# ROFI-KEYS 5 rofi-keys ## NAME **rofi keys** - Rofi Key and Mouse bindings ## DESCRIPTION **rofi** supports overriding of any of it key and mouse binding. ## Setting binding Bindings can be done on the commandline (-{bindingname}): ```bash rofi -show run -kb-accept-entry 'Control+Shift+space' ``` or via the configuration file: ```css configuration { kb-accept-entry: "Control+Shift+space"; } ``` The key can be set by its name (see above) or its keycode: ```css configuration { kb-accept-entry: "Control+Shift+[65]"; } ``` An easy way to look up keycode is xev(1). Multiple keys can be specified for an action as a comma separated list: ```css configuration { kb-accept-entry: "Control+Shift+space,Return"; } ``` By Default **rofi** reacts on pressing, to act on the release of all keys prepend the binding with `!`: ```css configuration { kb-accept-entry: "!Control+Shift+space,Return"; } ``` ## Keyboard Bindings ### **kb-primary-paste**: Paste primary selection **Default**: Control+V,Shift+Insert ### **kb-secondary-paste** Paste clipboard **Default**: Control+v,Insert ### **kb-clear-line** Clear input line **Default**: Control+w ### **kb-move-front** Beginning of line **Default**: Control+a ### **kb-move-end** End of line **Default**: Control+e ### **kb-move-word-back** Move back one word **Default**: Alt+b,Control+Left ### **kb-move-word-forward** Move forward one word **Default**: Alt+f,Control+Right ### **kb-move-char-back** Move back one char **Default**: Left,Control+b ### **kb-move-char-forward** Move forward one char **Default**: Right,Control+f ### **kb-remove-word-back** Delete previous word **Default**: Control+Alt+h,Control+BackSpace ### **kb-remove-word-forward** Delete next word **Default**: Control+Alt+d ### **kb-remove-char-forward** Delete next char **Default**: Delete,Control+d ### **kb-remove-char-back** Delete previous char **Default**: BackSpace,Shift+BackSpace,Control+h ### **kb-remove-to-eol** Delete till the end of line **Default**: Control+k ### **kb-remove-to-sol** Delete till the start of line **Default**: Control+u ### **kb-accept-entry** Accept entry **Default**: Control+j,Control+m,Return,KP_Enter ### **kb-accept-custom** Use entered text as command (in ssh/run modi) **Default**: Control+Return ### **kb-accept-custom-alt** Use entered text as command (in ssh/run modi) **Default**: Control+Shift+Return ### **kb-accept-alt** Use alternate accept command. **Default**: Shift+Return ### **kb-delete-entry** Delete entry from history **Default**: Shift+Delete ### **kb-mode-next** Switch to the next mode. **Default**: Shift+Right,Control+Tab ### **kb-mode-previous** Switch to the previous mode. **Default**: Shift+Left,Control+ISO_Left_Tab ### **kb-mode-complete** Start completion for mode. **Default**: Control+l ### **kb-row-left** Go to the previous column **Default**: Control+Page_Up ### **kb-row-right** Go to the next column **Default**: Control+Page_Down ### **kb-row-up** Select previous entry **Default**: Up,Control+p,ISO_Left_Tab ### **kb-row-down** Select next entry **Default**: Down,Control+n ### **kb-row-tab** Go to next row, if one left, accept it, if no left next mode. **Default**: Tab ### **kb-page-prev** Go to the previous page **Default**: Page_Up ### **kb-page-next** Go to the next page **Default**: Page_Down ### **kb-row-first** Go to the first entry **Default**: Home,KP_Home ### **kb-row-last** Go to the last entry **Default**: End,KP_End ### **kb-row-select** Set selected item as input text **Default**: Control+space ### **kb-screenshot** Take a screenshot of the rofi window **Default**: Alt+S ### **kb-ellipsize** Toggle between ellipsize modes for displayed data **Default**: Alt+period ### **kb-toggle-case-sensitivity** Toggle case sensitivity **Default**: grave,dead_grave ### **kb-toggle-sort** Toggle sort **Default**: Alt+grave ### **kb-cancel** Quit rofi **Default**: Escape,Control+g,Control+bracketleft ### **kb-custom-1** Custom keybinding 1 **Default**: Alt+1 ### **kb-custom-2** Custom keybinding 2 **Default**: Alt+2 ### **kb-custom-3** Custom keybinding 3 **Default**: Alt+3 ### **kb-custom-4** Custom keybinding 4 **Default**: Alt+4 ### **kb-custom-5** Custom Keybinding 5 **Default**: Alt+5 ### **kb-custom-6** Custom keybinding 6 **Default**: Alt+6 ### **kb-custom-7** Custom Keybinding 7 **Default**: Alt+7 ### **kb-custom-8** Custom keybinding 8 **Default**: Alt+8 ### **kb-custom-9** Custom keybinding 9 **Default**: Alt+9 ### **kb-custom-10** Custom keybinding 10 **Default**: Alt+0 ### **kb-custom-11** Custom keybinding 11 **Default**: Alt+exclam ### **kb-custom-12** Custom keybinding 12 **Default**: Alt+at ### **kb-custom-13** Custom keybinding 13 **Default**: Alt+numbersign ### **kb-custom-14** Custom keybinding 14 **Default**: Alt+dollar ### **kb-custom-15** Custom keybinding 15 **Default**: Alt+percent ### **kb-custom-16** Custom keybinding 16 **Default**: Alt+dead_circumflex ### **kb-custom-17** Custom keybinding 17 **Default**: Alt+ampersand ### **kb-custom-18** Custom keybinding 18 **Default**: Alt+asterisk ### **kb-custom-19** Custom Keybinding 19 **Default**: Alt+parenleft ### **kb-select-1** Select row 1 **Default**: Super+1 ### **kb-select-2** Select row 2 **Default**: Super+2 ### **kb-select-3** Select row 3 **Default**: Super+3 ### **kb-select-4** Select row 4 **Default**: Super+4 ### **kb-select-5** Select row 5 **Default**: Super+5 ### **kb-select-6** Select row 6 **Default**: Super+6 ### **kb-select-7** Select row 7 **Default**: Super+7 ### **kb-select-8** Select row 8 **Default**: Super+8 ### **kb-select-9** Select row 9 **Default**: Super+9 ### **kb-select-10** Select row 10 **Default**: Super+0 ## Mouse Bindings ### **ml-row-left** Go to the previous column **Default**: ScrollLeft ### **ml-row-right** Go to the next column **Default**: ScrollRight ### **ml-row-up** Select previous entry **Default**: ScrollUp ### **ml-row-down** Select next entry **Default**: ScrollDown ### **me-select-entry** Select hovered row **Default**: MousePrimary ### **me-accept-entry** Accept hovered row **Default**: MouseDPrimary ### **me-accept-custom** Accept hovered row with custom action **Default**: Control+MouseDPrimary ## SEE ALSO rofi(1), rofi-sensible-terminal(1), rofi-theme(5), rofi-script(5) ## AUTHOR Qball Cow Rasmus Steinke Quentin Glidic Original code based on work by: Sean Pringle For a full list of authors, check the AUTHORS file.