# ROFI 1 rofi ## NAME rofi - A window switcher, run dialog and dmenu replacement ## SYNOPSIS **rofi** [ -width *pct_scr* ] [ -lines *lines* ] [ -columns *columns* ] [ -font *pangofont* ] [ -fg *color* ] [ -bg *color* ] [ -bgalt *color* ] [ -hlfg *color* ] [ -hlbg *color* ] [ -key *combo* ] [ -dkey *comdo* ] [ -rkey *comdo* ] [ -terminal *terminal* ] [ -location *position* ] [ -hmode ] [ -fixed-num-lines ] [ -padding *padding* ] [ -opacity *opacity%* ] [ -display *display* ] [ -bc *color* ] [ -bw *width* ] [ -dmenu [ -p *prompt* ] [ -sep *separator* ] [ -l *selected line* ] ] [ -ssh-client *client* ] [ -ssh-command *command* ] [ -disable-history ] [ -levenshtein-sort ] [ -case-sensitive ] [ -show *mode* ] [ -switcher *mode1,mode2* ] [ -eh *element height* ] [ -lazy-filter-limit *limit* ] [ -e *message*] [ -pid *path* ] [ -now ] [ -rnow ] [ -snow ] [ -version ] [ -help] [ -dump-xresources ] ## DESCRIPTION **rofi** is an X11 popup window switcher, run dialog, dmenu replacement and more. It focusses on being fast to use and have minimal distraction. It supports keyboard and mouse navigation, type to filter, tokenized search and more. ## License MIT/X11 ## USAGE **rofi** can be used in two ways, single-shot; executes once and directly exits when done or as daemon listening to specific key-combinations. The default key combinations are: * `F12` Show all windows on all desktops. * `mod1-F2` Show run-dialog. * `mod1-F3` Show ssh-dialog. ## OPTIONS `-key` Change the key combination to display all windows. rofi -key F12 rofi -key control+shift+s rofi -key mod1+Tab Default: *F12* `-rkey` Change the key combination to display the run dialog. rofi -rkey F11 rofi -rkey control+shift+d rofi -rkey mod1+grave (grave=backtick) Default: *Alt-F2* `-skey` Change the key combination to display the ssh dialog. rofi -skey F10 rofi -skey control+shift+s rofi -skey mod1+grave (grave=backtick) Default: *Alt-F3* `-now` Run rofi in all-windows mode once then exit. Does not bind any keys. `-rnow` Run rofi in run-dialog mode once then exit. Does not bind any keys. `-snow` Run rofi in ssh mode once then exit. Does not bind any keys. `-dmenu` Run rofi in dmenu mode. Allowing it to be used for user interaction in scripts. Pressing `shift-enter` will open the selected entries and move to the next entry. `-show` *mode* Open rofi in a certain mode. For example to show the run-dialog: rofi -show run This function deprecates -rnow,-snow and -now `-switchers` *mode1,mode1* Give a comma separated list of modes to enable, in what order. For example to only show the run and ssh dialog (in that order): rofi -switchers "run,ssh" -show run Custom modes can be added using the internal 'script' mode. Each mode has two parameters: :