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# Awesome Java
A curated list of awesome Java frameworks, libraries and software. Inspired by [awesome-python](https://github.com/vinta/awesome-python).
- [Awesome Java](#awesome-java)
- [Admin Panels](#admin-panels)
- [Algorithms and Design Patterns](#algorithms-and-design-patterns)
- [Anti-spam](#anti-spam)
- [Asset Management](#asset-management)
- [Audio](#audio)
- [Authentication and OAuth](#authentication-and-oauth)
- [Application Server](#application-server)
- [Build Tools](#build-tools)
- [CMS](#cms)
- [CUI](#cui)
- [Caching](#caching)
- [Code Analysis and Linter](#code-analysis-and-linter)
- [Continuous Integration](#continuous-integration)
- [Command-line Tools](#command-line-tools)
- [Configuration](#configuration)
- [Cryptography](#cryptography)
- [Data Validation](#data-validation)
- [Data Visualization](#data-visualization)
- [Database](#database)
- [Database Drivers](#database-drivers)
- [Date and Time](#date-and-time)
- [Debugging Tools](#debugging-tools)
- [DevOps Tools](#devops-tools)
- [Distribution](#distribution)
- [Documentation](#documentation)
- [Downloader](#downloader)
- [Editor Plugins](#editor-plugins)
- [Email](#email)
- [Environment Management](#environment-management)
- [Files](#files)
- [Foreign Function Interface](#foreign-function-interface)
- [Forms](#forms)
- [Functional Programming](#functional-programming)
- [GUI](#gui)
- [Game Development](#game-development)
- [Geolocation](#geolocation)
- [HTML Manipulation](#html-manipulation)
- [HTTP](#http)
- [Hardware](#hardware)
- [High Performance](#high-performance)
- [IDEs](#ides)
- [Imagery](#imagery)
- [Internationalization](#internationalization)
- [Logging](#logging)
- [Machine Learning](#machine-learning)
- [MapReduce](#mapreduce)
- [Messaging](#messaging)
- [Miscellaneous](#miscellaneous)
- [Natural Language Processing](#natural-language-processing)
- [Networking](#networking)
- [News Feed](#news-feed)
- [ORM](#orm)
- [Package Management](#package-management)
- [Permissions](#permissions)
- [Processes and Threads](#processes-and-threads)
- [Queue](#queue)
- [RESTful API](#restful-api)
- [Science and Data Analysis](#science-and-data-analysis)
- [Search](#search)
- [Tagging](#tagging)
- [Template Engine](#template-engine)
- [Testing](#testing)
- [Text Processing](#text-processing)
- [Third-party APIs](#third-party-apis)
- [URL Manipulation](#url-manipulation)
- [Utility](#utility)
- [Video](#video)
- [WSGI Servers](#wsgi-servers)
- [Web Content Extracting](#web-content-extracting)
- [Web Crawling](#web-crawling)
- [Web Frameworks](#web-frameworks)
- [WebSocket](#websocket)
- [Workflow Execution](#workflow-execution)
- [Resources](#resources)
- [Twitter](#twitter)
- [Websites](#websites)
- [Weekly](#weekly)
- [Contributing](#contributing)
# Awesome Java
## Admin Panels
## Algorithms and Design Patterns
## Anti-spam
## Asset Management
## Audio
## Authentication and OAuth
## Application Server
* [GlassFish](https://glassfish.java.net/)
* [WildFly](http://www.wildfly.org/)
* [Oracle WebLogic](http://www.oracle.com/us/products/middleware/cloud-app-foundation/weblogic/overview/index.html)
## Build Tools
* [Apache Ant](http://ant.apache.org/)
* [Apache Maven](http://maven.apache.org/)
* [Gradle](http://www.gradle.org/)
## CMS
## CUI
## Caching
## Code Analysis and Linter
* [SonarQube](http://www.sonarqube.org/)
## Command-line Tools
## Continuous Integration
* [Jenkins](http://jenkins-ci.org/)
## Configuration
## Cryptography
## Data Validation
## Data Visualization
## Database
## Database Drivers
## Date and Time
*Libraries related to date and time.*
* [Java 8 SE: Date and Time API](http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/articles/java/jf14-date-time-2125367.html)
* [Joda-Time](http://joda-time.sourceforge.net/)
## Debugging Tools
## Dependency Injection
* [Google Guice](http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Google_Guice)
## DevOps Tools
## Distribution
## Documentation
## Downloader
## Editor Plugins
## Email
## Environment Management
## Files
## Foreign Function Interface
## Forms
## Functional Programming
## GUI
## Game Development
* [LWJGL](http://lwjgl.org/)
* [libGDX](http://libgdx.badlogicgames.com/)
## Geolocation
## HTML Manipulation
## Hardware
## High Performance
## IDEs
* [NetBeans](https://netbeans.org/)
* [Eclipse](http://www.eclipse.org/)
* [IntelliJ](http://www.jetbrains.com/idea/)
## Imagery
## Internationalization
## Logging
* [SLF4J](http://www.slf4j.org/) - An abstraction layer which is to be used with an implementation
* [Log4j](http://logging.apache.org/log4j/)
* [Logback](http://logback.qos.ch/)
## Machine Learning
* [Apache Mahout](https://mahout.apache.org/)
* [Apache Spark](http://spark.apache.org/)
* [Mallet](http://mallet.cs.umass.edu/)
* [Weka](http://www.cs.waikato.ac.nz/ml/weka/)
## MapReduce
* [Apache Hadoop](http://hadoop.apache.org/)
## Messaging
## Miscellaneous
* [Lombok](http://projectlombok.org/) - Code-generator which aims to reduce the verbosity of Java
## Natural Language Processing
* [Apache OpenNLP](https://opennlp.apache.org/)
* [LingPipe](http://alias-i.com/lingpipe/)
## Networking
## News Feed
## ORM
## Package Management
## Permissions
* [Apache Shiro](http://shiro.apache.org/)
## Processes and Threads
## Queue
## RESTful API
## Science and Data Analysis
## Search
## Tagging
## Template Engine
* [Apache Tapestry](http://tapestry.apache.org/)
* [Apache Velocity](http://velocity.apache.org/)
* [Thymeleaf](http://www.thymeleaf.org/)
## Testing
* [Apache JMeter](http://jmeter.apache.org/) * Functional testing and performance measurements *
* [Mockito](http://code.google.com/p/mockito/)
* [Arquillian](http://arquillian.org/)
* [Selenium](http://docs.seleniumhq.org/)
* [VisualVM](http://visualvm.java.net/)
* [Eclipse Memory Analyzer Tool](http://www.eclipse.org/mat/)
## Text Processing
## Third-party APIs
## URL Manipulation
## Utility
* [Apache Commons](http://commons.apache.org/)
* [Google Guava](http://code.google.com/p/guava-libraries/)
## Video
## WSGI Servers
## Web Content Extracting
## Web Crawling
* [Apache Nutch](http://nutch.apache.org/)
* [Crawler4j](https://code.google.com/p/crawler4j/)
## Web Frameworks
* [Spring](http://spring.io/)
* [Grails](https://grails.org/)
* [Vaadin](https://vaadin.com/)
* [GWT](http://www.gwtproject.org/)
* [Apache Wicket](http://wicket.apache.org/)
* [Play](http://www.playframework.com/)
* [Apache Struts](http://struts.apache.org/)
* [PrimeFaces](http://primefaces.org/)
## WebSocket
## Workflow Execution
# Resources
## Twitter
* [Adam Bien](https://twitter.com/AdamBien/)
* [Antonio Goncalves](https://twitter.com/agoncal/)
* [Arun Gupta](https://twitter.com/arungupta/)
* [Java](https://twitter.com/java/)
* [Java EE](https://twitter.com/Java_EE/)
* [Java.net](https://twitter.com/javanetbuzz/)
* [Joshua Bloch](https://twitter.com/joshbloch/)
* [Pete Muir](https://twitter.com/plmuir/)
## Websites
* [Java.net](http://java.net/)
## Weekly
# Contributing
Contributions are very welcome. Just mind the general style.