/* MIT/X11 License Copyright (c) 2012 Sean Pringle Modified (c) 2013-2014 Qball Cow Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #define _GNU_SOURCE #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "rofi.h" #include "textbox.h" #define SIDE_MARGIN 2 extern Display *display; /** * Font + font color cache. * Avoid re-loading font on every change on every textbox. */ XftFont *font = NULL; XftFont *font_active = NULL; XftColor color_fg; XftColor color_bg; XftColor color_hlfg; XftColor color_hlbg; void textbox_moveresize ( textbox *tb, int x, int y, int w, int h ); // Xft text box, optionally editable textbox* textbox_create ( Window parent, TextboxFlags flags, short x, short y, short w, short h, TextBoxFontType tbft, char *text ) { textbox *tb = calloc ( 1, sizeof ( textbox ) ); tb->flags = flags; tb->parent = parent; tb->x = x; tb->y = y; tb->w = MAX ( 1, w ); tb->h = MAX ( 1, h ); unsigned int cp = ( tbft == NORMAL ) ? color_bg.pixel : color_hlbg.pixel; tb->window = XCreateSimpleWindow ( display, tb->parent, tb->x, tb->y, tb->w, tb->h, 0, None, cp ); // need to preload the font to calc line height textbox_font ( tb, tbft ); textbox_text ( tb, text ? text : "" ); textbox_cursor_end ( tb ); // auto height/width modes get handled here textbox_moveresize ( tb, tb->x, tb->y, tb->w, tb->h ); // edit mode controls if ( tb->flags & TB_EDITABLE ) { tb->xim = XOpenIM ( display, NULL, NULL, NULL ); tb->xic = XCreateIC ( tb->xim, XNInputStyle, XIMPreeditNothing | XIMStatusNothing, XNClientWindow, tb->window, XNFocusWindow, tb->window, NULL ); } return tb; } // set an Xft font by name void textbox_font ( textbox *tb, TextBoxFontType tbft ) { switch ( tbft ) { case HIGHLIGHT: tb->font = font; tb->color_bg = color_hlbg; tb->color_fg = color_hlfg; break; case ACTIVE: tb->font = font_active; tb->color_bg = color_bg; tb->color_fg = color_fg; break; case ACTIVE_HIGHLIGHT: tb->font = font_active; tb->color_bg = color_hlbg; tb->color_fg = color_hlfg; break; case NORMAL: default: tb->font = font; tb->color_bg = color_bg; tb->color_fg = color_fg; break; } } // outer code may need line height, width, etc void textbox_extents ( textbox *tb ) { XftTextExtentsUtf8 ( display, tb->font, ( unsigned char * ) tb->text, strlen ( tb->text ), &tb->extents ); } // set the default text to display void textbox_text ( textbox *tb, char *text ) { if ( tb->text ) { free ( tb->text ); } tb->text = strdup ( text ); tb->cursor = MAX ( 0, MIN ( ( int ) strlen ( text ), tb->cursor ) ); textbox_extents ( tb ); } void textbox_move ( textbox *tb, int x, int y ) { if ( x != tb->x || y != tb->y ) { tb->x = x; tb->y = y; XMoveResizeWindow ( display, tb->window, tb->x, tb->y, tb->w, tb->h ); } } // within the parent. handled auto width/height modes void textbox_moveresize ( textbox *tb, int x, int y, int w, int h ) { if ( tb->flags & TB_AUTOHEIGHT ) { h = tb->font->ascent + tb->font->descent; } if ( tb->flags & TB_AUTOWIDTH ) { if ( w > 1 ) { w = MIN ( w, tb->extents.width + 2 * SIDE_MARGIN ); } else { w = tb->extents.width + 2 * SIDE_MARGIN; } } if ( x != tb->x || y != tb->y || w != tb->w || h != tb->h ) { tb->x = x; tb->y = y; tb->w = MAX ( 1, w ); tb->h = MAX ( 1, h ); XMoveResizeWindow ( display, tb->window, tb->x, tb->y, tb->w, tb->h ); } } void textbox_show ( textbox *tb ) { XMapWindow ( display, tb->window ); } void textbox_hide ( textbox *tb ) { XUnmapWindow ( display, tb->window ); } // will also unmap the window if still displayed void textbox_free ( textbox *tb ) { if ( tb->flags & TB_EDITABLE ) { XDestroyIC ( tb->xic ); XCloseIM ( tb->xim ); } if ( tb->text ) { free ( tb->text ); } XDestroyWindow ( display, tb->window ); free ( tb ); } void textbox_draw ( textbox *tb ) { XGlyphInfo extents; GC context = XCreateGC ( display, tb->window, 0, 0 ); Pixmap canvas = XCreatePixmap ( display, tb->window, tb->w, tb->h, DefaultDepth ( display, DefaultScreen ( display ) ) ); XftDraw *draw = XftDrawCreate ( display, canvas, DefaultVisual ( display, DefaultScreen ( display ) ), DefaultColormap ( display, DefaultScreen ( display ) ) ); // clear canvas XftDrawRect ( draw, &tb->color_bg, 0, 0, tb->w, tb->h ); char *text = tb->text ? tb->text : ""; int text_len = strlen ( text ); int length = text_len; int line_height = tb->font->ascent + tb->font->descent; int line_width = 0; int cursor_x = 0; int cursor_width = MAX ( 2, line_height / 10 ); if ( tb->flags & TB_EDITABLE ) { int cursor_offset = 0; cursor_offset = MIN ( tb->cursor, text_len ); // calc cursor position XftTextExtentsUtf8 ( display, tb->font, ( unsigned char * ) text, cursor_offset, &extents ); // Add a small 4px offset between cursor and last glyph. cursor_x = extents.width + ( ( extents.width > 0 ) ? 2 : 0 ); } // calc full input text width // Calculate the right size, so no characters are cut off. // TODO: Check performance of this. do { XftTextExtentsUtf8 ( display, tb->font, ( unsigned char * ) text, length, &extents ); line_width = extents.width; if ( line_width <= ( tb->w - 2 * SIDE_MARGIN ) ) { break; } for ( length -= 1; length > 0 && ( text[length] & 0xc0 ) == 0x80; length -= 1 ) { ; } } while ( line_width > 0 ); int x = SIDE_MARGIN, y = tb->font->ascent; if ( tb->flags & TB_RIGHT ) { x = tb->w - line_width; } if ( tb->flags & TB_CENTER ) { x = ( tb->w - line_width ) / 2; } // draw the text. XftDrawStringUtf8 ( draw, &tb->color_fg, tb->font, x, y, ( unsigned char * ) text, length ); // draw the cursor if ( tb->flags & TB_EDITABLE ) { XftDrawRect ( draw, &tb->color_fg, cursor_x + SIDE_MARGIN, 2, cursor_width, line_height - 4 ); } XftDrawRect ( draw, &tb->color_bg, tb->w, 0, 0, tb->h ); // flip canvas to window XCopyArea ( display, canvas, tb->window, context, 0, 0, tb->w, tb->h, 0, 0 ); XFreeGC ( display, context ); XftDrawDestroy ( draw ); XFreePixmap ( display, canvas ); } static size_t nextrune ( textbox *tb, int inc ) { ssize_t n; /* return location of next utf8 rune in the given direction (+1 or -1) */ for ( n = tb->cursor + inc; n + inc >= 0 && ( tb->text[n] & 0xc0 ) == 0x80; n += inc ) { ; } return n; } // cursor handling for edit mode void textbox_cursor ( textbox *tb, int pos ) { tb->cursor = MAX ( 0, MIN ( ( int ) strlen ( tb->text ), pos ) ); } // move right void textbox_cursor_inc ( textbox *tb ) { textbox_cursor ( tb, nextrune ( tb, 1 ) ); } // move left void textbox_cursor_dec ( textbox *tb ) { textbox_cursor ( tb, nextrune ( tb, -1 ) ); } // end of line void textbox_cursor_end ( textbox *tb ) { tb->cursor = ( int ) strlen ( tb->text ); } // insert text void textbox_insert ( textbox *tb, int pos, char *str ) { int len = ( int ) strlen ( tb->text ), slen = ( int ) strlen ( str ); pos = MAX ( 0, MIN ( len, pos ) ); // expand buffer tb->text = realloc ( tb->text, len + slen + 1 ); // move everything after cursor upward char *at = tb->text + pos; memmove ( at + slen, at, len - pos + 1 ); // insert new str memmove ( at, str, slen ); textbox_extents ( tb ); } // remove text void textbox_delete ( textbox *tb, int pos, int dlen ) { int len = strlen ( tb->text ); pos = MAX ( 0, MIN ( len, pos ) ); // move everything after pos+dlen down char *at = tb->text + pos; memmove ( at, at + dlen, len - pos ); textbox_extents ( tb ); } // delete on character void textbox_cursor_del ( textbox *tb ) { int del_r = nextrune ( tb, 1 ); textbox_delete ( tb, tb->cursor, del_r - tb->cursor ); } // back up and delete one character void textbox_cursor_bkspc ( textbox *tb ) { if ( tb->cursor > 0 ) { textbox_cursor_dec ( tb ); textbox_cursor_del ( tb ); } } // handle a keypress in edit mode // 0 = unhandled // 1 = handled // -1 = handled and return pressed (finished) int textbox_keypress ( textbox *tb, XEvent *ev ) { KeySym key; Status stat; char pad[32]; int len; if ( !( tb->flags & TB_EDITABLE ) ) { return 0; } len = Xutf8LookupString ( tb->xic, &ev->xkey, pad, sizeof ( pad ), &key, &stat ); pad[len] = 0; if ( key == XK_Left ) { textbox_cursor_dec ( tb ); return 1; } else if ( key == XK_Right ) { textbox_cursor_inc ( tb ); return 1; } /*else if ( key == XK_Home ) { textbox_cursor_home( tb ); return 1; } else if ( key == XK_End ) { textbox_cursor_end( tb ); return 1; } */ else if ( key == XK_Delete ) { textbox_cursor_del ( tb ); return 1; } else if ( key == XK_BackSpace ) { textbox_cursor_bkspc ( tb ); return 1; } else if ( key == XK_Return ) { return -1; } else if ( !iscntrl ( *pad ) ) { textbox_insert ( tb, tb->cursor, pad ); textbox_cursor_inc ( tb ); return 1; } return 0; } /*** * Font setup. */ void textbox_setup ( const char *font_str, const char *font_active_str, const char *bg, const char *fg, const char *hlbg, const char *hlfg ) { Visual *visual = DefaultVisual ( display, DefaultScreen ( display ) ); Colormap colormap = DefaultColormap ( display, DefaultScreen ( display ) ); font = XftFontOpenName ( display, DefaultScreen ( display ), font_str ); font_active = XftFontOpenName ( display, DefaultScreen ( display ), font_active_str ); XftColorAllocName ( display, visual, colormap, fg, &color_fg ); XftColorAllocName ( display, visual, colormap, bg, &color_bg ); XftColorAllocName ( display, visual, colormap, hlfg, &color_hlfg ); XftColorAllocName ( display, visual, colormap, hlbg, &color_hlbg ); } void textbox_cleanup () { if ( font != NULL ) { Visual *visual = DefaultVisual ( display, DefaultScreen ( display ) ); Colormap colormap = DefaultColormap ( display, DefaultScreen ( display ) ); XftFontClose ( display, font ); font = NULL; XftFontClose ( display, font_active ); font_active = NULL; XftColorFree ( display, visual, colormap, &color_fg ); XftColorFree ( display, visual, colormap, &color_bg ); XftColorFree ( display, visual, colormap, &color_hlfg ); XftColorFree ( display, visual, colormap, &color_hlbg ); } }