diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore index 3e550c3fc7..ad27cc8be8 100644 --- a/.gitignore +++ b/.gitignore @@ -5,4 +5,6 @@ gogs *.db *.log custom/ -.vendor/ \ No newline at end of file +.vendor/ +.idea/ +*.iml \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/.gopmfile b/.gopmfile index 9e2440f3ef..5b690a06a7 100644 --- a/.gopmfile +++ b/.gopmfile @@ -9,13 +9,12 @@ github.com/Unknwon/com= github.com/Unknwon/cae= github.com/Unknwon/goconfig= github.com/dchest/scrypt= -github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql= -github.com/lib/pq= github.com/lunny/xorm= github.com/gogits/logs= github.com/gogits/binding= github.com/gogits/git= github.com/gogits/gfm= +github.com/gogits/cache= [res] include=templates|public|conf diff --git a/CONTRIBUTING.md b/CONTRIBUTING.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..08013d3705 --- /dev/null +++ b/CONTRIBUTING.md @@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ +# Contributing to Gogs + +Want to hack on Gogs? Awesome! Here are instructions to get you +started. They are probably not perfect, please let us know if anything +feels wrong or incomplete. + +## Contribution guidelines + +### Pull requests are always welcome + +We are always thrilled to receive pull requests, and do our best to +process them as fast as possible. Not sure if that typo is worth a pull +request? Do it! We will appreciate it. + +If your pull request is not accepted on the first try, don't be +discouraged! If there's a problem with the implementation, hopefully you +received feedback on what to improve. + +We're trying very hard to keep Gogs lean and focused. We don't want it +to do everything for everybody. This means that we might decide against +incorporating a new feature. + +### Discuss your design on the mailing list + +We recommend discussing your plans [on the mailing +list](https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/gogits) +before starting to code - especially for more ambitious contributions. +This gives other contributors a chance to point you in the right +direction, give feedback on your design, and maybe point out if someone +else is working on the same thing. + +We may close your pull request if not first discussed on the mailing +list. We aren't doing this to be jerks. We are doing this to prevent +people from spending large amounts of time on changes that may need +to be designed or architected in a specific way, or may not align with +the vision of the project. + +### Create issues... + +Any significant improvement should be documented as [a GitHub +issue](https://github.com/gogits/gogs/issues) before anybody +starts working on it. + +### ...but check for existing issues first! + +Please take a moment to check that an issue doesn't already exist +documenting your bug report or improvement proposal. If it does, it +never hurts to add a quick "+1" or "I have this problem too". This will +help prioritize the most common problems and requests. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 3a1023c6d9..cbd1f588df 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ Gogs(Go Git Service) is a GitHub-like clone in the Go Programming Language. Since we choose to use pure Go implementation of Git manipulation, Gogs certainly supports **ALL platforms** that Go supports, including Linux, Max OS X, and Windows with **ZERO** dependency. -##### Current version: 0.1.1 Alpha +##### Current version: 0.1.5 Alpha ## Purpose @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ There are some very good products in this category such as [gitlab](http://gitla - Please see [Wiki](https://github.com/gogits/gogs/wiki) for project design, develop specification, change log and road map. - See [Trello Broad](https://trello.com/b/uxAoeLUl/gogs-go-git-service) to follow the develop team. -- Try it before anything? Go down to **Installation -> Install from binary** section!. +- Try it before anything? Do it [online](http://try.gogits.org/Unknown/gogs) or go down to **Installation -> Install from binary** section! - Having troubles? Get help from [Troubleshooting](https://github.com/gogits/gogs/wiki/Troubleshooting). ## Features @@ -28,7 +28,8 @@ There are some very good products in this category such as [gitlab](http://gitla - Repository viewer. - Gravatar support. - Mail service(register). -- Supports MySQL and PostgreSQL. +- Administration panel. +- Supports MySQL, PostgreSQL and SQLite3(binary release only). ## Installation diff --git a/conf/app.ini b/conf/app.ini index 658f7c0151..ecb0d2511f 100644 --- a/conf/app.ini +++ b/conf/app.ini @@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ RUN_MODE = dev [repository] ROOT = /Users/%(RUN_USER)s/git/gogs-repositories -LANG_IGNS = Google Go|C|Python|Ruby|C Sharp -LICENSES = Apache v2 License|GPL v2|MIT License|Affero GPL|BSD (3-Clause) License +LANG_IGNS = Google Go|C|C++|Python|Ruby|C Sharp +LICENSES = Apache v2 License|GPL v2|MIT License|Affero GPL|Artistic License 2.0|BSD (3-Clause) License [server] DOMAIN = localhost @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ HTTP_ADDR = HTTP_PORT = 3000 [database] -; Either "mysql" or "postgres", it's your choice +; Either "mysql", "postgres" or "sqlite3"(binary release only), it's your choice DB_TYPE = mysql HOST = NAME = gogs @@ -26,6 +26,10 @@ USER = root PASSWD = ; For "postgres" only, either "disable", "require" or "verify-full" SSL_MODE = disable +; For "sqlite3" only +PATH = data/gogs.db + +[admin] [security] ; !!CHANGE THIS TO KEEP YOUR USER DATA SAFE!! @@ -36,6 +40,10 @@ ACTIVE_CODE_LIVE_MINUTES = 180 RESET_PASSWD_CODE_LIVE_MINUTES = 180 ; User need to confirm e-mail for registration REGISTER_EMAIL_CONFIRM = false +; Does not allow register and admin create account only +DISENABLE_REGISTERATION = false +; User must sign in to view anything. +REQUIRE_SIGNIN_VIEW = false [mailer] ENABLED = false @@ -52,6 +60,16 @@ FROM = USER = PASSWD = +[cache] +; Either "memory", "redis", or "memcache", default is "memory" +ADAPTER = memory +; For "memory" only, GC interval in seconds, default is 60 +INTERVAL = 60 +; For "redis" and "memcache", connection host address +; redis: ":6039" +; memcache: "" +HOST = + [log] ; Either "console", "file", "conn" or "smtp", default is "console" MODE = console diff --git a/conf/gitignore/C++ b/conf/gitignore/C++ new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..5a1b6ec431 --- /dev/null +++ b/conf/gitignore/C++ @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +# Compiled Object files +*.slo +*.lo +*.o + +# Compiled Dynamic libraries +*.so +*.dylib + +# Compiled Static libraries +*.lai +*.la +*.a \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/conf/license/Artistic License 2.0 b/conf/license/Artistic License 2.0 new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b7c38097e6 --- /dev/null +++ b/conf/license/Artistic License 2.0 @@ -0,0 +1,201 @@ +The Artistic License 2.0 + + Copyright (c) 2014 + + Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies + of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. + +Preamble + +This license establishes the terms under which a given free software +Package may be copied, modified, distributed, and/or redistributed. +The intent is that the Copyright Holder maintains some artistic +control over the development of that Package while still keeping the +Package available as open source and free software. + +You are always permitted to make arrangements wholly outside of this +license directly with the Copyright Holder of a given Package. If the +terms of this license do not permit the full use that you propose to +make of the Package, you should contact the Copyright Holder and seek +a different licensing arrangement. + +Definitions + + "Copyright Holder" means the individual(s) or organization(s) + named in the copyright notice for the entire Package. + + "Contributor" means any party that has contributed code or other + material to the Package, in accordance with the Copyright Holder's + procedures. + + "You" and "your" means any person who would like to copy, + distribute, or modify the Package. + + "Package" means the collection of files distributed by the + Copyright Holder, and derivatives of that collection and/or of + those files. A given Package may consist of either the Standard + Version, or a Modified Version. + + "Distribute" means providing a copy of the Package or making it + accessible to anyone else, or in the case of a company or + organization, to others outside of your company or organization. + + "Distributor Fee" means any fee that you charge for Distributing + this Package or providing support for this Package to another + party. It does not mean licensing fees. + + "Standard Version" refers to the Package if it has not been + modified, or has been modified only in ways explicitly requested + by the Copyright Holder. + + "Modified Version" means the Package, if it has been changed, and + such changes were not explicitly requested by the Copyright + Holder. + + "Original License" means this Artistic License as Distributed with + the Standard Version of the Package, in its current version or as + it may be modified by The Perl Foundation in the future. + + "Source" form means the source code, documentation source, and + configuration files for the Package. + + "Compiled" form means the compiled bytecode, object code, binary, + or any other form resulting from mechanical transformation or + translation of the Source form. + + +Permission for Use and Modification Without Distribution + +(1) You are permitted to use the Standard Version and create and use +Modified Versions for any purpose without restriction, provided that +you do not Distribute the Modified Version. + + +Permissions for Redistribution of the Standard Version + +(2) You may Distribute verbatim copies of the Source form of the +Standard Version of this Package in any medium without restriction, +either gratis or for a Distributor Fee, provided that you duplicate +all of the original copyright notices and associated disclaimers. At +your discretion, such verbatim copies may or may not include a +Compiled form of the Package. + +(3) You may apply any bug fixes, portability changes, and other +modifications made available from the Copyright Holder. The resulting +Package will still be considered the Standard Version, and as such +will be subject to the Original License. + + +Distribution of Modified Versions of the Package as Source + +(4) You may Distribute your Modified Version as Source (either gratis +or for a Distributor Fee, and with or without a Compiled form of the +Modified Version) provided that you clearly document how it differs +from the Standard Version, including, but not limited to, documenting +any non-standard features, executables, or modules, and provided that +you do at least ONE of the following: + + (a) make the Modified Version available to the Copyright Holder + of the Standard Version, under the Original License, so that the + Copyright Holder may include your modifications in the Standard + Version. + + (b) ensure that installation of your Modified Version does not + prevent the user installing or running the Standard Version. In + addition, the Modified Version must bear a name that is different + from the name of the Standard Version. + + (c) allow anyone who receives a copy of the Modified Version to + make the Source form of the Modified Version available to others + under + + (i) the Original License or + + (ii) a license that permits the licensee to freely copy, + modify and redistribute the Modified Version using the same + licensing terms that apply to the copy that the licensee + received, and requires that the Source form of the Modified + Version, and of any works derived from it, be made freely + available in that license fees are prohibited but Distributor + Fees are allowed. + + +Distribution of Compiled Forms of the Standard Version +or Modified Versions without the Source + +(5) You may Distribute Compiled forms of the Standard Version without +the Source, provided that you include complete instructions on how to +get the Source of the Standard Version. Such instructions must be +valid at the time of your distribution. If these instructions, at any +time while you are carrying out such distribution, become invalid, you +must provide new instructions on demand or cease further distribution. +If you provide valid instructions or cease distribution within thirty +days after you become aware that the instructions are invalid, then +you do not forfeit any of your rights under this license. + +(6) You may Distribute a Modified Version in Compiled form without +the Source, provided that you comply with Section 4 with respect to +the Source of the Modified Version. + + +Aggregating or Linking the Package + +(7) You may aggregate the Package (either the Standard Version or +Modified Version) with other packages and Distribute the resulting +aggregation provided that you do not charge a licensing fee for the +Package. Distributor Fees are permitted, and licensing fees for other +components in the aggregation are permitted. The terms of this license +apply to the use and Distribution of the Standard or Modified Versions +as included in the aggregation. + +(8) You are permitted to link Modified and Standard Versions with +other works, to embed the Package in a larger work of your own, or to +build stand-alone binary or bytecode versions of applications that +include the Package, and Distribute the result without restriction, +provided the result does not expose a direct interface to the Package. + + +Items That are Not Considered Part of a Modified Version + +(9) Works (including, but not limited to, modules and scripts) that +merely extend or make use of the Package, do not, by themselves, cause +the Package to be a Modified Version. In addition, such works are not +considered parts of the Package itself, and are not subject to the +terms of this license. + + +General Provisions + +(10) Any use, modification, and distribution of the Standard or +Modified Versions is governed by this Artistic License. By using, +modifying or distributing the Package, you accept this license. Do not +use, modify, or distribute the Package, if you do not accept this +license. + +(11) If your Modified Version has been derived from a Modified +Version made by someone other than you, you are nevertheless required +to ensure that your Modified Version complies with the requirements of +this license. + +(12) This license does not grant you the right to use any trademark, +service mark, tradename, or logo of the Copyright Holder. + +(13) This license includes the non-exclusive, worldwide, +free-of-charge patent license to make, have made, use, offer to sell, +sell, import and otherwise transfer the Package with respect to any +patent claims licensable by the Copyright Holder that are necessarily +infringed by the Package. If you institute patent litigation +(including a cross-claim or counterclaim) against any party alleging +that the Package constitutes direct or contributory patent +infringement, then this Artistic License to you shall terminate on the +date that such litigation is filed. + +(14) Disclaimer of Warranty: +THE PACKAGE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS +IS' AND WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES. THE IMPLIED +WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR +NON-INFRINGEMENT ARE DISCLAIMED TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY YOUR LOCAL +LAW. UNLESS REQUIRED BY LAW, NO COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTOR WILL +BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL +DAMAGES ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THE PACKAGE, EVEN IF +ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/gogs.go b/gogs.go index 385b74217b..41df79280a 100644 --- a/gogs.go +++ b/gogs.go @@ -15,12 +15,12 @@ import ( "github.com/gogits/gogs/modules/base" ) -// +build go1.1 +// +build go1.2 -// Test that go1.1 tag above is included in builds. main.go refers to this definition. -const go11tag = true +// Test that go1.2 tag above is included in builds. main.go refers to this definition. +const go12tag = true -const APP_VER = "" +const APP_VER = "" func init() { base.AppVer = APP_VER diff --git a/models/action.go b/models/action.go index b3be093533..107d4b1057 100644 --- a/models/action.go +++ b/models/action.go @@ -64,6 +64,10 @@ func CommitRepoAction(userId int64, userName string, watches = append(watches, Watch{UserId: userId}) for i := range watches { + if userId == watches[i].UserId && i > 0 { + continue // Do not add twice in case author watches his/her repository. + } + _, err = orm.InsertOne(&Action{ UserId: watches[i].UserId, ActUserId: userId, diff --git a/models/issue.go b/models/issue.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c669d201f6 --- /dev/null +++ b/models/issue.go @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +// Copyright 2014 The Gogs Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +package models + +type Issue struct { + Id int64 + RepoId int64 `xorm:"index"` + PosterId int64 +} + +type PullRequest struct { + Id int64 +} + +type Comment struct { + Id int64 +} diff --git a/models/models.go b/models/models.go index 2e0bb759d4..8713ff2896 100644 --- a/models/models.go +++ b/models/models.go @@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ package models import ( "fmt" "os" + "path" _ "github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql" _ "github.com/lib/pq" @@ -16,48 +17,37 @@ import ( ) var ( - orm *xorm.Engine - RepoRootPath string + orm *xorm.Engine + + DbCfg struct { + Type, Host, Name, User, Pwd, Path, SslMode string + } ) -type Members struct { - Id int64 - OrgId int64 `xorm:"unique(s) index"` - UserId int64 `xorm:"unique(s)"` -} - -type Issue struct { - Id int64 - RepoId int64 `xorm:"index"` - PosterId int64 -} - -type PullRequest struct { - Id int64 -} - -type Comment struct { - Id int64 +func LoadModelsConfig() { + DbCfg.Type = base.Cfg.MustValue("database", "DB_TYPE") + DbCfg.Host = base.Cfg.MustValue("database", "HOST") + DbCfg.Name = base.Cfg.MustValue("database", "NAME") + DbCfg.User = base.Cfg.MustValue("database", "USER") + DbCfg.Pwd = base.Cfg.MustValue("database", "PASSWD") + DbCfg.SslMode = base.Cfg.MustValue("database", "SSL_MODE") + DbCfg.Path = base.Cfg.MustValue("database", "PATH", "data/gogs.db") } func setEngine() { - dbType := base.Cfg.MustValue("database", "DB_TYPE") - dbHost := base.Cfg.MustValue("database", "HOST") - dbName := base.Cfg.MustValue("database", "NAME") - dbUser := base.Cfg.MustValue("database", "USER") - dbPwd := base.Cfg.MustValue("database", "PASSWD") - sslMode := base.Cfg.MustValue("database", "SSL_MODE") - var err error - switch dbType { + switch DbCfg.Type { case "mysql": orm, err = xorm.NewEngine("mysql", fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s@%s/%s?charset=utf8", - dbUser, dbPwd, dbHost, dbName)) + DbCfg.User, DbCfg.Pwd, DbCfg.Host, DbCfg.Name)) case "postgres": orm, err = xorm.NewEngine("postgres", fmt.Sprintf("user=%s password=%s dbname=%s sslmode=%s", - dbUser, dbPwd, dbName, sslMode)) + DbCfg.User, DbCfg.Pwd, DbCfg.Name, DbCfg.SslMode)) + case "sqlite3": + os.MkdirAll(path.Dir(DbCfg.Path), os.ModePerm) + orm, err = xorm.NewEngine("sqlite3", DbCfg.Path) default: - fmt.Printf("Unknown database type: %s\n", dbType) + fmt.Printf("Unknown database type: %s\n", DbCfg.Type) os.Exit(2) } if err != nil { @@ -65,8 +55,8 @@ func setEngine() { os.Exit(2) } - // TODO: for serv command, MUST remove the output to os.stdout, so - // use log file to instead print to stdout + // WARNNING: for serv command, MUST remove the output to os.stdout, + // so use log file to instead print to stdout. //x.ShowDebug = true //orm.ShowErr = true @@ -77,20 +67,29 @@ func setEngine() { } orm.Logger = f orm.ShowSQL = true - - // Determine and create root git reposiroty path. - RepoRootPath = base.Cfg.MustValue("repository", "ROOT") - if err = os.MkdirAll(RepoRootPath, os.ModePerm); err != nil { - fmt.Printf("models.init(fail to create RepoRootPath(%s)): %v\n", RepoRootPath, err) - os.Exit(2) - } } -func init() { +func NewEngine() { setEngine() - if err := orm.Sync(new(User), new(PublicKey), new(Repository), new(Access), - new(Action), new(Watch)); err != nil { + if err := orm.Sync(new(User), new(PublicKey), new(Repository), new(Watch), + new(Action), new(Access)); err != nil { fmt.Printf("sync database struct error: %v\n", err) os.Exit(2) } } + +type Statistic struct { + Counter struct { + User, PublicKey, Repo, Watch, Action, Access int64 + } +} + +func GetStatistic() (stats Statistic) { + stats.Counter.User, _ = orm.Count(new(User)) + stats.Counter.PublicKey, _ = orm.Count(new(PublicKey)) + stats.Counter.Repo, _ = orm.Count(new(Repository)) + stats.Counter.Watch, _ = orm.Count(new(Watch)) + stats.Counter.Action, _ = orm.Count(new(Action)) + stats.Counter.Access, _ = orm.Count(new(Access)) + return stats +} diff --git a/models/models_test.go b/models/models_test.go index c44ef476c6..d0f734d678 100644 --- a/models/models_test.go +++ b/models/models_test.go @@ -13,6 +13,9 @@ import ( ) func init() { + LoadModelsConfig() + NewEngine() + var err error orm, err = xorm.NewEngine("sqlite3", "./test.db") if err != nil { diff --git a/models/publickey.go b/models/publickey.go index 092436d55f..c69bca681d 100644 --- a/models/publickey.go +++ b/models/publickey.go @@ -27,8 +27,12 @@ const ( ) var ( - sshOpLocker = sync.Mutex{} + ErrKeyAlreadyExist = errors.New("Public key already exist") +) +var sshOpLocker = sync.Mutex{} + +var ( sshPath string appPath string ) @@ -79,10 +83,6 @@ type PublicKey struct { Updated time.Time `xorm:"updated"` } -var ( - ErrKeyAlreadyExist = errors.New("Public key already exist") -) - // GenAuthorizedKey returns formatted public key string. func GenAuthorizedKey(keyId int64, key string) string { return fmt.Sprintf(TPL_PUBLICK_KEY+"\n", appPath, keyId, key) diff --git a/models/repo.go b/models/repo.go index cf1e1df5c4..4972661cb3 100644 --- a/models/repo.go +++ b/models/repo.go @@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ import ( "os" "path" "path/filepath" + "regexp" "strings" "sync" "time" @@ -26,68 +27,26 @@ import ( "github.com/gogits/gogs/modules/log" ) -// Repository represents a git repository. -type Repository struct { - Id int64 - OwnerId int64 `xorm:"unique(s)"` - ForkId int64 - LowerName string `xorm:"unique(s) index not null"` - Name string `xorm:"index not null"` - Description string - Website string - Private bool - NumWatchs int - NumStars int - NumForks int - Created time.Time `xorm:"created"` - Updated time.Time `xorm:"updated"` -} +var ( + ErrRepoAlreadyExist = errors.New("Repository already exist") + ErrRepoNotExist = errors.New("Repository does not exist") + ErrRepoFileNotExist = errors.New("Target Repo file does not exist") + ErrRepoNameIllegal = errors.New("Repository name contains illegal characters") + ErrRepoFileNotLoaded = fmt.Errorf("repo file not loaded") +) -// Watch is connection request for receiving repository notifycation. -type Watch struct { - Id int64 - RepoId int64 `xorm:"UNIQUE(watch)"` - UserId int64 `xorm:"UNIQUE(watch)"` -} - -// Watch or unwatch repository. -func WatchRepo(userId, repoId int64, watch bool) (err error) { - if watch { - _, err = orm.Insert(&Watch{RepoId: repoId, UserId: userId}) - } else { - _, err = orm.Delete(&Watch{0, repoId, userId}) - } - return err -} - -// GetWatches returns all watches of given repository. -func GetWatches(repoId int64) ([]Watch, error) { - watches := make([]Watch, 0, 10) - err := orm.Find(&watches, &Watch{RepoId: repoId}) - return watches, err -} - -// IsWatching checks if user has watched given repository. -func IsWatching(userId, repoId int64) bool { - has, _ := orm.Get(&Watch{0, repoId, userId}) - return has -} +var gitInitLocker = sync.Mutex{} var ( - gitInitLocker = sync.Mutex{} LanguageIgns, Licenses []string ) -var ( - ErrRepoAlreadyExist = errors.New("Repository already exist") - ErrRepoNotExist = errors.New("Repository does not exist") - ErrRepoFileNotExist = errors.New("Target Repo file does not exist") -) - -func init() { +func LoadRepoConfig() { LanguageIgns = strings.Split(base.Cfg.MustValue("repository", "LANG_IGNS"), "|") Licenses = strings.Split(base.Cfg.MustValue("repository", "LICENSES"), "|") +} +func NewRepoContext() { zip.Verbose = false // Check if server has basic git setting. @@ -104,6 +63,32 @@ func init() { os.Exit(2) } } + + // Initialize illegal patterns. + for i := range illegalPatterns[1:] { + pattern := "" + for j := range illegalPatterns[i+1] { + pattern += "[" + string(illegalPatterns[i+1][j]-32) + string(illegalPatterns[i+1][j]) + "]" + } + illegalPatterns[i+1] = pattern + } +} + +// Repository represents a git repository. +type Repository struct { + Id int64 + OwnerId int64 `xorm:"unique(s)"` + ForkId int64 + LowerName string `xorm:"unique(s) index not null"` + Name string `xorm:"index not null"` + Description string + Website string + Private bool + NumWatches int + NumStars int + NumForks int + Created time.Time `xorm:"created"` + Updated time.Time `xorm:"updated"` } // IsRepositoryExist returns true if the repository with given name under user has already existed. @@ -120,8 +105,28 @@ func IsRepositoryExist(user *User, repoName string) (bool, error) { return s.IsDir(), nil } +var ( + // Define as all lower case!! + illegalPatterns = []string{"[.][Gg][Ii][Tt]", "user", "help", "stars", "issues", "pulls", "commits", "admin", "repo", "template", "admin"} +) + +// IsLegalName returns false if name contains illegal characters. +func IsLegalName(repoName string) bool { + for _, pattern := range illegalPatterns { + has, _ := regexp.MatchString(pattern, repoName) + if has { + return false + } + } + return true +} + // CreateRepository creates a repository for given user or orgnaziation. func CreateRepository(user *User, repoName, desc, repoLang, license string, private bool, initReadme bool) (*Repository, error) { + if !IsLegalName(repoName) { + return nil, ErrRepoNameIllegal + } + isExist, err := IsRepositoryExist(user, repoName) if err != nil { return nil, err @@ -331,6 +336,82 @@ func initRepository(f string, user *User, repo *Repository, initReadme bool, rep return nil } +// UserRepo reporesents a repository with user name. +type UserRepo struct { + *Repository + UserName string +} + +// GetRepos returns given number of repository objects with offset. +func GetRepos(num, offset int) ([]UserRepo, error) { + repos := make([]Repository, 0, num) + if err := orm.Limit(num, offset).Asc("id").Find(&repos); err != nil { + return nil, err + } + + urepos := make([]UserRepo, len(repos)) + for i := range repos { + urepos[i].Repository = &repos[i] + u := new(User) + has, err := orm.Id(urepos[i].Repository.OwnerId).Get(u) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } else if !has { + return nil, ErrUserNotExist + } + urepos[i].UserName = u.Name + } + + return urepos, nil +} + +func RepoPath(userName, repoName string) string { + return filepath.Join(UserPath(userName), repoName+".git") +} + +// DeleteRepository deletes a repository for a user or orgnaztion. +func DeleteRepository(userId, repoId int64, userName string) (err error) { + repo := &Repository{Id: repoId, OwnerId: userId} + has, err := orm.Get(repo) + if err != nil { + return err + } else if !has { + return ErrRepoNotExist + } + + session := orm.NewSession() + if err = session.Begin(); err != nil { + return err + } + if _, err = session.Delete(&Repository{Id: repoId}); err != nil { + session.Rollback() + return err + } + if _, err := session.Delete(&Access{UserName: userName, RepoName: repo.Name}); err != nil { + session.Rollback() + return err + } + rawSql := "UPDATE `user` SET num_repos = num_repos - 1 WHERE id = ?" + if _, err = session.Exec(rawSql, userId); err != nil { + session.Rollback() + return err + } + if _, err = session.Delete(&Watch{RepoId: repoId}); err != nil { + session.Rollback() + return err + } + if err = session.Commit(); err != nil { + session.Rollback() + return err + } + if err = os.RemoveAll(RepoPath(userName, repo.Name)); err != nil { + // TODO: log and delete manully + log.Error("delete repo %s/%s failed: %v", userName, repo.Name, err) + return err + } + return nil +} + // GetRepositoryByName returns the repository by given name under user if exists. func GetRepositoryByName(user *User, repoName string) (*Repository, error) { repo := &Repository{ @@ -368,6 +449,45 @@ func GetRepositoryCount(user *User) (int64, error) { return orm.Count(&Repository{OwnerId: user.Id}) } +// Watch is connection request for receiving repository notifycation. +type Watch struct { + Id int64 + RepoId int64 `xorm:"UNIQUE(watch)"` + UserId int64 `xorm:"UNIQUE(watch)"` +} + +// Watch or unwatch repository. +func WatchRepo(userId, repoId int64, watch bool) (err error) { + if watch { + if _, err = orm.Insert(&Watch{RepoId: repoId, UserId: userId}); err != nil { + return err + } + + rawSql := "UPDATE `repository` SET num_watches = num_watches + 1 WHERE id = ?" + _, err = orm.Exec(rawSql, repoId) + } else { + if _, err = orm.Delete(&Watch{0, repoId, userId}); err != nil { + return err + } + rawSql := "UPDATE `repository` SET num_watches = num_watches - 1 WHERE id = ?" + _, err = orm.Exec(rawSql, repoId) + } + return err +} + +// GetWatches returns all watches of given repository. +func GetWatches(repoId int64) ([]Watch, error) { + watches := make([]Watch, 0, 10) + err := orm.Find(&watches, &Watch{RepoId: repoId}) + return watches, err +} + +// IsWatching checks if user has watched given repository. +func IsWatching(userId, repoId int64) bool { + has, _ := orm.Get(&Watch{0, repoId, userId}) + return has +} + func StarReposiory(user *User, repoName string) error { return nil } @@ -388,56 +508,6 @@ func ForkRepository(reposName string, userId int64) { } -func RepoPath(userName, repoName string) string { - return filepath.Join(UserPath(userName), repoName+".git") -} - -// DeleteRepository deletes a repository for a user or orgnaztion. -func DeleteRepository(userId, repoId int64, userName string) (err error) { - repo := &Repository{Id: repoId, OwnerId: userId} - has, err := orm.Get(repo) - if err != nil { - return err - } else if !has { - return ErrRepoNotExist - } - - session := orm.NewSession() - if err = session.Begin(); err != nil { - return err - } - if _, err = session.Delete(&Repository{Id: repoId}); err != nil { - session.Rollback() - return err - } - if _, err := session.Delete(&Access{UserName: userName, RepoName: repo.Name}); err != nil { - session.Rollback() - return err - } - rawSql := "UPDATE user SET num_repos = num_repos - 1 WHERE id = ?" - if base.Cfg.MustValue("database", "DB_TYPE") == "postgres" { - rawSql = "UPDATE \"user\" SET num_repos = num_repos - 1 WHERE id = ?" - } - if _, err = session.Exec(rawSql, userId); err != nil { - session.Rollback() - return err - } - if err = session.Commit(); err != nil { - session.Rollback() - return err - } - if err = os.RemoveAll(RepoPath(userName, repo.Name)); err != nil { - // TODO: log and delete manully - log.Error("delete repo %s/%s failed: %v", userName, repo.Name, err) - return err - } - return nil -} - -var ( - ErrRepoFileNotLoaded = fmt.Errorf("repo file not loaded") -) - // RepoFile represents a file object in git repository. type RepoFile struct { *git.TreeEntry diff --git a/models/user.go b/models/user.go index 69608ec277..3c11091285 100644 --- a/models/user.go +++ b/models/user.go @@ -33,6 +33,14 @@ const ( LT_LDAP ) +var ( + ErrUserOwnRepos = errors.New("User still have ownership of repositories") + ErrUserAlreadyExist = errors.New("User already exist") + ErrUserNotExist = errors.New("User does not exist") + ErrEmailAlreadyUsed = errors.New("E-mail already used") + ErrUserNameIllegal = errors.New("User name contains illegal characters") +) + // User represents the object of individual and member of organization. type User struct { Id int64 @@ -51,6 +59,7 @@ type User struct { Location string Website string IsActive bool + IsAdmin bool Rands string `xorm:"VARCHAR(10)"` Created time.Time `xorm:"created"` Updated time.Time `xorm:"updated"` @@ -66,19 +75,28 @@ func (user *User) AvatarLink() string { return "http://1.gravatar.com/avatar/" + user.Avatar } -type Follow struct { - Id int64 - UserId int64 `xorm:"unique(s)"` - FollowId int64 `xorm:"unique(s)"` - Created time.Time `xorm:"created"` +// NewGitSig generates and returns the signature of given user. +func (user *User) NewGitSig() *git.Signature { + return &git.Signature{ + Name: user.Name, + Email: user.Email, + When: time.Now(), + } } -var ( - ErrUserOwnRepos = errors.New("User still have ownership of repositories") - ErrUserAlreadyExist = errors.New("User already exist") - ErrUserNotExist = errors.New("User does not exist") - ErrEmailAlreadyUsed = errors.New("E-mail already used") -) +// EncodePasswd encodes password to safe format. +func (user *User) EncodePasswd() error { + newPasswd, err := scrypt.Key([]byte(user.Passwd), []byte(base.SecretKey), 16384, 8, 1, 64) + user.Passwd = fmt.Sprintf("%x", newPasswd) + return err +} + +// Member represents user is member of organization. +type Member struct { + Id int64 + OrgId int64 `xorm:"unique(member) index"` + UserId int64 `xorm:"unique(member)"` +} // IsUserExist checks if given user name exist, // the user name should be noncased unique. @@ -91,15 +109,6 @@ func IsEmailUsed(email string) (bool, error) { return orm.Get(&User{Email: email}) } -// NewGitSig generates and returns the signature of given user. -func (user *User) NewGitSig() *git.Signature { - return &git.Signature{ - Name: user.Name, - Email: user.Email, - When: time.Now(), - } -} - // return a user salt token func GetUserSalt() string { return base.GetRandomString(10) @@ -107,6 +116,10 @@ func GetUserSalt() string { // RegisterUser creates record of a new user. func RegisterUser(user *User) (*User, error) { + if !IsLegalName(user.Name) { + return nil, ErrUserNameIllegal + } + isExist, err := IsUserExist(user.Name) if err != nil { return nil, err @@ -136,7 +149,20 @@ func RegisterUser(user *User) (*User, error) { } return nil, err } - return user, nil + + if user.Id == 1 { + user.IsAdmin = true + user.IsActive = true + _, err = orm.Id(user.Id).UseBool().Update(user) + } + return user, err +} + +// GetUsers returns given number of user objects with offset. +func GetUsers(num, offset int) ([]User, error) { + users := make([]User, 0, num) + err := orm.Limit(num, offset).Asc("id").Find(&users) + return users, err } // get user by erify code @@ -217,22 +243,14 @@ func DeleteUser(user *User) error { return err } -// EncodePasswd encodes password to safe format. -func (user *User) EncodePasswd() error { - newPasswd, err := scrypt.Key([]byte(user.Passwd), []byte(base.SecretKey), 16384, 8, 1, 64) - user.Passwd = fmt.Sprintf("%x", newPasswd) - return err -} - // UserPath returns the path absolute path of user repositories. func UserPath(userName string) string { - return filepath.Join(RepoRootPath, strings.ToLower(userName)) + return filepath.Join(base.RepoRootPath, strings.ToLower(userName)) } func GetUserByKeyId(keyId int64) (*User, error) { user := new(User) rawSql := "SELECT a.* FROM `user` AS a, public_key AS b WHERE a.id = b.owner_id AND b.id=?" - has, err := orm.Sql(rawSql, keyId).Get(user) if err != nil { return nil, err @@ -289,6 +307,13 @@ func LoginUserPlain(name, passwd string) (*User, error) { return &user, err } +// Follow is connection request for receiving user notifycation. +type Follow struct { + Id int64 + UserId int64 `xorm:"unique(follow)"` + FollowId int64 `xorm:"unique(follow)"` +} + // FollowUser marks someone be another's follower. func FollowUser(userId int64, followId int64) (err error) { session := orm.NewSession() @@ -300,19 +325,13 @@ func FollowUser(userId int64, followId int64) (err error) { return err } - rawSql := "UPDATE user SET num_followers = num_followers + 1 WHERE id = ?" - if base.Cfg.MustValue("database", "DB_TYPE") == "postgres" { - rawSql = "UPDATE \"user\" SET num_followers = num_followers + 1 WHERE id = ?" - } + rawSql := "UPDATE `user` SET num_followers = num_followers + 1 WHERE id = ?" if _, err = session.Exec(rawSql, followId); err != nil { session.Rollback() return err } - rawSql = "UPDATE user SET num_followings = num_followings + 1 WHERE id = ?" - if base.Cfg.MustValue("database", "DB_TYPE") == "postgres" { - rawSql = "UPDATE \"user\" SET num_followings = num_followings + 1 WHERE id = ?" - } + rawSql = "UPDATE `user` SET num_followings = num_followings + 1 WHERE id = ?" if _, err = session.Exec(rawSql, userId); err != nil { session.Rollback() return err @@ -331,19 +350,13 @@ func UnFollowUser(userId int64, unFollowId int64) (err error) { return err } - rawSql := "UPDATE user SET num_followers = num_followers - 1 WHERE id = ?" - if base.Cfg.MustValue("database", "DB_TYPE") == "postgres" { - rawSql = "UPDATE \"user\" SET num_followers = num_followers - 1 WHERE id = ?" - } + rawSql := "UPDATE `user` SET num_followers = num_followers - 1 WHERE id = ?" if _, err = session.Exec(rawSql, unFollowId); err != nil { session.Rollback() return err } - rawSql = "UPDATE user SET num_followings = num_followings - 1 WHERE id = ?" - if base.Cfg.MustValue("database", "DB_TYPE") == "postgres" { - rawSql = "UPDATE \"user\" SET num_followings = num_followings - 1 WHERE id = ?" - } + rawSql = "UPDATE `user` SET num_followings = num_followings - 1 WHERE id = ?" if _, err = session.Exec(rawSql, userId); err != nil { session.Rollback() return err diff --git a/modules/auth/admin.go b/modules/auth/admin.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..eccab00718 --- /dev/null +++ b/modules/auth/admin.go @@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ +// Copyright 2014 The Gogs Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +package auth + +import ( + "net/http" + "reflect" + + "github.com/codegangsta/martini" + + "github.com/gogits/binding" + + "github.com/gogits/gogs/modules/base" + "github.com/gogits/gogs/modules/log" +) + +type AdminEditUserForm struct { + Email string `form:"email" binding:"Required;Email;MaxSize(50)"` + Website string `form:"website" binding:"MaxSize(50)"` + Location string `form:"location" binding:"MaxSize(50)"` + Avatar string `form:"avatar" binding:"Required;Email;MaxSize(50)"` + Active string `form:"active"` + Admin string `form:"admin"` +} + +func (f *AdminEditUserForm) Name(field string) string { + names := map[string]string{ + "Email": "E-mail address", + "Website": "Website", + "Location": "Location", + "Avatar": "Gravatar Email", + } + return names[field] +} + +func (f *AdminEditUserForm) Validate(errors *binding.Errors, req *http.Request, context martini.Context) { + if req.Method == "GET" || errors.Count() == 0 { + return + } + + data := context.Get(reflect.TypeOf(base.TmplData{})).Interface().(base.TmplData) + data["HasError"] = true + AssignForm(f, data) + + if len(errors.Overall) > 0 { + for _, err := range errors.Overall { + log.Error("AdminEditUserForm.Validate: %v", err) + } + return + } + + validate(errors, data, f) +} diff --git a/modules/auth/user.go b/modules/auth/user.go index 491ec65aca..f8d8f66149 100644 --- a/modules/auth/user.go +++ b/modules/auth/user.go @@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ type UpdateProfileForm struct { func (f *UpdateProfileForm) Name(field string) string { names := map[string]string{ - "Email": "Email address", + "Email": "E-mail address", "Website": "Website", "Location": "Location", "Avatar": "Gravatar Email", diff --git a/modules/base/conf.go b/modules/base/conf.go index fdbf3ad385..863daca644 100644 --- a/modules/base/conf.go +++ b/modules/base/conf.go @@ -15,6 +15,8 @@ import ( "github.com/Unknwon/com" "github.com/Unknwon/goconfig" + "github.com/gogits/cache" + "github.com/gogits/gogs/modules/log" ) @@ -26,20 +28,32 @@ type Mailer struct { } var ( - AppVer string - AppName string - AppLogo string - AppUrl string - Domain string - SecretKey string + AppVer string + AppName string + AppLogo string + AppUrl string + Domain string + SecretKey string + RunUser string + RepoRootPath string + Cfg *goconfig.ConfigFile MailService *Mailer + + Cache cache.Cache + CacheAdapter string + CacheConfig string + + LogMode string + LogConfig string ) var Service struct { - RegisterEmailConfirm bool - ActiveCodeLives int - ResetPwdCodeLives int + RegisterEmailConfirm bool + DisenableRegisteration bool + RequireSignInView bool + ActiveCodeLives int + ResetPwdCodeLives int } func exeDir() (string, error) { @@ -66,19 +80,21 @@ var logLevels = map[string]string{ func newService() { Service.ActiveCodeLives = Cfg.MustInt("service", "ACTIVE_CODE_LIVE_MINUTES", 180) Service.ResetPwdCodeLives = Cfg.MustInt("service", "RESET_PASSWD_CODE_LIVE_MINUTES", 180) + Service.DisenableRegisteration = Cfg.MustBool("service", "DISENABLE_REGISTERATION", false) + Service.RequireSignInView = Cfg.MustBool("service", "REQUIRE_SIGNIN_VIEW", false) } func newLogService() { // Get and check log mode. - mode := Cfg.MustValue("log", "MODE", "console") - modeSec := "log." + mode + LogMode = Cfg.MustValue("log", "MODE", "console") + modeSec := "log." + LogMode if _, err := Cfg.GetSection(modeSec); err != nil { - fmt.Printf("Unknown log mode: %s\n", mode) + fmt.Printf("Unknown log mode: %s\n", LogMode) os.Exit(2) } // Log level. - levelName := Cfg.MustValue("log."+mode, "LEVEL", "Trace") + levelName := Cfg.MustValue("log."+LogMode, "LEVEL", "Trace") level, ok := logLevels[levelName] if !ok { fmt.Printf("Unknown log level: %s\n", levelName) @@ -86,14 +102,13 @@ func newLogService() { } // Generate log configuration. - var config string - switch mode { + switch LogMode { case "console": - config = fmt.Sprintf(`{"level":%s}`, level) + LogConfig = fmt.Sprintf(`{"level":%s}`, level) case "file": logPath := Cfg.MustValue(modeSec, "FILE_NAME", "log/gogs.log") os.MkdirAll(path.Dir(logPath), os.ModePerm) - config = fmt.Sprintf( + LogConfig = fmt.Sprintf( `{"level":%s,"filename":%s,"rotate":%v,"maxlines":%d,"maxsize",%d,"daily":%v,"maxdays":%d}`, level, logPath, Cfg.MustBool(modeSec, "LOG_ROTATE", true), @@ -102,13 +117,13 @@ func newLogService() { Cfg.MustBool(modeSec, "DAILY_ROTATE", true), Cfg.MustInt(modeSec, "MAX_DAYS", 7)) case "conn": - config = fmt.Sprintf(`{"level":%s,"reconnectOnMsg":%v,"reconnect":%v,"net":%s,"addr":%s}`, level, + LogConfig = fmt.Sprintf(`{"level":%s,"reconnectOnMsg":%v,"reconnect":%v,"net":%s,"addr":%s}`, level, Cfg.MustBool(modeSec, "RECONNECT_ON_MSG", false), Cfg.MustBool(modeSec, "RECONNECT", false), Cfg.MustValue(modeSec, "PROTOCOL", "tcp"), Cfg.MustValue(modeSec, "ADDR", ":7020")) case "smtp": - config = fmt.Sprintf(`{"level":%s,"username":%s,"password":%s,"host":%s,"sendTos":%s,"subject":%s}`, level, + LogConfig = fmt.Sprintf(`{"level":%s,"username":%s,"password":%s,"host":%s,"sendTos":%s,"subject":%s}`, level, Cfg.MustValue(modeSec, "USER", "example@example.com"), Cfg.MustValue(modeSec, "PASSWD", "******"), Cfg.MustValue(modeSec, "HOST", ""), @@ -116,8 +131,32 @@ func newLogService() { Cfg.MustValue(modeSec, "SUBJECT", "Diagnostic message from serve")) } - log.NewLogger(Cfg.MustInt64("log", "BUFFER_LEN", 10000), mode, config) - log.Info("Log Mode: %s(%s)", strings.Title(mode), levelName) + log.NewLogger(Cfg.MustInt64("log", "BUFFER_LEN", 10000), LogMode, LogConfig) + log.Info("Log Mode: %s(%s)", strings.Title(LogMode), levelName) +} + +func newCacheService() { + CacheAdapter = Cfg.MustValue("cache", "ADAPTER", "memory") + + switch CacheAdapter { + case "memory": + CacheConfig = fmt.Sprintf(`{"interval":%d}`, Cfg.MustInt("cache", "INTERVAL", 60)) + case "redis", "memcache": + CacheConfig = fmt.Sprintf(`{"conn":"%s"}`, Cfg.MustValue("cache", "HOST")) + default: + fmt.Printf("Unknown cache adapter: %s\n", CacheAdapter) + os.Exit(2) + } + + var err error + Cache, err = cache.NewCache(CacheAdapter, CacheConfig) + if err != nil { + fmt.Printf("Init cache system failed, adapter: %s, config: %s, %v\n", + CacheAdapter, CacheConfig, err) + os.Exit(2) + } + + log.Info("Cache Service Enabled") } func newMailService() { @@ -144,7 +183,7 @@ func newRegisterMailService() { log.Info("Register Mail Service Enabled") } -func init() { +func NewConfigContext() { var err error workDir, err := exeDir() if err != nil { @@ -173,11 +212,20 @@ func init() { AppUrl = Cfg.MustValue("server", "ROOT_URL") Domain = Cfg.MustValue("server", "DOMAIN") SecretKey = Cfg.MustValue("security", "SECRET_KEY") + RunUser = Cfg.MustValue("", "RUN_USER") + + // Determine and create root git reposiroty path. + RepoRootPath = Cfg.MustValue("repository", "ROOT") + if err = os.MkdirAll(RepoRootPath, os.ModePerm); err != nil { + fmt.Printf("models.init(fail to create RepoRootPath(%s)): %v\n", RepoRootPath, err) + os.Exit(2) + } } func NewServices() { newService() newLogService() + newCacheService() newMailService() newRegisterMailService() } diff --git a/modules/base/markdown.go b/modules/base/markdown.go index a9f4cbf0d7..2273cd772f 100644 --- a/modules/base/markdown.go +++ b/modules/base/markdown.go @@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ func isLink(link []byte) bool { func IsMarkdownFile(name string) bool { name = strings.ToLower(name) switch filepath.Ext(name) { - case "md", "markdown": + case ".md", ".markdown", ".mdown": return true } return false @@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ type CustomRender struct { func (options *CustomRender) Link(out *bytes.Buffer, link []byte, title []byte, content []byte) { if len(link) > 0 && !isLink(link) { if link[0] == '#' { - link = append([]byte(options.urlPrefix), link...) + // link = append([]byte(options.urlPrefix), link...) } else { link = []byte(path.Join(options.urlPrefix, string(link))) } diff --git a/modules/base/template.go b/modules/base/template.go index e596d1dada..8d95dbeab7 100644 --- a/modules/base/template.go +++ b/modules/base/template.go @@ -33,6 +33,10 @@ func List(l *list.List) chan interface{} { return c } +var mailDomains = map[string]string{ + "gmail.com": "gmail.com", +} + var TemplateFuncs template.FuncMap = map[string]interface{}{ "AppName": func() string { return AppName @@ -56,7 +60,12 @@ var TemplateFuncs template.FuncMap = map[string]interface{}{ "DateFormat": DateFormat, "List": List, "Mail2Domain": func(mail string) string { - return "mail." + strings.Split(mail, "@")[1] + suffix := strings.SplitN(mail, "@", 2)[1] + domain, ok := mailDomains[suffix] + if !ok { + return "mail." + suffix + } + return domain }, "SubStr": func(str string, start, length int) string { return str[start : start+length] diff --git a/modules/mailer/mailer.go b/modules/mailer/mailer.go index 150607f8c4..da63e01d2a 100644 --- a/modules/mailer/mailer.go +++ b/modules/mailer/mailer.go @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ func (m Message) Content() string { var mailQueue chan *Message -func init() { +func NewMailerContext() { mailQueue = make(chan *Message, base.Cfg.MustInt("mailer", "SEND_BUFFER_LEN", 10)) go processMailQueue() } diff --git a/modules/middleware/auth.go b/modules/middleware/auth.go index d45a21e988..f211de32b9 100644 --- a/modules/middleware/auth.go +++ b/modules/middleware/auth.go @@ -15,12 +15,12 @@ func SignInRequire(redirect bool) martini.Handler { return func(ctx *Context) { if !ctx.IsSigned { if redirect { - ctx.Redirect("/") + ctx.Redirect("/user/login") } return } else if !ctx.User.IsActive && base.Service.RegisterEmailConfirm { ctx.Data["Title"] = "Activate Your Account" - ctx.Render.HTML(200, "user/active", ctx.Data) + ctx.HTML(200, "user/active") return } } @@ -31,6 +31,18 @@ func SignOutRequire() martini.Handler { return func(ctx *Context) { if ctx.IsSigned { ctx.Redirect("/") + return } } } + +// AdminRequire requires user signed in as administor. +func AdminRequire() martini.Handler { + return func(ctx *Context) { + if !ctx.User.IsAdmin { + ctx.Error(403) + return + } + ctx.Data["PageIsAdmin"] = true + } +} diff --git a/modules/middleware/context.go b/modules/middleware/context.go index 6ac87de3be..a25a3dbbeb 100644 --- a/modules/middleware/context.go +++ b/modules/middleware/context.go @@ -12,8 +12,11 @@ import ( "github.com/codegangsta/martini" "github.com/martini-contrib/sessions" + "github.com/gogits/cache" + "github.com/gogits/gogs/models" "github.com/gogits/gogs/modules/auth" + "github.com/gogits/gogs/modules/base" "github.com/gogits/gogs/modules/log" ) @@ -25,6 +28,7 @@ type Context struct { Req *http.Request Res http.ResponseWriter Session sessions.Session + Cache cache.Cache User *models.User IsSigned bool @@ -61,24 +65,29 @@ func (ctx *Context) HasError() bool { return hasErr.(bool) } +// HTML calls render.HTML underlying but reduce one argument. +func (ctx *Context) HTML(status int, name string, htmlOpt ...HTMLOptions) { + ctx.Render.HTML(status, name, ctx.Data, htmlOpt...) +} + // RenderWithErr used for page has form validation but need to prompt error to users. func (ctx *Context) RenderWithErr(msg, tpl string, form auth.Form) { ctx.Data["HasError"] = true ctx.Data["ErrorMsg"] = msg auth.AssignForm(form, ctx.Data) - ctx.HTML(200, tpl, ctx.Data) + ctx.HTML(200, tpl) } // Handle handles and logs error by given status. func (ctx *Context) Handle(status int, title string, err error) { log.Error("%s: %v", title, err) if martini.Dev == martini.Prod { - ctx.HTML(500, "status/500", ctx.Data) + ctx.HTML(500, "status/500") return } ctx.Data["ErrorMsg"] = err - ctx.HTML(status, fmt.Sprintf("status/%d", status), ctx.Data) + ctx.HTML(status, fmt.Sprintf("status/%d", status)) } // InitContext initializes a classic context for a request. @@ -92,6 +101,7 @@ func InitContext() martini.Handler { Req: r, Res: res, Session: session, + Cache: base.Cache, Render: rd, } @@ -106,6 +116,7 @@ func InitContext() martini.Handler { ctx.Data["SignedUser"] = user ctx.Data["SignedUserId"] = user.Id ctx.Data["SignedUserName"] = user.LowerName + ctx.Data["IsAdmin"] = ctx.User.IsAdmin } ctx.Data["PageStartTime"] = time.Now() diff --git a/modules/middleware/repo.go b/modules/middleware/repo.go index b25c942316..a9a90e3ff5 100644 --- a/modules/middleware/repo.go +++ b/modules/middleware/repo.go @@ -70,6 +70,7 @@ func RepoAssignment(redirect bool) martini.Handler { } ctx.Repo.Repository = repo ctx.Repo.CloneLink.SSH = fmt.Sprintf("git@%s:%s/%s.git", base.Domain, user.LowerName, repo.LowerName) + ctx.Repo.CloneLink.HTTPS = fmt.Sprintf("https://%s/%s/%s.git", base.Domain, user.LowerName, repo.LowerName) ctx.Data["IsRepositoryValid"] = true ctx.Data["Repository"] = repo @@ -78,5 +79,6 @@ func RepoAssignment(redirect bool) martini.Handler { ctx.Data["CloneLink"] = ctx.Repo.CloneLink ctx.Data["RepositoryLink"] = ctx.Data["Title"] ctx.Data["IsRepositoryOwner"] = ctx.Repo.IsOwner + ctx.Data["IsRepositoryWatching"] = ctx.Repo.IsWatching } } diff --git a/public/css/gogs.css b/public/css/gogs.css index a4767c1c8b..78040bee51 100755 --- a/public/css/gogs.css +++ b/public/css/gogs.css @@ -145,8 +145,9 @@ html, body { float: right; } -#gogs-nav-signin { +#gogs-nav-signin, #gogs-nav-signup { float: right; + margin-left: 1em; } #gogs-nav-out .fa { @@ -324,6 +325,27 @@ html, body { color: #444; } +.gogs-admin-nav { + background-color: #FFF; + padding-top: 10px; + padding-left: 0; + padding-right: 0; + border: 1px solid #D8D8D8; +} + +.gogs-admin-nav li { + margin-bottom: 8px; + border-left: 4px solid transparent; +} + +.gogs-admin-nav li:hover { + border-left-color: #EEE; +} + +.gogs-admin-nav li.active:hover { + border-left: 4px solid #DD4B39; +} + /* gogits user ssh keys */ #gogs-ssh-keys .list-group-item { @@ -376,7 +398,7 @@ html, body { } #gogs-feed-right .repo-panel .list-group-item a { - display: inline-block; + display: block; margin-left: 0; background-color: transparent; padding-left: 0; @@ -406,7 +428,6 @@ html, body { #gogs-feed-right .repo-panel span.stars { color: #666; - line-height: 44px; margin-right: 1em; } @@ -445,7 +466,7 @@ html, body { padding: 0; } -#gogs-repo-watching .dropdown-menu .dropdown-item:hover .dropdown-header { +#gogs-repo-watching .dropdown-menu .dropdown-item:hover .dropdown-header, #gogs-repo-watching .dropdown-item .dropdown-header.text-primary { color: rgb(65, 131, 196); cursor: pointer; } @@ -501,8 +522,7 @@ html, body { } .activity-list .info { - float: left; - padding: 0 0 0 10px; + margin: 0 0 0 40px; line-height: 1.7em; } @@ -555,6 +575,15 @@ html, body { min-width: 200px; } +#gogs-repo-clone .dropdown-menu{ + width: 400px; + padding: 20px; +} + +#gogs-repo-clone .input-group{ + margin-bottom: 15px; +} + /* #gogs-source */ #gogs-source { margin-top: -20px; @@ -645,6 +674,62 @@ html, body { .file-content .file-body { padding: 30px 30px 50px; + border: none; + background-color: #FFF; + overflow: auto; + overflow-x: auto; + overflow-y: hidden; +} + +.file-content .file-body.file-code pre { + background-color: #FFF; + border: none; +} + +.file-content .file-body.file-code { + padding: 0; +} + +.file-content .file-body.file-code .lines-code > pre { + border: none; + background: none; + border-left: 1px solid #ddd; +} + +.file-content .file-body.file-code .lines-code ol.linenums > .active { + background: #ffffdd; +} + +.file-content .file-body.file-code .lines-num { + text-align: right; + color: #999; + background: #fafafa; + width: 1%; +} + +.file-content .file-body.file-code .lines-num span { + font-family: Menlo, Monaco, Consolas, "Courier New", monospace; + line-height: 1.6; + padding: 0 8px 0 10px; + cursor: pointer; + display: block; + margin-top: 2px; + font-size: 90%; +} + +.file-content .file-body.file-code .lines-num span:first-child { + margin-top: 0; +} + +.file-content .file-body.file-code > table { + width: 100%; +} + +.file-content .file-body.file-code > table > tbody > tr, +.file-content .file-body.file-code > table > tbody > tr > td, +.file-content .file-body.file-code > table { + border: none; + background: none; } .branch-list th, .commit-list th { @@ -724,6 +809,28 @@ html, body { background-color: #FFF; } +.commit-list .date { + width: 120px; +} + +.commit-list .author { + min-width: 180px; +} + +.guide-box pre, .guide-box .input-group { + margin-top: 20px; + margin-bottom: 30px; + line-height: 24px; +} + +.guide-box input[readonly] { + background-color: #FFF; +} + +.guide-box { + margin-top: 20px; +} + /* wrapper and footer */ #wrapper { diff --git a/public/css/markdown.css b/public/css/markdown.css index 9283fb847c..a810fa3ce7 100644 --- a/public/css/markdown.css +++ b/public/css/markdown.css @@ -15,7 +15,8 @@ line-height: 1.7; padding: 15px 0 0; margin: 0 0 15px; - color: #666; + color: #444; + font-weight: bold; } .markdown h1, @@ -86,6 +87,10 @@ margin-top: 6px; } +.markdown li:first-child { + margin-top: 0; +} + .markdown dl dt { font-style: italic; margin-top: 9px; @@ -106,8 +111,8 @@ line-height: 1.6; overflow: auto; background: #f8f8f8; - padding: 6px 10px; border: 1px solid #ddd; + padding: 0; } .markdown > pre.linenums { @@ -115,6 +120,17 @@ } .markdown > pre > ol.linenums { + list-style: none; + padding: 0; +} + +.markdown > pre > ol.linenums > li { + margin-top: 2px; +} + +.markdown > pre.nums-style > ol.linenums { + list-style-type: decimal; + padding: 0 0 0 40px; -webkit-box-shadow: inset 40px 0 0 #f5f5f5, inset 41px 0 0 #ccc; box-shadow: inset 40px 0 0 #f5f5f5, inset 41px 0 0 #ccc; } @@ -130,14 +146,14 @@ } .markdown > pre > ol.linenums > li:first-child { - padding-top: 6px; + padding-top: 12px; } .markdown > pre > ol.linenums > li:last-child { - padding-bottom: 6px; + padding-bottom: 12px; } -.markdown > pre > ol.linenums > li { +.markdown > pre.nums-style > ol.linenums > li { border-left: 1px solid #ddd; } @@ -163,6 +179,54 @@ color: #fff; } +.markdown .anchor-wrap { + /*margin-top: -50px;*/ + /*padding-top: 50px;*/ +} + +.markdown h1 a, .markdown h2 a, .markdown h3 a { + text-decoration: none; +} + +.markdown h1 a.anchor, +.markdown h2 a.anchor, +.markdown h3 a.anchor, +.markdown h4 a.anchor, +.markdown h5 a.anchor, +.markdown h6 a.anchor { + text-decoration:none; + line-height:1; + padding-left:0; + margin-left:5px; + top:15%; +} +.markdown a span.octicon { + font-size: 16px; + font-family: "FontAwesome"; + line-height: 1; + display: inline-block; + text-decoration: none; + -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; +} + +.markdown a span.octicon-link { + display: none; + color: #000; +} + +.markdown a span.octicon-link:before { + content: "\f0c1"; +} + +.markdown h1:hover .octicon-link, +.markdown h2:hover .octicon-link, +.markdown h3:hover .octicon-link, +.markdown h4:hover .octicon-link, +.markdown h5:hover .octicon-link, +.markdown h6:hover .octicon-link { + display:inline-block +} + /* Author: jmblog */ /* Project: https://github.com/jmblog/color-themes-for-google-code-prettify */ /* GitHub Theme */ @@ -187,6 +251,7 @@ /* a comment */ .com { color: #999988; + font-style: italic; } /* a type name */ diff --git a/public/js/app.js b/public/js/app.js index 30296bc337..f179342f4b 100644 --- a/public/js/app.js +++ b/public/js/app.js @@ -41,15 +41,15 @@ var Gogits = { }); }; Gogits.initPopovers = function () { - var hideAllPopovers = function() { - $('[data-toggle=popover]').each(function() { + var hideAllPopovers = function () { + $('[data-toggle=popover]').each(function () { $(this).popover('hide'); - }); + }); }; - $(document).on('click', function(e) { + $(document).on('click', function (e) { var $e = $(e.target); - if($e.data('toggle') == 'popover'||$e.parents("[data-toggle=popover], .popover").length > 0){ + if ($e.data('toggle') == 'popover' || $e.parents("[data-toggle=popover], .popover").length > 0) { return; } hideAllPopovers(); @@ -63,12 +63,56 @@ var Gogits = { var $tabs = $('[data-init=tabs]'); $tabs.find("li:eq(0) a").tab("show"); }; + // fix dropdown inside click + Gogits.initDropDown = function(){ + $('.dropdown-menu').on('click','a,button,input,select',function(e){ + e.stopPropagation(); + }); + }; // render markdown Gogits.renderMarkdown = function () { - var $pre = $('.markdown').find('pre > code').parent(); - $pre.addClass("prettyprint"); + var $md = $('.markdown'); + var $pre = $md.find('pre > code').parent(); + $pre.addClass('prettyprint linenums'); prettyPrint(); + + var $lineNums = $pre.parent().siblings('.lines-num'); + if ($lineNums.length > 0) { + var nums = $pre.find('ol.linenums > li').length; + for (var i = 1; i <= nums; i++) { + $lineNums.append('' + i + ''); + } + + var last; + $(document).on('click', '.lines-num span', function () { + var $e = $(this); + if (last) { + last.removeClass('active'); + } + last = $e.parent().siblings('.lines-code').find('ol.linenums > ' + $e.attr('rel')); + last.addClass('active'); + window.location.href = '#' + $e.attr('id'); + }); + } + + // Set anchor. + var headers = {}; + $md.find('h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6').each(function () { + var node = $(this); + var val = encodeURIComponent(node.text().toLowerCase().replace(/[^\w\- ]/g, '').replace(/[ ]/g, '-')); + var name = val; + if (headers[val] > 0) { + name = val + '-' + headers[val]; + } + if (headers[val] == undefined) { + headers[val] = 1; + } else { + headers[val] += 1; + } + node = node.wrap('
'); + node.append(''); + }); } })(jQuery); @@ -98,6 +142,7 @@ function initCore() { Gogits.initPopovers(); Gogits.initTabs(); Gogits.initModals(); + Gogits.initDropDown(); Gogits.renderMarkdown(); } @@ -142,6 +187,60 @@ function initUserSetting() { }); } +function initRepository() { + // clone group button script + (function () { + var $clone = $('.clone-group-btn'); + if ($clone.length) { + var $url = $('.clone-group-url'); + $clone.find('button[data-link]').on("click",function (e) { + var $this = $(this); + if (!$this.hasClass('btn-primary')) { + $clone.find('.btn-primary').removeClass('btn-primary').addClass("btn-default"); + $(this).addClass('btn-primary').removeClass('btn-default'); + $url.val($this.data("link")); + $clone.find('span.clone-url').text($this.data('link')); + } + }).eq(0).trigger("click"); + // todo copy to clipboard + } + })(); + + // watching script + (function () { + var $watch = $('#gogs-repo-watching'), + watchLink = $watch.data("watch"), + unwatchLink = $watch.data("unwatch"); + $watch.on('click', '.to-watch',function () { + if ($watch.hasClass("watching")) { + return false; + } + $.get(watchLink, function (json) { + if (json.ok) { + $watch.find('.text-primary').removeClass('text-primary'); + $watch.find('.to-watch h4').addClass('text-primary'); + $watch.find('.fa-eye-slash').removeClass('fa-eye-slash').addClass('fa-eye'); + $watch.removeClass("no-watching").addClass("watching"); + } + }); + return false; + }).on('click', '.to-unwatch', function () { + if ($watch.hasClass("no-watching")) { + return false; + } + $.get(unwatchLink, function (json) { + if (json.ok) { + $watch.find('.text-primary').removeClass('text-primary'); + $watch.find('.to-unwatch h4').addClass('text-primary'); + $watch.find('.fa-eye').removeClass('fa-eye').addClass('fa-eye-slash'); + $watch.removeClass("watching").addClass("no-watching"); + } + }); + return false; + }); + })(); +} + (function ($) { $(function () { initCore(); @@ -152,5 +251,8 @@ function initUserSetting() { if (body.data("page") == "user") { initUserSetting(); } + if ($('.gogs-repo-nav').length) { + initRepository(); + } }); })(jQuery); diff --git a/public/js/lib.js b/public/js/lib.js index 2a98f27775..b5cc41c042 100644 --- a/public/js/lib.js +++ b/public/js/lib.js @@ -340,7 +340,7 @@ q,"'\"`"]):d.push(["str",/^(?:'(?:[^\n\r'\\]|\\.)*(?:'|$)|"(?:[^\n\r"\\]|\\.)*(? s+")*(?:\\x5D|$))+/")+")")])}(b=a.types)&&g.push(["typ",b]);b=(""+a.keywords).replace(/^ | $/g,"");b.length&&g.push(["kwd",RegExp("^(?:"+b.replace(/[\s,]+/g,"|")+")\\b"),q]);d.push(["pln",/^\s+/,q," \r\n\t\u00a0"]);b="^.[^\\s\\w.$@'\"`/\\\\]*";a.regexLiterals&&(b+="(?!s*/)");g.push(["lit",/^@[$_a-z][\w$@]*/i,q],["typ",/^(?:[@_]?[A-Z]+[a-z][\w$@]*|\w+_t\b)/,q],["pln",/^[$_a-z][\w$@]*/i,q],["lit",/^(?:0x[\da-f]+|(?:\d(?:_\d+)*\d*(?:\.\d*)?|\.\d\+)(?:e[+-]?\d+)?)[a-z]*/i,q,"0123456789"],["pln",/^\\[\S\s]?/, q],["pun",RegExp(b),q]);return C(d,g)}function J(a,d,g){function b(a){var c=a.nodeType;if(c==1&&!x.test(a.className))if("br"===a.nodeName)s(a),a.parentNode&&a.parentNode.removeChild(a);else for(a=a.firstChild;a;a=a.nextSibling)b(a);else if((c==3||c==4)&&g){var d=a.nodeValue,i=d.match(m);if(i)c=d.substring(0,i.index),a.nodeValue=c,(d=d.substring(i.index+i[0].length))&&a.parentNode.insertBefore(j.createTextNode(d),a.nextSibling),s(a),c||a.parentNode.removeChild(a)}}function s(a){function b(a,c){var d= c?a.cloneNode(!1):a,e=a.parentNode;if(e){var e=b(e,1),g=a.nextSibling;e.appendChild(d);for(var i=g;i;i=g)g=i.nextSibling,e.appendChild(i)}return d}for(;!a.nextSibling;)if(a=a.parentNode,!a)return;for(var a=b(a.nextSibling,0),d;(d=a.parentNode)&&d.nodeType===1;)a=d;c.push(a)}for(var x=/(?:^|\s)nocode(?:\s|$)/,m=/\r\n?|\n/,j=a.ownerDocument,k=j.createElement("li");a.firstChild;)k.appendChild(a.firstChild);for(var c=[k],i=0;i=0;){var b=d[g];F.hasOwnProperty(b)?D.console&&console.warn("cannot override language handler %s",b):F[b]=a}}function I(a,d){if(!a||!F.hasOwnProperty(a))a=/^\s*=0;){var b=d[g];F.hasOwnProperty(b)?D.console&&console.warn("cannot override language handler %s",b):F[b]=a}}function I(a,d){if(!a||!F.hasOwnProperty(a))a=/^\s*=l&&(b+=2);g>=B&&(r+=2)}}finally{if(f)f.style.display=h}}catch(u){D.console&&console.log(u&&u.stack||u)}}var D=window,y=["break,continue,do,else,for,if,return,while"],E=[[y,"auto,case,char,const,default,double,enum,extern,float,goto,inline,int,long,register,short,signed,sizeof,static,struct,switch,typedef,union,unsigned,void,volatile"], "catch,class,delete,false,import,new,operator,private,protected,public,this,throw,true,try,typeof"],M=[E,"alignof,align_union,asm,axiom,bool,concept,concept_map,const_cast,constexpr,decltype,delegate,dynamic_cast,explicit,export,friend,generic,late_check,mutable,namespace,nullptr,property,reinterpret_cast,static_assert,static_cast,template,typeid,typename,using,virtual,where"],N=[E,"abstract,assert,boolean,byte,extends,final,finally,implements,import,instanceof,interface,null,native,package,strictfp,super,synchronized,throws,transient"], @@ -400,7 +400,7 @@ PR.registerLangHandler(PR.createSimpleLexer([["pln",/^[\t-\r ]+/,null,"\t\n\u000 ["kwd",/^-[_a-z]+/],["typ",/^[A-Z_]\w*/],["pun",/^[,.;]/]]),["erlang","erl"]); // lang-go.js -PR.registerLangHandler(PR.createSimpleLexer([["pln",/^[\t\n\r \xa0]+/,null,"\t\n\r \u00a0"],["pln",/^(?:"(?:[^"\\]|\\[\S\s])*(?:"|$)|'(?:[^'\\]|\\[\S\s])+(?:'|$)|`[^`]*(?:`|$))/,null,"\"'"]],[["com",/^(?:\/\/[^\n\r]*|\/\*[\S\s]*?\*\/)/],["pln",/^(?:[^"'/`]|\/(?![*/]))+/]]),["go"]); +// PR.registerLangHandler(PR.createSimpleLexer([["pln",/^[\t\n\r \xa0]+/,null,"\t\n\r \u00a0"],["pln",/^(?:"(?:[^"\\]|\\[\S\s])*(?:"|$)|'(?:[^'\\]|\\[\S\s])+(?:'|$)|`[^`]*(?:`|$))/,null,"\"'"]],[["com",/^(?:\/\/[^\n\r]*|\/\*[\S\s]*?\*\/)/],["pln",/^(?:[^"'/`]|\/(?![*/]))+/]]),["go"]); // lang-hs.js PR.registerLangHandler(PR.createSimpleLexer([["pln",/^[\t-\r ]+/,null,"\t\n\u000b\u000c\r "],["str",/^"(?:[^\n\f\r"\\]|\\[\S\s])*(?:"|$)/,null,'"'],["str",/^'(?:[^\n\f\r'\\]|\\[^&])'?/,null,"'"],["lit",/^(?:0o[0-7]+|0x[\da-f]+|\d+(?:\.\d+)?(?:e[+-]?\d+)?)/i,null,"0123456789"]],[["com",/^(?:--+[^\n\f\r]*|{-(?:[^-]|-+[^}-])*-})/],["kwd",/^(?:case|class|data|default|deriving|do|else|if|import|in|infix|infixl|infixr|instance|let|module|newtype|of|then|type|where|_)(?=[^\d'A-Za-z]|$)/, diff --git a/routers/admin/admin.go b/routers/admin/admin.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..2e19b99c10 --- /dev/null +++ b/routers/admin/admin.go @@ -0,0 +1,77 @@ +// Copyright 2014 The Gogs Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +package admin + +import ( + "strings" + + "github.com/codegangsta/martini" + + "github.com/gogits/gogs/models" + "github.com/gogits/gogs/modules/base" + "github.com/gogits/gogs/modules/middleware" +) + +func Dashboard(ctx *middleware.Context) { + ctx.Data["Title"] = "Admin Dashboard" + ctx.Data["PageIsDashboard"] = true + ctx.Data["Stats"] = models.GetStatistic() + ctx.HTML(200, "admin/dashboard") +} + +func Users(ctx *middleware.Context) { + ctx.Data["Title"] = "User Management" + ctx.Data["PageIsUsers"] = true + + var err error + ctx.Data["Users"], err = models.GetUsers(100, 0) + if err != nil { + ctx.Handle(200, "admin.Users", err) + return + } + ctx.HTML(200, "admin/users") +} + +func Repositories(ctx *middleware.Context) { + ctx.Data["Title"] = "Repository Management" + ctx.Data["PageIsRepos"] = true + + var err error + ctx.Data["Repos"], err = models.GetRepos(100, 0) + if err != nil { + ctx.Handle(200, "admin.Repositories", err) + return + } + ctx.HTML(200, "admin/repos") +} + +func Config(ctx *middleware.Context) { + ctx.Data["Title"] = "Server Configuration" + ctx.Data["PageIsConfig"] = true + + ctx.Data["AppUrl"] = base.AppUrl + ctx.Data["Domain"] = base.Domain + ctx.Data["RunUser"] = base.RunUser + ctx.Data["RunMode"] = strings.Title(martini.Env) + ctx.Data["RepoRootPath"] = base.RepoRootPath + + ctx.Data["Service"] = base.Service + + ctx.Data["DbCfg"] = models.DbCfg + + ctx.Data["MailerEnabled"] = false + if base.MailService != nil { + ctx.Data["MailerEnabled"] = true + ctx.Data["Mailer"] = base.MailService + } + + ctx.Data["CacheAdapter"] = base.CacheAdapter + ctx.Data["CacheConfig"] = base.CacheConfig + + ctx.Data["LogMode"] = base.LogMode + ctx.Data["LogConfig"] = base.LogConfig + + ctx.HTML(200, "admin/config") +} diff --git a/routers/admin/user.go b/routers/admin/user.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d6f8523218 --- /dev/null +++ b/routers/admin/user.go @@ -0,0 +1,109 @@ +// Copyright 2014 The Gogs Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +package admin + +import ( + "strings" + + "github.com/codegangsta/martini" + + "github.com/gogits/gogs/models" + "github.com/gogits/gogs/modules/auth" + "github.com/gogits/gogs/modules/base" + "github.com/gogits/gogs/modules/log" + "github.com/gogits/gogs/modules/middleware" +) + +func NewUser(ctx *middleware.Context, form auth.RegisterForm) { + ctx.Data["Title"] = "New Account" + ctx.Data["PageIsUsers"] = true + + if ctx.Req.Method == "GET" { + ctx.HTML(200, "admin/users/new") + return + } + + if form.Password != form.RetypePasswd { + ctx.Data["HasError"] = true + ctx.Data["Err_Password"] = true + ctx.Data["Err_RetypePasswd"] = true + ctx.Data["ErrorMsg"] = "Password and re-type password are not same" + auth.AssignForm(form, ctx.Data) + } + + if ctx.HasError() { + ctx.HTML(200, "admin/users/new") + return + } + + u := &models.User{ + Name: form.UserName, + Email: form.Email, + Passwd: form.Password, + IsActive: true, + } + + var err error + if u, err = models.RegisterUser(u); err != nil { + switch err { + case models.ErrUserAlreadyExist: + ctx.RenderWithErr("Username has been already taken", "admin/users/new", &form) + case models.ErrEmailAlreadyUsed: + ctx.RenderWithErr("E-mail address has been already used", "admin/users/new", &form) + case models.ErrUserNameIllegal: + ctx.RenderWithErr(models.ErrRepoNameIllegal.Error(), "admin/users/new", &form) + default: + ctx.Handle(200, "admin.user.NewUser", err) + } + return + } + + log.Trace("%s User created by admin(%s): %s", ctx.Req.RequestURI, + ctx.User.LowerName, strings.ToLower(form.UserName)) + + ctx.Redirect("/admin/users") +} + +func EditUser(ctx *middleware.Context, params martini.Params, form auth.AdminEditUserForm) { + ctx.Data["Title"] = "Edit Account" + ctx.Data["PageIsUsers"] = true + + uid, err := base.StrTo(params["userid"]).Int() + if err != nil { + ctx.Handle(200, "admin.user.EditUser", err) + return + } + + u, err := models.GetUserById(int64(uid)) + if err != nil { + ctx.Handle(200, "admin.user.EditUser", err) + return + } + + if ctx.Req.Method == "GET" { + ctx.Data["User"] = u + ctx.HTML(200, "admin/users/edit") + return + } + + u.Email = form.Email + u.Website = form.Website + u.Location = form.Location + u.Avatar = base.EncodeMd5(form.Avatar) + u.AvatarEmail = form.Avatar + u.IsActive = form.Active == "on" + u.IsAdmin = form.Admin == "on" + if err := models.UpdateUser(u); err != nil { + ctx.Handle(200, "admin.user.EditUser", err) + return + } + + ctx.Data["IsSuccess"] = true + ctx.Data["User"] = u + ctx.HTML(200, "admin/users/edit") + + log.Trace("%s User profile updated by admin(%s): %s", ctx.Req.RequestURI, + ctx.User.LowerName, ctx.User.LowerName) +} diff --git a/routers/dashboard.go b/routers/dashboard.go index 6c194ad9e5..f61d67b7de 100644 --- a/routers/dashboard.go +++ b/routers/dashboard.go @@ -15,10 +15,10 @@ func Home(ctx *middleware.Context) { return } ctx.Data["PageIsHome"] = true - ctx.HTML(200, "home", ctx.Data) + ctx.HTML(200, "home") } func Help(ctx *middleware.Context) { ctx.Data["PageIsHelp"] = true - ctx.HTML(200, "help", ctx.Data) + ctx.HTML(200, "help") } diff --git a/routers/dev/template.go b/routers/dev/template.go index 7d5225ece7..d2f77ac4d5 100644 --- a/routers/dev/template.go +++ b/routers/dev/template.go @@ -21,5 +21,5 @@ func TemplatePreview(ctx *middleware.Context, params martini.Params) { ctx.Data["Code"] = "2014031910370000009fff6782aadb2162b4a997acb69d4400888e0b9274657374" ctx.Data["ActiveCodeLives"] = base.Service.ActiveCodeLives / 60 ctx.Data["ResetPwdCodeLives"] = base.Service.ResetPwdCodeLives / 60 - ctx.HTML(200, params["_1"], ctx.Data) + ctx.HTML(200, params["_1"]) } diff --git a/routers/repo/repo.go b/routers/repo/repo.go index b38473b18a..c83a6df522 100644 --- a/routers/repo/repo.go +++ b/routers/repo/repo.go @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ func Create(ctx *middleware.Context, form auth.CreateRepoForm) { ctx.Data["Licenses"] = models.Licenses if ctx.Req.Method == "GET" { - ctx.HTML(200, "repo/create", ctx.Data) + ctx.HTML(200, "repo/create") return } @@ -31,6 +31,9 @@ func Create(ctx *middleware.Context, form auth.CreateRepoForm) { } else if err == models.ErrRepoAlreadyExist { ctx.RenderWithErr("Repository name has already been used", "repo/create", &form) return + } else if err == models.ErrRepoNameIllegal { + ctx.RenderWithErr(models.ErrRepoNameIllegal.Error(), "repo/create", &form) + return } ctx.Handle(200, "repo.Create", err) } @@ -45,7 +48,7 @@ func SettingPost(ctx *middleware.Context) { case "delete": if len(ctx.Repo.Repository.Name) == 0 || ctx.Repo.Repository.Name != ctx.Query("repository") { ctx.Data["ErrorMsg"] = "Please make sure you entered repository name is correct." - ctx.HTML(200, "repo/setting", ctx.Data) + ctx.HTML(200, "repo/setting") return } diff --git a/routers/repo/single.go b/routers/repo/single.go index 064150a234..37c0fabd79 100644 --- a/routers/repo/single.go +++ b/routers/repo/single.go @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ func Branches(ctx *middleware.Context, params martini.Params) { ctx.Data["Branches"] = brs ctx.Data["IsRepoToolbarBranches"] = true - ctx.HTML(200, "repo/branches", ctx.Data) + ctx.HTML(200, "repo/branches") } func Single(ctx *middleware.Context, params martini.Params) { @@ -61,6 +61,8 @@ func Single(ctx *middleware.Context, params martini.Params) { return } + ctx.Data["IsRepoToolbarSource"] = true + // Branches. brs, err := models.GetBranches(params["username"], params["reponame"]) if err != nil { @@ -69,7 +71,7 @@ func Single(ctx *middleware.Context, params martini.Params) { return } else if len(brs) == 0 { ctx.Data["IsBareRepo"] = true - ctx.HTML(200, "repo/single", ctx.Data) + ctx.HTML(200, "repo/single") return } @@ -86,6 +88,11 @@ func Single(ctx *middleware.Context, params martini.Params) { branchLink := "/" + ctx.Repo.Owner.LowerName + "/" + ctx.Repo.Repository.Name + "/src/" + params["branchname"] + if len(treename) != 0 && repoFile == nil { + ctx.Error(404) + return + } + if repoFile != nil && repoFile.IsFile() { if repoFile.Size > 1024*1024 || repoFile.Filemode != git.FileModeBlob { ctx.Data["FileIsLarge"] = true @@ -95,6 +102,11 @@ func Single(ctx *middleware.Context, params martini.Params) { } else { ctx.Data["IsFile"] = true ctx.Data["FileName"] = repoFile.Name + ext := path.Ext(repoFile.Name) + if len(ext) > 0 { + ext = ext[1:] + } + ctx.Data["FileExt"] = ext readmeExist := base.IsMarkdownFile(repoFile.Name) || base.IsReadmeFile(repoFile.Name) ctx.Data["ReadmeExist"] = readmeExist @@ -139,10 +151,9 @@ func Single(ctx *middleware.Context, params martini.Params) { return } else { // current repo branch link - urlPrefix := "http://" + base.Domain + branchLink ctx.Data["FileName"] = readmeFile.Name - ctx.Data["FileContent"] = string(base.RenderMarkdown(blob.Contents(), urlPrefix)) + ctx.Data["FileContent"] = string(base.RenderMarkdown(blob.Contents(), branchLink)) } } } @@ -178,9 +189,8 @@ func Single(ctx *middleware.Context, params martini.Params) { ctx.Data["Paths"] = Paths ctx.Data["Treenames"] = treenames - ctx.Data["IsRepoToolbarSource"] = true ctx.Data["BranchLink"] = branchLink - ctx.HTML(200, "repo/single", ctx.Data) + ctx.HTML(200, "repo/single") } func Http(ctx *middleware.Context, params martini.Params) { @@ -212,6 +222,8 @@ func Setting(ctx *middleware.Context, params martini.Params) { return } + ctx.Data["IsRepoToolbarSetting"] = true + // Branches. brs, err := models.GetBranches(params["username"], params["reponame"]) if err != nil { @@ -220,7 +232,7 @@ func Setting(ctx *middleware.Context, params martini.Params) { return } else if len(brs) == 0 { ctx.Data["IsBareRepo"] = true - ctx.HTML(200, "repo/setting", ctx.Data) + ctx.HTML(200, "repo/setting") return } @@ -229,9 +241,13 @@ func Setting(ctx *middleware.Context, params martini.Params) { title = t } + if len(params["branchname"]) == 0 { + params["branchname"] = "master" + } + + ctx.Data["Branchname"] = params["branchname"] ctx.Data["Title"] = title + " - settings" - ctx.Data["IsRepoToolbarSetting"] = true - ctx.HTML(200, "repo/setting", ctx.Data) + ctx.HTML(200, "repo/setting") } func Commits(ctx *middleware.Context, params martini.Params) { @@ -255,17 +271,17 @@ func Commits(ctx *middleware.Context, params martini.Params) { ctx.Data["Reponame"] = params["reponame"] ctx.Data["CommitCount"] = commits.Len() ctx.Data["Commits"] = commits - ctx.HTML(200, "repo/commits", ctx.Data) + ctx.HTML(200, "repo/commits") } func Issues(ctx *middleware.Context) { ctx.Data["IsRepoToolbarIssues"] = true - ctx.HTML(200, "repo/issues", ctx.Data) + ctx.HTML(200, "repo/issues") } func Pulls(ctx *middleware.Context) { ctx.Data["IsRepoToolbarPulls"] = true - ctx.HTML(200, "repo/pulls", ctx.Data) + ctx.HTML(200, "repo/pulls") } func Action(ctx *middleware.Context, params martini.Params) { diff --git a/routers/user/setting.go b/routers/user/setting.go index 053f327f0f..75adf2b81d 100644 --- a/routers/user/setting.go +++ b/routers/user/setting.go @@ -24,13 +24,13 @@ func Setting(ctx *middleware.Context, form auth.UpdateProfileForm) { ctx.Data["Owner"] = user if ctx.Req.Method == "GET" { - ctx.HTML(200, "user/setting", ctx.Data) + ctx.HTML(200, "user/setting") return } // below is for POST requests if hasErr, ok := ctx.Data["HasError"]; ok && hasErr.(bool) { - ctx.HTML(200, "user/setting", ctx.Data) + ctx.HTML(200, "user/setting") return } @@ -45,7 +45,8 @@ func Setting(ctx *middleware.Context, form auth.UpdateProfileForm) { } ctx.Data["IsSuccess"] = true - ctx.HTML(200, "user/setting", ctx.Data) + ctx.HTML(200, "user/setting") + log.Trace("%s User setting updated: %s", ctx.Req.RequestURI, ctx.User.LowerName) } @@ -55,7 +56,7 @@ func SettingPassword(ctx *middleware.Context, form auth.UpdatePasswdForm) { ctx.Data["IsUserPageSettingPasswd"] = true if ctx.Req.Method == "GET" { - ctx.HTML(200, "user/password", ctx.Data) + ctx.HTML(200, "user/password") return } @@ -82,7 +83,7 @@ func SettingPassword(ctx *middleware.Context, form auth.UpdatePasswdForm) { } ctx.Data["Owner"] = user - ctx.HTML(200, "user/password", ctx.Data) + ctx.HTML(200, "user/password") log.Trace("%s User password updated: %s", ctx.Req.RequestURI, ctx.User.LowerName) } @@ -123,7 +124,7 @@ func SettingSSHKeys(ctx *middleware.Context, form auth.AddSSHKeyForm) { // Add new SSH key. if ctx.Req.Method == "POST" { if hasErr, ok := ctx.Data["HasError"]; ok && hasErr.(bool) { - ctx.HTML(200, "user/publickey", ctx.Data) + ctx.HTML(200, "user/publickey") return } @@ -155,7 +156,7 @@ func SettingSSHKeys(ctx *middleware.Context, form auth.AddSSHKeyForm) { ctx.Data["PageIsUserSetting"] = true ctx.Data["IsUserPageSettingSSH"] = true ctx.Data["Keys"] = keys - ctx.HTML(200, "user/publickey", ctx.Data) + ctx.HTML(200, "user/publickey") } func SettingNotification(ctx *middleware.Context) { @@ -163,7 +164,7 @@ func SettingNotification(ctx *middleware.Context) { ctx.Data["Title"] = "Notification" ctx.Data["PageIsUserSetting"] = true ctx.Data["IsUserPageSettingNotify"] = true - ctx.HTML(200, "user/notification", ctx.Data) + ctx.HTML(200, "user/notification") } func SettingSecurity(ctx *middleware.Context) { @@ -171,5 +172,5 @@ func SettingSecurity(ctx *middleware.Context) { ctx.Data["Title"] = "Security" ctx.Data["PageIsUserSetting"] = true ctx.Data["IsUserPageSettingSecurity"] = true - ctx.HTML(200, "user/security", ctx.Data) + ctx.HTML(200, "user/security") } diff --git a/routers/user/user.go b/routers/user/user.go index f495cb13ab..d38eb1ceb3 100644 --- a/routers/user/user.go +++ b/routers/user/user.go @@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ func Dashboard(ctx *middleware.Context) { return } ctx.Data["Feeds"] = feeds - ctx.HTML(200, "user/dashboard", ctx.Data) + ctx.HTML(200, "user/dashboard") } func Profile(ctx *middleware.Context, params martini.Params) { @@ -70,19 +70,19 @@ func Profile(ctx *middleware.Context, params martini.Params) { } ctx.Data["PageIsUserProfile"] = true - ctx.HTML(200, "user/profile", ctx.Data) + ctx.HTML(200, "user/profile") } func SignIn(ctx *middleware.Context, form auth.LogInForm) { ctx.Data["Title"] = "Log In" if ctx.Req.Method == "GET" { - ctx.HTML(200, "user/signin", ctx.Data) + ctx.HTML(200, "user/signin") return } if hasErr, ok := ctx.Data["HasError"]; ok && hasErr.(bool) { - ctx.HTML(200, "user/signin", ctx.Data) + ctx.HTML(200, "user/signin") return } @@ -112,8 +112,14 @@ func SignUp(ctx *middleware.Context, form auth.RegisterForm) { ctx.Data["Title"] = "Sign Up" ctx.Data["PageIsSignUp"] = true + if base.Service.DisenableRegisteration { + ctx.Data["DisenableRegisteration"] = true + ctx.HTML(200, "user/signup") + return + } + if ctx.Req.Method == "GET" { - ctx.HTML(200, "user/signup", ctx.Data) + ctx.HTML(200, "user/signup") return } @@ -126,7 +132,7 @@ func SignUp(ctx *middleware.Context, form auth.RegisterForm) { } if ctx.HasError() { - ctx.HTML(200, "user/signup", ctx.Data) + ctx.HTML(200, "user/signup") return } @@ -139,11 +145,13 @@ func SignUp(ctx *middleware.Context, form auth.RegisterForm) { var err error if u, err = models.RegisterUser(u); err != nil { - switch err.Error() { - case models.ErrUserAlreadyExist.Error(): + switch err { + case models.ErrUserAlreadyExist: ctx.RenderWithErr("Username has been already taken", "user/signup", &form) - case models.ErrEmailAlreadyUsed.Error(): + case models.ErrEmailAlreadyUsed: ctx.RenderWithErr("E-mail address has been already used", "user/signup", &form) + case models.ErrUserNameIllegal: + ctx.RenderWithErr(models.ErrRepoNameIllegal.Error(), "user/signup", &form) default: ctx.Handle(200, "user.SignUp", err) } @@ -153,12 +161,16 @@ func SignUp(ctx *middleware.Context, form auth.RegisterForm) { log.Trace("%s User created: %s", ctx.Req.RequestURI, strings.ToLower(form.UserName)) // Send confirmation e-mail. - if base.Service.RegisterEmailConfirm { + if base.Service.RegisterEmailConfirm && u.Id > 1 { mailer.SendRegisterMail(ctx.Render, u) ctx.Data["IsSendRegisterMail"] = true ctx.Data["Email"] = u.Email ctx.Data["Hours"] = base.Service.ActiveCodeLives / 60 - ctx.Render.HTML(200, "user/active", ctx.Data) + ctx.HTML(200, "user/active") + + if err = ctx.Cache.Put("MailResendLimit_"+u.LowerName, u.LowerName, 180); err != nil { + log.Error("Set cache(MailResendLimit) fail: %v", err) + } return } ctx.Redirect("/user/login") @@ -170,7 +182,7 @@ func Delete(ctx *middleware.Context) { ctx.Data["IsUserPageSettingDelete"] = true if ctx.Req.Method == "GET" { - ctx.HTML(200, "user/delete", ctx.Data) + ctx.HTML(200, "user/delete") return } @@ -195,7 +207,7 @@ func Delete(ctx *middleware.Context) { } } - ctx.HTML(200, "user/delete", ctx.Data) + ctx.HTML(200, "user/delete") } const ( @@ -218,15 +230,15 @@ func Feeds(ctx *middleware.Context, form auth.FeedsForm) { } func Issues(ctx *middleware.Context) { - ctx.HTML(200, "user/issues", ctx.Data) + ctx.HTML(200, "user/issues") } func Pulls(ctx *middleware.Context) { - ctx.HTML(200, "user/pulls", ctx.Data) + ctx.HTML(200, "user/pulls") } func Stars(ctx *middleware.Context) { - ctx.HTML(200, "user/stars", ctx.Data) + ctx.HTML(200, "user/stars") } func Activate(ctx *middleware.Context) { @@ -239,12 +251,16 @@ func Activate(ctx *middleware.Context) { } // Resend confirmation e-mail. if base.Service.RegisterEmailConfirm { - ctx.Data["Hours"] = base.Service.ActiveCodeLives / 60 - mailer.SendActiveMail(ctx.Render, ctx.User) + if ctx.Cache.IsExist("MailResendLimit_" + ctx.User.LowerName) { + ctx.Data["ResendLimited"] = true + } else { + ctx.Data["Hours"] = base.Service.ActiveCodeLives / 60 + mailer.SendActiveMail(ctx.Render, ctx.User) + } } else { ctx.Data["ServiceNotEnabled"] = true } - ctx.Render.HTML(200, "user/active", ctx.Data) + ctx.HTML(200, "user/active") return } @@ -263,5 +279,5 @@ func Activate(ctx *middleware.Context) { } ctx.Data["IsActivateFailed"] = true - ctx.Render.HTML(200, "user/active", ctx.Data) + ctx.HTML(200, "user/active") } diff --git a/serve.go b/serve.go index ddc670235e..3ce8f9046c 100644 --- a/serve.go +++ b/serve.go @@ -12,7 +12,9 @@ import ( "strings" "github.com/codegangsta/cli" + "github.com/gogits/gogs/models" + "github.com/gogits/gogs/modules/base" ) var ( @@ -43,6 +45,10 @@ func In(b string, sl map[string]int) bool { } func runServ(*cli.Context) { + base.NewConfigContext() + models.LoadModelsConfig() + models.NewEngine() + keys := strings.Split(os.Args[2], "-") if len(keys) != 2 { fmt.Println("auth file format error") @@ -144,7 +150,7 @@ func runServ(*cli.Context) { } gitcmd := exec.Command(verb, rRepo) - gitcmd.Dir = models.RepoRootPath + gitcmd.Dir = base.RepoRootPath gitcmd.Stdout = os.Stdout gitcmd.Stdin = os.Stdin gitcmd.Stderr = os.Stderr diff --git a/templates/admin/config.tmpl b/templates/admin/config.tmpl new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6906f2409d --- /dev/null +++ b/templates/admin/config.tmpl @@ -0,0 +1,93 @@ +{{template "base/head" .}} +{{template "base/navbar" .}} +
+ {{template "admin/nav" .}} +
+ Server Configuration +
+ +
Application Name: {{AppName}}
Application Version: {{AppVer}}
Application URL: {{.AppUrl}}
Domain: {{.Domain}}
Run User: {{.RunUser}}
Run Mode: {{.RunMode}}
Repository Root Path: {{.RepoRootPath}}
+ +
+ Database Configuration +
+ +
Type: {{.DbCfg.Type}}
Host: {{.DbCfg.Host}}
Name: {{.DbCfg.Name}}
User: {{.DbCfg.User}}
SslMode: {{.DbCfg.SslMode}} (for "postgres" only)
Path: {{.DbCfg.Path}} (for "sqlite3" only)
+ +
+ Service Configuration +
+ +
Register Email Confirmation:
Disenable Registeration:
Require Sign In View:
Active Code Lives: {{.Service.ActiveCodeLives}} minutes
Reset Password Code Lives: {{.Service.ResetPwdCodeLives}} minutes
+ +
+ Mailer Configuration +
+ +
Name: {{.Mailer.Name}}
Host: {{.Mailer.Host}}
User: {{.Mailer.User}}
+ +
+ Cache Configuration +
+ +
Cache Adapter: {{.CacheAdapter}}
Cache Config:
+ +
+ Log Configuration +
+ +
Log Mode: {{.LogMode}}
Log Config:
+ +
+{{template "base/footer" .}} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/templates/admin/dashboard.tmpl b/templates/admin/dashboard.tmpl new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6088487d62 --- /dev/null +++ b/templates/admin/dashboard.tmpl @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +{{template "base/head" .}} +{{template "base/navbar" .}} +
+ {{template "admin/nav" .}} +
+ Statistic +
+ +
+ Gogs database has {{.Stats.Counter.User}} users, {{.Stats.Counter.PublicKey}} SSH keys, {{.Stats.Counter.Repo}} repositories, {{.Stats.Counter.Watch}} watches, {{.Stats.Counter.Action}} actions, and {{.Stats.Counter.Access}} accesses. +
+ +
+ System Status +
+ +
+{{template "base/footer" .}} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/templates/admin/nav.tmpl b/templates/admin/nav.tmpl new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..72f008acc7 --- /dev/null +++ b/templates/admin/nav.tmpl @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +
+ +
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/templates/admin/repos.tmpl b/templates/admin/repos.tmpl new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a1f41d8365 --- /dev/null +++ b/templates/admin/repos.tmpl @@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ +{{template "base/head" .}} +{{template "base/navbar" .}} +
+ {{template "admin/nav" .}} +
+ Repository Management +
+ +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + {{range .Repos}} + + + + + + + + + + {{end}} + +
{{.Id}}{{.UserName}}{{.Name}}{{.NumWatches}}{{.NumForks}}{{DateFormat .Created "M d, Y"}}
+{{template "base/footer" .}} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/templates/admin/users.tmpl b/templates/admin/users.tmpl new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..dec5c18954 --- /dev/null +++ b/templates/admin/users.tmpl @@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ +{{template "base/head" .}} +{{template "base/navbar" .}} +
+ {{template "admin/nav" .}} +
+ User Management +
+ +
+ New Account + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + {{range .Users}} + + + + + + + + + + + {{end}} + +
{{.Id}}{{.Name}}{{.Email}}{{.NumRepos}}{{DateFormat .Created "M d, Y"}}
+{{template "base/footer" .}} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/templates/admin/users/edit.tmpl b/templates/admin/users/edit.tmpl new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..415bcedc92 --- /dev/null +++ b/templates/admin/users/edit.tmpl @@ -0,0 +1,83 @@ +{{template "base/head" .}} +{{template "base/navbar" .}} +
+ {{template "admin/nav" .}} +
+ Edit Account +
+ +
+ {{if .IsSuccess}}

Account profile has been successfully updated.

{{else if .HasError}}


{{end}} + +
+ + +
+ +
+ +
+ +
+ +
+ +
+ +
+ +
+ +
+ +
+ +
+ +
+ +
+ +
+ +
+ +
+ +
+ + +
+ +
+{{template "base/footer" .}} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/templates/admin/users/new.tmpl b/templates/admin/users/new.tmpl new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..01d976caa0 --- /dev/null +++ b/templates/admin/users/new.tmpl @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ +{{template "base/head" .}} +{{template "base/navbar" .}} +
+ {{template "admin/nav" .}} +
+ New Account +
+ +
+ +
+ +
+ +
+ +
+ +
+ +
+ +
+ +
+ +
+ +
+ +
+ +
+ +
+{{template "base/footer" .}} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/templates/base/footer.tmpl b/templates/base/footer.tmpl index fe0ea93027..6c2da63e5d 100644 --- a/templates/base/footer.tmpl +++ b/templates/base/footer.tmpl @@ -2,12 +2,19 @@ diff --git a/templates/base/navbar.tmpl b/templates/base/navbar.tmpl index e0d796a87b..2c18b038a3 100644 --- a/templates/base/navbar.tmpl +++ b/templates/base/navbar.tmpl @@ -10,7 +10,9 @@ - {{else}}Sign in{{end}} + {{if .IsAdmin}}{{end}} + {{else}}Sign In + Sign Up{{end}} diff --git a/templates/repo/nav.tmpl b/templates/repo/nav.tmpl index 92e529dbc7..d4a692fd03 100644 --- a/templates/repo/nav.tmpl +++ b/templates/repo/nav.tmpl @@ -5,40 +5,62 @@

{{.Owner.Name}} / {{.Repository.Name}}

{{.Repository.Description}}{{if .Repository.Website}}{{.Repository.Website}}{{end}}

- {{if not .IsBareRepo}} -
+ {{if not .IsBareRepo}} + +
+ -
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/templates/repo/setting.tmpl b/templates/repo/setting.tmpl index 06f0ed4d50..a2fb1771d4 100644 --- a/templates/repo/setting.tmpl +++ b/templates/repo/setting.tmpl @@ -10,20 +10,24 @@
  • Notifications
  • -->
    {{if .ErrorMsg}}


    Repository Options
    Danger Zone
    + + + + + + +

    We recommend every repository include a README, LICENSE, and .gitignore.


    Create a new repository on the command line

    touch README.md
    +git init
    +git add README.md
    +git commit -m "first commit"
    +git remote add origin 
    +git push -u origin master

    Push an existing repository from the command line

    git remote add origin 
    +git push -u origin master
    \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/templates/repo/single_file.tmpl b/templates/repo/single_file.tmpl index b4626053fd..7bca626aaa 100644 --- a/templates/repo/single_file.tmpl +++ b/templates/repo/single_file.tmpl @@ -1,6 +1,10 @@
    - {{.FileName}} + {{if .ReadmeExist}} + + {{else}} + + {{end}}{{.FileName}}
    {{if .FileIsLarge}} {{else}} -
    + + + + + + + +
    {{end}} {{end}} diff --git a/templates/repo/toolbar.tmpl b/templates/repo/toolbar.tmpl index 5cd9f526b4..b51768a3c3 100644 --- a/templates/repo/toolbar.tmpl +++ b/templates/repo/toolbar.tmpl @@ -15,9 +15,8 @@
  • Release
  • Wiki
  • - + {{end}} - {{end}}
    diff --git a/templates/user/setting.tmpl b/templates/user/setting.tmpl index c38054f39b..222ddd895b 100644 --- a/templates/user/setting.tmpl +++ b/templates/user/setting.tmpl @@ -5,8 +5,8 @@

    Account Profile

    {{if .IsSuccess}} -

    Your profile has been successfully updated.

    {{else if .HasError}}


    {{end}} + + {{if .IsSuccess}}

    Your profile has been successfully updated.

    {{else if .HasError}}



    Your Email will be public and used for Account related notifications and any web based operations made via the web.

    @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
    diff --git a/templates/user/signin.tmpl b/templates/user/signin.tmpl index e60cedec88..a49bf11405 100644 --- a/templates/user/signin.tmpl +++ b/templates/user/signin.tmpl @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
    diff --git a/templates/user/signup.tmpl b/templates/user/signup.tmpl index 187364de8f..069d34a5b2 100644 --- a/templates/user/signup.tmpl +++ b/templates/user/signup.tmpl @@ -2,6 +2,9 @@ {{template "base/navbar" .}}
    + {{if .DisenableRegisteration}} + Sorry, registeration has been disenabled, you can only get account from administrator. + {{else}}

    Sign Up

    + {{end}}
    {{template "base/footer" .}} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/web.go b/web.go index f083b5508c..bb316a6724 100644 --- a/web.go +++ b/web.go @@ -16,11 +16,14 @@ import ( "github.com/gogits/binding" + "github.com/gogits/gogs/models" "github.com/gogits/gogs/modules/auth" "github.com/gogits/gogs/modules/base" "github.com/gogits/gogs/modules/log" + "github.com/gogits/gogs/modules/mailer" "github.com/gogits/gogs/modules/middleware" "github.com/gogits/gogs/routers" + "github.com/gogits/gogs/routers/admin" "github.com/gogits/gogs/routers/dev" "github.com/gogits/gogs/routers/repo" "github.com/gogits/gogs/routers/user" @@ -35,6 +38,16 @@ gogs web`, Flags: []cli.Flag{}, } +// globalInit is for global configuration reload-able. +func globalInit() { + base.NewConfigContext() + mailer.NewMailerContext() + models.LoadModelsConfig() + models.LoadRepoConfig() + models.NewRepoContext() + models.NewEngine() +} + // Check run mode(Default of martini is Dev). func checkRunMode() { switch base.Cfg.MustValue("", "RUN_MODE") { @@ -58,6 +71,7 @@ func newMartini() *martini.ClassicMartini { } func runWeb(*cli.Context) { + globalInit() base.NewServices() checkRunMode() log.Info("%s %s", base.AppName, base.AppVer) @@ -73,7 +87,8 @@ func runWeb(*cli.Context) { m.Use(middleware.InitContext()) - reqSignIn, ignSignIn := middleware.SignInRequire(true), middleware.SignInRequire(false) + reqSignIn := middleware.SignInRequire(true) + ignSignIn := middleware.SignInRequire(base.Service.RequireSignInView) reqSignOut := middleware.SignOutRequire() // Routers. m.Get("/", ignSignIn, routers.Home) @@ -99,6 +114,14 @@ func runWeb(*cli.Context) { m.Get("/help", routers.Help) + adminReq := middleware.AdminRequire() + m.Get("/admin", reqSignIn, adminReq, admin.Dashboard) + m.Get("/admin/users", reqSignIn, adminReq, admin.Users) + m.Any("/admin/users/new", reqSignIn, adminReq, binding.BindIgnErr(auth.RegisterForm{}), admin.NewUser) + m.Any("/admin/users/:userid", reqSignIn, adminReq, binding.BindIgnErr(auth.AdminEditUserForm{}), admin.EditUser) + m.Get("/admin/repos", reqSignIn, adminReq, admin.Repositories) + m.Get("/admin/config", reqSignIn, adminReq, admin.Config) + m.Post("/:username/:reponame/settings", reqSignIn, middleware.RepoAssignment(true), repo.SettingPost) m.Get("/:username/:reponame/settings", reqSignIn, middleware.RepoAssignment(true), repo.Setting)