Ther goal is to have only projects that are mostly stable and useful to users. Projects that do not compile with Rust-nightly for a longer time should be removed.
* [buster/rrun]( — A command launcher for Linux, similar to gmrun [<img src="">](
* [gchp/iota]( — a simple text editor written in Rust [<img src="">](
* [kbknapp/docli]( - a command line utility for managing DigitalOcean infrastructure [<img src="">](
* [thoughtram/clog]( — a [conventional changelog]( port (generates a changelog from git metadata) [<img src="">](
* [uutils/coreutils]( — cross-platform Rust rewrite of the GNU coreutils [<img src="">](
* [lifthrasiir/angolmois-rust]( — a minimalistic music video game which supports the BMS format [<img src="">](
* [JeremyLetang/ears]( — a simple library to play Sounds and Musics, on top of OpenAL and libsndfile [<img src="">](
* [SiegeLord/RustCMake]( — an example project showing usage of CMake with Rust [<img src="">](
* [docopt/]( — a Rust implementation of [DocOpt]( [<img src="">](
* [kbknapp/clap-rs]( — a simple to use, full featured command-line argument parser [<img src="">](
* [alexcrichton/tar-rs]( — tar archive reading/writing in Rust [<img src="">](
* [lifthrasiir/rust-zip]( — read and write ZIP archives [<img src="">](
* [blackbeam/rust-mysql-simple]( — a native MySql client [<img src="">](
* [TyOverby/bincode]( — a binary encoder/decoder in Rust [<img src="">](
* [Florob/RustyXML]( — an XML parser written in Rust [<img src="">](
* [netvl/xml-rs]( — a streaming XML library [<img src="">](
* [tomaka/glutin]( — Rust alternative to [GLFW]( [<img src="">](
* [PistonDevelopers/conrod]( — An easy-to-use, immediate-mode, 2D GUI library written entirely in Rust [<img src="">](
* [gchp/rustbox]( — a Rust implementation of [termbox]( [<img src="">](
* [cybergeek94/img-hash]( — Perceptual image hashing and comparison for equality and similarity. [![Build Status](](
* [PistonDevelopers/image]( — Basic imaging processing functions and methods for converting to and from image formats [<img src="">](
* [tomaka/android-rs-glue]( — glue between Rust and Android [<img src="">](
* [vhbit/ObjCrust]( — using Rust to create an iOS static library [<img src="">](
* [mattnenterprise/rust-ftp]( — An [FTP]( client for Rust [<img src="">](
* [thehydroimpulse/]( — a modern messaging library that is the successor to ZeroMQ [<img src="">](
* [mattnenterprise/rust-nntp]( — A [NNTP]( client for Rust [<img src="">](
* POP3
* [mattnenterprise/rust-pop3]( — A [POP3]( client for Rust [<img src="">](
* [meqif/rust-utp]( — A [uTP]( (Micro Transport Protocol) library for Rust. [<img src="">](
* [carllerche/nix-rust]( — Linux API bindings [<img src="">](
* [retep998/winapi-rs]( — Windows API bindings [<img src="">](
* [sunng87/handlebars-iron]( — [Handlebars-rust]( as an Iron web framework middleware. [<img src="">](
* [BurntSushi/quickcheck]( — a Rust implementation of [QuickCheck]( [<img src="">](
* [farcaller/shiny]( — a fancy syntax similar to Ruby's Rspec or Objective-C' kiwi [<img src="">](
* [BurntSushi/suffix]( — Linear time suffix array construction (with Unicode support) [<img src="">](
* [Iron]( — a middleware-based server framework [<img src="">](
* [Ogeon/rustful]( — a RESTful web framework for Rust [<img src="">](
* [Rustless]( — a REST-like API micro-framework inspired by [Grape]( and [Hyper]( [<img src="">](
* [dan-t/rusty-tags]( — create ctags/etags for a cargo project and all of its dependencies [<img src="">](
* [kmcallister/]( — a Rust fuzzer, using [AFL]( [<img src="">](
* [Manishearth/rust-clippy]( — a collection of lints that catch newbie mistakes and oversights during the build [<img src="">](
* [PistonDevelopers/VisualRust]( — a Visual Studio extension for Rust [<img src="">](
* [RustDT]( — an [Eclipse]( IDE for Rust [<img src="">](
* [SolidOak]( — a simple IDE for Rust, based on Gtk+ and [Neovim]( [<img src="">](
* [Vektah/idea-rust]( — an [IntelliJ]( IDE for Rust [<img src="">](