#!/usr/bin/env python3 import sys import pytun import struct import ipaddress import json import socket class Config: def __init__(self, data): if data['mode'] == 'server': self.is_server = True elif data['mode'] == 'client': self.is_server = False else: raise RuntimeError('invalid mode "%s"' % data['mode']) self.address = data['address'] self.port = data['port'] self.iface_name = data['iface_name'] self.iface_netmask = data['iface_netmask'] self.iface_mtu = data['iface_mtu'] self.iface_addr = ipaddress.IPv4Address(data['iface_addr']) self.iface_dstaddr = ipaddress.IPv4Address(data['iface_dstaddr']) class IpPacket: def __init__(self, header, body): self.header = header self.body = body class IpHeader: def __init__(self, raw): self.ver_ihl, \ self.tos, \ self.total_length, \ self.ident, \ self.flags_fragoffset, \ self.ttl, \ self.proto, \ self.chksum, \ src, \ dst, \ self.opt1, \ self.opt2, \ self.pad = struct.unpack('>BBHHHBBHIIHBB', raw) self.src = ipaddress.IPv4Address(src) self.dst = ipaddress.IPv4Address(dst) def main(): config_filename = sys.argv[1] with open(config_filename) as config_file: config = Config(json.load(config_file)) tun_iface = pytun.TunTapDevice() print(tun_iface.name) tun_iface.addr = str(config.iface_addr) tun_iface.dstaddr = str(config.iface_dstaddr) tun_iface.netmask = config.iface_netmask tun_iface.mtu = config.iface_mtu tun_iface.up() addr_and_port = (config.address, config.port) if config.is_server: sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) print('binding to %s, port %s' % addr_and_port) sock.bind(addr_and_port) sock.listen(1) print('waiting for incoming connection') conn, client_addr = sock.accept() print('accepted incoming connection from %s' % client_addr[0]) else: conn = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) print('connecting to %s, port %s' % addr_and_port) conn.connect(addr_and_port) print('connected!') while True: buf = tun_iface.read(tun_iface.mtu) flags = buf[:2] proto = buf[2:4] if proto != b'\x08\x00': continue ip_packet = IpPacket(IpHeader(buf[4:28]), buf[28:]) handle_ip_packet(ip_packet, conn, tun_iface, config) def handle_ip_packet(ip_packet, conn, tun_iface, config): print( ip_packet.header.src, '→', ip_packet.header.dst, 'len: %d' % ip_packet.header.total_length, ) if __name__ == '__main__': main()