# Rofi A popup window switcher roughly based on [superswitcher](http://code.google.com/p/superswitcher/), requiring only xlib and xft. This version is based on the version from [Sean Pringle](http://github.com/seanpringle/simpleswitcher). All credit for this great tool should go to him. Some of the features of rofi are: * Switcher centered on screen (or monitor for multi-head). * Vertical list with two columns: 1. Desktop number (optional, not shown in i3 mode) 2. Window class. 3. Window title. * Controls like dmenu: * Type to filter windows. * Tokonized filter. Type any word in any order to filter. * Arrows to highlight selections. * Return to select. * Rudimentary run dialog * Type to filter. * Tokonized filter. Type any word in any order to filter. * Arrows to highlight selections. * Return to select. * Shift-Return to run in terminal. * Favorites list. * Quickly ssh into remote machines * Parses ~/.ssh/config to find hosts. * Runs in background or once-off. * Drop in dmenu replacement. If compiled with I3 support, it should autodetect if I3 window manager is running. ## Usage e.g. bindsym $mod+Tab exec rofi -now -font "snap-10" -fg "#505050" -bg "#000000" -hlfg "#ffb964" -hlbg "#000000" -o 85 ## Switching Between Modi Type '?' (enter) to switch from Window list mode to Run mode and back. ## Compilation If compiling from GIT, first run to generate the needed build files: autoreconf --install To build rofi, run the following steps: mkdir build/ cd build/ ../configure make make install The build system will autodetect the i3 header file during compilation. If it fails, make sure you have i3/ipc.h installed. Check config.log for more information. ## Dependencies Rofi requires the following tools and libraries to be installed: * libx11 * libxinerama * libxdg-basedir * libxft ## Configuration There are 3 ways to configure rofi: ### 1. Pre-compile time You can change the default behavior by modifying config/config.c ### 2. Xresources Another solution is to configure it via X resources, e.g. add the following to your Xresources file: rofi.background: #333 rofi.foreground: #1aa rofi.highlightbg: #1aa rofi.highlightfg: #111 rofi.bordercolor: #277 rofi.font: times-10 rofi.padding: 3 rofi.lines: 5 rofi.borderwidth: 3 ### 3. Runtime All the above settings can be overridden by rofi's commandline flags. ## Archlinux This version of rofi has been made available on the [AUR](https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/rofi-git/). # Contact Issues, feature requests can be filed at the github [issue tracker](https://github.com/DaveDavenport/rofi/issues). If you need to ask a direct question or get support installing, please find us on IRC: #gmpc on [freenode.net](https://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=#gmpc).