/* * rofi * * MIT/X11 License * Copyright © 2013-2023 Qball Cow * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, * distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to * the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be * included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS * OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY * CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, * TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE * SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. * */ /** Log domain used by the theme engine.*/ #define G_LOG_DOMAIN "Theme" #include "config.h" #include #include #include #include // GFile stuff. #include "helper.h" #include "rofi-icon-fetcher.h" #include "rofi-types.h" #include "rofi.h" #include "settings.h" #include "theme-parser.h" #include "theme.h" #include "view.h" #include "widgets/textbox.h" #include /** * list of config files we parsed. */ GList *parsed_config_files = NULL; /** cleanup (free) the list of parsed config files. */ void rofi_theme_free_parsed_files(void) { g_list_free_full(parsed_config_files, g_free); parsed_config_files = NULL; } /** * @param is_term if print to terminal * * print the list of parsed config files. */ void rofi_theme_print_parsed_files(gboolean is_term) { printf("\nParsed files:\n"); for (GList *iter = g_list_first(parsed_config_files); iter != NULL; iter = g_list_next(iter)) { printf("\t\u2023 %s%s%s\n", is_term ? color_bold : "", (const char *)(iter->data), is_term ? color_reset : ""); } printf("\n"); } void yyerror(YYLTYPE *yylloc, const char *, const char *); static gboolean distance_compare(RofiDistance d, RofiDistance e) { // TODO UPDATE return d.base.type == e.base.type && d.base.distance == e.base.distance && d.style == e.style; } ThemeWidget *rofi_theme_find_or_create_name(ThemeWidget *base, const char *name) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < base->num_widgets; i++) { if (g_strcmp0(base->widgets[i]->name, name) == 0) { return base->widgets[i]; } } base->widgets = g_realloc(base->widgets, sizeof(ThemeWidget *) * (base->num_widgets + 1)); base->widgets[base->num_widgets] = g_slice_new0(ThemeWidget); ThemeWidget *retv = base->widgets[base->num_widgets]; retv->parent = base; retv->name = g_strdup(name); base->num_widgets++; return retv; } /** * Properties */ Property *rofi_theme_property_create(PropertyType type) { Property *retv = g_slice_new0(Property); retv->type = type; return retv; } static RofiDistanceUnit * rofi_theme_property_copy_distance_unit(RofiDistanceUnit *unit) { RofiDistanceUnit *retv = g_slice_new0(RofiDistanceUnit); *retv = *unit; if (unit->left) { retv->left = rofi_theme_property_copy_distance_unit(unit->left); } if (unit->right) { retv->right = rofi_theme_property_copy_distance_unit(unit->right); } return retv; } RofiDistance rofi_theme_property_copy_distance(RofiDistance const distance) { RofiDistance retv = distance; if (distance.base.left) { retv.base.left = rofi_theme_property_copy_distance_unit(distance.base.left); } if (distance.base.right) { retv.base.right = rofi_theme_property_copy_distance_unit(distance.base.right); } return retv; } Property *rofi_theme_property_copy(const Property *p, G_GNUC_UNUSED void *data) { Property *retv = rofi_theme_property_create(p->type); retv->name = g_strdup(p->name); switch (p->type) { case P_STRING: retv->value.s = g_strdup(p->value.s); break; case P_LIST: retv->value.list = g_list_copy_deep( p->value.list, (GCopyFunc)rofi_theme_property_copy, NULL); break; case P_LINK: retv->value.link.name = g_strdup(p->value.link.name); retv->value.link.ref = NULL; if (p->value.link.def_value) { retv->value.link.def_value = rofi_theme_property_copy(p->value.link.def_value, NULL); } break; case P_PADDING: { retv->value = p->value; retv->value.padding.top = rofi_theme_property_copy_distance(p->value.padding.top); retv->value.padding.left = rofi_theme_property_copy_distance(p->value.padding.left); retv->value.padding.bottom = rofi_theme_property_copy_distance(p->value.padding.bottom); retv->value.padding.right = rofi_theme_property_copy_distance(p->value.padding.right); break; } case P_IMAGE: { retv->value = p->value; retv->value.image.url = g_strdup(p->value.image.url); retv->value.image.colors = NULL; for (GList *l = g_list_first(p->value.image.colors); l; l = g_list_next(l)) { retv->value.image.colors = g_list_append( retv->value.image.colors, g_memdup2(l->data, sizeof(ThemeColor))); } break; } default: retv->value = p->value; } return retv; } static void rofi_theme_distance_unit_property_free(RofiDistanceUnit *unit) { if (unit->left) { rofi_theme_distance_unit_property_free(unit->left); unit->left = NULL; } if (unit->right) { rofi_theme_distance_unit_property_free(unit->right); unit->right = NULL; } g_slice_free(RofiDistanceUnit, unit); } static void rofi_theme_distance_property_free(RofiDistance *distance) { if (distance->base.left) { rofi_theme_distance_unit_property_free(distance->base.left); distance->base.left = NULL; } if (distance->base.right) { rofi_theme_distance_unit_property_free(distance->base.right); distance->base.right = NULL; } } void rofi_theme_property_free(Property *p) { if (p == NULL) { return; } g_free(p->name); if (p->type == P_STRING) { g_free(p->value.s); } else if (p->type == P_LIST) { g_list_free_full(p->value.list, (GDestroyNotify)rofi_theme_property_free); p->value.list = 0; } else if (p->type == P_LINK) { g_free(p->value.link.name); if (p->value.link.def_value) { rofi_theme_property_free(p->value.link.def_value); } } else if (p->type == P_PADDING) { rofi_theme_distance_property_free(&(p->value.padding.top)); rofi_theme_distance_property_free(&(p->value.padding.right)); rofi_theme_distance_property_free(&(p->value.padding.bottom)); rofi_theme_distance_property_free(&(p->value.padding.left)); } else if (p->type == P_IMAGE) { if (p->value.image.url) { g_free(p->value.image.url); } if (p->value.image.colors) { g_list_free_full(p->value.image.colors, g_free); } } g_slice_free(Property, p); } void rofi_theme_reset(void) { rofi_theme_free(rofi_theme); rofi_theme = g_slice_new0(ThemeWidget); rofi_theme->name = g_strdup("Root"); } void rofi_theme_free(ThemeWidget *wid) { if (wid == NULL) { return; } if (wid->properties) { g_hash_table_destroy(wid->properties); wid->properties = NULL; } if (wid->media) { g_slice_free(ThemeMedia, wid->media); } for (unsigned int i = 0; i < wid->num_widgets; i++) { rofi_theme_free(wid->widgets[i]); } g_free(wid->widgets); g_free(wid->name); g_slice_free(ThemeWidget, wid); } /** * print */ inline static void printf_double(double d) { char buf[G_ASCII_DTOSTR_BUF_SIZE + 1] = { 0, }; g_ascii_formatd(buf, G_ASCII_DTOSTR_BUF_SIZE, "%.4f", d); fputs(buf, stdout); } static void rofi_theme_print_distance_unit(RofiDistanceUnit *unit) { if (unit->modtype == ROFI_DISTANCE_MODIFIER_GROUP) { fputs("( ", stdout); } if (unit->left) { rofi_theme_print_distance_unit(unit->left); } if (unit->modtype == ROFI_DISTANCE_MODIFIER_ADD) { fputs(" + ", stdout); } else if (unit->modtype == ROFI_DISTANCE_MODIFIER_SUBTRACT) { fputs(" - ", stdout); } else if (unit->modtype == ROFI_DISTANCE_MODIFIER_DIVIDE) { fputs(" / ", stdout); } else if (unit->modtype == ROFI_DISTANCE_MODIFIER_MULTIPLY) { fputs(" * ", stdout); } else if (unit->modtype == ROFI_DISTANCE_MODIFIER_MODULO) { fputs(" modulo ", stdout); } else if (unit->modtype == ROFI_DISTANCE_MODIFIER_MIN) { fputs(" min ", stdout); } else if (unit->modtype == ROFI_DISTANCE_MODIFIER_MAX) { fputs(" max ", stdout); } else if (unit->modtype == ROFI_DISTANCE_MODIFIER_ROUND) { fputs(" round ", stdout); } else if (unit->modtype == ROFI_DISTANCE_MODIFIER_FLOOR) { fputs(" floor ", stdout); } else if (unit->modtype == ROFI_DISTANCE_MODIFIER_CEIL) { fputs(" ceil ", stdout); } if (unit->right) { rofi_theme_print_distance_unit(unit->right); } if (unit->modtype == ROFI_DISTANCE_MODIFIER_NONE) { if (unit->type == ROFI_PU_PX) { printf("%upx ", (unsigned int)unit->distance); } else if (unit->type == ROFI_PU_MM) { printf_double(unit->distance); fputs("mm ", stdout); } else if (unit->type == ROFI_PU_PERCENT) { printf_double(unit->distance); fputs("% ", stdout); } else if (unit->type == ROFI_PU_CH) { printf_double(unit->distance); fputs("ch ", stdout); } else { printf_double(unit->distance); fputs("em ", stdout); } } if (unit->modtype == ROFI_DISTANCE_MODIFIER_GROUP) { fputs(" )", stdout); } } static void rofi_theme_print_color(ThemeColor color) { uint8_t r, g, b; g = 255 * color.green; r = 255 * color.red; b = 255 * color.blue; if (color.alpha < 0.00001) { printf("transparent"); return; } for (uint32_t x = 0; x < num_CSSColors; x++) { if (CSSColors[x].r == r && CSSColors[x].g == g && CSSColors[x].b == b) { printf("%s", CSSColors[x].name); if (color.alpha < 1) { printf("/%.0f%%", color.alpha * 100.0); } return; } } printf("rgba ( %.0f, %.0f, %.0f, %.0f %% )", (color.red * 255.0), (color.green * 255.0), (color.blue * 255.0), (color.alpha * 100.0)); } static void rofi_theme_print_distance(RofiDistance d) { if (d.base.modtype == ROFI_DISTANCE_MODIFIER_GROUP) { fputs("calc( ", stdout); } rofi_theme_print_distance_unit(&(d.base)); if (d.base.modtype == ROFI_DISTANCE_MODIFIER_GROUP) { fputs(")", stdout); } if (d.style == ROFI_HL_DASH) { printf("dash "); } } /** Textual representation of RofiCursorType */ const char *const RofiCursorTypeStr[3] = { "default", "pointer", "text", }; static void int_rofi_theme_print_property(Property *p) { switch (p->type) { case P_LIST: printf("[ "); for (GList *iter = p->value.list; iter != NULL; iter = g_list_next(iter)) { int_rofi_theme_print_property((Property *)iter->data); if (iter->next != NULL) { printf(","); } } printf(" ]"); break; case P_ORIENTATION: printf("%s", (p->value.i == ROFI_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL) ? "horizontal" : "vertical"); break; case P_CURSOR: printf("%s", RofiCursorTypeStr[p->value.i]); break; case P_HIGHLIGHT: if (p->value.highlight.style & ROFI_HL_BOLD) { printf("bold "); } if (p->value.highlight.style & ROFI_HL_UNDERLINE) { printf("underline "); } if (p->value.highlight.style & ROFI_HL_STRIKETHROUGH) { printf("strikethrough "); } if (p->value.highlight.style & ROFI_HL_ITALIC) { printf("italic "); } if (p->value.highlight.style & ROFI_HL_UPPERCASE) { printf("uppercase "); } if (p->value.highlight.style & ROFI_HL_LOWERCASE) { printf("lowercase "); } if (p->value.highlight.style & ROFI_HL_CAPITALIZE) { printf("capitalize "); } if (p->value.highlight.style & ROFI_HL_COLOR) { rofi_theme_print_color(p->value.highlight.color); } break; case P_POSITION: { switch (p->value.i) { case WL_CENTER: fputs("center", stdout); break; case WL_NORTH: fputs("north", stdout); break; case WL_SOUTH: fputs("south", stdout); break; case WL_WEST: fputs("west", stdout); break; case WL_EAST: fputs("east", stdout); break; case WL_NORTH | WL_EAST: fputs("northeast", stdout); break; case WL_SOUTH | WL_EAST: fputs("southeast", stdout); break; case WL_NORTH | WL_WEST: fputs("northwest", stdout); break; case WL_SOUTH | WL_WEST: fputs("southwest", stdout); break; } break; } case P_STRING: printf("\"%s\"", p->value.s); break; case P_INTEGER: printf("%d", p->value.i); break; case P_DOUBLE: { char sign = (p->value.f < 0); int top = (int)fabs(p->value.f); int bottom = (fabs(fmod(p->value.f, 1.0))) * 100; printf("%s%d.%02d", sign ? "-" : "", top, bottom); break; } case P_BOOLEAN: printf("%s", p->value.b ? "true" : "false"); break; case P_COLOR: rofi_theme_print_color(p->value.color); break; case P_IMAGE: { if (p->value.image.type == ROFI_IMAGE_URL) { printf("url (\"%s\")", p->value.s); } else if (p->value.image.type == ROFI_IMAGE_LINEAR_GRADIENT) { printf("linear-gradient ( "); guint length = g_list_length(p->value.image.colors); guint index = 0; for (GList *l = g_list_first(p->value.image.colors); l != NULL; l = g_list_next(l)) { ThemeColor *color = (ThemeColor *)l->data; rofi_theme_print_color(*color); index++; if (index < length) { printf(", "); } } printf(")"); } break; } case P_PADDING: if (distance_compare(p->value.padding.top, p->value.padding.bottom) && distance_compare(p->value.padding.left, p->value.padding.right) && distance_compare(p->value.padding.left, p->value.padding.top)) { rofi_theme_print_distance(p->value.padding.left); } else if (distance_compare(p->value.padding.top, p->value.padding.bottom) && distance_compare(p->value.padding.left, p->value.padding.right)) { rofi_theme_print_distance(p->value.padding.top); rofi_theme_print_distance(p->value.padding.left); } else if (!distance_compare(p->value.padding.top, p->value.padding.bottom) && distance_compare(p->value.padding.left, p->value.padding.right)) { rofi_theme_print_distance(p->value.padding.top); rofi_theme_print_distance(p->value.padding.left); rofi_theme_print_distance(p->value.padding.bottom); } else { rofi_theme_print_distance(p->value.padding.top); rofi_theme_print_distance(p->value.padding.right); rofi_theme_print_distance(p->value.padding.bottom); rofi_theme_print_distance(p->value.padding.left); } break; case P_LINK: if (p->value.link.def_value) { printf("var( %s, ", p->value.link.name); int_rofi_theme_print_property(p->value.link.def_value); printf(")"); } else { printf("var(%s)", p->value.link.name); } break; case P_INHERIT: printf("inherit"); break; default: break; } } static void rofi_theme_print_property_index(size_t pnl, int cur_depth, Property *p) { int pl = strlen(p->name); printf("%*s%s:%*s ", cur_depth, "", p->name, (int)pnl - pl, ""); int_rofi_theme_print_property(p); putchar(';'); putchar('\n'); } void rofi_theme_print_index(ThemeWidget *wid, int index) { GHashTableIter iter; gpointer key, value; if (wid->media) { printf("%s {\n", wid->name); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < wid->num_widgets; i++) { rofi_theme_print_index(wid->widgets[i], index + 4); } printf("}\n"); } else { if (wid->properties) { GList *list = NULL; ThemeWidget *w = wid; while (w) { if (g_strcmp0(w->name, "Root") == 0) { break; } if (w->media) { break; } list = g_list_prepend(list, w->name); w = w->parent; } if (g_list_length(list) > 0) { printf("%*s", index, ""); for (GList *citer = g_list_first(list); citer != NULL; citer = g_list_next(citer)) { char *name = (char *)citer->data; fputs(name, stdout); if (citer->prev == NULL && citer->next) { putchar(' '); } else if (citer->next) { putchar('.'); } } printf(" {\n"); } else { printf("%*s* {\n", index, ""); } size_t property_name_length = 0; g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, wid->properties); while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, &key, &value)) { Property *pv = (Property *)value; property_name_length = MAX(strlen(pv->name), property_name_length); } g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, wid->properties); while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, &key, &value)) { Property *pv = (Property *)value; rofi_theme_print_property_index(property_name_length, index + 4, pv); } printf("%*s}\n", index, ""); g_list_free(list); } for (unsigned int i = 0; i < wid->num_widgets; i++) { rofi_theme_print_index(wid->widgets[i], index); } } } void rofi_theme_print(ThemeWidget *wid) { if (wid != NULL) { printf("/**\n * rofi -dump-theme output.\n * Rofi version: %s\n **/\n", PACKAGE_VERSION); rofi_theme_print_index(wid, 0); } } /** * Destroy the internal of lex parser. */ void yylex_destroy(void); /** * Global handle input file to flex parser. */ extern FILE *yyin; /** * @param yylloc The file location. * @param what What we are parsing, filename or string. * @param s Error message string. * * Error handler for the lex parser. */ void yyerror(YYLTYPE *yylloc, const char *what, const char *s) { char *what_esc = what ? g_markup_escape_text(what, -1) : g_strdup(""); GString *str = g_string_new(""); g_string_printf(str, "Error while parsing theme: %s\n", what_esc); g_free(what_esc); char *esc = g_markup_escape_text(s, -1); g_string_append_printf( str, "\tParser error: %s\n", esc); g_free(esc); if (yylloc->filename != NULL) { g_string_append_printf( str, "\tLocation: line %d column %d to line %d column %d.\n" "\tFile '%s'\n", yylloc->first_line, yylloc->first_column, yylloc->last_line, yylloc->last_column, yylloc->filename); } else { g_string_append_printf( str, "\tLocation: line %d column %d to line %d column %d\n", yylloc->first_line, yylloc->first_column, yylloc->last_line, yylloc->last_column); } g_log("Parser", G_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "Failed to parse theme:\n%s", str->str); rofi_add_error_message(str); } static void rofi_theme_copy_property_int(G_GNUC_UNUSED gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data) { GHashTable *table = (GHashTable *)user_data; Property *p = rofi_theme_property_copy((Property *)value, NULL); g_hash_table_replace(table, p->name, p); } void rofi_theme_widget_add_properties(ThemeWidget *wid, GHashTable *table) { if (table == NULL) { return; } if (wid->properties == NULL) { wid->properties = g_hash_table_new_full(g_str_hash, g_str_equal, NULL, (GDestroyNotify)rofi_theme_property_free); } g_hash_table_foreach(table, rofi_theme_copy_property_int, wid->properties); } /** * Public API */ static inline ThemeWidget *rofi_theme_find_single(ThemeWidget *wid, const char *name) { for (unsigned int j = 0; wid && j < wid->num_widgets; j++) { if (g_strcmp0(wid->widgets[j]->name, name) == 0) { return wid->widgets[j]; } } return wid; } static ThemeWidget *rofi_theme_find(ThemeWidget *wid, const char *name, const gboolean exact) { if (wid == NULL || name == NULL) { return wid; } char *tname = g_strdup(name); char *saveptr = NULL; int found = TRUE; for (const char *iter = strtok_r(tname, ".", &saveptr); iter != NULL; iter = strtok_r(NULL, ".", &saveptr)) { found = FALSE; ThemeWidget *f = rofi_theme_find_single(wid, iter); if (f != wid) { wid = f; found = TRUE; } else if (exact) { break; } } g_free(tname); if (!exact || found) { return wid; } return NULL; } static void rofi_theme_resolve_link_property(Property *p, int cur_depth) { // Set name, remove '@' prefix. const char *name = p->value.link.name; // + (*(p->value.link.name)== '@'?1:0; g_info("Resolving link to %s", p->value.link.name); if (cur_depth > 20) { g_warning("Found more then 20 redirects for property. Stopping."); p->value.link.ref = p; return; } if (rofi_theme->properties && g_hash_table_contains(rofi_theme->properties, name)) { Property *pr = g_hash_table_lookup(rofi_theme->properties, name); g_info("Resolving link %s found: %s", p->value.link.name, pr->name); if (pr->type == P_LINK) { if (pr->value.link.ref == NULL) { rofi_theme_resolve_link_property(pr, cur_depth + 1); } if (pr->value.link.ref != pr) { p->value.link.ref = pr->value.link.ref; return; } } else { p->value.link.ref = pr; return; } } // No found and we have default value. if (p->value.link.def_value) { p->value.link.ref = p->value.link.def_value; return; } // No found, set ref to self. p->value.link.ref = p; } Property *rofi_theme_find_property(ThemeWidget *wid, PropertyType type, const char *property, gboolean exact) { while (wid) { if (wid->properties && g_hash_table_contains(wid->properties, property)) { Property *p = g_hash_table_lookup(wid->properties, property); if (p->type == P_INHERIT) { return p; } if (p->type == P_LINK) { if (p->value.link.ref == NULL) { // Resolve link. rofi_theme_resolve_link_property(p, 0); } if (p->value.link.ref != NULL && p->value.link.ref->type == type) { return p->value.link.ref; } } if (p->type == type) { return p; } // RofiPadding and integer can be converted. if (p->type == P_INTEGER && type == P_PADDING) { return p; } g_debug("Found property: '%s' on '%s', but type %s does not match " "expected type %s.", property, wid->name, PropertyTypeName[p->type], PropertyTypeName[type]); } if (exact) { return NULL; } // Fall back to defaults. wid = wid->parent; } return NULL; } ThemeWidget *rofi_config_find_widget(const char *name, const char *state, gboolean exact) { // First find exact match based on name. ThemeWidget *wid = rofi_theme_find_single(rofi_configuration, name); wid = rofi_theme_find(wid, state, exact); return wid; } ThemeWidget *rofi_theme_find_widget(const char *name, const char *state, gboolean exact) { // First find exact match based on name. ThemeWidget *wid = rofi_theme_find_single(rofi_theme, name); wid = rofi_theme_find(wid, state, exact); return wid; } static int rofi_theme_get_position_inside(Property *p, const widget *wid, const char *property, int def) { if (p) { if (p->type == P_INHERIT) { if (wid->parent) { ThemeWidget *parent = rofi_theme_find_widget(wid->parent->name, wid->state, FALSE); Property *pv = rofi_theme_find_property(parent, P_POSITION, property, FALSE); return rofi_theme_get_position_inside(pv, wid->parent, property, def); } return def; } return p->value.i; } g_debug("Theme entry: #%s %s property %s unset.", wid->name, wid->state ? wid->state : "", property); return def; } int rofi_theme_get_position(const widget *wid, const char *property, int def) { ThemeWidget *wid_find = rofi_theme_find_widget(wid->name, wid->state, FALSE); Property *p = rofi_theme_find_property(wid_find, P_POSITION, property, FALSE); return rofi_theme_get_position_inside(p, wid, property, def); } static int rofi_theme_get_integer_inside(Property *p, const widget *wid, const char *property, int def) { if (p) { if (p->type == P_INHERIT) { if (wid->parent) { ThemeWidget *parent = rofi_theme_find_widget(wid->parent->name, wid->state, FALSE); Property *pv = rofi_theme_find_property(parent, P_INTEGER, property, FALSE); return rofi_theme_get_integer_inside(pv, wid->parent, property, def); } return def; } return p->value.i; } g_debug("Theme entry: #%s %s property %s unset.", wid->name, wid->state ? wid->state : "", property); return def; } int rofi_theme_get_integer(const widget *wid, const char *property, int def) { ThemeWidget *wid_find = rofi_theme_find_widget(wid->name, wid->state, FALSE); Property *p = rofi_theme_find_property(wid_find, P_INTEGER, property, FALSE); return (int)rofi_theme_get_integer_inside(p, wid, property, (double)def); } static RofiDistance rofi_theme_get_distance_inside(Property *p, const widget *wid, const char *property, int def) { if (p) { if (p->type == P_INHERIT) { if (wid->parent) { ThemeWidget *parent = rofi_theme_find_widget(wid->parent->name, wid->state, FALSE); Property *pv = rofi_theme_find_property(parent, P_PADDING, property, FALSE); return rofi_theme_get_distance_inside(pv, wid->parent, property, def); } return (RofiDistance){ .base = {def, ROFI_PU_PX, ROFI_DISTANCE_MODIFIER_NONE, NULL, NULL}, .style = ROFI_HL_SOLID}; } if (p->type == P_INTEGER) { return (RofiDistance){.base = {p->value.i, ROFI_PU_PX, ROFI_DISTANCE_MODIFIER_NONE, NULL, NULL}, .style = ROFI_HL_SOLID}; } return p->value.padding.left; } g_debug("Theme entry: #%s %s property %s unset.", wid->name, wid->state ? wid->state : "", property); return (RofiDistance){ .base = {def, ROFI_PU_PX, ROFI_DISTANCE_MODIFIER_NONE, NULL, NULL}, .style = ROFI_HL_SOLID}; } RofiDistance rofi_theme_get_distance(const widget *wid, const char *property, int def) { ThemeWidget *wid_find = rofi_theme_find_widget(wid->name, wid->state, FALSE); Property *p = rofi_theme_find_property(wid_find, P_PADDING, property, FALSE); return rofi_theme_get_distance_inside(p, wid, property, def); } static int rofi_theme_get_boolean_inside(Property *p, const widget *wid, const char *property, int def) { if (p) { if (p->type == P_INHERIT) { if (wid->parent) { ThemeWidget *parent = rofi_theme_find_widget(wid->parent->name, wid->state, FALSE); Property *pv = rofi_theme_find_property(parent, P_BOOLEAN, property, FALSE); return rofi_theme_get_boolean_inside(pv, wid->parent, property, def); } return def; } return p->value.b; } g_debug("Theme entry: #%s %s property %s unset.", wid->name, wid->state ? wid->state : "", property); return def; } int rofi_theme_get_boolean(const widget *wid, const char *property, int def) { ThemeWidget *wid_find = rofi_theme_find_widget(wid->name, wid->state, FALSE); Property *p = rofi_theme_find_property(wid_find, P_BOOLEAN, property, FALSE); return rofi_theme_get_boolean_inside(p, wid, property, def); } static RofiOrientation rofi_theme_get_orientation_inside(Property *p, const widget *wid, const char *property, RofiOrientation def) { if (p) { if (p->type == P_INHERIT) { if (wid->parent) { ThemeWidget *parent = rofi_theme_find_widget(wid->parent->name, wid->state, FALSE); Property *pv = rofi_theme_find_property(parent, P_ORIENTATION, property, FALSE); return rofi_theme_get_orientation_inside(pv, wid->parent, property, def); } return def; } return p->value.b; } g_debug("Theme entry: #%s %s property %s unset.", wid->name, wid->state ? wid->state : "", property); return def; } RofiOrientation rofi_theme_get_orientation(const widget *wid, const char *property, RofiOrientation def) { ThemeWidget *wid_find = rofi_theme_find_widget(wid->name, wid->state, FALSE); Property *p = rofi_theme_find_property(wid_find, P_ORIENTATION, property, FALSE); return rofi_theme_get_orientation_inside(p, wid, property, def); } static RofiCursorType rofi_theme_get_cursor_type_inside(Property *p, const widget *wid, const char *property, RofiCursorType def) { if (p) { if (p->type == P_INHERIT) { if (wid->parent) { ThemeWidget *parent = rofi_theme_find_widget(wid->parent->name, wid->state, FALSE); Property *pv = rofi_theme_find_property(parent, P_CURSOR, property, FALSE); return rofi_theme_get_cursor_type_inside(pv, wid->parent, property, def); } return def; } return p->value.i; } g_debug("Theme entry: #%s %s property %s unset.", wid->name, wid->state ? wid->state : "", property); return def; } RofiCursorType rofi_theme_get_cursor_type(const widget *wid, const char *property, RofiCursorType def) { ThemeWidget *wid_find = rofi_theme_find_widget(wid->name, wid->state, FALSE); Property *p = rofi_theme_find_property(wid_find, P_CURSOR, property, FALSE); return rofi_theme_get_cursor_type_inside(p, wid, property, def); } static const char *rofi_theme_get_string_inside(Property *p, const widget *wid, const char *property, const char *def) { if (p) { if (p->type == P_INHERIT) { if (wid->parent) { ThemeWidget *parent = rofi_theme_find_widget(wid->parent->name, wid->state, FALSE); Property *pv = rofi_theme_find_property(parent, P_STRING, property, FALSE); return rofi_theme_get_string_inside(pv, wid->parent, property, def); } return def; } return p->value.s; } g_debug("Theme entry: #%s %s property %s unset.", wid->name, wid->state ? wid->state : "", property); return def; } const char *rofi_theme_get_string(const widget *wid, const char *property, const char *def) { ThemeWidget *wid_find = rofi_theme_find_widget(wid->name, wid->state, FALSE); Property *p = rofi_theme_find_property(wid_find, P_STRING, property, FALSE); return rofi_theme_get_string_inside(p, wid, property, def); } static double rofi_theme_get_double_integer_fb_inside(Property *p, const widget *wid, const char *property, double def) { if (p) { if (p->type == P_INHERIT) { if (wid->parent) { ThemeWidget *parent = rofi_theme_find_widget(wid->parent->name, wid->state, FALSE); Property *pv = rofi_theme_find_property(parent, P_INTEGER, property, FALSE); return rofi_theme_get_double_integer_fb_inside(pv, wid->parent, property, def); } return def; } return p->value.i; } g_debug("Theme entry: #%s %s property %s unset.", wid->name, wid->state ? wid->state : "", property); return def; } static double rofi_theme_get_double_inside(const widget *orig, Property *p, const widget *wid, const char *property, double def) { if (p) { if (p->type == P_INHERIT) { if (wid->parent) { ThemeWidget *parent = rofi_theme_find_widget(wid->parent->name, wid->state, FALSE); Property *pv = rofi_theme_find_property(parent, P_DOUBLE, property, FALSE); return rofi_theme_get_double_inside(orig, pv, wid->parent, property, def); } return def; } return p->value.f; } ThemeWidget *wid_find = rofi_theme_find_widget(orig->name, wid->state, FALSE); // Fallback to integer if double is not found. p = rofi_theme_find_property(wid_find, P_INTEGER, property, FALSE); return rofi_theme_get_double_integer_fb_inside(p, wid, property, def); } double rofi_theme_get_double(const widget *wid, const char *property, double def) { ThemeWidget *wid_find = rofi_theme_find_widget(wid->name, wid->state, FALSE); Property *p = rofi_theme_find_property(wid_find, P_DOUBLE, property, FALSE); return rofi_theme_get_double_inside(wid, p, wid, property, def); } static void rofi_theme_get_color_inside(const widget *wid, Property *p, const char *property, cairo_t *d) { if (p) { if (p->type == P_INHERIT) { if (wid->parent) { ThemeWidget *parent = rofi_theme_find_widget(wid->parent->name, wid->state, FALSE); Property *pv = rofi_theme_find_property(parent, P_COLOR, property, FALSE); rofi_theme_get_color_inside(wid->parent, pv, property, d); } return; } cairo_set_source_rgba(d, p->value.color.red, p->value.color.green, p->value.color.blue, p->value.color.alpha); } else { g_debug("Theme entry: #%s %s property %s unset.", wid->name, wid->state ? wid->state : "", property); } } void rofi_theme_get_color(const widget *wid, const char *property, cairo_t *d) { ThemeWidget *wid_find = rofi_theme_find_widget(wid->name, wid->state, FALSE); Property *p = rofi_theme_find_property(wid_find, P_COLOR, property, FALSE); rofi_theme_get_color_inside(wid, p, property, d); } static gboolean rofi_theme_get_image_inside(Property *p, const widget *wid, const char *property, cairo_t *d) { if (p) { if (p->type == P_INHERIT) { if (wid->parent) { ThemeWidget *parent = rofi_theme_find_widget(wid->parent->name, wid->state, FALSE); Property *pv = rofi_theme_find_property(parent, P_IMAGE, property, FALSE); return rofi_theme_get_image_inside(pv, wid->parent, property, d); } return FALSE; } if (p->value.image.type == ROFI_IMAGE_URL) { int wsize = -1; int hsize = -1; switch (p->value.image.scaling) { case ROFI_SCALE_BOTH: wsize = wid->w; hsize = wid->h; break; case ROFI_SCALE_WIDTH: wsize = wid->w; break; case ROFI_SCALE_HEIGHT: hsize = wid->h; break; case ROFI_SCALE_NONE: default: break; } if (p->value.image.surface_id == 0 || p->value.image.wsize != wsize || p->value.image.hsize != hsize) { p->value.image.surface_id = rofi_icon_fetcher_query_advanced(p->value.image.url, wsize, hsize); p->value.image.wsize = wsize; p->value.image.hsize = hsize; } cairo_surface_t *img = rofi_icon_fetcher_get(p->value.image.surface_id); if (img != NULL) { cairo_pattern_t *pat = cairo_pattern_create_for_surface(img); cairo_pattern_set_extend(pat, CAIRO_EXTEND_REPEAT); cairo_set_source(d, pat); cairo_pattern_destroy(pat); return TRUE; } } else if (p->value.image.type == ROFI_IMAGE_LINEAR_GRADIENT) { cairo_pattern_t *pat = NULL; switch (p->value.image.dir) { case ROFI_DIRECTION_RIGHT: pat = cairo_pattern_create_linear(0.0, 0.0, wid->w, 0.0); break; case ROFI_DIRECTION_LEFT: pat = cairo_pattern_create_linear(wid->w, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); break; case ROFI_DIRECTION_BOTTOM: pat = cairo_pattern_create_linear(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, wid->h); break; case ROFI_DIRECTION_TOP: pat = cairo_pattern_create_linear(0.0, wid->h, 0.0, 0.0); break; case ROFI_DIRECTION_ANGLE: { double offsety1 = sin(G_PI * 2 * p->value.image.angle) * (wid->h / 2.0); double offsetx1 = cos(G_PI * 2 * p->value.image.angle) * (wid->w / 2.0); pat = cairo_pattern_create_linear( wid->w / 2.0 - offsetx1, wid->h / 2.0 - offsety1, wid->w / 2.0 + offsetx1, wid->h / 2.0 + offsety1); break; } }; guint length = g_list_length(p->value.image.colors); if (length > 1) { length--; guint color_index = 0; for (GList *l = g_list_first(p->value.image.colors); l != NULL; l = g_list_next(l)) { ThemeColor *c = (ThemeColor *)(l->data); cairo_pattern_add_color_stop_rgba(pat, (color_index) / (double)length, c->red, c->green, c->blue, c->alpha); color_index++; } cairo_set_source(d, pat); cairo_pattern_destroy(pat); return TRUE; } if (length == 1) { ThemeColor *c = (ThemeColor *)(p->value.image.colors->data); cairo_pattern_add_color_stop_rgba(pat, 0, c->red, c->green, c->blue, c->alpha); cairo_set_source(d, pat); cairo_pattern_destroy(pat); return TRUE; } } } else { g_debug("Theme entry: #%s %s property %s unset.", wid->name, wid->state ? wid->state : "", property); } return FALSE; } gboolean rofi_theme_get_image(const widget *wid, const char *property, cairo_t *d) { ThemeWidget *wid_find = rofi_theme_find_widget(wid->name, wid->state, FALSE); Property *p = rofi_theme_find_property(wid_find, P_IMAGE, property, FALSE); return rofi_theme_get_image_inside(p, wid, property, d); } static RofiPadding rofi_theme_get_padding_inside(Property *p, const widget *wid, const char *property, RofiPadding pad) { if (p) { if (p->type == P_INHERIT) { if (wid->parent) { ThemeWidget *parent = rofi_theme_find_widget(wid->parent->name, wid->state, FALSE); Property *pv = rofi_theme_find_property(parent, P_PADDING, property, FALSE); return rofi_theme_get_padding_inside(pv, wid->parent, property, pad); } return pad; } if (p->type == P_PADDING) { pad = p->value.padding; } else { RofiDistance d = (RofiDistance){.base = {p->value.i, ROFI_PU_PX, ROFI_DISTANCE_MODIFIER_NONE, NULL, NULL}, .style = ROFI_HL_SOLID}; return (RofiPadding){d, d, d, d}; } } g_debug("Theme entry: #%s %s property %s unset.", wid->name, wid->state ? wid->state : "", property); return pad; } RofiPadding rofi_theme_get_padding(const widget *wid, const char *property, RofiPadding pad) { ThemeWidget *wid_find = rofi_theme_find_widget(wid->name, wid->state, FALSE); Property *p = rofi_theme_find_property(wid_find, P_PADDING, property, FALSE); return rofi_theme_get_padding_inside(p, wid, property, pad); } static GList *rofi_theme_get_list_inside(Property *p, const widget *wid, const char *property, PropertyType child_type) { if (p) { if (p->type == P_INHERIT) { if (wid->parent) { ThemeWidget *parent = rofi_theme_find_widget(wid->parent->name, wid->state, FALSE); Property *pv = rofi_theme_find_property(parent, P_LIST, property, FALSE); return rofi_theme_get_list_inside(pv, wid->parent, property, child_type); } } else if (p->type == P_LIST) { return p->value.list; } } return NULL; } GList *rofi_theme_get_list_distance(const widget *wid, const char *property) { ThemeWidget *wid2 = rofi_theme_find_widget(wid->name, wid->state, FALSE); Property *p = rofi_theme_find_property(wid2, P_LIST, property, FALSE); GList *list = rofi_theme_get_list_inside(p, wid, property, P_PADDING); GList *retv = NULL; for (GList *iter = g_list_first(list); iter != NULL; iter = g_list_next(iter)) { Property *prop = (Property *)(iter->data); if (prop->type == P_PADDING) { RofiDistance *pnew = g_new0(RofiDistance, 1); *pnew = prop->value.padding.left; retv = g_list_append(retv, pnew); } else if (prop->type == P_INTEGER) { RofiDistance *pnew = g_new0(RofiDistance, 1); RofiDistance d = (RofiDistance){.base = {prop->value.i, ROFI_PU_PX, ROFI_DISTANCE_MODIFIER_NONE, NULL, NULL}, .style = ROFI_HL_SOLID}; *pnew = d; retv = g_list_append(retv, pnew); } else { g_warning("Invalid type detected in list."); } } return retv; } GList *rofi_theme_get_list_strings(const widget *wid, const char *property) { ThemeWidget *wid2 = rofi_theme_find_widget(wid->name, wid->state, FALSE); Property *p = rofi_theme_find_property(wid2, P_LIST, property, FALSE); GList *list = rofi_theme_get_list_inside(p, wid, property, P_STRING); GList *retv = NULL; for (GList *iter = g_list_first(list); iter != NULL; iter = g_list_next(iter)) { Property *prop = (Property *)(iter->data); if (prop->type == P_STRING) { retv = g_list_append(retv, g_strdup(prop->value.s)); } else { g_warning("Invalid type detected in list."); } } return retv; } static RofiHighlightColorStyle rofi_theme_get_highlight_inside(Property *p, widget *wid, const char *property, RofiHighlightColorStyle th) { if (p) { if (p->type == P_INHERIT) { if (wid->parent) { ThemeWidget *parent = rofi_theme_find_widget(wid->parent->name, wid->state, FALSE); Property *pv = rofi_theme_find_property(parent, P_HIGHLIGHT, property, FALSE); return rofi_theme_get_highlight_inside(pv, wid->parent, property, th); } return th; } else if (p->type == P_COLOR) { th.style = ROFI_HL_NONE | ROFI_HL_COLOR; th.color = p->value.color; return th; } return p->value.highlight; } else { ThemeWidget *find_wid = rofi_theme_find_widget(wid->name, wid->state, FALSE); Property *p2 = rofi_theme_find_property(find_wid, P_COLOR, property, FALSE); if (p2 != NULL) { return rofi_theme_get_highlight_inside(p2, wid, property, th); } return th; } g_debug("Theme entry: #%s %s property %s unset.", wid->name, wid->state ? wid->state : "", property); return th; } RofiHighlightColorStyle rofi_theme_get_highlight(widget *wid, const char *property, RofiHighlightColorStyle th) { ThemeWidget *found_wid = rofi_theme_find_widget(wid->name, wid->state, FALSE); Property *p = rofi_theme_find_property(found_wid, P_HIGHLIGHT, property, FALSE); if (p == NULL) { p = rofi_theme_find_property(found_wid, P_COLOR, property, FALSE); } return rofi_theme_get_highlight_inside(p, wid, property, th); } static double get_pixels(RofiDistanceUnit *unit, RofiOrientation ori) { double val = unit->distance; if (unit->type == ROFI_PU_EM) { val = unit->distance * textbox_get_estimated_char_height(); } else if (unit->type == ROFI_PU_CH) { val = unit->distance * textbox_get_estimated_ch(); } else if (unit->type == ROFI_PU_PERCENT) { if (ori == ROFI_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL) { int height = 0; rofi_view_get_current_monitor(NULL, &height); val = (unit->distance * height) / (100.0); } else { int width = 0; rofi_view_get_current_monitor(&width, NULL); val = (unit->distance * width) / (100.0); } } else if (unit->type == ROFI_PU_MM) { val = unit->distance * config.dpi / 25.4; } return val; } static double distance_unit_get_pixel(RofiDistanceUnit *unit, RofiOrientation ori) { switch (unit->modtype) { case ROFI_DISTANCE_MODIFIER_GROUP: return distance_unit_get_pixel(unit->left, ori); break; case ROFI_DISTANCE_MODIFIER_ADD: return distance_unit_get_pixel(unit->left, ori) + distance_unit_get_pixel(unit->right, ori); case ROFI_DISTANCE_MODIFIER_SUBTRACT: return distance_unit_get_pixel(unit->left, ori) - distance_unit_get_pixel(unit->right, ori); case ROFI_DISTANCE_MODIFIER_MULTIPLY: return distance_unit_get_pixel(unit->left, ori) * distance_unit_get_pixel(unit->right, ori); case ROFI_DISTANCE_MODIFIER_DIVIDE: { double a = distance_unit_get_pixel(unit->left, ori); double b = distance_unit_get_pixel(unit->right, ori); if (b != 0) { return a / b; } return a; } case ROFI_DISTANCE_MODIFIER_MODULO: { double a = distance_unit_get_pixel(unit->left, ori); double b = distance_unit_get_pixel(unit->right, ori); if (b != 0) { return fmod(a, b); } return 0; } case ROFI_DISTANCE_MODIFIER_MIN: { double a = distance_unit_get_pixel(unit->left, ori); double b = distance_unit_get_pixel(unit->right, ori); return MIN(a, b); } case ROFI_DISTANCE_MODIFIER_MAX: { double a = distance_unit_get_pixel(unit->left, ori); double b = distance_unit_get_pixel(unit->right, ori); return MAX(a, b); } case ROFI_DISTANCE_MODIFIER_ROUND: { double a = (double)distance_unit_get_pixel(unit->left, ori); double b = (double)distance_unit_get_pixel(unit->right, ori); return (double)(round(a / b) * b); } case ROFI_DISTANCE_MODIFIER_CEIL: { double a = (double)distance_unit_get_pixel(unit->left, ori); double b = (double)distance_unit_get_pixel(unit->right, ori); return (double)(ceil(a / b) * b); } case ROFI_DISTANCE_MODIFIER_FLOOR: { double a = (double)distance_unit_get_pixel(unit->left, ori); double b = (double)distance_unit_get_pixel(unit->right, ori); return (double)(floor(a / b) * b); } default: break; } return get_pixels(unit, ori); } int distance_get_pixel(RofiDistance d, RofiOrientation ori) { return distance_unit_get_pixel(&(d.base), ori); } void distance_get_linestyle(RofiDistance d, cairo_t *draw) { if (d.style == ROFI_HL_DASH) { const double dashes[1] = {4}; cairo_set_dash(draw, dashes, 1, 0.0); } else { cairo_set_dash(draw, NULL, 0, 0.0); } } char *rofi_theme_parse_prepare_file(const char *file) { char *filename = g_strdup(file); // TODO: Why did I write this code? I think it was to get full path. GFile *gf = g_file_new_for_path(filename); parsed_config_files = g_list_append(parsed_config_files, filename); filename = g_file_get_path(gf); g_object_unref(gf); return filename; } void rofi_theme_parse_merge_widgets(ThemeWidget *parent, ThemeWidget *child) { g_assert(parent != NULL); g_assert(child != NULL); if (parent == rofi_theme && g_strcmp0(child->name, "*") == 0) { rofi_theme_widget_add_properties(parent, child->properties); return; } ThemeWidget *w = rofi_theme_find_or_create_name(parent, child->name); if (child->media) { w->media = g_slice_new0(ThemeMedia); *(w->media) = *(child->media); } rofi_theme_widget_add_properties(w, child->properties); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < child->num_widgets; i++) { rofi_theme_parse_merge_widgets(w, child->widgets[i]); } } static void rofi_theme_parse_process_conditionals_int(workarea mon, ThemeWidget *rwidget) { if (rwidget == NULL) { return; } unsigned int i = 0; // for (unsigned int i = 0; i < rwidget->num_widgets; i++) { while (i < rwidget->num_widgets) { ThemeWidget *child_widget = rwidget->widgets[i]; if (child_widget->media != NULL) { rwidget->num_widgets--; for (unsigned x = i; x < rwidget->num_widgets; x++) { rwidget->widgets[x] = rwidget->widgets[x + 1]; } rwidget->widgets[rwidget->num_widgets] = NULL; switch (child_widget->media->type) { case THEME_MEDIA_TYPE_MIN_WIDTH: { int w = child_widget->media->value; if (mon.w >= w) { for (unsigned int x = 0; x < child_widget->num_widgets; x++) { rofi_theme_parse_merge_widgets(rwidget, child_widget->widgets[x]); } } break; } case THEME_MEDIA_TYPE_MAX_WIDTH: { int w = child_widget->media->value; if (mon.w < w) { for (unsigned int x = 0; x < child_widget->num_widgets; x++) { rofi_theme_parse_merge_widgets(rwidget, child_widget->widgets[x]); } } break; } case THEME_MEDIA_TYPE_MIN_HEIGHT: { int h = child_widget->media->value; if (mon.h >= h) { for (unsigned int x = 0; x < child_widget->num_widgets; x++) { rofi_theme_parse_merge_widgets(rwidget, child_widget->widgets[x]); } } else { } break; } case THEME_MEDIA_TYPE_MAX_HEIGHT: { int h = child_widget->media->value; if (mon.h < h) { for (unsigned int x = 0; x < child_widget->num_widgets; x++) { rofi_theme_parse_merge_widgets(rwidget, child_widget->widgets[x]); } } break; } case THEME_MEDIA_TYPE_MON_ID: { if (mon.monitor_id == child_widget->media->value) { for (unsigned int x = 0; x < child_widget->num_widgets; x++) { rofi_theme_parse_merge_widgets(rwidget, child_widget->widgets[x]); } } break; } case THEME_MEDIA_TYPE_MIN_ASPECT_RATIO: { double r = child_widget->media->value; if ((mon.w / (double)mon.h) >= r) { for (unsigned int x = 0; x < child_widget->num_widgets; x++) { rofi_theme_parse_merge_widgets(rwidget, child_widget->widgets[x]); } } break; } case THEME_MEDIA_TYPE_MAX_ASPECT_RATIO: { double r = child_widget->media->value; if ((mon.w / (double)mon.h) < r) { for (unsigned int x = 0; x < child_widget->num_widgets; x++) { rofi_theme_parse_merge_widgets(rwidget, child_widget->widgets[x]); } } break; } case THEME_MEDIA_TYPE_BOOLEAN: { if (child_widget->media->boolv) { for (unsigned int x = 0; x < child_widget->num_widgets; x++) { rofi_theme_parse_merge_widgets(rwidget, child_widget->widgets[x]); } } break; } default: { break; } } rofi_theme_free(child_widget); // endif } else { rofi_theme_parse_process_conditionals_int(mon, child_widget); i++; } } } static char *rofi_theme_widget_get_name(ThemeWidget *wid) { GString *str = g_string_new(wid->name); for (ThemeWidget *i = wid->parent; i->parent != NULL; i = i->parent) { g_string_prepend_c(str, ' '); g_string_prepend(str, i->name); } char *retv = str->str; g_string_free(str, FALSE); return retv; } static void rofi_theme_parse_process_links_int(ThemeWidget *wid) { if (wid == NULL) { return; } for (unsigned int i = 0; i < wid->num_widgets; i++) { ThemeWidget *child_widget = wid->widgets[i]; rofi_theme_parse_process_links_int(child_widget); if (child_widget->properties == NULL) { continue; } GHashTableIter iter; gpointer key, value; g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, child_widget->properties); while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, &key, &value)) { Property *pv = (Property *)value; if (pv->type == P_LINK) { if (pv->value.link.ref == NULL) { rofi_theme_resolve_link_property(pv, 0); if (pv->value.link.ref == pv) { char *n = rofi_theme_widget_get_name(child_widget); GString *str = g_string_new(NULL); g_string_printf(str, "Validating the theme failed: the variable '%s' in " "`%s { %s: var(%s);}` failed to resolve.", pv->value.link.name, n, pv->name, pv->value.link.name); rofi_add_warning_message(str); g_free(n); } } } } } } void rofi_theme_parse_process_links(void) { rofi_theme_parse_process_links_int(rofi_theme); } void rofi_theme_parse_process_conditionals(void) { workarea mon; monitor_active(&mon); rofi_theme_parse_process_conditionals_int(mon, rofi_theme); } ThemeMediaType rofi_theme_parse_media_type(const char *type) { if (g_strcmp0(type, "monitor-id") == 0) { return THEME_MEDIA_TYPE_MON_ID; } if (g_strcmp0(type, "min-width") == 0) { return THEME_MEDIA_TYPE_MIN_WIDTH; } if (g_strcmp0(type, "min-height") == 0) { return THEME_MEDIA_TYPE_MIN_HEIGHT; } if (g_strcmp0(type, "max-width") == 0) { return THEME_MEDIA_TYPE_MAX_WIDTH; } if (g_strcmp0(type, "max-height") == 0) { return THEME_MEDIA_TYPE_MAX_HEIGHT; } if (g_strcmp0(type, "min-aspect-ratio") == 0) { return THEME_MEDIA_TYPE_MIN_ASPECT_RATIO; } if (g_strcmp0(type, "max-aspect-ratio") == 0) { return THEME_MEDIA_TYPE_MAX_ASPECT_RATIO; } if (g_strcmp0(type, "enabled") == 0) { return THEME_MEDIA_TYPE_BOOLEAN; } return THEME_MEDIA_TYPE_INVALID; } static gboolean rofi_theme_has_property_inside(Property *p, const widget *wid_in, const char *property) { if (p) { if (p->type == P_INHERIT) { if (wid_in->parent) { ThemeWidget *parent = rofi_theme_find_widget(wid_in->parent->name, wid_in->state, FALSE); Property *pp = rofi_theme_find_property(parent, P_STRING, property, FALSE); return rofi_theme_has_property_inside(pp, wid_in->parent, property); } return FALSE; } return TRUE; } return FALSE; } gboolean rofi_theme_has_property(const widget *wid_in, const char *property) { ThemeWidget *wid = rofi_theme_find_widget(wid_in->name, wid_in->state, FALSE); Property *p = rofi_theme_find_property(wid, P_STRING, property, FALSE); return rofi_theme_has_property_inside(p, wid_in, property); }