revise Database Drivers section

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Vinta 2015-10-16 15:09:19 +08:00
parent 45d650b2d7
commit 28b6f0a9f7
1 changed files with 9 additions and 8 deletions

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@ -394,18 +394,18 @@ A curated list of awesome Python frameworks, libraries and software. Inspired by
*Libraries for connecting and operating databases.*
* Relational Databases
* [apsw]( - Another Python SQLite wrapper.
* [dataset]( - Store Python dicts in a database - works with SQLite, MySQL, and PostgreSQL.
* [mysql-connector-python]( - A pure Python MySQL driver from Oracle.
* MySQL - [awesome-mysql](
* [mysql-python]( - The MySQL database connector for Python.
* [mysqlclient]( - mysql-python fork supporting Python 3.
* [oursql]( - A better MySQL connector with support for native prepared statements and BLOBs.
* [psycopg2]( - The most popular PostgreSQL adapter for Python.
* [PyMySQL]( - Pure Python MySQL driver compatible to mysql-python.
* PostgreSQL
* [psycopg2]( - The most popular PostgreSQL adapter for Python.
* [queries]( - A wrapper of the psycopg2 library for interacting with PostgreSQL.
* [txpostgres]( - Twisted based asynchronous driver for PostgreSQL.
* [python-sql]( - Write SQL queries pythonically.
* Other Relational Databases
* [apsw]( - Another Python SQLite wrapper.
* [dataset]( - Store Python dicts in a database - works with SQLite, MySQL, and PostgreSQL.
* [pymssql]( - A simple database interface to Microsoft SQL Server.
* NoSQL Databases
* [cassandra-python-driver]( - Python driver for Cassandra.
@ -426,8 +426,9 @@ A curated list of awesome Python frameworks, libraries and software. Inspired by
* [Django Models]( - A part of Django.
* [SQLAlchemy]( - The Python SQL Toolkit and Object Relational Mapper.
* [awesome-sqlalchemy](
* [peewee]( - A small, expressive ORM.
* [Peewee]( - A small, expressive ORM.
* [PonyORM]( - ORM that provides a generator-oriented interface to SQL.
* [python-sql]( - Write SQL queries pythonically.
* NoSQL Databases
* [django-mongodb-engine]( - Django MongoDB Backend.
* [PynamoDB]( - A Pythonic interface for [Amazon DynamoDB](
@ -934,7 +935,7 @@ A curated list of awesome Python frameworks, libraries and software. Inspired by
* [blaze]( - NumPy and Pandas interface to Big Data.
* [cclib]( - A library for parsing and interpreting the results of computational chemistry packages.
* [NetworkX]( - A high-productivity software for complex networks.
* [Neupy]( - library running and testing different Artificial Neural Networks algorithms.
* [Neupy]( - Running and testing different Artificial Neural Networks algorithms.
* [Numba]( - Python JIT (just in time) complier to LLVM aimed at scientific Python by the developers of Cython and NumPy.
* [NumPy]( - A fundamental package for scientific computing with Python.
* [Open Babel]( - A chemical toolbox designed to speak the many languages of chemical data.