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Awesome Rust
A curated list of Rust code and resources, inspired by other awesome lists.
If you want to contribute, please read this.
Table of Contents
- Applications written in Rust
- Development Tools
- Libraries
- Astronomy
- Asynchronous
- Audio
- Authentication
- Bioinformatics
- Caching
- Cloud
- Command-line argument parsing
- Command-line interface
- Compression
- Computation
- Concurrency
- Cryptography
- Database
- Data structures
- Date and time
- Distributed Systems
- Encoding
- Filesystem
- Game development
- Geospatial
- Graphics
- Image processing
- Machine learning
- Markup language
- Mobile
- Network programming
- Parser
- Platform specific
- Template engine
- Text processing
- Virtualization
- Web programming
- Resources
- License
Applications written in Rust
See also Friends of Rust (organizations running Rust in production).
andschwa/rust-genetic-algorithm — a genetic algorithm for academic benchmark problems
azerupi/mdBook — a command line utility to create books from markdown files
bluejekyll/trust-dns — a DNS-server
BurntSushi/xsv — a fast CSV command line tool (slicing, indexing, selecting, searching, sampling, etc.)
ivanceras/curtain - a database administration tool for postgresql
dlecan/generic-dns-update — a tool to update DNS zonefiles with your IP address
Fractalide — Flow-based Programming environment.
imjacobclark/Herd — an experimental HTTP load testing application
jedisct1/flowgger — a fast, simple and lightweight data collector
kbknapp/docli — a command line utility for managing DigitalOcean infrastructure
MaidSafe — a decentralized platform.
qmx/limonite — static blog/website generator
Servo — a prototype web browser engine
- tailhook/vagga — a containerization tool without daemons
- tailhook/vagga — a containerization tool without daemons
cristianoliveira/funzzy — a configurable watcher inspired in entr
- indiscipline/zrtstr — a command line utility for checking if stereo wav files are faux-stereo (i.e. have identical channels) and converting such files to mono.
- indiscipline/zrtstr — a command line utility for checking if stereo wav files are faux-stereo (i.e. have identical channels) and converting such files to mono.
- pingcap/tikv — a distributed KV database in Rust
- seppo0010/rsedis — a Redis reimplementation in Rust
- pingcap/tikv — a distributed KV database in Rust
Emulators [emulator]
- Commodore 64
- Gameboy
- Playstation
- ZX Spectrum
Games, see also Games Made With Piston.
- lifthrasiir/angolmois-rust — a minimalistic music video game which supports the BMS format
- swatteau/sokoban-rs — a Sokoban implementation
- Zone of Control — a turn-based hexagonal strategy game
- rhex — hexagonal ascii roguelike
- lifthrasiir/angolmois-rust — a minimalistic music video game which supports the BMS format
- ivanceras/svgbobrus — converts ASCII diagrams into SVG graphics
- RazrFalcon/svgcleaner — tidies SVG graphics
Operating systems, see also A comparison of operating systems written in Rust
System tools
- Aaronepower/tokei — counts the lines of code
- buster/rrun — a command launcher for Linux, similar to gmrun
- ogham/exa — a replacement for 'ls' written in Rust
- mmstick/systemd-manager — a systemd service manager written in Rust using GTK-rs.
- mmstick/tv-renamer — a tv series renaming application with an optional GTK3 frontend.
- uutils/coreutils — a cross-platform Rust rewrite of the GNU coreutils
- Aaronepower/tokei — counts the lines of code
Text editors
Development tools
- Clippy [clippy] — Rust lints
- clog-tool/clog-cli — generates a changelog from git metadata (conventional changelog)
- dan-t/rusty-tags — create ctags/etags for a cargo project and all of its dependencies
- frewsxcv/crate-deps — generates images of dependency graphs for crates hosted on
- killercup/rustfix — automatically applies the suggestions made by rustc
- Racer — code completion for Rust
- rustfmt — a Rust code formatter
- Rustup — the Rust toolchain installer
- rst — the requirements tracking tool made for developers
Build system
- Cargo — the Rust package manager
- rsolomo/cargo-check [cargo-check] — a wrapper around
cargo rustc -- -Zno-trans
which can be helpful for running a faster compile if you only need correctness checks - kbknapp/cargo-count [cargo-count] — lists source code counts and details about cargo projects, including unsafe statistics
- pwoolcoc/cargo-do [cargo-do] — run multiple cargo commands in a row
- maxsnew/cargo-dot — generate graphs of a Cargo project's dependencies
- killercup/cargo-edit [cargo-edit] — allows you to add and list dependencies by reading/writing to your Cargo.toml file from the command line
- kbknapp/cargo-graph [cargo-graph] — updated fork of
with additional features - imp/cargo-info [cargo-info] — queries for crates details from command line
- regexident/cargo-modules [cargo-modules] — A cargo plugin for showing a tree-like overview of a crate's modules.
- imp/cargo-multi [cargo-multi] — runs specified cargo command on multiple crates
- kbknapp/cargo-outdated [cargo-outdated] — displays when newer versions of Rust dependencies are available, or out of date
- sunng87/cargo-release [cargo-release] — tool for releasing git-managed cargo project, build, tag, publish, doc and push
- DanielKeep/cargo-script [cargo-script] — lets people quickly and easily run Rust "scripts" which can make use of Cargo's package ecosystem
- passcod/cargo-watch [cargo-watch] — utility for cargo to compile projects when sources change
- rsolomo/cargo-check [cargo-check] — a wrapper around
- CMake
- SiegeLord/RustCMake — an example project showing usage of CMake with Rust
- SiegeLord/RustCMake — an example project showing usage of CMake with Rust
- — allows to use LLDB in a way similar to GDB's batch mode.
- Cross compiling
- japaric/rust-cross — everything you need to know about cross compiling Rust programs
- japaric/rust-cross — everything you need to know about cross compiling Rust programs
- Raspberry Pi
- Ogeon/rust-on-raspberry-pi — instructions for how to cross compile Rust projects for the Raspberry Pi .
See also Foreign Function Interface and The Rust FFI Omnibus (a collection of examples of using code written in Rust from other languages).
- C
- Sean1708/rusty-cheddar — generates C header files from Rust source files
- Yamakaky/rust-bindgen — a Rust bindings generator
- Sean1708/rusty-cheddar — generates C header files from Rust source files
- Erlang
- hansihe/Rustler — safe Rust bridge for creating Erlang NIF functions
- hansihe/Rustler — safe Rust bridge for creating Erlang NIF functions
- Java
- drrb/java-rust-example — use Rust from Java
- drrb/java-rust-example — use Rust from Java
- Lua
- jcmoyer/rust-lua53 — Lua 5.3 bindings for Rust
- kballard/rust-lua — Safe Rust bindings to Lua 5.1
- tickbh/td_rlua — Zero-cost high-level lua 5.3 wrapper for Rust
- tomaka/hlua — Rust library to interface with Lua
- jcmoyer/rust-lua53 — Lua 5.3 bindings for Rust
- mruby
- anima-engine/mrusty — mruby safe bindings for Rust
- anima-engine/mrusty — mruby safe bindings for Rust
- Node.js
- rustbridge/neon — use Rust from Node.js
- rustbridge/neon — use Rust from Node.js
- Objective-C
- SSheldon/rust-objc — Objective-C Runtime bindings and wrapper for Rust
- Python
- dgrunwald/rust-cpython — Python bindings
- lukemetz/rustpy — Python bindings
- dgrunwald/rust-cpython — Python bindings
- R
- rustr/rustr — use Rust from R, and use R in Rust
- rustr/rustr — use Rust from R, and use R in Rust
- Ruby
- d-unseductable/ruru — native Ruby extensions written in Rust
- rustbridge/helix — write Ruby classes in Rust
- d-unseductable/ruru — native Ruby extensions written in Rust
See also and Rust and IDEs.
- Atom
- Eclipse
- RustDT —
- RustDT —
- NetBeans
- IntelliJ
- intellij-rust/intellij-rust —
- intellij-rust/intellij-toml — basic Toml support
- JustSid/AfterglowIntelliJ — custom icons
- intellij-rust/intellij-rust —
- Ride —
- SolidOak — a simple IDE for Rust, based on GTK+ and Neovim
- Visual Studio
- PistonDevelopers/VisualRust — a Visual Studio extension for Rust
- PistonDevelopers/VisualRust — a Visual Studio extension for Rust
- Visual Studio Code
Pattern Recognition
- sfikas/rusteval - A tool used to evaluate the output of retrieval algorithms
- ellisonch/rust-stopwatch — a stopwatch library
- FlameGraphs
- mrhooray/torch — generates FlameGraphs based on DWARF Debug Info
- TyOverby/flame —
- BurntSushi/quickcheck [quickcheck] — a Rust implementation of QuickCheck
- farcaller/shiny — a fancy syntax similar to Ruby's Rspec or Objective-C' kiwi
- frewsxcv/ — a Rust fuzzer, using AFL
- reem/stainless [stainless] — Organized, flexible testing framework
- saurvs/astro-rust — astronomy for Rust
- flosse/rust-sun — A rust port of the JS library suncalc
- zonyitoo/coio-rs — a coroutine I/O library with a working-stealing scheduler
- thehydroimpulse/tangle — a scala-inspired futures library
- dpc/mioco — Scalable, coroutine-based, asynchronous IO handling library
- alexcrichton/futures-rs — Zero-cost futures in Rust
- carllerche/mio — MIO is a lightweight IO library for Rust with a focus on adding as little overhead as possible over the OS abstractions
- GuillaumeGomez/rust-fmod — FMOD bindings
- jhasse/ears — a simple library to play Sounds and Musics, on top of OpenAL and libsndfile
- jpernst/openal-rs — OpenAL 1.1 bindings
- musitdev/portmidi-rs — PortMidi bindings
- RustAudio
- RustAudio/rust-portaudio — PortAudio bindings
- RustAudio/rust-portaudio — PortAudio bindings
- keats/rust-jwt — JSON Web Token lib in rust
- Rust-Bio — bioinformatics libraries in Rust.
- jaysonsantos/bmemcached-rs — Memcached library written in pure rust
- aturon/crossbeam – Support for parallelism and low-level concurrency in Rust
- nikomatsakis/rayon – A data parallelism library for Rust
- rustcc/coroutine-rs – Coroutine Library in Rust
- zonyitoo/coio-rs – Coroutine I/O for Rust
- AWS [aws]
- DigitalOcean
- kbknapp/doapi — DigitalOcean v2 API bindings
- kbknapp/doapi — DigitalOcean v2 API bindings
Command-line argument parsing
- docopt/ — a Rust implementation of DocOpt
- kbknapp/clap-rs — a simple to use, full featured command-line argument parser
Command-line interface
- kkawakam/rustyline — Readline Implementation in Rust
- srijs/rust-copperline — pure-Rust Command Line Editing Library
- brotli
- ende76/brotli-rs — implementation of Brotli compression
- dropbox/rust-brotli — Brotli decompressor in Rust that optionally avoids the stdlib
- bzip2
- alexcrichton/bzip2-rs — libbz2 bindings
- alexcrichton/bzip2-rs — libbz2 bindings
- miniz
- alexcrichton/flate2-rs — miniz bindings
- alexcrichton/flate2-rs — miniz bindings
- snappy
- JeffBelgum/rust-snappy — snappy bindings
- JeffBelgum/rust-snappy — snappy bindings
- tar
- alexcrichton/tar-rs — tar archive reading/writing in Rust
- alexcrichton/tar-rs — tar archive reading/writing in Rust
- zip
- slackito/zip — read and write ZIP archives
- slackito/zip — read and write ZIP archives
- BLAS [blas]
- mikkyang/rust-blas — BLAS bindings
- stainless-steel/blas — BLAS bindings
- thestinger/rust-gmp — libgmp bindings
- thestinger/rust-gmp — libgmp bindings
- GuillaumeGomez/rust-GSL — GSL bindings
- GuillaumeGomez/rust-GSL — GSL bindings
- stainless-steel/lapack — LAPACK bindings
- stainless-steel/lapack — LAPACK bindings
- Parallel
- arrayfire/arrayfire-rust — Arrayfire bindings
- autumnai/collenchyma — An extensible, pluggable, backend-agnostic framework for parallel, high-performance computations on CUDA, OpenCL and common host CPU.
- luqmana/rust-opencl — OpenCL bindings
- Scirust
- indigits/scirust — scientific computing library in Rust
- indigits/scirust — scientific computing library in Rust
- Rustimization [rustimization]
- noshu/rustimization — A rust optimization library which includes L-BFGS-B and Conjugate Gradient algorithm
- L-BFGS-B [lbfgsb]
- noshu/lbfgsb-sys — Rust binding of fortran L-BFGS-B subroutine
- Conjugate Gradient [CG+]
- noshu/cg-sys — Rust binding of fortran CG+ subroutine
- briansmith/ring — Safe, fast, small crypto using Rust and BoringSSL's cryptography primitives.
- briansmith/webpki — Web PKI TLS X.509 certificate validation in Rust.
- ctz/rustls — a Rust implementation of TLS
- DaGenix/rust-crypto — cryptographic algorithms in Rust
- dnaq/sodiumoxide — libsodium bindings
- klutzy/suruga — a Rust implementation of TLS 1.2
- libOctavo/octavo — Modular hash and crypto library in Rust
- sfackler/rust-native-tls — Bindings for native TLS libraries
- sfackler/rust-openssl — OpenSSL bindings
- sfackler/rust-security-framework — Bindings for Security Framework (OSX native crypto)
- steffengy/schannel-rs — Bindings for Schannel (Windows native TLS)
- sfackler/r2d2 — generic connection pool
- NoSQL [nosql]
- Cassandra [cassandra, cql]
- tupshin/cassandra-rust — Cassandra bindings
- CouchDB [couchdb]
- couchdb-rs/couchdb [couchdb] — a Rust client for the CouchDB REST API
- couchdb-rs/couchdb [couchdb] — a Rust client for the CouchDB REST API
- Elasticsearch [elasticsearch]
- benashford/rs-es [rs-es] — a Rust client for the Elastic REST API
- benashford/rs-es [rs-es] — a Rust client for the Elastic REST API
- etcd
- jimmycuadra/rust-etcd [etcd] — A client library for CoreOS's etcd.
- jimmycuadra/rust-etcd [etcd] — A client library for CoreOS's etcd.
- ForestDB
- vhbit/sherwood — ForestDB bindings
- vhbit/sherwood — ForestDB bindings
- LMDB [lmdb]
- vhbit/lmdb-rs [lmdb-rs] — LMDB bindings
- vhbit/lmdb-rs [lmdb-rs] — LMDB bindings
- MongoDB [mongodb]
- mongodb-labs/mongo-rust-driver-prototype [mongodb] — MongoDB bindings
- mongodb-labs/mongo-rust-driver-prototype [mongodb] — MongoDB bindings
- Neo4j [cypher, neo4j]
- Redis [redis]
- mitsuhiko/redis-rs — Redis library in Rust
- mitsuhiko/redis-rs — Redis library in Rust
- RocksDB
- spacejam/rust-rocksdb — RocksDB bindings
- spacejam/rust-rocksdb — RocksDB bindings
- UnQLite
- zitsen/ — UnQLite bindings
- zitsen/ — UnQLite bindings
- ZooKeeper
- bonifaido/rust-zookeeper [zookeeper] — A client library for Apache ZooKeeper.
- bonifaido/rust-zookeeper [zookeeper] — A client library for Apache ZooKeeper.
- Cassandra [cassandra, cql]
- SQL [sql]
- Microsoft SQL
- MySql [mysql]
- AgilData/mysql-proxy-rs — a MySQL Proxy
- blackbeam/rust-mysql-simple [mysql] — a native MySql client
- AgilData/mysql-proxy-rs — a MySQL Proxy
- ORM [orm]
- deuterium-orm/deuterium — an SQL query builder for Rust
- diesel-rs/diesel — an ORM and Query builder for Rust
- ivanceras/rustorm — an ORM for Rust
- deuterium-orm/deuterium — an SQL query builder for Rust
- PostgreSql [postgres, postgresql]
- sfackler/rust-postgres [postgres] — a native PostgreSQL client
- sfackler/rust-postgres [postgres] — a native PostgreSQL client
- Sqlite [sqlite]
- dckc/rust-sqlite3 — Sqlite3 bindings
- jgallagher/rusqlite — Sqlite3 bindings
- dckc/rust-sqlite3 — Sqlite3 bindings
Data structures
- bluss/rust-itertools —
- contain-rs — Extension of Rust's std::collections
- fizyk20/generic-array – a hack to allow for arrays sized by typenums
- Nemo157/roaring-rs – Roaring Bitmaps in Rust
- reem/rust-typemap —
- serde-rs/serde — a framework to generically serialize Rust data structures
Date and time
Distributed Systems
- Apache Kafka
- Beanstalkd
- schickling/rust-beanstalkd — Beanstalkd bindings
- schickling/rust-beanstalkd — Beanstalkd bindings
- hyunsik/hdfs-rs — libhdfs bindings
- hyunsik/hdfs-rs — libhdfs bindings
- gsquire/sendgrid-rs — unofficial Rust library for SendGrid API
- lettre/lettre — an SMTP-library for Rust
- staktrace/mailparse [mailparse] — a library for parsing real-world email files
- ASN.1
- alex/rust-asn1 — a Rust ASN.1 (DER) serializer
- alex/rust-asn1 — a Rust ASN.1 (DER) serializer
- Bencode
- arjantop/rust-bencode — Bencode implementation in Rust
- arjantop/rust-bencode — Bencode implementation in Rust
- Binary
- arcnmx/nue — I/O and binary data encoding for Rust
- TyOverby/bincode — a binary encoder/decoder in Rust
- arcnmx/nue — I/O and binary data encoding for Rust
- Byte swapping
- BurntSushi/byteorder — Supports big-endian, little-endian and native byte orders
- BurntSushi/byteorder — Supports big-endian, little-endian and native byte orders
- Cap'n Proto
- BurntSushi/rust-cbor — Supports JSON conversion and type-based encoding/decoding
- BurntSushi/rust-cbor — Supports JSON conversion and type-based encoding/decoding
- Character Encoding
- servo/html5ever — High-performance browser-grade HTML5 parser
- servo/html5ever — High-performance browser-grade HTML5 parser
- serde-rs/json [serde_json] — JSON support for Serde framework
- maciejhirsz/json-rust [json] — JSON implementation in Rust
- serde-rs/json [serde_json] — JSON support for Serde framework
- Jsonnet
- MsgPack
- mneumann/rust-msgpack —
- 3Hren/msgpack-rust — a pure Rust low/high level MessagePack implementation
- mneumann/rust-msgpack —
- ProtocolBuffers
- RON (Rusty Object Notation)
- Tnetstring
- Florob/RustyXML — an XML parser written in Rust
- shepmaster/sxd-document — An XML library in Rust
- shepmaster/sxd-xpath — An XPath library in Rust
- netvl/xml-rs — a streaming XML library
- Florob/RustyXML — an XML parser written in Rust
- chyh1990/yaml-rust — The missing YAML 1.2 implementation for Rust.
- dtolnay/serde-yaml [serde_yaml] — YAML support for Serde framework
- kimhyunkang/libyaml-rust — libyaml bindings
- chyh1990/yaml-rust — The missing YAML 1.2 implementation for Rust.
- Temporary Files
- rust-lang-nursery/tempdir — temporary directory library
- Stebalien/tempfile — temporary file library
- Stebalien/xattr [xattr] — list and manipulate unix extended file attributes
- rust-lang-nursery/tempdir — temporary directory library
Game development
- Allegro
- SiegeLord/RustAllegro — Allegro 5 bindings
- SiegeLord/RustAllegro — Allegro 5 bindings
- Challonge
- vityafx/challonge-rs [challonge] — Client library for the Challonge REST API. Helps to organize tournaments.
- vityafx/challonge-rs [challonge] — Client library for the Challonge REST API. Helps to organize tournaments.
- Corange
- lucidscape/corange-rs — Corange bindings
- Entity-Component Systems (ECS)
- slide-rs/specs — Specs Parallel ECS
- slide-rs/specs — Specs Parallel ECS
- Game Engines
- SDL [sdl]
- brson/rust-sdl — SDL1 bindings
- AngryLawyer/rust-sdl2 — SDL2 bindings
- brson/rust-sdl — SDL1 bindings
- jeremyletang/rust-sfml — SFML bindings
- jeremyletang/rust-sfml — SFML bindings
- Voxlap
- bbodi/rust-voxlap — Voxlap bindings
- Georust — geospatial tools and libraries written in Rust
- gfx-rs/gfx — A high-performance, bindless graphics API for Rust.
- Font
- dylanede/rusttype — a pure Rust alternative to libraries like FreeType
- dylanede/rusttype — a pure Rust alternative to libraries like FreeType
- OpenGL [opengl]
- brendanzab/gl-rs —
- PistonDevelopers/glfw-rs —
- tomaka/glium — safe OpenGL wrapper for the Rust language.
- tomaka/glutin — Rust alternative to GLFW
- brendanzab/gl-rs —
- Vulkan [vulkan]
- PistonDevelopers/conrod — An easy-to-use, immediate-mode, 2D GUI library written entirely in Rust
- Cocoa
- dcampbell24/iup-rust — IUP bindings
- Kiss-ui — a simple UI framework built on IUP
- dcampbell24/iup-rust — IUP bindings
- GTK+ [gtk]
- gtk-rs/gtk — GTK+ bindings
- gtk-rs/gtk — GTK+ bindings
- libui
- pcwalton/libui-rs — libui bindings
- pcwalton/libui-rs — libui bindings
- ncurses [ncurses]
- jeaye/ncurses-rs — ncurses bindings
- jeaye/ncurses-rs — ncurses bindings
- saurvs/nfd-rs — Open native UI file dialogs in Linux, OS X and Windows
- Qt
- cyndis/qmlrs — QtQuick bindings
- cyndis/qmlrs — QtQuick bindings
- Sciter
- pravic/rust-sciter — Sciter bindings
- pravic/rust-sciter — Sciter bindings
- Termbox
- gchp/rustbox — a Rust implementation of Termbox
- gchp/rustbox — a Rust implementation of Termbox
Image processing
- chyh1990/imageproc — An advanced image processing library for Rust.
- cybergeek94/img-hash — Perceptual image hashing and comparison for equality and similarity.
- PistonDevelopers/image — Basic imaging processing functions and methods for converting to and from image formats
Machine learning
See also About Rust’s Machine Learning Community.
- AtheMathmo/rusty-machine — Machine learning library for Rust
- autumnai/leaf — Open Machine Intelligence framework.
- maciejkula/rustlearn — Machine learning crate for Rust.
Markup language
- CommonMark
- google/pulldown-cmark — CommonMark parser in Rust
- Android
- tomaka/android-rs-glue — glue between Rust and Android
- tomaka/android-rs-glue — glue between Rust and Android
- iOS
- TimNN/cargo-lipo — a cargo lipo subcommand which automatically creates a universal library for use with your iOS application.
- vhbit/ObjCrust — using Rust to create an iOS static library
- TimNN/cargo-lipo — a cargo lipo subcommand which automatically creates a universal library for use with your iOS application.
- Pebble
- andars/ — a crate that allows Rust to be used to develop Pebble applications.
Network programming
- mattnenterprise/rust-ftp — an FTP client for Rust
- mattnenterprise/rust-ftp — an FTP client for Rust
- Low level
- libpnet/libpnet — a cross-platform, low level networking
- tokio-rs/tokio — a network application framework for rapid development and highly scalable production deployments of clients and servers.
- dylanmckay/protocol - Custom TCP/UDP protocol definitions
- libpnet/libpnet — a cross-platform, low level networking
- NanoMsg
- thehydroimpulse/ — nanomsg bindings
- thehydroimpulse/ — nanomsg bindings
- mattnenterprise/rust-nntp — an NNTP client for Rust
- mattnenterprise/rust-nntp — an NNTP client for Rust
- POP3
- mattnenterprise/rust-pop3 — a POP3 client for Rust
- mattnenterprise/rust-pop3 — a POP3 client for Rust
- alexcrichton/ssh2-rs — libssh2 bindings
- Thrussh - an SSH library written from scratch in Rust, backed by libsodium
- alexcrichton/ssh2-rs — libssh2 bindings
- Stomp
- zslayton/stomp-rs — a STOMP 1.2 client implementation in Rust
- zslayton/stomp-rs — a STOMP 1.2 client implementation in Rust
- uTP
- meqif/rust-utp — a uTP (Micro Transport Protocol) library for Rust.
- meqif/rust-utp — a uTP (Micro Transport Protocol) library for Rust.
- ZeroMQ
- erickt/rust-zmq — ZeroMQ bindings
- erickt/rust-zmq — ZeroMQ bindings
- dragostis/pest — Elegant, efficient grammars [
] (
- Geal/nom — parser combinator library
- ivanceras/inquerest — an URL parameter parser for rest filter inquiry
- kevinmehall/rust-peg — Parsing Expression Grammar (PEG) parser generator
- m4rw3r/chomp – A fast monadic-style parser combinator
- Marwes/combine — parser combinator library
- nikomatsakis/lalrpop — LR(1) parser generator for Rust
- ptal/oak — a typed PEG parser generator (compiler plugin)
- rustless/queryst — a query string parsing library for Rust inspired by
Platform specific
- Linux
- hannobraun/inotify-rs — inotify bindings
- hannobraun/inotify-rs — inotify bindings
- Unix-like
- nix-rust/nix — Unix-like API bindings
- zargony/rust-fuse — FUSE bindings
- nix-rust/nix — Unix-like API bindings
- Windows
- retep998/winapi-rs — Windows API bindings
- retep998/winapi-rs — Windows API bindings
Template engine
- Handlebars
- sunng87/handlebars-rust — Handlebars template engine with inheritance, custom helper support.
- sunng87/handlebars-rust — Handlebars template engine with inheritance, custom helper support.
- lfairy/maud — compile-time HTML templates
- Stebalien/horrorshow-rs — compile-time HTML templates
- kaj/ructe - HTML template system for Rust
- Keats/tera - template engine based on Jinja2 and the Django template language.
- lfairy/maud — compile-time HTML templates
- Mustache
- tailhook/marafet — Compiler for Jade-like template language to cito.js-based virtual dom
Text processing
- BurntSushi/suffix — Linear time suffix array construction (with Unicode support)
- BurntSushi/tabwriter — Elastic tab stops (i.e., text column alignment)
- pwoolcoc/ngrams — Construct n-grams from arbitrary iterators
- rust-lang-nursery/regex — Regular expressions (RE2 style)
- beneills/quantum — Advanced Rust quantum computer simulator
- ekse/unicorn-rs — Rust bindings for the unicorn CPU emulator
- saurvs/hypervisor-rs — Hardware-accelerated virtualization on OS X
Web programming
See also Rust web framework comparison.
- HTTP Client
- alexcrichton/curl-rust — libcurl bindings
- hyperium/hyper — an HTTP implementation
- vhbit/curl-rs — libcurl bindings
- alexcrichton/curl-rust — libcurl bindings
- HTTP Server
- Deployment
- emk/heroku-buildpack-rust — a buildpack for Rust applications on Heroku
- emk/rust-musl-builder — Docker images for compiling static Rust binaries using musl-libc and musl-gcc, with static versions of useful C libraries
- fengsp/pencil —
- hyperium/hyper — an HTTP implementation
- Iron — a middleware-based server framework
- sunng87/handlebars-iron — Handlebars-rust as an Iron web framework middleware.
- sunng87/handlebars-iron — Handlebars-rust as an Iron web framework middleware.
- Nickel — inspired by Express
- Ogeon/rustful — a RESTful web framework for Rust
- Rustless — a REST-like API micro-framework inspired by Grape and Hyper
- tiny-http — Low level HTTP server library
- tomaka/rouille —
- Deployment
- WebSocket
- cyderize/rust-websocket — a framework for dealing with WebSocket connections (both clients and servers)
- vityafx/urlshortener-rs [urlshortener] — A very simple urlshortener library for Rust.
- housleyjk/ws-rs — lightweight, event-driven WebSockets for Rust
- cyderize/rust-websocket — a framework for dealing with WebSocket connections (both clients and servers)
- Benchmarks
- TeXitoi/benchmarksgame-rs — Rust implementations for the The Computer Language Benchmarks Game
- TeXitoi/benchmarksgame-rs — Rust implementations for the The Computer Language Benchmarks Game
- Decks & Presentations
- Learning systems programming with Rust - Presented by Julia Evans @ Rustconf 2016.
- Learning
- — programming exercises that help you learn new concepts in Rust.
- Rust by Example
- rust-learning — a collection of useful resources to learn Rust
- Rustlings — small exercises to get you used to reading and writing Rust code
- Podcasts
- New Rustacean — a podcast about learning Rust
- Rusty Radio — covering the rust ecosystem
- RustCamp 2015 Talks
- Rust Design Patterns
- Rust Guidelines
- RustBooks — list of RustBooks