# Stale IPFS This is a list of no longer maintained awesome IPFS projects. This list is kept around as a resource for reference. If you find your project on this list and you feel it should be on the [Awesome List](./README.md), submit a pr and we'll get it in the right place. ## Table of Contents - [Apps](#apps) - [Tools](#tools) ## Apps - [AirSecure](https://github.com/airsecure/airsecure) - Decentralized two factor authentication app built on Textile & IPFS. - [Arbore](https://github.com/MichaelMure/Arbore) - A friend-to-friend file-sharing app build on top of IPFS. - [ipcoronafs](https://github.com/RTradeLtd/ipcoronafs) - A realtime service to scrape COVID-19 and SARS-CoV-2, storing on IPFS, DNSLink, and streaming over LibP2P pubsub - [ipfs-search](https://github.com/ipfs-search/ipfs-search) - IPFS search engine Sniffs the DHT gossip and indexes file and directory hashes. Metadata and search API's available. ## Tools - [Sweet IPFS](https://github.com/RHazDev/Sweet-IPFS) - Full node for Android. - [IPGit](https://github.com/meyer1994/ipgit) - Remote Git repository that mirrors your code to IPFS. - Note: @bmann Heroku endpoint in repo shows application error https://ipgit.herokuapp.com/ - Not really an app - It _is_ super cool and I'd love to see more IPFS + git stuff like this (maybe we can get Gitea or ForgeJo supporting IPFS)