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Awesome Java
A curated list of awesome Java frameworks, libraries and software. Inspired by awesome-python. Topics which have no libraries as of yet are located in README.tmp!
- Awesome Java
- Build Tool
- Code Analysis
- Compiler-compiler
- Continuous Integration
- Database Access
- Date and Time
- Dependency Injection
- Development Tools
- Distributed Applications
- Game Development
- High Performance
- Logging
- Machine Learning
- MapReduce
- Messaging
- Miscellaneous
- Natural Language Processing
- Permissions
- Science and Data Analysis
- Server
- Template Engine
- Testing
- Utility
- Web Crawling
- Web Frameworks
- REST Frameworks
- Resources
- Contributing
Build Tool
Tools which handle the buildcycle of an application
- Apache Ant - Procedural build configurations via XML files
- Apache Buildr - Perform builds using Ruby scripts
- Apache Maven - Declarative lifecycle and dependency managment which favors conventions
- Gradle - Incremental builds which are programmed via Groovy
- sbt - Interactive build tool using Scala
Code Analysis
Tools that provide metrics and quality measurements of static code
- SonarQube - Inspection tool for code quality
- FindBugs - Static analysis to find potential bugs
- Metrics
Tools that create parsers, interpreters or compilers
Continuous Integration
Tools which support continuously building, testing and releasing applications
Database Access
Everything which simplifies the access to the database
- DBeaver - Graphical database manager
- JDBI - Simplification of JDBC
- jOOQ - Generates typesafe code based on SQL schema
- Liquibase - Source control for your database
- Spring JDBCTemplate - Simplification of JDBC
- MapDB - Database engine with optimized datastructures
Date and Time
Libraries related to date and time.
- Java 8 SE: Date and Time API - Incorporates Joda-Time
- Joda-Time - De facto standard date/time-library before Java 8
Dependency Injection
Libraries that help to realize the Inversion Of Control paradigm
- Dagger - A compile-time injection framework without reflection, mainly for Android
- Google Guice
- Spring - The Spring Context module provides DI
- Weld - CDI reference implementation
Development Tools
- DCEVM - A modification of the JVM that allows unlimited redefinition of loaded classes at runtime
- JRebel - Instantly reloads code and configuration changes without redeploys
Distributed Applications
Libraries and frameworks used to ease writing distributed and fault-tolerant applications
- Akka - Toolkit and runtime for building highly concurrent, distributed, and fault tolerant event-driven applications on the JVM.
- JGroups - Toolkit for reliable messaging and creating clusters whose nodes can send messages to each other
- Apache ZooKeeper - Coordination service
Libraries to create modern graphical user interfaces
Game Development
Frameworks that support the development of games
- LWJGL - Robust framework that abstracts libraries like OpenGL/CL/AL
- libGDX Allround cross-plattform, high-level framework
High Performance
Everything about high performance computation, from collections to specific libraries
- Trove - Primitive collections
- HPPC - Primitive collections
- Disruptor - Inter-thread messaging library
- Javalution - Library for real-time and embedded systems
Integrated development environments that try to simplify several aspects of development
Various implementations of the JVM/JDK
Libraries that simplify JSON processing
Libraries that log the behavior of an application
- Apache Log4j
- SLF4J - An abstraction layer which is to be used with an implementation
- Logback
Machine Learning
Tools that allow to learn from data via a set of specific algorithms
- Apache Mahout - Scalable algorithms focused on collaborative filtering, clustering and classification
- Apache Spark - Open-source data analytics cluster computing framework
- Weka - Collection of algorithms for data mining tasks ranging from pre-processing to visualization
Libraries that provide access to the MapReduce model
- Apache Hadoop - Open-source software framework for storage and large-scale processing of data-sets on clusters of commodity hardware
Tools that help sending messages between clients to ensure protocol independency
- Apache ActiveMQ
- JBoss HornetQ
- Spring AMQP
- Spring Integration - Enterprise Service Bus
Everything else
Natural Language Processing
Libraries that are specialized on processing text
- Apache OpenNLP Toolkit for common tasks like tokenization
- LingPipe - Toolkit for a variety of tasks ranging from POS tagging to sentiment analysis
- Mallet - Statistical natural language processing, document classification, clustering, topic modeling, etc.
APIs which handle the persistence of objects
Everything that helps with the creation of PDF files
- Apache FOP - Creates PDF from XSL-FO
- Apache PDFBox - Toolbox for creating and manipulating PDF
- JasperReports - Complex reporting engine
- DynamicJasper - Simplifies JasperReports
- DynamicReports - Simplifies JasperReports
- iText - Easy to use PDF library but for commercial products you need a license
- PDF Clown
Libraries that handle role/rights with associated permissions
- Apache Shiro
- Keycloak - Integrated SSO and IDM for browser apps and RESTful web services
- PicketLink - PicketLink is an umbrella project for security and identity management for Java Applications
Science and Data Analysis
Libraries for scientific computing and analysis
- Colt - High performance scientific and technical computing
- JTransforms - Multithread FFT library
- Mines JTK - Tools for digital signal processing, linear algebra, inversion, 2-D and 3-D graphics, and more
- Parallel Colt - Multithread high performance scientific and technical computing
Servers which are specifically used to deploy applications
- GlassFish - Open source reference implementation for Java EE sponsored by Oracle
- WildFly - Formerly known as JBoss and developed by Red Hat with extensive Java EE support
- Jetty - Lightweight, small server often embedded in projects. Part of the Eclipse Foundation
- Apache Tomcat - Robust allround server for Servlet and JSP
Template Engine
Tools which substitute expressions in a template
Tools that test from object to interface level including performance and other benchmarks
- Apache JMeter - Functional testing and performance measurements
- Mockito
- Arquillian
- Selenium - Frontend testing
- VisualVM
- Eclipse Memory Analyzer Tool
- Hamcrest - Framework for writing declarative assertion matchers
- FEST - Collection of testing libraries
- AssertJ - Fluent assertions
- Calipher - Microbenchmarking framework
- JMH - Microbenchmarking
- TestNG - Testing framework
- JUnit - Testing framework
Libraries which provide unspecific functionality, e.g. optimized datastructures
- Apache Commons
- Google Guava
- JavaTuples - Tuples for Java
Web Crawling
Libraries that analyze the content of websites
Web Frameworks
Frameworks that handle the communication between the layers of an web application
REST Frameworks
Frameworks specifically for creating RESTful services
- Dropwizard - Opinionated framework for setting up modern web applications, includes Jetty, Jackson, Jersey and Metrics
- Jersey - JAX-RS reference implementation
- RestEasy - Fully certified and portable implementation of the JAX-RS specification
People to follow
Important websites
- r/java - Subreddit for the Java community
Influental Books
Books about Java that had a high impact and are still worth reading
Contributions are very welcome. Just mind the general style.