/* * rofi * * MIT/X11 License * Copyright © 2013-2017 Qball Cow <qball@gmpclient.org> * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, * distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to * the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be * included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS * OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY * CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, * TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE * SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. * */ #include <config.h> #include <string.h> #include "rofi.h" #include "nkutils-bindings.h" #include "xrmoptions.h" typedef struct { guint id; guint scope; char *name; char *binding; char *comment; } ActionBindingEntry; /** * Data structure holding all the action keybinding. */ ActionBindingEntry rofi_bindings[] = { { .id = PASTE_PRIMARY, .name = "kb-primary-paste", .binding = "Control+V,Shift+Insert", .comment = "Paste primary selection" }, { .id = PASTE_SECONDARY, .name = "kb-secondary-paste", .binding = "Control+v,Insert", .comment = "Paste clipboard" }, { .id = CLEAR_LINE, .name = "kb-clear-line", .binding = "Control+w", .comment = "Clear input line" }, { .id = MOVE_FRONT, .name = "kb-move-front", .binding = "Control+a", .comment = "Beginning of line" }, { .id = MOVE_END, .name = "kb-move-end", .binding = "Control+e", .comment = "End of line" }, { .id = MOVE_WORD_BACK, .name = "kb-move-word-back", .binding = "Alt+b", .comment = "Move back one word" }, { .id = MOVE_WORD_FORWARD, .name = "kb-move-word-forward", .binding = "Alt+f", .comment = "Move forward one word" }, { .id = MOVE_CHAR_BACK, .name = "kb-move-char-back", .binding = "Left,Control+b", .comment = "Move back one char" }, { .id = MOVE_CHAR_FORWARD, .name = "kb-move-char-forward", .binding = "Right,Control+f", .comment = "Move forward one char" }, { .id = REMOVE_WORD_BACK, .name = "kb-remove-word-back", .binding = "Control+Alt+h,Control+BackSpace", .comment = "Delete previous word" }, { .id = REMOVE_WORD_FORWARD, .name = "kb-remove-word-forward", .binding = "Control+Alt+d", .comment = "Delete next word" }, { .id = REMOVE_CHAR_FORWARD, .name = "kb-remove-char-forward", .binding = "Delete,Control+d", .comment = "Delete next char" }, { .id = REMOVE_CHAR_BACK, .name = "kb-remove-char-back", .binding = "BackSpace,Control+h", .comment = "Delete previous char" }, { .id = REMOVE_TO_EOL, .name = "kb-remove-to-eol", .binding = "Control+k", .comment = "Delete till the end of line" }, { .id = REMOVE_TO_SOL, .name = "kb-remove-to-sol", .binding = "Control+u", .comment = "Delete till the start of line" }, { .id = ACCEPT_ENTRY, .name = "kb-accept-entry", .binding = "Control+j,Control+m,Return,KP_Enter", .comment = "Accept entry" }, { .id = ACCEPT_CUSTOM, .name = "kb-accept-custom", .binding = "Control+Return", .comment = "Use entered text as command (in ssh/run modi)" }, { .id = ACCEPT_ALT, .name = "kb-accept-alt", .binding = "Shift+Return", .comment = "Use alternate accept command." }, { .id = DELETE_ENTRY, .name = "kb-delete-entry", .binding = "Shift+Delete", .comment = "Delete entry from history" }, { .id = MODE_NEXT, .name = "kb-mode-next", .binding = "Shift+Right,Control+Tab", .comment = "Switch to the next mode." }, { .id = MODE_PREVIOUS, .name = "kb-mode-previous", .binding = "Shift+Left,Control+ISO_Left_Tab", .comment = "Switch to the previous mode." }, { .id = ROW_LEFT, .name = "kb-row-left", .binding = "Control+Page_Up", .comment = "Go to the previous column" }, { .id = ROW_RIGHT, .name = "kb-row-right", .binding = "Control+Page_Down", .comment = "Go to the next column" }, { .id = ROW_UP, .name = "kb-row-up", .binding = "Up,Control+p,ISO_Left_Tab", .comment = "Select previous entry" }, { .id = ROW_DOWN, .name = "kb-row-down", .binding = "Down,Control+n", .comment = "Select next entry" }, { .id = ROW_TAB, .name = "kb-row-tab", .binding = "Tab", .comment = "Go to next row, if one left, accept it, if no left next mode." }, { .id = PAGE_PREV, .name = "kb-page-prev", .binding = "Page_Up", .comment = "Go to the previous page" }, { .id = PAGE_NEXT, .name = "kb-page-next", .binding = "Page_Down", .comment = "Go to the next page" }, { .id = ROW_FIRST, .name = "kb-row-first", .binding = "Home,KP_Home", .comment = "Go to the first entry" }, { .id = ROW_LAST, .name = "kb-row-last", .binding = "End,KP_End", .comment = "Go to the last entry" }, { .id = ROW_SELECT, .name = "kb-row-select", .binding = "Control+space", .comment = "Set selected item as input text" }, { .id = SCREENSHOT, .name = "kb-screenshot", .binding = "Alt+S", .comment = "Take a screenshot of the rofi window" }, { .id = TOGGLE_CASE_SENSITIVITY, .name = "kb-toggle-case-sensitivity", .binding = "grave,dead_grave", .comment = "Toggle case sensitivity" }, { .id = TOGGLE_SORT, .name = "kb-toggle-sort", .binding = "Alt+grave", .comment = "Toggle sort" }, { .id = CANCEL, .name = "kb-cancel", .binding = "Escape,Control+g,Control+bracketleft", .comment = "Quit rofi" }, { .id = CUSTOM_1, .name = "kb-custom-1", .binding = "Alt+1", .comment = "Custom keybinding 1" }, { .id = CUSTOM_2, .name = "kb-custom-2", .binding = "Alt+2", .comment = "Custom keybinding 2" }, { .id = CUSTOM_3, .name = "kb-custom-3", .binding = "Alt+3", .comment = "Custom keybinding 3" }, { .id = CUSTOM_4, .name = "kb-custom-4", .binding = "Alt+4", .comment = "Custom keybinding 4" }, { .id = CUSTOM_5, .name = "kb-custom-5", .binding = "Alt+5", .comment = "Custom Keybinding 5" }, { .id = CUSTOM_6, .name = "kb-custom-6", .binding = "Alt+6", .comment = "Custom keybinding 6" }, { .id = CUSTOM_7, .name = "kb-custom-7", .binding = "Alt+7", .comment = "Custom Keybinding 7" }, { .id = CUSTOM_8, .name = "kb-custom-8", .binding = "Alt+8", .comment = "Custom keybinding 8" }, { .id = CUSTOM_9, .name = "kb-custom-9", .binding = "Alt+9", .comment = "Custom keybinding 9" }, { .id = CUSTOM_10, .name = "kb-custom-10", .binding = "Alt+0", .comment = "Custom keybinding 10" }, { .id = CUSTOM_11, .name = "kb-custom-11", .binding = "Alt+exclam", .comment = "Custom keybinding 11" }, { .id = CUSTOM_12, .name = "kb-custom-12", .binding = "Alt+at", .comment = "Custom keybinding 12" }, { .id = CUSTOM_13, .name = "kb-custom-13", .binding = "Alt+numbersign", .comment = "Csutom keybinding 13" }, { .id = CUSTOM_14, .name = "kb-custom-14", .binding = "Alt+dollar", .comment = "Custom keybinding 14" }, { .id = CUSTOM_15, .name = "kb-custom-15", .binding = "Alt+percent", .comment = "Custom keybinding 15" }, { .id = CUSTOM_16, .name = "kb-custom-16", .binding = "Alt+dead_circumflex", .comment = "Custom keybinding 16" }, { .id = CUSTOM_17, .name = "kb-custom-17", .binding = "Alt+ampersand", .comment = "Custom keybinding 17" }, { .id = CUSTOM_18, .name = "kb-custom-18", .binding = "Alt+asterisk", .comment = "Custom keybinding 18" }, { .id = CUSTOM_19, .name = "kb-custom-19", .binding = "Alt+parenleft", .comment = "Custom Keybinding 19" }, { .id = SELECT_ELEMENT_1, .name = "kb-select-1", .binding = "Super+1", .comment = "Select row 1" }, { .id = SELECT_ELEMENT_2, .name = "kb-select-2", .binding = "Super+2", .comment = "Select row 2" }, { .id = SELECT_ELEMENT_3, .name = "kb-select-3", .binding = "Super+3", .comment = "Select row 3" }, { .id = SELECT_ELEMENT_4, .name = "kb-select-4", .binding = "Super+4", .comment = "Select row 4" }, { .id = SELECT_ELEMENT_5, .name = "kb-select-5", .binding = "Super+5", .comment = "Select row 5" }, { .id = SELECT_ELEMENT_6, .name = "kb-select-6", .binding = "Super+6", .comment = "Select row 6" }, { .id = SELECT_ELEMENT_7, .name = "kb-select-7", .binding = "Super+7", .comment = "Select row 7" }, { .id = SELECT_ELEMENT_8, .name = "kb-select-8", .binding = "Super+8", .comment = "Select row 8" }, { .id = SELECT_ELEMENT_9, .name = "kb-select-9", .binding = "Super+9", .comment = "Select row 9" }, { .id = SELECT_ELEMENT_10, .name = "kb-select-10", .binding = "Super+0", .comment = "Select row 10" }, /* Mouse-aware bindings */ { .id = SCROLL_LEFT, .scope = SCOPE_MOUSE_LISTVIEW, .name = "ml-row-left", .binding = "Mouse6", .comment = "Go to the previous column" }, { .id = SCROLL_RIGHT, .scope = SCOPE_MOUSE_LISTVIEW, .name = "ml-row-right", .binding = "Mouse7", .comment = "Go to the next column" }, { .id = SCROLL_UP, .scope = SCOPE_MOUSE_LISTVIEW, .name = "ml-row-up", .binding = "Mouse4", .comment = "Select previous entry" }, { .id = SCROLL_DOWN, .scope = SCOPE_MOUSE_LISTVIEW, .name = "ml-row-down", .binding = "Mouse5", .comment = "Select next entry" }, { .id = SELECT_HOVERED_ENTRY, .scope = SCOPE_MOUSE_LISTVIEW_ELEMENT, .name = "me-select-entry", .binding = "Mouse1", .comment = "Select hovered row" }, { .id = ACCEPT_HOVERED_ENTRY, .scope = SCOPE_MOUSE_LISTVIEW_ELEMENT, .name = "me-accept-entry", .binding = "MouseD1", .comment = "Accept hovered row" }, { .id = ACCEPT_HOVERED_CUSTOM, .scope = SCOPE_MOUSE_LISTVIEW_ELEMENT, .name = "me-accept-custom", .binding = "Control+MouseD1", .comment = "Accept hovered row with custom action" }, }; static const gchar *mouse_default_bindings[] = { [MOUSE_CLICK_DOWN] = "Mouse1", [MOUSE_CLICK_UP] = "!Mouse1", [MOUSE_DCLICK_DOWN] = "MouseD1", [MOUSE_DCLICK_UP] = "!MouseD1", }; void setup_abe ( void ) { for ( gsize i = 0; i < G_N_ELEMENTS ( rofi_bindings ); ++i ) { ActionBindingEntry *b = &rofi_bindings[i]; b->binding = g_strdup ( b->binding ); config_parser_add_option ( xrm_String, b->name, (void * *) &( b->binding ), b->comment ); } } static gboolean binding_trigger_action ( guint64 scope, gpointer user_data ) { return rofi_view_trigger_action ( rofi_view_get_active (), scope, GPOINTER_TO_UINT ( user_data ) ); } gboolean parse_keys_abe ( NkBindings *bindings ) { GError *error = NULL; GString *error_msg = g_string_new ( "" ); for ( gsize i = 0; i < G_N_ELEMENTS ( rofi_bindings ); ++i ) { ActionBindingEntry *b = &rofi_bindings[i]; char *keystr = g_strdup ( b->binding ); char *sp = NULL; // Iter over bindings. const char *const sep = ","; for ( char *entry = strtok_r ( keystr, sep, &sp ); entry != NULL; entry = strtok_r ( NULL, sep, &sp ) ) { if ( !nk_bindings_add_binding ( bindings, b->scope, entry, binding_trigger_action, GUINT_TO_POINTER ( b->id ), NULL, &error ) ) { g_string_append_c ( g_string_append ( error_msg, error->message ), '\n' ); g_clear_error ( &error ); } } g_free ( keystr ); } if ( error_msg->len > 0 ) { //rofi_view_error_dialog ( error_msg->str, TRUE ); rofi_add_error_message ( error_msg ); // g_string_free ( error_msg, TRUE ); return FALSE; } for ( gsize i = SCOPE_MIN_FIXED; i <= SCOPE_MAX_FIXED; ++i ) { for ( gsize j = 1; j < G_N_ELEMENTS ( mouse_default_bindings ); ++j ) { nk_bindings_add_binding ( bindings, i, mouse_default_bindings[j], binding_trigger_action, GSIZE_TO_POINTER ( j ), NULL, NULL ); } } g_string_free ( error_msg, TRUE ); return TRUE; }