diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 5a66c58..866f02b 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -2,12 +2,12 @@
@@ -66,9 +66,9 @@ If you appreciate the content π, support projects visibility, give π| β|
- [Zero to One Animation](https://medium.com/dartlang/zero-to-one-with-flutter-part-two-5aa2f06655cb) [808π] - Focus on animation by [Mikkel Ravn](https://medium.com/@mravn).
- [Google Cloud Functions](https://rominirani.com/tutorial-flutter-app-powered-by-google-cloud-functions-3eab0df5f957) - App powered by Google Cloud Functions by [Romin Irani](https://rominirani.com/@iromin).
-- [Firebase](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p4yLzYwy_4g) [394π] - Firebase live coding.
+- [Firebase](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p4yLzYwy_4g) [395π] - Firebase live coding.
- [Securing Apps](https://medium.com/@mehmetf_71205/securing-flutter-apps-ada13e806a69) [286π] - By Mehmet Fidanboylu.
-- [Build your plugins](https://medium.com/@KarthikPonnam/build-your-own-plugin-for-flutter-cfee1a08ea3a) [369π] - How to make a custom plug-in by [Karthik Ponnam](https://medium.com/@KarthikPonnam).
+- [Build your plugins](https://medium.com/@KarthikPonnam/build-your-own-plugin-for-flutter-cfee1a08ea3a) [370π] - How to make a custom plug-in by [Karthik Ponnam](https://medium.com/@KarthikPonnam).
- [Build Flavor](https://medium.com/@salvatoregiordanoo/flavoring-flutter-392aaa875f36) [575π] - Define build configurations and switch them by [Salvatore Giordano](https://medium.com/@salvatoregiordanoo).
### Websites / Blogs
@@ -106,44 +106,45 @@ If you appreciate the content π, support projects visibility, give π| β|
- [Official Gallery](https://github.com/flutter/flutter/tree/master/examples/flutter_gallery) - Demo for the material design widgets provided by Flutter Team.
- [Posse Gallery](https://github.com/flutter/posse_gallery) [168β
] - Advanced demonstration by [Posse](http://goposse.com).
-- [Flutter Examples](https://github.com/nisrulz/flutter-examples) [1171β
] - Simple basic isolated apps for devs by [Nishant Srivastava](https://github.com/nisrulz).
+- [Flutter Examples](https://github.com/nisrulz/flutter-examples) [1175β
] - Simple basic isolated apps for devs by [Nishant Srivastava](https://github.com/nisrulz).
### UI
- [3D Object](https://github.com/hemanthrajv/flutter_3d_obj) [33β
] - Renders a wavefront .obj on to a canvas by [Hemanth Raj](https://www.linkedin.com/in/hemanthrajv).
- [Contact Picker](https://github.com/goderbauer/contact_picker) [16β
] - Picking contact from the address book by [Michael Goderbauer](https://github.com/goderbauer).
-- [Parallax](https://github.com/FlutterRocks/page-transformer) [188β
] - ViewPager by [Iiro Krankka](https://github.com/roughike).
-- [StaggeredGridView](https://github.com/letsar/flutter_staggered_grid_view) [222β
] - GridView with tiles of variable sizes by [Romain Rastel](https://github.com/letsar).
-- [Sticky Header](https://github.com/letsar/flutter_sticky_header) [93β
] - Sliver based sticky headers by [Romain Rastel](https://github.com/letsar).
+- [Parallax](https://github.com/FlutterRocks/page-transformer) [189β
] - ViewPager by [Iiro Krankka](https://github.com/roughike).
+- [StaggeredGridView](https://github.com/letsar/flutter_staggered_grid_view) [223β
] - GridView with tiles of variable sizes by [Romain Rastel](https://github.com/letsar).
+- [Sticky Header](https://github.com/letsar/flutter_sticky_header) [97β
] - Sliver based sticky headers by [Romain Rastel](https://github.com/letsar).
- [Radial Menu](https://github.com/xqwzts/flutter_radial_menu) [112β
] - Animated Radial Menu by [Victor Choueiri](https://github.com/xqwzts).
- [Tinder Cards](https://github.com/Ivaskuu/tinder_cards) [112β
] - Tinder like cards swipe effect by [Ivascu Adrian](https://github.com/Ivaskuu).
- [Sticky Headers](https://github.com/slightfoot/flutter_sticky_headers) [138β
] - Configurable sticky headers by [Simon Lightfoot](http://www.devangels.london/).
-- [Login Animation](https://github.com/GeekyAnts/flutter-login-home-animation) [235β
] - Smooth animation from login to home by [Ruchika Gupta](https://github.com/geekruchika).
-- [List Drag&Drop](https://github.com/Norbert515/flutter_list_drag_and_drop) [93β
] - Reorder list elements using Drag & Drop by [Norbert515](https://github.com/Norbert515).
+- [Login Animation](https://github.com/GeekyAnts/flutter-login-home-animation) [236β
] - Smooth animation from login to home by [Ruchika Gupta](https://github.com/geekruchika).
+- [List Drag&Drop](https://github.com/Norbert515/flutter_list_drag_and_drop) [94β
] - Reorder list elements using Drag & Drop by [Norbert515](https://github.com/Norbert515).
- [Side Header List](https://github.com/renefloor/side_header_list_view) [83β
] - Listview with sticky headers by [Rene Floor](https://github.com/renefloor).
-- [Shimmer](https://github.com/hnvn/flutter_shimmer) [146β
] - Shimmer effect while content is loading by [HungHD](https://github.com/hnvn).
+- [Shimmer](https://github.com/hnvn/flutter_shimmer) [149β
] - Shimmer effect while content is loading by [HungHD](https://github.com/hnvn).
- [Flip Panel](https://github.com/hnvn/flutter_flip_panel) [70β
] - Flip panel with built-in animation by [HungHD](https://github.com/hnvn).
-- [Facebook Reactions](https://github.com/duytq94/facebook-reaction-animation) [38β
] - Facebook reactions widget by [Duy Tran](https://github.com/duytq94).
-- [Flushbar](https://github.com/AndreHaueisen/flushbar) [62β
] - Highly configurable Snackbar by [Andre Haueisen](https://github.com/AndreHaueisen).
-- [Stepper Touch](https://github.com/Rahiche/stepper_touch) [19β
] - Lateral value stepper nicely animated by [Raouf Rahiche](https://github.com/Rahiche).
+- [Facebook Reactions](https://github.com/duytq94/facebook-reaction-animation) [39β
] - Facebook reactions widget by [Duy Tran](https://github.com/duytq94).
+- [Flushbar](https://github.com/AndreHaueisen/flushbar) [63β
] - Highly configurable Snackbar by [Andre Haueisen](https://github.com/AndreHaueisen).
+- [Stepper Touch](https://github.com/Rahiche/stepper_touch) [21β
] - Lateral value stepper nicely animated by [Raouf Rahiche](https://github.com/Rahiche).
#### Calendar
- [Calendar Widget](https://github.com/pinkfish/flutter_calendar) [31β
] - Calendar widget by [David Bennett](https://github.com/pinkfish).
- [Calendar Carousel Widget](https://github.com/dooboolab/flutter_calendar_carousel) - Calendar carousel by [dooboolab](https://github.com/dooboolab/flutter_calendar_carousel)
+- [Date range picker](https://github.com/anicdh/date_range_picker) - Date range picker modified based on Flutter date picker by [An Doan](https://github.com/anicdh).
#### Material Design
- [Material Color Picker](https://github.com/long1eu/material_color_picker) [34β
] - Based on the Google Docs color picker by [Lung Razvan](https://github.com/long1eu).
- [Unicorn Speed Dial](https://github.com/tiagojencmartins/unicornspeeddial) [57β
] - Floating Action Button with Speed Dial by [Tiago Martins](https://github.com/tiagojencmartins).
-- [Slidable](https://github.com/letsar/flutter_slidable) [224β
] - Slidable list item with left and right slide actions by [Romain Rastel](https://github.com/letsar).
+- [Slidable](https://github.com/letsar/flutter_slidable) [226β
] - Slidable list item with left and right slide actions by [Romain Rastel](https://github.com/letsar).
- [RangeSlider](https://github.com/boeledi/RangeSlider) [39β
] - 2-thumb configurable RangeSlider by [Didier Boelens](https://www.didierboelens.com).
### Image
- [Image Picker](https://github.com/flutter/plugins/tree/master/packages/image_picker) - Images Selection by [Collin Jackson](http://www.collinjackson.com).
-- [Carousel Slider](https://github.com/serenader2014/flutter_carousel_slider) [84β
] - Carousel slider widget, support infinite scroll and custom child widget by [serenader](https://github.com/serenader2014).
-- [Parallax Image](https://github.com/pulyaevskiy/parallax-image) [73β
] - Image parallax by [Anatoly Pulyaevskiy](https://github.com/pulyaevskiy).
+- [Carousel Slider](https://github.com/serenader2014/flutter_carousel_slider) [85β
] - Carousel slider widget, support infinite scroll and custom child widget by [serenader](https://github.com/serenader2014).
+- [Parallax Image](https://github.com/pulyaevskiy/parallax-image) [74β
] - Image parallax by [Anatoly Pulyaevskiy](https://github.com/pulyaevskiy).
- [Photo View](https://github.com/renancaraujo/photo_view) [129β
] - Scalable image view with loading placeholder by [Renan C. AraΓΊjo](https://github.com/renancaraujo).
- [SVG](https://github.com/dnfield/flutter_svg) [151β
] - SVG parsing, rendering, and widget library by [Dan Field](https://github.com/dnfield).
- [Image Cropper](https://github.com/hnvn/flutter_image_cropper) [128β
] - Crop your images support ratio, rotation, zoom by [HungHD](https://github.com/hnvn).
@@ -164,11 +165,11 @@ If you appreciate the content π, support projects visibility, give π| β|
- [Charts](https://github.com/google/charts) [284β
] - By Google Charts Team.
- [Flutter Plot](https://github.com/RCHowell/flutter_plot) [13β
] - Pretty plots by [R. C. Howell](https://github.com/RCHowell/).
- [Candlesticks](https://github.com/trentpiercy/flutter-candlesticks) [56β
] - OHLC and Trade Volume Charts by [Trent Piercy](https://github.com/trentpiercy).
-- [FCharts](https://github.com/thekeenant/fcharts) [166β
] - Beautiful, responsive, animated charts by [Keenan Thompson](https://keenant.com).
+- [FCharts](https://github.com/thekeenant/fcharts) [167β
] - Beautiful, responsive, animated charts by [Keenan Thompson](https://keenant.com).
### Navigation
-- [Fluro](https://github.com/goposse/fluro) [473β
] - The brightest, hippest, coolest router for Flutter with Navigation, wildcard, query, transitions by [Posse](http://goposse.com).
+- [Fluro](https://github.com/goposse/fluro) [476β
] - The brightest, hippest, coolest router for Flutter with Navigation, wildcard, query, transitions by [Posse](http://goposse.com).
- [PageView Indicator](https://github.com/leocavalcante/page_view_indicator) [19β
] - Build page indicators for the PageView by [Leo Cavalcante](https://github.com/leocavalcante).
- [Swiper](https://github.com/jzoom/flutter_swiper) [36β
] - Horizontal, Vertical, Partial swipe with indicator by [Xueliang Ren](https://github.com/jzoom).
@@ -178,7 +179,7 @@ If you appreciate the content π, support projects visibility, give π| β|
- [Login](https://github.com/AppleEducate/flutter_login) [155β
] - FaceID, TouchID, and Fingerprint Reader by [Rody Davis](http://appleeducate.com).
- [Google Sign-In](https://github.com/flutter/plugins/tree/master/packages/google_sign_in) - Google OAuth.
- [Firebase Auth](https://github.com/flutter/plugins/tree/master/packages/firebase_auth) - Firebase OAuth.
-- [Facebook Login](https://github.com/roughike/flutter_facebook_login) [100β
] - Authenticate with native Android & iOS Facebook login SDKs by [Iiro Krankka](https://github.com/roughike).
+- [Facebook Login](https://github.com/roughike/flutter_facebook_login) [101β
] - Authenticate with native Android & iOS Facebook login SDKs by [Iiro Krankka](https://github.com/roughike).
- [OAuth](https://github.com/hitherejoe/FlutterOAuth) [67β
] - Buffer, Strava, Unsplash, Github OAuth by [Joe Birch](http://www.hitherejoe.com).
- [Instagram](https://hackernoon.com/instagram-authentication-with-flutter-df6424d2d56c) - Instagram auth by [Wilfried Mbouenda Mbogne](http://developer-journey.com/).
- [Firebase Phone Auth](https://medium.com/@gildaswise/flutter-adding-sign-in-with-google-and-phone-authentication-to-your-app-69f681518f9b) [154π] - Phone number auth via SMS by [GildΓ‘sio Filho](https://github.com/gildaswise).
@@ -189,7 +190,7 @@ If you appreciate the content π, support projects visibility, give π| β|
- [Markdown](https://github.com/flutter/flutter_markdown) [101β
] - Markdown renderer for Flutter. It supports the original format, but no inline html.
- [Rich Text Editor](https://github.com/long1eu/rich_editor) [55β
] - Text editor with style by [Lung Razvan](https://github.com/long1eu).
- [Masked Text](https://github.com/benhurott/flutter-masked-text) [25β
] - Masked text with custom and monetary formatting by [Ben-hur Santos Ott](https://github.com/benhurott).
-- [Zefyr](https://github.com/memspace/zefyr) [199β
] - Soft and gentle rich text editing by [Memspace](https://github.com/memspace/zefyr).
+- [Zefyr](https://github.com/memspace/zefyr) [200β
] - Soft and gentle rich text editing by [Memspace](https://github.com/memspace/zefyr).
### Analytics
@@ -221,8 +222,8 @@ If you appreciate the content π, support projects visibility, give π| β|
#### Video
-- [WebRTC](https://github.com/cloudwebrtc/flutter-webrtc) [194β
] - WebRTC plugin for iOS/Android by [CloudWebRtc](https://github.com/cloudwebrtc).
-- [Chewie](https://github.com/brianegan/chewie) [132β
] - Provides low-level access to video playback by [Brian Egan](https://github.com/brianegan).
+- [WebRTC](https://github.com/cloudwebrtc/flutter-webrtc) [195β
] - WebRTC plugin for iOS/Android by [CloudWebRtc](https://github.com/cloudwebrtc).
+- [Chewie](https://github.com/brianegan/chewie) [133β
] - Provides low-level access to video playback by [Brian Egan](https://github.com/brianegan).
#### Voice
@@ -240,24 +241,24 @@ If you appreciate the content π, support projects visibility, give π| β|
- [Firebase AdMob](https://github.com/flutter/plugins/tree/master/packages/firebase_admob) - Ad integration using Firebase.
- [Billing](https://github.com/VolodymyrLykhonis/flutter_billing) [57β
] - Enable billing on iOS and Android by [Volodymyr Lykhonis](http://vladimirlichonos.com).
- [Payments](https://github.com/pplante/flutter_payments) [15β
] - In App Purchases & Subscriptions by [Delightful Goods](https://delightfulgoods.co).
-- [Inapp Purchase](https://github.com/dooboolab/flutter_inapp_purchase) [89β
] - Features set of 'in app purchase' derived from [react-native-iap](https://github.com/dooboolab/react-native-iap) by [dooboolab](https://github.com/dooboolab).
+- [Inapp Purchase](https://github.com/dooboolab/flutter_inapp_purchase) [90β
] - Features set of 'in app purchase' derived from [react-native-iap](https://github.com/dooboolab/react-native-iap) by [dooboolab](https://github.com/dooboolab).
## Templates
-- [Movie Details](https://github.com/FlutterRocks/movie-details-ui) [140β
] - Movie details page by [Iiro Krankka](https://github.com/roughike).
+- [Movie Details](https://github.com/FlutterRocks/movie-details-ui) [141β
] - Movie details page by [Iiro Krankka](https://github.com/roughike).
- [Mates](https://github.com/CodemateLtd/FlutterMates) [203β
] - How to load profiles from the randomuser.me API and a nice profile details page by [Iiro Krankka](https://github.com/roughike).
- [Weather](https://github.com/alessandroaime/Weather) [65β
] - Weather app to learn how to use Canvas and Animation by [Alessandro Aime](https://github.com/alessandroaime).
- [TodoMVC](https://github.com/brianegan/flutter_architecture_samples) [1118β
] - TODO application ready to go with different flavors : Vanilla, Redux, built_redux by [Brian Egan](https://github.com/brianegan).
- [Restaurant Menu](https://github.com/braulio94/menu_flutter) [283β
] - Restaurant menu by [Braulio Cassule](https://github.com/braulio94).
-- [UI Challenges](https://github.com/tomialagbe/flutter_ui_challenges) [392β
] - Profile, Travel, Food App by [Tomi Alagbe](https://github.com/tomialagbe).
+- [UI Challenges](https://github.com/tomialagbe/flutter_ui_challenges) [393β
] - Profile, Travel, Food App by [Tomi Alagbe](https://github.com/tomialagbe).
- [Cupertino Settings](https://github.com/matthinc/flutter_cupertino_settings) [36β
] - iOS Settings by [Matthias Rupp](https://github.com/matthinc).
- [Music Player](https://github.com/thosakwe/flutter_music_player) [73β
] - music player component by [Tobe O](https://thosakwe.com/).
- [Dashboard](https://github.com/Ivaskuu/dashboard) [222β
] - Dashboard and Shop Items by [Ivascu Adrian](https://github.com/Ivaskuu).
- [Todo](https://github.com/littlemarc2011/FlutterTodo) [155β
] - Todo template from Dribble by [Marc L](https://www.marc-little.com/).
-- [Card Swipe Animation](https://github.com/geekruchika/FlutterCardSwipe) [97β
] - Swipe cards template by [Ruchika Gupta](https://github.com/geekruchika).
-- [UI Kit](https://github.com/iampawan/Flutter-UI-Kit) [1152β
] - Collection of useful UIs in a UIKit by [Pawan Kumar](https://github.com/iampawan).
+- [Card Swipe Animation](https://github.com/geekruchika/FlutterCardSwipe) [98β
] - Swipe cards template by [Ruchika Gupta](https://github.com/geekruchika).
+- [UI Kit](https://github.com/iampawan/Flutter-UI-Kit) [1158β
] - Collection of useful UIs in a UIKit by [Pawan Kumar](https://github.com/iampawan).
- [Book](https://github.com/putraxor/flutter-book-app) [62β
] - Bookshelf by [Ardiansyah Putra](https://github.com/putraxor).
-- [The Gorgeous Login](https://github.com/huextrat/TheGorgeousLogin) [212β
] - Design and smooth login template by [Hugo Extrat](https://github.com/huextrat).
+- [The Gorgeous Login](https://github.com/huextrat/TheGorgeousLogin) [215β
] - Design and smooth login template by [Hugo Extrat](https://github.com/huextrat).
- [Liquid Pay Payment App](https://github.com/longhoang2984/flutter_payment_app_ui) [17β
] - Liquid Pay App Concept by [Long Hoang](https://github.com/longhoang2984).
## Plugins
@@ -268,25 +269,25 @@ If you appreciate the content π, support projects visibility, give π| β|
### Device
- [WebView](https://github.com/dart-flitter/flutter_webview_plugin) [303β
] - Render web content by [Hadrien Lejard](https://twitter.com/HadrienLejard).
-- [Location](https://github.com/Lyokone/flutterlocation) [122β
] - Handle location, handling callbacks to get continuous location by [Lyokone](https://github.com/Lyokone).
+- [Location](https://github.com/Lyokone/flutterlocation) [123β
] - Handle location, handling callbacks to get continuous location by [Lyokone](https://github.com/Lyokone).
- [Battery](https://pub.dartlang.org/packages/battery) - Access various information about the battery.
- [Proximity Sensor Plugin](https://pub.dartlang.org/packages/proximity_plugin) - A plugin to access the proximity sensor of your device by [Manoj NB](https://github.com/Samaritan1011001).
- [Geolocation](https://github.com/loup-v/geolocation) [104β
] - Fully featured geolocation plugin: current location, location updates, geocode, places and more by [Loup](http://intheloup.io).
-- [Local Notifications](https://github.com/MaikuB/flutter_local_notifications) [151β
] - Plugin for displaying local notifications by [Michael Bui](https://github.com/MaikuB).
+- [Local Notifications](https://github.com/MaikuB/flutter_local_notifications) [153β
] - Plugin for displaying local notifications by [Michael Bui](https://github.com/MaikuB).
- [Device Calendar](https://github.com/builttoroam/flutter_plugins/tree/develop/device_calendar) - Plugin for modifying calendars on the user's device by [Built to Roam](http://builttoroam.com).
- [Android Job Scheduler](https://github.com/talkdirty/android_job_scheduler) ![android](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1295961/41648590-9ed8c5cc-7479-11e8-8248-3820589d8ab9.png) [18β
] - Manage android schedules by [Georg Grab](https://github.com/talkdirty).
- [Get Version](https://github.com/AppleEducate/get_version) [23β
] - Version Name, Version Code, App ID and Platform with OS Version by [Rody Davis](http://appleeducate.com).
-- [Badger](https://github.com/g123k/flutter_app_badger) [36β
] - Update app badge on the launcher by [Edouard Marquez](https://twitter.com/g123k).
+- [Badger](https://github.com/g123k/flutter_app_badger) [37β
] - Update app badge on the launcher by [Edouard Marquez](https://twitter.com/g123k).
- [UDID](https://github.com/GigaDroid/flutter_udid) [20β
] - Persistent UDID across app reinstalls by [Leon Kukuk](https://kukuk.me).
- [Downloader](https://github.com/hnvn/flutter_downloader) [61β
] - Create and manage download tasks by [HungHD](https://github.com/hnvn).
- [InAppBrowser](https://github.com/pichillilorenzo/flutter_inappbrowser) [21β
] - Open an in-app browser window (porting of cordova inappbrowser) by [Lorenzo Pichilli](https://github.com/pichillilorenzo).
- [AppAvailability](https://github.com/pichillilorenzo/flutter_appavailability) [5β
] - List, launch and check installed apps by [Lorenzo Pichilli](https://github.com/pichillilorenzo).
-- [Aeyrium Sensor](https://github.com/aeyrium/aeyrium-sensor) [8β
] - A plugin which provide easy access to the Pitch and Roll on Android and iOS devices by [Diego VelΓ‘squez](https://github.com/aeyrium).
+- [Aeyrium Sensor](https://github.com/aeyrium/aeyrium-sensor) [9β
] - A plugin which provide easy access to the Pitch and Roll on Android and iOS devices by [Diego VelΓ‘squez](https://github.com/aeyrium).
#### Scanner
- [QR Code Reader](https://github.com/villela/flutter_qrcode_reader) [54β
] - QR Code reader plugin by [Matheus Villela](https://github.com/villela).
-- [Fast QR Reader View](https://github.com/facundomedica/fast_qr_reader_view) [21β
] - Live multicode reader by [Facundo Medica](https://github.com/facundomedica).
+- [Fast QR Reader View](https://github.com/facundomedica/fast_qr_reader_view) [27β
] - Live multicode reader by [Facundo Medica](https://github.com/facundomedica).
#### Bluetooth / NFC / Beacon
@@ -317,8 +318,8 @@ If you appreciate the content π, support projects visibility, give π| β|
- [Built redux](https://github.com/davidmarne/flutter_built_redux) [52β
] - Automatic subscribing to your redux stores. Based on the built pattern by [David Marne](https://github.com/davidmarne).
- [Redux.dart](https://github.com/johnpryan/redux.dart) [172β
] - Port of Redux to Dart with an ecosystem of middleware, Flutter integrations, and time traveling dev tools by [John Ryan](https://github.com/johnpryan) and [Brian Egan](https://gitlab.com/users/brianegan/projects).
- [Redux](https://github.com/brianegan/flutter_redux) [354β
] - Built to work with [redux.dart](https://github.com/johnpryan/redux.dart), utilities that allow you to easily consume a Redux Store to build Widgets.
-- [Dartea](https://github.com/p69/dartea) [24β
] - Model View Update inspired by TEA from ELM by [Shilyagov P](https://github.com/p69).
-- [Inject](https://github.com/google/inject.dart) [245β
] - Compile-time dependency injection for Dart and Flutter by Google.
+- [Dartea](https://github.com/p69/dartea) [25β
] - Model View Update inspired by TEA from ELM by [Shilyagov P](https://github.com/p69).
+- [Inject](https://github.com/google/inject.dart) [246β
] - Compile-time dependency injection for Dart and Flutter by Google.
- [Flutter_flux](https://github.com/google/flutter_flux) [206β
] - Implementation of the Flux framework by Google.
### Data
@@ -329,12 +330,12 @@ If you appreciate the content π, support projects visibility, give π| β|
- [Sequence Animation](https://github.com/Norbert515/flutter_sequence_animation) [70β
] - Composite staggered animations by [Norbert Kozsir](https://twitter.com/norbertkozsir).
- [SpinKit](https://github.com/jogboms/flutter_spinkit) [313β
] - Animated loading indicators by [Jeremiah Ogbomo](https://twitter.com/jogboms).
-- [Villains](https://github.com/Norbert515/flutter_villains) [77β
] - Page transition animations by [Norbert Kozsir](https://twitter.com/norbertkozsir).
+- [Villains](https://github.com/Norbert515/flutter_villains) [78β
] - Page transition animations by [Norbert Kozsir](https://twitter.com/norbertkozsir).
- [AnimatedTextKit](https://github.com/aagarwal1012/Animated-Text-Kit) [106β
] - A collection of cool text animations by [Ayush Agarwal](https://github.com/aagarwal1012/).
### Game Engine
-- [Flame](https://github.com/luanpotter/flame) [322β
] - Minimalist game engine by [Luan Nico](https://github.com/luanpotter).
+- [Flame](https://github.com/luanpotter/flame) [324β
] - Minimalist game engine by [Luan Nico](https://github.com/luanpotter).
- [SpriteWidget](https://github.com/spritewidget/spritewidget) [321β
] - Toolkit for building complex, high performance animations and 2D games by [Viktor Lidholt](https://github.com/vlidholt).
### Misc
@@ -345,21 +346,21 @@ If you appreciate the content π, support projects visibility, give π| β|
- [FriendlyChat](https://github.com/flutter/friendlychat-flutter) [155β
] - Offline/Firebase chat by a team of Googlers.
- [Meme Chat](https://github.com/efortuna/memechat) [276β
] - Chat app on Flutter, using Firebase, Google Sign In, and device camera integration by a team of Googlers.
-- [Flitter](https://github.com/dart-flitter/flitter) [117β
] - Glitter app by [Hadrien Lejard](https://twitter.com/HadrienLejard) and [Kevin Segaud](https://twitter.com/kevin_segaud). It uses Redux and Jaguar.
+- [Flitter](https://github.com/dart-flitter/flitter) [118β
] - Glitter app by [Hadrien Lejard](https://twitter.com/HadrienLejard) and [Kevin Segaud](https://twitter.com/kevin_segaud). It uses Redux and Jaguar.
- [Lime](https://github.com/fablue/lime-flutter) [174β
] - Lime social network by Sebastian Sellmair.
-- [Planets](https://github.com/sergiandreplace/flutter_planets_tutorial) [239β
] - Planet exploration that demonstrate rich UI by [Sergi MartΓnez](http://sergiandreplace.com).
+- [Planets](https://github.com/sergiandreplace/flutter_planets_tutorial) [242β
] - Planet exploration that demonstrate rich UI by [Sergi MartΓnez](http://sergiandreplace.com).
- [NewsBuzz](https://github.com/theankurkedia/NewsBuzz) [235β
] - Firebase backed news reader using News API by [Ankur Kedia](https://github.com/theankurkedia).
- [DroidKaigi2018-flutter](https://github.com/konifar/droidkaigi2018-flutter) [314β
] - Unofficial conference app for DroidKaigi 2018 Tokyo by [konifar](https://github.com/konifar).
-- [Music Player](https://github.com/iampawan/Flutter-Music-Player) [313β
] - Full featured music player by [Pawan Kumar](https://about.me/imthepk).
-- [InKino](https://github.com/roughike/inKino) [1095β
] - Movie app with flutter_redux, animations and unit tests by [Iiro Krankka](https://github.com/roughike).
-- [WhatTodo](https://github.com/burhanrashid52/WhatTodo) [164β
] - Todoist like UI by [Burhanuddin Rashid](https://about.me/burhanrashid52).
+- [Music Player](https://github.com/iampawan/Flutter-Music-Player) [315β
] - Full featured music player by [Pawan Kumar](https://about.me/imthepk).
+- [InKino](https://github.com/roughike/inKino) [1097β
] - Movie app with flutter_redux, animations and unit tests by [Iiro Krankka](https://github.com/roughike).
+- [WhatTodo](https://github.com/burhanrashid52/WhatTodo) [165β
] - Todoist like UI by [Burhanuddin Rashid](https://about.me/burhanrashid52).
- [FlutterGram](https://github.com/mdanics/fluttergram) [233β
] - Complete Instagram based on Firestore & Google Functions by [MDanics](https://github.com/mdanics).
- [BookSearch](https://github.com/Norbert515/BookSearch) [165β
] - Digital BookShelf for your reading progress by [Norbert515](https://github.com/Norbert515).
-- [Cinematic](https://github.com/aaronoe/FlutterCinematic) [260β
] - UI for Movie DB Public API by [Aaron Oertel](https://github.com/aaronoe).
+- [Cinematic](https://github.com/aaronoe/FlutterCinematic) [262β
] - UI for Movie DB Public API by [Aaron Oertel](https://github.com/aaronoe).
- [Beer-Me-Up](https://github.com/benoitletondor/Beer-Me-Up) [133β
] - Beer tracking nicely designed by [Benoit Letondor](https://github.com/benoitletondor).
- [Trace](https://github.com/trentpiercy/trace) [95β
] - Modern and powerful crypto portfolio & market explorer by [Trent Piercy](https://github.com/trentpiercy).
-- [Taskist](https://github.com/huextrat/Taskist) [48β
] - Taskist is a ToDo List app for Task Management by [Hugo EXTRAT](https://github.com/huextrat).
-- [Tourism](https://github.com/bluemix/tourism-demo) [15β
] - Tourism app based on redux w/ animations & i18n by [blueMix](https://github.com/bluemix/tourism-demo).
+- [Taskist](https://github.com/huextrat/Taskist) [49β
] - Taskist is a ToDo List app for Task Management by [Hugo EXTRAT](https://github.com/huextrat).
+- [Tourism](https://github.com/bluemix/tourism-demo) [17β
] - Tourism app based on redux w/ animations & i18n by [blueMix](https://github.com/bluemix/tourism-demo).
### Games
@@ -368,7 +369,7 @@ If you appreciate the content π, support projects visibility, give π| β|
## Utilities
-- [Desktop Embedding](https://github.com/google/flutter-desktop-embedding) [1142β
] - Desktop implementations of the Flutter embedding API by Google.
+- [Desktop Embedding](https://github.com/google/flutter-desktop-embedding) [1145β
] - Desktop implementations of the Flutter embedding API by Google.
- [Mutisya 2](https://flutterstudio.app/) - Online Flutter Studio by [Paul Mutisya](https://medium.com/@pmutisya).
- [Launcher Icons](https://github.com/franzsilva/flutter_launcher_icons) - Generate your launcher icons easily by [Mark O'Sullivan](https://github.com/MarkOSullivan94) and [Franz Silva](https://github.com/franzsilva).
- [Redux Starter/Code Generator](https://github.com/hillelcoren/flutter-redux-starter) [75β
] - Starter project and code generator with Redux support by [Hillel Coren](https://twitter.com/hillelcoren).