
1.4 KiB

V1.2.0 - Something Something Darkside

New Features

Underline Match

A new, hopefully welcome, addition is that Rofi now highlights the match in each row:

Rofi Underline

To accomplish this, now all matching is done using GRegex, as this returns the exact location in the string of each match.

Multiline Select

While already existing, we now improved the multi-line select in dmenu mode. It will allow you to select and unselect rows, selected rows are highlighted with a dot and a small counter indicated the amount of rows selected.

Rofi Multi Select

Customize Window string

You can now specify what the window switcher will show. It allows for some markup to nicely line up the entries.

For example if the with of the window is specified in characters, this would right align the class name

rofi.window-format: {t:-16} ({c:10})

Rofi Window title align

Bug Fixes

  • Fix current desktop window selector
  • Fix launching application in terminal
  • Support #include in config file.
  • XLib dependency. The last hard dependency on Xlib has been removed by the use of xcb-util-xrm.

Remove features

  • Removed fuzzy finder
  • Remove i3 workarounds. As i3 has, for more than a year now, native support for EWMH.