""" Everything related to parsing links from bookmark services. For a list of supported services, see the README.md. For examples of supported files see examples/. Parsed link schema: { 'url': 'https://example.com/example/?abc=123&xyc=345#lmnop', 'domain': 'example.com', 'base_url': 'example.com/example/', 'timestamp': '15442123124234', 'tags': 'abc,def', 'title': 'Example.com Page Title', 'sources': ['ril_export.html', 'downloads/getpocket.com.txt'], } """ import re import json import xml.etree.ElementTree as etree from datetime import datetime from util import ( domain, base_url, str_between, get_link_type, ) def get_parsers(file): """return all parsers that work on a given file, defaults to all of them""" return { 'pocket': parse_pocket_export, 'pinboard': parse_json_export, 'bookmarks': parse_bookmarks_export, 'rss': parse_rss_export, 'pinboard_rss': parse_pinboard_rss_feed, 'medium_rss': parse_medium_rss_feed, } def parse_links(path): """parse a list of links dictionaries from a bookmark export file""" links = [] with open(path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as file: for parser_func in get_parsers(file).values(): # otherwise try all parsers until one works try: links += list(parser_func(file)) if links: break except (ValueError, TypeError, IndexError, etree.ParseError): # parser not supported on this file pass return links def parse_pocket_export(html_file): """Parse Pocket-format bookmarks export files (produced by getpocket.com/export/)""" html_file.seek(0) pattern = re.compile("^\\s*<li><a href=\"(.+)\" time_added=\"(\\d+)\" tags=\"(.*)\">(.+)</a></li>", re.UNICODE) for line in html_file: # example line # <li><a href="http://example.com/ time_added="1478739709" tags="tag1,tag2">example title</a></li> match = pattern.search(line) if match: fixed_url = match.group(1).replace('http://www.readability.com/read?url=', '') # remove old readability prefixes to get original url time = datetime.fromtimestamp(float(match.group(2))) info = { 'url': fixed_url, 'domain': domain(fixed_url), 'base_url': base_url(fixed_url), 'timestamp': str(time.timestamp()), 'tags': match.group(3), 'title': match.group(4).replace(' — Readability', '').replace('http://www.readability.com/read?url=', '') or base_url(fixed_url), 'sources': [html_file.name], } info['type'] = get_link_type(info) yield info def parse_json_export(json_file): """Parse JSON-format bookmarks export files (produced by pinboard.in/export/)""" json_file.seek(0) json_content = json.load(json_file) for line in json_content: # example line # {"href":"http:\/\/www.reddit.com\/r\/example","description":"title here","extended":"","meta":"18a973f09c9cc0608c116967b64e0419","hash":"910293f019c2f4bb1a749fb937ba58e3","time":"2014-06-14T15:51:42Z","shared":"no","toread":"no","tags":"reddit android"}] if line: erg = line time = datetime.strptime(erg['time'].split(',', 1)[0], '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ') info = { 'url': erg['href'], 'domain': domain(erg['href']), 'base_url': base_url(erg['href']), 'timestamp': str(time.timestamp()), 'tags': erg['tags'], 'title': erg['description'].replace(' — Readability', ''), 'sources': [json_file.name], } info['type'] = get_link_type(info) yield info def parse_rss_export(rss_file): """Parse RSS XML-format files into links""" rss_file.seek(0) items = rss_file.read().split('</item>\n<item>') for item in items: # example item: # <item> # <title><![CDATA[How JavaScript works: inside the V8 engine]]></title> # <category>Unread</category> # <link>https://blog.sessionstack.com/how-javascript-works-inside</link> # <guid>https://blog.sessionstack.com/how-javascript-works-inside</guid> # <pubDate>Mon, 21 Aug 2017 14:21:58 -0500</pubDate> # </item> trailing_removed = item.split('</item>', 1)[0] leading_removed = trailing_removed.split('<item>', 1)[-1] rows = leading_removed.split('\n') def get_row(key): return [r for r in rows if r.startswith('<{}>'.format(key))][0] title = str_between(get_row('title'), '<![CDATA[', ']]') url = str_between(get_row('link'), '<link>', '</link>') ts_str = str_between(get_row('pubDate'), '<pubDate>', '</pubDate>') time = datetime.strptime(ts_str, "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z") info = { 'url': url, 'domain': domain(url), 'base_url': base_url(url), 'timestamp': str(time.timestamp()), 'tags': '', 'title': title, 'sources': [rss_file.name], } info['type'] = get_link_type(info) yield info def parse_bookmarks_export(html_file): """Parse netscape-format bookmarks export files (produced by all browsers)""" html_file.seek(0) pattern = re.compile("<a href=\"(.+?)\" add_date=\"(\\d+)\"[^>]*>(.+)</a>", re.UNICODE | re.IGNORECASE) for line in html_file: # example line # <DT><A HREF="https://example.com/?q=1+2" ADD_DATE="1497562974" LAST_MODIFIED="1497562974" ICON_URI="https://example.com/favicon.ico" ICON="data:image/png;base64,...">example bookmark title</A> match = pattern.search(line) if match: url = match.group(1) time = datetime.fromtimestamp(float(match.group(2))) info = { 'url': url, 'domain': domain(url), 'base_url': base_url(url), 'timestamp': str(time.timestamp()), 'tags': "", 'title': match.group(3), 'sources': [html_file.name], } info['type'] = get_link_type(info) yield info def parse_pinboard_rss_feed(rss_file): """Parse Pinboard RSS feed files into links""" rss_file.seek(0) root = etree.parse(rss_file).getroot() items = root.findall("{http://purl.org/rss/1.0/}item") for item in items: url = item.find("{http://purl.org/rss/1.0/}link").text tags = item.find("{http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/}subject").text title = item.find("{http://purl.org/rss/1.0/}title").text ts_str = item.find("{http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/}date").text # Pinboard includes a colon in its date stamp timezone offsets, which # Python can't parse. Remove it: if ":" == ts_str[-3:-2]: ts_str = ts_str[:-3]+ts_str[-2:] time = datetime.strptime(ts_str, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z") info = { 'url': url, 'domain': domain(url), 'base_url': base_url(url), 'timestamp': str(time.timestamp()), 'tags': tags, 'title': title, 'sources': [rss_file.name], } info['type'] = get_link_type(info) yield info def parse_medium_rss_feed(rss_file): """Parse Medium RSS feed files into links""" rss_file.seek(0) root = etree.parse(rss_file).getroot() items = root.find("channel").findall("item") for item in items: for child in item: print(child.tag, child.text) url = item.find("link").text title = item.find("title").text ts_str = item.find("pubDate").text time = datetime.strptime(ts_str, "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %Z") info = { 'url': url, 'domain': domain(url), 'base_url': base_url(url), 'timestamp': str(time.timestamp()), 'tags': "", 'title': title, 'sources': [rss_file.name], } info['type'] = get_link_type(info) yield info