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Also like 👍, star ⭐, clap 👏 links to support their authors !
- [Zero to One]( [2.3K👏] - Flutter basics by [Mikkel Ravn](
- [From Install to ListView]( [612👏] - Full series of 4 articles by [Chema Rubio](
- [Coding an Android App]( - Setup and first app by [Ashraff Hathibelagal](
- [Zero to One Animation]( [733👏] - Focus on animation by [Mikkel Ravn](
- [Google Cloud Functions]( - App powered by Google Cloud Functions by [Romin Irani](
- [Build your plugins]( [318👏] - How to make a custom plug-in by [Karthik Ponnam](
- [Build Flavor]( [318👏] - Define build configurations and switch them by [Salvatore Giordano](
- [Brandon Donnelson]( [55🎬] - Videos on layout, database and tips by Brandon Donnelson.
- [Mtechviral]( [73🎬] - [Hindi/English] Mtechviral Series By [Pawan Kumar](
- [Official Gallery]( - Demo app for the material design widgets and other features provided by Flutter Team.
- [3D Object]( [21★] - Renders a wavefront .obj on to a canvas by [Hemanth Raj](
- [Contact Picker]( [8★] - Picking a contact from the address book by [Michael Goderbauer](
- [Parallax]( [123★] - ViewPager by [Iiro Krankka](
- [Material Color Picker]( [23★] - Based on the Google Docs color picker by [Lung Razvan](
- [StaggeredGridView]( [131★] - GridView with tiles of variable sizes by [Romain Rastel](
- [Sticky Header]( [46★] - Sliver based sticky headers by [Romain Rastel](
- [Login Animation]( [137★] - Smooth animation from login to home by [Ruchika Gupta](
- [List Drag&Drop]( [62★] - Reorder list elements using Drag & Drop by [Norbert515](
- [Photo View]( [46★] - Scalable image view with loading placeholder by [Renan C. Araújo](
- [SVG]( [80★] - SVG parsing, rendering, and widget library by [Dan Field](
- [Image Cropper]( [25★] - Crop your images support ratio, rotation, zoom by [HungHD](
- [GeoCoder]( [18★] - Forward and reverse geocoding by [Aloïs Deniel](
- [Map]( [159★] - Solution based on [Leaflet]( and customizable by [AppTree Software](
- [Circular Chart]( [84★] - Animated radial and pie charts by [Victor Choueiri](
- [Charts]( [68★] - LineChart and VerticalBarChart Library by [Milan Zimmermann](
- [Fluro]( [329★] - The brightest, hippest, coolest router for Flutter with Navigation, wildcard, query, transitions by [Posse](
- [Circle Indicator]( [19★] - Circle indicator for the PageViewer by [Lung Razvan](
- [Rich Text Editor]( [43★] - Text editor with style by [Lung Razvan](
- [Masked Text]( [8★] - Masked text with custom and monetary formatting by [Ben-hur Santos Ott](
- [ Analytics]( [3★] - Make your analytics a breeze! by [Faisal Abid](
- [Travis CI for Flutter]( [21★] - Continuous integration by [Yegor Jbanov](
- [Building Apks/Ipas on Travis]( [136👏] - Automated build for Android and IOS by [Yegor Jbanov](
- [BitRise]( [36👏] - Create Bitrise Step in Go by [Karol Wrótniak](
- [Audio Plugin]( [105★] - Beta by [Erick Ghaumez](
- [Audio Recorder]( [27★] - Record audio and store it locally by [Jordan Alcaraz](
- [Stereo]( [24★] - Playing music on iOS and Android by [2Find](
- [Billing]( [41★] - Enable billing on iOS and Android by [Volodymyr Lykhonis](
- [Mates]( [167★] - How to load profiles from the API and a nice profile details page by [Iiro Krankka](
- [Weather]( [50★] - Weather app to learn how to use Canvas and Animation by [Alessandro Aime](
- [TodoMVC]( [723★] - TODO application ready to go with different flavors : Vanilla, Redux, built_redux by [Brian Egan](
- [Location]( [83★] - Handle location, handling callbacks to get continuous location by [Lyokone](
- [Proximity Sensor Plugin]( - A plugin to access the proximity sensor of your device by [Manoj NB](
- [Geolocation]( [79★] - Fully featured geolocation plugin: current location, location updates, geocode, places and more by [Loup](
- [Local Notifications]( [74★] - Plugin for displaying local notifications by [Michael Bui](
- [Google Mobile Vision]( [58★] - Implementation of Google Mobile Vision by [Eduardo Folly](
- [App Rating]( [22★] - Requesting and Writing Reviews for the App Store and Google Play by [Rody Davis](
- [Get Version]( [14★] - Version Name, Version Code, App ID and Platform with OS Version by [Rody Davis](
- [Downloader]( [34★] - Create and manage download tasks by [HungHD](
- [Place Dialog]( [12★] - Places picker dialog returning the places to the app by [David Bennett](
- [Cached Network Image]( [75★] - Show images from the internet and keep them in the cache directory by [Rene Floor](
- [Device Calendar]( - Plugin for modifying calendars on the user's device by [Built to Roam](
- [Android Job Scheduler]( ![android]( [11★] - Directly manage android system schedules by [Georg Grab](
- [Dialogflow]( [15★] - Plugin to easily integrate with dialogflow by [Victor Rances](
- [NFC]( [12★] - Connect IsoDep iso 14443-4 cards for android by [Göksel Uyulmaz](
- [Beacons]( [6★] - Flutter beacons plugin by [Loup](
- [Built redux]( [41★] - Automatic subscribing to your redux stores. Based on the built pattern by [David Marne](
- [Redux.dart]( [127★] - Port of Redux to Dart with an ecosystem of middleware, Flutter integrations, and time traveling dev tools by [John Ryan]( and [Brian Egan](
- [Redux]( [205★] - Built to work with [redux.dart](, utilities that allow you to easily consume a Redux Store to build Widgets.
- [Flame]( [194★] - Minimalist game engine by [Luan Nico](
- [SpriteWidget]( [241★] - Toolkit for building complex, high performance animations and 2D games by [Viktor Lidholt](
- [FriendlyChat]( [114★] - Offline/Firebase chat by a team of Googlers.
- [Meme Chat]( [255★] - Chat app on Flutter, using Firebase, Google Sign In, and device camera integration by a team of Googlers.
- [Flitter]( [91★] - Glitter app by [Hadrien Lejard]( and [Kevin Segaud]( It uses Redux and Jaguar.
- [Planets]( [166★] - Planet exploration that demonstrate rich UI by [Sergi Martínez](
- [NewsBuzz]( [193★] - Firebase backed news reader using News API by [Ankur Kedia](
- [DroidKaigi2018-flutter]( [241★] - Unofficial conference app for DroidKaigi 2018 Tokyo by [konifar](
- [InKino]( [885★] - Complete movie app that uses flutter_redux for state management, has nice transition animations, and a comprehensive set of widget & unit tests, by [Iiro Krankka](
- [WhatTodo]( [116★] - Todoist like UI by [Burhanuddin Rashid](
- [FlutterGram]( [100★] - Complete Instagram based on Firestore & Google Functions by [MDanics](
- [BookSearch]( [112★] - Digital BookShelf for your reading progress by [Norbert515](
- [Launcher Icons]( - Generate your launcher icons easily by [Mark O'Sullivan]( and [Franz Silva](
- [ZSH Completion]( [3★] - ZSH completion for the Flutter CLI tool by [Nikolai Simonov](
- [Redux Starter/Code Generator]( [33★] - Starter project and code generator with Redux support by [Hillel Coren](