class); XFree(chint.res_name); } monitor_dimensions(c->xattr.screen, c->xattr.x, c->xattr.y, &c->monitor); winlist_append(cache_client, c->window, c); return c; } #define ALLWINDOWS 1 #define DESKTOPWINDOWS 2 unsigned int all_windows_modmask; KeySym all_windows_keysym; unsigned int desktop_windows_modmask; KeySym desktop_windows_keysym; #include "textbox.c" void menu_draw(textbox *text, textbox **boxes, int max_lines, int selected, char **filtered) { int i; textbox_draw(text); for (i = 0; i < max_lines; i++) { textbox_font(boxes[i], config_menu_font, i == selected ? config_menu_hlfg: config_menu_fg, i == selected ? config_menu_hlbg: config_menu_bg); textbox_text(boxes[i], filtered[i] ? filtered[i]: ""); textbox_draw(boxes[i]); } } int menu(char **lines, char **input, char *prompt, int selected, Time *time) { int line = -1, i, j, chosen = 0, aborted = 0; workarea mon; monitor_active(&mon); int num_lines = 0; for (; lines[num_lines]; num_lines++); int max_lines = MIN(config_menu_lines, num_lines); selected = MAX(MIN(num_lines-1, selected), 0); int w = config_menu_width < 101 ? (mon.w/100)*config_menu_width: config_menu_width; int x = mon.x + (mon.w - w)/2; Window box = XCreateSimpleWindow(display, root, x, 0, w, 300, 1, color_get(config_menu_bc), color_get(config_menu_bg)); XSelectInput(display, box, ExposureMask); // make it an unmanaged window window_set_atom_prop(box, netatoms[_NET_WM_STATE], &netatoms[_NET_WM_STATE_ABOVE], 1); //window_set_atom_prop(box, netatoms[_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE], &netatoms[_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_DOCK], 1); XSetWindowAttributes attr; attr.override_redirect = True; XChangeWindowAttributes(display, box, CWOverrideRedirect, &attr); // search text input textbox *text = textbox_create(box, TB_AUTOHEIGHT|TB_EDITABLE, 5, 5, w-10, 1, config_menu_font, config_menu_fg, config_menu_bg, "", prompt); textbox_show(text); int line_height = text->font->ascent + text->font->descent; line_height += line_height/10; // filtered list display textbox **boxes = allocate_clear(sizeof(textbox*) * max_lines); for (i = 0; i < max_lines; i++) { boxes[i] = textbox_create(box, TB_AUTOHEIGHT, 5, (i+1) * line_height + 5, w-10, 1, config_menu_font, config_menu_fg, config_menu_bg, lines[i], NULL); textbox_show(boxes[i]); } // filtered list char **filtered = allocate_clear(sizeof(char*) * max_lines); int *line_map = allocate_clear(sizeof(int) * max_lines); int filtered_lines = max_lines; for (i = 0; i < max_lines; i++) { filtered[i] = lines[i]; line_map[i] = i; } // resize window vertically to suit int h = line_height * (max_lines+1) + 8; int y = mon.y + (mon.h - h)/2; XMoveResizeWindow(display, box, x, y, w, h); XMapRaised(display, box); take_keyboard(box); for (;;) { XEvent ev; XNextEvent(display, &ev); if (ev.type == Expose) { while (XCheckTypedEvent(display, Expose, &ev)); menu_draw(text, boxes, max_lines, selected, filtered); } else if (ev.type == KeyPress) { while (XCheckTypedEvent(display, KeyPress, &ev)); if (time) *time = ev.xkey.time; int rc = textbox_keypress(text, &ev); if (rc < 0) { chosen = 1; break; } else if (rc) { // input changed for (i = 0, j = 0; i < num_lines && j < max_lines; i++) { if (strcasestr(lines[i], text->text)) { line_map[j] = i; filtered[j++] = lines[i]; } } filtered_lines = j; selected = MAX(0, MIN(selected, j-1)); for (; j < max_lines; j++) filtered[j] = NULL; } else { // unhandled key KeySym key = XkbKeycodeToKeysym(display, ev.xkey.keycode, 0, 0); if (key == XK_Escape || ((all_windows_modmask == AnyModifier || ev.xkey.state & all_windows_modmask) && key == all_windows_keysym) || ((desktop_windows_modmask == AnyModifier || ev.xkey.state & desktop_windows_modmask) && key == desktop_windows_keysym)) { aborted = 1; break; } if (key == XK_Up) selected = selected ? MAX(0, selected-1): MAX(0, filtered_lines-1); if (key == XK_Down || key == XK_Tab) selected = selected < filtered_lines-1 ? MIN(filtered_lines-1, selected+1): 0; } menu_draw(text, boxes, max_lines, selected, filtered); } } release_keyboard(); if (chosen && filtered[selected]) line = line_map[selected]; if (line < 0 && !aborted && input) *input = strdup(text->text); textbox_free(text); for (i = 0; i < max_lines; i++) textbox_free(boxes[i]); XDestroyWindow(display, box); free(filtered); free(line_map); return line; } #define FORK 1 #define NOFORK 2 void run_switcher(int mode, int fmode) { // TODO: this whole function is messy. build a nicer solution char pattern[50], **list = NULL; int i, classfield = 0, plen = 0, lines = 0; unsigned long desktops = 0, current_desktop = 0; Window w; client *c; // windows we actually display. may be slightly different to _NET_CLIENT_LIST_STACKING // if we happen to have a window destroyed while we're working... winlist *ids = winlist_new(); window_get_cardinal_prop(root, netatoms[_NET_CURRENT_DESKTOP], ¤t_desktop, 1); // find window list Atom type; int nwins; unsigned long *wins = allocate_clear(sizeof(unsigned long) * 100); if (window_get_prop(root, netatoms[_NET_CLIENT_LIST_STACKING], &type, &nwins, wins, 100 * sizeof(unsigned long)) && type == XA_WINDOW) { // calc widths of fields for (i = nwins-1; i > -1; i--) { if ((c = window_client(wins[i])) && c->xattr.map_state == IsViewable && !c->xattr.override_redirect && !client_has_state(c, netatoms[_NET_WM_STATE_SKIP_PAGER]) && !client_has_state(c, netatoms[_NET_WM_STATE_SKIP_TASKBAR])) { if (mode == DESKTOPWINDOWS) { unsigned long wmdesktop = 0; window_get_cardinal_prop(c->window, netatoms[_NET_WM_DESKTOP], &wmdesktop, 1); if (wmdesktop != current_desktop) continue; } classfield = MAX(classfield, strlen(c->class)); winlist_append(ids, c->window, NULL); } } // build line sprintf pattern if (mode == ALLWINDOWS) { window_get_cardinal_prop(root, netatoms[_NET_NUMBER_OF_DESKTOPS], &desktops, 1); plen += sprintf(pattern+plen, "%%-%ds ", desktops < 10 ? 1: 2); } plen += sprintf(pattern+plen, "%%-%ds %%s", MAX(5, classfield)); list = allocate_clear(sizeof(char*) * (ids->len+1)); lines = 0; // build the actual list winlist_ascend(ids, i, w) { if ((c = window_client(w))) { // final line format unsigned long wmdesktop; char desktop[5]; desktop[0] = 0; char *line = allocate(strlen(c->title) + strlen(c->class) + classfield + 50); if (mode == ALLWINDOWS) { // find client's desktop. this is zero-based, so we adjust by since most // normal people don't think like this :-) window_get_cardinal_prop(c->window, netatoms[_NET_WM_DESKTOP], &wmdesktop, 1); if (wmdesktop < 0xFFFFFFFF) sprintf(desktop, "%d", (int)wmdesktop+1); sprintf(line, pattern, desktop, c->class, c->title); } else sprintf(line, pattern, c->class, c->title); list[lines++] = line; } } if (fmode == NOFORK || !fork()) { // we fork because it's technically possible to have multiple window // lists up at once on a zaphod multihead X setup. // this also happens to isolate the Xft font stuff in a child process // that gets cleaned up every time. that library shows some valgrind // strangeness... display = XOpenDisplay(0); XSync(display, True); char *input = NULL; Time time; int n = menu(list, &input, "> ", 1, &time); if (n >= 0 && list[n]) { if (mode == ALLWINDOWS) { // TODO: get rid of strtol window_send_message(root, root, netatoms[_NET_CURRENT_DESKTOP], strtol(list[n], NULL, 10)-1, SubstructureNotifyMask | SubstructureRedirectMask, time); XSync(display, False); } window_send_message(root, ids->array[n], netatoms[_NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW], 2, // 2 = pager SubstructureNotifyMask | SubstructureRedirectMask, time); } else // act as a launcher if (input) { exec_cmd(input); } exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } for (i = 0; i < lines; i++) free(list[i]); free(list); } free(wins); winlist_free(ids); } // KeyPress event void handle_keypress(XEvent *ev) { KeySym key = XkbKeycodeToKeysym(display, ev->xkey.keycode, 0, 0); if ((all_windows_modmask == AnyModifier || ev->xkey.state & all_windows_modmask) && key == all_windows_keysym) run_switcher(ALLWINDOWS, FORK); if ((desktop_windows_modmask == AnyModifier || ev->xkey.state & desktop_windows_modmask) && key == desktop_windows_keysym) run_switcher(DESKTOPWINDOWS, FORK); } // convert a Mod+key arg to mod mask and keysym void parse_key(char *combo, unsigned int *mod, KeySym *key) { unsigned int modmask = 0; if (strcasestr(combo, "shift")) modmask |= ShiftMask; if (strcasestr(combo, "control")) modmask |= ControlMask; if (strcasestr(combo, "mod1")) modmask |= Mod1Mask; if (strcasestr(combo, "mod2")) modmask |= Mod2Mask; if (strcasestr(combo, "mod3")) modmask |= Mod3Mask; if (strcasestr(combo, "mod4")) modmask |= Mod4Mask; if (strcasestr(combo, "mod5")) modmask |= Mod5Mask; *mod = modmask ? modmask: AnyModifier; char i = strlen(combo); while (i > 0 && !strchr("-+", combo[i-1])) i--; KeySym sym = XStringToKeysym(combo+i); if (sym == NoSymbol || (!modmask && (strchr(combo, '-') || strchr(combo, '+')))) { fprintf(stderr, "sorry, cannot understand key combination: %s\n", combo); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } *key = sym; } // bind a key combination on a root window, compensating for Lock* states void grab_key(unsigned int modmask, KeySym key) { KeyCode keycode = XKeysymToKeycode(display, key); XUngrabKey(display, keycode, AnyModifier, root); if (modmask != AnyModifier) { // bind to combinations of mod and lock masks, so caps and numlock don't confuse people XGrabKey(display, keycode, modmask, root, True, GrabModeAsync, GrabModeAsync); XGrabKey(display, keycode, modmask|LockMask, root, True, GrabModeAsync, GrabModeAsync); if (NumlockMask) { XGrabKey(display, keycode, modmask|NumlockMask, root, True, GrabModeAsync, GrabModeAsync); XGrabKey(display, keycode, modmask|NumlockMask|LockMask, root, True, GrabModeAsync, GrabModeAsync); } } else { // nice simple single key bind XGrabKey(display, keycode, AnyModifier, root, True, GrabModeAsync, GrabModeAsync); } } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int i, j; // catch help request if (find_arg(argc, argv, "-help") >= 0 || find_arg(argc, argv, "--help") >= 0 || find_arg(argc, argv, "-h") >= 0) { fprintf(stderr, "See the man page or visit http://github.com/seanpringle/simpleswitcher\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } if(!(display = XOpenDisplay(0))) { fprintf(stderr, "cannot open display!\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } signal(SIGCHLD, catch_exit); screen = DefaultScreenOfDisplay(display); screen_id = DefaultScreen(display); root = DefaultRootWindow(display); XSync(display, False); xerror = XSetErrorHandler(oops); XSync(display, False); // determine numlock mask so we can bind on keys with and without it XModifierKeymap *modmap = XGetModifierMapping(display); for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) for (j = 0; j < (int)modmap->max_keypermod; j++) if (modmap->modifiermap[i*modmap->max_keypermod+j] == XKeysymToKeycode(display, XK_Num_Lock)) NumlockMask = (1<= 0) { run_switcher(ALLWINDOWS, NOFORK); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } if (find_arg(ac, av, "-dnow") >= 0) { run_switcher(DESKTOPWINDOWS, NOFORK); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } // in background mode from here on // key combination to display all windows from all desktops parse_key(find_arg_str(ac, av, "-key", "F12"), &all_windows_modmask, &all_windows_keysym); // key combination to display only window on the current desktop parse_key(find_arg_str(ac, av, "-dkey", "F11"), &desktop_windows_modmask, &desktop_windows_keysym); // bind key combos grab_key(all_windows_modmask, all_windows_keysym); grab_key(desktop_windows_modmask, desktop_windows_keysym); XEvent ev; for (;;) { // caches only live for a single event winlist_empty(cache_xattr); winlist_empty(cache_client); // block and wait for something XNextEvent(display, &ev); if (ev.xany.window == None) continue; if (ev.type == KeyPress) handle_keypress(&ev); } return EXIT_SUCCESS; }