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🎉 A curated list of awesome things related to Vue.js
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Awesome Vue.js
A curated list of awesome things related to Vue.js
- Official Resources
- Community
- Official Examples
- Tutorials
- Tools
- Libraries & Plugins
- Projects Using Vue.js
Official Resources
Official Examples
Most of the following tutorials are for the 0.12 version. For now the best resource for 1.0 is the official guide. It would be *awesome- if you write a new tutorial for 1.0!
- Vue.js screencasts on Laracasts 0.12
- Build an App with Vue.js on Scotch.io 0.12
- Getting Started with Vue.js on Sitepoint 0.12
- Vue.js Tutorial on Vegibit 0.12
- Vue.js video series in portuguese 0.12
- A Quick Introduction to Vue.js by Matt Sparks 0.12
- Getting Started with Vue.js + vue-router by Michael Calkins 0.12
- [Getting Started with Vue.js - AngularJS perspective](AngularJS perspective) by Dan Mindru 0.11
- vue-loader - Vue component loader for Webpack.
- vueify - Vue component transform for Browserify.
- vue-devtools - Chrome devtools extension for debugging Vue applications.
- Vue Syntax Highlighting for Sublime Text
- Vue Syntax Highlighting for Atom by @CYBAI
Libraries & Plugins
- vue-router - Official router for building SPAs. 1.0 compatible
- Vue view, ui-router inspired routes (with states), based on pagejs by @molforp
- Vue page, a routing system based on pagejs by @AlexToudic
- Vue Lanes, an event-based routing system for Vue by @bpierre
- Vue route, ng-view inspired routes for Vue by @ayamflow
- vue-resource - AJAX/Resource plugin maintained by the PageKit team. 1.0 compatible
- vue-async-data - Async data loading plugin 1.0 compatible
- vue-validator - Form validation plugin maintained by @kazupon
- Vue validator by @xrado
UI Components
- VueStrap, Bootstrap components built with pure Vue.js by @yuche
- vue-mdl: Reusable Vue.js components using Material Design Lite. By @posva
- Vue Tag Editor Component by @hnakamur
- Vue Crop
- Vue Typeahead
- Typed select component by @dgerber
- vue-select: A Vue.js component implementing the select control with the jQuery select2 plugin. By @Haixing-Hu
- vue-html-editor: A Vue.js component implementing the HTML editor with the jQuery summernote plugin. By @Haixing-Hu
- vue-datetime-picker: A Vue.js component implementing the datetime picker control using the Eonasdan's bootstrap datetime picker plugin. By @Haixing-Hu
- vue-country-select: A Vue.js component implementing the select control used to select countries. It depends on vue-select and vue-i18n. By @Haixing-Hu
- Form generation from JSON Schema by @dgerber
- Starter Application with JWT Auth + sample backend API in Laravel
- Node Webkit + Vue example by @brandonjpierce
- Vue Samples by @superlloyd
- Vue generator, a simple yeoman generator for Vue by @BirdEggegg
- VENM stack yeoman generator by @jfelsinger
- Vue for Meteor by @zhouzhuojie
- ScalaJS bindings for Vue.js by @fancellu
General Plugins/Directives
- vue-element: Register real custom elements with Vue.
- vue-touch: Hammer.js wrapper directives for touch gestures. outdated
- Vue placeholder directives by @lithiumjake
- Vue in viewport detection directive by @holic
- Vue once directive by @kewah
- Vue Modified Directive by @KyleRoss
- Maintain scroll position on page changes by @mark-hahn
- vue-titlecase: A plugin providing a global filter and an instance method used to titlecase (different from capitalize) strings. By @Haixing-Hu
- vue-format: A plugin providing a global filter and an instance method used to format messages with arguments. By @Haixing-Hu application. By @Haixing-Hu
Projects Using Vue.js
Open Source
- PageKit [Source]
- Laravel Spark
- p5.js editor [Source]
- Python China [Source]
- npmcharts.com [Source]
- Todolist by @jiyinyiyong
- Dashboard framework by @thelinuxlich
Interactive Experiences
- Blood, Sweat and Tools - by Jam3, led by @cheapsteak
- Omnisense Experience - Awwwards & FWA SOTD, FWA Cutting Edge. Awwwards SOTM nominee.
- Being the Bear - Awwwards & FWA SOTD, FWA Cutting Edge, Awwwards SOTM nominee.
- Heineken Star Experience - FWA SOTD.
- Louis Ansa Website (portfolio) - Awwwards SOTD, FWA nominee.
- Digital For All
- Djeco.com
Enterprise Usage
- Alibaba
- Baidu
- Ele.me
- Optimizely
- Expedia
- UCWeb
- Line
- Nintendo