Flutter is a mobile app SDK for building high-performance, high-fidelity, apps for iOS and Android, from a single codebase.
The goal is to enable developers to deliver high-performance apps that feel natural on different platforms. We embrace differences in scrolling behaviors, typography, icons, and more.
- [Zero to One with Flutter](https://medium.com/dartlang/zero-to-one-with-flutter-43b13fd7b354) - Flutter basics by [Mikkel Ravn](https://medium.com/@mravn)
- [FLUTTER from Install to ListView](https://medium.com/@develodroid/flutter-i-intro-and-install-a8bf6dfcc7c8) - Full serie of 4 articles by [Chema Rubio](https://twitter.com/develodroid)
- [Coding an Android App](https://code.tutsplus.com/tutorials/developing-an-android-app-with-flutter--cms-28270) - Setup and first app by [Ashraff Hathibelagal](https://github.com/hathibelagal)
- [Zero to One Flutter Animation](https://medium.com/dartlang/zero-to-one-with-flutter-part-two-5aa2f06655cb) - Focus on animation by [Mikkel Ravn](https://medium.com/@mravn)
- [Google Map for Android](https://github.com/FaisalAbid/flutter-google-maps) - Launching Google maps from Android by [Faisal Abid](https://twitter.com/FaisalAbid)
- [Test Flutter on Travis](https://medium.com/@yegorj/test-flutter-apps-on-travis-3fd5142ecd8c) - Widget testing framework by [Yegor Jbanov](https://twitter.com/yegorjbanov)
- [Building Apks/Ipas on Travis](https://medium.com/@yegorj/building-flutter-apks-and-ipas-on-travis-98d84d8e9b4) - Automated build for Android and IOS by [Yegor Jbanov](https://twitter.com/yegorjbanov)
- [TodoMVC](https://github.com/brianegan/flutter_architecture_samples) - TODO application ready to go with different flavors : Vanilla, Redux, built_redux by [Brian Egan](https://github.com/brianegan)
- [Flutter Gallery](https://github.com/flutter/flutter/tree/master/examples/flutter_gallery) - Demo app for the material design widgets and other features provided by Flutter.
- [SpriteWidget](https://github.com/spritewidget/spritewidget) - Toolkit for building complex, high performance animations and 2D games by Viktor Lidholt
- [3D Object](https://github.com/hemanthrajv/flutter_3d_obj) - Renders a wavefront .obj on to a canvas by [Hemanth Raj](https://www.linkedin.com/in/hemanthrajv)
- [Contact Picker](https://github.com/goderbauer/contact_picker) - Picking a contact from the address book by [Michael Goderbauer](https://github.com/goderbauer)
- [Material Color Picker](https://github.com/long1eu/material_color_picker) - Based on the Google Docs color picker by [Lung Razvan](https://github.com/long1eu)
- [Flutter Mates](https://github.com/CodemateLtd/FlutterMates) - How to load profiles from the randomuser.me API and a nice profile details page by [Iiro Krankka](https://github.com/roughike)
- [Fluro](https://github.com/goposse/fluro) - The brightest, hippest, coolest router for Flutter with Navigation, wildcard, query, transitions by [Posse](http://goposse.com)
- [Circle Indicator](https://pub.dartlang.org/packages/circle_indicator) - Circle indicator for the PageViewer by [Lung Razvan](https://github.com/long1eu)
- [Quick Actions](https://github.com/flutter/plugins/tree/master/packages/quick_actions) - Manage and interact with the application's home screen quick actions.
- [Flutter Markdown](https://github.com/flutter/flutter_markdown) - Markdown renderer for Flutter. It supports the original format, but no inline html.
- [Image Placeholder](https://github.com/FaisalAbid/pluto) - While large images load, show a fallback asset by [Faisal Abid](https://twitter.com/FaisalAbid)
- [Firebase Analytics](https://github.com/flutter/plugins/tree/master/packages/firebase_analytics) - Connect to Firebase Analytics API
- [Segment.com Analytics](https://github.com/FaisalAbid/segment-analytics-flutter) - Make your Segment.com analytics a breeze! by [Faisal Abid](https://twitter.com/FaisalAbid)
- [Travis CI for Flutter](https://github.com/yjbanov/flutter_travis_sample) - Continuous integration by [Yegor Jbanov](https://twitter.com/yegorjbanov)
- [Dart Code](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=DanTup.dart-code) - Plugin to get Dart with Visual Studio Code by [Danny Tuppeny](https://twitter.com/DanTup)
- [IntelliJ Snippets](https://github.com/Solido/flutter-snippet) - More More More Snippets to get stuffs done even faster and also learn quickly by [Robert Felker](https://github.com/Solido)
- [VSCode Snippets](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=franzsilva.fs-flutter-snippets) - Translated from IntelliJ IDEA Official Snippets by Franz Silva
- [Flutter Location](https://github.com/Lyokone/flutterlocation) - Handle location, handling callbacks to get continuous location by [Lyokone](https://github.com/Lyokone)
- [FriendlyChat](https://github.com/flutter/friendlychat-flutter) - Offline/Firebase chat by a team of Googlers
- [Meme Chat](https://github.com/efortuna/memechat) - Chat app on Flutter, using Firebase, Google Sign In, and device camera integration by a team of Googlers
- [Flutter News](https://github.com/andresaraujo/flutter_news) - Hacker News client by [Andres Araujo](http://andresaraujo.co)
- [Flitter](https://github.com/dart-flitter/flitter) - Glitter app by [Hadrien Lejard](https://twitter.com/HadrienLejard) and [Kevin Segaud](https://twitter.com/kevin_segaud). It use the Redux and Jaguar !
- [NewsBuzz](https://github.com/theankurkedia/NewsBuzz) - Firebase backed news reader using News API by [Ankur Kedia](https://github.com/theankurkedia)
- [Flutter built redux](https://github.com/davidmarne/flutter_built_redux) - Automatic subscribing to your redux stores. Based on the built pattern by [David Marne](https://github.com/davidmarne)
- [redux.dart](https://github.com/johnpryan/redux.dart) - Port of Redux to Dart with an ecosystem of middleware, Flutter integrations, and time traveling dev tools by [John Ryan](https://github.com/johnpryan) and [Brian Egan](https://gitlab.com/users/brianegan/projects)
- [Angel & Flutter](https://github.com/angel-example/flutter) - Simple todo app with Flutter and an Angel backend by [Tobe Osakwe](http://thosakwe.com)
- [Flutter Talks](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLW08AvVvHDpHFQjXnjv4CKPyAdFLPMW4q&disable_polymer=true) - Extensive list of Flutter videos in a dedicated Youtube Channel by [Brandon Donnelson](https://twitter.com/branflake2267), Dart Developer Summit and others.
- [Hamilton](https://www.blog.google/topics/developers/it-must-be-nice-have-hamilton-your-phone) - Mike Karns, Hamilton’s director of social media, and David DeRemer from POSSE, who helped build the HAMILTON app.
- [Flutter birth](https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=2&v=U7qtl7lVKXQ) - Animated graph of Flutter commit - by [Brandon Donnelson](https://twitter.com/branflake2267). What's happening at 2:38 ? Brandon told me it's the Intellij Plugin.
- [Hamilton](https://itunes.apple.com/fr/app/hamilton-the-official-app/id1255231054?mt=8&ign-mpt=uo%3D4) - Introducing Hamilton — The Official App. Fans’ access to all things Hamilton: An American Musical.
- [Newsvoice](https://itunes.apple.com/se/app/newsvoice/id1208421834?l=en&mt=8) - Newsvoice shows all the news and perspectives from high quality sources in one place.
- [Ecuestre Digital](https://itunes.apple.com/mx/app/ecuestre-digital/id1183799348?mt=8) - Ecuestre Digital provides real-time results and video streaming of Equestrian Events.
- [Scrumizer](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.robbieone.scrumizer&hl=fr) - Scrum master and product owner certification trainer by [Robert Felker](https://www.linkedin.com/in/robert-felker/)