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Nick Raienko 2024-04-10 22:55:37 +02:00
parent c2fc1b1b8a
commit 76915fdb4a
1 changed files with 11 additions and 10 deletions

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@ -5,12 +5,12 @@ A collection of awesome things regarding the React ecosystem.
- [React](#react)
- [React General Resources](#react-general-resources)
- [React Tutorials](#react-tutorials)
- [React Development Tools](#react-development-tools)
- [React Frameworks](#react-frameworks)
- [React Component Libraries](#react-component-libraries)
- [React State Management and Data Fetching](#react-state-management-and-data-fetching)
- [React Styling](#react-styling)
- [React Routing](#react-routing)
- [React Development Tools](#react-development-tools)
- [React Libraries](#react-libraries)
- [React Testing](#react-testing)
- [React Awesome Components](#react-awesome-components)
@ -52,15 +52,6 @@ A collection of awesome things regarding the React ecosystem.
- [Cheatsheets for experienced React developers getting started with TypeScript](https://github.com/typescript-cheatsheets/react-typescript-cheatsheet)
- [The Fullstack Tutorial for GraphQL](https://github.com/howtographql/howtographql)
#### React Development Tools
- [create-react-app](https://github.com/facebook/create-react-app) - Set up a modern Web app by running one command
- [vite](https://github.com/vitejs/vite) - Next Generation Frontend Tooling
- [million](https://github.com/aidenybai/million) - An extremely fast and lightweight optimizing compiler
- [reactotron](https://github.com/skellock/reactotron) - A desktop app for inspecting your React and React Native projects
- [eslint-plugin-react](https://github.com/yannickcr/eslint-plugin-react) - React specific linting rules for ESLint
- [why-did-you-render](https://github.com/welldone-software/why-did-you-render) - Monkey patches React to notify you about avoidable re-renders
#### React Frameworks
- [next](https://github.com/vercel/next.js) - The React Framework
@ -111,6 +102,16 @@ A collection of awesome things regarding the React ecosystem.
- [wouter](https://github.com/molefrog/wouter) - A minimalist-friendly routing
- [tanstack-router](https://github.com/TanStack/router) - Type-safe router with built-in caching & URL state management
#### React Development Tools
- [create-react-app](https://github.com/facebook/create-react-app) - Set up a modern Web app by running one command
- [vite](https://github.com/vitejs/vite) - Next Generation Frontend Tooling
- [parcel](https://github.com/parcel-bundler/parcel) - The zero configuration build tool for the web
- [million](https://github.com/aidenybai/million) - An extremely fast and lightweight optimizing compiler
- [reactotron](https://github.com/skellock/reactotron) - A desktop app for inspecting your React and React Native projects
- [eslint-plugin-react](https://github.com/yannickcr/eslint-plugin-react) - React specific linting rules for ESLint
- [why-did-you-render](https://github.com/welldone-software/why-did-you-render) - Monkey patches React to notify you about avoidable re-renders
#### React Libraries
- [preact](https://github.com/preactjs/preact) - Fast React alternative with the same modern API