/** * MIT/X11 License * Copyright (c) 2012 Sean Pringle * Modified (c) 2013-2015 Qball Cow * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, * distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to * the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be * included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS * OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY * CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, * TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE * SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "rofi.h" #include "textbox.h" #include "keyb.h" #include #define SIDE_MARGIN 1 extern Display *display; /** * Font + font color cache. * Avoid re-loading font on every change on every textbox. */ XVisualInfo *visual_info; Colormap target_colormap; typedef struct _RowColor { XftColor fg; XftColor bg; XftColor bgalt; XftColor hlfg; XftColor hlbg; } RowColor; #define num_states 3 RowColor colors[num_states]; PangoContext *p_context = NULL; // Xft text box, optionally editable textbox* textbox_create ( Window parent, XVisualInfo *vinfo, Colormap map, TextboxFlags flags, short x, short y, short w, short h, TextBoxFontType tbft, const char *text ) { textbox *tb = g_malloc0 ( sizeof ( textbox ) ); tb->flags = flags; tb->parent = parent; tb->x = x; tb->y = y; tb->w = MAX ( 1, w ); tb->h = MAX ( 1, h ); tb->layout = pango_layout_new ( p_context ); tb->markup = FALSE; tb->changed = FALSE; unsigned int cp; switch ( tbft ) { case HIGHLIGHT: cp = colors[NORMAL].hlbg.pixel; break; case ALT: cp = colors[NORMAL].bgalt.pixel; break; default: cp = colors[NORMAL].bg.pixel; break; } XSetWindowAttributes attr; attr.colormap = map; attr.border_pixel = cp; attr.background_pixel = cp; tb->window = XCreateWindow ( display, tb->parent, tb->x, tb->y, tb->w, tb->h, 0, vinfo->depth, InputOutput, vinfo->visual, CWColormap | CWBorderPixel | CWBackPixel, &attr ); PangoFontDescription *pfd = pango_font_description_from_string ( config.menu_font ); pango_layout_set_font_description ( tb->layout, pfd ); pango_font_description_free ( pfd ); textbox_font ( tb, tbft ); if ( ( flags & TB_MARKUP ) == TB_MARKUP ) { pango_layout_set_wrap ( tb->layout, PANGO_WRAP_WORD_CHAR ); textbox_text_markup ( tb, text ? text : "" ); } else{ textbox_text ( tb, text ? text : "" ); } textbox_cursor_end ( tb ); // auto height/width modes get handled here textbox_moveresize ( tb, tb->x, tb->y, tb->w, tb->h ); // edit mode controls if ( tb->flags & TB_EDITABLE ) { tb->xim = XOpenIM ( display, NULL, NULL, NULL ); tb->xic = XCreateIC ( tb->xim, XNInputStyle, XIMPreeditNothing | XIMStatusNothing, XNClientWindow, tb->window, XNFocusWindow, tb->window, NULL ); } else { XSelectInput ( display, tb->window, ButtonPressMask ); } return tb; } // set an Xft font by name void textbox_font ( textbox *tb, TextBoxFontType tbft ) { RowColor *color = &( colors[tbft & STATE_MASK] ); switch ( ( tbft & FMOD_MASK ) ) { case HIGHLIGHT: tb->color_bg = color->hlbg; tb->color_fg = color->hlfg; break; case ALT: tb->color_bg = color->bgalt; tb->color_fg = color->fg; break; default: tb->color_bg = color->bg; tb->color_fg = color->fg; break; } tb->tbft = tbft; } // set the default text to display void textbox_text ( textbox *tb, const char *text ) { g_free ( tb->text ); const gchar *last_pointer = NULL; if ( g_utf8_validate ( text, -1, &last_pointer ) ) { tb->text = g_strdup ( text ); } else { if ( last_pointer != NULL ) { // Copy string up to invalid character. tb->text = g_strndup ( text, ( last_pointer - text ) ); } else { tb->text = g_strdup ( "Invalid UTF-8 string." ); } } pango_layout_set_text ( tb->layout, tb->text, strlen ( tb->text ) ); if ( tb->flags & TB_AUTOWIDTH ) { textbox_moveresize ( tb, tb->x, tb->y, tb->w, tb->h ); } tb->cursor = MAX ( 0, MIN ( ( int ) strlen ( text ), tb->cursor ) ); } // set the default text to display void textbox_text_markup ( textbox *tb, const char *text ) { g_free ( tb->text ); const gchar *last_pointer = NULL; if ( g_utf8_validate ( text, -1, &last_pointer ) ) { tb->text = g_strdup ( text ); } else { if ( last_pointer != NULL ) { // Copy string up to invalid character. tb->text = g_strndup ( text, ( last_pointer - text ) ); } else { tb->text = g_strdup ( "Invalid UTF-8 string." ); } } tb->markup = TRUE; pango_layout_set_markup ( tb->layout, tb->text, strlen ( tb->text ) ); if ( tb->flags & TB_AUTOWIDTH ) { textbox_moveresize ( tb, tb->x, tb->y, tb->w, tb->h ); } tb->cursor = MAX ( 0, MIN ( ( int ) strlen ( text ), tb->cursor ) ); } void textbox_move ( textbox *tb, int x, int y ) { if ( x != tb->x || y != tb->y ) { tb->x = x; tb->y = y; XMoveResizeWindow ( display, tb->window, tb->x, tb->y, tb->w, tb->h ); } } // within the parent handled auto width/height modes void textbox_moveresize ( textbox *tb, int x, int y, int w, int h ) { if ( tb->flags & TB_AUTOWIDTH ) { pango_layout_set_width ( tb->layout, -1 ); if ( w > 1 ) { w = MIN ( w, textbox_get_width ( tb ) ); } else{ w = textbox_get_width ( tb ); } } else { // set ellipsize if ( ( tb->flags & TB_EDITABLE ) == TB_EDITABLE ) { pango_layout_set_ellipsize ( tb->layout, PANGO_ELLIPSIZE_MIDDLE ); } else if ( ( tb->flags & TB_MARKUP ) != TB_MARKUP ) { pango_layout_set_ellipsize ( tb->layout, PANGO_ELLIPSIZE_END ); } } if ( tb->flags & TB_AUTOHEIGHT ) { // Width determines height! int tw = MAX ( 1, w ); pango_layout_set_width ( tb->layout, PANGO_SCALE * ( tw - 2 * SIDE_MARGIN ) ); h = textbox_get_height ( tb ); } if ( x != tb->x || y != tb->y || w != tb->w || h != tb->h ) { tb->x = x; tb->y = y; tb->h = MAX ( 1, h ); tb->w = MAX ( 1, w ); XMoveResizeWindow ( display, tb->window, tb->x, tb->y, tb->w, tb->h ); } // We always want to update this pango_layout_set_width ( tb->layout, PANGO_SCALE * ( tb->w - 2 * SIDE_MARGIN ) ); } void textbox_show ( textbox *tb ) { XMapWindow ( display, tb->window ); } void textbox_hide ( textbox *tb ) { XUnmapWindow ( display, tb->window ); } // will also unmap the window if still displayed void textbox_free ( textbox *tb ) { if ( tb == NULL ) { return; } if ( tb->flags & TB_EDITABLE ) { XDestroyIC ( tb->xic ); XCloseIM ( tb->xim ); } g_free ( tb->text ); if ( tb->layout != NULL ) { g_object_unref ( tb->layout ); } XDestroyWindow ( display, tb->window ); g_free ( tb ); } void textbox_draw ( textbox *tb ) { GC context = XCreateGC ( display, tb->window, 0, 0 ); Pixmap canvas = XCreatePixmap ( display, tb->window, tb->w, tb->h, visual_info->depth ); XftDraw *draw = XftDrawCreate ( display, canvas, visual_info->visual, target_colormap ); // clear canvas XftDrawRect ( draw, &tb->color_bg, 0, 0, tb->w, tb->h ); char *text = tb->text ? tb->text : ""; int text_len = strlen ( text ); int font_height = textbox_get_font_height ( tb ); int cursor_x = 0; int cursor_width = MAX ( 2, font_height / 10 ); if ( tb->changed ) { if ( tb->markup ) { pango_layout_set_markup ( tb->layout, text, text_len ); } else{ pango_layout_set_text ( tb->layout, text, text_len ); } } if ( tb->flags & TB_EDITABLE ) { PangoRectangle pos; int cursor_offset = 0; cursor_offset = MIN ( tb->cursor, text_len ); pango_layout_get_cursor_pos ( tb->layout, cursor_offset, &pos, NULL ); // Add a small 4px offset between cursor and last glyph. cursor_x = pos.x / PANGO_SCALE; } // pango_layout_set_width ( tb->layout, PANGO_SCALE * ( tb->w - 2 * SIDE_MARGIN ) ); // Skip the side MARGIN on the X axis. int x = PANGO_SCALE * SIDE_MARGIN; int y = 0; if ( tb->flags & TB_RIGHT ) { int line_width = 0; // Get actual width. pango_layout_get_pixel_size ( tb->layout, &line_width, NULL ); x = ( tb->w - line_width - SIDE_MARGIN ) * PANGO_SCALE; } else if ( tb->flags & TB_CENTER ) { int tw = textbox_get_font_width ( tb ); x = ( PANGO_SCALE * ( tb->w - tw - 2 * SIDE_MARGIN ) ) / 2; } y = ( PANGO_SCALE * ( tb->h - textbox_get_font_height ( tb ) ) ) / 2; // Render the layout. pango_xft_render_layout ( draw, &( tb->color_fg ), tb->layout, x, y ); // draw the cursor if ( tb->flags & TB_EDITABLE ) { XftDrawRect ( draw, &tb->color_fg, x / PANGO_SCALE + cursor_x, y / PANGO_SCALE, // Align with font cursor_width, font_height ); } // flip canvas to window // XClearWindow ( display, tb->window); XCopyArea ( display, canvas, tb->window, context, 0, 0, tb->w, tb->h, 0, 0 ); XFreeGC ( display, context ); XftDrawDestroy ( draw ); XFreePixmap ( display, canvas ); } // cursor handling for edit mode void textbox_cursor ( textbox *tb, int pos ) { int length = ( tb->text == NULL ) ? 0 : strlen ( tb->text ); tb->cursor = MAX ( 0, MIN ( length, pos ) ); } // move right void textbox_cursor_inc ( textbox *tb ) { int index = g_utf8_next_char ( &( tb->text[tb->cursor] ) ) - tb->text; textbox_cursor ( tb, index ); } // move left void textbox_cursor_dec ( textbox *tb ) { int index = g_utf8_prev_char ( &( tb->text[tb->cursor] ) ) - tb->text; textbox_cursor ( tb, index ); } // Move word right static void textbox_cursor_inc_word ( textbox *tb ) { if ( tb->text == NULL ) { return; } // Find word boundaries, with pango_Break? gchar *c = &( tb->text[tb->cursor] ); while ( ( c = g_utf8_next_char ( c ) ) ) { gunichar uc = g_utf8_get_char ( c ); GUnicodeBreakType bt = g_unichar_break_type ( uc ); if ( ( bt == G_UNICODE_BREAK_ALPHABETIC || bt == G_UNICODE_BREAK_HEBREW_LETTER || bt == G_UNICODE_BREAK_NUMERIC || bt == G_UNICODE_BREAK_QUOTATION ) ) { break; } } if ( c == NULL ) { return; } while ( ( c = g_utf8_next_char ( c ) ) ) { gunichar uc = g_utf8_get_char ( c ); GUnicodeBreakType bt = g_unichar_break_type ( uc ); if ( !( bt == G_UNICODE_BREAK_ALPHABETIC || bt == G_UNICODE_BREAK_HEBREW_LETTER || bt == G_UNICODE_BREAK_NUMERIC || bt == G_UNICODE_BREAK_QUOTATION ) ) { break; } } int index = c - tb->text; textbox_cursor ( tb, index ); } // move word left static void textbox_cursor_dec_word ( textbox *tb ) { // Find word boundaries, with pango_Break? gchar *n; gchar *c = &( tb->text[tb->cursor] ); while ( ( c = g_utf8_prev_char ( c ) ) && c != tb->text ) { gunichar uc = g_utf8_get_char ( c ); GUnicodeBreakType bt = g_unichar_break_type ( uc ); if ( ( bt == G_UNICODE_BREAK_ALPHABETIC || bt == G_UNICODE_BREAK_HEBREW_LETTER || bt == G_UNICODE_BREAK_NUMERIC || bt == G_UNICODE_BREAK_QUOTATION ) ) { break; } } if ( c != tb->text ) { while ( ( n = g_utf8_prev_char ( c ) ) ) { gunichar uc = g_utf8_get_char ( n ); GUnicodeBreakType bt = g_unichar_break_type ( uc ); if ( !( bt == G_UNICODE_BREAK_ALPHABETIC || bt == G_UNICODE_BREAK_HEBREW_LETTER || bt == G_UNICODE_BREAK_NUMERIC || bt == G_UNICODE_BREAK_QUOTATION ) ) { break; } c = n; if ( n == tb->text ) { break; } } } int index = c - tb->text; textbox_cursor ( tb, index ); } // end of line void textbox_cursor_end ( textbox *tb ) { tb->cursor = ( int ) strlen ( tb->text ); } // insert text void textbox_insert ( textbox *tb, int pos, char *str ) { int len = ( int ) strlen ( tb->text ), slen = ( int ) strlen ( str ); pos = MAX ( 0, MIN ( len, pos ) ); // expand buffer tb->text = g_realloc ( tb->text, len + slen + 1 ); // move everything after cursor upward char *at = tb->text + pos; memmove ( at + slen, at, len - pos + 1 ); // insert new str memmove ( at, str, slen ); // Set modified, lay out need te be redrawn tb->changed = TRUE; } // remove text void textbox_delete ( textbox *tb, int pos, int dlen ) { int len = strlen ( tb->text ); pos = MAX ( 0, MIN ( len, pos ) ); // move everything after pos+dlen down char *at = tb->text + pos; // Move remainder + closing \0 memmove ( at, at + dlen, len - pos - dlen + 1 ); if ( tb->cursor >= pos && tb->cursor < ( pos + dlen ) ) { tb->cursor = pos; } else if ( tb->cursor >= ( pos + dlen ) ) { tb->cursor -= dlen; } // Set modified, lay out need te be redrawn tb->changed = TRUE; } // delete on character void textbox_cursor_del ( textbox *tb ) { if ( tb->text == NULL ) { return; } int index = g_utf8_next_char ( &( tb->text[tb->cursor] ) ) - tb->text; textbox_delete ( tb, tb->cursor, index - tb->cursor ); } // back up and delete one character void textbox_cursor_bkspc ( textbox *tb ) { if ( tb->cursor > 0 ) { textbox_cursor_dec ( tb ); textbox_cursor_del ( tb ); } } static void textbox_cursor_bkspc_word ( textbox *tb ) { if ( tb->cursor > 0 ) { int cursor = tb->cursor; textbox_cursor_dec_word ( tb ); if ( cursor > tb->cursor ) { textbox_delete ( tb, tb->cursor, cursor - tb->cursor ); } } } static void textbox_cursor_del_word ( textbox *tb ) { if ( tb->cursor >= 0 ) { int cursor = tb->cursor; textbox_cursor_inc_word ( tb ); if ( cursor < tb->cursor ) { textbox_delete ( tb, cursor, tb->cursor - cursor ); } } } // handle a keypress in edit mode // 2 = nav // 0 = unhandled // 1 = handled // -1 = handled and return pressed (finished) int textbox_keypress ( textbox *tb, XEvent *ev ) { KeySym key; Status stat; char pad[32]; int len; // This is needed for letting the Input Method handle combined keys. // E.g. `e into รจ if ( XFilterEvent ( ev, tb->window ) ) { return 0; } if ( !( tb->flags & TB_EDITABLE ) ) { return 0; } len = Xutf8LookupString ( tb->xic, &ev->xkey, pad, sizeof ( pad ), &key, &stat ); pad[len] = 0; // Left or Ctrl-b if ( abe_test_action ( MOVE_CHAR_BACK, ev->xkey.state, key ) ) { textbox_cursor_dec ( tb ); return 2; } // Right or Ctrl-F else if ( abe_test_action ( MOVE_CHAR_FORWARD, ev->xkey.state, key ) ) { textbox_cursor_inc ( tb ); return 2; } // Ctrl-U: Kill from the beginning to the end of the line. else if ( abe_test_action ( CLEAR_LINE, ev->xkey.state, key ) ) { textbox_text ( tb, "" ); return 1; } // Ctrl-A else if ( abe_test_action ( MOVE_FRONT, ev->xkey.state, key ) ) { textbox_cursor ( tb, 0 ); return 2; } // Ctrl-E else if ( abe_test_action ( MOVE_END, ev->xkey.state, key ) ) { textbox_cursor_end ( tb ); return 2; } // Ctrl-Alt-h else if ( abe_test_action ( REMOVE_WORD_BACK, ev->xkey.state, key ) ) { textbox_cursor_bkspc_word ( tb ); return 1; } // Ctrl-Alt-d else if ( abe_test_action ( REMOVE_WORD_FORWARD, ev->xkey.state, key ) ) { textbox_cursor_del_word ( tb ); return 1; } // Delete or Ctrl-D else if ( abe_test_action ( REMOVE_CHAR_FORWARD, ev->xkey.state, key ) ) { textbox_cursor_del ( tb ); return 1; } // Alt-B else if ( abe_test_action ( MOVE_WORD_BACK, ev->xkey.state, key ) ) { textbox_cursor_dec_word ( tb ); return 2; } // Alt-F else if ( abe_test_action ( MOVE_WORD_FORWARD, ev->xkey.state, key ) ) { textbox_cursor_inc_word ( tb ); return 2; } // BackSpace, Ctrl-h else if ( abe_test_action ( REMOVE_CHAR_BACK, ev->xkey.state, key ) ) { textbox_cursor_bkspc ( tb ); return 1; } else if ( abe_test_action ( ACCEPT_CUSTOM, ev->xkey.state, key ) ) { return -2; } else if ( abe_test_action ( ACCEPT_ENTRY_CONTINUE, ev->xkey.state, key ) ) { return -3; } else if ( abe_test_action ( ACCEPT_ENTRY, ev->xkey.state, key ) ) { return -1; } else if ( !iscntrl ( *pad ) ) { textbox_insert ( tb, tb->cursor, pad ); textbox_cursor_inc ( tb ); return 1; } return 0; } /*** * Font setup. */ static void parse_color ( Visual *visual, Colormap colormap, const char *bg, XftColor *color, const char *def ) { if ( bg == NULL ) { return; } if ( strncmp ( bg, "argb:", 5 ) == 0 ) { XRenderColor col; unsigned int val = strtoul ( &bg[5], NULL, 16 ); col.alpha = ( ( val & 0xFF000000 ) >> 24 ) * 255; col.red = ( ( val & 0x00FF0000 ) >> 16 ) * 255; col.green = ( ( val & 0x0000FF00 ) >> 8 ) * 255; col.blue = ( ( val & 0x000000FF ) ) * 255; if ( !XftColorAllocValue ( display, visual, colormap, &col, color ) ) { fprintf ( stderr, "Failed to parse color: '%s'\n", bg ); // Go for default. if ( !XftColorAllocName ( display, visual, colormap, def, color ) ) { fprintf ( stderr, "Cannot allocate default color, giving up.\n" ); exit ( EXIT_FAILURE ); } } } else { if ( !XftColorAllocName ( display, visual, colormap, bg, color ) ) { fprintf ( stderr, "Failed to parse color: '%s'\n", bg ); // Go for default. if ( !XftColorAllocName ( display, visual, colormap, def, color ) ) { fprintf ( stderr, "Cannot allocate default color, giving up.\n" ); exit ( EXIT_FAILURE ); } } } } static void textbox_parse_string ( XVisualInfo *visual, Colormap colormap, const char *str, RowColor *color ) { if ( str == NULL ) { return; } char *cstr = g_strdup ( str ); char *endp; char *token; int index = 0; for ( token = strtok_r ( cstr, ",", &endp ); token != NULL; token = strtok_r ( NULL, ",", &endp ) ) { switch ( index ) { case 0: parse_color ( visual->visual, colormap, g_strstrip ( token ), &( color->bg ), "black" ); break; case 1: parse_color ( visual->visual, colormap, g_strstrip ( token ), &( color->fg ), "white" ); break; case 2: parse_color ( visual->visual, colormap, g_strstrip ( token ), &( color->bgalt ), "black" ); break; case 3: parse_color ( visual->visual, colormap, g_strstrip ( token ), &( color->hlbg ), "black" ); break; case 4: parse_color ( visual->visual, colormap, g_strstrip ( token ), &( color->hlfg ), "white" ); break; } index++; } g_free ( cstr ); } void textbox_setup ( XVisualInfo *visual, Colormap colormap ) { visual_info = visual; target_colormap = colormap; if ( config.color_enabled ) { textbox_parse_string ( visual, target_colormap, config.color_normal, &( colors[NORMAL] ) ); textbox_parse_string ( visual, target_colormap, config.color_urgent, &( colors[URGENT] ) ); textbox_parse_string ( visual, target_colormap, config.color_active, &( colors[ACTIVE] ) ); } else { parse_color ( visual_info->visual, target_colormap, config.menu_bg, &( colors[NORMAL].bg ), "black" ); parse_color ( visual_info->visual, target_colormap, config.menu_fg, &( colors[NORMAL].fg ), "white" ); parse_color ( visual_info->visual, target_colormap, config.menu_bg_alt, &( colors[NORMAL].bgalt ), "black" ); parse_color ( visual_info->visual, target_colormap, config.menu_hlfg, &( colors[NORMAL].hlfg ), "white" ); parse_color ( visual_info->visual, target_colormap, config.menu_hlbg, &( colors[NORMAL].hlbg ), "black" ); parse_color ( visual_info->visual, target_colormap, config.menu_bg_urgent, &( colors[URGENT].bg ), "black" ); parse_color ( visual_info->visual, target_colormap, config.menu_fg_urgent, &( colors[URGENT].fg ), "white" ); parse_color ( visual_info->visual, target_colormap, config.menu_bg_alt, &( colors[URGENT].bgalt ), "black" ); parse_color ( visual_info->visual, target_colormap, config.menu_hlfg_urgent, &( colors[URGENT].hlfg ), "white" ); parse_color ( visual_info->visual, target_colormap, config.menu_hlbg_urgent, &( colors[URGENT].hlbg ), "black" ); parse_color ( visual_info->visual, target_colormap, config.menu_bg_active, &( colors[ACTIVE].bg ), "black" ); parse_color ( visual_info->visual, target_colormap, config.menu_fg_active, &( colors[ACTIVE].fg ), "white" ); parse_color ( visual_info->visual, target_colormap, config.menu_bg_alt, &( colors[ACTIVE].bgalt ), "black" ); parse_color ( visual_info->visual, target_colormap, config.menu_hlfg_active, &( colors[ACTIVE].hlfg ), "white" ); parse_color ( visual_info->visual, target_colormap, config.menu_hlbg_active, &( colors[ACTIVE].hlbg ), "black" ); } PangoFontMap *font_map = pango_xft_get_font_map ( display, DefaultScreen ( display ) ); p_context = pango_font_map_create_context ( font_map ); } static void textbox_clean_rowcolor ( RowColor * color ) { XftColorFree ( display, visual_info->visual, target_colormap, &( color->fg ) ); XftColorFree ( display, visual_info->visual, target_colormap, &( color->bg ) ); XftColorFree ( display, visual_info->visual, target_colormap, &( color->bgalt ) ); XftColorFree ( display, visual_info->visual, target_colormap, &( color->hlfg ) ); XftColorFree ( display, visual_info->visual, target_colormap, &( color->hlbg ) ); } void textbox_cleanup ( void ) { if ( p_context ) { for ( unsigned int st = 0; st < num_states; st++ ) { textbox_clean_rowcolor ( &colors[st] ); } g_object_unref ( p_context ); pango_xft_shutdown_display ( display, DefaultScreen ( display ) ); p_context = NULL; visual_info = NULL; target_colormap = None; } } int textbox_get_width ( textbox *tb ) { return textbox_get_font_width ( tb ) + 2 * SIDE_MARGIN; } int textbox_get_height ( textbox *tb ) { return textbox_get_font_height ( tb ) + 2 * SIDE_MARGIN; } int textbox_get_font_height ( textbox *tb ) { int height; pango_layout_get_pixel_size ( tb->layout, NULL, &height ); return height; } int textbox_get_font_width ( textbox *tb ) { int width; pango_layout_get_pixel_size ( tb->layout, &width, NULL ); return width; } double textbox_get_estimated_char_width ( void ) { // Create a temp layout with right font. PangoLayout *layout = pango_layout_new ( p_context ); // Set font. PangoFontDescription *pfd = pango_font_description_from_string ( config.menu_font ); pango_layout_set_font_description ( layout, pfd ); pango_font_description_free ( pfd ); // Get width PangoContext *context = pango_layout_get_context ( layout ); PangoFontMetrics *metric = pango_context_get_metrics ( context, NULL, NULL ); int width = pango_font_metrics_get_approximate_char_width ( metric ); pango_font_metrics_unref ( metric ); g_object_unref ( layout ); return ( width ) / (double) PANGO_SCALE; } int textbox_get_estimated_char_height ( void ) { // Set font. PangoFontDescription *pfd = pango_font_description_from_string ( config.menu_font ); // Get width PangoFontMetrics *metric = pango_context_get_metrics ( p_context, pfd, NULL ); int height = pango_font_metrics_get_ascent ( metric ) + pango_font_metrics_get_descent ( metric ); pango_font_metrics_unref ( metric ); pango_font_description_free ( pfd ); return ( height ) / PANGO_SCALE + 2 * SIDE_MARGIN; }