#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Bookmark Archiver # Nick Sweeting 2017 | MIT License # https://github.com/pirate/bookmark-archiver import re import os import sys import json import time from datetime import datetime from subprocess import run, PIPE, DEVNULL __DESCRIPTION__ = 'Bookmark Archiver: Create a browsable html archive of a list of links.' __DOCUMENTATION__ = 'https://github.com/pirate/bookmark-archiver' ### SETTINGS INDEX_TEMPLATE = 'index_template.html' # os.getenv('VARIABLE', 'DEFAULT') gets the value of environment # variable "VARIABLE" and if it is not set, sets it to 'DEFAULT' # for boolean values, check to see if the string is 'true', and # if so, the python variable will be True FETCH_WGET = os.getenv('FETCH_WGET', 'True' ).lower() == 'true' FETCH_WGET_REQUISITES = os.getenv('FETCH_WGET_REQUISITES', 'True' ).lower() == 'true' FETCH_PDF = os.getenv('FETCH_PDF', 'True' ).lower() == 'true' FETCH_SCREENSHOT = os.getenv('FETCH_SCREENSHOT', 'True' ).lower() == 'true' FETCH_FAVICON = os.getenv('FETCH_FAVICON', 'True' ).lower() == 'true' SUBMIT_ARCHIVE_DOT_ORG = os.getenv('SUBMIT_ARCHIVE_DOT_ORG', 'True' ).lower() == 'true' RESOLUTION = os.getenv('RESOLUTION', '1440,900' ) ARCHIVE_PERMISSIONS = os.getenv('ARCHIVE_PERMISSIONS', '755' ) CHROME_BINARY = os.getenv('CHROME_BINARY', 'chromium-browser' ) # change to google-chrome browser if using google-chrome WGET_BINARY = os.getenv('WGET_BINARY', 'wget' ) TIMEOUT = int(os.getenv('TIMEOUT', '60')) def check_dependencies(): print('[*] Checking Dependencies:') if FETCH_PDF or FETCH_SCREENSHOT: if run(['which', CHROME_BINARY]).returncode: print('[X] Missing dependency: {}'.format(CHROME_BINARY)) print(' See https://github.com/pirate/bookmark-archiver for help.') raise SystemExit(1) # parse chrome --version e.g. Google Chrome 61.0.3114.0 canary / Chromium 59.0.3029.110 built on Ubuntu, running on Ubuntu 16.04 result = run([CHROME_BINARY, '--version'], stdout=PIPE) version = result.stdout.decode('utf-8').replace('Google Chrome ', '').replace('Chromium ', '').split(' ', 1)[0].split('.', 1)[0] # TODO: regex might be better if int(version) < 59: print('[X] Chrome version must be 59 or greater for headless PDF and screenshot saving') print(' See https://github.com/pirate/bookmark-archiver for help.') raise SystemExit(1) if FETCH_WGET: if run(['which', 'wget']).returncode: print('[X] Missing dependency: wget') print(' See https://github.com/pirate/bookmark-archiver for help.') raise SystemExit(1) if FETCH_FAVICON or SUBMIT_ARCHIVE_DOT_ORG: if run(['which', 'curl']).returncode: print('[X] Missing dependency: curl') print(' See https://github.com/pirate/bookmark-archiver for help.') raise SystemExit(1) ### PARSING READER LIST EXPORTS def get_link_type(link): """Certain types of links need to be handled specially, this figures out when that's the case""" if link['base_url'].endswith('.pdf'): return 'PDF' elif link['base_url'].rsplit('.', 1) in ('pdf', 'png', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'svg', 'bmp', 'gif', 'tiff', 'webp'): return 'image' elif 'wikipedia.org' in link['domain']: return 'wiki' elif 'youtube.com' in link['domain']: return 'youtube' return None def parse_pocket_export(html_file): """Parse Pocket-format bookmarks export files (produced by getpocket.com/export/)""" html_file.seek(0) pattern = re.compile("^\\s*
  • (.+)
  • ", re.UNICODE) # see sample input in ./example_ril_export.html for line in html_file: match = pattern.search(line) if match: fixed_url = match.group(1).replace('http://www.readability.com/read?url=', '') # remove old readability prefixes to get original url without_scheme = fixed_url.replace('http://', '').replace('https://', '') info = { 'url': fixed_url, 'domain': without_scheme.split('/')[0], # without pathname 'base_url': without_scheme.split('?')[0], # without query args 'time': datetime.fromtimestamp(int(match.group(2))).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M'), 'timestamp': match.group(2), 'tags': match.group(3), 'title': match.group(4).replace(' — Readability', '').replace('http://www.readability.com/read?url=', '') or without_scheme, } info['type'] = get_link_type(info) yield info def parse_json_export(json_file): """Parse JSON-format bookmarks export files (produced by pinboard.in/export/)""" json_file.seek(0) json_content = json.load(json_file) for line in json_content: if line: erg = line info = { 'url': erg['href'], 'domain': erg['href'].replace('http://', '').replace('https://', '').split('/')[0], 'base_url': erg['href'].replace('https://', '').replace('http://', '').split('?')[0], 'time': datetime.fromtimestamp(int(time.mktime(time.strptime(erg['time'].split(',')[0], '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ')))), 'timestamp': str(int(time.mktime(time.strptime(erg['time'].split(',')[0], '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ')))), 'tags': erg['tags'], 'title': erg['description'].replace(' — Readability', ''), } info['type'] = get_link_type(info) yield info def parse_bookmarks_export(html_file): """Parse netscape-format bookmarks export files (produced by all browsers)""" html_file.seek(0) pattern = re.compile("]*>(.+)", re.UNICODE | re.IGNORECASE) for line in html_file: match = pattern.search(line) if match: url = match.group(1) secs = match.group(2) dt = datetime.fromtimestamp(int(secs)) info = { 'url': url, 'domain': url.replace('http://', '').replace('https://', '').split('/')[0], 'base_url': url.replace('https://', '').replace('http://', '').split('?')[0], 'time': dt, 'timestamp': secs, 'tags': "", 'title': match.group(3), } info['type'] = get_link_type(info) yield info ### ACHIVING FUNCTIONS def chmod_file(path, cwd='.', permissions=ARCHIVE_PERMISSIONS): if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(cwd, path)): raise Exception('Failed to chmod: {} does not exist (did the previous step fail?)'.format(path)) chmod_result = run(['chmod', '-R', ARCHIVE_PERMISSIONS, path], cwd=cwd, stdout=DEVNULL, stderr=PIPE, timeout=5) if chmod_result.returncode == 1: print(' ', chmod_result.stderr.decode()) raise Exception('Failed to chmod {}/{}'.format(cwd, path)) def fetch_wget(out_dir, link, overwrite=False): """download full site using wget""" domain = link['base_url'].split('/', 1)[0] if not os.path.exists('{}/{}'.format(out_dir, domain)) or overwrite: print(' - Downloading Full Site') CMD = [ *'wget --timestamping --adjust-extension --no-parent'.split(' '), *(('--page-requisites', '--convert-links') if FETCH_WGET_REQUISITES else ()), link['url'], ] try: result = run(CMD, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, cwd=out_dir, timeout=TIMEOUT) # dom.html if result.returncode > 0: print(' ', result.stderr.decode().split('\n')[-1]) raise Exception('Failed to wget download') chmod_file(domain, cwd=out_dir) except Exception as e: print(' Run to see full output:', 'cd {}; {}'.format(out_dir, ' '.join(CMD))) print(' Failed: {} {}'.format(e.__class__.__name__, e)) else: print(' √ Skipping site download') def fetch_pdf(out_dir, link, overwrite=False): """print PDF of site to file using chrome --headless""" if (not os.path.exists('{}/output.pdf'.format(out_dir)) or overwrite) and link['type'] not in ('PDF', 'image'): print(' - Printing PDF') CMD = [ CHROME_BINARY, *'--headless --disable-gpu --print-to-pdf'.split(' '), link['url'] ] try: result = run(CMD, stdout=DEVNULL, stderr=PIPE, cwd=out_dir, timeout=TIMEOUT) # output.pdf if result.returncode: print(' ', result.stderr.decode()) raise Exception('Failed to print PDF') chmod_file('output.pdf', cwd=out_dir) except Exception as e: print(' Run to see full output:', 'cd {}; {}'.format(out_dir, ' '.join(CMD))) print(' Failed: {} {}'.format(e.__class__.__name__, e)) else: print(' √ Skipping PDF print') def fetch_screenshot(out_dir, link, overwrite=False): """take screenshot of site using chrome --headless""" if (not os.path.exists('{}/screenshot.png'.format(out_dir)) or overwrite) and link['type'] not in ('PDF', 'image'): print(' - Snapping Screenshot') CMD = [ CHROME_BINARY, *'--headless --disable-gpu --screenshot'.split(' '), '--window-size={}'.format(RESOLUTION), link['url'] ] try: result = run(CMD, stdout=DEVNULL, stderr=DEVNULL, cwd=out_dir, timeout=TIMEOUT) # sreenshot.png if result.returncode: print(' ', result.stderr.decode()) raise Exception('Failed to take screenshot') chmod_file('screenshot.png', cwd=out_dir) except Exception as e: print(' Run to see full output:', 'cd {}; {}'.format(out_dir, ' '.join(CMD))) print(' Failed: {} {}'.format(e.__class__.__name__, e)) else: print(' √ Skipping screenshot') def archive_dot_org(out_dir, link, overwrite=False): """submit site to archive.org for archiving via their service, save returned archive url""" if (not os.path.exists('{}/archive.org.txt'.format(out_dir)) or overwrite): print(' - Submitting to archive.org') submit_url = 'https://web.archive.org/save/{}'.format(link['url'].split('?', 1)[0]) success = False CMD = ['curl', '-I', submit_url] try: result = run(CMD, stdout=PIPE, stderr=DEVNULL, cwd=out_dir, timeout=TIMEOUT) # archive.org headers = result.stdout.splitlines() content_location = [h for h in headers if b'Content-Location: ' in h] if content_location: archive_path = content_location[0].split(b'Content-Location: ', 1)[-1].decode('utf-8') saved_url = 'https://web.archive.org{}'.format(archive_path) success = True else: raise Exception('Failed to find "Content-Location" URL header in Archive.org response.') except Exception as e: print(' Visit url to see output:', ' '.join(CMD)) print(' Failed: {} {}'.format(e.__class__.__name__, e)) if success: with open('{}/archive.org.txt'.format(out_dir), 'w') as f: f.write(saved_url) chmod_file('archive.org.txt', cwd=out_dir) else: print(' √ Skipping archive.org') def fetch_favicon(out_dir, link, overwrite=False): """download site favicon from google's favicon api""" if not os.path.exists('{}/favicon.ico'.format(out_dir)) or overwrite: print(' - Fetching Favicon') CMD = 'curl https://www.google.com/s2/favicons?domain={domain}'.format(**link).split(' ') fout = open('{}/favicon.ico'.format(out_dir), 'w') try: run([*CMD], stdout=fout, stderr=DEVNULL, cwd=out_dir, timeout=TIMEOUT) # favicon.ico chmod_file('favicon.ico', cwd=out_dir) except Exception as e: print(' Run to see full output:', ' '.join(CMD)) print(' Failed: {} {}'.format(e.__class__.__name__, e)) fout.close() else: print(' √ Skipping favicon') ### ORCHESTRATION def next_uniq_timestamp(used_timestamps, timestamp): """resolve duplicate timestamps by appending a decimal 1234, 1234 -> 1234.1, 1234.2""" if timestamp not in used_timestamps: return timestamp if '.' in timestamp: timestamp, nonce = timestamp.split('.') nonce = int(nonce) else: nonce = 1 new_timestamp = '{}.{}'.format(timestamp, nonce) while new_timestamp in used_timestamps: nonce += 1 new_timestamp = '{}.{}'.format(timestamp, nonce) return new_timestamp def uniquefied_links(links): """uniqueify link timestamps by de-duping using url, returns links sorted most recent -> oldest needed because firefox will produce exports where many links share the same timestamp, this func ensures that all non-duplicate links have monotonically increasing timestamps """ links = list(reversed(sorted(links, key=lambda l: (l['timestamp'], l['url'])))) seen_timestamps = {} for link in links: t = link['timestamp'] if t in seen_timestamps: if link['url'] == seen_timestamps[t]['url']: # don't create new unique timestamp if link is the same continue else: # resolve duplicate timstamp by appending a decimal link['timestamp'] = next_uniq_timestamp(seen_timestamps, link['timestamp']) seen_timestamps[link['timestamp']] = link return links def valid_links(links): """remove chrome://, about:// or other schemed links that cant be archived""" return (link for link in links if link['url'].startswith('http') or link['url'].startswith('ftp')) def calculate_archive_url(link): """calculate the path to the wgetted html file, since wget may adjust some paths to be different than the base_url path See docs on wget --adjust-extension.""" split_url = link['url'].split('#', 1) if re.search(".+\\.[Hh][Tt][Mm][Ll]?$", split_url[0], re.I | re.M): # already ends in .html return link['base_url'] else: # .html needs to be appended url = split_url[0] if not split_url[0].endswith('/') else split_url[0][:-1] without_scheme = url.split('://', 1)[-1] return '#'.join([without_scheme + '.html', *split_url[1:]]) def dump_index(links, service): """create index.html file for a given list of links and service""" with open(INDEX_TEMPLATE, 'r') as f: index_html = f.read() # TODO: refactor this out into index_template.html link_html = """\ {time} {title} {tags} 📂 📄 🖼 🏛 🔗 {url} """ def get_template_vars(link): # since we dont screenshot or PDF links that are images or PDFs, change those links to point to the wget'ed file link_info = {**link} # append .html to archive links that dont have it, since wget appends .html to everything link_info['archive_url'] = calculate_archive_url(link) # add link type to title if link['type']: link_info.update({'title': '{title} ({type})'.format(**link)}) # PDF and images link to wgetted version, since we dont re-screenshot/pdf them if link['type'] in ('PDF', 'image'): link_info.update({ 'pdf_link': 'archive/{timestamp}/{base_url}'.format(**link), 'screenshot_link': 'archive/{timestamp}/{base_url}'.format(**link), }) else: link_info.update({ 'pdf_link': 'archive/{timestamp}/output.pdf'.format(**link), 'screenshot_link': 'archive/{timestamp}/screenshot.png'.format(**link) }) return link_info article_rows = '\n'.join( link_html.format(**get_template_vars(link)) for link in links ) template_vars = (datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M'), article_rows) with open(''.join((service, '/index.html')), 'w') as f: f.write(index_html.format(*template_vars)) def dump_website(link, service, overwrite=False): """download the DOM, PDF, and a screenshot into a folder named after the link's timestamp""" print('[+] [{timestamp} ({time})] "{title}": {base_url}'.format(**link)) out_dir = ''.join((service, '/archive/{timestamp}')).format(**link) if not os.path.exists(out_dir): os.makedirs(out_dir) run(['chmod', ARCHIVE_PERMISSIONS, out_dir], timeout=5) if link['type']: print(' i Type: {}'.format(link['type'])) if not (link['url'].startswith('http') or link['url'].startswith('ftp')): print(' X Skipping: invalid link.') return if FETCH_WGET: fetch_wget(out_dir, link, overwrite=overwrite) if FETCH_PDF: fetch_pdf(out_dir, link, overwrite=overwrite) if FETCH_SCREENSHOT: fetch_screenshot(out_dir, link, overwrite=overwrite) if SUBMIT_ARCHIVE_DOT_ORG: archive_dot_org(out_dir, link, overwrite=overwrite) if FETCH_FAVICON: fetch_favicon(out_dir, link, overwrite=overwrite) def create_archive(export_file, service=None, resume=None): """update or create index.html and download archive of all links""" with open(export_file, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: print('[+] [{}] Starting archive from {} export file.'.format( datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), export_file )) # if specific service was passed via command line if service == "pocket": links = parse_pocket_export(f) elif service == "pinboard": links = parse_json_export(f) elif service == "bookmarks": links = parse_bookmarks_export(f) else: # otherwise try all parsers until one works try: links = list(parse_json_export(f)) service = 'pinboard' except Exception: links = list(parse_pocket_export(f)) if links: service = 'pocket' else: links = list(parse_bookmarks_export(f)) service = 'bookmarks' links = valid_links(links) # remove chrome://, about:, mailto: etc. links = uniquefied_links(links) # fix duplicate timestamps, returns sorted list if resume: try: links = [ link for link in links if float(link['timestamp']) >= float(resume) ] except TypeError: print('Resume value and all timestamp values must be valid numbers.') if not links: print('[X] No links found in {}, is it a {} export file?'.format(export_file, service)) raise SystemExit(1) if not os.path.exists(service): os.makedirs(service) if not os.path.exists(''.join((service, '/archive'))): os.makedirs(''.join((service, '/archive'))) dump_index(links, service) run(['chmod', '-R', ARCHIVE_PERMISSIONS, service], timeout=30) print('[*] [{}] Created archive index with {} links.'.format( datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), len(links), )) check_dependencies() for link in links: dump_website(link, service) print('[√] [{}] Archive update complete.'.format(datetime.now())) if __name__ == '__main__': argc = len(sys.argv) if argc < 2 or sys.argv[1] in ('-h', '--help', 'help'): print(__DESCRIPTION__) print("Documentation: {}".format(__DOCUMENTATION__)) print("") print("Usage:") print(" ./archive.py ~/Downloads/bookmarks_export.html") print("") raise SystemExit(0) export_file = sys.argv[1] # path to export file export_type = sys.argv[2] if argc > 2 else None # select export_type for file format select resume_from = sys.argv[3] if argc > 3 else None # timestamp to resume dowloading from create_archive(export_file, service=export_type, resume=resume_from)