 * @param data Pointer to #Mode object.
 * Mode free function.
typedef void ( *_mode_free )( Mode *data );

 * @param sw The #Mode pointer
 * @param selected_line The selected line
 * @param state The state to display [out]
 * @param get_entry if it should only return the state
 * Get the value for displaying.
 * @return the string and state for displaying.
typedef char * ( *_mode_get_display_value )( const Mode *sw, unsigned int selected_line, int *state, int get_entry );

 * @param sw The #Mode pointer
 * @param selected_line The selected line
 * Obtains the string to complete.
 * @return Get the completion string
typedef char * ( *_mode_get_completion )( const Mode *sw, unsigned int selected_line );

 * @param tokens  List of (input) tokens to match.
 * @param input   The entry to match against.
 * @param case_sensitive Whether case is significant.
 * @param index   The current selected index.
 * @param data    User data.
 * Function prototype for the matching algorithm.
 * @returns 1 when it matches, 0 if not.
typedef int ( *_mode_token_match )( const Mode *data, GRegex **tokens, unsigned int index );

 * @param sw The #Mode pointer
 * Initialize the mode.
 * @returns TRUE is successfull
typedef int ( *__mode_init )( Mode *sw );

 * @param sw The #Mode pointer
 * Get the number of entries.
 * @returns the number of entries
typedef unsigned int ( *__mode_get_num_entries )( const Mode *sw );

 * @param sw The #Mode pointer
 * Destroy the current mode. Still ready to restart.
typedef void ( *__mode_destroy )( Mode *sw );

 * @param sw The #Mode pointer
 * @param menu_retv The return value
 * @param input The input string
 * @param selected_line The selected line
 * Handle the user accepting an entry.
 * @returns the next action to take
typedef ModeMode ( *_mode_result )( Mode *sw, int menu_retv, char **input, unsigned int selected_line );

 * @param sw The #Mode pointer
 * @param input The input string
 * Preprocess the input for sorting.
 * @returns Entry stripped from markup for sorting
typedef char* ( *_mode_preprocess_input )( Mode *sw, const char *input );

 * Structure defining a switcher.
 * It consists of a name, callback and if enabled
 * a textbox for the sidebar-mode.
struct rofi_mode
    /** Name (max 31 char long) */
    char name[32];
    char cfg_name_key[128];
    char *display_name;

     * A switcher normally consists of the following parts:
    /** Initialize the Mode */
    __mode_init             _init;
    /** Destroy the switcher, e.g. free all its memory. */
    __mode_destroy          _destroy;
    /** Get number of entries to display. (unfiltered). */
    __mode_get_num_entries  _get_num_entries;
    /** Process the result of the user selection. */
    _mode_result            _result;
    /** Token match. */
    _mode_token_match       _token_match;
    /** Get the string to display for the entry. */
    _mode_get_display_value _get_display_value;
    /** Get the 'completed' entry. */
    _mode_get_completion    _get_completion;

    _mode_preprocess_input  _preprocess_input;

    /** Pointer to private data. */
    void                    *private_data;

     * Free SWitcher
     * Only to be used when the switcher object itself is dynamic.
     * And has data in `ed`
    _mode_free free;
    /** Extra fields for script */
    void       *ed;