- [Arbore](http://arbo.re) - A friend-to-friend file-sharing app build on top of IPFS.
- [Arpadyne](https://arpadyne.computes.com) - The New Internet - DNS powered by OrbitDB. Content delivered via IPFS.
- [beets](https://github.com/beetbox/beets) - Beets has a plugin which allows for easy sharing of music libraries using IPFS
- [Blokaly](https://github.com/blokaly) - A badge issuing, sharing and display platform based on IPFS.
- [Boards](https://ipfs.io/ipns/boards.ydns.eu) - Distributed social platform that runs in the browser. [Source](https://github.com/fazo96/ipfs-boards)
- [Cohort](https://github.com/zignig/cohort) - A golang app to preset a threejs interface and get all of its assets out of IPFS.
- [Computes](https://computes.io) - Computes.io is a distributed supercomputer powered by IPFS.
- [dapple](https://github.com/nexusdev/dapple) - Dapple is a Solidity developer multitool designed to manage the growing complexity of interconnected smart contract systems.
- [digx](https://www.dgx.io/) - Digix is an asset-tokenisation platform built on Ethereum and IPFS.
- [dtube](https://d.tube) - Distributed video sharing with steem.it intergrations, using ipfs for backend storage.
- [Ethlance](http://ethlance.com) - First completely decentralised job market platform built on Ethereum and IPFS. [Source](https://github.com/madvas/ethlance)
- [Filemap](https://filemap.xyz/) - Upload files to a geographic point and never memorize a link again.
- [FileNation](https://filenation.io/) - The simplest way to send your files around the world using IPFS.
- [git-ipfs-rehost](https://github.com/whyrusleeping/git-ipfs-rehost) - A script to rehost your git repos in ipfs.
- [Global Upload](https://globalupload.io/) - File transportation service for IPFS, upload files to the future of distributed web.
- [gogo.tattoo](http://gogo.tattoo) - Gogo Tattoo Project uses IPFS, DLTs and other modern technologies to offer tattoo artists and wearers an unbreakable lifetime record of their portfolios. gogo.tattoo app already has a feature to share works directly to IPFS.
- [Gorilla REPL viewer](https://github.com/keorn/ipfs-gorilla-repl) - Gorilla is a rich REPL for Clojure in the notebook style. [Demo](https://ipfs.io/ipfs/QmRNUauWDvZFkAp1Bw3kAode3jT8aH2vx7LYzbS7H6R3Mg/view.html?path=/ipfs/QmbRdyLXiFWrKc5hW1NbvpUxF9tLovWCPgiz4BDhjD9k3j)
- [Hardbin](https://github.com/jes/hardbin) - Hardbin is an encrypted pastebin, with the decryption key passed in the URL fragment
- [hasteIPFS](https://ipfs.io/ipns/bin.ipfs.ovh/) - IPFS based code bin. (Read only for now)
- [HydrusNetwork](https://github.com/hydrusnetwork/hydrus) - A booru-style media tagging application with a multitude of features, recently added basic ipfs support.
- [infura.io](https://infura.io) - A Infrastructure: use API and developer tools provide secure, reliable, and scalable access toEthereum and IPFS to help build decentralized application easier.
- [InterPlanetary Wayback](https://github.com/oduwsdl/ipwb) - Web Archive (WARC) indexing and replay using IPFS.
- [Interplanetary Wiki](https://github.com/jamescarlyle/ipfs-wiki) - Wiki built on top of IPFS
- [IPFessay](https://gitlab.com/stavros/IPFessay) - A simple way to publish uncensorable essays on IPFS.
- [IPFS Drive](http://ipfs-drive.ydns.eu) - In browser file manager for IPFS. [Source](https://github.com/fazo96/ipfs-drive)
- [IPFS Event Drop](https://github.com/travisperson/ipfs-event-drops) - An app that allows for improved visualization of ipfs events.
- [ipfs-md-wiki](https://github.com/daijiale/ipfs-md-wiki) - Build your wiki system base on ipfs and markdown.
- [ipfs-search](http://ipfs-search.com) - Search engine for files and directories on IPFS.
- [OpenBazaar](https://www.openbazaar.org/) - This new version(v2.0) is built on IPFS, Openbazaar stores can now be accessible to buyers even when they are offline.
- [Orbit](https://orbit.chat) - Distributed, peer-to-peer chat application on IPFS. [Source](https://github.com/haadcode/orbit)
- [Origin Protocol](https://demo.originprotocol.com/) - Distributed sharing economy marketplace with images, metadata, and ERC 725 data stored on IPFS. [Source](https://github.com/OriginProtocol/demo-dapp)
- [Partyshare](https://partysha.re) - A simple file sharing app.
- [Pathephone](https://pathephone.github.io) - Distributed music streaming app.
- [Philes](https://philes.co) - A simple browser-based IPFS notepad app. [Source](https://github.com/chrismatthieu/philes)
- [Playback](https://mafintosh.github.io/playback/) - IPFS playback support. This allows casting a video in IPFS to a Chromecast.
- [PushToTalk](http://timothy.hobbs.cz/push-to-talk/index.html) - Push to Talk lets you edit audio essays and publish them with IPFS.
- [Temporal](https://github.com/RTradeLtd/Temporal) - Temporal is an easy to use API and platform for integrating IPFS and other distributed/decentralized storage technologies into enterprise applications
- [Textile Photos](https://www.textile.photos) - Textile Photos is a secure, mobile digital wallet for your photos. [Source](https://github.com/textileio/textile-mobile)
- [ujo](http://ujomusic.com/) - A blockchain marketplace for musicians.
- [uport](https://uport.me/#home) - Uport is a mobile, self-sovereign identity and key management system, built on the Ethereum blockchain.
- 2017-06-13: [Decentralized & Distributed Edge Computing Comes to Computes.io](https://blog.computes.io/decentralized-distributed-edge-computing-comes-to-computes-io-396aa062bc85)
- [Downloading nodejs versions with nvm/n over IPFS](https://ipfs.io/ipfs/QmTkzDwWqPbnAh5YiV5VwcTLnGdwSNsNTn2aDxdXBFca7D/example#/ipfs/QmUx363UFtgiQqkHHsPK3TSDmwoALDo2hrbMWbcxjH2vFc)
- 2017-03-31: [Using IPFS for IoT Communications](https://medium.com/@chrismatthieu/using-ipfs-for-iot-communications-b49c2139783a)
- 2016-09-12: [IPFS: The Internet Democratised](https://medium.com/@tonywillenberg/web-3-0-a-truly-democratised-internet-f4b06cb4077b)
- 2015-09-18: [The InterPlanetary File System Wants to Create a Permanent Web](http://motherboard.vice.com/read/the-interplanetary-file-system-wants-to-create-a-permanent-web)
- 2015-09-13: [Introduction to IPFS](http://whatdoesthequantsay.com/2015/09/13/ipfs-introduction-by-example)
- 2015-09-10: [First Steps Toward Implementing Distributed Permanent Web With IPFS](https://hacked.com/first-steps-toward-implementing-distributed-permanent-web-ipfs/)
- 2015-09-08: [HTTP is obsolete. It's time for the distributed, permanent web](https://ipfs.io/ipfs/QmNhFJjGcMPqpuYfxL62VVB9528NXqDNMFXiqN5bgFYiZ1/its-time-for-the-permanent-web.html)
## Tools
- [Blockwatch](https://ipfs.io/ipfs/QmdikpwcyeBuGaVzWzSzPuqvBfTGD8jPAVydcCjYHsBUxo/index.html) - Monitor the current block number of the Ethereum blockchain, and set alerts (stored locally using PouchDB in your browser) for when certain block heights are passed. [Source](https://github.com/MidnightLightning/ethereum-blockwatch)
- [cachewarmer](https://github.com/BrendanBenshoof/cachewarmer) - Donate ipfs gateways to cache other people's content
- [http2ipfs](https://github.com/jbenet/http2ipfs-web) - This is a simple webtool to add URLs to an IPFS node.
- [ipcat](https://github.com/noffle/ipcat) - :cat2: Retrieve IPFS object data and send it to stdout.
- [ipfs-add-from-encrypted](https://github.com/TroyWilson1/ipfs-add-from-encrypted) - Encrypt a file or directory with AES256 then add to IPFS
- [ipfs-add-from-url](https://github.com/maxlath/ipfs-add-from-url) - Add a file to IPFS from a URL instead of a file path
- [ipfs-chrome-extension](https://github.com/dylanPowers/ipfs-chrome-extension) - Chrome extension to redirect ipfs.io traffic to local gateway
- [ipfs-chrome-station](https://github.com/fbaiodias/ipfs-chrome-station) - Chrome extension to redirect ipfs.io traffic to local gateway
- [ipfs-companion](https://github.com/ipfs/ipfs-companion) - Browser extension that simplifies access to IPFS resources.
- [ipfs-gui](https://github.com/marcin212/ipfs-gui) - Windows UI integration and IPFS installer
- [ipfs-gui](https://github.com/marcin212/ipfs-gui) - Windows UI integration and IPFS installer
- [ipfs-linux-service](https://github.com/dylanPowers/ipfs-linux-service) - IPFS Linux Init Daemon
- [ipfs-linux-service](https://github.com/dylanPowers/ipfs-linux-service) - IPFS Linux Init Daemon
- [ipfs-mount](https://github.com/richardschneider/net-ipfs-mount) - Mount IPFS as a mapped drive on Windows
- [ipfs-paste](https://github.com/jbenet/ipfs-paste) - Paste stdin and clipboard to IPFS
- [ipfs-screencap](https://github.com/jbenet/ipfs-screencap) - Capture screenshots, publish them to IPFS, and copy the link to the clipboard.
- [ipfscrape](https://github.com/victorbjelkholm/ipfscrape) - Scrape a webpage with all assets and put it in IPFS
- [ipfsecret](https://github.com/c2fo-lab/ipfsecret) - Encrypt and decrypt IPFS files with a secret passphrase
- [ipget](https://github.com/ipfs/ipget) - :satellite: wget for IPFS: retrieve files over IPFS and save them locally.
- [IPRedirect](https://github.com/JayBrown/IPRedirect) - Browser userscript for redirecting IPFS/IPNS addresses to your local gateway. This should work on any browser that hasn't had an extension written for it yet and has support for userscripts.
- [ipscend](https://github.com/diasdavid/ipscend) - Tool for hosting web apps and static websites in IPFS
- [pinbot](https://github.com/whyrusleeping/pinbot) - Pin content via IRC