# This docker-compose config for ArchiveBox runs the following containers: # - ArchiveBox (it creates the initial archive, then sleeps forever to allow commands to be run with exec to add links) # - nginx webserver running on # Usage: # docker-compose up -d # echo "https://example.com" | docker-compose exec -T archivebox /bin/archive # docker-compose exec archivebox /bin/archive https://example.com/some/feed.rss # Documentation: # https://github.com/pirate/ArchiveBox/wiki/Docker#docker-compose version: '3' services: archivebox: build: . # replace this with nikisweeting/archivebox to use the docker-compose.yml file as a standalone file without avoid having to clone the repo stdin_open: true # needed to be able to input URLs directly after `docker-compose up` tty: true # needed to be able to pipe in URLs via stdin to `docker-compose exec ...` # env_file: path/to/your/ArchiveBox.conf # this feature is available starting >v0.4 environment: - USE_COLOR=False # make docker logs nicer by not spamming lots of ANSI colors - SHOW_PROGRESS=False # make docker logs nicer by not writing lots of progress bar lines volumes: - ./data:/data command: bash -c 'echo "https://github.com/pirate/ArchiveBox" | /bin/archive; tail -f /dev/null' # archive the Github repo homepage as a starting point so the index doesn't just show an empty list to new users nginx: image: 'nginx' ports: - '8098:80' volumes: - ./etc/nginx/nginx.conf:/etc/nginx/nginx.conf - ./data:/var/www # you can also use named volumes / network volumes if you prefer them to simple local mounts # volumes: # archivebox-data: # archivebox-config: # etc. a full example will be added after the v0.4 release