/** * rofi * * MIT/X11 License * Modified 2016 Qball Cow * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, * distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to * the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be * included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS * OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY * CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, * TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE * SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #include #include #include "widgets/widget.h" #include "widgets/widget-internal.h" #include "widgets/box.h" #include "theme.h" #include "settings.h" #define LOG_DOMAIN "Widgets.Box" const char *BOX_CLASS_NAME = "@box"; /** * @param box Handle to the box widget. * @param spacing The spacing to apply. * * Set the spacing to apply between the children in pixels. */ void box_set_spacing ( box * box, unsigned int spacing ); struct _box { widget widget; boxType type; int max_size; // Padding between elements int spacing; GList *children; }; static void box_update ( widget *wid ); static void vert_calculate_size ( box *b ) { int expanding_widgets = 0; int active_widgets = 0; b->max_size = 0; for ( GList *iter = g_list_first ( b->children ); iter != NULL; iter = g_list_next ( iter ) ) { widget * child = (widget *) iter->data; if ( !child->enabled ) { continue; } active_widgets++; if ( child->expand == TRUE ) { expanding_widgets++; continue; } b->max_size += child->h; } int rem_width = b->widget.w - b->widget.pad.left-b->widget.pad.right; int rem_height = b->widget.h - b->widget.pad.top-b->widget.pad.bottom; if ( active_widgets > 0 ){ b->max_size += ( active_widgets - 1 ) * b->spacing; } printf("%d %d\n", rem_height, b->max_size); if ( b->max_size > rem_height ) { g_log ( LOG_DOMAIN, G_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "Widgets to large (height) for box: %d %d", b->max_size, b->widget.h ); return; } if ( active_widgets > 0 ) { int bottom = b->widget.h - b->widget.pad.bottom; int top = b->widget.pad.top; double rem = rem_height - b->max_size; int index = 0; for ( GList *iter = g_list_first ( b->children ); iter != NULL; iter = g_list_next ( iter ) ) { widget * child = (widget *) iter->data; if ( child->enabled == FALSE ) { continue; } if ( child->expand == TRUE ) { // Re-calculate to avoid round issues leaving one pixel left. int expanding_widgets_size = ( rem ) / ( expanding_widgets - index ); if ( child->end ) { bottom -= expanding_widgets_size; widget_move ( child, b->widget.pad.left, bottom ); widget_resize ( child, rem_width, expanding_widgets_size ); bottom -= b->spacing; } else { widget_move ( child, b->widget.pad.left, top ); top += expanding_widgets_size; widget_resize ( child, rem_width, expanding_widgets_size ); top += b->spacing; } rem -= expanding_widgets_size; index++; b->max_size += widget_padding_get_padding_height ( child); } else if ( child->end ) { bottom -= widget_get_height ( child ); widget_move ( child, b->widget.pad.left, bottom ); widget_resize ( child, rem_width, child->h ); bottom -= b->spacing; } else { widget_move ( child, b->widget.pad.left, top ); top += widget_get_height ( child ); widget_resize ( child, rem_width, child->h ); top += b->spacing; } } } b->max_size += b->widget.pad.top+b->widget.pad.bottom; } static void hori_calculate_size ( box *b ) { int expanding_widgets = 0; int active_widgets = 0; b->max_size = 0; for ( GList *iter = g_list_first ( b->children ); iter != NULL; iter = g_list_next ( iter ) ) { widget * child = (widget *) iter->data; if ( !child->enabled ) { continue; } active_widgets++; if ( child->expand == TRUE ) { expanding_widgets++; continue; } // Size used by fixed width widgets. b->max_size += child->w; } int rem_height = b->widget.h - b->widget.pad.top-b->widget.pad.bottom; int rem_width = b->widget.w - b->widget.pad.left-b->widget.pad.right; b->max_size += MAX ( 0, ( ( active_widgets - 1 ) * b->spacing ) ); if ( b->max_size > (rem_width)) { g_log ( LOG_DOMAIN, G_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "Widgets to large (width) for box: %d %d", b->max_size, b->widget.w ); return; } if ( active_widgets > 0 ) { int right = b->widget.w-b->widget.pad.right; int left = b->widget.pad.left; double rem = rem_width - b->max_size; int index = 0; for ( GList *iter = g_list_first ( b->children ); iter != NULL; iter = g_list_next ( iter ) ) { widget * child = (widget *) iter->data; if ( child->enabled == FALSE ) { continue; } if ( child->expand == TRUE ) { // Re-calculate to avoid round issues leaving one pixel left. int expanding_widgets_size = ( rem ) / ( expanding_widgets - index ); if ( child->end ) { right -= expanding_widgets_size; widget_move ( child, right, b->widget.pad.top); widget_resize ( child, expanding_widgets_size, rem_height ); right -= b->spacing; } else { widget_move ( child, left, b->widget.pad.top ); left += expanding_widgets_size; widget_resize ( child, expanding_widgets_size, rem_height ); left += b->spacing; } rem -= expanding_widgets_size; index++; b->max_size += widget_padding_get_padding_width ( child); } else if ( child->end ) { right -= widget_get_width ( child ); widget_move ( child, right, b->widget.pad.top ); widget_resize ( child, child->w, rem_height ); right -= b->spacing; } else { widget_move ( child, left, b->widget.pad.top ); left += widget_get_width ( child ); widget_resize ( child, child->w, rem_height ); left += b->spacing; } } } b->max_size += b->widget.pad.left+b->widget.pad.right; } static void box_draw ( widget *wid, cairo_t *draw ) { box *b = (box *) wid; for ( GList *iter = g_list_first ( b->children ); iter != NULL; iter = g_list_next ( iter ) ) { widget * child = (widget *) iter->data; widget_draw ( child, draw ); } } static void box_free ( widget *wid ) { box *b = (box *) wid; for ( GList *iter = g_list_first ( b->children ); iter != NULL; iter = g_list_next ( iter ) ) { widget * child = (widget *) iter->data; widget_free ( child ); } g_list_free ( b->children ); g_free ( b ); } void box_add ( box *box, widget *child, gboolean expand, gboolean end ) { if ( box == NULL ) { return; } // Make sure box is width/heigh enough. if ( box->type == BOX_VERTICAL){ int width=box->widget.w; width = MAX ( child->w, width+box->widget.pad.left+box->widget.pad.right ); box->widget.w = width; } else { int height = box->widget.h; height = MAX (height, child->h+box->widget.pad.top+box->widget.pad.bottom); box->widget.h = height; } child->expand = expand; child->end = end; child->parent = WIDGET ( box ); box->children = g_list_append ( box->children, (void *) child ); widget_update ( WIDGET ( box ) ); } static void box_resize ( widget *widget, short w, short h ) { box *b = (box *) widget; if ( b->widget.w != w || b->widget.h != h ) { b->widget.w = w; b->widget.h = h; widget_update ( widget ); } } static gboolean box_clicked ( widget *wid, xcb_button_press_event_t *xbe, G_GNUC_UNUSED void *udata ) { box *b = (box *) wid; for ( GList *iter = g_list_first ( b->children ); iter != NULL; iter = g_list_next ( iter ) ) { widget * child = (widget *) iter->data; if ( !child->enabled ) { continue; } if ( widget_intersect ( child, xbe->event_x, xbe->event_y ) ) { xcb_button_press_event_t rel = *xbe; rel.event_x -= child->x; rel.event_y -= child->y; return widget_clicked ( child, &rel ); } } return FALSE; } static gboolean box_motion_notify ( widget *wid, xcb_motion_notify_event_t *xme ) { box *b = (box *) wid; for ( GList *iter = g_list_first ( b->children ); iter != NULL; iter = g_list_next ( iter ) ) { widget * child = (widget *) iter->data; if ( !child->enabled ) { continue; } if ( widget_intersect ( child, xme->event_x, xme->event_y ) ) { xcb_motion_notify_event_t rel = *xme; rel.event_x -= child->x; rel.event_y -= child->y; return widget_motion_notify ( child, &rel ); } } return FALSE; } box * box_create ( const char *name, boxType type ) { box *b = g_malloc0 ( sizeof ( box ) ); // Initialize widget. widget_init ( WIDGET(b), name, BOX_CLASS_NAME); b->type = type; b->widget.draw = box_draw; b->widget.free = box_free; b->widget.resize = box_resize; b->widget.update = box_update; b->widget.clicked = box_clicked; b->widget.motion_notify = box_motion_notify; b->widget.enabled = TRUE; box_set_spacing ( b, rofi_theme_get_integer ( b->widget.class_name, b->widget.name, NULL, "spacing",config.line_margin )); return b; } static void box_update ( widget *wid ) { box *b = (box *) wid; switch ( b->type ) { case BOX_VERTICAL: vert_calculate_size ( b ); break; case BOX_HORIZONTAL: default: hori_calculate_size ( b ); } } int box_get_fixed_pixels ( box *box ) { if ( box != NULL ) { return box->max_size; } return 0; } void box_set_spacing ( box * box, unsigned int spacing ) { if ( box != NULL ) { box->spacing = spacing; widget_queue_redraw ( WIDGET ( box ) ); } }