#ifndef X11_ROFI_HELPER_H
#define X11_ROFI_HELPER_H
#include <glib.h>
#include <cairo.h>
#include <xcb/xcb.h>
#include <xkbcommon/xkbcommon.h>

#include "xkb.h"

 * @defgroup X11Helper X11Helper
 * @ingroup HELPERS
 * @{

 * @param w The xcb_window_t to read property from.
 * @param atom The property identifier
 * Get text property defined by atom from window.
 * Support utf8.
 * @returns a newly allocated string with the result or NULL
char* window_get_text_prop ( xcb_window_t w, xcb_atom_t atom );

 * @param w The xcb_window_t to set property on
 * @param prop Atom of the property to change
 * @param atoms List of atoms to change the property too
 * @param count The length of the atoms list.
 * Set property on window.
void window_set_atom_prop ( xcb_window_t w, xcb_atom_t prop, xcb_atom_t *atoms, int count );

/** For getting the atoms in an enum  */
#define ATOM_ENUM( x )    x
/** Get the atoms as strings. */
#define ATOM_CHAR( x )    # x

/** Atoms we want to pre-load */
#define EWMH_ATOMS( X )           \
    X ( I3_SOCKET_PATH ),         \
    X ( UTF8_STRING ),            \
    X ( STRING ),                 \
    X ( CLIPBOARD ),              \
    X ( WM_WINDOW_ROLE ),         \
    X ( _XROOTPMAP_ID ),          \
    X ( _MOTIF_WM_HINTS ),        \

/** enumeration of the atoms. */
/** atoms as string */
extern const char *netatom_names[];
/** atoms */
extern xcb_atom_t netatoms[NUM_NETATOMS];

 * Enumerator describing the different modifier keys.
    /** Shift key */
    /** Control Key */
    /** Alt key */
    /** Meta key */
    /** Super (window) key */
    /** Hyper key */
    /** Any modifier */
    /** Number of modifier keys */

 * Structure describing a workarea/monitor.
typedef struct _workarea
    /** numeric monitor id. */
    int              monitor_id;
    /** if monitor is set as primary monitor. */
    int              primary;
    /** Horizontal location (in pixels) of the monitor. */
    int              x;
    /** Vertical location  (in pixels) of the monitor. */
    int              y;
    /** Width of the monitor. */
    int              w;
    /** Height of the monitor */
    int              h;
    int              mw, mh;
    /** Output name of the monitor, e.g. eDP1 or VGA-1 */
    char             *name;
    /** Pointer to next monitor */
    struct _workarea *next;
} workarea;

 * @param mon workarea to be filled in.
 * Fills in #mon with the information about the monitor rofi should show on.
 * @returns TRUE if monitor is found, FALSE if no monitor could be detected.
int monitor_active ( workarea *mon );

 * Release keyboard grab on root window.
void release_keyboard ( void );
 * Release pointer grab on root window.
void release_pointer ( void );

 * @param w       xcb_window_t we want to grab keyboard on.
 * @param iters   Number of retries.
 * Grab keyboard.
 * @return 1 when keyboard is grabbed, 0 not.
int take_keyboard ( xcb_window_t w, int iters );

 * @param w       xcb_window_t we want to grab mouse on.
 * @param iters   Number of retries.
 * Grab mouse.
 * @return 1 when mouse is grabbed, 0 not.
int take_pointer ( xcb_window_t w, int iters );

 * @param mask The mask to canonilize
 * @return The canonilized mask
unsigned int x11_canonalize_mask ( unsigned int mask );

 * @param xkb the xkb structure.
 * Calculates the mask of all active modifier keys.
 * @returns the mask describing all active modifier keys.
unsigned int x11_get_current_mask ( xkb_stuff *xkb );

 * @param combo String representing the key combo
 * @param mod [out]  The modifier specified (or AnyModifier if not specified)
 * @param key [out]  The key specified
 * @param release [out] If it should react on key-release, not key-press
 * Parse key from user input string.
gboolean x11_parse_key ( const char *combo, unsigned int *mod, xkb_keysym_t *key, gboolean *release, GString * );

 * Setup several items required.
 * * Error handling,
 * * Numlock detection
 * * Cache
void x11_setup ( xkb_stuff *xkb );

 * Depth of visual
extern xcb_depth_t *depth;
 * Visual to use for creating window
extern xcb_visualtype_t *visual;
 * Color map to use for creating window
extern xcb_colormap_t map;

 * This function tries to create a 32bit TrueColor colormap.
 * If this fails, it falls back to the default for the connected display.
void x11_create_visual_and_colormap ( void );

 * Structure describing a cairo color.
typedef struct
    /** red channel */
    double red;
    /** green channel */
    double green;
    /** blue channel */
    double blue;
    /**  alpha channel */
    double alpha;
} Color;

 * @param name    String representing the color.
 * Allocate a pixel value for an X named color
Color color_get ( const char *const name );

 * Gets a surface containing the background image of the desktop.
 * @returns a cairo surface with the background image of the desktop.
cairo_surface_t * x11_helper_get_bg_surface ( void );
 * Gets a surface for the root window of the desktop.
 * Can be used to take screenshot.
 * @returns a cairo surface for the root window of the desktop.
cairo_surface_t *x11_helper_get_screenshot_surface ( void );

 * Creates an internal represenation of the available monitors.
 * Used for positioning rofi.
void x11_build_monitor_layout ( void );

 * Dump the monitor layout to stdout.
void x11_dump_monitor_layout ( void );

 * @param mask the mask to check for key
 * @param key the key to check in mask
 * Check if key is in the modifier mask.
 * @returns TRUE if key is in the modifier mask
int x11_modifier_active ( unsigned int mask, int key );

 * @param window The X11 window to modify
 * Set the right hints to disable the window decoration.
 * (Set MOTIF_WM_HINTS, decoration field)
void x11_disable_decoration ( xcb_window_t window );

 * List of window managers that need different behaviour to functioning.
typedef enum
    /** Default EWHM compatible window manager */
    WM_EWHM    = 0,
    /** I3 Window manager */
    WM_I3      = 1,
    /** Awesome window manager */
    WM_AWESOME = 2,
    /** Openbox window manager */
    WM_OPENBOX = 4
} WindowManager;

 * Indicates the current window manager.
 * This is used for work-arounds.
extern WindowManager current_window_manager;

 * discover the window manager.
void x11_helper_discover_window_manager ( void );