CoreVersions/Baikal_0.1 | ||
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1. About this package
This package contains a release of Baïkal Server. Go to http://baikal.codr.fr to get more information about this package, and upgrades.
2. What is Baïkal Server ?
Baïkal is an open source lightweight CalDAV and CardDAV server. It's developped by Jérôme Schneider (http://codr.fr) and based on the SabreDAV library. Baïkal Server is distributed under the GPL license.
To get more info about the GPL license, visit http://www.opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php.
3. Baïkal Server requirements
Baïkal Server is based on PHP5.2.0, and uses a SQLite3 with PHP PDO. For more information regarding these requirements see the INSTALL.md file in this folder.
4. What should you do if you have a problem ?
Read the available documentation carefully
Search the web carefully about Baïkal Server
Mail me (Jérôme Schneider) at mail@jeromeschneider.fr
When mailing, see the following guidelines...
- Be polite Always include the version of used Baïkal and server environment (phpinfo())...
- Be as specific and clear as possible - questions like "my installation does not work - what can I do???" will be ignored. I can read english and french.
If you have identified a genuine new bug report it at the mail address given in point 3 of this list
5. How to get started
Please see the INSTALL.md in this folder.
-- Jérôme Schneider mail@jeromeschneider.fr Wed, 22 Feb 2012 21:46:00 +0100