/** * rofi * * MIT/X11 License * Copyright (c) 2012 Sean Pringle * Modified 2013-2016 Qball Cow * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, * distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to * the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be * included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS * OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY * CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, * TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE * SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define SN_API_NOT_YET_FROZEN #include #include "settings.h" #include "mode.h" #include "rofi.h" #include "helper.h" #include "textbox.h" #include "x11-helper.h" #include "xrmoptions.h" #include "dialogs/dialogs.h" #include "view.h" #include "view-internal.h" #include "xkb-internal.h" // Pidfile. char *pidfile = NULL; const char *cache_dir = NULL; SnDisplay *sndisplay = NULL; SnLauncheeContext *sncontext = NULL; xcb_connection_t *xcb_connection = NULL; xcb_screen_t *xcb_screen = NULL; struct xkb_stuff xkb = { NULL }; Display *display = NULL; char *display_str = NULL; char *config_path = NULL; // Array of modi. Mode **modi = NULL; unsigned int num_modi = 0; // Current selected switcher. unsigned int curr_switcher = 0; GMainLoop *main_loop = NULL; GWaterXcbSource *main_loop_source = NULL; gboolean quiet = FALSE; static int dmenu_mode = FALSE; int return_code = EXIT_SUCCESS; void process_result ( RofiViewState *state ); void process_result_error ( RofiViewState *state ); void rofi_set_return_code ( int code ) { return_code = code; } unsigned int rofi_get_num_enabled_modi ( void ) { return num_modi; } const Mode * rofi_get_mode ( unsigned int index ) { return modi[index]; } /** * @param name Name of the switcher to lookup. * * Find the index of the switcher with name. * * @returns index of the switcher in modi, -1 if not found. */ static int switcher_get ( const char *name ) { for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < num_modi; i++ ) { if ( strcmp ( mode_get_name ( modi[i] ), name ) == 0 ) { return i; } } return -1; } /** * Do needed steps to start showing the gui */ static int setup () { // Create pid file int pfd = create_pid_file ( pidfile ); if ( pfd >= 0 ) { // Request truecolor visual. x11_create_visual_and_colormap ( xcb_connection, xcb_screen ); textbox_setup (); } return pfd; } /** * Teardown the gui. */ static void teardown ( int pfd ) { // Cleanup font setup. textbox_cleanup ( ); // Release the window. release_keyboard ( display ); // Cleanup view rofi_view_cleanup (); // Cleanup pid file. remove_pid_file ( pfd ); } static int pfd = -1; /** * Start dmenu mode. */ static int run_dmenu () { int ret_state = EXIT_FAILURE; pfd = setup (); if ( pfd < 0 ) { return ret_state; } // Dmenu modi has a return state. ret_state = dmenu_switcher_dialog (); return ret_state; } static void __run_switcher_internal ( ModeMode mode, char *input ) { char *prompt = g_strdup_printf ( "%s:", mode_get_name ( modi[mode] ) ); curr_switcher = mode; RofiViewState * state = rofi_view_create ( modi[mode], input, prompt, NULL, MENU_NORMAL, process_result ); rofi_view_set_active ( state ); g_free ( prompt ); } static void run_switcher ( ModeMode mode ) { pfd = setup (); if ( pfd < 0 ) { return; } // Otherwise check if requested mode is enabled. for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < num_modi; i++ ) { if ( !mode_init ( modi[i] ) ) { rofi_view_error_dialog ( ERROR_MSG ( "Failed to initialize all the modi." ), ERROR_MSG_MARKUP ); teardown ( pfd ); return; } } char *input = g_strdup ( config.filter ); __run_switcher_internal ( mode, input ); g_free ( input ); } void process_result ( RofiViewState *state ) { Mode *sw = state->sw; if ( sw != NULL ) { unsigned int selected_line = rofi_view_get_selected_line ( state );; MenuReturn mretv = rofi_view_get_return_value ( state ); char *input = g_strdup ( rofi_view_get_user_input ( state ) ); rofi_view_set_active ( NULL ); rofi_view_free ( state ); ModeMode retv = mode_result ( sw, mretv, &input, selected_line ); ModeMode mode = curr_switcher; // Find next enabled if ( retv == NEXT_DIALOG ) { mode = ( mode + 1 ) % num_modi; } else if ( retv == PREVIOUS_DIALOG ) { if ( mode == 0 ) { mode = num_modi - 1; } else { mode = ( mode - 1 ) % num_modi; } } else if ( retv == RELOAD_DIALOG ) { // do nothing. } else if ( retv < MODE_EXIT ) { mode = ( retv ) % num_modi; } else { mode = retv; } if ( mode != MODE_EXIT ) { /** * Load in the new mode. */ __run_switcher_internal ( mode, input ); g_free ( input ); return; } // Cleanup g_free ( input ); for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < num_modi; i++ ) { mode_destroy ( modi[i] ); } } } void process_result_error ( RofiViewState *state ) { rofi_view_set_active ( NULL ); rofi_view_free ( state ); teardown ( pfd ); g_main_loop_quit ( main_loop ); } int show_error_message ( const char *msg, int markup ) { int pfd = setup (); if ( pfd < 0 ) { return EXIT_FAILURE; } rofi_view_error_dialog ( msg, markup ); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } /** * Help function. */ static void print_main_application_options ( void ) { int is_term = isatty ( fileno ( stdout ) ); print_help_msg ( "-no-config", "", "Do not load configuration, use default values.", NULL, is_term ); print_help_msg ( "-quiet", "", "Suppress information messages.", NULL, is_term ); print_help_msg ( "-v,-version", "", "Print the version number and exit.", NULL, is_term ); print_help_msg ( "-dmenu", "", "Start in dmenu mode.", NULL, is_term ); print_help_msg ( "-display", "[string]", "X server to contact.", "${DISPLAY}", is_term ); print_help_msg ( "-h,-help", "", "This help message.", NULL, is_term ); print_help_msg ( "-dump-xresources", "", "Dump the current configuration in Xresources format and exit.", NULL, is_term ); print_help_msg ( "-dump-xresources-theme", "", "Dump the current color scheme in Xresources format and exit.", NULL, is_term ); print_help_msg ( "-e", "[string]", "Show a dialog displaying the passed message and exit.", NULL, is_term ); print_help_msg ( "-markup", "", "Enable pango markup where possible.", NULL, is_term ); print_help_msg ( "-normal-window", "", "In dmenu mode, behave as a normal window. (experimental)", NULL, is_term ); print_help_msg ( "-show", "[mode]", "Show the mode 'mode' and exit. The mode has to be enabled.", NULL, is_term ); } static void help ( G_GNUC_UNUSED int argc, char **argv ) { printf ( "%s usage:\n", argv[0] ); printf ( "\t%s [-options ...]\n\n", argv[0] ); printf ( "Command line only options:\n" ); print_main_application_options (); printf ( "DMENU command line options:\n" ); print_dmenu_options (); printf ( "Global options:\n" ); print_options (); printf ( "\n" ); printf ( "For more information see: man rofi\n" ); printf ( "Version: "VERSION "\n" ); printf ( "Bugreports: "PACKAGE_BUGREPORT "\n" ); } /** * Function bound by 'atexit'. * Cleanup globally allocated memory. */ static void cleanup () { rofi_view_workers_finalize (); if ( main_loop != NULL ) { if ( main_loop_source ) { g_water_xcb_source_unref ( main_loop_source ); } g_main_loop_unref ( main_loop ); main_loop = NULL; } // Cleanup if ( display != NULL ) { if ( sncontext != NULL ) { sn_launchee_context_unref ( sncontext ); sncontext = NULL; } if ( sndisplay != NULL ) { sn_display_unref ( sndisplay ); sndisplay = NULL; } XCloseDisplay ( display ); display = NULL; } // Cleaning up memory allocated by the Xresources file. config_xresource_free (); for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < num_modi; i++ ) { mode_free ( &( modi[i] ) ); } g_free ( modi ); // Cleanup the custom keybinding cleanup_abe (); g_free ( config_path ); TIMINGS_STOP (); } /** * Parse the switcher string, into internal array of type Mode. * * String is split on separator ',' * First the three build-in modi are checked: window, run, ssh * if that fails, a script-switcher is created. */ static int add_mode ( const char * token ) { unsigned int index = num_modi; // Resize and add entry. modi = (Mode * *) g_realloc ( modi, sizeof ( Mode* ) * ( num_modi + 1 ) ); // Window switcher. #ifdef WINDOW_MODE if ( strcasecmp ( token, "window" ) == 0 ) { modi[num_modi] = &window_mode; num_modi++; } else if ( strcasecmp ( token, "windowcd" ) == 0 ) { modi[num_modi] = &window_mode_cd; num_modi++; } else #endif // WINDOW_MODE // SSh dialog if ( strcasecmp ( token, "ssh" ) == 0 ) { modi[num_modi] = &ssh_mode; num_modi++; } // Run dialog else if ( strcasecmp ( token, "run" ) == 0 ) { modi[num_modi] = &run_mode; num_modi++; } else if ( strcasecmp ( token, "drun" ) == 0 ) { modi[num_modi] = &drun_mode; num_modi++; } // combi dialog else if ( strcasecmp ( token, "combi" ) == 0 ) { modi[num_modi] = &combi_mode; num_modi++; } else { // If not build in, use custom modi. Mode *sw = script_switcher_parse_setup ( token ); if ( sw != NULL ) { modi[num_modi] = sw; mode_set_config ( sw ); num_modi++; } else{ // Report error, don't continue. fprintf ( stderr, "Invalid script switcher: %s\n", token ); token = NULL; } } return ( index == num_modi ) ? -1 : (int) index; } static void setup_modi ( void ) { char *savept = NULL; // Make a copy, as strtok will modify it. char *switcher_str = g_strdup ( config.modi ); // Split token on ','. This modifies switcher_str. for ( char *token = strtok_r ( switcher_str, ",", &savept ); token != NULL; token = strtok_r ( NULL, ",", &savept ) ) { add_mode ( token ); } // Free string that was modified by strtok_r g_free ( switcher_str ); // We cannot do this in main loop, as we create pointer to string, // and re-alloc moves that pointer. mode_set_config ( &ssh_mode ); mode_set_config ( &run_mode ); mode_set_config ( &drun_mode ); #ifdef WINDOW_MODE mode_set_config ( &window_mode ); mode_set_config ( &window_mode_cd ); #endif // WINDOW_MODE mode_set_config ( &combi_mode ); } /** * @param display Pointer to the X connection to use. * Load configuration. * Following priority: (current), X, commandline arguments */ static inline void load_configuration ( Display *display ) { // Load in config from X resources. config_parse_xresource_options ( display ); config_parse_xresource_options_file ( config_path ); // Parse command line for settings. config_parse_cmd_options ( ); } static inline void load_configuration_dynamic ( Display *display ) { // Load in config from X resources. config_parse_xresource_options_dynamic ( display ); config_parse_xresource_options_dynamic_file ( config_path ); config_parse_cmd_options_dynamic ( ); } /** * Process X11 events in the main-loop (gui-thread) of the application. */ static gboolean main_loop_x11_event_handler ( xcb_generic_event_t *ev, G_GNUC_UNUSED gpointer data ) { RofiViewState *state = rofi_view_get_active (); if ( sndisplay != NULL ) { sn_xcb_display_process_event ( sndisplay, ev ); } if ( state != NULL ) { rofi_view_itterrate ( state, ev, &xkb ); if ( rofi_view_get_completed ( state ) ) { // This menu is done. rofi_view_finalize ( state ); // cleanup if ( rofi_view_get_active () == NULL ) { teardown ( pfd ); g_main_loop_quit ( main_loop ); } } } return G_SOURCE_CONTINUE; } /** * Process signals in the main-loop (gui-thread) of the application. * * returns TRUE when mainloop should be stopped. */ static gboolean main_loop_signal_handler_int ( G_GNUC_UNUSED gpointer data ) { // Break out of loop. g_main_loop_quit ( main_loop ); return G_SOURCE_CONTINUE; } static int error_trap_depth = 0; static void error_trap_push ( G_GNUC_UNUSED SnDisplay *display, G_GNUC_UNUSED Display *xdisplay ) { ++error_trap_depth; } static void error_trap_pop ( G_GNUC_UNUSED SnDisplay *display, Display *xdisplay ) { if ( error_trap_depth == 0 ) { fprintf ( stderr, "Error trap underflow!\n" ); exit ( EXIT_FAILURE ); } XSync ( xdisplay, False ); /* get all errors out of the queue */ --error_trap_depth; } static gboolean startup ( G_GNUC_UNUSED gpointer data ) { TICK_N ( "Startup" ); // flags to run immediately and exit char *sname = NULL; char *msg = NULL; // // Sanity check if ( config_sanity_check ( display ) ) { return G_SOURCE_REMOVE; } TICK_N ( "Config sanity check" ); // Parse the keybindings. parse_keys_abe (); // Check if there is error dialog. if ( rofi_view_get_active ( ) != NULL ) { return G_SOURCE_REMOVE; } TICK_N ( "Parse ABE" ); // Dmenu mode. if ( dmenu_mode == TRUE ) { // force off sidebar mode: config.sidebar_mode = FALSE; int retv = run_dmenu (); if ( retv ) { rofi_set_return_code ( EXIT_SUCCESS ); // Directly exit. g_main_loop_quit ( main_loop ); } } else if ( find_arg_str ( "-e", &( msg ) ) ) { int markup = FALSE; if ( find_arg ( "-markup" ) >= 0 ) { markup = TRUE; } show_error_message ( msg, markup ); } else if ( find_arg_str ( "-show", &sname ) == TRUE ) { int index = switcher_get ( sname ); if ( index < 0 ) { // Add it to the list index = add_mode ( sname ); // Complain if ( index >= 0 ) { fprintf ( stdout, "Mode %s not enabled. Please add it to the list of enabled modi: %s\n", sname, config.modi ); fprintf ( stdout, "Adding mode: %s\n", sname ); } // Run it anyway if found. } if ( index >= 0 ) { run_switcher ( index ); } else { fprintf ( stderr, "The %s switcher has not been enabled\n", sname ); return G_SOURCE_REMOVE; } } else{ // Daemon mode fprintf ( stderr, "Rofi daemon mode is now removed.\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, "Please use your window manager binding functionality or xbindkeys to replace it.\n" ); } return G_SOURCE_REMOVE; } int main ( int argc, char *argv[] ) { TIMINGS_START (); cmd_set_arguments ( argc, argv ); // Quiet flag quiet = ( find_arg ( "-quiet" ) >= 0 ); // Version if ( find_arg ( "-v" ) >= 0 || find_arg ( "-version" ) >= 0 ) { fprintf ( stdout, "Version: "VERSION "\n" ); exit ( EXIT_SUCCESS ); } // Detect if we are in dmenu mode. // This has two possible causes. // 1 the user specifies it on the command-line. if ( find_arg ( "-dmenu" ) >= 0 ) { dmenu_mode = TRUE; } // 2 the binary that executed is called dmenu (e.g. symlink to rofi) else{ // Get the base name of the executable called. char *base_name = g_path_get_basename ( argv[0] ); dmenu_mode = ( strcmp ( base_name, "dmenu" ) == 0 ); // Free the basename for dmenu detection. g_free ( base_name ); } TICK (); // Get the path to the cache dir. cache_dir = g_get_user_cache_dir (); // Create pid file path. const char *path = g_get_user_runtime_dir (); if ( path ) { pidfile = g_build_filename ( path, "rofi.pid", NULL ); } config_parser_add_option ( xrm_String, "pid", (void * *) &pidfile, "Pidfile location" ); if ( find_arg ( "-config" ) < 0 ) { const char *cpath = g_get_user_config_dir (); if ( cpath ) { config_path = g_build_filename ( cpath, "rofi", "config", NULL ); } } else { char *c = NULL; find_arg_str ( "-config", &c ); config_path = rofi_expand_path ( c ); } TICK (); // Register cleanup function. atexit ( cleanup ); TICK (); // Get DISPLAY, first env, then argument. display_str = getenv ( "DISPLAY" ); find_arg_str ( "-display", &display_str ); if ( setlocale ( LC_ALL, "" ) == NULL ) { fprintf ( stderr, "Failed to set locale.\n" ); return EXIT_FAILURE; } if ( !XSupportsLocale () ) { fprintf ( stderr, "X11 does not support locales\n" ); return EXIT_FAILURE; } if ( XSetLocaleModifiers ( "@im=none" ) == NULL ) { fprintf ( stderr, "Failed to set locale modifier.\n" ); return EXIT_FAILURE; } if ( !( display = XOpenDisplay ( display_str ) ) ) { fprintf ( stderr, "cannot open display!\n" ); return EXIT_FAILURE; } TICK_N ( "Open Display" ); xcb_connection = XGetXCBConnection ( display ); xcb_screen = xcb_aux_get_screen ( xcb_connection, DefaultScreen ( display ) ); if ( xkb_x11_setup_xkb_extension ( xcb_connection, XKB_X11_MIN_MAJOR_XKB_VERSION, XKB_X11_MIN_MINOR_XKB_VERSION, XKB_X11_SETUP_XKB_EXTENSION_NO_FLAGS, NULL, NULL, &xkb.first_event, NULL ) < 0 ) { fprintf ( stderr, "cannot setup XKB extension!\n" ); return EXIT_FAILURE; } xkb.context = xkb_context_new ( XKB_CONTEXT_NO_FLAGS ); if ( xkb.context == NULL ) { fprintf ( stderr, "cannot create XKB context!\n" ); return EXIT_FAILURE; } xkb.xcb_connection = xcb_connection; xkb.device_id = xkb_x11_get_core_keyboard_device_id ( xcb_connection ); enum { required_events = ( XCB_XKB_EVENT_TYPE_NEW_KEYBOARD_NOTIFY | XCB_XKB_EVENT_TYPE_MAP_NOTIFY | XCB_XKB_EVENT_TYPE_STATE_NOTIFY ), required_nkn_details = ( XCB_XKB_NKN_DETAIL_KEYCODES ), required_map_parts = ( XCB_XKB_MAP_PART_KEY_TYPES | XCB_XKB_MAP_PART_KEY_SYMS | XCB_XKB_MAP_PART_MODIFIER_MAP | XCB_XKB_MAP_PART_EXPLICIT_COMPONENTS | XCB_XKB_MAP_PART_KEY_ACTIONS | XCB_XKB_MAP_PART_VIRTUAL_MODS | XCB_XKB_MAP_PART_VIRTUAL_MOD_MAP ), required_state_details = ( XCB_XKB_STATE_PART_MODIFIER_BASE | XCB_XKB_STATE_PART_MODIFIER_LATCH | XCB_XKB_STATE_PART_MODIFIER_LOCK | XCB_XKB_STATE_PART_GROUP_BASE | XCB_XKB_STATE_PART_GROUP_LATCH | XCB_XKB_STATE_PART_GROUP_LOCK ), }; static const xcb_xkb_select_events_details_t details = { .affectNewKeyboard = required_nkn_details, .newKeyboardDetails = required_nkn_details, .affectState = required_state_details, .stateDetails = required_state_details, }; xcb_xkb_select_events ( xcb_connection, xkb.device_id, required_events, /* affectWhich */ 0, /* clear */ 0, /* selectAll */ required_map_parts, /* affectMap */ required_map_parts, /* map */ &details ); xkb.keymap = xkb_x11_keymap_new_from_device ( xkb.context, xcb_connection, xkb.device_id, XKB_KEYMAP_COMPILE_NO_FLAGS ); xkb.state = xkb_x11_state_new_from_device ( xkb.keymap, xcb_connection, xkb.device_id ); xkb.compose.table = xkb_compose_table_new_from_locale ( xkb.context, setlocale ( LC_CTYPE, NULL ), 0 ); xkb.compose.state = xkb_compose_state_new ( xkb.compose.table, 0 ); main_loop = g_main_loop_new ( NULL, FALSE ); TICK_N ( "Setup mainloop" ); // startup not. sndisplay = sn_display_new ( display, error_trap_push, error_trap_pop ); if ( sndisplay != NULL ) { sncontext = sn_launchee_context_new_from_environment ( sndisplay, DefaultScreen ( display ) ); } TICK_N ( "Startup Notification" ); // Initialize Xresources subsystem. config_parse_xresource_init (); TICK_N ( "Initialize Xresources system" ); // Setup keybinding setup_abe (); TICK_N ( "Setup abe" ); if ( find_arg ( "-no-config" ) < 0 ) { load_configuration ( display ); } if ( !dmenu_mode ) { // setup_modi setup_modi (); } else { // Add dmenu options. config_parser_add_option ( xrm_Char, "sep", (void * *) &( config.separator ), "Element separator" ); } if ( find_arg ( "-no-config" ) < 0 ) { // Reload for dynamic part. load_configuration_dynamic ( display ); } // Dump. // catch help request if ( find_arg ( "-h" ) >= 0 || find_arg ( "-help" ) >= 0 || find_arg ( "--help" ) >= 0 ) { help ( argc, argv ); exit ( EXIT_SUCCESS ); } if ( find_arg ( "-dump-xresources" ) >= 0 ) { config_parse_xresource_dump (); exit ( EXIT_SUCCESS ); } if ( find_arg ( "-dump-xresources-theme" ) >= 0 ) { config_parse_xresources_theme_dump (); exit ( EXIT_SUCCESS ); } x11_setup ( display, &xkb ); main_loop_source = g_water_xcb_source_new_for_connection ( NULL, xcb_connection, main_loop_x11_event_handler, NULL, NULL ); TICK_N ( "X11 Setup " ); rofi_view_workers_initialize (); // Setup signal handling sources. // SIGINT g_unix_signal_add ( SIGINT, main_loop_signal_handler_int, NULL ); g_idle_add ( startup, NULL ); // Start mainloop. g_main_loop_run ( main_loop ); return return_code; }