/* * rofi * * MIT/X11 License * Copyright © 2012 Sean Pringle * Copyright © 2013-2020 Qball Cow * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, * distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to * the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be * included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS * OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY * CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, * TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE * SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. * */ /** Log domain for this module */ #define G_LOG_DOMAIN "X11Helper" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /** Indicate that we know the startup notification api is not yet stable. */ #define SN_API_NOT_YET_FROZEN /** This function is declared as sn_launcher_context_set_application_id but implemented as sn_launcher_set_application_id. Quick Fix. */ #define sn_launcher_context_set_application_id sn_launcher_set_application_id #include "rofi-types.h" #include #include "display.h" #include "xcb-internal.h" #include "xcb.h" #include "settings.h" #include "helper.h" #include "timings.h" #include /** Minimal randr preferred for running rofi (1.5) (Major version number) */ #define RANDR_PREF_MAJOR_VERSION 1 /** Minimal randr preferred for running rofi (1.5) (Minor version number) */ #define RANDR_PREF_MINOR_VERSION 5 /** Checks if the if x and y is inside rectangle. */ #define INTERSECT( x, y, x1, y1, w1, h1 ) ( ( ( ( x ) >= ( x1 ) ) && ( ( x ) < ( x1 + w1 ) ) ) && ( ( ( y ) >= ( y1 ) ) && ( ( y ) < ( y1 + h1 ) ) ) ) WindowManagerQuirk current_window_manager = WM_EWHM; /** * Structure holding xcb objects needed to function. */ struct _xcb_stuff xcb_int = { .connection = NULL, .screen = NULL, .screen_nbr = -1, .sndisplay = NULL, .sncontext = NULL, .monitors = NULL }; xcb_stuff *xcb = &xcb_int; /** * Depth of root window. */ xcb_depth_t *depth = NULL; xcb_visualtype_t *visual = NULL; xcb_colormap_t map = XCB_COLORMAP_NONE; /** * Visual of the root window. */ static xcb_visualtype_t *root_visual = NULL; xcb_atom_t netatoms[NUM_NETATOMS]; const char *netatom_names[] = { EWMH_ATOMS ( ATOM_CHAR ) }; xcb_cursor_t cursors[NUM_CURSORS] = { XCB_CURSOR_NONE, XCB_CURSOR_NONE, XCB_CURSOR_NONE }; const struct { const char *css_name; const char *traditional_name; } cursor_names[] = { { "default", "left_ptr" }, { "pointer", "hand" }, { "text", "xterm" } }; static xcb_visualtype_t * lookup_visual ( xcb_screen_t *s, xcb_visualid_t visual ) { xcb_depth_iterator_t d; d = xcb_screen_allowed_depths_iterator ( s ); for (; d.rem; xcb_depth_next ( &d ) ) { xcb_visualtype_iterator_t v = xcb_depth_visuals_iterator ( d.data ); for (; v.rem; xcb_visualtype_next ( &v ) ) { if ( v.data->visual_id == visual ) { return v.data; } } } return 0; } /* This blur function was originally created my MacSlow and published on his website: * http://macslow.thepimp.net. I'm not entirely sure he's proud of it, but it has * proved immeasurably useful for me. */ static uint32_t* create_kernel ( double radius, double deviation, uint32_t *sum2 ) { int size = 2 * (int) ( radius ) + 1; uint32_t* kernel = (uint32_t *) ( g_malloc ( sizeof ( uint32_t ) * ( size + 1 ) ) ); double radiusf = fabs ( radius ) + 1.0; double value = -radius; double sum = 0.0; int i; if ( deviation == 0.0 ) { deviation = sqrt ( -( radiusf * radiusf ) / ( 2.0 * log ( 1.0 / 255.0 ) ) ); } kernel[0] = size; for ( i = 0; i < size; i++ ) { kernel[1 + i] = INT16_MAX / ( 2.506628275 * deviation ) * exp ( -( ( value * value ) / ( 2.0 * ( deviation * deviation ) ) ) ); sum += kernel[1 + i]; value += 1.0; } *sum2 = sum; return kernel; } void cairo_image_surface_blur ( cairo_surface_t* surface, double radius, double deviation ) { uint32_t * horzBlur; uint32_t * kernel = 0; cairo_format_t format; unsigned int channels; if ( cairo_surface_status ( surface ) ) { return; } uint8_t *data = cairo_image_surface_get_data ( surface ); format = cairo_image_surface_get_format ( surface ); const int width = cairo_image_surface_get_width ( surface ); const int height = cairo_image_surface_get_height ( surface ); const int stride = cairo_image_surface_get_stride ( surface ); if ( format == CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32 ) { channels = 4; } else{ return; } horzBlur = (uint32_t *) ( g_malloc ( sizeof ( uint32_t ) * height * stride ) ); TICK (); uint32_t sum = 0; kernel = create_kernel ( radius, deviation, &sum ); TICK_N ( "BLUR: kernel" ); /* Horizontal pass. */ uint32_t *horzBlur_ptr = horzBlur; for ( int iY = 0; iY < height; iY++ ) { const int iYs = iY * stride; for ( int iX = 0; iX < width; iX++ ) { uint32_t red = 0; uint32_t green = 0; uint32_t blue = 0; uint32_t alpha = 0; int offset = (int) ( kernel[0] ) / -2; for ( int i = 0; i < (int) ( kernel[0] ); i++ ) { int x = iX + offset; if ( x < 0 || x >= width ) { offset++; continue; } uint8_t *dataPtr = &data[iYs + x * channels]; const uint32_t kernip1 = kernel[i + 1]; blue += kernip1 * dataPtr[0]; green += kernip1 * dataPtr[1]; red += kernip1 * dataPtr[2]; alpha += kernip1 * dataPtr[3]; offset++; } *horzBlur_ptr++ = blue / sum; *horzBlur_ptr++ = green / sum; *horzBlur_ptr++ = red / sum; *horzBlur_ptr++ = alpha / sum; } } TICK_N ( "BLUR: hori" ); /* Vertical pass. */ for ( int iY = 0; iY < height; iY++ ) { for ( int iX = 0; iX < width; iX++ ) { uint32_t red = 0; uint32_t green = 0; uint32_t blue = 0; uint32_t alpha = 0; int offset = (int) ( kernel[0] ) / -2; const int iXs = iX * channels; for ( int i = 0; i < (int) ( kernel[0] ); i++ ) { int y = iY + offset; if ( y < 0 || y >= height ) { offset++; continue; } uint32_t *dataPtr = &horzBlur[y * stride + iXs]; const uint32_t kernip1 = kernel[i + 1]; blue += kernip1 * dataPtr[0]; green += kernip1 * dataPtr[1]; red += kernip1 * dataPtr[2]; alpha += kernip1 * dataPtr[3]; offset++; } *data++ = blue / sum; *data++ = green / sum; *data++ = red / sum; *data++ = alpha / sum; } } TICK_N ( "BLUR: vert" ); free ( kernel ); free ( horzBlur ); return; } cairo_surface_t *x11_helper_get_screenshot_surface_window ( xcb_window_t window, int size ) { xcb_get_geometry_cookie_t cookie; xcb_get_geometry_reply_t *reply; cookie = xcb_get_geometry ( xcb->connection, window ); reply = xcb_get_geometry_reply ( xcb->connection, cookie, NULL ); if ( reply == NULL ) { return NULL; } xcb_get_window_attributes_cookie_t attributesCookie = xcb_get_window_attributes ( xcb->connection, window ); xcb_get_window_attributes_reply_t *attributes = xcb_get_window_attributes_reply ( xcb->connection, attributesCookie, NULL ); if ( attributes == NULL || ( attributes->map_state != XCB_MAP_STATE_VIEWABLE ) ) { free ( reply ); if ( attributes ) { free ( attributes ); } return NULL; } // Create a cairo surface for the window. xcb_visualtype_t * vt = lookup_visual ( xcb->screen, attributes->visual ); free ( attributes ); cairo_surface_t *t = cairo_xcb_surface_create ( xcb->connection, window, vt, reply->width, reply->height ); if ( cairo_surface_status ( t ) != CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS ) { cairo_surface_destroy ( t ); free ( reply ); return NULL; } // Scale the image, as we don't want to keep large one around. int max = MAX ( reply->width, reply->height ); double scale = (double) size / max; cairo_surface_t *s2 = cairo_surface_create_similar_image ( t, CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32, reply->width * scale, reply->height * scale ); free ( reply ); if ( cairo_surface_status ( s2 ) != CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS ) { cairo_surface_destroy ( t ); return NULL; } // Paint it in. cairo_t *d = cairo_create ( s2 ); cairo_scale ( d, scale, scale ); cairo_set_source_surface ( d, t, 0, 0 ); cairo_paint ( d ); cairo_destroy ( d ); cairo_surface_destroy ( t ); return s2; } /** * Holds for each supported modifier the possible modifier mask. * Check x11_mod_masks[MODIFIER]&mask != 0 to see if MODIFIER is activated. */ cairo_surface_t *x11_helper_get_screenshot_surface ( void ) { return cairo_xcb_surface_create ( xcb->connection, xcb_stuff_get_root_window (), root_visual, xcb->screen->width_in_pixels, xcb->screen->height_in_pixels ); } static xcb_pixmap_t get_root_pixmap ( xcb_connection_t *c, xcb_screen_t *screen, xcb_atom_t atom ) { xcb_get_property_cookie_t cookie; xcb_get_property_reply_t *reply; xcb_pixmap_t rootpixmap = XCB_NONE; cookie = xcb_get_property ( c, 0, screen->root, atom, XCB_ATOM_PIXMAP, 0, 1 ); reply = xcb_get_property_reply ( c, cookie, NULL ); if ( reply ) { if ( xcb_get_property_value_length ( reply ) == sizeof ( xcb_pixmap_t ) ) { memcpy ( &rootpixmap, xcb_get_property_value ( reply ), sizeof ( xcb_pixmap_t ) ); } free ( reply ); } return rootpixmap; } cairo_surface_t * x11_helper_get_bg_surface ( void ) { xcb_pixmap_t pm = get_root_pixmap ( xcb->connection, xcb->screen, netatoms[ESETROOT_PMAP_ID] ); if ( pm == XCB_NONE ) { return NULL; } return cairo_xcb_surface_create ( xcb->connection, pm, root_visual, xcb->screen->width_in_pixels, xcb->screen->height_in_pixels ); } // retrieve a text property from a window // technically we could use window_get_prop(), but this is better for character set support char* window_get_text_prop ( xcb_window_t w, xcb_atom_t atom ) { xcb_get_property_cookie_t c = xcb_get_property ( xcb->connection, 0, w, atom, XCB_GET_PROPERTY_TYPE_ANY, 0, UINT_MAX ); xcb_get_property_reply_t *r = xcb_get_property_reply ( xcb->connection, c, NULL ); if ( r ) { if ( xcb_get_property_value_length ( r ) > 0 ) { char *str = NULL; if ( r->type == netatoms[UTF8_STRING] ) { str = g_strndup ( xcb_get_property_value ( r ), xcb_get_property_value_length ( r ) ); } else if ( r->type == netatoms[STRING] ) { str = rofi_latin_to_utf8_strdup ( xcb_get_property_value ( r ), xcb_get_property_value_length ( r ) ); } else { str = g_strdup ( "Invalid encoding." ); } free ( r ); return str; } free ( r ); } return NULL; } void window_set_atom_prop ( xcb_window_t w, xcb_atom_t prop, xcb_atom_t *atoms, int count ) { xcb_change_property ( xcb->connection, XCB_PROP_MODE_REPLACE, w, prop, XCB_ATOM_ATOM, 32, count, atoms ); } /**** * Code used to get monitor layout. */ /** * Free monitor structure. */ static void x11_monitor_free ( workarea *m ) { g_free ( m->name ); g_free ( m ); } static void x11_monitors_free ( void ) { while ( xcb->monitors != NULL ) { workarea *m = xcb->monitors; xcb->monitors = m->next; x11_monitor_free ( m ); } } /** * Create monitor based on output id */ static workarea * x11_get_monitor_from_output ( xcb_randr_output_t out ) { xcb_randr_get_output_info_reply_t *op_reply; xcb_randr_get_crtc_info_reply_t *crtc_reply; xcb_randr_get_output_info_cookie_t it = xcb_randr_get_output_info ( xcb->connection, out, XCB_CURRENT_TIME ); op_reply = xcb_randr_get_output_info_reply ( xcb->connection, it, NULL ); if ( op_reply->crtc == XCB_NONE ) { free ( op_reply ); return NULL; } xcb_randr_get_crtc_info_cookie_t ct = xcb_randr_get_crtc_info ( xcb->connection, op_reply->crtc, XCB_CURRENT_TIME ); crtc_reply = xcb_randr_get_crtc_info_reply ( xcb->connection, ct, NULL ); if ( !crtc_reply ) { free ( op_reply ); return NULL; } workarea *retv = g_malloc0 ( sizeof ( workarea ) ); retv->x = crtc_reply->x; retv->y = crtc_reply->y; retv->w = crtc_reply->width; retv->h = crtc_reply->height; retv->mw = op_reply->mm_width; retv->mh = op_reply->mm_height; char *tname = (char *) xcb_randr_get_output_info_name ( op_reply ); int tname_len = xcb_randr_get_output_info_name_length ( op_reply ); retv->name = g_malloc0 ( ( tname_len + 1 ) * sizeof ( char ) ); memcpy ( retv->name, tname, tname_len ); free ( crtc_reply ); free ( op_reply ); return retv; } #if ( ( ( XCB_RANDR_MAJOR_VERSION >= RANDR_PREF_MAJOR_VERSION ) && ( XCB_RANDR_MINOR_VERSION >= RANDR_PREF_MINOR_VERSION ) ) \ || XCB_RANDR_MAJOR_VERSION > RANDR_PREF_MAJOR_VERSION ) /** * @param mon The randr monitor to parse. * * Create monitor based on xrandr monitor id. * * @returns A workarea representing the monitor mon */ static workarea *x11_get_monitor_from_randr_monitor ( xcb_randr_monitor_info_t *mon ) { // Query to the name of the monitor. xcb_generic_error_t *err; xcb_get_atom_name_cookie_t anc = xcb_get_atom_name ( xcb->connection, mon->name ); xcb_get_atom_name_reply_t *atom_reply = xcb_get_atom_name_reply ( xcb->connection, anc, &err ); if ( err != NULL ) { g_warning ( "Could not get RandR monitor name: X11 error code %d\n", err->error_code ); free ( err ); return NULL; } workarea *retv = g_malloc0 ( sizeof ( workarea ) ); // Is primary monitor. retv->primary = mon->primary; // Position and size. retv->x = mon->x; retv->y = mon->y; retv->w = mon->width; retv->h = mon->height; // Physical retv->mw = mon->width_in_millimeters; retv->mh = mon->height_in_millimeters; // Name retv->name = g_strdup_printf ( "%.*s", xcb_get_atom_name_name_length ( atom_reply ), xcb_get_atom_name_name ( atom_reply ) ); // Free name atom. free ( atom_reply ); return retv; } #endif static int x11_is_extension_present ( const char *extension ) { xcb_query_extension_cookie_t randr_cookie = xcb_query_extension ( xcb->connection, strlen ( extension ), extension ); xcb_query_extension_reply_t *randr_reply = xcb_query_extension_reply ( xcb->connection, randr_cookie, NULL ); int present = randr_reply->present; free ( randr_reply ); return present; } static void x11_build_monitor_layout_xinerama () { xcb_xinerama_query_screens_cookie_t screens_cookie = xcb_xinerama_query_screens_unchecked ( xcb->connection ); xcb_xinerama_query_screens_reply_t *screens_reply = xcb_xinerama_query_screens_reply ( xcb->connection, screens_cookie, NULL ); xcb_xinerama_screen_info_iterator_t screens_iterator = xcb_xinerama_query_screens_screen_info_iterator ( screens_reply ); for (; screens_iterator.rem > 0; xcb_xinerama_screen_info_next ( &screens_iterator ) ) { workarea *w = g_malloc0 ( sizeof ( workarea ) ); w->x = screens_iterator.data->x_org; w->y = screens_iterator.data->y_org; w->w = screens_iterator.data->width; w->h = screens_iterator.data->height; w->next = xcb->monitors; xcb->monitors = w; } int index = 0; for ( workarea *iter = xcb->monitors; iter; iter = iter->next ) { iter->monitor_id = index++; } free ( screens_reply ); } static void x11_build_monitor_layout () { if ( xcb->monitors ) { return; } // If RANDR is not available, try Xinerama if ( !x11_is_extension_present ( "RANDR" ) ) { // Check if xinerama is available. if ( x11_is_extension_present ( "XINERAMA" ) ) { g_debug ( "Query XINERAMA for monitor layout." ); x11_build_monitor_layout_xinerama (); return; } g_debug ( "No RANDR or Xinerama available for getting monitor layout." ); return; } g_debug ( "Query RANDR for monitor layout." ); g_debug ( "Randr XCB api version: %d.%d.", XCB_RANDR_MAJOR_VERSION, XCB_RANDR_MINOR_VERSION ); #if ( ( ( XCB_RANDR_MAJOR_VERSION == RANDR_PREF_MAJOR_VERSION ) && ( XCB_RANDR_MINOR_VERSION >= RANDR_PREF_MINOR_VERSION ) ) \ || XCB_RANDR_MAJOR_VERSION > RANDR_PREF_MAJOR_VERSION ) xcb_randr_query_version_cookie_t cversion = xcb_randr_query_version ( xcb->connection, RANDR_PREF_MAJOR_VERSION, RANDR_PREF_MINOR_VERSION ); xcb_randr_query_version_reply_t *rversion = xcb_randr_query_version_reply ( xcb->connection, cversion, NULL ); if ( rversion ) { g_debug ( "Found randr version: %d.%d", rversion->major_version, rversion->minor_version ); // Check if we are 1.5 and up. if ( ( ( rversion->major_version == RANDR_PREF_MAJOR_VERSION ) && ( rversion->minor_version >= RANDR_PREF_MINOR_VERSION ) ) || ( rversion->major_version > RANDR_PREF_MAJOR_VERSION ) ) { xcb_randr_get_monitors_cookie_t t = xcb_randr_get_monitors ( xcb->connection, xcb->screen->root, 1 ); xcb_randr_get_monitors_reply_t *mreply = xcb_randr_get_monitors_reply ( xcb->connection, t, NULL ); if ( mreply ) { xcb_randr_monitor_info_iterator_t iter = xcb_randr_get_monitors_monitors_iterator ( mreply ); while ( iter.rem > 0 ) { workarea *w = x11_get_monitor_from_randr_monitor ( iter.data ); if ( w ) { w->next = xcb->monitors; xcb->monitors = w; } xcb_randr_monitor_info_next ( &iter ); } free ( mreply ); } } free ( rversion ); } #endif // If no monitors found. if ( xcb->monitors == NULL ) { xcb_randr_get_screen_resources_current_reply_t *res_reply; xcb_randr_get_screen_resources_current_cookie_t src; src = xcb_randr_get_screen_resources_current ( xcb->connection, xcb->screen->root ); res_reply = xcb_randr_get_screen_resources_current_reply ( xcb->connection, src, NULL ); if ( !res_reply ) { return; //just report error } int mon_num = xcb_randr_get_screen_resources_current_outputs_length ( res_reply ); xcb_randr_output_t *ops = xcb_randr_get_screen_resources_current_outputs ( res_reply ); // Get primary. xcb_randr_get_output_primary_cookie_t pc = xcb_randr_get_output_primary ( xcb->connection, xcb->screen->root ); xcb_randr_get_output_primary_reply_t *pc_rep = xcb_randr_get_output_primary_reply ( xcb->connection, pc, NULL ); for ( int i = mon_num - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) { workarea *w = x11_get_monitor_from_output ( ops[i] ); if ( w ) { w->next = xcb->monitors; xcb->monitors = w; if ( pc_rep && pc_rep->output == ops[i] ) { w->primary = TRUE; } } } // If exists, free primary output reply. if ( pc_rep ) { free ( pc_rep ); } free ( res_reply ); } // Number monitor int index = 0; for ( workarea *iter = xcb->monitors; iter; iter = iter->next ) { iter->monitor_id = index++; } } void display_dump_monitor_layout ( void ) { int is_term = isatty ( fileno ( stdout ) ); printf ( "Monitor layout:\n" ); for ( workarea *iter = xcb->monitors; iter; iter = iter->next ) { printf ( "%s ID%s: %d", ( is_term ) ? color_bold : "", is_term ? color_reset : "", iter->monitor_id ); if ( iter->primary ) { printf ( " (primary)" ); } printf ( "\n" ); printf ( "%s name%s: %s\n", ( is_term ) ? color_bold : "", is_term ? color_reset : "", iter->name ); printf ( "%s position%s: %d,%d\n", ( is_term ) ? color_bold : "", is_term ? color_reset : "", iter->x, iter->y ); printf ( "%s size%s: %d,%d\n", ( is_term ) ? color_bold : "", is_term ? color_reset : "", iter->w, iter->h ); if ( iter->mw > 0 && iter->mh > 0 ) { printf ( "%s size%s: %dmm,%dmm dpi: %.0f,%.0f\n", ( is_term ) ? color_bold : "", is_term ? color_reset : "", iter->mw, iter->mh, iter->w * 25.4 / (double) iter->mw, iter->h * 25.4 / (double) iter->mh ); } printf ( "\n" ); } } void display_startup_notification ( RofiHelperExecuteContext *context, GSpawnChildSetupFunc *child_setup, gpointer *user_data ) { if ( context == NULL ) { return; } SnLauncherContext *sncontext; sncontext = sn_launcher_context_new ( xcb->sndisplay, xcb->screen_nbr ); sn_launcher_context_set_name ( sncontext, context->name ); sn_launcher_context_set_description ( sncontext, context->description ); if ( context->binary != NULL ) { sn_launcher_context_set_binary_name ( sncontext, context->binary ); } if ( context->icon != NULL ) { sn_launcher_context_set_icon_name ( sncontext, context->icon ); } if ( context->app_id != NULL ) { sn_launcher_context_set_application_id ( sncontext, context->app_id ); } if ( context->wmclass != NULL ) { sn_launcher_context_set_wmclass ( sncontext, context->wmclass ); } xcb_get_property_cookie_t c; unsigned int current_desktop = 0; c = xcb_ewmh_get_current_desktop ( &xcb->ewmh, xcb->screen_nbr ); if ( xcb_ewmh_get_current_desktop_reply ( &xcb->ewmh, c, ¤t_desktop, NULL ) ) { sn_launcher_context_set_workspace ( sncontext, current_desktop ); } sn_launcher_context_initiate ( sncontext, "rofi", context->command, xcb->last_timestamp ); *child_setup = (GSpawnChildSetupFunc) sn_launcher_context_setup_child_process; *user_data = sncontext; } static int monitor_get_dimension ( int monitor_id, workarea *mon ) { memset ( mon, 0, sizeof ( workarea ) ); mon->w = xcb->screen->width_in_pixels; mon->h = xcb->screen->height_in_pixels; workarea *iter = NULL; for ( iter = xcb->monitors; iter; iter = iter->next ) { if ( iter->monitor_id == monitor_id ) { *mon = *iter; return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } // find the dimensions of the monitor displaying point x,y static void monitor_dimensions ( int x, int y, workarea *mon ) { memset ( mon, 0, sizeof ( workarea ) ); mon->w = xcb->screen->width_in_pixels; mon->h = xcb->screen->height_in_pixels; for ( workarea *iter = xcb->monitors; iter; iter = iter->next ) { if ( INTERSECT ( x, y, iter->x, iter->y, iter->w, iter->h ) ) { *mon = *iter; break; } } } /** * @param root The X11 window used to find the pointer position. Usually the root window. * @param x The x position of the mouse [out] * @param y The y position of the mouse [out] * * find mouse pointer location * * @returns TRUE when found, FALSE otherwise */ static int pointer_get ( xcb_window_t root, int *x, int *y ) { *x = 0; *y = 0; xcb_query_pointer_cookie_t c = xcb_query_pointer ( xcb->connection, root ); xcb_query_pointer_reply_t *r = xcb_query_pointer_reply ( xcb->connection, c, NULL ); if ( r ) { *x = r->root_x; *y = r->root_y; free ( r ); return TRUE; } return FALSE; } static int monitor_active_from_winid ( xcb_drawable_t id, workarea *mon ) { xcb_window_t root = xcb->screen->root; xcb_get_geometry_cookie_t c = xcb_get_geometry ( xcb->connection, id ); xcb_get_geometry_reply_t *r = xcb_get_geometry_reply ( xcb->connection, c, NULL ); if ( r ) { xcb_translate_coordinates_cookie_t ct = xcb_translate_coordinates ( xcb->connection, id, root, r->x, r->y ); xcb_translate_coordinates_reply_t *t = xcb_translate_coordinates_reply ( xcb->connection, ct, NULL ); if ( t ) { // place the menu above the window // if some window is focused, place menu above window, else fall // back to selected monitor. mon->x = t->dst_x - r->x; mon->y = t->dst_y - r->y; mon->w = r->width; mon->h = r->height; free ( r ); free ( t ); return TRUE; } free ( r ); } return FALSE; } static int monitor_active_from_id_focused ( int mon_id, workarea *mon ) { int retv = FALSE; xcb_window_t active_window; xcb_get_property_cookie_t awc; awc = xcb_ewmh_get_active_window ( &xcb->ewmh, xcb->screen_nbr ); if ( !xcb_ewmh_get_active_window_reply ( &xcb->ewmh, awc, &active_window, NULL ) ) { g_debug ( "Failed to get active window, falling back to mouse location (-5)." ); return retv; } xcb_query_tree_cookie_t tree_cookie = xcb_query_tree ( xcb->connection, active_window ); xcb_query_tree_reply_t *tree_reply = xcb_query_tree_reply ( xcb->connection, tree_cookie, NULL ); if ( !tree_reply ) { g_debug ( "Failed to get parent window, falling back to mouse location (-5)." ); return retv; } // get geometry. xcb_get_geometry_cookie_t c = xcb_get_geometry ( xcb->connection, active_window ); xcb_get_geometry_reply_t *r = xcb_get_geometry_reply ( xcb->connection, c, NULL ); if ( !r ) { g_debug ( "Failed to get geometry of active window, falling back to mouse location (-5)." ); free ( tree_reply ); return retv; } xcb_translate_coordinates_cookie_t ct = xcb_translate_coordinates ( xcb->connection, tree_reply->parent, r->root, r->x, r->y ); xcb_translate_coordinates_reply_t *t = xcb_translate_coordinates_reply ( xcb->connection, ct, NULL ); if ( t ) { if ( mon_id == -2 ) { // place the menu above the window // if some window is focused, place menu above window, else fall // back to selected monitor. mon->x = t->dst_x - r->x; mon->y = t->dst_y - r->y; mon->w = r->width; mon->h = r->height; retv = TRUE; if ( ( current_window_manager & WM_ROOT_WINDOW_OFFSET ) == WM_ROOT_WINDOW_OFFSET ) { mon->x += r->x; mon->y += r->y; } g_debug ( "mon pos: %d %d %d-%d", mon->x, mon->y, mon->w, mon->h ); } else if ( mon_id == -4 ) { monitor_dimensions ( t->dst_x, t->dst_y, mon ); retv = TRUE; } free ( t ); } else { g_debug ( "Failed to get translate position of active window, falling back to mouse location (-5)." ); } free ( r ); free ( tree_reply ); return retv; } static int monitor_active_from_id ( int mon_id, workarea *mon ) { xcb_window_t root = xcb->screen->root; int x, y; // At mouse position. if ( mon_id == -3 ) { if ( pointer_get ( root, &x, &y ) ) { monitor_dimensions ( x, y, mon ); mon->x = x; mon->y = y; return TRUE; } } // Focused monitor else if ( mon_id == -1 ) { // Get the current desktop. unsigned int current_desktop = 0; xcb_get_property_cookie_t gcdc; gcdc = xcb_ewmh_get_current_desktop ( &xcb->ewmh, xcb->screen_nbr ); if ( xcb_ewmh_get_current_desktop_reply ( &xcb->ewmh, gcdc, ¤t_desktop, NULL ) ) { xcb_get_property_cookie_t c = xcb_ewmh_get_desktop_viewport ( &xcb->ewmh, xcb->screen_nbr ); xcb_ewmh_get_desktop_viewport_reply_t vp; if ( xcb_ewmh_get_desktop_viewport_reply ( &xcb->ewmh, c, &vp, NULL ) ) { if ( current_desktop < vp.desktop_viewport_len ) { monitor_dimensions ( vp.desktop_viewport[current_desktop].x, vp.desktop_viewport[current_desktop].y, mon ); xcb_ewmh_get_desktop_viewport_reply_wipe ( &vp ); return TRUE; } else { g_debug ( "Viewport does not exist for current desktop: %d, falling back to mouse location (-5)", current_desktop ); } xcb_ewmh_get_desktop_viewport_reply_wipe ( &vp ); } else { g_debug ( "Failed to get viewport for current desktop: %d, falling back to mouse location (-5).", current_desktop ); } } else { g_debug ( "Failed to get current desktop, falling back to mouse location (-5)." ); } } else if ( mon_id == -2 || mon_id == -4 ) { if ( monitor_active_from_id_focused ( mon_id, mon ) ) { return TRUE; } } // Monitor that has mouse pointer. else if ( mon_id == -5 ) { if ( pointer_get ( root, &x, &y ) ) { monitor_dimensions ( x, y, mon ); return TRUE; } // This is our give up point. return FALSE; } g_debug ( "Failed to find monitor, fall back to monitor showing mouse." ); return monitor_active_from_id ( -5, mon ); } // determine which monitor holds the active window, or failing that the mouse pointer int monitor_active ( workarea *mon ) { if ( config.monitor != NULL ) { for ( workarea *iter = xcb->monitors; iter; iter = iter->next ) { if ( g_strcmp0 ( config.monitor, iter->name ) == 0 ) { *mon = *iter; return TRUE; } } } // Grab primary. if ( g_strcmp0 ( config.monitor, "primary" ) == 0 ) { for ( workarea *iter = xcb->monitors; iter; iter = iter->next ) { if ( iter->primary ) { *mon = *iter; return TRUE; } } } if ( g_str_has_prefix ( config.monitor, "wid:" ) ) { char *end = NULL; xcb_drawable_t win = g_ascii_strtoll ( config.monitor + 4, &end, 0 ); if ( end != config.monitor ) { if ( monitor_active_from_winid ( win, mon ) ) { return TRUE; } } } { // IF fail, fall back to classic mode. char *end = NULL; gint64 mon_id = g_ascii_strtoll ( config.monitor, &end, 0 ); if ( end != config.monitor ) { if ( mon_id >= 0 ) { if ( monitor_get_dimension ( mon_id, mon ) ) { return TRUE; } g_warning ( "Failed to find selected monitor." ); } else { return monitor_active_from_id ( mon_id, mon ); } } } // Fallback. monitor_dimensions ( 0, 0, mon ); return FALSE; } /** * @param state Internal state of the menu. * @param xse X selection event. * * Handle paste event. */ static void rofi_view_paste ( RofiViewState *state, xcb_selection_notify_event_t *xse ) { if ( xse->property == XCB_ATOM_NONE ) { g_warning ( "Failed to convert selection" ); } else if ( xse->property == xcb->ewmh.UTF8_STRING ) { gchar *text = window_get_text_prop ( xse->requestor, xcb->ewmh.UTF8_STRING ); if ( text != NULL && text[0] != '\0' ) { unsigned int dl = strlen ( text ); // Strip new line for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < dl; i++ ) { if ( text[i] == '\n' ) { text[i] = '\0'; } } rofi_view_handle_text ( state, text ); } g_free ( text ); } else { g_warning ( "Failed" ); } } static gboolean x11_button_to_nk_bindings_button ( guint32 x11_button, NkBindingsMouseButton *button ) { switch ( x11_button ) { case 1: *button = NK_BINDINGS_MOUSE_BUTTON_PRIMARY; break; case 3: *button = NK_BINDINGS_MOUSE_BUTTON_SECONDARY; break; case 2: *button = NK_BINDINGS_MOUSE_BUTTON_MIDDLE; break; case 8: *button = NK_BINDINGS_MOUSE_BUTTON_BACK; break; case 9: *button = NK_BINDINGS_MOUSE_BUTTON_FORWARD; break; case 4: case 5: case 6: case 7: return FALSE; default: *button = NK_BINDINGS_MOUSE_BUTTON_EXTRA + x11_button; } return TRUE; } static gboolean x11_button_to_nk_bindings_scroll ( guint32 x11_button, NkBindingsScrollAxis *axis, gint32 *steps ) { *steps = 1; switch ( x11_button ) { case 4: *steps = -1; /* fallthrough */ case 5: *axis = NK_BINDINGS_SCROLL_AXIS_VERTICAL; break; case 6: *steps = -1; /* fallthrough */ case 7: *axis = NK_BINDINGS_SCROLL_AXIS_HORIZONTAL; break; default: return FALSE; } return TRUE; } /** * Process X11 events in the main-loop (gui-thread) of the application. */ static void main_loop_x11_event_handler_view ( xcb_generic_event_t *event ) { RofiViewState *state = rofi_view_get_active (); if ( state == NULL ) { return; } switch ( event->response_type & ~0x80 ) { case XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE: { xcb_client_message_event_t *cme = (xcb_client_message_event_t *) event; xcb_atom_t atom = cme->data.data32[0]; xcb_timestamp_t time = cme->data.data32[1]; if ( atom == netatoms[WM_TAKE_FOCUS] ) { xcb_set_input_focus ( xcb->connection, XCB_INPUT_FOCUS_NONE, cme->window, time ); xcb_flush ( xcb->connection ); } break; } case XCB_EXPOSE: rofi_view_frame_callback (); break; case XCB_CONFIGURE_NOTIFY: { xcb_configure_notify_event_t *xce = (xcb_configure_notify_event_t *) event; rofi_view_temp_configure_notify ( state, xce ); break; } case XCB_MOTION_NOTIFY: { xcb_motion_notify_event_t *xme = (xcb_motion_notify_event_t *) event; gboolean button_mask = xme->state & XCB_EVENT_MASK_BUTTON_1_MOTION; if ( button_mask && config.click_to_exit == TRUE ) { xcb->mouse_seen = TRUE; } rofi_view_handle_mouse_motion ( state, xme->event_x, xme->event_y, !button_mask && config.hover_select ); break; } case XCB_BUTTON_PRESS: { xcb_button_press_event_t *bpe = (xcb_button_press_event_t *) event; NkBindingsMouseButton button; NkBindingsScrollAxis axis; gint32 steps; xcb->last_timestamp = bpe->time; rofi_view_handle_mouse_motion ( state, bpe->event_x, bpe->event_y, FALSE ); if ( x11_button_to_nk_bindings_button ( bpe->detail, &button ) ) { nk_bindings_seat_handle_button ( xcb->bindings_seat, NULL, button, NK_BINDINGS_BUTTON_STATE_PRESS, bpe->time ); } else if ( x11_button_to_nk_bindings_scroll ( bpe->detail, &axis, &steps ) ) { nk_bindings_seat_handle_scroll ( xcb->bindings_seat, NULL, axis, steps ); } break; } case XCB_BUTTON_RELEASE: { xcb_button_release_event_t *bre = (xcb_button_release_event_t *) event; NkBindingsMouseButton button; xcb->last_timestamp = bre->time; if ( x11_button_to_nk_bindings_button ( bre->detail, &button ) ) { nk_bindings_seat_handle_button ( xcb->bindings_seat, NULL, button, NK_BINDINGS_BUTTON_STATE_RELEASE, bre->time ); } if ( config.click_to_exit == TRUE ) { if ( !xcb->mouse_seen ) { rofi_view_temp_click_to_exit ( state, bre->event ); } xcb->mouse_seen = FALSE; } break; } // Paste event. case XCB_SELECTION_NOTIFY: rofi_view_paste ( state, (xcb_selection_notify_event_t *) event ); break; case XCB_KEYMAP_NOTIFY: { xcb_keymap_notify_event_t *kne = (xcb_keymap_notify_event_t *) event; for ( gint32 by = 0; by < 31; ++by ) { for ( gint8 bi = 0; bi < 7; ++bi ) { if ( kne->keys[by] & ( 1 << bi ) ) { // X11 keycodes starts at 8 nk_bindings_seat_handle_key ( xcb->bindings_seat, NULL, ( 8 * by + bi ) + 8, NK_BINDINGS_KEY_STATE_PRESSED ); } } } break; } case XCB_KEY_PRESS: { xcb_key_press_event_t *xkpe = (xcb_key_press_event_t *) event; gchar *text; xcb->last_timestamp = xkpe->time; text = nk_bindings_seat_handle_key_with_modmask ( xcb->bindings_seat, NULL, xkpe->state, xkpe->detail, NK_BINDINGS_KEY_STATE_PRESS ); if ( text != NULL ) { rofi_view_handle_text ( state, text ); } break; } case XCB_KEY_RELEASE: { xcb_key_release_event_t *xkre = (xcb_key_release_event_t *) event; xcb->last_timestamp = xkre->time; nk_bindings_seat_handle_key ( xcb->bindings_seat, NULL, xkre->detail, NK_BINDINGS_KEY_STATE_RELEASE ); break; } default: break; } rofi_view_maybe_update ( state ); } static gboolean main_loop_x11_event_handler ( xcb_generic_event_t *ev, G_GNUC_UNUSED gpointer user_data ) { if ( ev == NULL ) { int status = xcb_connection_has_error ( xcb->connection ); if ( status > 0 ) { g_warning ( "The XCB connection to X server had a fatal error: %d", status ); g_main_loop_quit ( xcb->main_loop ); return G_SOURCE_REMOVE; } else { g_warning ( "main_loop_x11_event_handler: ev == NULL, status == %d", status ); return G_SOURCE_CONTINUE; } } uint8_t type = ev->response_type & ~0x80; if ( type == xcb->xkb.first_event ) { switch ( ev->pad0 ) { case XCB_XKB_MAP_NOTIFY: { struct xkb_keymap *keymap = xkb_x11_keymap_new_from_device ( nk_bindings_seat_get_context ( xcb->bindings_seat ), xcb->connection, xcb->xkb.device_id, 0 ); struct xkb_state *state = xkb_x11_state_new_from_device ( keymap, xcb->connection, xcb->xkb.device_id ); nk_bindings_seat_update_keymap ( xcb->bindings_seat, keymap, state ); xkb_keymap_unref ( keymap ); xkb_state_unref ( state ); break; } case XCB_XKB_STATE_NOTIFY: { xcb_xkb_state_notify_event_t *ksne = (xcb_xkb_state_notify_event_t *) ev; nk_bindings_seat_update_mask ( xcb->bindings_seat, NULL, ksne->baseMods, ksne->latchedMods, ksne->lockedMods, ksne->baseGroup, ksne->latchedGroup, ksne->lockedGroup ); rofi_view_maybe_update ( rofi_view_get_active () ); break; } } return G_SOURCE_CONTINUE; } if ( xcb->sndisplay != NULL ) { sn_xcb_display_process_event ( xcb->sndisplay, ev ); } main_loop_x11_event_handler_view ( ev ); return G_SOURCE_CONTINUE; } void rofi_xcb_set_input_focus ( xcb_window_t w ) { if ( config.steal_focus != TRUE ) { xcb->focus_revert = 0; return; } xcb_generic_error_t *error; xcb_get_input_focus_reply_t *freply; xcb_get_input_focus_cookie_t fcookie = xcb_get_input_focus ( xcb->connection ); freply = xcb_get_input_focus_reply ( xcb->connection, fcookie, &error ); if ( error != NULL ) { g_warning ( "Could not get input focus (error %d), will revert focus to best effort", error->error_code ); free ( error ); xcb->focus_revert = 0; } else { xcb->focus_revert = freply->focus; } xcb_set_input_focus ( xcb->connection, XCB_INPUT_FOCUS_POINTER_ROOT, w, XCB_CURRENT_TIME ); xcb_flush ( xcb->connection ); } void rofi_xcb_revert_input_focus ( void ) { if ( xcb->focus_revert == 0 ) { return; } xcb_set_input_focus ( xcb->connection, XCB_INPUT_FOCUS_POINTER_ROOT, xcb->focus_revert, XCB_CURRENT_TIME ); xcb_flush ( xcb->connection ); } static int take_pointer ( xcb_window_t w, int iters ) { int i = 0; while ( TRUE ) { if ( xcb_connection_has_error ( xcb->connection ) ) { g_warning ( "Connection has error" ); exit ( EXIT_FAILURE ); } xcb_grab_pointer_cookie_t cc = xcb_grab_pointer ( xcb->connection, 1, w, XCB_EVENT_MASK_BUTTON_RELEASE, XCB_GRAB_MODE_ASYNC, XCB_GRAB_MODE_ASYNC, w, XCB_NONE, XCB_CURRENT_TIME ); xcb_grab_pointer_reply_t *r = xcb_grab_pointer_reply ( xcb->connection, cc, NULL ); if ( r ) { if ( r->status == XCB_GRAB_STATUS_SUCCESS ) { free ( r ); return 1; } free ( r ); } if ( ( ++i ) > iters ) { break; } struct timespec del = { .tv_sec = 0, .tv_nsec = 1000000 }; nanosleep ( &del, NULL ); } return 0; } static int take_keyboard ( xcb_window_t w, int iters ) { int i = 0; while ( TRUE ) { if ( xcb_connection_has_error ( xcb->connection ) ) { g_warning ( "Connection has error" ); exit ( EXIT_FAILURE ); } xcb_grab_keyboard_cookie_t cc = xcb_grab_keyboard ( xcb->connection, 1, w, XCB_CURRENT_TIME, XCB_GRAB_MODE_ASYNC, XCB_GRAB_MODE_ASYNC ); xcb_grab_keyboard_reply_t *r = xcb_grab_keyboard_reply ( xcb->connection, cc, NULL ); if ( r ) { if ( r->status == XCB_GRAB_STATUS_SUCCESS ) { free ( r ); return 1; } free ( r ); } if ( ( ++i ) > iters ) { break; } struct timespec del = { .tv_sec = 0, .tv_nsec = 1000000 }; nanosleep ( &del, NULL ); } return 0; } static void release_keyboard ( void ) { xcb_ungrab_keyboard ( xcb->connection, XCB_CURRENT_TIME ); } static void release_pointer ( void ) { xcb_ungrab_pointer ( xcb->connection, XCB_CURRENT_TIME ); } /** X server error depth. to handle nested errors. */ static int error_trap_depth = 0; static void error_trap_push ( G_GNUC_UNUSED SnDisplay *display, G_GNUC_UNUSED xcb_connection_t *xdisplay ) { ++error_trap_depth; } static void error_trap_pop ( G_GNUC_UNUSED SnDisplay *display, xcb_connection_t *xdisplay ) { if ( error_trap_depth == 0 ) { g_warning ( "Error trap underflow!" ); exit ( EXIT_FAILURE ); } xcb_flush ( xdisplay ); --error_trap_depth; } /** * Fill in the list of frequently used X11 Atoms. */ static void x11_create_frequently_used_atoms ( void ) { // X atom values for ( int i = 0; i < NUM_NETATOMS; i++ ) { xcb_intern_atom_cookie_t cc = xcb_intern_atom ( xcb->connection, 0, strlen ( netatom_names[i] ), netatom_names[i] ); xcb_intern_atom_reply_t *r = xcb_intern_atom_reply ( xcb->connection, cc, NULL ); if ( r ) { netatoms[i] = r->atom; free ( r ); } } } static void x11_helper_discover_window_manager ( void ) { xcb_window_t wm_win = 0; xcb_get_property_cookie_t cc = xcb_ewmh_get_supporting_wm_check_unchecked ( &xcb->ewmh, xcb_stuff_get_root_window () ); if ( xcb_ewmh_get_supporting_wm_check_reply ( &xcb->ewmh, cc, &wm_win, NULL ) ) { xcb_ewmh_get_utf8_strings_reply_t wtitle; xcb_get_property_cookie_t cookie = xcb_ewmh_get_wm_name_unchecked ( &( xcb->ewmh ), wm_win ); if ( xcb_ewmh_get_wm_name_reply ( &( xcb->ewmh ), cookie, &wtitle, (void *) 0 ) ) { if ( wtitle.strings_len > 0 ) { g_debug ( "Found window manager: |%s|", wtitle.strings ); if ( g_strcmp0 ( wtitle.strings, "i3" ) == 0 ) { current_window_manager = WM_DO_NOT_CHANGE_CURRENT_DESKTOP | WM_PANGO_WORKSPACE_NAMES; } else if ( g_strcmp0 ( wtitle.strings, "bspwm" ) == 0 ) { current_window_manager = WM_ROOT_WINDOW_OFFSET; } } xcb_ewmh_get_utf8_strings_reply_wipe ( &wtitle ); } } } gboolean display_setup ( GMainLoop *main_loop, NkBindings *bindings ) { // Get DISPLAY, first env, then argument. // We never modify display_str content. char *display_str = ( char *) g_getenv ( "DISPLAY" ); find_arg_str ( "-display", &display_str ); xcb->main_loop = main_loop; xcb->source = g_water_xcb_source_new ( g_main_loop_get_context ( xcb->main_loop ), display_str, &xcb->screen_nbr, main_loop_x11_event_handler, NULL, NULL ); if ( xcb->source == NULL ) { g_warning ( "Failed to open display: %s", display_str ); return FALSE; } xcb->connection = g_water_xcb_source_get_connection ( xcb->source ); TICK_N ( "Open Display" ); xcb->screen = xcb_aux_get_screen ( xcb->connection, xcb->screen_nbr ); x11_build_monitor_layout (); xcb_intern_atom_cookie_t *ac = xcb_ewmh_init_atoms ( xcb->connection, &xcb->ewmh ); xcb_generic_error_t *errors = NULL; xcb_ewmh_init_atoms_replies ( &xcb->ewmh, ac, &errors ); if ( errors ) { g_warning ( "Failed to create EWMH atoms" ); free ( errors ); } // Discover the current active window manager. x11_helper_discover_window_manager (); TICK_N ( "Setup XCB" ); if ( xkb_x11_setup_xkb_extension ( xcb->connection, XKB_X11_MIN_MAJOR_XKB_VERSION, XKB_X11_MIN_MINOR_XKB_VERSION, XKB_X11_SETUP_XKB_EXTENSION_NO_FLAGS, NULL, NULL, &xcb->xkb.first_event, NULL ) < 0 ) { g_warning ( "cannot setup XKB extension!" ); return FALSE; } xcb->xkb.device_id = xkb_x11_get_core_keyboard_device_id ( xcb->connection ); enum { required_events = ( XCB_XKB_EVENT_TYPE_NEW_KEYBOARD_NOTIFY | XCB_XKB_EVENT_TYPE_MAP_NOTIFY | XCB_XKB_EVENT_TYPE_STATE_NOTIFY ), required_nkn_details = ( XCB_XKB_NKN_DETAIL_KEYCODES ), required_map_parts = ( XCB_XKB_MAP_PART_KEY_TYPES | XCB_XKB_MAP_PART_KEY_SYMS | XCB_XKB_MAP_PART_MODIFIER_MAP | XCB_XKB_MAP_PART_EXPLICIT_COMPONENTS | XCB_XKB_MAP_PART_KEY_ACTIONS | XCB_XKB_MAP_PART_VIRTUAL_MODS | XCB_XKB_MAP_PART_VIRTUAL_MOD_MAP ), required_state_details = ( XCB_XKB_STATE_PART_MODIFIER_BASE | XCB_XKB_STATE_PART_MODIFIER_LATCH | XCB_XKB_STATE_PART_MODIFIER_LOCK | XCB_XKB_STATE_PART_GROUP_BASE | XCB_XKB_STATE_PART_GROUP_LATCH | XCB_XKB_STATE_PART_GROUP_LOCK ), }; static const xcb_xkb_select_events_details_t details = { .affectNewKeyboard = required_nkn_details, .newKeyboardDetails = required_nkn_details, .affectState = required_state_details, .stateDetails = required_state_details, }; xcb_xkb_select_events ( xcb->connection, xcb->xkb.device_id, required_events, /* affectWhich */ 0, /* clear */ required_events, /* selectAll */ required_map_parts, /* affectMap */ required_map_parts, /* map */ &details ); xcb->bindings_seat = nk_bindings_seat_new ( bindings, XKB_CONTEXT_NO_FLAGS ); struct xkb_keymap *keymap = xkb_x11_keymap_new_from_device ( nk_bindings_seat_get_context ( xcb->bindings_seat ), xcb->connection, xcb->xkb.device_id, XKB_KEYMAP_COMPILE_NO_FLAGS ); if ( keymap == NULL ) { g_warning ( "Failed to get Keymap for current keyboard device." ); return FALSE; } struct xkb_state *state = xkb_x11_state_new_from_device ( keymap, xcb->connection, xcb->xkb.device_id ); if ( state == NULL ) { g_warning ( "Failed to get state object for current keyboard device." ); return FALSE; } nk_bindings_seat_update_keymap ( xcb->bindings_seat, keymap, state ); xkb_state_unref ( state ); xkb_keymap_unref ( keymap ); // determine numlock mask so we can bind on keys with and without it x11_create_frequently_used_atoms ( ); if ( xcb_connection_has_error ( xcb->connection ) ) { g_warning ( "Connection has error" ); return FALSE; } // startup not. xcb->sndisplay = sn_xcb_display_new ( xcb->connection, error_trap_push, error_trap_pop ); if ( xcb_connection_has_error ( xcb->connection ) ) { g_warning ( "Connection has error" ); return FALSE; } if ( xcb->sndisplay != NULL ) { xcb->sncontext = sn_launchee_context_new_from_environment ( xcb->sndisplay, xcb->screen_nbr ); } if ( xcb_connection_has_error ( xcb->connection ) ) { g_warning ( "Connection has error" ); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } static void x11_create_visual_and_colormap ( void ) { xcb_depth_t *root_depth = NULL; xcb_depth_iterator_t depth_iter; for ( depth_iter = xcb_screen_allowed_depths_iterator ( xcb->screen ); depth_iter.rem; xcb_depth_next ( &depth_iter ) ) { xcb_depth_t *d = depth_iter.data; xcb_visualtype_iterator_t visual_iter; for ( visual_iter = xcb_depth_visuals_iterator ( d ); visual_iter.rem; xcb_visualtype_next ( &visual_iter ) ) { xcb_visualtype_t *v = visual_iter.data; if ( ( v->bits_per_rgb_value == 8 ) && ( d->depth == 32 ) && ( v->_class == XCB_VISUAL_CLASS_TRUE_COLOR ) ) { depth = d; visual = v; } if ( xcb->screen->root_visual == v->visual_id ) { root_depth = d; root_visual = v; } } } if ( visual != NULL ) { xcb_void_cookie_t c; xcb_generic_error_t *e; map = xcb_generate_id ( xcb->connection ); c = xcb_create_colormap_checked ( xcb->connection, XCB_COLORMAP_ALLOC_NONE, map, xcb->screen->root, visual->visual_id ); e = xcb_request_check ( xcb->connection, c ); if ( e ) { depth = NULL; visual = NULL; free ( e ); } } if ( visual == NULL ) { depth = root_depth; visual = root_visual; map = xcb->screen->default_colormap; } } static void x11_lookup_cursors ( void ) { xcb_cursor_context_t *ctx; if ( xcb_cursor_context_new ( xcb->connection, xcb->screen, &ctx ) < 0 ) { return; } for ( int i = 0; i < NUM_CURSORS; ++i ) { cursors[i] = xcb_cursor_load_cursor ( ctx, cursor_names[i].css_name ); if ( cursors[i] == XCB_CURSOR_NONE ) { cursors[i] = xcb_cursor_load_cursor ( ctx, cursor_names[i].traditional_name ); } } xcb_cursor_context_free ( ctx ); } /** Retry count of grabbing keyboard. */ unsigned int lazy_grab_retry_count_kb = 0; /** Retry count of grabbing pointer. */ unsigned int lazy_grab_retry_count_pt = 0; static gboolean lazy_grab_pointer ( G_GNUC_UNUSED gpointer data ) { // After 5 sec. if ( lazy_grab_retry_count_pt > ( 5 * 1000 ) ) { g_warning ( "Failed to grab pointer after %u times. Giving up.", lazy_grab_retry_count_pt ); return G_SOURCE_REMOVE; } if ( take_pointer ( xcb_stuff_get_root_window (), 0 ) ) { return G_SOURCE_REMOVE; } lazy_grab_retry_count_pt++; return G_SOURCE_CONTINUE; } static gboolean lazy_grab_keyboard ( G_GNUC_UNUSED gpointer data ) { // After 5 sec. if ( lazy_grab_retry_count_kb > ( 5 * 1000 ) ) { g_warning ( "Failed to grab keyboard after %u times. Giving up.", lazy_grab_retry_count_kb ); g_main_loop_quit ( xcb->main_loop ); return G_SOURCE_REMOVE; } if ( take_keyboard ( xcb_stuff_get_root_window (), 0 ) ) { return G_SOURCE_REMOVE; } lazy_grab_retry_count_kb++; return G_SOURCE_CONTINUE; } gboolean display_late_setup ( void ) { x11_create_visual_and_colormap (); x11_lookup_cursors (); /** * Create window (without showing) */ // Try to grab the keyboard as early as possible. // We grab this using the rootwindow (as dmenu does it). // this seems to result in the smallest delay for most people. if ( find_arg ( "-normal-window" ) >= 0 ) { return TRUE; } if ( find_arg ( "-no-lazy-grab" ) >= 0 ) { if ( !take_keyboard ( xcb_stuff_get_root_window (), 500 ) ) { g_warning ( "Failed to grab keyboard, even after %d uS.", 500 * 1000 ); return FALSE; } if ( !take_pointer ( xcb_stuff_get_root_window (), 100 ) ) { g_warning ( "Failed to grab mouse pointer, even after %d uS.", 100 * 1000 ); } } else { if ( !take_keyboard ( xcb_stuff_get_root_window (), 0 ) ) { g_timeout_add ( 1, lazy_grab_keyboard, NULL ); } if ( !take_pointer ( xcb_stuff_get_root_window (), 0 ) ) { g_timeout_add ( 1, lazy_grab_pointer, NULL ); } } return TRUE; } xcb_window_t xcb_stuff_get_root_window ( void ) { return xcb->screen->root; } void display_early_cleanup ( void ) { release_keyboard ( ); release_pointer ( ); xcb_flush ( xcb->connection ); } void display_cleanup ( void ) { if ( xcb->connection == NULL ) { return; } g_debug ( "Cleaning up XCB and XKB" ); nk_bindings_seat_free ( xcb->bindings_seat ); if ( xcb->sncontext != NULL ) { sn_launchee_context_unref ( xcb->sncontext ); xcb->sncontext = NULL; } if ( xcb->sndisplay != NULL ) { sn_display_unref ( xcb->sndisplay ); xcb->sndisplay = NULL; } x11_monitors_free (); xcb_ewmh_connection_wipe ( &( xcb->ewmh ) ); xcb_flush ( xcb->connection ); xcb_aux_sync ( xcb->connection ); g_water_xcb_source_free ( xcb->source ); xcb->source = NULL; xcb->connection = NULL; xcb->screen = NULL; xcb->screen_nbr = 0; } void x11_disable_decoration ( xcb_window_t window ) { // Flag used to indicate we are setting the decoration type. const uint32_t MWM_HINTS_DECORATIONS = ( 1 << 1 ); // Motif property data structure struct MotifWMHints { uint32_t flags; uint32_t functions; uint32_t decorations; int32_t inputMode; uint32_t state; }; struct MotifWMHints hints; hints.flags = MWM_HINTS_DECORATIONS; hints.decorations = 0; hints.functions = 0; hints.inputMode = 0; hints.state = 0; xcb_atom_t ha = netatoms[_MOTIF_WM_HINTS]; xcb_change_property ( xcb->connection, XCB_PROP_MODE_REPLACE, window, ha, ha, 32, 5, &hints ); } void x11_set_cursor ( xcb_window_t window, X11CursorType type ) { if ( type < 0 || type >= NUM_CURSORS ) { return; } if ( cursors[type] == XCB_CURSOR_NONE ) { return; } xcb_change_window_attributes ( xcb->connection, window, XCB_CW_CURSOR, &( cursors[type] ) ); }