diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index b85cc3f..cf1bdb8 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -365,6 +365,8 @@ A curated list of Microservice Architecture related principles and technologies. ### Reactivity +- [Reactor.io](http://projectreactor.io) - A second-generation Reactive library for building non-blocking applications on +the JVM based on the Reactive Streams Specification. - [Reactive Kafka](https://github.com/softwaremill/reactive-kafka) - Reactive Streams API for Apache Kafka. - [ReactiveX](http://reactivex.io/) - API for asynchronous programming with observable streams. Available for idiomatic Java, Scala, C#, C++, Clojure, JavaScript, Python, Groovy, JRuby, and others. - [Simple React](https://github.com/aol/simple-react) - Powerful future streams & asynchronous data structures for Java 8.