#!/usr/bin/env ruby # frozen_string_literal: true require 'repubmark' bib = BibTeX.parse( File.expand_path('../examples/refs/bibtex.bib', __dir__), filter: :latex, ) Repubmark::References::Item .from_bibtex('citekey-article', bib[:CitekeyArticle]) .tap do |ref| p ref raise unless ref.title == 'The independence of the continuum hypothesis' && ref.year == 1963 && ref.authors.size == 1 && ref.authors[0].last == 'Cohen' && ref.authors[0].first == 'P. J.' end Repubmark::References::Item .from_bibtex('citekey-techreport', bib[:CitekeyTechreport]) .tap do |ref| p ref raise unless ref.title == 'Wasatch Solar Project Final Report' && ref.year == 2018 && ref.authors.size == 3 && ref.authors[0].last == 'Bennett' && ref.authors[0].first == 'Vicki' && ref.authors[1].last == 'Bowman' && ref.authors[1].first == 'Kate' && ref.authors[2].last == 'Wright' && ref.authors[2].first == 'Sarah' end