/* * rofi * * MIT/X11 License * Copyright 2013-2023 Qball Cow * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, * distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to * the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be * included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS * OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY * CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, * TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE * SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. * */ %define api.pure %define parse.error verbose %locations %glr-parser %skeleton "glr.c" %parse-param {const char *what} %code requires { #include "theme.h" #include "xrmoptions.h" #include "css-colors.h" #include "rofi.h" typedef struct YYLTYPE { int first_line; int first_column; int last_line; int last_column; char *filename; } YYLTYPE; # define YYLTYPE_IS_DECLARED 1 /* alert the parser that we have our own definition */ # define YYLLOC_DEFAULT(Current, Rhs, N) \ do \ if (N) \ { \ (Current).first_line = YYRHSLOC (Rhs, 1).first_line; \ (Current).first_column = YYRHSLOC (Rhs, 1).first_column; \ (Current).last_line = YYRHSLOC (Rhs, N).last_line; \ (Current).last_column = YYRHSLOC (Rhs, N).last_column; \ (Current).filename = YYRHSLOC (Rhs, 1).filename; \ } \ else \ { /* empty RHS */ \ (Current).first_line = (Current).last_line = \ YYRHSLOC (Rhs, 0).last_line; \ (Current).first_column = (Current).last_column = \ YYRHSLOC (Rhs, 0).last_column; \ (Current).filename = NULL; /* new */ \ } \ while (0) } %{ #include "config.h" #include #include #include #include "theme-parser.h" ThemeWidget *rofi_theme = NULL; void yyerror(YYLTYPE *yylloc, const char *what, const char* s); int yylex (YYSTYPE *, YYLTYPE *); static int check_in_range ( double index, double low, double high, YYLTYPE *loc ) { if ( index > high || index < low ) { gchar *str = g_strdup_printf("Value out of range: \n\t\tValue: X = %.2lf;\n\t\tRange: %.2lf <= X <= %.2lf.", index, low, high ); yyerror ( loc, loc->filename, str); g_free(str); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } static double hue2rgb ( double p, double q, double t ) { t += (t<0)?1.0:0.0; t -= (t>1)?1.0:0.0; if ( t < (1/6.0) ) { return p + (q - p) * 6 * t; } if ( t < (1/2.0) ) { return q; } if ( t < (2/3.0) ) { return p + (q - p) * (2/3.0 - t) * 6; } return p; } static ThemeColor hsl_to_rgb ( double h, double s, double l ) { ThemeColor colour; colour.alpha = 1.0; if (s < 0.001 && s > -0.001) { colour.red = colour.green = colour.blue = l; // achromatic } else { double q = l < 0.5 ? l * (1 + s) : l + s - l * s; double p = 2 * l - q; colour.red = hue2rgb(p, q, h + 1/3.0); colour.green = hue2rgb(p, q, h); colour.blue = hue2rgb(p, q, h - 1/3.0); } return colour; } static ThemeColor hwb_to_rgb ( double h, double w, double b ) { ThemeColor retv = hsl_to_rgb ( h, 1.0, 0.5); retv.red *= ( 1. - w - b ); retv.red += w; retv.green *= ( 1. - w - b ); retv.green += w; retv.blue *= ( 1. - w - b ); retv.blue += w; return retv; } %} %union { int ival; double fval; char *sval; char cval; int bval; WindowLocation wloc; ThemeColor colorval; ThemeWidget *theme; GList *list; Property *property; GHashTable *property_list; RofiDistance distance; RofiDistanceUnit *distance_unit; } %token T_END 0 "end of file" %token T_ERROR 1 "error from file parser" %token T_ERROR_PROPERTY 2 "invalid property value" %token T_ERROR_SECTION 3 "invalid property name" %token T_ERROR_NAMESTRING 4 "invalid element name" %token T_ERROR_DEFAULTS 5 "invalid defaults name" %token T_ERROR_INCLUDE 6 "invalid import value" %token T_ERROR_ARGB_SPEC 7 "invalid argb color. Requires 8 (not 7) elements: argb:AARRGGBB." %token T_INT "Integer number" %token T_DOUBLE "Floating-point number" %token T_STRING "UTF-8 encode string" %token T_MEDIA_TYPE "Media type" %token T_PROP_NAME "property name" %token T_COLOR_NAME "Color value by name" %token T_NAME_ELEMENT "Element name" %token T_BOOLEAN "Boolean value (true or false)" %token T_COLOR "Hexidecimal color value" %token T_LINK "Reference" %token T_ELEMENT "Name of element" %token T_POS_CENTER "Center" %token T_POS_EAST "East" %token T_POS_WEST "West" %token T_POS_NORTH "North" %token T_POS_SOUTH "South" %token T_MEDIA "@media" %token T_NONE "None" %token T_BOLD "Bold" %token T_ITALIC "Italic" %token T_UNDERLINE "Underline" %token T_STRIKETHROUGH "Strikethrough" %token T_DASH "Dash" %token T_SOLID "Solid" %token T_UPPERCASE "Uppercase" %token T_CAPITALIZE "Capitalize" %token T_LOWERCASE "Lowercase" %token T_UNIT_PX "pixels" %token T_UNIT_MM "mm" %token T_UNIT_EM "em" %token T_UNIT_CH "ch" %token T_ANGLE_DEG "Degrees" %token T_ANGLE_GRAD "Gradians" %token T_ANGLE_RAD "Radians" %token T_ANGLE_TURN "Turns" %token ORIENTATION_HORI "Horizontal" %token ORIENTATION_VERT "Vertical" %token CURSOR_DEF "Default" %token CURSOR_PTR "Pointer" %token CURSOR_TXT "Text" %token T_COL_RGBA "rgb[a] colorscheme" %token T_COL_HSL "hsl colorscheme" %token T_COL_HWB "hwb colorscheme" %token T_COL_CMYK "cmyk colorscheme" %token T_URL "an URL" %token T_WIDTH "an WIDTH" %token T_HEIGHT "an HEIGHT" %token T_BOTH "an BOTH" %token T_TO "an TO" %token T_LEFT "an LEFT" %token T_RIGHT "an RIGHT" %token T_TOP "an TOP" %token T_BOTTOM "an BOTTOM" %type t_property_direction %type t_property_scale_type %token T_LINEAR_GRADIENT "a linear gradient" %token T_PARENT_LEFT "Parent left ('(')" %token T_PARENT_RIGHT "Parent right (')')" %token T_COMMA "comma separator (',')" %token T_FORWARD_SLASH "forward slash ('/')" %token T_PERCENT "Percent sign ('%')" %token T_LIST_OPEN "List open ('[')" %token T_LIST_CLOSE "List close (']')" %token T_MODIFIER_ADD "Add ('+')" %token T_MODIFIER_MULTIPLY "Multiply ('*')" %token T_MODIFIER_MODULO "Modulo ('modulo')" %token T_MODIFIER_MAX "Max ('max')" %token T_MODIFIER_MIN "Min ('min')" %token T_MODIFIER_ROUND "Min ('round')" %token T_MODIFIER_FLOOR "Min ('floor')" %token T_MODIFIER_CEIL "Min ('ceil')" %token T_CALC "calc" %token T_BOPEN "bracket open ('{')" %token T_BCLOSE "bracket close ('}')" %token T_PSEP "property separator (':')" %token T_PCLOSE "property close (';')" %token T_NSEP "Name separator (' ' or '.')" %token T_SSEP "Selector separator (',')" %token T_NAME_PREFIX "Element section ('# {name} { ... }')" %token T_PDEFAULTS "Default settings section ( '* { ... }')" %token T_CONFIGURATION "Configuration block" %token T_RESET_THEME "Reset Theme" %token T_COLOR_TRANSPARENT "Transparent" %token T_INHERIT "Inherit" %token T_MIN "-" %token T_VAR_START "var" %token T_ENV_START "env" %type t_entry_list %type t_entry_list_included %type t_entry_name_path %type t_property_name_list %type t_entry_name_path_selectors %type t_color_list %type t_property %type t_property_element %type t_property_list %type t_property_list_optional %type t_property_color %type t_property_color_value %type t_property_color_opt_alpha_c %type t_property_color_opt_alpha_ws %type t_property_color_value_unit %type t_property_color_value_angle %type t_property_name %type t_property_distance %type t_property_distance_zero %type t_property_distance_unit_math %type t_property_distance_unit_math2 %type t_property_distance_unit_math3 %type t_property_distance_unit %type t_property_unit %type t_property_position %type t_property_position_ew %type t_property_position_sn %type t_property_highlight_styles %type t_property_highlight_style %type t_property_line_style %type t_property_element_list %type t_property_element_list_optional %type t_property_orientation %type t_property_cursor %type t_name_prefix_optional %type t_property_number %start t_main %% /** * First have the configuration blocks, then the theme. */ t_main : t_entry_list_included { // Dummy at this point. if ( rofi_theme == NULL ) { rofi_theme_reset(); } rofi_theme_widget_add_properties ( rofi_theme, $1->properties ); for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < $1->num_widgets; i++ ) { ThemeWidget *d = $1->widgets[i]; rofi_theme_parse_merge_widgets(rofi_theme, d); } rofi_theme_free ( $1 ); } ; /** * Small dummy object to make the prefix optional. */ t_name_prefix_optional : T_NAME_PREFIX {} | %empty {} ; t_entry_list_included: t_entry_list { $$ =$1; } | t_entry_list_included T_RESET_THEME t_entry_list { rofi_theme_reset(); rofi_theme_free($1); $$ = $3; } t_entry_list: t_entry_list T_CONFIGURATION T_BOPEN t_config_property_list_optional T_BCLOSE { $$ = $1; } |%empty { $$ = g_slice_new0 ( ThemeWidget ); if ( rofi_configuration == NULL ) { rofi_configuration = g_slice_new0 ( ThemeWidget ); rofi_configuration->name = g_strdup ( "Root" ); } } | t_entry_list t_name_prefix_optional t_entry_name_path_selectors T_BOPEN t_property_list_optional T_BCLOSE { for ( GList *liter = g_list_first ( $3); liter; liter = g_list_next ( liter ) ) { ThemeWidget *wid = $1; for ( GList *iter = g_list_first ( (GList*)liter->data ); wid && iter ; iter = g_list_next ( iter ) ) { wid = rofi_theme_find_or_create_name ( wid, iter->data ); } g_list_free_full ( (GList*)liter->data, g_free ); wid->set = TRUE; rofi_theme_widget_add_properties ( wid, $5); } if ( $5 ) { g_hash_table_destroy ( $5 ); } g_list_free ( $3 ); } | t_entry_list T_PDEFAULTS T_BOPEN t_property_list_optional T_BCLOSE { ThemeWidget *wid = rofi_theme_find_or_create_name ( $1, "*" ); rofi_theme_widget_add_properties (wid, $4); if ( $4 ) { g_hash_table_destroy ( $4 ); } } | t_entry_list T_MEDIA T_PARENT_LEFT T_MEDIA_TYPE T_PSEP t_property_number T_PARENT_RIGHT T_BOPEN t_entry_list T_BCLOSE { gchar *name = g_strdup_printf("@media ( %s: %f )",$4, $6); ThemeWidget *wid = rofi_theme_find_or_create_name ( $1, name ); wid->set = TRUE; wid->media = g_slice_new0(ThemeMedia); wid->media->type = rofi_theme_parse_media_type ( $4 ); wid->media->value = $6; for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < $9->num_widgets; i++ ) { ThemeWidget *d = $9->widgets[i]; rofi_theme_parse_merge_widgets(wid, d); } g_free ( $4 ); g_free ( name ); } | t_entry_list T_MEDIA T_PARENT_LEFT T_MEDIA_TYPE T_PSEP T_INT T_UNIT_PX T_PARENT_RIGHT T_BOPEN t_entry_list T_BCLOSE { gchar *name = g_strdup_printf("@media ( %s: %d px )",$4, $6); ThemeWidget *wid = rofi_theme_find_or_create_name ( $1, name ); wid->set = TRUE; wid->media = g_slice_new0(ThemeMedia); wid->media->type = rofi_theme_parse_media_type ( $4 ); wid->media->value = (double)$6; for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < $10->num_widgets; i++ ) { ThemeWidget *d = $10->widgets[i]; rofi_theme_parse_merge_widgets(wid, d); } g_free ( $4 ); g_free ( name ); } | t_entry_list T_MEDIA T_PARENT_LEFT T_MEDIA_TYPE T_PSEP T_BOOLEAN T_PARENT_RIGHT T_BOPEN t_entry_list T_BCLOSE { gchar *name = g_strdup_printf("@media ( %s: %s )",$4, $6?"true":"false"); ThemeWidget *wid = rofi_theme_find_or_create_name ( $1, name ); wid->set = TRUE; wid->media = g_slice_new0(ThemeMedia); wid->media->type = rofi_theme_parse_media_type ( $4 ); wid->media->boolv = $6; for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < $9->num_widgets; i++ ) { ThemeWidget *d = $9->widgets[i]; rofi_theme_parse_merge_widgets(wid, d); } g_free ( $4 ); g_free ( name ); } | t_entry_list T_MEDIA T_PARENT_LEFT T_MEDIA_TYPE T_PSEP T_ENV_START T_PARENT_LEFT T_BOOLEAN T_COMMA T_BOOLEAN T_PARENT_RIGHT T_PARENT_RIGHT T_BOPEN t_entry_list T_BCLOSE { gchar *name = g_strdup_printf("@media ( %s: %s )",$4, $8?"true":"false"); ThemeWidget *wid = rofi_theme_find_or_create_name ( $1, name ); wid->set = TRUE; wid->media = g_slice_new0(ThemeMedia); wid->media->type = rofi_theme_parse_media_type ( $4 ); wid->media->boolv = $8; for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < $14->num_widgets; i++ ) { ThemeWidget *d = $14->widgets[i]; rofi_theme_parse_merge_widgets(wid, d); } g_free ( $4 ); g_free ( name ); } | t_entry_list T_MEDIA T_PARENT_LEFT T_MEDIA_TYPE T_PSEP T_ENV_START T_PARENT_LEFT T_COMMA T_BOOLEAN T_PARENT_RIGHT T_PARENT_RIGHT T_BOPEN t_entry_list T_BCLOSE { gchar *name = g_strdup_printf("@media ( %s: %s )",$4, $9?"true":"false"); ThemeWidget *wid = rofi_theme_find_or_create_name ( $1, name ); wid->set = TRUE; wid->media = g_slice_new0(ThemeMedia); wid->media->type = rofi_theme_parse_media_type ( $4 ); wid->media->boolv = $9; for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < $13->num_widgets; i++ ) { ThemeWidget *d = $13->widgets[i]; rofi_theme_parse_merge_widgets(wid, d); } g_free ( $4 ); g_free ( name ); } ; t_config_property_list_optional : %empty {} | t_config_property_list ; t_config_property_list : t_config_property { } | t_config_property_list t_config_property { }; t_config_property : t_property { char *error = NULL; if ( config_parse_set_property ( $1, &error ) ) { // TODO Generate error. #ifdef FATAL_CONFIG_ERROR yyerror ( &(@$), @$.filename, error ); #else g_warning("%s:%d:%d: %s\n", @$.filename, @$.first_line, @$.first_column, error); GString *str = g_string_new(""); g_string_append_printf(str,"%s:%d:%d: %s\n", @$.filename, @$.first_line, @$.first_column, error); rofi_add_error_message(str); #endif g_free(error); } // We don't keep any reference to this after this point, so the property can be free'ed. rofi_theme_property_free ( $1 ); } | t_property_name_list T_BOPEN t_property_list_optional T_BCLOSE { for ( GList *iter = g_list_first( $1) ; iter; iter = g_list_next(iter)){ ThemeWidget *wid = rofi_configuration; wid = rofi_theme_find_or_create_name ( wid, iter->data ); wid->set = TRUE; rofi_theme_widget_add_properties ( wid, $3); } if ( $3 ) { g_hash_table_destroy ( $3 ); } g_list_free_full ( $1, g_free ); } ; /** * properties */ t_property_list_optional : %empty { $$ = NULL; } | t_property_list { $$ = $1; } ; t_property_list: t_property { $$ = g_hash_table_new_full ( g_str_hash, g_str_equal, NULL, (GDestroyNotify)rofi_theme_property_free ); g_hash_table_replace ( $$, $1->name, $1 ); } | t_property_list t_property { // Old will be free'ed, and key/value will be replaced. g_hash_table_replace ( $$, $2->name, $2 ); } ; t_property : t_property_name T_PSEP t_property_element T_PCLOSE { $$ = $3; $$->name = $1; } | t_property_name T_PSEP T_VAR_START T_PARENT_LEFT T_ELEMENT T_PARENT_RIGHT T_PCLOSE{ $$ = rofi_theme_property_create ( P_LINK ); $$->name = $1; $$->value.link.name = $5; } | t_property_name T_PSEP T_VAR_START T_PARENT_LEFT T_ELEMENT T_COMMA t_property_element T_PARENT_RIGHT T_PCLOSE{ $$ = rofi_theme_property_create ( P_LINK ); $$->name = $1; $$->value.link.name = $5; $$->value.link.def_value = $7; } | t_property_name T_PSEP T_ENV_START T_PARENT_LEFT T_COMMA t_property_element T_PARENT_RIGHT T_PCLOSE { $$ = $6; $$->name = $1; } | t_property_name T_PSEP T_ENV_START T_PARENT_LEFT t_property_element T_COMMA t_property_element T_PARENT_RIGHT T_PCLOSE { $$ = $5; $$->name = $1; } t_property_element : T_INHERIT { $$ = rofi_theme_property_create ( P_INHERIT ); } | T_INT { $$ = rofi_theme_property_create ( P_INTEGER ); $$->value.i = $1; } | T_DOUBLE { $$ = rofi_theme_property_create ( P_DOUBLE ); $$->value.f = $1; } | T_MIN T_INT { $$ = rofi_theme_property_create ( P_INTEGER ); $$->value.i = -$2; } | T_MIN T_DOUBLE { $$ = rofi_theme_property_create ( P_DOUBLE ); $$->value.f = -$2; } | T_STRING { $$ = rofi_theme_property_create ( P_STRING ); $$->value.s = $1; } | T_LINK { $$ = rofi_theme_property_create ( P_LINK ); $$->value.link.name = $1; } | T_BOOLEAN { $$ = rofi_theme_property_create ( P_BOOLEAN ); $$->value.b = $1; } | t_property_distance { $$ = rofi_theme_property_create ( P_PADDING ); $$->value.padding = (RofiPadding){ $1, rofi_theme_property_copy_distance($1), rofi_theme_property_copy_distance($1), rofi_theme_property_copy_distance($1) }; } | t_property_distance_zero t_property_distance_zero { $$ = rofi_theme_property_create ( P_PADDING ); $$->value.padding = (RofiPadding){ $1, $2, rofi_theme_property_copy_distance($1), rofi_theme_property_copy_distance($2) }; } | t_property_distance_zero t_property_distance_zero t_property_distance_zero { $$ = rofi_theme_property_create ( P_PADDING ); $$->value.padding = (RofiPadding){ $1, $2, $3, rofi_theme_property_copy_distance($2) }; } | t_property_distance_zero t_property_distance_zero t_property_distance_zero t_property_distance_zero { $$ = rofi_theme_property_create ( P_PADDING ); $$->value.padding = (RofiPadding){ $1, $2, $3, $4 }; } | t_property_position { $$ = rofi_theme_property_create ( P_POSITION ); $$->value.i = $1; } | t_property_highlight_styles t_property_color { $$ = rofi_theme_property_create ( P_HIGHLIGHT ); $$->value.highlight.style = $1|ROFI_HL_COLOR; $$->value.highlight.color = $2; } | t_property_highlight_styles { $$ = rofi_theme_property_create ( P_HIGHLIGHT ); $$->value.highlight.style = $1; } | t_property_color { $$ = rofi_theme_property_create ( P_COLOR ); $$->value.color = $1; } | T_LIST_OPEN t_property_element_list_optional T_LIST_CLOSE { $$ = rofi_theme_property_create ( P_LIST ); $$->value.list = $2; } | t_property_orientation { $$ = rofi_theme_property_create ( P_ORIENTATION ); $$->value.i = $1; } | t_property_cursor { $$ = rofi_theme_property_create ( P_CURSOR ); $$->value.i = $1; } | T_URL T_PARENT_LEFT T_STRING T_PARENT_RIGHT { $$ = rofi_theme_property_create ( P_IMAGE ); $$->value.image.type = ROFI_IMAGE_URL; $$->value.image.url = $3; } | T_URL T_PARENT_LEFT T_STRING T_COMMA t_property_scale_type T_PARENT_RIGHT { $$ = rofi_theme_property_create ( P_IMAGE ); $$->value.image.type = ROFI_IMAGE_URL; $$->value.image.url = $3; $$->value.image.scaling = $5; } | T_LINEAR_GRADIENT T_PARENT_LEFT t_color_list T_PARENT_RIGHT { $$ = rofi_theme_property_create ( P_IMAGE ); $$->value.image.type = ROFI_IMAGE_LINEAR_GRADIENT; $$->value.image.dir = ROFI_DIRECTION_RIGHT; $$->value.image.colors = $3; } | T_LINEAR_GRADIENT T_PARENT_LEFT T_TO t_property_direction T_COMMA t_color_list T_PARENT_RIGHT { $$ = rofi_theme_property_create ( P_IMAGE ); $$->value.image.type = ROFI_IMAGE_LINEAR_GRADIENT; $$->value.image.dir = $4; $$->value.image.colors = $6; } | T_LINEAR_GRADIENT T_PARENT_LEFT t_property_color_value_angle T_COMMA t_color_list T_PARENT_RIGHT { $$ = rofi_theme_property_create ( P_IMAGE ); $$->value.image.type = ROFI_IMAGE_LINEAR_GRADIENT; $$->value.image.dir = ROFI_DIRECTION_ANGLE; $$->value.image.angle = $3; $$->value.image.colors = $5; } ; t_property_direction : T_RIGHT { $$ = ROFI_DIRECTION_RIGHT; } | T_LEFT { $$ = ROFI_DIRECTION_LEFT; } | T_TOP { $$ = ROFI_DIRECTION_TOP; } | T_BOTTOM { $$ = ROFI_DIRECTION_BOTTOM; } ; t_property_scale_type : T_BOTH { $$ = ROFI_SCALE_BOTH; } | T_WIDTH { $$ = ROFI_SCALE_WIDTH; } | T_HEIGHT { $$ = ROFI_SCALE_HEIGHT; } | T_NONE { $$ = ROFI_SCALE_NONE; } ; t_color_list : t_property_color { $$ = g_list_append ( NULL, g_memdup2 ( (gconstpointer)&($1), sizeof ( ThemeColor ))); } | t_color_list T_COMMA t_property_color { $$ = g_list_append ($1, g_memdup2 ( (gconstpointer)&($3), sizeof ( ThemeColor ))); } ; /** List of elements */ t_property_element_list_optional : %empty { $$ = NULL; } | t_property_element_list { $$ = $1; } ; t_property_element_list : t_property_element { $$ = g_list_append ( NULL, $1); } | T_ELEMENT { Property *p = rofi_theme_property_create ( P_STRING ); p->value.s = $1; $$ = g_list_append ( NULL, p); } | T_CALC { Property *p = rofi_theme_property_create ( P_STRING ); p->value.s = g_strdup("calc"); $$ = g_list_append ( NULL, p); } | t_property_element_list T_COMMA t_property_element { $$ = g_list_append ( $1, $3 ); } | t_property_element_list T_COMMA T_ELEMENT { Property *p = rofi_theme_property_create ( P_STRING ); p->value.s = $3; $$ = g_list_append ( $1, p); } | t_property_element_list T_COMMA T_CALC { Property *p = rofi_theme_property_create ( P_STRING ); p->value.s = g_strdup("calc"); $$ = g_list_append ( $1, p); } ; /** * Position can be either center, * East or West, North Or South * Or combi of East or West and North or South */ t_property_position : T_POS_CENTER { $$ =WL_CENTER;} | t_property_position_ew | t_property_position_sn | t_property_position_ew t_property_position_sn { $$ = $1|$2;} | t_property_position_sn t_property_position_ew { $$ = $1|$2;} ; t_property_position_ew : T_POS_EAST { $$ = WL_EAST;} | T_POS_WEST { $$ = WL_WEST;} ; t_property_position_sn : T_POS_NORTH { $$ = WL_NORTH;} | T_POS_SOUTH { $$ = WL_SOUTH;} ; /** * Highlight style, allow mulitple styles to be combined. * Empty not allowed */ t_property_highlight_styles : t_property_highlight_style { $$ = $1;} | t_property_highlight_styles t_property_highlight_style { $$ = $1|$2;} ; /** Single style. */ t_property_highlight_style : T_NONE { $$ = ROFI_HL_NONE; } | T_BOLD { $$ = ROFI_HL_BOLD; } | T_UNDERLINE { $$ = ROFI_HL_UNDERLINE; } | T_STRIKETHROUGH { $$ = ROFI_HL_STRIKETHROUGH; } | T_ITALIC { $$ = ROFI_HL_ITALIC; } | T_UPPERCASE { $$ = ROFI_HL_UPPERCASE; } | T_LOWERCASE { $$ = ROFI_HL_LOWERCASE; } | T_CAPITALIZE { $$ = ROFI_HL_CAPITALIZE; } ; t_property_distance_zero : t_property_number t_property_line_style { $$.base.distance = $1; $$.base.type = ROFI_PU_PX; $$.base.left = NULL; $$.base.right = NULL; $$.base.modtype = ROFI_DISTANCE_MODIFIER_NONE; $$.style = $2; } | t_property_distance { $$ = $1;} ; /** Distance. */ t_property_distance_unit : t_property_number t_property_unit { $$ = g_slice_new0(RofiDistanceUnit); $$->distance = (double)$1; $$->type = $2; $$->left = NULL; $$->right = NULL; $$->modtype = ROFI_DISTANCE_MODIFIER_NONE; } | t_property_number { $$ = g_slice_new0(RofiDistanceUnit); $$->distance = (double)$1; $$->type = ROFI_PU_PX; $$->left = NULL; $$->right = NULL; $$->modtype = ROFI_DISTANCE_MODIFIER_NONE; } | T_PARENT_LEFT t_property_distance_unit_math3 T_PARENT_RIGHT { $$ = g_slice_new0(RofiDistanceUnit); $$->distance = 0; $$->type = ROFI_PU_PX; $$->left = $2; $$->right = 0; $$->modtype = ROFI_DISTANCE_MODIFIER_GROUP; }; /** * Multiply/divide with auto-grouping. */ t_property_distance_unit_math : t_property_distance_unit_math T_MODIFIER_MULTIPLY t_property_distance_unit { $$ = g_slice_new0(RofiDistanceUnit); $$->left = $1; $$->right = $3; $$->modtype = ROFI_DISTANCE_MODIFIER_MULTIPLY; } | t_property_distance_unit_math T_FORWARD_SLASH t_property_distance_unit { $$ = g_slice_new0(RofiDistanceUnit); $$->left = $1; $$->right = $3; $$->modtype = ROFI_DISTANCE_MODIFIER_DIVIDE; } | t_property_distance_unit_math T_MODIFIER_MODULO t_property_distance_unit { $$ = g_slice_new0(RofiDistanceUnit); $$->left = $1; $$->right = $3; $$->modtype = ROFI_DISTANCE_MODIFIER_MODULO; } | t_property_distance_unit { $$ = $1; }; /** Level 2 (+-)*/ t_property_distance_unit_math2 : t_property_distance_unit_math2 T_MODIFIER_ADD t_property_distance_unit_math { $$ = g_slice_new0(RofiDistanceUnit); $$->left = $1; $$->right = $3; $$->modtype = ROFI_DISTANCE_MODIFIER_ADD; } | t_property_distance_unit_math2 T_MIN t_property_distance_unit_math { $$ = g_slice_new0(RofiDistanceUnit); $$->left = $1; $$->right = $3; $$->modtype = ROFI_DISTANCE_MODIFIER_SUBTRACT; } | t_property_distance_unit_math { $$ = $1; }; /** Level 3 (min max)*/ t_property_distance_unit_math3 : t_property_distance_unit_math3 T_MODIFIER_MIN t_property_distance_unit_math2 { $$ = g_slice_new0(RofiDistanceUnit); $$->left = $1; $$->right = $3; $$->modtype = ROFI_DISTANCE_MODIFIER_MIN; } | t_property_distance_unit_math3 T_MODIFIER_MAX t_property_distance_unit_math2 { $$ = g_slice_new0(RofiDistanceUnit); $$->left = $1; $$->right = $3; $$->modtype = ROFI_DISTANCE_MODIFIER_MAX; } | t_property_distance_unit_math3 T_MODIFIER_ROUND t_property_distance_unit_math2 { $$ = g_slice_new0(RofiDistanceUnit); $$->left = $1; $$->right = $3; $$->modtype = ROFI_DISTANCE_MODIFIER_ROUND; } | t_property_distance_unit_math3 T_MODIFIER_FLOOR t_property_distance_unit_math2 { $$ = g_slice_new0(RofiDistanceUnit); $$->left = $1; $$->right = $3; $$->modtype = ROFI_DISTANCE_MODIFIER_FLOOR; } | t_property_distance_unit_math3 T_MODIFIER_CEIL t_property_distance_unit_math2 { $$ = g_slice_new0(RofiDistanceUnit); $$->left = $1; $$->right = $3; $$->modtype = ROFI_DISTANCE_MODIFIER_CEIL; } | t_property_distance_unit_math2 { $$ = $1; }; t_property_distance /** Integer unit and line style */ : t_property_number t_property_unit t_property_line_style { $$.base.distance = $1; $$.base.type = $2; $$.base.left = NULL; $$.base.right = NULL; $$.base.modtype = ROFI_DISTANCE_MODIFIER_NONE; $$.style = $3; } | T_CALC T_PARENT_LEFT t_property_distance_unit_math3 T_PARENT_RIGHT t_property_line_style { $$.base.distance = 0; $$.base.type = ROFI_PU_PX; $$.base.left = $3; $$.base.right = NULL; $$.base.modtype = ROFI_DISTANCE_MODIFIER_GROUP; $$.style = $5; }; t_property_number : T_INT { $$ = (double) $1; } | T_DOUBLE { $$ = $1; } | T_MIN t_property_number { $$ = -(double)$2; } /** distance unit. px, em, % */ t_property_unit : T_UNIT_PX { $$ = ROFI_PU_PX; } | T_UNIT_MM { $$ = ROFI_PU_MM; } | T_UNIT_EM { $$ = ROFI_PU_EM; } | T_UNIT_CH { $$ = ROFI_PU_CH; } | T_PERCENT { $$ = ROFI_PU_PERCENT; } ; /****** * Line style * If not set, solid. */ t_property_line_style : %empty { $$ = ROFI_HL_SOLID; } | T_SOLID { $$ = ROFI_HL_SOLID; } | T_DASH { $$ = ROFI_HL_DASH; } ; /** * Color formats */ t_property_color /** rgba ( 0-255 , 0-255, 0-255, 0-1.0 ) */ : T_COL_RGBA T_PARENT_LEFT T_INT T_COMMA T_INT T_COMMA T_INT t_property_color_opt_alpha_c T_PARENT_RIGHT { if ( ! check_in_range($3,0,255, &(@$)) ) { YYABORT; } if ( ! check_in_range($5,0,255, &(@$)) ) { YYABORT; } if ( ! check_in_range($7,0,255, &(@$)) ) { YYABORT; } $$.alpha = $8; $$.red = $3/255.0; $$.green = $5/255.0; $$.blue = $7/255.0; } /** rgba ( 0-255 0-255 0-255 / 0-1.0 ) */ | T_COL_RGBA T_PARENT_LEFT T_INT T_INT T_INT t_property_color_opt_alpha_ws T_PARENT_RIGHT { if ( ! check_in_range($3,0,255, &(@$)) ) { YYABORT; } if ( ! check_in_range($4,0,255, &(@$)) ) { YYABORT; } if ( ! check_in_range($5,0,255, &(@$)) ) { YYABORT; } $$.alpha = $6; $$.red = $3/255.0; $$.green = $4/255.0; $$.blue = $5/255.0; } /** rgba ( 0-100% , 0-100%, 0-100%, 0-1.0 ) */ | T_COL_RGBA T_PARENT_LEFT t_property_color_value T_PERCENT T_COMMA t_property_color_value T_PERCENT T_COMMA t_property_color_value T_PERCENT t_property_color_opt_alpha_c T_PARENT_RIGHT { if ( ! check_in_range($3,0,100, &(@$)) ) { YYABORT; } if ( ! check_in_range($6,0,100, &(@$)) ) { YYABORT; } if ( ! check_in_range($9,0,100, &(@$)) ) { YYABORT; } $$.alpha = $11; $$.red = $3/100.0; $$.green = $6/100.0; $$.blue = $9/100.0; } /** rgba ( 0-100% 0-100% 0-100% / 0-1.0 ) */ | T_COL_RGBA T_PARENT_LEFT t_property_color_value T_PERCENT t_property_color_value T_PERCENT t_property_color_value T_PERCENT t_property_color_opt_alpha_ws T_PARENT_RIGHT { if ( ! check_in_range($3,0,100, &(@$)) ) { YYABORT; } if ( ! check_in_range($5,0,100, &(@$)) ) { YYABORT; } if ( ! check_in_range($7,0,100, &(@$)) ) { YYABORT; } $$.alpha = $9; $$.red = $3/100.0; $$.green = $5/100.0; $$.blue = $7/100.0; } /** hwb with comma */ | T_COL_HWB T_PARENT_LEFT t_property_color_value_angle T_COMMA t_property_color_value_unit T_COMMA t_property_color_value_unit t_property_color_opt_alpha_c T_PARENT_RIGHT { double h = $3, w = $5, b = $7; $$ = hwb_to_rgb ( h, w, b ); $$.alpha = $8; } /** hwb whitespace */ | T_COL_HWB T_PARENT_LEFT t_property_color_value_angle t_property_color_value_unit t_property_color_value_unit t_property_color_opt_alpha_ws T_PARENT_RIGHT { double h = $3, w = $4, b = $5; $$ = hwb_to_rgb ( h, w, b ); $$.alpha = $6; } /** cmyk with comma */ | T_COL_CMYK T_PARENT_LEFT t_property_color_value_unit T_COMMA t_property_color_value_unit T_COMMA t_property_color_value_unit T_COMMA t_property_color_value_unit t_property_color_opt_alpha_c T_PARENT_RIGHT { $$.alpha = $10; double c = $3, m = $5, y = $7, k = $9; $$.red = (1.0-c)*(1.0-k); $$.green = (1.0-m)*(1.0-k); $$.blue = (1.0-y)*(1.0-k); } /** cmyk whitespace edition. */ | T_COL_CMYK T_PARENT_LEFT t_property_color_value_unit t_property_color_value_unit t_property_color_value_unit t_property_color_value_unit t_property_color_opt_alpha_ws T_PARENT_RIGHT { $$.alpha = $7; double c = $3, m = $4, y = $5, k = $6; $$.red = (1.0-c)*(1.0-k); $$.green = (1.0-m)*(1.0-k); $$.blue = (1.0-y)*(1.0-k); } /** hsl ( 0-360 0-100 % 0 - 100 % / alpha) */ | T_COL_HSL T_PARENT_LEFT t_property_color_value_angle t_property_color_value_unit t_property_color_value_unit t_property_color_opt_alpha_ws T_PARENT_RIGHT { double h = $3, s = $4, l = $5; $$ = hsl_to_rgb ( h, s, l ); $$.alpha = $6; } /** hsl ( 0-360 , 0-100 %, 0 - 100 %) */ | T_COL_HSL T_PARENT_LEFT t_property_color_value_angle T_COMMA t_property_color_value_unit T_COMMA t_property_color_value_unit t_property_color_opt_alpha_c T_PARENT_RIGHT { double h = $3, s = $5, l = $7; $$ = hsl_to_rgb ( h, s, l ); $$.alpha = $8; } /** Hex colors parsed by lexer. */ | T_COLOR { $$ = $1; } | T_COLOR_TRANSPARENT { $$.alpha = 0.0; $$.red = $$.green = $$.blue = 0.0; } | T_COLOR_NAME t_property_color_opt_alpha_ws { $$ = $1; $$.alpha = $2; } ; t_property_color_opt_alpha_c : %empty { $$ = 1.0; } | T_COMMA t_property_color_value_unit { $$ = $2;} ; t_property_color_opt_alpha_ws : %empty { $$ = 1.0; } | T_FORWARD_SLASH t_property_color_value_unit { $$ = $2;} ; t_property_color_value_angle : t_property_color_value { $$ = $1/360.0; if ( ! check_in_range ( $1, 0, 360, &(@$))){YYABORT;}} | t_property_color_value T_ANGLE_DEG { $$ = $1/360.0; if ( ! check_in_range ( $1, 0, 360, &(@$))){YYABORT;}} | t_property_color_value T_ANGLE_RAD { $$ = $1/(2*G_PI); if ( ! check_in_range ( $1, 0.0, (2*G_PI), &(@$))){YYABORT;}} | t_property_color_value T_ANGLE_GRAD { $$ = $1/400.0; if ( ! check_in_range ( $1, 0, 400, &(@$))){YYABORT;}} | t_property_color_value T_ANGLE_TURN { $$ = $1; if ( ! check_in_range ( $1, 0.0, 1.0, &(@$))){YYABORT;}} ; t_property_color_value_unit : t_property_color_value T_PERCENT { $$ = $1/100.0; if ( !check_in_range ( $1, 0, 100, &(@$))){YYABORT;}} | t_property_color_value { $$ = $1; if ( !check_in_range ( $1, 0.0, 1.0, &(@$))){YYABORT;}} ; /** Color value to be double or integer. */ t_property_color_value : T_DOUBLE { $$ = $1; } | T_INT { $$ = $1; } ; t_property_orientation : ORIENTATION_HORI { $$ = ROFI_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL; } | ORIENTATION_VERT { $$ = ROFI_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL; } ; t_property_cursor : CURSOR_DEF { $$ = ROFI_CURSOR_DEFAULT; } | CURSOR_PTR { $$ = ROFI_CURSOR_POINTER; } | CURSOR_TXT { $$ = ROFI_CURSOR_TEXT; } ; /** Property name */ t_property_name : T_PROP_NAME { $$ = $1; } ; t_entry_name_path_selectors: t_entry_name_path { $$ = g_list_append ( NULL, $1 ); } | t_entry_name_path_selectors T_SSEP t_entry_name_path { $$ = g_list_append ( $1, $3); } | t_entry_name_path_selectors T_SSEP { $$ = $1; } ; t_entry_name_path: T_NAME_ELEMENT { $$ = g_list_append ( NULL, $1 );} | t_entry_name_path T_NSEP T_NAME_ELEMENT { $$ = g_list_append ( $1, $3);} | t_entry_name_path T_NSEP { $$ = $1; } ; t_property_name_list: t_property_name { $$ = g_list_append ( NULL, $1 );} | t_property_name_list T_SSEP t_property_name { $$ = g_list_append ( $1, $3);} ; %%