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# Usage:
# docker-compose run archivebox init --setup
# docker-compose up
2020-06-25 21:30:29 -04:00
# echo "https://example.com" | docker-compose run archivebox archivebox add
2020-07-28 16:14:54 -04:00
# docker-compose run archivebox add --depth=1 https://example.com/some/feed.rss
# docker-compose run archivebox config --set PUBLIC_INDEX=True
2021-04-07 22:50:18 -04:00
# docker-compose run archivebox help
# Documentation:
2020-11-23 02:04:39 -05:00
# https://github.com/ArchiveBox/ArchiveBox/wiki/Docker#docker-compose
2021-12-16 05:18:33 -05:00
version: '2.4' # '3.9' or greater also works
2019-01-16 09:20:15 -05:00
# build: . # for developers working on archivebox
image: ${DOCKER_IMAGE:-archivebox/archivebox:master}
command: server --quick-init
2020-07-21 12:16:29 -04:00
- 8000:8000
2019-01-16 09:20:15 -05:00
2021-02-16 01:26:26 -05:00
- ALLOWED_HOSTS=* # add any config options you want as env vars
# - SEARCH_BACKEND_ENGINE=sonic # uncomment these if you enable sonic below
# dns: # uncomment to use pihole below for ad/tracker blocking during archiving
# - pihole
2019-01-16 09:20:15 -05:00
- ./data:/data
# - ./archivebox:/app/archivebox # for developers working on archivebox
2022-03-16 17:14:35 -04:00
### Optional Addons: tweak these examples as needed for your specific use case
2022-03-22 20:55:17 -04:00
### Example: To run the Sonic full-text search backend, first download the config file to sonic.cfg
2021-04-10 07:42:16 -04:00
# curl -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ArchiveBox/ArchiveBox/master/etc/sonic.cfg
# after starting, backfill any existing Snapshots into the index: docker-compose run archivebox update --index-only
2022-03-22 20:55:17 -04:00
# sonic:
2022-05-09 22:14:26 -04:00
# image: valeriansaliou/sonic:v1.3.1
2021-04-10 07:42:16 -04:00
# expose:
# - 1491
# environment:
# volumes:
# - ./sonic.cfg:/etc/sonic.cfg:ro
# - ./data/sonic:/var/lib/sonic/store
2022-03-22 20:55:17 -04:00
### Example: To run pihole in order to block ad/tracker requests during archiving,
# uncomment this block and set up pihole using its admin interface
# pihole:
2022-03-22 20:55:17 -04:00
# image: pihole/pihole:latest
# ports:
# - 80:80 # uncomment to access the admin HTTP interface on http://localhost:80
# environment:
# WEBPASSWORD: 'set a secure password here or it will be random'
# volumes:
# - ./data/pihole:/etc/pihole
# - ./data/dnsmasq:/etc/dnsmasq.d
### Example: Run scheduled imports in a docker instead of using cron on the
# host machine, add tasks and see more info with archivebox schedule --help
# scheduler:
# image: archivebox/archivebox:latest
# command: schedule --foreground --every=day --depth=1 'https://getpocket.com/users/USERNAME/feed/all'
# environment:
# - USE_COLOR=True
# volumes:
# - ./data:/data
2022-03-22 20:55:17 -04:00
### Example: Put Nginx in front of the ArchiveBox server for SSL termination
# nginx:
# image: nginx:alpine
# ports:
# - 443:443
# - 80:80
# volumes:
# - ./etc/nginx/nginx.conf:/etc/nginx/nginx.conf
# - ./data:/var/www
2022-03-22 20:55:17 -04:00
### Example: run all your ArchiveBox traffic through a WireGuard VPN tunnel
# wireguard:
# image: linuxserver/wireguard
# network_mode: 'service:archivebox'
# cap_add:
# sysctls:
# - net.ipv4.conf.all.rp_filter=2
# - net.ipv4.conf.all.src_valid_mark=1
# volumes:
# - /lib/modules:/lib/modules
# - ./wireguard.conf:/config/wg0.conf:ro
2022-03-22 20:55:17 -04:00
### Example: Run PYWB in parallel and auto-import WARCs from ArchiveBox
# pywb:
# image: webrecorder/pywb:latest
# entrypoint: /bin/sh -c '(wb-manager init default || test $$? -eq 2) && wb-manager add default /archivebox/archive/*/warc/*.warc.gz; wayback;'
# environment:
# - INIT_COLLECTION=archivebox
# ports:
# - 8080:8080
# volumes:
# - ./data:/archivebox
# - ./data/wayback:/webarchive