# Creating an issue When reporting bugs keep in mind that the people working on it do this unpaid, in their free time and as a hobby. So be polite and helpful. Bug reports that demand, contain insults to this or other projects, or have a general unfriendly tone will be closed without discussion. Everybody has it own way of working; What might be the norm for you, might not be for others. Therefore be verbose in your description. Before creating an issue: * Update to the latest version. Check if problem still exists. * Check existing bug reports, see if it is already reported. * Read the documentation. Make sure the behaviour you are seeing is a bug. When reporting bugs include the following information: * Rofi version. rofi -v * Rofi configuration. rofi -help (in a [gist](https://gist.github.com/)) * Steps to reproduce. * What behaviour you see. * What behaviour you expect to see. * A proper title for others to search for. * Be exact. When adding comments to an issue make sure: * It is relevant to the issue. * It contributes to solving the issue. * Use :+1: :-1: emojis instead of replying 'me too' or 'I also have this.' Issue high-jacking, e.g. adding a request/issue to an existing issue, is very disruptive. Please create a new issue, if it is similar it will be marked duplicate. The issue tracker is not for: * Questions. * Writing complaints. These topics belong on [FORUM](https://reddit.com/r/qtools//), [IRC](https://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=#rofi), frequently asked questions will be added to the [F.A.Q](https://github.com/DaveDavenport/rofi/wiki#faq) on the [wiki](https://github.com/DaveDavenport/rofi/wiki). Questions filled in on the bug tracker will be marked `question`, locked and closed. If the question is clear, I normally try to provide an answer. **Please do not submit reports related to wayland, see [here](https://github.com/DaveDavenport/rofi/wiki/Wayland) for more information.**