# Contributing Your contributions are always welcome! ## Guidelines - Only one list item per commit. - Only one commit per pull-request. - List item requirements: - Check the new item you want to add to the list is a [good candidate](README.md#good-candidates). - Must follow this template: `- [Link Title](https://example.com) - A short description.`. - Link title must be [title-cased](http://titlecapitalization.com) (AP style). - Link title must be stripped out of the "programmers believe" part to keep compact. - Keep descriptions concise, maximum number of characters is 350. - Description must ends with a period. - Add a section if needed. - Eventually add a description to the section. - Section title must be linked to from the [table of contents](README.md#contents). - Search past and current issues and pull-requests for previous suggestions before making a new one, as yours may be a duplicate or a work in progress. - Check your spelling and grammar. - Remove any trailing whitespaces. - Use spaces, no tabs, for indention. - Try to cut long lines of text after 80 characters. - Send a pull-request with the reason why the library is awesome.