diff --git a/go.mod b/go.mod
index 82e3b3b94c..9b425dde38 100644
--- a/go.mod
+++ b/go.mod
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ require (
 	github.com/go-asn1-ber/asn1-ber v1.5.3 // indirect
 	github.com/go-chi/chi v1.5.4
 	github.com/go-chi/cors v1.1.1
-	github.com/go-enry/go-enry/v2 v2.6.0
+	github.com/go-enry/go-enry/v2 v2.6.1
 	github.com/go-git/go-billy/v5 v5.0.0
 	github.com/go-git/go-git/v5 v5.2.0
 	github.com/go-ldap/ldap/v3 v3.2.4
diff --git a/go.sum b/go.sum
index 7d956962dd..bc79ddb69b 100644
--- a/go.sum
+++ b/go.sum
@@ -320,8 +320,8 @@ github.com/go-chi/chi v1.5.4 h1:QHdzF2szwjqVV4wmByUnTcsbIg7UGaQ0tPF2t5GcAIs=
 github.com/go-chi/chi v1.5.4/go.mod h1:uaf8YgoFazUOkPBG7fxPftUylNumIev9awIWOENIuEg=
 github.com/go-chi/cors v1.1.1 h1:eHuqxsIw89iXcWnWUN8R72JMibABJTN/4IOYI5WERvw=
 github.com/go-chi/cors v1.1.1/go.mod h1:K2Yje0VW/SJzxiyMYu6iPQYa7hMjQX2i/F491VChg1I=
-github.com/go-enry/go-enry/v2 v2.6.0 h1:nbGWQBpO+D+cJuRxNgSDFnFY9QWz3QM/CeZxU7VAH20=
-github.com/go-enry/go-enry/v2 v2.6.0/go.mod h1:GVzIiAytiS5uT/QiuakK7TF1u4xDab87Y8V5EJRpsIQ=
+github.com/go-enry/go-enry/v2 v2.6.1 h1:ckFkMVj2NeHpaQDFDiSjanVjNy2IiuMNivhXDB4c5Q0=
+github.com/go-enry/go-enry/v2 v2.6.1/go.mod h1:GVzIiAytiS5uT/QiuakK7TF1u4xDab87Y8V5EJRpsIQ=
 github.com/go-enry/go-oniguruma v1.2.1 h1:k8aAMuJfMrqm/56SG2lV9Cfti6tC4x8673aHCcBk+eo=
 github.com/go-enry/go-oniguruma v1.2.1/go.mod h1:bWDhYP+S6xZQgiRL7wlTScFYBe023B6ilRZbCAD5Hf4=
 github.com/go-git/gcfg v1.5.0 h1:Q5ViNfGF8zFgyJWPqYwA7qGFoMTEiBmdlkcfRmpIMa4=
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/go-enry/go-enry/v2/README.md b/vendor/github.com/go-enry/go-enry/v2/README.md
index 03f8bac49e..12fe9e98f1 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/go-enry/go-enry/v2/README.md
+++ b/vendor/github.com/go-enry/go-enry/v2/README.md
@@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ macOS and linux platforms. Windows support is planned under [src-d/enry#150](htt
 ## Divergences from Linguist
-The `enry` library is based on the data from `github/linguist` version **v7.12.1**.
+The `enry` library is based on the data from `github/linguist` version **v7.13.0**.
 Parsing [linguist/samples](https://github.com/github/linguist/tree/master/samples) the following `enry` results are different from the Linguist:
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/go-enry/go-enry/v2/data/alias.go b/vendor/github.com/go-enry/go-enry/v2/data/alias.go
index 16a1af1bae..472e256230 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/go-enry/go-enry/v2/data/alias.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/go-enry/go-enry/v2/data/alias.go
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 // Code generated by github.com/go-enry/go-enry/v2/internal/code-generator DO NOT EDIT.
-// Extracted from github/linguist commit: 223c00bb80eff04788e29010f98c5778993d2b2a
+// Extracted from github/linguist commit: 6aed0bd564f55c4f2d987c2e6035eda7aea26375
 package data
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ var LanguageByAliasMap = map[string]string{
 	"1c_enterprise":                      "1C Enterprise",
 	"4d":                                 "4D",
 	"abap":                               "ABAP",
+	"abap_cds":                           "ABAP CDS",
 	"abl":                                "OpenEdge ABL",
 	"abnf":                               "ABNF",
 	"abuild":                             "Alpine Abuild",
@@ -83,6 +84,7 @@ var LanguageByAliasMap = map[string]string{
 	"batch":                              "Batchfile",
 	"batchfile":                          "Batchfile",
 	"bazel":                              "Starlark",
+	"beef":                               "Beef",
 	"befunge":                            "Befunge",
 	"bibtex":                             "BibTeX",
 	"bison":                              "Bison",
@@ -95,10 +97,12 @@ var LanguageByAliasMap = map[string]string{
 	"bluespec":                           "Bluespec",
 	"bmax":                               "BlitzMax",
 	"boo":                                "Boo",
+	"boogie":                             "Boogie",
 	"bplus":                              "BlitzBasic",
 	"brainfuck":                          "Brainfuck",
 	"brightscript":                       "Brightscript",
 	"bro":                                "Zeek",
+	"browserslist":                       "Browserslist",
 	"bsdmake":                            "Makefile",
 	"byond":                              "DM",
 	"bzl":                                "Starlark",
@@ -111,6 +115,8 @@ var LanguageByAliasMap = map[string]string{
 	"c2hs_haskell":                       "C2hs Haskell",
 	"cabal":                              "Cabal Config",
 	"cabal_config":                       "Cabal Config",
+	"cake":                               "C#",
+	"cakescript":                         "C#",
 	"cap'n_proto":                        "Cap'n Proto",
 	"carto":                              "CartoCSS",
 	"cartocss":                           "CartoCSS",
@@ -182,7 +188,7 @@ var LanguageByAliasMap = map[string]string{
 	"dart":                               "Dart",
 	"dataweave":                          "DataWeave",
 	"dcl":                                "DIGITAL Command Language",
-	"delphi":                             "Component Pascal",
+	"delphi":                             "Pascal",
 	"desktop":                            "desktop",
 	"dhall":                              "Dhall",
 	"diff":                               "Diff",
@@ -301,6 +307,7 @@ var LanguageByAliasMap = map[string]string{
 	"handlebars":                         "Handlebars",
 	"haproxy":                            "HAProxy",
 	"harbour":                            "Harbour",
+	"hashicorp_configuration_language":   "HCL",
 	"haskell":                            "Haskell",
 	"haxe":                               "Haxe",
 	"hbs":                                "Handlebars",
@@ -333,6 +340,8 @@ var LanguageByAliasMap = map[string]string{
 	"igor":                               "IGOR Pro",
 	"igor_pro":                           "IGOR Pro",
 	"igorpro":                            "IGOR Pro",
+	"ijm":                                "ImageJ Macro",
+	"imagej_macro":                       "ImageJ Macro",
 	"inc":                                "PHP",
 	"inform7":                            "Inform 7",
 	"inform_7":                           "Inform 7",
@@ -369,7 +378,6 @@ var LanguageByAliasMap = map[string]string{
 	"jsonld":                             "JSONLD",
 	"jsonnet":                            "Jsonnet",
 	"jsp":                                "Java Server Pages",
-	"jsx":                                "JSX",
 	"julia":                              "Julia",
 	"jupyter_notebook":                   "Jupyter Notebook",
 	"kaitai_struct":                      "Kaitai Struct",
@@ -493,7 +501,7 @@ var LanguageByAliasMap = map[string]string{
 	"nit":                                "Nit",
 	"nix":                                "Nix",
 	"nixos":                              "Nix",
-	"njk":                                "HTML+Django",
+	"njk":                                "Nunjucks",
 	"nl":                                 "NL",
 	"node":                               "JavaScript",
 	"npm_config":                         "NPM Config",
@@ -502,7 +510,7 @@ var LanguageByAliasMap = map[string]string{
 	"nsis":                               "NSIS",
 	"nu":                                 "Nu",
 	"numpy":                              "NumPy",
-	"nunjucks":                           "HTML+Django",
+	"nunjucks":                           "Nunjucks",
 	"nush":                               "Nu",
 	"nvim":                               "Vim script",
 	"nwscript":                           "NWScript",
@@ -519,7 +527,7 @@ var LanguageByAliasMap = map[string]string{
 	"objectivec":                         "Objective-C",
 	"objectivec++":                       "Objective-C++",
 	"objectivej":                         "Objective-J",
-	"objectpascal":                       "Component Pascal",
+	"objectpascal":                       "Pascal",
 	"objectscript":                       "ObjectScript",
 	"objj":                               "Objective-J",
 	"ocaml":                              "OCaml",
@@ -569,6 +577,7 @@ var LanguageByAliasMap = map[string]string{
 	"piglatin":                           "PigLatin",
 	"pike":                               "Pike",
 	"pir":                                "Parrot Internal Representation",
+	"plain_text":                         "Text",
 	"plantuml":                           "PlantUML",
 	"plpgsql":                            "PLpgSQL",
 	"plsql":                              "PLSQL",
@@ -636,6 +645,7 @@ var LanguageByAliasMap = map[string]string{
 	"realbasic":                          "REALbasic",
 	"reason":                             "Reason",
 	"rebol":                              "Rebol",
+	"record_jar":                         "Record Jar",
 	"red":                                "Red",
 	"red/system":                         "Red",
 	"redcode":                            "Redcode",
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/go-enry/go-enry/v2/data/colors.go b/vendor/github.com/go-enry/go-enry/v2/data/colors.go
index 31351b771b..55df0ce9b0 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/go-enry/go-enry/v2/data/colors.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/go-enry/go-enry/v2/data/colors.go
@@ -1,11 +1,12 @@
 // Code generated by github.com/go-enry/go-enry/v2/internal/code-generator DO NOT EDIT.
-// Extracted from github/linguist commit: 223c00bb80eff04788e29010f98c5778993d2b2a
+// Extracted from github/linguist commit: 6aed0bd564f55c4f2d987c2e6035eda7aea26375
 package data
 var LanguagesColor = map[string]string{
 	"1C Enterprise":            "#814CCC",
 	"ABAP":                     "#E8274B",
+	"ABAP CDS":                 "#555e25",
 	"AGS Script":               "#B9D9FF",
 	"AL":                       "#3AA2B5",
 	"AMPL":                     "#E6EFBB",
@@ -30,11 +31,14 @@ var LanguagesColor = map[string]string{
 	"AutoIt":                   "#1C3552",
 	"Ballerina":                "#FF5000",
 	"Batchfile":                "#C1F12E",
+	"Beef":                     "#a52f4e",
 	"Bison":                    "#6A463F",
 	"Blade":                    "#f7523f",
 	"BlitzMax":                 "#cd6400",
 	"Boo":                      "#d4bec1",
+	"Boogie":                   "#c80fa0",
 	"Brainfuck":                "#2F2530",
+	"Browserslist":             "#ffd539",
 	"C":                        "#555555",
 	"C#":                       "#178600",
 	"C++":                      "#f34b7d",
@@ -48,6 +52,7 @@ var LanguagesColor = map[string]string{
 	"Clean":                    "#3F85AF",
 	"Click":                    "#E4E6F3",
 	"Clojure":                  "#db5855",
+	"Closure Templates":        "#0d948f",
 	"CoffeeScript":             "#244776",
 	"ColdFusion":               "#ed2cd6",
 	"ColdFusion CFC":           "#ed2cd6",
@@ -114,6 +119,7 @@ var LanguagesColor = map[string]string{
 	"IDL":                      "#a3522f",
 	"IGOR Pro":                 "#0000cc",
 	"Idris":                    "#b30000",
+	"ImageJ Macro":             "#99AAFF",
 	"Io":                       "#a9188d",
 	"Ioke":                     "#078193",
 	"Isabelle":                 "#FEFE00",
@@ -138,6 +144,7 @@ var LanguagesColor = map[string]string{
 	"Latte":                    "#f2a542",
 	"Less":                     "#1d365d",
 	"Lex":                      "#DBCA00",
+	"Liquid":                   "#67b8de",
 	"LiveScript":               "#499886",
 	"LookML":                   "#652B81",
 	"Lua":                      "#000080",
@@ -158,6 +165,7 @@ var LanguagesColor = map[string]string{
 	"Metal":                    "#8f14e9",
 	"Mirah":                    "#c7a938",
 	"Modula-3":                 "#223388",
+	"Mustache":                 "#724b3b",
 	"NCL":                      "#28431f",
 	"NWScript":                 "#111522",
 	"Nearley":                  "#990000",
@@ -172,6 +180,7 @@ var LanguagesColor = map[string]string{
 	"Nix":                      "#7e7eff",
 	"Nu":                       "#c9df40",
 	"NumPy":                    "#9C8AF9",
+	"Nunjucks":                 "#3d8137",
 	"OCaml":                    "#3be133",
 	"ObjectScript":             "#424893",
 	"Objective-C":              "#438eff",
@@ -181,6 +190,7 @@ var LanguagesColor = map[string]string{
 	"Omgrofl":                  "#cabbff",
 	"Opal":                     "#f7ede0",
 	"OpenQASM":                 "#AA70FF",
+	"Org":                      "#77aa99",
 	"Oxygene":                  "#cdd0e3",
 	"Oz":                       "#fab738",
 	"P4":                       "#7055b5",
@@ -222,6 +232,7 @@ var LanguagesColor = map[string]string{
 	"ReScript":                 "#ed5051",
 	"Reason":                   "#ff5847",
 	"Rebol":                    "#358a5b",
+	"Record Jar":               "#0673ba",
 	"Red":                      "#f50000",
 	"Ren'Py":                   "#ff7f7f",
 	"Ring":                     "#2D54CB",
@@ -238,6 +249,7 @@ var LanguagesColor = map[string]string{
 	"SaltStack":                "#646464",
 	"Sass":                     "#a53b70",
 	"Scala":                    "#c22d40",
+	"Scaml":                    "#bd181a",
 	"Scheme":                   "#1e4aec",
 	"Self":                     "#0579aa",
 	"Shell":                    "#89e051",
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/go-enry/go-enry/v2/data/commit.go b/vendor/github.com/go-enry/go-enry/v2/data/commit.go
index 5d3b4e54eb..23769932d5 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/go-enry/go-enry/v2/data/commit.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/go-enry/go-enry/v2/data/commit.go
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 // Code generated by github.com/go-enry/go-enry/v2/internal/code-generator DO NOT EDIT.
-// Extracted from github/linguist commit: 223c00bb80eff04788e29010f98c5778993d2b2a
+// Extracted from github/linguist commit: 6aed0bd564f55c4f2d987c2e6035eda7aea26375
 package data
 // linguist's commit from which files were generated.
-var LinguistCommit = "223c00bb80eff04788e29010f98c5778993d2b2a"
+var LinguistCommit = "6aed0bd564f55c4f2d987c2e6035eda7aea26375"
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/go-enry/go-enry/v2/data/content.go b/vendor/github.com/go-enry/go-enry/v2/data/content.go
index bd03e6f074..b35ffa4060 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/go-enry/go-enry/v2/data/content.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/go-enry/go-enry/v2/data/content.go
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 // Code generated by github.com/go-enry/go-enry/v2/internal/code-generator DO NOT EDIT.
-// Extracted from github/linguist commit: 223c00bb80eff04788e29010f98c5778993d2b2a
+// Extracted from github/linguist commit: 6aed0bd564f55c4f2d987c2e6035eda7aea26375
 package data
@@ -665,6 +665,12 @@ var ContentHeuristics = map[string]*Heuristics{
+	".cmp": &Heuristics{
+		rule.Or(
+			rule.MatchingLanguages("Gerber Image"),
+			regexp.MustCompile(`(?m)^[DGMT][0-9]{2}\*\r?\n`),
+		),
+	},
 	".cs": &Heuristics{
@@ -791,7 +797,7 @@ var ContentHeuristics = map[string]*Heuristics{
 			rule.MatchingLanguages("Gerber Image"),
-			regexp.MustCompile(`(?m)\*\%$`),
+			regexp.MustCompile(`(?m)^[DGMT][0-9]{2}\*$`),
 			rule.MatchingLanguages("Game Maker Language"),
@@ -948,6 +954,15 @@ var ContentHeuristics = map[string]*Heuristics{
+	".m4": &Heuristics{
+		rule.Or(
+			rule.MatchingLanguages("M4Sugar"),
+			regexp.MustCompile(`(?m)AC_DEFUN|AC_PREREQ|AC_INIT|^_?m4_`),
+		),
+		rule.Always(
+			rule.MatchingLanguages("M4"),
+		),
+	},
 	".man": &Heuristics{
 			rule.MatchingLanguages("Roff Manpage"),
@@ -1087,6 +1102,10 @@ var ContentHeuristics = map[string]*Heuristics{
+		rule.Or(
+			rule.MatchingLanguages("Gerber Image"),
+			regexp.MustCompile(`(?m)^[DGMT][0-9]{2}\*\r?\n`),
+		),
@@ -1317,6 +1336,10 @@ var ContentHeuristics = map[string]*Heuristics{
+		rule.Or(
+			rule.MatchingLanguages("XML"),
+			regexp.MustCompile(`(?m)^\s*<\?xml`),
+		),
 	".s": &Heuristics{
@@ -1337,7 +1360,7 @@ var ContentHeuristics = map[string]*Heuristics{
 	".sol": &Heuristics{
 			rule.MatchingLanguages("Gerber Image"),
-			regexp.MustCompile(`(?m)^G75\*`),
+			regexp.MustCompile(`(?m)^[DGMT][0-9]{2}\*\r?\n`),
 	".sql": &Heuristics{
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/go-enry/go-enry/v2/data/documentation.go b/vendor/github.com/go-enry/go-enry/v2/data/documentation.go
index 0c51181e06..1ef16fd48a 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/go-enry/go-enry/v2/data/documentation.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/go-enry/go-enry/v2/data/documentation.go
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 // Code generated by github.com/go-enry/go-enry/v2/internal/code-generator DO NOT EDIT.
-// Extracted from github/linguist commit: 223c00bb80eff04788e29010f98c5778993d2b2a
+// Extracted from github/linguist commit: 6aed0bd564f55c4f2d987c2e6035eda7aea26375
 package data
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/go-enry/go-enry/v2/data/extension.go b/vendor/github.com/go-enry/go-enry/v2/data/extension.go
index 4b3443db81..66b409dbb3 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/go-enry/go-enry/v2/data/extension.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/go-enry/go-enry/v2/data/extension.go
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 // Code generated by github.com/go-enry/go-enry/v2/internal/code-generator DO NOT EDIT.
-// Extracted from github/linguist commit: 223c00bb80eff04788e29010f98c5778993d2b2a
+// Extracted from github/linguist commit: 6aed0bd564f55c4f2d987c2e6035eda7aea26375
 package data
@@ -69,6 +69,7 @@ var LanguagesByExtension = map[string][]string{
 	".asciidoc":            {"AsciiDoc"},
 	".ascx":                {"ASP.NET"},
 	".asd":                 {"Common Lisp"},
+	".asddls":              {"ABAP CDS"},
 	".ash":                 {"AGS Script"},
 	".ashx":                {"ASP.NET"},
 	".asl":                 {"ASL"},
@@ -105,7 +106,7 @@ var LanguagesByExtension = map[string][]string{
 	".bdf":                 {"Glyph Bitmap Distribution Format"},
 	".bdy":                 {"PLSQL"},
 	".befunge":             {"Befunge"},
-	".bf":                  {"Brainfuck", "HyPhy"},
+	".bf":                  {"Beef", "Brainfuck", "HyPhy"},
 	".bib":                 {"BibTeX"},
 	".bibtex":              {"BibTeX"},
 	".bison":               {"Bison"},
@@ -115,6 +116,7 @@ var LanguagesByExtension = map[string][]string{
 	".bones":               {"JavaScript"},
 	".boo":                 {"Boo"},
 	".boot":                {"Clojure"},
+	".bpl":                 {"Boogie"},
 	".brd":                 {"Eagle", "KiCad Legacy Layout"},
 	".bro":                 {"Zeek"},
 	".brs":                 {"Brightscript"},
@@ -170,6 +172,7 @@ var LanguagesByExtension = map[string][]string{
 	".cmake":               {"CMake"},
 	".cmake.in":            {"CMake"},
 	".cmd":                 {"Batchfile"},
+	".cmp":                 {"Gerber Image"},
 	".cnc":                 {"G-code"},
 	".cob":                 {"COBOL"},
 	".cobol":               {"COBOL"},
@@ -368,6 +371,7 @@ var LanguagesByExtension = map[string][]string{
 	".glslf":               {"GLSL"},
 	".glslv":               {"GLSL"},
 	".gltf":                {"JSON"},
+	".glyphs":              {"OpenStep Property List"},
 	".gml":                 {"Game Maker Language", "Gerber Image", "Graph Modeling Language", "XML"},
 	".gms":                 {"GAMS"},
 	".gmx":                 {"XML"},
@@ -448,6 +452,7 @@ var LanguagesByExtension = map[string][]string{
 	".idr":                 {"Idris"},
 	".ig":                  {"Modula-3"},
 	".ihlp":                {"Stata"},
+	".ijm":                 {"ImageJ Macro"},
 	".ijs":                 {"J"},
 	".ik":                  {"Ioke"},
 	".ily":                 {"LilyPond"},
@@ -499,7 +504,7 @@ var LanguagesByExtension = map[string][]string{
 	".jsproj":              {"XML"},
 	".jss":                 {"JavaScript"},
 	".jst":                 {"EJS"},
-	".jsx":                 {"JSX"},
+	".jsx":                 {"JavaScript"},
 	".kicad_mod":           {"KiCad Layout"},
 	".kicad_pcb":           {"KiCad Layout"},
 	".kicad_wks":           {"KiCad Layout"},
@@ -649,7 +654,7 @@ var LanguagesByExtension = map[string][]string{
 	".nb":                  {"Mathematica", "Text"},
 	".nbp":                 {"Mathematica"},
 	".nc":                  {"nesC"},
-	".ncl":                 {"NCL", "Text", "XML"},
+	".ncl":                 {"Gerber Image", "NCL", "Text", "XML"},
 	".ndproj":              {"XML"},
 	".ne":                  {"Nearley"},
 	".nearley":             {"Nearley"},
@@ -666,7 +671,7 @@ var LanguagesByExtension = map[string][]string{
 	".ninja":               {"Ninja"},
 	".nit":                 {"Nit"},
 	".nix":                 {"Nix"},
-	".njk":                 {"HTML+Django"},
+	".njk":                 {"Nunjucks"},
 	".njs":                 {"JavaScript"},
 	".nl":                  {"NL", "NewLisp"},
 	".nlogo":               {"NetLogo"},
@@ -827,6 +832,8 @@ var LanguagesByExtension = map[string][]string{
 	".r3":                  {"Rebol"},
 	".rabl":                {"Ruby"},
 	".rake":                {"Ruby"},
+	".raku":                {"Raku"},
+	".rakumod":             {"Raku"},
 	".raml":                {"RAML"},
 	".raw":                 {"Raw token data"},
 	".razor":               {"HTML+Razor"},
@@ -879,7 +886,7 @@ var LanguagesByExtension = map[string][]string{
 	".ronn":                {"Markdown"},
 	".rpy":                 {"Python", "Ren'Py"},
 	".rq":                  {"SPARQL"},
-	".rs":                  {"RenderScript", "Rust"},
+	".rs":                  {"RenderScript", "Rust", "XML"},
 	".rs.in":               {"Rust"},
 	".rsc":                 {"Rascal"},
 	".rsh":                 {"RenderScript"},
@@ -902,7 +909,7 @@ var LanguagesByExtension = map[string][]string{
 	".scad":                {"OpenSCAD"},
 	".scala":               {"Scala"},
 	".scaml":               {"Scaml"},
-	".scd":                 {"SuperCollider"},
+	".scd":                 {"Markdown", "SuperCollider"},
 	".sce":                 {"Scilab"},
 	".sch":                 {"Eagle", "KiCad Schematic", "Scheme", "XML"},
 	".schdoc":              {"Altium Designer"},
@@ -1193,6 +1200,7 @@ var ExtensionsByLanguage = map[string][]string{
 	"1C Enterprise":                      {".bsl", ".os"},
 	"4D":                                 {".4dm"},
 	"ABAP":                               {".abap"},
+	"ABAP CDS":                           {".asddls"},
 	"ABNF":                               {".abnf"},
 	"AGS Script":                         {".asc", ".ash"},
 	"AL":                                 {".al"},
@@ -1227,6 +1235,7 @@ var ExtensionsByLanguage = map[string][]string{
 	"Awk":                                {".awk", ".auk", ".gawk", ".mawk", ".nawk"},
 	"Ballerina":                          {".bal"},
 	"Batchfile":                          {".bat", ".cmd"},
+	"Beef":                               {".bf"},
 	"Befunge":                            {".befunge"},
 	"BibTeX":                             {".bib", ".bibtex"},
 	"Bison":                              {".bison"},
@@ -1236,6 +1245,7 @@ var ExtensionsByLanguage = map[string][]string{
 	"BlitzMax":                           {".bmx"},
 	"Bluespec":                           {".bsv"},
 	"Boo":                                {".boo"},
+	"Boogie":                             {".bpl"},
 	"Brainfuck":                          {".b", ".bf"},
 	"Brightscript":                       {".brs"},
 	"C":                                  {".c", ".cats", ".h", ".idc"},
@@ -1349,7 +1359,7 @@ var ExtensionsByLanguage = map[string][]string{
 	"Genshi":                             {".kid"},
 	"Gentoo Ebuild":                      {".ebuild"},
 	"Gentoo Eclass":                      {".eclass"},
-	"Gerber Image":                       {".gbr", ".gbl", ".gbo", ".gbp", ".gbs", ".gko", ".gml", ".gpb", ".gpt", ".gtl", ".gto", ".gtp", ".gts", ".sol"},
+	"Gerber Image":                       {".gbr", ".cmp", ".gbl", ".gbo", ".gbp", ".gbs", ".gko", ".gml", ".gpb", ".gpt", ".gtl", ".gto", ".gtp", ".gts", ".ncl", ".sol"},
 	"Gettext Catalog":                    {".po", ".pot"},
 	"Gherkin":                            {".feature", ".story"},
 	"Git Config":                         {".gitconfig"},
@@ -1371,7 +1381,7 @@ var ExtensionsByLanguage = map[string][]string{
 	"HCL":                                {".hcl", ".nomad", ".tf", ".tfvars", ".workflow"},
 	"HLSL":                               {".hlsl", ".cginc", ".fx", ".fxh", ".hlsli"},
 	"HTML":                               {".html", ".htm", ".html.hl", ".inc", ".st", ".xht", ".xhtml"},
-	"HTML+Django":                        {".jinja", ".j2", ".jinja2", ".njk"},
+	"HTML+Django":                        {".jinja", ".j2", ".jinja2"},
 	"HTML+ECR":                           {".ecr"},
 	"HTML+EEX":                           {".eex", ".html.leex"},
 	"HTML+ERB":                           {".erb", ".erb.deface", ".rhtml"},
@@ -1395,6 +1405,7 @@ var ExtensionsByLanguage = map[string][]string{
 	"IRC log":                            {".irclog", ".weechatlog"},
 	"Idris":                              {".idr", ".lidr"},
 	"Ignore List":                        {".gitignore"},
+	"ImageJ Macro":                       {".ijm"},
 	"Inform 7":                           {".ni", ".i7x"},
 	"Inno Setup":                         {".iss", ".isl"},
 	"Io":                                 {".io"},
@@ -1407,12 +1418,11 @@ var ExtensionsByLanguage = map[string][]string{
 	"JSON5":                              {".json5"},
 	"JSONLD":                             {".jsonld"},
 	"JSONiq":                             {".jq"},
-	"JSX":                                {".jsx"},
 	"Jasmin":                             {".j"},
 	"Java":                               {".java"},
 	"Java Properties":                    {".properties"},
 	"Java Server Pages":                  {".jsp"},
-	"JavaScript":                         {".js", "._js", ".bones", ".cjs", ".es", ".es6", ".frag", ".gs", ".jake", ".jsb", ".jscad", ".jsfl", ".jsm", ".jss", ".mjs", ".njs", ".pac", ".sjs", ".ssjs", ".xsjs", ".xsjslib"},
+	"JavaScript":                         {".js", "._js", ".bones", ".cjs", ".es", ".es6", ".frag", ".gs", ".jake", ".jsb", ".jscad", ".jsfl", ".jsm", ".jss", ".jsx", ".mjs", ".njs", ".pac", ".sjs", ".ssjs", ".xsjs", ".xsjslib"},
 	"JavaScript+ERB":                     {".js.erb"},
 	"Jison":                              {".jison"},
 	"Jison Lex":                          {".jisonlex"},
@@ -1466,7 +1476,7 @@ var ExtensionsByLanguage = map[string][]string{
 	"Macaulay2":                          {".m2"},
 	"Makefile":                           {".mak", ".d", ".make", ".mk", ".mkfile"},
 	"Mako":                               {".mako", ".mao"},
-	"Markdown":                           {".md", ".markdown", ".mdown", ".mdwn", ".mdx", ".mkd", ".mkdn", ".mkdown", ".ronn", ".workbook"},
+	"Markdown":                           {".md", ".markdown", ".mdown", ".mdwn", ".mdx", ".mkd", ".mkdn", ".mkdown", ".ronn", ".scd", ".workbook"},
 	"Marko":                              {".marko"},
 	"Mask":                               {".mask"},
 	"Mathematica":                        {".mathematica", ".cdf", ".m", ".ma", ".mt", ".nb", ".nbp", ".wl", ".wlt"},
@@ -1508,6 +1518,7 @@ var ExtensionsByLanguage = map[string][]string{
 	"Nix":                                {".nix"},
 	"Nu":                                 {".nu"},
 	"NumPy":                              {".numpy", ".numpyw", ".numsc"},
+	"Nunjucks":                           {".njk"},
 	"OCaml":                              {".ml", ".eliom", ".eliomi", ".ml4", ".mli", ".mll", ".mly"},
 	"ObjDump":                            {".objdump"},
 	"Object Data Instance Notation":      {".odin"},
@@ -1524,7 +1535,7 @@ var ExtensionsByLanguage = map[string][]string{
 	"OpenEdge ABL":                       {".p", ".cls", ".w"},
 	"OpenQASM":                           {".qasm"},
 	"OpenSCAD":                           {".scad"},
-	"OpenStep Property List":             {".plist"},
+	"OpenStep Property List":             {".plist", ".glyphs"},
 	"OpenType Feature File":              {".fea"},
 	"Org":                                {".org"},
 	"Ox":                                 {".ox", ".oxh", ".oxo"},
@@ -1587,7 +1598,7 @@ var ExtensionsByLanguage = map[string][]string{
 	"RUNOFF":                             {".rnh", ".rno"},
 	"Racket":                             {".rkt", ".rktd", ".rktl", ".scrbl"},
 	"Ragel":                              {".rl"},
-	"Raku":                               {".6pl", ".6pm", ".nqp", ".p6", ".p6l", ".p6m", ".pl", ".pl6", ".pm", ".pm6", ".t"},
+	"Raku":                               {".6pl", ".6pm", ".nqp", ".p6", ".p6l", ".p6m", ".pl", ".pl6", ".pm", ".pm6", ".raku", ".rakumod", ".t"},
 	"Rascal":                             {".rsc"},
 	"Raw token data":                     {".raw"},
 	"ReScript":                           {".res"},
@@ -1706,7 +1717,7 @@ var ExtensionsByLanguage = map[string][]string{
 	"X PixMap":                           {".xpm", ".pm"},
 	"X10":                                {".x10"},
 	"XC":                                 {".xc"},
-	"XML":                                {".xml", ".adml", ".admx", ".ant", ".axml", ".builds", ".ccproj", ".ccxml", ".clixml", ".cproject", ".cscfg", ".csdef", ".csl", ".csproj", ".ct", ".depproj", ".dita", ".ditamap", ".ditaval", ".dll.config", ".dotsettings", ".filters", ".fsproj", ".fxml", ".glade", ".gml", ".gmx", ".grxml", ".gst", ".iml", ".ivy", ".jelly", ".jsproj", ".kml", ".launch", ".mdpolicy", ".mjml", ".mm", ".mod", ".mxml", ".natvis", ".ncl", ".ndproj", ".nproj", ".nuspec", ".odd", ".osm", ".pkgproj", ".pluginspec", ".proj", ".props", ".ps1xml", ".psc1", ".pt", ".rdf", ".res", ".resx", ".rss", ".sch", ".scxml", ".sfproj", ".shproj", ".srdf", ".storyboard", ".sublime-snippet", ".targets", ".tml", ".ts", ".tsx", ".ui", ".urdf", ".ux", ".vbproj", ".vcxproj", ".vsixmanifest", ".vssettings", ".vstemplate", ".vxml", ".wixproj", ".workflow", ".wsdl", ".wsf", ".wxi", ".wxl", ".wxs", ".x3d", ".xacro", ".xaml", ".xib", ".xlf", ".xliff", ".xmi", ".xml.dist", ".xproj", ".xsd", ".xspec", ".xul", ".zcml"},
+	"XML":                                {".xml", ".adml", ".admx", ".ant", ".axml", ".builds", ".ccproj", ".ccxml", ".clixml", ".cproject", ".cscfg", ".csdef", ".csl", ".csproj", ".ct", ".depproj", ".dita", ".ditamap", ".ditaval", ".dll.config", ".dotsettings", ".filters", ".fsproj", ".fxml", ".glade", ".gml", ".gmx", ".grxml", ".gst", ".iml", ".ivy", ".jelly", ".jsproj", ".kml", ".launch", ".mdpolicy", ".mjml", ".mm", ".mod", ".mxml", ".natvis", ".ncl", ".ndproj", ".nproj", ".nuspec", ".odd", ".osm", ".pkgproj", ".pluginspec", ".proj", ".props", ".ps1xml", ".psc1", ".pt", ".rdf", ".res", ".resx", ".rs", ".rss", ".sch", ".scxml", ".sfproj", ".shproj", ".srdf", ".storyboard", ".sublime-snippet", ".targets", ".tml", ".ts", ".tsx", ".ui", ".urdf", ".ux", ".vbproj", ".vcxproj", ".vsixmanifest", ".vssettings", ".vstemplate", ".vxml", ".wixproj", ".workflow", ".wsdl", ".wsf", ".wxi", ".wxl", ".wxs", ".x3d", ".xacro", ".xaml", ".xib", ".xlf", ".xliff", ".xmi", ".xml.dist", ".xproj", ".xsd", ".xspec", ".xul", ".zcml"},
 	"XML Property List":                  {".plist", ".sttheme", ".tmcommand", ".tmlanguage", ".tmpreferences", ".tmsnippet", ".tmtheme"},
 	"XPages":                             {".xsp-config", ".xsp.metadata"},
 	"XProc":                              {".xpl", ".xproc"},
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/go-enry/go-enry/v2/data/filename.go b/vendor/github.com/go-enry/go-enry/v2/data/filename.go
index 56d02173b0..a1b2c0b27a 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/go-enry/go-enry/v2/data/filename.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/go-enry/go-enry/v2/data/filename.go
@@ -1,278 +1,284 @@
 // Code generated by github.com/go-enry/go-enry/v2/internal/code-generator DO NOT EDIT.
-// Extracted from github/linguist commit: 223c00bb80eff04788e29010f98c5778993d2b2a
+// Extracted from github/linguist commit: 6aed0bd564f55c4f2d987c2e6035eda7aea26375
 package data
 var LanguagesByFilename = map[string][]string{
-	".Rprofile":                   {"R"},
-	".XCompose":                   {"XCompose"},
-	".abbrev_defs":                {"Emacs Lisp"},
-	".arcconfig":                  {"JSON"},
-	".atomignore":                 {"Ignore List"},
-	".babelignore":                {"Ignore List"},
-	".babelrc":                    {"JSON with Comments"},
-	".bash_aliases":               {"Shell"},
-	".bash_history":               {"Shell"},
-	".bash_logout":                {"Shell"},
-	".bash_profile":               {"Shell"},
-	".bashrc":                     {"Shell"},
-	".bzrignore":                  {"Ignore List"},
-	".clang-format":               {"YAML"},
-	".clang-tidy":                 {"YAML"},
-	".classpath":                  {"XML"},
-	".coffeelintignore":           {"Ignore List"},
-	".cproject":                   {"XML"},
-	".cshrc":                      {"Shell"},
-	".curlrc":                     {"cURL Config"},
-	".cvsignore":                  {"Ignore List"},
-	".dir_colors":                 {"dircolors"},
-	".dircolors":                  {"dircolors"},
-	".dockerignore":               {"Ignore List"},
-	".editorconfig":               {"EditorConfig"},
-	".emacs":                      {"Emacs Lisp"},
-	".emacs.desktop":              {"Emacs Lisp"},
-	".env":                        {"Shell"},
-	".env.example":                {"Shell"},
-	".eslintignore":               {"Ignore List"},
-	".eslintrc.json":              {"JSON with Comments"},
-	".exrc":                       {"Vim script"},
-	".factor-boot-rc":             {"Factor"},
-	".factor-rc":                  {"Factor"},
-	".flaskenv":                   {"Shell"},
-	".gclient":                    {"Python"},
-	".gemrc":                      {"YAML"},
-	".gitattributes":              {"Git Attributes"},
-	".gitconfig":                  {"Git Config"},
-	".gitignore":                  {"Ignore List"},
-	".gitmodules":                 {"Git Config"},
-	".gn":                         {"GN"},
-	".gnus":                       {"Emacs Lisp"},
-	".gvimrc":                     {"Vim script"},
-	".htaccess":                   {"ApacheConf"},
-	".htmlhintrc":                 {"JSON"},
-	".inputrc":                    {"Readline Config"},
-	".irbrc":                      {"Ruby"},
-	".jscsrc":                     {"JSON with Comments"},
-	".jshintrc":                   {"JSON with Comments"},
-	".jslintrc":                   {"JSON with Comments"},
-	".login":                      {"Shell"},
-	".luacheckrc":                 {"Lua"},
-	".nanorc":                     {"nanorc"},
-	".nodemonignore":              {"Ignore List"},
-	".npmignore":                  {"Ignore List"},
-	".npmrc":                      {"NPM Config"},
-	".nvimrc":                     {"Vim script"},
-	".php":                        {"PHP"},
-	".php_cs":                     {"PHP"},
-	".php_cs.dist":                {"PHP"},
-	".prettierignore":             {"Ignore List"},
-	".profile":                    {"Shell"},
-	".project":                    {"XML"},
-	".pryrc":                      {"Ruby"},
-	".simplecov":                  {"Ruby"},
-	".spacemacs":                  {"Emacs Lisp"},
-	".stylelintignore":            {"Ignore List"},
-	".tern-config":                {"JSON"},
-	".tern-project":               {"JSON"},
-	".vimrc":                      {"Vim script"},
-	".viper":                      {"Emacs Lisp"},
-	".vscodeignore":               {"Ignore List"},
-	".watchmanconfig":             {"JSON"},
-	".wgetrc":                     {"Wget Config"},
-	".zlogin":                     {"Shell"},
-	".zlogout":                    {"Shell"},
-	".zprofile":                   {"Shell"},
-	".zshenv":                     {"Shell"},
-	".zshrc":                      {"Shell"},
-	"9fs":                         {"Shell"},
-	"APKBUILD":                    {"Alpine Abuild"},
-	"App.config":                  {"XML"},
-	"Appraisals":                  {"Ruby"},
-	"BSDmakefile":                 {"Makefile"},
-	"BUCK":                        {"Starlark"},
-	"BUILD":                       {"Starlark"},
-	"BUILD.bazel":                 {"Starlark"},
-	"Berksfile":                   {"Ruby"},
-	"Brewfile":                    {"Ruby"},
-	"Buildfile":                   {"Ruby"},
-	"CMakeLists.txt":              {"CMake"},
-	"COPYING":                     {"Text"},
-	"COPYING.regex":               {"Text"},
-	"COPYRIGHT.regex":             {"Text"},
-	"Cakefile":                    {"CoffeeScript"},
-	"Capfile":                     {"Ruby"},
-	"Cargo.lock":                  {"TOML"},
-	"Cask":                        {"Emacs Lisp"},
-	"DEPS":                        {"Python"},
-	"DIR_COLORS":                  {"dircolors"},
-	"Dangerfile":                  {"Ruby"},
-	"Deliverfile":                 {"Ruby"},
-	"Dockerfile":                  {"Dockerfile"},
-	"Emakefile":                   {"Erlang"},
-	"FONTLOG":                     {"Text"},
-	"Fakefile":                    {"Fancy"},
-	"Fastfile":                    {"Ruby"},
-	"GNUmakefile":                 {"Makefile"},
-	"Gemfile":                     {"Ruby"},
-	"Gemfile.lock":                {"Ruby"},
-	"Gopkg.lock":                  {"TOML"},
-	"Guardfile":                   {"Ruby"},
-	"INSTALL":                     {"Text"},
-	"INSTALL.mysql":               {"Text"},
-	"Jakefile":                    {"JavaScript"},
-	"Jarfile":                     {"Ruby"},
-	"Jenkinsfile":                 {"Groovy"},
-	"Kbuild":                      {"Makefile"},
-	"LICENSE":                     {"Text"},
-	"LICENSE.mysql":               {"Text"},
-	"Lexer.x":                     {"Lex"},
-	"Makefile":                    {"Makefile"},
-	"Makefile.PL":                 {"Perl"},
-	"Makefile.am":                 {"Makefile"},
-	"Makefile.boot":               {"Makefile"},
-	"Makefile.frag":               {"Makefile"},
-	"Makefile.in":                 {"Makefile"},
-	"Makefile.inc":                {"Makefile"},
-	"Makefile.wat":                {"Makefile"},
-	"Mavenfile":                   {"Ruby"},
-	"Modulefile":                  {"Puppet"},
-	"NEWS":                        {"Text"},
-	"Notebook":                    {"Jupyter Notebook"},
-	"NuGet.config":                {"XML"},
-	"Nukefile":                    {"Nu"},
-	"PKGBUILD":                    {"Shell"},
-	"Phakefile":                   {"PHP"},
-	"Podfile":                     {"Ruby"},
-	"Project.ede":                 {"Emacs Lisp"},
-	"Puppetfile":                  {"Ruby"},
-	"README.1ST":                  {"Text"},
-	"README.me":                   {"Text"},
-	"README.mysql":                {"Text"},
-	"README.nss":                  {"Text"},
-	"ROOT":                        {"Isabelle ROOT"},
-	"Rakefile":                    {"Ruby"},
-	"Rexfile":                     {"Perl"},
-	"SConscript":                  {"Python"},
-	"SConstruct":                  {"Python"},
-	"Settings.StyleCop":           {"XML"},
-	"Slakefile":                   {"LiveScript"},
-	"Snakefile":                   {"Python"},
-	"Snapfile":                    {"Ruby"},
-	"Thorfile":                    {"Ruby"},
-	"Tiltfile":                    {"Starlark"},
-	"Vagrantfile":                 {"Ruby"},
-	"WORKSPACE":                   {"Starlark"},
-	"Web.Debug.config":            {"XML"},
-	"Web.Release.config":          {"XML"},
-	"Web.config":                  {"XML"},
-	"XCompose":                    {"XCompose"},
-	"_curlrc":                     {"cURL Config"},
-	"_dir_colors":                 {"dircolors"},
-	"_dircolors":                  {"dircolors"},
-	"_emacs":                      {"Emacs Lisp"},
-	"_vimrc":                      {"Vim script"},
-	"abbrev_defs":                 {"Emacs Lisp"},
-	"ack":                         {"Perl"},
-	"ant.xml":                     {"Ant Build System"},
-	"apache2.conf":                {"ApacheConf"},
-	"bash_aliases":                {"Shell"},
-	"bash_logout":                 {"Shell"},
-	"bash_profile":                {"Shell"},
-	"bashrc":                      {"Shell"},
-	"build.xml":                   {"Ant Build System"},
-	"buildfile":                   {"Ruby"},
-	"buildozer.spec":              {"INI"},
-	"cabal.config":                {"Cabal Config"},
-	"cabal.project":               {"Cabal Config"},
-	"click.me":                    {"Text"},
-	"composer.lock":               {"JSON"},
-	"configure.ac":                {"M4Sugar"},
-	"contents.lr":                 {"Markdown"},
-	"cpanfile":                    {"Perl"},
-	"cshrc":                       {"Shell"},
-	"delete.me":                   {"Text"},
-	"descrip.mmk":                 {"Module Management System"},
-	"descrip.mms":                 {"Module Management System"},
-	"devcontainer.json":           {"JSON with Comments"},
-	"dir_colors":                  {"dircolors"},
-	"encodings.dir":               {"X Font Directory Index"},
-	"eqnrc":                       {"Roff"},
-	"expr-dist":                   {"R"},
-	"firestore.rules":             {"Cloud Firestore Security Rules"},
-	"fonts.alias":                 {"X Font Directory Index"},
-	"fonts.dir":                   {"X Font Directory Index"},
-	"fonts.scale":                 {"X Font Directory Index"},
-	"fp-lib-table":                {"KiCad Layout"},
-	"gitignore-global":            {"Ignore List"},
-	"gitignore_global":            {"Ignore List"},
-	"glide.lock":                  {"YAML"},
-	"go.mod":                      {"Text"},
-	"go.sum":                      {"Text"},
-	"gradlew":                     {"Shell"},
-	"gvimrc":                      {"Vim script"},
-	"haproxy.cfg":                 {"HAProxy"},
-	"httpd.conf":                  {"ApacheConf"},
-	"inputrc":                     {"Readline Config"},
-	"installscript.qs":            {"Qt Script"},
-	"jsconfig.json":               {"JSON with Comments"},
-	"keep.me":                     {"Text"},
-	"language-configuration.json": {"JSON with Comments"},
-	"ld.script":                   {"Linker Script"},
-	"lexer.x":                     {"Lex"},
-	"login":                       {"Shell"},
-	"m3makefile":                  {"Quake"},
-	"m3overrides":                 {"Quake"},
-	"makefile":                    {"Makefile"},
-	"makefile.sco":                {"Makefile"},
-	"man":                         {"Shell"},
-	"mcmod.info":                  {"JSON"},
-	"meson.build":                 {"Meson"},
-	"meson_options.txt":           {"Meson"},
-	"mix.lock":                    {"Elixir"},
-	"mkfile":                      {"Makefile"},
-	"mmn":                         {"Roff"},
-	"mmt":                         {"Roff"},
-	"nanorc":                      {"nanorc"},
-	"nextflow.config":             {"Nextflow"},
-	"nginx.conf":                  {"Nginx"},
-	"nim.cfg":                     {"Nim"},
-	"nvimrc":                      {"Vim script"},
-	"owh":                         {"Tcl"},
-	"package.mask":                {"Text"},
-	"package.use.mask":            {"Text"},
-	"package.use.stable.mask":     {"Text"},
-	"packages.config":             {"XML"},
-	"poetry.lock":                 {"TOML"},
-	"pom.xml":                     {"Maven POM"},
-	"profile":                     {"Shell"},
-	"read.me":                     {"Text"},
-	"readme.1st":                  {"Text"},
-	"rebar.config":                {"Erlang"},
-	"rebar.config.lock":           {"Erlang"},
-	"rebar.lock":                  {"Erlang"},
-	"riemann.config":              {"Clojure"},
-	"ssh-config":                  {"SSH Config"},
-	"ssh_config":                  {"SSH Config"},
-	"sshconfig":                   {"SSH Config"},
-	"sshconfig.snip":              {"SSH Config"},
-	"sshd-config":                 {"SSH Config"},
-	"sshd_config":                 {"SSH Config"},
-	"starfield":                   {"Tcl"},
-	"test.me":                     {"Text"},
-	"toolchain_installscript.qs":  {"Qt Script"},
-	"troffrc":                     {"Roff"},
-	"troffrc-end":                 {"Roff"},
-	"tsconfig.json":               {"JSON with Comments"},
-	"tslint.json":                 {"JSON with Comments"},
-	"use.mask":                    {"Text"},
-	"use.stable.mask":             {"Text"},
-	"vimrc":                       {"Vim script"},
-	"wscript":                     {"Python"},
-	"xcompose":                    {"XCompose"},
-	"yarn.lock":                   {"YAML"},
-	"zlogin":                      {"Shell"},
-	"zlogout":                     {"Shell"},
-	"zprofile":                    {"Shell"},
-	"zshenv":                      {"Shell"},
-	"zshrc":                       {"Shell"},
+	".Rprofile":                    {"R"},
+	".XCompose":                    {"XCompose"},
+	".abbrev_defs":                 {"Emacs Lisp"},
+	".arcconfig":                   {"JSON"},
+	".atomignore":                  {"Ignore List"},
+	".babelignore":                 {"Ignore List"},
+	".babelrc":                     {"JSON with Comments"},
+	".bash_aliases":                {"Shell"},
+	".bash_history":                {"Shell"},
+	".bash_logout":                 {"Shell"},
+	".bash_profile":                {"Shell"},
+	".bashrc":                      {"Shell"},
+	".browserslistrc":              {"Browserslist"},
+	".bzrignore":                   {"Ignore List"},
+	".clang-format":                {"YAML"},
+	".clang-tidy":                  {"YAML"},
+	".classpath":                   {"XML"},
+	".coffeelintignore":            {"Ignore List"},
+	".cproject":                    {"XML"},
+	".cshrc":                       {"Shell"},
+	".curlrc":                      {"cURL Config"},
+	".cvsignore":                   {"Ignore List"},
+	".dir_colors":                  {"dircolors"},
+	".dircolors":                   {"dircolors"},
+	".dockerignore":                {"Ignore List"},
+	".editorconfig":                {"EditorConfig"},
+	".eleventyignore":              {"Ignore List"},
+	".emacs":                       {"Emacs Lisp"},
+	".emacs.desktop":               {"Emacs Lisp"},
+	".env":                         {"Shell"},
+	".env.example":                 {"Shell"},
+	".eslintignore":                {"Ignore List"},
+	".eslintrc.json":               {"JSON with Comments"},
+	".exrc":                        {"Vim script"},
+	".factor-boot-rc":              {"Factor"},
+	".factor-rc":                   {"Factor"},
+	".flaskenv":                    {"Shell"},
+	".gclient":                     {"Python"},
+	".gemrc":                       {"YAML"},
+	".gitattributes":               {"Git Attributes"},
+	".gitconfig":                   {"Git Config"},
+	".gitignore":                   {"Ignore List"},
+	".gitmodules":                  {"Git Config"},
+	".gn":                          {"GN"},
+	".gnus":                        {"Emacs Lisp"},
+	".gvimrc":                      {"Vim script"},
+	".htaccess":                    {"ApacheConf"},
+	".htmlhintrc":                  {"JSON"},
+	".inputrc":                     {"Readline Config"},
+	".irbrc":                       {"Ruby"},
+	".jscsrc":                      {"JSON with Comments"},
+	".jshintrc":                    {"JSON with Comments"},
+	".jslintrc":                    {"JSON with Comments"},
+	".login":                       {"Shell"},
+	".luacheckrc":                  {"Lua"},
+	".nanorc":                      {"nanorc"},
+	".nodemonignore":               {"Ignore List"},
+	".npmignore":                   {"Ignore List"},
+	".npmrc":                       {"NPM Config"},
+	".nvimrc":                      {"Vim script"},
+	".php":                         {"PHP"},
+	".php_cs":                      {"PHP"},
+	".php_cs.dist":                 {"PHP"},
+	".prettierignore":              {"Ignore List"},
+	".profile":                     {"Shell"},
+	".project":                     {"XML"},
+	".pryrc":                       {"Ruby"},
+	".simplecov":                   {"Ruby"},
+	".spacemacs":                   {"Emacs Lisp"},
+	".stylelintignore":             {"Ignore List"},
+	".tern-config":                 {"JSON"},
+	".tern-project":                {"JSON"},
+	".vimrc":                       {"Vim script"},
+	".viper":                       {"Emacs Lisp"},
+	".vscodeignore":                {"Ignore List"},
+	".watchmanconfig":              {"JSON"},
+	".wgetrc":                      {"Wget Config"},
+	".zlogin":                      {"Shell"},
+	".zlogout":                     {"Shell"},
+	".zprofile":                    {"Shell"},
+	".zshenv":                      {"Shell"},
+	".zshrc":                       {"Shell"},
+	"9fs":                          {"Shell"},
+	"APKBUILD":                     {"Alpine Abuild"},
+	"App.config":                   {"XML"},
+	"Appraisals":                   {"Ruby"},
+	"BSDmakefile":                  {"Makefile"},
+	"BUCK":                         {"Starlark"},
+	"BUILD":                        {"Starlark"},
+	"BUILD.bazel":                  {"Starlark"},
+	"Berksfile":                    {"Ruby"},
+	"Brewfile":                     {"Ruby"},
+	"Buildfile":                    {"Ruby"},
+	"CMakeLists.txt":               {"CMake"},
+	"COPYING":                      {"Text"},
+	"COPYING.regex":                {"Text"},
+	"COPYRIGHT.regex":              {"Text"},
+	"Cakefile":                     {"CoffeeScript"},
+	"Capfile":                      {"Ruby"},
+	"Cargo.lock":                   {"TOML"},
+	"Cask":                         {"Emacs Lisp"},
+	"DEPS":                         {"Python"},
+	"DIR_COLORS":                   {"dircolors"},
+	"Dangerfile":                   {"Ruby"},
+	"Deliverfile":                  {"Ruby"},
+	"Dockerfile":                   {"Dockerfile"},
+	"Emakefile":                    {"Erlang"},
+	"FONTLOG":                      {"Text"},
+	"Fakefile":                     {"Fancy"},
+	"Fastfile":                     {"Ruby"},
+	"GNUmakefile":                  {"Makefile"},
+	"Gemfile":                      {"Ruby"},
+	"Gemfile.lock":                 {"Ruby"},
+	"Gopkg.lock":                   {"TOML"},
+	"Guardfile":                    {"Ruby"},
+	"INSTALL":                      {"Text"},
+	"INSTALL.mysql":                {"Text"},
+	"Jakefile":                     {"JavaScript"},
+	"Jarfile":                      {"Ruby"},
+	"Jenkinsfile":                  {"Groovy"},
+	"Kbuild":                       {"Makefile"},
+	"LICENSE":                      {"Text"},
+	"LICENSE.mysql":                {"Text"},
+	"Lexer.x":                      {"Lex"},
+	"Makefile":                     {"Makefile"},
+	"Makefile.PL":                  {"Perl"},
+	"Makefile.am":                  {"Makefile"},
+	"Makefile.boot":                {"Makefile"},
+	"Makefile.frag":                {"Makefile"},
+	"Makefile.in":                  {"Makefile"},
+	"Makefile.inc":                 {"Makefile"},
+	"Makefile.wat":                 {"Makefile"},
+	"Mavenfile":                    {"Ruby"},
+	"Modulefile":                   {"Puppet"},
+	"NEWS":                         {"Text"},
+	"Notebook":                     {"Jupyter Notebook"},
+	"NuGet.config":                 {"XML"},
+	"Nukefile":                     {"Nu"},
+	"PKGBUILD":                     {"Shell"},
+	"Phakefile":                    {"PHP"},
+	"Pipfile":                      {"TOML"},
+	"Pipfile.lock":                 {"JSON"},
+	"Podfile":                      {"Ruby"},
+	"Project.ede":                  {"Emacs Lisp"},
+	"Puppetfile":                   {"Ruby"},
+	"README.1ST":                   {"Text"},
+	"README.me":                    {"Text"},
+	"README.mysql":                 {"Text"},
+	"README.nss":                   {"Text"},
+	"ROOT":                         {"Isabelle ROOT"},
+	"Rakefile":                     {"Ruby"},
+	"Rexfile":                      {"Perl"},
+	"SConscript":                   {"Python"},
+	"SConstruct":                   {"Python"},
+	"Settings.StyleCop":            {"XML"},
+	"Slakefile":                    {"LiveScript"},
+	"Snakefile":                    {"Python"},
+	"Snapfile":                     {"Ruby"},
+	"Thorfile":                     {"Ruby"},
+	"Tiltfile":                     {"Starlark"},
+	"Vagrantfile":                  {"Ruby"},
+	"WORKSPACE":                    {"Starlark"},
+	"Web.Debug.config":             {"XML"},
+	"Web.Release.config":           {"XML"},
+	"Web.config":                   {"XML"},
+	"XCompose":                     {"XCompose"},
+	"_curlrc":                      {"cURL Config"},
+	"_dir_colors":                  {"dircolors"},
+	"_dircolors":                   {"dircolors"},
+	"_emacs":                       {"Emacs Lisp"},
+	"_vimrc":                       {"Vim script"},
+	"abbrev_defs":                  {"Emacs Lisp"},
+	"ack":                          {"Perl"},
+	"ant.xml":                      {"Ant Build System"},
+	"apache2.conf":                 {"ApacheConf"},
+	"bash_aliases":                 {"Shell"},
+	"bash_logout":                  {"Shell"},
+	"bash_profile":                 {"Shell"},
+	"bashrc":                       {"Shell"},
+	"browserslist":                 {"Browserslist"},
+	"build.xml":                    {"Ant Build System"},
+	"buildfile":                    {"Ruby"},
+	"buildozer.spec":               {"INI"},
+	"cabal.config":                 {"Cabal Config"},
+	"cabal.project":                {"Cabal Config"},
+	"click.me":                     {"Text"},
+	"composer.lock":                {"JSON"},
+	"configure.ac":                 {"M4Sugar"},
+	"contents.lr":                  {"Markdown"},
+	"cpanfile":                     {"Perl"},
+	"cshrc":                        {"Shell"},
+	"delete.me":                    {"Text"},
+	"descrip.mmk":                  {"Module Management System"},
+	"descrip.mms":                  {"Module Management System"},
+	"devcontainer.json":            {"JSON with Comments"},
+	"dir_colors":                   {"dircolors"},
+	"encodings.dir":                {"X Font Directory Index"},
+	"eqnrc":                        {"Roff"},
+	"expr-dist":                    {"R"},
+	"firestore.rules":              {"Cloud Firestore Security Rules"},
+	"fonts.alias":                  {"X Font Directory Index"},
+	"fonts.dir":                    {"X Font Directory Index"},
+	"fonts.scale":                  {"X Font Directory Index"},
+	"fp-lib-table":                 {"KiCad Layout"},
+	"gitignore-global":             {"Ignore List"},
+	"gitignore_global":             {"Ignore List"},
+	"glide.lock":                   {"YAML"},
+	"go.mod":                       {"Text"},
+	"go.sum":                       {"Text"},
+	"gradlew":                      {"Shell"},
+	"gvimrc":                       {"Vim script"},
+	"haproxy.cfg":                  {"HAProxy"},
+	"httpd.conf":                   {"ApacheConf"},
+	"inputrc":                      {"Readline Config"},
+	"installscript.qs":             {"Qt Script"},
+	"jsconfig.json":                {"JSON with Comments"},
+	"keep.me":                      {"Text"},
+	"language-configuration.json":  {"JSON with Comments"},
+	"language-subtag-registry.txt": {"Record Jar"},
+	"ld.script":                    {"Linker Script"},
+	"lexer.x":                      {"Lex"},
+	"login":                        {"Shell"},
+	"m3makefile":                   {"Quake"},
+	"m3overrides":                  {"Quake"},
+	"makefile":                     {"Makefile"},
+	"makefile.sco":                 {"Makefile"},
+	"man":                          {"Shell"},
+	"mcmod.info":                   {"JSON"},
+	"meson.build":                  {"Meson"},
+	"meson_options.txt":            {"Meson"},
+	"mix.lock":                     {"Elixir"},
+	"mkfile":                       {"Makefile"},
+	"mmn":                          {"Roff"},
+	"mmt":                          {"Roff"},
+	"nanorc":                       {"nanorc"},
+	"nextflow.config":              {"Nextflow"},
+	"nginx.conf":                   {"Nginx"},
+	"nim.cfg":                      {"Nim"},
+	"nvimrc":                       {"Vim script"},
+	"owh":                          {"Tcl"},
+	"package.mask":                 {"Text"},
+	"package.use.mask":             {"Text"},
+	"package.use.stable.mask":      {"Text"},
+	"packages.config":              {"XML"},
+	"poetry.lock":                  {"TOML"},
+	"pom.xml":                      {"Maven POM"},
+	"profile":                      {"Shell"},
+	"read.me":                      {"Text"},
+	"readme.1st":                   {"Text"},
+	"rebar.config":                 {"Erlang"},
+	"rebar.config.lock":            {"Erlang"},
+	"rebar.lock":                   {"Erlang"},
+	"riemann.config":               {"Clojure"},
+	"ssh-config":                   {"SSH Config"},
+	"ssh_config":                   {"SSH Config"},
+	"sshconfig":                    {"SSH Config"},
+	"sshconfig.snip":               {"SSH Config"},
+	"sshd-config":                  {"SSH Config"},
+	"sshd_config":                  {"SSH Config"},
+	"starfield":                    {"Tcl"},
+	"test.me":                      {"Text"},
+	"toolchain_installscript.qs":   {"Qt Script"},
+	"troffrc":                      {"Roff"},
+	"troffrc-end":                  {"Roff"},
+	"tsconfig.json":                {"JSON with Comments"},
+	"tslint.json":                  {"JSON with Comments"},
+	"use.mask":                     {"Text"},
+	"use.stable.mask":              {"Text"},
+	"vimrc":                        {"Vim script"},
+	"wscript":                      {"Python"},
+	"xcompose":                     {"XCompose"},
+	"yarn.lock":                    {"YAML"},
+	"zlogin":                       {"Shell"},
+	"zlogout":                      {"Shell"},
+	"zprofile":                     {"Shell"},
+	"zshenv":                       {"Shell"},
+	"zshrc":                        {"Shell"},
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/go-enry/go-enry/v2/data/frequencies.go b/vendor/github.com/go-enry/go-enry/v2/data/frequencies.go
index 82193d0250..e9631ff71e 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/go-enry/go-enry/v2/data/frequencies.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/go-enry/go-enry/v2/data/frequencies.go
@@ -1,515 +1,521 @@
 // Code generated by github.com/go-enry/go-enry/v2/internal/code-generator DO NOT EDIT.
-// Extracted from github/linguist commit: 223c00bb80eff04788e29010f98c5778993d2b2a
+// Extracted from github/linguist commit: 6aed0bd564f55c4f2d987c2e6035eda7aea26375
 package data
 var LanguagesLogProbabilities = map[string]float64{
-	"1C Enterprise":                      -5.995623,
-	"4D":                                 -6.401088,
-	"ABAP":                               -7.787382,
-	"ABNF":                               -7.787382,
-	"AGS Script":                         -6.401088,
-	"AL":                                 -6.688770,
-	"AMPL":                               -7.094235,
-	"API Blueprint":                      -6.688770,
-	"APL":                                -6.688770,
-	"ASL":                                -7.094235,
-	"ASN.1":                              -7.787382,
-	"ASP.NET":                            -6.401088,
-	"ATS":                                -5.590157,
-	"ActionScript":                       -6.401088,
-	"Adobe Font Metrics":                 -6.688770,
-	"Agda":                               -7.787382,
-	"Alloy":                              -6.688770,
-	"Alpine Abuild":                      -7.787382,
-	"Altium Designer":                    -6.401088,
-	"AngelScript":                        -7.094235,
-	"Ant Build System":                   -7.787382,
-	"ApacheConf":                         -6.401088,
-	"Apex":                               -5.995623,
-	"Apollo Guidance Computer":           -7.787382,
-	"AppleScript":                        -5.841472,
-	"AsciiDoc":                           -6.688770,
-	"AspectJ":                            -7.094235,
-	"Assembly":                           -5.590157,
-	"Asymptote":                          -7.094235,
-	"AutoHotkey":                         -7.787382,
-	"Avro IDL":                           -7.787382,
-	"Awk":                                -7.787382,
-	"Ballerina":                          -6.177944,
-	"BibTeX":                             -7.094235,
-	"BitBake":                            -7.094235,
-	"Blade":                              -7.094235,
-	"BlitzBasic":                         -6.688770,
-	"BlitzMax":                           -7.787382,
-	"Bluespec":                           -7.094235,
-	"Brainfuck":                          -6.177944,
-	"Brightscript":                       -7.787382,
-	"C":                                  -3.744331,
-	"C#":                                 -5.995623,
-	"C++":                                -3.875359,
-	"CLIPS":                              -7.094235,
-	"CMake":                              -5.841472,
-	"COBOL":                              -6.401088,
-	"CSON":                               -6.401088,
-	"CSS":                                -7.094235,
-	"CSV":                                -7.787382,
-	"CWeb":                               -7.787382,
-	"Cabal Config":                       -6.401088,
-	"CartoCSS":                           -7.787382,
-	"Ceylon":                             -7.787382,
-	"Chapel":                             -6.177944,
-	"Charity":                            -7.787382,
-	"Cirru":                              -5.148325,
-	"Clarion":                            -6.401088,
-	"Classic ASP":                        -7.094235,
-	"Clean":                              -5.590157,
-	"Click":                              -7.094235,
-	"Clojure":                            -5.590157,
-	"Closure Templates":                  -7.787382,
-	"Cloud Firestore Security Rules":     -7.787382,
-	"CoNLL-U":                            -6.688770,
-	"CodeQL":                             -5.995623,
-	"CoffeeScript":                       -5.484797,
-	"ColdFusion":                         -7.787382,
-	"ColdFusion CFC":                     -7.094235,
-	"Common Lisp":                        -5.590157,
-	"Common Workflow Language":           -7.787382,
-	"Component Pascal":                   -7.094235,
-	"Cool":                               -7.094235,
-	"Coq":                                -5.222433,
-	"Creole":                             -7.787382,
-	"Crystal":                            -6.688770,
-	"Csound":                             -6.688770,
-	"Csound Document":                    -6.688770,
-	"Csound Score":                       -6.688770,
-	"Cuda":                               -7.094235,
-	"Cycript":                            -7.787382,
-	"D":                                  -5.590157,
-	"DIGITAL Command Language":           -6.401088,
-	"DM":                                 -7.787382,
-	"DNS Zone":                           -7.094235,
-	"DTrace":                             -6.688770,
-	"Dafny":                              -7.094235,
-	"Dart":                               -7.787382,
-	"DataWeave":                          -6.177944,
-	"Dhall":                              -7.094235,
-	"Diff":                               -7.787382,
-	"DirectX 3D File":                    -7.787382,
-	"Dockerfile":                         -7.787382,
-	"Dogescript":                         -7.787382,
-	"E":                                  -5.841472,
-	"EBNF":                               -6.401088,
-	"ECL":                                -7.787382,
-	"ECLiPSe":                            -7.787382,
-	"EJS":                                -6.401088,
-	"EML":                                -7.787382,
-	"EQ":                                 -6.688770,
-	"Eagle":                              -7.094235,
-	"Easybuild":                          -7.787382,
-	"EditorConfig":                       -7.787382,
-	"Edje Data Collection":               -7.787382,
-	"Eiffel":                             -6.688770,
-	"Elixir":                             -7.787382,
-	"Elm":                                -6.688770,
-	"Emacs Lisp":                         -5.389487,
-	"EmberScript":                        -7.787382,
-	"Erlang":                             -5.148325,
-	"F#":                                 -5.707940,
-	"FIGlet Font":                        -7.787382,
-	"FLUX":                               -6.401088,
-	"Fantom":                             -7.094235,
-	"Faust":                              -7.094235,
-	"Filebench WML":                      -7.787382,
-	"Filterscript":                       -7.094235,
-	"Formatted":                          -6.688770,
-	"Forth":                              -5.014793,
-	"Fortran":                            -6.177944,
-	"FreeMarker":                         -7.094235,
-	"Frege":                              -6.401088,
-	"Fstar":                              -7.094235,
-	"Futhark":                            -7.787382,
-	"G-code":                             -6.688770,
-	"GAML":                               -5.995623,
-	"GAMS":                               -7.787382,
-	"GAP":                                -5.590157,
-	"GCC Machine Description":            -7.787382,
-	"GDB":                                -7.094235,
-	"GDScript":                           -6.401088,
-	"GEDCOM":                             -7.787382,
-	"GLSL":                               -5.014793,
-	"GN":                                 -5.389487,
-	"Game Maker Language":                -5.389487,
-	"Genie":                              -6.401088,
-	"Gerber Image":                       -4.954169,
-	"Gherkin":                            -7.094235,
-	"Git Attributes":                     -7.787382,
-	"Git Config":                         -6.688770,
-	"Glyph Bitmap Distribution Format":   -7.787382,
-	"Gnuplot":                            -5.841472,
-	"Go":                                 -6.401088,
-	"Golo":                               -4.491545,
-	"Gosu":                               -6.177944,
-	"Grace":                              -7.094235,
-	"Gradle":                             -7.094235,
-	"Grammatical Framework":              -4.073810,
-	"Graph Modeling Language":            -6.688770,
-	"GraphQL":                            -6.401088,
-	"Graphviz (DOT)":                     -7.094235,
-	"Groovy":                             -5.995623,
-	"Groovy Server Pages":                -6.401088,
-	"HAProxy":                            -6.401088,
-	"HCL":                                -5.995623,
-	"HLSL":                               -6.177944,
-	"HTML":                               -5.841472,
-	"HTML+Django":                        -6.688770,
-	"HTML+ECR":                           -7.787382,
-	"HTML+EEX":                           -7.094235,
-	"HTML+ERB":                           -6.688770,
-	"HTML+Razor":                         -7.094235,
-	"HXML":                               -7.094235,
-	"Hack":                               -4.386185,
-	"Haml":                               -7.094235,
-	"Handlebars":                         -7.094235,
-	"Haskell":                            -6.177944,
-	"HiveQL":                             -7.094235,
-	"HolyC":                              -6.177944,
-	"Hy":                                 -6.688770,
-	"HyPhy":                              -5.707940,
-	"IDL":                                -6.401088,
-	"IGOR Pro":                           -6.688770,
-	"INI":                                -5.707940,
-	"Idris":                              -7.787382,
-	"Ignore List":                        -5.014793,
-	"Inform 7":                           -7.094235,
-	"Inno Setup":                         -7.094235,
-	"Ioke":                               -7.787382,
-	"Isabelle":                           -7.787382,
-	"Isabelle ROOT":                      -7.787382,
-	"J":                                  -7.094235,
-	"JFlex":                              -7.094235,
-	"JSON":                               -4.609328,
-	"JSON with Comments":                 -4.651888,
-	"JSON5":                              -7.094235,
-	"JSONLD":                             -7.787382,
-	"JSONiq":                             -7.094235,
-	"JSX":                                -7.787382,
-	"Jasmin":                             -5.707940,
-	"Java":                               -5.484797,
-	"Java Properties":                    -7.094235,
-	"JavaScript":                         -4.123820,
-	"JavaScript+ERB":                     -7.787382,
-	"Jison":                              -6.688770,
-	"Jison Lex":                          -7.094235,
-	"Jolie":                              -6.177944,
-	"Jsonnet":                            -7.787382,
-	"Julia":                              -7.094235,
-	"Jupyter Notebook":                   -7.787382,
-	"KRL":                                -7.787382,
-	"Kaitai Struct":                      -7.094235,
-	"KiCad Layout":                       -5.014793,
-	"KiCad Legacy Layout":                -7.787382,
-	"KiCad Schematic":                    -5.995623,
-	"Kit":                                -7.787382,
-	"Kotlin":                             -7.787382,
-	"LFE":                                -6.401088,
-	"LOLCODE":                            -7.787382,
-	"LSL":                                -7.094235,
-	"LTspice Symbol":                     -7.787382,
-	"LabVIEW":                            -5.484797,
-	"Lark":                               -6.688770,
-	"Lasso":                              -6.688770,
-	"Latte":                              -7.094235,
-	"Lean":                               -7.094235,
-	"Less":                               -7.787382,
-	"Lex":                                -7.094235,
-	"Limbo":                              -6.688770,
-	"Linker Script":                      -6.401088,
-	"Linux Kernel Module":                -6.688770,
-	"Liquid":                             -7.094235,
-	"Literate Agda":                      -7.787382,
-	"Literate CoffeeScript":              -7.094235,
-	"LiveScript":                         -7.787382,
-	"Logos":                              -6.177944,
-	"Logtalk":                            -7.787382,
-	"LookML":                             -6.688770,
-	"LoomScript":                         -7.094235,
-	"Lua":                                -5.841472,
-	"M":                                  -4.420086,
-	"M4":                                 -7.787382,
-	"M4Sugar":                            -6.688770,
-	"MATLAB":                             -4.123820,
-	"MAXScript":                          -6.177944,
-	"MLIR":                               -6.401088,
-	"MQL4":                               -6.688770,
-	"MQL5":                               -6.688770,
-	"MTML":                               -7.787382,
-	"MUF":                                -7.094235,
-	"Macaulay2":                          -7.787382,
-	"Makefile":                           -5.302475,
-	"Markdown":                           -5.590157,
-	"Marko":                              -6.688770,
-	"Mask":                               -7.787382,
-	"Mathematica":                        -5.302475,
-	"Maven POM":                          -7.787382,
-	"Max":                                -6.688770,
-	"MediaWiki":                          -7.094235,
-	"Mercury":                            -5.484797,
-	"Meson":                              -7.094235,
-	"Metal":                              -7.787382,
-	"Microsoft Developer Studio Project": -7.787382,
-	"Modelica":                           -5.302475,
-	"Modula-2":                           -7.787382,
-	"Modula-3":                           -6.177944,
-	"Module Management System":           -6.177944,
-	"Monkey":                             -6.177944,
-	"Moocode":                            -6.688770,
-	"MoonScript":                         -7.787382,
-	"Motorola 68K Assembly":              -5.995623,
-	"Muse":                               -7.094235,
-	"Mustache":                           -6.401088,
-	"NASL":                               -5.484797,
-	"NCL":                                -5.014793,
-	"NEON":                               -7.094235,
-	"NL":                                 -7.094235,
-	"NPM Config":                         -7.787382,
-	"NSIS":                               -7.094235,
-	"NWScript":                           -5.995623,
-	"Nearley":                            -7.787382,
-	"Nemerle":                            -7.787382,
-	"NetLinx":                            -7.094235,
-	"NetLinx+ERB":                        -7.094235,
-	"NetLogo":                            -7.787382,
-	"NewLisp":                            -6.688770,
-	"Nextflow":                           -6.401088,
-	"Nginx":                              -6.688770,
-	"Nim":                                -6.177944,
-	"Nit":                                -4.609328,
-	"Nix":                                -7.787382,
-	"Nu":                                 -7.094235,
-	"OCaml":                              -5.484797,
-	"Object Data Instance Notation":      -7.787382,
-	"ObjectScript":                       -7.787382,
-	"Objective-C":                        -4.696340,
-	"Objective-C++":                      -7.094235,
-	"Objective-J":                        -6.688770,
-	"Odin":                               -7.787382,
-	"Omgrofl":                            -7.787382,
-	"Opa":                                -7.094235,
-	"Opal":                               -7.787382,
-	"Open Policy Agent":                  -6.401088,
-	"OpenCL":                             -7.094235,
-	"OpenEdge ABL":                       -5.995623,
-	"OpenQASM":                           -7.787382,
-	"OpenRC runscript":                   -7.787382,
-	"OpenSCAD":                           -7.094235,
-	"OpenStep Property List":             -7.787382,
-	"Org":                                -7.787382,
-	"Ox":                                 -6.688770,
-	"Oxygene":                            -7.787382,
-	"Oz":                                 -7.787382,
-	"P4":                                 -7.094235,
-	"PHP":                                -4.842943,
-	"PLSQL":                              -5.707940,
-	"PLpgSQL":                            -5.841472,
-	"POV-Ray SDL":                        -5.302475,
-	"Pan":                                -4.897010,
-	"Papyrus":                            -6.688770,
-	"Parrot Assembly":                    -7.787382,
-	"Parrot Internal Representation":     -7.787382,
-	"Pascal":                             -5.302475,
-	"Pawn":                               -5.995623,
-	"Pep8":                               -5.841472,
-	"Perl":                               -4.609328,
-	"Pic":                                -6.688770,
-	"Pickle":                             -6.401088,
-	"PicoLisp":                           -7.787382,
-	"PigLatin":                           -7.787382,
-	"Pike":                               -6.688770,
-	"PlantUML":                           -5.841472,
-	"Pod":                                -6.401088,
-	"Pod 6":                              -7.787382,
-	"PogoScript":                         -7.787382,
-	"Pony":                               -5.995623,
-	"PostCSS":                            -7.094235,
-	"PostScript":                         -6.688770,
-	"PowerBuilder":                       -5.995623,
-	"PowerShell":                         -6.401088,
-	"Prisma":                             -6.177944,
-	"Processing":                         -7.787382,
-	"Proguard":                           -6.688770,
-	"Prolog":                             -5.590157,
-	"Propeller Spin":                     -5.484797,
-	"Protocol Buffer":                    -7.787382,
-	"Public Key":                         -5.841472,
-	"Pug":                                -7.094235,
-	"Puppet":                             -6.177944,
-	"PureBasic":                          -7.094235,
-	"PureScript":                         -6.401088,
-	"Python":                             -4.651888,
-	"Q#":                                 -7.094235,
-	"QML":                                -7.787382,
-	"QMake":                              -6.401088,
-	"Qt Script":                          -7.094235,
-	"Quake":                              -7.094235,
-	"R":                                  -5.707940,
-	"RAML":                               -7.787382,
-	"RDoc":                               -7.787382,
-	"REXX":                               -6.401088,
-	"RMarkdown":                          -7.787382,
-	"RPC":                                -6.688770,
-	"RPM Spec":                           -6.688770,
-	"RUNOFF":                             -6.401088,
-	"Racket":                             -7.094235,
-	"Ragel":                              -6.688770,
-	"Raku":                               -4.696340,
-	"Rascal":                             -6.401088,
-	"ReScript":                           -7.787382,
-	"Readline Config":                    -7.787382,
-	"Reason":                             -5.995623,
-	"Rebol":                              -5.995623,
-	"Red":                                -7.094235,
-	"Regular Expression":                 -6.401088,
-	"Ren'Py":                             -7.787382,
-	"RenderScript":                       -7.094235,
-	"Rich Text Format":                   -7.094235,
-	"Ring":                               -6.401088,
-	"Riot":                               -7.094235,
-	"RobotFramework":                     -6.688770,
-	"Roff":                               -4.954169,
-	"Roff Manpage":                       -5.302475,
-	"Ruby":                               -4.261022,
-	"Rust":                               -6.688770,
-	"SAS":                                -6.688770,
-	"SCSS":                               -7.787382,
-	"SMT":                                -6.401088,
-	"SPARQL":                             -7.094235,
-	"SQF":                                -7.094235,
-	"SQL":                                -5.148325,
-	"SQLPL":                              -5.995623,
-	"SRecode Template":                   -7.787382,
-	"SSH Config":                         -5.995623,
-	"STON":                               -5.841472,
-	"SWIG":                               -6.688770,
-	"Sage":                               -7.787382,
-	"SaltStack":                          -5.995623,
-	"Sass":                               -7.787382,
-	"Scala":                              -5.841472,
-	"Scaml":                              -7.787382,
-	"Scheme":                             -6.401088,
-	"Scilab":                             -6.688770,
-	"ShaderLab":                          -6.688770,
-	"Shell":                              -3.895562,
-	"ShellSession":                       -6.688770,
-	"Shen":                               -6.688770,
-	"Sieve":                              -5.389487,
-	"Slash":                              -7.787382,
-	"Slice":                              -6.688770,
-	"Slim":                               -7.787382,
-	"SmPL":                               -7.787382,
-	"Smali":                              -5.841472,
-	"Smalltalk":                          -5.484797,
-	"SourcePawn":                         -7.094235,
-	"Squirrel":                           -7.787382,
-	"Stan":                               -6.688770,
-	"Standard ML":                        -6.177944,
-	"Starlark":                           -5.995623,
-	"Stata":                              -5.841472,
-	"Stylus":                             -7.787382,
-	"SubRip Text":                        -7.787382,
-	"SugarSS":                            -7.787382,
-	"SuperCollider":                      -6.177944,
-	"Svelte":                             -7.787382,
-	"Swift":                              -4.026182,
-	"SystemVerilog":                      -6.401088,
-	"TI Program":                         -6.401088,
-	"TLA":                                -7.094235,
-	"TOML":                               -6.688770,
-	"TSQL":                               -6.401088,
-	"TSV":                                -7.787382,
-	"TSX":                                -6.401088,
-	"TXL":                                -7.787382,
-	"Tcl":                                -6.401088,
-	"Tcsh":                               -7.787382,
-	"TeX":                                -5.841472,
-	"Tea":                                -7.787382,
-	"Terra":                              -6.688770,
-	"Texinfo":                            -7.787382,
-	"Text":                               -4.491545,
-	"Thrift":                             -7.787382,
-	"Turing":                             -6.401088,
-	"Turtle":                             -7.094235,
-	"Type Language":                      -7.094235,
-	"TypeScript":                         -6.688770,
-	"Unity3D Asset":                      -5.995623,
-	"Unix Assembly":                      -6.401088,
-	"Uno":                                -6.688770,
-	"UnrealScript":                       -7.094235,
-	"UrWeb":                              -7.094235,
-	"V":                                  -5.590157,
-	"VBA":                                -6.401088,
-	"VBScript":                           -7.787382,
-	"VCL":                                -7.094235,
-	"VHDL":                               -7.787382,
-	"Verilog":                            -5.148325,
-	"Vim Help File":                      -7.787382,
-	"Vim Snippet":                        -7.094235,
-	"Vim script":                         -5.707940,
-	"Visual Basic .NET":                  -6.688770,
-	"Volt":                               -7.787382,
-	"Vue":                                -7.094235,
-	"Wavefront Material":                 -6.401088,
-	"Wavefront Object":                   -6.177944,
-	"Web Ontology Language":              -7.787382,
-	"WebAssembly":                        -5.995623,
-	"WebIDL":                             -7.094235,
-	"WebVTT":                             -7.094235,
-	"Wget Config":                        -7.787382,
-	"Windows Registry Entries":           -7.787382,
-	"Wollok":                             -7.094235,
-	"World of Warcraft Addon Data":       -6.688770,
-	"X BitMap":                           -7.787382,
-	"X Font Directory Index":             -6.401088,
-	"X PixMap":                           -7.094235,
-	"X10":                                -4.897010,
-	"XC":                                 -7.787382,
-	"XCompose":                           -7.787382,
-	"XML":                                -3.597727,
-	"XML Property List":                  -5.841472,
-	"XPages":                             -7.094235,
-	"XProc":                              -7.787382,
-	"XQuery":                             -7.787382,
-	"XS":                                 -7.787382,
-	"XSLT":                               -7.787382,
-	"Xojo":                               -5.995623,
-	"Xtend":                              -7.094235,
-	"YAML":                               -5.302475,
-	"YANG":                               -7.787382,
-	"YARA":                               -6.688770,
-	"YASnippet":                          -7.094235,
-	"Yacc":                               -7.787382,
-	"ZAP":                                -7.787382,
-	"ZIL":                                -7.787382,
-	"Zeek":                               -6.688770,
-	"ZenScript":                          -7.787382,
-	"Zephir":                             -7.094235,
-	"Zig":                                -6.688770,
-	"Zimpl":                              -7.787382,
-	"cURL Config":                        -7.787382,
-	"desktop":                            -7.787382,
-	"dircolors":                          -7.787382,
-	"eC":                                 -7.787382,
-	"edn":                                -7.787382,
-	"fish":                               -6.688770,
-	"mIRC Script":                        -6.401088,
-	"mcfunction":                         -7.787382,
-	"nanorc":                             -6.688770,
-	"q":                                  -7.094235,
-	"reStructuredText":                   -7.787382,
-	"sed":                                -7.787382,
-	"wdl":                                -6.688770,
-	"wisp":                               -7.787382,
-	"xBase":                              -6.688770,
+	"1C Enterprise":                      -6.005943,
+	"4D":                                 -6.411408,
+	"ABAP":                               -7.797702,
+	"ABAP CDS":                           -7.104555,
+	"ABNF":                               -7.797702,
+	"AGS Script":                         -6.411408,
+	"AL":                                 -6.699090,
+	"AMPL":                               -7.104555,
+	"API Blueprint":                      -6.699090,
+	"APL":                                -6.699090,
+	"ASL":                                -7.104555,
+	"ASN.1":                              -7.797702,
+	"ASP.NET":                            -6.411408,
+	"ATS":                                -5.600477,
+	"ActionScript":                       -6.411408,
+	"Adobe Font Metrics":                 -6.699090,
+	"Agda":                               -7.797702,
+	"Alloy":                              -6.699090,
+	"Alpine Abuild":                      -7.797702,
+	"Altium Designer":                    -6.411408,
+	"AngelScript":                        -7.104555,
+	"Ant Build System":                   -7.797702,
+	"ApacheConf":                         -6.411408,
+	"Apex":                               -6.005943,
+	"Apollo Guidance Computer":           -7.797702,
+	"AppleScript":                        -5.851792,
+	"AsciiDoc":                           -6.699090,
+	"AspectJ":                            -7.104555,
+	"Assembly":                           -5.600477,
+	"Asymptote":                          -7.104555,
+	"AutoHotkey":                         -7.797702,
+	"Avro IDL":                           -7.797702,
+	"Awk":                                -7.797702,
+	"Ballerina":                          -6.188264,
+	"Beef":                               -6.699090,
+	"BibTeX":                             -7.104555,
+	"BitBake":                            -7.104555,
+	"Blade":                              -7.104555,
+	"BlitzBasic":                         -6.699090,
+	"BlitzMax":                           -7.797702,
+	"Bluespec":                           -7.104555,
+	"Boogie":                             -6.699090,
+	"Brainfuck":                          -6.188264,
+	"Brightscript":                       -7.797702,
+	"Browserslist":                       -7.104555,
+	"C":                                  -3.754651,
+	"C#":                                 -6.005943,
+	"C++":                                -3.885679,
+	"CLIPS":                              -7.104555,
+	"CMake":                              -5.851792,
+	"COBOL":                              -6.411408,
+	"CSON":                               -6.411408,
+	"CSS":                                -7.104555,
+	"CSV":                                -7.797702,
+	"CWeb":                               -7.104555,
+	"Cabal Config":                       -6.411408,
+	"CartoCSS":                           -7.797702,
+	"Ceylon":                             -7.797702,
+	"Chapel":                             -6.188264,
+	"Charity":                            -7.797702,
+	"Cirru":                              -5.158645,
+	"Clarion":                            -6.411408,
+	"Classic ASP":                        -7.104555,
+	"Clean":                              -5.600477,
+	"Click":                              -7.104555,
+	"Clojure":                            -5.600477,
+	"Closure Templates":                  -7.797702,
+	"Cloud Firestore Security Rules":     -7.797702,
+	"CoNLL-U":                            -6.699090,
+	"CodeQL":                             -6.005943,
+	"CoffeeScript":                       -5.495117,
+	"ColdFusion":                         -7.797702,
+	"ColdFusion CFC":                     -7.104555,
+	"Common Lisp":                        -5.600477,
+	"Common Workflow Language":           -7.797702,
+	"Component Pascal":                   -7.104555,
+	"Cool":                               -7.104555,
+	"Coq":                                -5.232753,
+	"Creole":                             -7.797702,
+	"Crystal":                            -6.699090,
+	"Csound":                             -6.699090,
+	"Csound Document":                    -6.699090,
+	"Csound Score":                       -6.699090,
+	"Cuda":                               -7.104555,
+	"Cycript":                            -7.797702,
+	"D":                                  -5.600477,
+	"DIGITAL Command Language":           -6.411408,
+	"DM":                                 -7.797702,
+	"DNS Zone":                           -7.104555,
+	"DTrace":                             -6.699090,
+	"Dafny":                              -7.104555,
+	"Dart":                               -7.797702,
+	"DataWeave":                          -6.188264,
+	"Dhall":                              -7.104555,
+	"Diff":                               -7.797702,
+	"DirectX 3D File":                    -7.797702,
+	"Dockerfile":                         -7.797702,
+	"Dogescript":                         -7.797702,
+	"E":                                  -5.851792,
+	"EBNF":                               -6.411408,
+	"ECL":                                -7.797702,
+	"ECLiPSe":                            -7.797702,
+	"EJS":                                -6.411408,
+	"EML":                                -7.797702,
+	"EQ":                                 -6.699090,
+	"Eagle":                              -7.104555,
+	"Easybuild":                          -7.797702,
+	"EditorConfig":                       -7.797702,
+	"Edje Data Collection":               -7.797702,
+	"Eiffel":                             -6.699090,
+	"Elixir":                             -7.797702,
+	"Elm":                                -6.699090,
+	"Emacs Lisp":                         -5.399807,
+	"EmberScript":                        -7.797702,
+	"Erlang":                             -5.158645,
+	"F#":                                 -5.718260,
+	"FIGlet Font":                        -7.797702,
+	"FLUX":                               -6.411408,
+	"Fantom":                             -7.104555,
+	"Faust":                              -7.104555,
+	"Filebench WML":                      -7.797702,
+	"Filterscript":                       -7.104555,
+	"Formatted":                          -6.699090,
+	"Forth":                              -5.025113,
+	"Fortran":                            -6.188264,
+	"FreeMarker":                         -7.104555,
+	"Frege":                              -6.411408,
+	"Fstar":                              -7.104555,
+	"Futhark":                            -7.797702,
+	"G-code":                             -6.699090,
+	"GAML":                               -6.005943,
+	"GAMS":                               -7.797702,
+	"GAP":                                -5.600477,
+	"GCC Machine Description":            -7.797702,
+	"GDB":                                -7.104555,
+	"GDScript":                           -6.411408,
+	"GEDCOM":                             -7.797702,
+	"GLSL":                               -5.025113,
+	"GN":                                 -5.399807,
+	"Game Maker Language":                -5.399807,
+	"Genie":                              -6.411408,
+	"Gerber Image":                       -4.907330,
+	"Gherkin":                            -7.104555,
+	"Git Attributes":                     -7.797702,
+	"Git Config":                         -6.699090,
+	"Glyph Bitmap Distribution Format":   -7.797702,
+	"Gnuplot":                            -5.851792,
+	"Go":                                 -6.411408,
+	"Golo":                               -4.501865,
+	"Gosu":                               -6.188264,
+	"Grace":                              -7.104555,
+	"Gradle":                             -7.104555,
+	"Grammatical Framework":              -4.084130,
+	"Graph Modeling Language":            -6.699090,
+	"GraphQL":                            -6.411408,
+	"Graphviz (DOT)":                     -7.104555,
+	"Groovy":                             -6.005943,
+	"Groovy Server Pages":                -6.411408,
+	"HAProxy":                            -6.411408,
+	"HCL":                                -6.005943,
+	"HLSL":                               -6.188264,
+	"HTML":                               -5.851792,
+	"HTML+Django":                        -7.104555,
+	"HTML+ECR":                           -7.797702,
+	"HTML+EEX":                           -7.104555,
+	"HTML+ERB":                           -6.699090,
+	"HTML+Razor":                         -7.104555,
+	"HXML":                               -7.104555,
+	"Hack":                               -4.396505,
+	"Haml":                               -7.104555,
+	"Handlebars":                         -7.104555,
+	"Haskell":                            -6.188264,
+	"HiveQL":                             -7.104555,
+	"HolyC":                              -6.188264,
+	"Hy":                                 -6.699090,
+	"HyPhy":                              -5.718260,
+	"IDL":                                -6.411408,
+	"IGOR Pro":                           -6.699090,
+	"INI":                                -5.718260,
+	"Idris":                              -7.797702,
+	"Ignore List":                        -4.964489,
+	"ImageJ Macro":                       -7.104555,
+	"Inform 7":                           -7.104555,
+	"Inno Setup":                         -7.104555,
+	"Ioke":                               -7.797702,
+	"Isabelle":                           -7.797702,
+	"Isabelle ROOT":                      -7.797702,
+	"J":                                  -7.104555,
+	"JFlex":                              -7.104555,
+	"JSON":                               -4.578826,
+	"JSON with Comments":                 -4.662208,
+	"JSON5":                              -7.104555,
+	"JSONLD":                             -7.797702,
+	"JSONiq":                             -7.104555,
+	"Jasmin":                             -5.718260,
+	"Java":                               -5.495117,
+	"Java Properties":                    -7.104555,
+	"JavaScript":                         -4.108823,
+	"JavaScript+ERB":                     -7.797702,
+	"Jison":                              -6.699090,
+	"Jison Lex":                          -7.104555,
+	"Jolie":                              -6.188264,
+	"Jsonnet":                            -7.797702,
+	"Julia":                              -7.104555,
+	"Jupyter Notebook":                   -7.797702,
+	"KRL":                                -7.797702,
+	"Kaitai Struct":                      -7.104555,
+	"KiCad Layout":                       -5.025113,
+	"KiCad Legacy Layout":                -7.797702,
+	"KiCad Schematic":                    -6.005943,
+	"Kit":                                -7.797702,
+	"Kotlin":                             -7.797702,
+	"LFE":                                -6.411408,
+	"LOLCODE":                            -7.797702,
+	"LSL":                                -7.104555,
+	"LTspice Symbol":                     -7.797702,
+	"LabVIEW":                            -5.495117,
+	"Lark":                               -6.699090,
+	"Lasso":                              -6.699090,
+	"Latte":                              -7.104555,
+	"Lean":                               -7.104555,
+	"Less":                               -7.797702,
+	"Lex":                                -7.104555,
+	"Limbo":                              -6.699090,
+	"Linker Script":                      -6.411408,
+	"Linux Kernel Module":                -6.699090,
+	"Liquid":                             -7.104555,
+	"Literate Agda":                      -7.797702,
+	"Literate CoffeeScript":              -7.104555,
+	"LiveScript":                         -7.797702,
+	"Logos":                              -6.188264,
+	"Logtalk":                            -7.797702,
+	"LookML":                             -6.699090,
+	"LoomScript":                         -7.104555,
+	"Lua":                                -5.851792,
+	"M":                                  -4.430406,
+	"M4":                                 -6.411408,
+	"M4Sugar":                            -6.699090,
+	"MATLAB":                             -4.134140,
+	"MAXScript":                          -6.188264,
+	"MLIR":                               -6.411408,
+	"MQL4":                               -6.699090,
+	"MQL5":                               -6.699090,
+	"MTML":                               -7.797702,
+	"MUF":                                -7.104555,
+	"Macaulay2":                          -7.797702,
+	"Makefile":                           -5.312795,
+	"Markdown":                           -5.495117,
+	"Marko":                              -6.699090,
+	"Mask":                               -7.797702,
+	"Mathematica":                        -5.312795,
+	"Maven POM":                          -7.797702,
+	"Max":                                -6.699090,
+	"MediaWiki":                          -7.104555,
+	"Mercury":                            -5.495117,
+	"Meson":                              -7.104555,
+	"Metal":                              -7.797702,
+	"Microsoft Developer Studio Project": -7.797702,
+	"Modelica":                           -5.312795,
+	"Modula-2":                           -7.797702,
+	"Modula-3":                           -6.188264,
+	"Module Management System":           -6.188264,
+	"Monkey":                             -6.188264,
+	"Moocode":                            -6.699090,
+	"MoonScript":                         -7.797702,
+	"Motorola 68K Assembly":              -6.005943,
+	"Muse":                               -7.104555,
+	"Mustache":                           -6.411408,
+	"NASL":                               -5.495117,
+	"NCL":                                -5.025113,
+	"NEON":                               -7.104555,
+	"NL":                                 -7.104555,
+	"NPM Config":                         -7.797702,
+	"NSIS":                               -7.104555,
+	"NWScript":                           -6.005943,
+	"Nearley":                            -7.797702,
+	"Nemerle":                            -7.797702,
+	"NetLinx":                            -7.104555,
+	"NetLinx+ERB":                        -7.104555,
+	"NetLogo":                            -7.797702,
+	"NewLisp":                            -6.699090,
+	"Nextflow":                           -6.411408,
+	"Nginx":                              -6.699090,
+	"Nim":                                -6.188264,
+	"Nit":                                -4.619648,
+	"Nix":                                -7.797702,
+	"Nu":                                 -7.104555,
+	"Nunjucks":                           -7.797702,
+	"OCaml":                              -5.495117,
+	"Object Data Instance Notation":      -7.797702,
+	"ObjectScript":                       -7.797702,
+	"Objective-C":                        -4.706660,
+	"Objective-C++":                      -7.104555,
+	"Objective-J":                        -6.699090,
+	"Odin":                               -7.797702,
+	"Omgrofl":                            -7.797702,
+	"Opa":                                -7.104555,
+	"Opal":                               -7.797702,
+	"Open Policy Agent":                  -6.411408,
+	"OpenCL":                             -7.104555,
+	"OpenEdge ABL":                       -6.005943,
+	"OpenQASM":                           -7.797702,
+	"OpenRC runscript":                   -7.797702,
+	"OpenSCAD":                           -7.104555,
+	"OpenStep Property List":             -7.104555,
+	"Org":                                -7.797702,
+	"Ox":                                 -6.699090,
+	"Oxygene":                            -7.797702,
+	"Oz":                                 -7.797702,
+	"P4":                                 -7.104555,
+	"PHP":                                -4.853263,
+	"PLSQL":                              -5.718260,
+	"PLpgSQL":                            -5.851792,
+	"POV-Ray SDL":                        -5.312795,
+	"Pan":                                -4.907330,
+	"Papyrus":                            -6.699090,
+	"Parrot Assembly":                    -7.797702,
+	"Parrot Internal Representation":     -7.797702,
+	"Pascal":                             -5.312795,
+	"Pawn":                               -6.005943,
+	"Pep8":                               -5.851792,
+	"Perl":                               -4.619648,
+	"Pic":                                -6.699090,
+	"Pickle":                             -6.411408,
+	"PicoLisp":                           -7.797702,
+	"PigLatin":                           -7.797702,
+	"Pike":                               -6.699090,
+	"PlantUML":                           -5.851792,
+	"Pod":                                -6.411408,
+	"Pod 6":                              -7.797702,
+	"PogoScript":                         -7.797702,
+	"Pony":                               -6.005943,
+	"PostCSS":                            -7.104555,
+	"PostScript":                         -6.699090,
+	"PowerBuilder":                       -6.005943,
+	"PowerShell":                         -6.411408,
+	"Prisma":                             -6.188264,
+	"Processing":                         -7.797702,
+	"Proguard":                           -6.699090,
+	"Prolog":                             -5.600477,
+	"Propeller Spin":                     -5.495117,
+	"Protocol Buffer":                    -7.797702,
+	"Public Key":                         -5.851792,
+	"Pug":                                -7.104555,
+	"Puppet":                             -6.188264,
+	"PureBasic":                          -7.104555,
+	"PureScript":                         -6.411408,
+	"Python":                             -4.662208,
+	"Q#":                                 -7.104555,
+	"QML":                                -7.797702,
+	"QMake":                              -6.411408,
+	"Qt Script":                          -7.104555,
+	"Quake":                              -7.104555,
+	"R":                                  -5.718260,
+	"RAML":                               -7.797702,
+	"RDoc":                               -7.797702,
+	"REXX":                               -6.411408,
+	"RMarkdown":                          -7.797702,
+	"RPC":                                -6.699090,
+	"RPM Spec":                           -6.699090,
+	"RUNOFF":                             -6.411408,
+	"Racket":                             -7.104555,
+	"Ragel":                              -6.699090,
+	"Raku":                               -4.619648,
+	"Rascal":                             -6.411408,
+	"ReScript":                           -7.797702,
+	"Readline Config":                    -7.797702,
+	"Reason":                             -6.005943,
+	"Rebol":                              -6.005943,
+	"Record Jar":                         -7.797702,
+	"Red":                                -7.104555,
+	"Regular Expression":                 -6.411408,
+	"Ren'Py":                             -7.797702,
+	"RenderScript":                       -7.104555,
+	"Rich Text Format":                   -7.104555,
+	"Ring":                               -6.411408,
+	"Riot":                               -7.104555,
+	"RobotFramework":                     -6.699090,
+	"Roff":                               -4.964489,
+	"Roff Manpage":                       -5.312795,
+	"Ruby":                               -4.271342,
+	"Rust":                               -6.699090,
+	"SAS":                                -6.699090,
+	"SCSS":                               -7.797702,
+	"SMT":                                -6.411408,
+	"SPARQL":                             -7.104555,
+	"SQF":                                -7.104555,
+	"SQL":                                -5.158645,
+	"SQLPL":                              -6.005943,
+	"SRecode Template":                   -7.797702,
+	"SSH Config":                         -6.005943,
+	"STON":                               -5.851792,
+	"SWIG":                               -6.699090,
+	"Sage":                               -7.797702,
+	"SaltStack":                          -6.005943,
+	"Sass":                               -7.797702,
+	"Scala":                              -5.851792,
+	"Scaml":                              -7.797702,
+	"Scheme":                             -6.411408,
+	"Scilab":                             -6.699090,
+	"ShaderLab":                          -6.699090,
+	"Shell":                              -3.905882,
+	"ShellSession":                       -6.699090,
+	"Shen":                               -6.699090,
+	"Sieve":                              -5.399807,
+	"Slash":                              -7.797702,
+	"Slice":                              -6.699090,
+	"Slim":                               -7.797702,
+	"SmPL":                               -7.797702,
+	"Smali":                              -5.851792,
+	"Smalltalk":                          -5.495117,
+	"SourcePawn":                         -7.104555,
+	"Squirrel":                           -7.797702,
+	"Stan":                               -6.699090,
+	"Standard ML":                        -6.188264,
+	"Starlark":                           -6.005943,
+	"Stata":                              -5.851792,
+	"Stylus":                             -7.797702,
+	"SubRip Text":                        -7.797702,
+	"SugarSS":                            -7.797702,
+	"SuperCollider":                      -6.188264,
+	"Svelte":                             -7.797702,
+	"Swift":                              -4.036502,
+	"SystemVerilog":                      -6.411408,
+	"TI Program":                         -6.411408,
+	"TLA":                                -7.104555,
+	"TOML":                               -6.411408,
+	"TSQL":                               -6.411408,
+	"TSV":                                -7.797702,
+	"TSX":                                -6.411408,
+	"TXL":                                -7.797702,
+	"Tcl":                                -6.411408,
+	"Tcsh":                               -7.797702,
+	"TeX":                                -5.851792,
+	"Tea":                                -7.797702,
+	"Terra":                              -6.699090,
+	"Texinfo":                            -7.797702,
+	"Text":                               -4.539605,
+	"Thrift":                             -7.797702,
+	"Turing":                             -6.411408,
+	"Turtle":                             -7.104555,
+	"Type Language":                      -7.104555,
+	"TypeScript":                         -6.699090,
+	"Unity3D Asset":                      -6.005943,
+	"Unix Assembly":                      -6.411408,
+	"Uno":                                -6.699090,
+	"UnrealScript":                       -7.104555,
+	"UrWeb":                              -7.104555,
+	"V":                                  -5.600477,
+	"VBA":                                -6.411408,
+	"VBScript":                           -7.797702,
+	"VCL":                                -7.104555,
+	"VHDL":                               -7.797702,
+	"Verilog":                            -5.158645,
+	"Vim Help File":                      -7.797702,
+	"Vim Snippet":                        -7.104555,
+	"Vim script":                         -5.718260,
+	"Visual Basic .NET":                  -6.699090,
+	"Volt":                               -7.797702,
+	"Vue":                                -7.104555,
+	"Wavefront Material":                 -6.411408,
+	"Wavefront Object":                   -6.188264,
+	"Web Ontology Language":              -7.797702,
+	"WebAssembly":                        -6.005943,
+	"WebIDL":                             -7.104555,
+	"WebVTT":                             -7.104555,
+	"Wget Config":                        -7.797702,
+	"Windows Registry Entries":           -7.797702,
+	"Wollok":                             -7.104555,
+	"World of Warcraft Addon Data":       -6.699090,
+	"X BitMap":                           -7.797702,
+	"X Font Directory Index":             -6.411408,
+	"X PixMap":                           -7.104555,
+	"X10":                                -4.907330,
+	"XC":                                 -7.797702,
+	"XCompose":                           -7.797702,
+	"XML":                                -3.593009,
+	"XML Property List":                  -5.851792,
+	"XPages":                             -7.104555,
+	"XProc":                              -7.797702,
+	"XQuery":                             -7.797702,
+	"XS":                                 -7.797702,
+	"XSLT":                               -7.797702,
+	"Xojo":                               -6.005943,
+	"Xtend":                              -7.104555,
+	"YAML":                               -5.312795,
+	"YANG":                               -7.797702,
+	"YARA":                               -6.699090,
+	"YASnippet":                          -7.104555,
+	"Yacc":                               -7.797702,
+	"ZAP":                                -7.797702,
+	"ZIL":                                -7.797702,
+	"Zeek":                               -6.699090,
+	"ZenScript":                          -7.797702,
+	"Zephir":                             -7.104555,
+	"Zig":                                -6.699090,
+	"Zimpl":                              -7.797702,
+	"cURL Config":                        -7.797702,
+	"desktop":                            -7.797702,
+	"dircolors":                          -7.797702,
+	"eC":                                 -7.797702,
+	"edn":                                -7.797702,
+	"fish":                               -6.699090,
+	"mIRC Script":                        -6.411408,
+	"mcfunction":                         -7.797702,
+	"nanorc":                             -6.699090,
+	"q":                                  -7.104555,
+	"reStructuredText":                   -7.797702,
+	"sed":                                -7.797702,
+	"wdl":                                -6.699090,
+	"wisp":                               -7.797702,
+	"xBase":                              -6.699090,
 var TokensLogProbabilities = map[string]map[string]float64{
@@ -922,6 +928,70 @@ var TokensLogProbabilities = map[string]map[string]float64{
 		"values":                 -6.442540,
 		"|":                      -5.189777,
+	"ABAP CDS": map[string]float64{
+		"#CHECK":                              -4.204693,
+		"*":                                   -4.897840,
+		",":                                   -2.332890,
+		":":                                   -2.189790,
+		"=":                                   -4.204693,
+		"@AbapCatalog.compiler.compareFilter": -4.204693,
+		"@AbapCatalog.preserveKey":            -4.897840,
+		"@AbapCatalog.sqlViewName":            -4.204693,
+		"@AccessControl.authorizationCheck":   -4.204693,
+		"@EndUserText.label":                  -4.204693,
+		"MonsterNumber":                       -4.204693,
+		"Name":                                -4.897840,
+		"Owner":                               -4.897840,
+		"OwnerName":                           -4.897840,
+		"PetNumber":                           -4.897840,
+		"Species":                             -4.897840,
+		"Type":                                -4.897840,
+		"Zcds_Monsters_Association":           -4.897840,
+		"Zcds_Monsters_Parameters":            -4.897840,
+		"[":                                   -4.897840,
+		"]":                                   -4.897840,
+		"_Pet":                                -4.204693,
+		"_Pet.owner":                          -4.204693,
+		"_Pet.pet_name":                       -4.897840,
+		"_Pet.pet_number":                     -4.897840,
+		"_Pet.pet_species":                    -4.897840,
+		"_Pet.pet_type":                       -4.897840,
+		"and":                                 -4.204693,
+		"as":                                  -2.064626,
+		"association":                         -4.897840,
+		"between":                             -4.897840,
+		"color":                               -4.897840,
+		"define":                              -4.204693,
+		"from":                                -4.204693,
+		"key":                                 -3.799228,
+		"monster":                             -4.204693,
+		"monster.color":                       -4.204693,
+		"monster.monster_number":              -3.799228,
+		"monster.name":                        -4.204693,
+		"monster.sanity_percentage":           -4.897840,
+		"monster.strength":                    -4.897840,
+		"name":                                -4.897840,
+		"on":                                  -4.897840,
+		"p_color":                             -4.204693,
+		"p_sanity_high":                       -4.204693,
+		"p_sanity_low":                        -4.204693,
+		"parameters":                          -4.897840,
+		"sanity":                              -4.897840,
+		"sanity_percentage":                   -4.897840,
+		"select":                              -4.204693,
+		"strength":                            -4.897840,
+		"to":                                  -4.897840,
+		"true":                                -3.799228,
+		"view":                                -4.204693,
+		"where":                               -4.897840,
+		"with":                                -4.897840,
+		"zde_monster_color":                   -4.897840,
+		"zde_monster_sanity":                  -4.204693,
+		"ztmonster_header":                    -4.204693,
+		"ztmonster_pets":                      -4.897840,
+		"{":                                   -4.204693,
+		"}":                                   -4.204693,
+	},
 	"ABNF": map[string]float64{
 		"%":                      -3.171745,
 		"'":                      -7.142037,
@@ -9003,6 +9073,742 @@ var TokensLogProbabilities = map[string]map[string]float64{
 		"{":                       -3.667826,
 		"}":                       -3.667826,
+	"Beef": map[string]float64{
+		"!":                                      -4.962477,
+		"#pragma":                                -8.600063,
+		"#unwarn":                                -8.600063,
+		"$":                                      -6.654153,
+		"&":                                      -8.600063,
+		"&&":                                     -5.892012,
+		"(":                                      -2.137033,
+		")":                                      -2.137033,
+		"*":                                      -6.808303,
+		"*keyPtr":                                -8.600063,
+		"*perfInfoPtr":                           -7.906915,
+		"+":                                      -4.989145,
+		",":                                      -3.458399,
+		"-":                                      -5.134327,
+		".":                                      -6.654153,
+		"..Append":                               -8.600063,
+		".Add":                                   -8.600063,
+		".Clear":                                 -6.990625,
+		".Count":                                 -8.600063,
+		".CreateChildItem":                       -8.600063,
+		".EndOfStream":                           -8.600063,
+		".Err":                                   -7.501450,
+		".Escape":                                -8.600063,
+		".GetChildAtIndex":                       -8.600063,
+		".GetChildCount":                         -8.600063,
+		".IgnoreError":                           -7.906915,
+		".Next":                                  -8.600063,
+		".Ok":                                    -8.600063,
+		".SelectItemExclusively":                 -7.213768,
+		".ToUpper":                               -8.600063,
+		".mProfilePanel":                         -8.600063,
+		".mProfilePanel.ItemClicked":             -8.600063,
+		"/":                                      -7.501450,
+		"//":                                     -6.990625,
+		"//Debug.WriteLine":                      -8.600063,
+		"//StringWriter":                         -8.600063,
+		"//bool":                                 -8.600063,
+		"//g.DrawBox":                            -8.600063,
+		"//int":                                  -8.600063,
+		"//isRecording":                          -8.600063,
+		"//mFile":                                -7.906915,
+		"//mSeed":                                -8.600063,
+		"//public":                               -8.600063,
+		"//result.mName":                         -8.600063,
+		"//var":                                  -8.600063,
+		":":                                      -6.035113,
+		";":                                      -2.121553,
+		"<":                                      -5.464568,
+		"<BPPerfEntry>":                          -7.906915,
+		"<FieldDef>":                             -7.906915,
+		"<LocalDef>":                             -7.906915,
+		"<MethodDef>":                            -7.906915,
+		"<NamespaceDef>":                         -6.808303,
+		"<PerfInfo*>":                            -7.213768,
+		"<String,>":                              -8.600063,
+		"<String>":                               -6.990625,
+		"<TypeDef>":                              -6.202167,
+		"<configFile>":                           -8.600063,
+		"=":                                      -2.765252,
+		">":                                      -5.604330,
+		"@":                                      -7.906915,
+		"@typeDef.Index":                         -8.600063,
+		"@value.Value":                           -8.600063,
+		"AddStaticMenu":                          -7.906915,
+		"AddWidget":                              -7.906915,
+		"BPPerfEntry":                            -7.906915,
+		"BPSelection":                            -7.906915,
+		"BPStateContext":                         -8.600063,
+		"BPUtils.DrawWait":                       -8.600063,
+		"BeefPerf":                               -8.600063,
+		"Beefy":                                  -8.600063,
+		"Beefy.events":                           -8.600063,
+		"Beefy.gfx":                              -8.600063,
+		"Beefy.theme.dark":                       -8.600063,
+		"Beefy.utils":                            -8.600063,
+		"Beefy.widgets":                          -8.600063,
+		"BpSession":                              -8.600063,
+		"BumpAllocator":                          -7.906915,
+		"ChangeSort":                             -8.600063,
+		"CheckSorting":                           -7.501450,
+		"Clear":                                  -8.600063,
+		"CmdLoop":                                -8.600063,
+		"Config":                                 -7.501450,
+		"Console.WriteLine":                      -7.213768,
+		"CreateListViewItem":                     -8.600063,
+		"CreatePrimitives":                       -8.600063,
+		"CreateTypePool":                         -7.906915,
+		"CreateWordGroup":                        -8.600063,
+		"DarkButton":                             -8.600063,
+		"DarkCheckBox":                           -7.906915,
+		"DarkListView.SortType":                  -8.600063,
+		"DarkTheme.ImageIdx.Bkg":                 -8.600063,
+		"DarkTheme.sDarkTheme.CreateMenuWidget":  -7.501450,
+		"DarkTheme.sDarkTheme.GetImage":          -8.600063,
+		"DarkTheme.sDarkTheme.mSmallFont":        -8.600063,
+		"DarkVirtualListView":                    -8.600063,
+		"DarkVirtualListViewItem":                -6.654153,
+		"Debug.Assert":                           -7.501450,
+		"DeleteAndNullify":                       -7.501450,
+		"DeleteContainerAndItems":                -6.402838,
+		"Dictionary":                             -8.600063,
+		"Directory.CreateDirectory":              -8.600063,
+		"Directory.GetCurrentDirectory":          -8.600063,
+		"Draw":                                   -8.600063,
+		"DrawAll":                                -7.906915,
+		"Encoding.UTF":                           -8.600063,
+		"EntryCompare":                           -7.906915,
+		"Environment.GetExecutableFilePath":      -8.600063,
+		"FieldDef":                               -7.501450,
+		"File.WriteAllText":                      -8.600063,
+		"FileStream":                             -7.213768,
+		"FinishSorting":                          -7.501450,
+		"GenerateBlock":                          -8.600063,
+		"GenerateMainBlock":                      -8.600063,
+		"GenerateType":                           -8.600063,
+		"GenerateUseBlock":                       -8.600063,
+		"GetComplexity":                          -6.990625,
+		"GetData":                                -8.600063,
+		"GetFullName":                            -7.906915,
+		"GetName":                                -8.600063,
+		"GetPerfInfo":                            -8.600063,
+		"GetRandomPooledTypeDef":                 -8.600063,
+		"GetRandomTypeDef":                       -7.906915,
+		"GetRoot":                                -8.600063,
+		"GetRootName":                            -8.600063,
+		"GetSummaryString":                       -7.906915,
+		"Graphics":                               -7.501450,
+		"HandleConfig":                           -8.600063,
+		"HashSet":                                -7.213768,
+		"ItemClicked":                            -8.600063,
+		"KeyCode":                                -8.600063,
+		"KeyDown":                                -8.600063,
+		"List":                                   -5.304226,
+		"ListViewItem":                           -8.600063,
+		"LocalDef":                               -8.600063,
+		"Main":                                   -7.906915,
+		"Math.Max":                               -7.213768,
+		"Math.Pow":                               -8.600063,
+		"Menu":                                   -6.654153,
+		"MenuWidget":                             -7.501450,
+		"MethodDef":                              -7.906915,
+		"MouseDown":                              -7.906915,
+		"MouseEvent":                             -8.600063,
+		"NamespaceDef":                           -6.808303,
+		"Object":                                 -7.501450,
+		"Path.GetDirectoryPath":                  -8.600063,
+		"PerfInfo":                               -7.501450,
+		"PerfInfo*":                              -6.990625,
+		"PerfInfo**":                             -8.600063,
+		"PerfView":                               -7.906915,
+		"PerfView.HiliteZone":                    -8.600063,
+		"PopulateType":                           -8.600063,
+		"PopulateVirtualItem":                    -8.600063,
+		"ProcessStartInfo":                       -7.906915,
+		"ProfileContext":                         -7.501450,
+		"ProfileListView":                        -6.990625,
+		"ProfileListViewItem":                    -6.990625,
+		"ProfilePanel":                           -7.906915,
+		"Program":                                -7.213768,
+		"Program.sRand.Next":                     -8.600063,
+		"RandoCode":                              -8.600063,
+		"Random":                                 -7.501450,
+		"ReferenceType":                          -8.600063,
+		"RefreshData":                            -7.906915,
+		"RefreshList":                            -7.906915,
+		"RemoveFocus":                            -7.906915,
+		"Resize":                                 -8.600063,
+		"Runtime.FatalError":                     -7.501450,
+		"Selected":                               -8.600063,
+		"Show":                                   -8.600063,
+		"SortList":                               -7.906915,
+		"SpawnedProcess":                         -7.213768,
+		"StreamLoop":                             -7.906915,
+		"StreamReader":                           -7.213768,
+		"StreamWriter":                           -8.600063,
+		"String":                                 -4.365956,
+		"String*":                                -8.600063,
+		"String.Compare":                         -8.600063,
+		"StringWriter":                           -7.501450,
+		"StructuredData":                         -7.906915,
+		"Swap":                                   -8.600063,
+		"System":                                 -7.213768,
+		"System.Collections":                     -7.501450,
+		"System.Diagnostics":                     -7.501450,
+		"System.IO":                              -7.906915,
+		"System.Interop":                         -8.600063,
+		"System.Text":                            -8.600063,
+		"System.Threading":                       -7.501450,
+		"System.Threading.Tasks":                 -8.600063,
+		"Thread.Sleep":                           -8.600063,
+		"ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem":           -8.600063,
+		"TypeDef":                                -5.655624,
+		"Update":                                 -8.600063,
+		"UpdateProfileCtx":                       -8.600063,
+		"ValueClicked":                           -8.600063,
+		"WaitEvent":                              -7.906915,
+		"Widget":                                 -8.600063,
+		"WordGroup":                              -6.520621,
+		"WriteLine":                              -6.115156,
+		"WriteProgress":                          -8.600063,
+		"[":                                      -5.044715,
+		"]":                                      -5.044715,
+		"_":                                      -5.016544,
+		"args":                                   -7.501450,
+		"args.Count":                             -8.600063,
+		"base.ChangeSort":                        -8.600063,
+		"base.Draw":                              -8.600063,
+		"base.DrawAll":                           -7.906915,
+		"base.KeyDown":                           -8.600063,
+		"base.MouseDown":                         -8.600063,
+		"base.PopulateVirtualItem":               -8.600063,
+		"base.Resize":                            -8.600063,
+		"base.Selected":                          -8.600063,
+		"base.Update":                            -8.600063,
+		"bool":                                   -5.555540,
+		"break":                                  -7.213768,
+		"btn":                                    -6.654153,
+		"btnCount":                               -6.990625,
+		"c":                                      -8.600063,
+		"c.IsLetter":                             -8.600063,
+		"case":                                   -6.808303,
+		"char":                                   -7.906915,
+		"checkListViewItem":                      -8.600063,
+		"checkListViewItem.IconImage":            -8.600063,
+		"checkTypeDef":                           -7.501450,
+		"checkTypeDef.mIsUnspecializedGeneric":   -8.600063,
+		"checkTypeDef.mName.CompareTo":           -8.600063,
+		"childIdx":                               -7.213768,
+		"class":                                  -6.035113,
+		"className":                              -7.501450,
+		"clickedItem":                            -7.501450,
+		"clickedItem.GetSubItem":                 -7.906915,
+		"clickedItem.mParentItem":                -8.600063,
+		"client":                                 -7.501450,
+		"client.ElapsedTicksToStr":               -7.906915,
+		"client.TicksToStr":                      -7.906915,
+		"client.mCurTick":                        -7.906915,
+		"client.mThreads":                        -8.600063,
+		"complexity":                             -7.906915,
+		"configPath":                             -7.906915,
+		"continue":                               -6.990625,
+		"cwd":                                    -7.906915,
+		"dbgStr":                                 -8.600063,
+		"default":                                -8.600063,
+		"delete":                                 -5.198865,
+		"directory":                              -7.906915,
+		"directory.Append":                       -8.600063,
+		"disable":                                -8.600063,
+		"else":                                   -5.709691,
+		"endTick":                                -7.501450,
+		"entry":                                  -7.906915,
+		"entry.mChildTicks":                      -8.600063,
+		"entry.mCount.ToString":                  -8.600063,
+		"entry.mName":                            -8.600063,
+		"entry.mName.Length":                     -8.600063,
+		"entry.mParamsReadPos":                   -7.906915,
+		"entry.mTicks":                           -7.906915,
+		"entry.mZoneNameId":                      -6.990625,
+		"entryStr":                               -6.654153,
+		"entryStr.Clear":                         -7.906915,
+		"entryStr.Length":                        -7.501450,
+		"evt":                                    -7.906915,
+		"exePath":                                -7.501450,
+		"exportStr":                              -7.501450,
+		"exportStr.IndexOf":                      -8.600063,
+		"exportStr.Length":                       -8.600063,
+		"exportStr.Substring":                    -7.906915,
+		"false":                                  -5.892012,
+		"fieldCount":                             -7.501450,
+		"fieldDef":                               -7.906915,
+		"fieldDef.mIsStatic":                     -7.501450,
+		"fieldDef.mName":                         -8.600063,
+		"fieldDef.mTypeDef.mName":                -8.600063,
+		"fieldIdx":                               -7.213768,
+		"file":                                   -7.213768,
+		"file.Close":                             -8.600063,
+		"file.Create":                            -8.600063,
+		"file.EndOfStream":                       -8.600063,
+		"file.Open":                              -8.600063,
+		"file.ReadLine":                          -8.600063,
+		"filePath":                               -7.501450,
+		"filePath.AppendF":                       -8.600063,
+		"fileStream":                             -7.501450,
+		"find":                                   -8.600063,
+		"find.mEntryEdit.SetText":                -8.600063,
+		"find.mEventsCheckbox.Checked":           -8.600063,
+		"find.mFormatCheckbox.Checked":           -8.600063,
+		"find.mNeedsRestartSearch":               -8.600063,
+		"find.mTimeFromEdit.mEditWidget.SetText": -8.600063,
+		"find.mTimeToEdit.mEditWidget.SetText":   -8.600063,
+		"find.mTrackEdit.mEditWidget.SetText":    -8.600063,
+		"find.mZonesCheckbox.Checked":            -8.600063,
+		"firstUpper":                             -7.906915,
+		"float":                                  -4.862393,
+		"for":                                    -5.509020,
+		"foundEntry":                             -8.600063,
+		"fullPath":                               -7.501450,
+		"fullPath.Append":                        -8.600063,
+		"fwdIdx":                                 -6.990625,
+		"g":                                      -6.654153,
+		"g.DrawString":                           -8.600063,
+		"g.FillRect":                             -8.600063,
+		"g.PushColor":                            -8.600063,
+		"g.SetFont":                              -8.600063,
+		"gApp.SetClipboardText":                  -8.600063,
+		"gApp.mFindPanel":                        -8.600063,
+		"gApp.mIsUpdateBatchStart":               -7.906915,
+		"gApp.mTimePerFrame":                     -8.600063,
+		"gen":                                    -8.600063,
+		"genericCount":                           -7.906915,
+		"genericIdx":                             -6.990625,
+		"genericType":                            -7.213768,
+		"genericType.mGenericParamIdx":           -8.600063,
+		"genericType.mName":                      -7.501450,
+		"genericType.mName.Append":               -8.600063,
+		"heapStr":                                -6.990625,
+		"height":                                 -7.501450,
+		"i":                                      -6.115156,
+		"idx":                                    -7.906915,
+		"if":                                     -4.145715,
+		"in":                                     -6.402838,
+		"int":                                    -4.472928,
+		"isFirst":                                -8.600063,
+		"isFirstDrawn":                           -8.600063,
+		"isManualSelection":                      -8.600063,
+		"isOnlyLetters":                          -7.501450,
+		"isOpen":                                 -7.501450,
+		"isRecording":                            -8.600063,
+		"isRepeat":                               -7.906915,
+		"item":                                   -6.990625,
+		"item.mVirtualIdx":                       -7.906915,
+		"keyCode":                                -7.501450,
+		"keyPtr":                                 -7.906915,
+		"let":                                    -8.600063,
+		"lhs":                                    -8.600063,
+		"lhs.mChildTicks":                        -8.600063,
+		"lhs.mCount":                             -8.600063,
+		"lhs.mName":                              -8.600063,
+		"lhs.mTicks":                             -7.501450,
+		"line":                                   -6.808303,
+		"line.Length":                            -8.600063,
+		"line.RawChars":                          -8.600063,
+		"line.StartsWith":                        -8.600063,
+		"line.Substring":                         -8.600063,
+		"list":                                   -7.906915,
+		"listNum":                                -7.501450,
+		"listViewItem":                           -6.990625,
+		"listViewItem.CreateSubItem":             -7.501450,
+		"listViewItem.Label":                     -8.600063,
+		"listViewItem.mVirtualCount":             -8.600063,
+		"listViewItem.mVirtualHeadItem":          -8.600063,
+		"listViewItem.mVirtualIdx":               -8.600063,
+		"ltPos":                                  -7.501450,
+		"mActiveLastCurTick":                     -6.654153,
+		"mAdjList":                               -8.600063,
+		"mAdjList.GetName":                       -8.600063,
+		"mAdvList":                               -8.600063,
+		"mAdvList.GetName":                       -8.600063,
+		"mAlloc":                                 -7.213768,
+		"mAssignMemberPct":                       -8.600063,
+		"mBaseDir":                               -7.906915,
+		"mChildTicks":                            -7.906915,
+		"mChildren":                              -8.600063,
+		"mComplexity":                            -7.906915,
+		"mConfig":                                -8.600063,
+		"mConfig.mAssignMemberPct":               -8.600063,
+		"mConfig.mCreateGenericTypePct":          -7.906915,
+		"mConfig.mCreateLocalPct":                -8.600063,
+		"mConfig.mFieldCountPower":               -7.906915,
+		"mConfig.mFieldCountScalar":              -7.906915,
+		"mConfig.mFieldStaticPct":                -7.906915,
+		"mConfig.mMethodCodeComplexityPower":     -8.600063,
+		"mConfig.mMethodCountScalar":             -8.600063,
+		"mConfig.mMethodLengthScalar":            -8.600063,
+		"mConfig.mNewSpacespaceChance":           -7.906915,
+		"mConfig.mParamCountPower":               -8.600063,
+		"mConfig.mParamCountScalar":              -8.600063,
+		"mConfig.mPrimitiveTypeChance":           -7.906915,
+		"mConfig.mRootNamespaceChance":           -7.906915,
+		"mConfig.mSpecializedTypePower":          -8.600063,
+		"mConfig.mStructPct":                     -7.906915,
+		"mConfig.mTypeComplexityPower":           -7.906915,
+		"mConfig.mTypeCount":                     -8.600063,
+		"mConfig.mTypeDefPoolOffset":             -7.906915,
+		"mConfig.mTypeDefPoolPower":              -7.906915,
+		"mConfig.mTypeDefPoolScalar":             -7.906915,
+		"mConfig.mUnspecializedTypeScalar":       -8.600063,
+		"mConfig.mVoidReturnPct":                 -8.600063,
+		"mCount":                                 -8.600063,
+		"mCreateGenericTypePct":                  -8.600063,
+		"mCreateLocalPct":                        -8.600063,
+		"mCurMethodDef":                          -7.906915,
+		"mCurTypeDef":                            -6.990625,
+		"mCurTypeDef.mName":                      -8.600063,
+		"mCurTypeDef.mTypeDefPool":               -8.600063,
+		"mCurTypeDef.mTypeDefPool.Count":         -8.600063,
+		"mDone":                                  -8.600063,
+		"mFieldCountPower":                       -8.600063,
+		"mFieldCountScalar":                      -8.600063,
+		"mFieldStaticPct":                        -8.600063,
+		"mFields":                                -8.600063,
+		"mFormatCheckbox":                        -7.501450,
+		"mFormatCheckbox.Checked":                -7.906915,
+		"mFormatCheckbox.Label":                  -8.600063,
+		"mFormatCheckbox.Resize":                 -8.600063,
+		"mFormatCheckbox.mOnMouseClick.Add":      -8.600063,
+		"mFormatStrings":                         -7.906915,
+		"mGenericParamIdx":                       -8.600063,
+		"mGenericParams":                         -8.600063,
+		"mGetButton":                             -8.600063,
+		"mHasSelectionEndChanged":                -8.600063,
+		"mHeight":                                -7.501450,
+		"mIndentCount":                           -6.654153,
+		"mIsCompat":                              -7.906915,
+		"mIsPrimitive":                           -8.600063,
+		"mIsSpecializedGeneric":                  -8.600063,
+		"mIsStatic":                              -7.906915,
+		"mIsStruct":                              -8.600063,
+		"mIsUnspecializedGeneric":                -8.600063,
+		"mLineCount":                             -7.906915,
+		"mListView":                              -6.990625,
+		"mListView.AddColumn":                    -7.213768,
+		"mListView.AddStaticMenu":                -8.600063,
+		"mListView.GetRoot":                      -6.202167,
+		"mListView.InitScrollbars":               -8.600063,
+		"mListView.PopulateVirtualItem":          -8.600063,
+		"mListView.ResizeClamped":                -8.600063,
+		"mListView.SetFocus":                     -7.906915,
+		"mListView.mOnLostFocus.Add":             -8.600063,
+		"mListView.mProfilePanel":                -8.600063,
+		"mListView.mSortType.mColumn":            -7.213768,
+		"mListView.mSortType.mReverse":           -7.906915,
+		"mLocals":                                -8.600063,
+		"mMethodCodeComplexityPower":             -8.600063,
+		"mMethodCountScalar":                     -8.600063,
+		"mMethodLengthScalar":                    -8.600063,
+		"mMethods":                               -8.600063,
+		"mName":                                  -6.202167,
+		"mName.IndexOf":                          -8.600063,
+		"mNamespace":                             -7.906915,
+		"mNamespace.GetFullName":                 -8.600063,
+		"mNamespaces":                            -7.501450,
+		"mNamespaces.Add":                        -8.600063,
+		"mNamespaces.Count":                      -7.213768,
+		"mNewSpacespaceChance":                   -8.600063,
+		"mNounList":                              -8.600063,
+		"mNounList.GetName":                      -8.600063,
+		"mOtherTypes":                            -8.600063,
+		"mOtherTypes.Add":                        -8.600063,
+		"mParamCount":                            -8.600063,
+		"mParamCountPower":                       -8.600063,
+		"mParamCountScalar":                      -8.600063,
+		"mParamsReadPos":                         -8.600063,
+		"mParent":                                -7.906915,
+		"mParent.GetFullName":                    -8.600063,
+		"mPerfDict":                              -8.600063,
+		"mPerfDict.TryAdd":                       -8.600063,
+		"mPerfInfo":                              -8.600063,
+		"mPerfView":                              -6.654153,
+		"mPerfView.mProfileHiliteZone":           -8.600063,
+		"mPerfView.mSession":                     -7.501450,
+		"mPrimitiveTypeChance":                   -8.600063,
+		"mPrimitives":                            -7.906915,
+		"mPrimitives.Add":                        -8.600063,
+		"mPrimitives.Count":                      -8.600063,
+		"mProfileCtx":                            -6.654153,
+		"mProfileCtx.mDone":                      -7.213768,
+		"mProfileCtx.mFormatStrings":             -8.600063,
+		"mProfileCtx.mHasSelectionEndChanged":    -8.600063,
+		"mProfileCtx.mPerfDict.Keys":             -8.600063,
+		"mProfileCtx.mResults":                   -7.501450,
+		"mProfileCtx.mResults.Add":               -8.600063,
+		"mProfileCtx.mResults.Count":             -6.990625,
+		"mProfileCtx.mSession":                   -8.600063,
+		"mProfileCtx.mSession.ElapsedTicksToStr": -8.600063,
+		"mProfileCtx.mSortingResults":            -7.906915,
+		"mProfileCtx.mSortingResults.Clear":      -8.600063,
+		"mProfileCtx.mSortingResults.Count":      -8.600063,
+		"mProfileCtx.mSortingResults.GrowUnitialized":          -8.600063,
+		"mProfileCtx.mSortingResults.Sort":                     -8.600063,
+		"mProfilePanel":                                        -8.600063,
+		"mProfilePanel.RefreshList":                            -8.600063,
+		"mProfilePanel.RemoveFocus":                            -8.600063,
+		"mProfilePanel.mPerfView.mSession":                     -8.600063,
+		"mProfilePanel.mProfileCtx":                            -8.600063,
+		"mProfilePanel.mProfileCtx.mDone":                      -8.600063,
+		"mProfilePanel.mProfileCtx.mResults":                   -7.906915,
+		"mProfilePanel.mProfileCtx.mSession.ElapsedTicksToStr": -7.501450,
+		"mProfilePanel.mSelection.mTickEnd":                    -8.600063,
+		"mProfilePanel.mSelection.mTickStart":                  -8.600063,
+		"mProfilePanel.mSorting":                               -8.600063,
+		"mQueuedText":                                          -7.906915,
+		"mQueuedText.Clear":                                    -8.600063,
+		"mResults":                                             -8.600063,
+		"mReturnType":                                          -8.600063,
+		"mRootNamespaceChance":                                 -8.600063,
+		"mSearchState.mFoundEntries":                           -8.600063,
+		"mSeed":                                                -6.990625,
+		"mSelection":                                           -7.906915,
+		"mSelection.mDepth":                                    -7.906915,
+		"mSelection.mDepth.ToString":                           -8.600063,
+		"mSelection.mThreadIdx":                                -8.600063,
+		"mSelection.mTickEnd":                                  -7.501450,
+		"mSelection.mTickStart":                                -7.906915,
+		"mSelectionDirty":                                      -6.808303,
+		"mSession":                                             -8.600063,
+		"mSession.mZoneNames":                                  -8.600063,
+		"mSortDoneHandle":                                      -8.600063,
+		"mSortDoneHandle.Reset":                                -7.906915,
+		"mSortDoneHandle.Set":                                  -8.600063,
+		"mSortDoneHandle.WaitFor":                              -7.906915,
+		"mSortType":                                            -8.600063,
+		"mSorting":                                             -6.654153,
+		"mSortingResults":                                      -8.600063,
+		"mSpecializedTypePower":                                -8.600063,
+		"mStackCount":                                          -8.600063,
+		"mStartIndentCount":                                    -7.906915,
+		"mStatementCount":                                      -8.600063,
+		"mStreamDataIdx":                                       -8.600063,
+		"mStructPct":                                           -7.906915,
+		"mTempDynStr":                                          -7.501450,
+		"mTempStr":                                             -6.990625,
+		"mTempStr.Clear":                                       -8.600063,
+		"mTickStart":                                           -8.600063,
+		"mTicks":                                               -8.600063,
+		"mTypeComplexityPower":                                 -8.600063,
+		"mTypeCount":                                           -8.600063,
+		"mTypeDef":                                             -7.906915,
+		"mTypeDefPool":                                         -8.600063,
+		"mTypeDefPoolOffset":                                   -8.600063,
+		"mTypeDefPoolPower":                                    -8.600063,
+		"mTypeDefPoolScalar":                                   -8.600063,
+		"mUnformattedName":                                     -8.600063,
+		"mUnspecializedTypeScalar":                             -8.600063,
+		"mUseCount":                                            -8.600063,
+		"mUsedNames":                                           -8.600063,
+		"mUsedNames.Add":                                       -8.600063,
+		"mUsedNames.Contains":                                  -8.600063,
+		"mUserTypes":                                           -7.906915,
+		"mUserTypes.Add":                                       -8.600063,
+		"mUserTypes.Count":                                     -7.213768,
+		"mUsingNamespaces":                                     -8.600063,
+		"mVerbList":                                            -8.600063,
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+		"mVoidType.mIsPrimitive":                               -8.600063,
+		"mVoidType.mName":                                      -8.600063,
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+		"menuWidget":                                           -7.501450,
+		"menuWidget.Init":                                      -7.501450,
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+		"methodDef.mLocals":                                    -8.600063,
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+		"methodDef.mParamCount":                                -8.600063,
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+		"newNamespace.mParent":                                 -8.600063,
+		"null":                                                 -5.655624,
+		"out":                                                  -7.906915,
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+		"outName.Append":                                       -8.600063,
+		"outStr":                                               -6.654153,
+		"outStr.Append":                                        -6.035113,
+		"override":                                             -6.115156,
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+		"paramDef.mName":                                       -8.600063,
+		"paramDef.mTypeDef.mName":                              -8.600063,
+		"paramIdx":                                             -6.990625,
+		"paramsSize":                                           -6.990625,
+		"parentNamepace":                                       -7.906915,
+		"parentNamepace.mChildren.Add":                         -8.600063,
+		"parts":                                                -7.213768,
+		"pass":                                                 -7.501450,
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+		"perfInfo.mName":                                       -6.990625,
+		"perfInfo.mTicks":                                      -7.906915,
+		"perfInfo.mUnformattedName":                            -7.906915,
+		"perfInfo.mZoneNameId":                                 -7.906915,
+		"perfInfoPtr":                                          -7.906915,
+		"perfView":                                             -7.501450,
+		"pg":                                                   -7.906915,
+		"pg.HandleConfig":                                      -8.600063,
+		"pg.Run":                                               -8.600063,
+		"poolIdx":                                              -7.501450,
+		"poolSize":                                             -7.213768,
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+		"poolTypeDef.mUseCount":                                -8.600063,
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+		"process.AttachStandardOutput":                         -8.600063,
+		"process.ExitCode":                                     -7.906915,
+		"process.Start":                                        -7.906915,
+		"process.WaitFor":                                      -8.600063,
+		"profilePanel":                                         -8.600063,
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+		"profilePanel.mProfileCtx.mResults":         -8.600063,
+		"protected":                                 -8.600063,
+		"public":                                    -3.936624,
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+		"result.mZoneNameId":                        -8.600063,
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+		"return":                                    -5.709691,
+		"rhs":                                       -8.600063,
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+		"rhs.mCount":                                -8.600063,
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+		"sNames":                                    -7.906915,
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+		"sRand.NextDouble":                          -6.520621,
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+		"sd.Load":                                   -8.600063,
+		"selectedIdx":                               -7.213768,
+		"selectedItem":                              -8.600063,
+		"selection":                                 -7.906915,
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+		"startInfo.RedirectStandardOutput":          -7.906915,
+		"startInfo.SetArguments":                    -7.213768,
+		"startInfo.SetFileName":                     -7.906915,
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+		"stateCtx":                                  -8.600063,
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+		"static":                                    -7.213768,
+		"stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds":             -8.600063,
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+		"str.Clear":                                 -7.213768,
+		"str.Contains":                              -7.906915,
+		"str.Insert":                                -7.906915,
+		"str.Reference":                             -8.600063,
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+		"streamReader":                              -8.600063,
+		"streamReader.ReadToEnd":                    -8.600063,
+		"streamWrite":                               -8.600063,
+		"streamWrite.Write":                         -8.600063,
+		"streamWrite.WriteLine":                     -8.600063,
+		"struct":                                    -7.906915,
+		"subItem":                                   -7.501450,
+		"subItem.mLabel":                            -6.990625,
+		"subItem.mLabel.AppendF":                    -8.600063,
+		"switch":                                    -8.600063,
+		"theEvent":                                  -8.600063,
+		"theEvent.mBtn":                             -7.906915,
+		"theEvent.mBtnCount":                        -8.600063,
+		"theEvent.mSender":                          -8.600063,
+		"theEvent.mX":                               -8.600063,
+		"theEvent.mY":                               -8.600063,
+		"this":                                      -6.654153,
+		"thread":                                    -8.600063,
+		"thread.GetName":                            -8.600063,
+		"ticks":                                     -8.600063,
+		"true":                                      -5.381187,
+		"tryCount":                                  -6.808303,
+		"typeComplexity":                            -7.501450,
+		"typeDef":                                   -6.297478,
+		"typeDef.GetRootName":                       -8.600063,
+		"typeDef.mComplexity":                       -8.600063,
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+		"typeDef.mGenericParams":                    -8.600063,
+		"typeDef.mGenericParams.Add":                -8.600063,
+		"typeDef.mIsPrimitive":                      -8.600063,
+		"typeDef.mIsStruct":                         -7.213768,
+		"typeDef.mIsUnspecializedGeneric":           -7.906915,
+		"typeDef.mMethods":                          -8.600063,
+		"typeDef.mMethods.Count":                    -8.600063,
+		"typeDef.mName":                             -7.501450,
+		"typeDef.mName.Append":                      -7.213768,
+		"typeDef.mNamespace":                        -7.906915,
+		"typeDef.mTypeDefPool.Add":                  -7.906915,
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+		"typeNames":                                 -7.213768,
+		"typeStr":                                   -7.906915,
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+		"unspecializedTypes":                        -8.600063,
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+		"value":                                     -7.501450,
+		"var":                                       -5.044715,
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+		"while":                                     -8.600063,
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+		"{":                                         -3.623329,
+		"||":                                        -7.213768,
+		"}":                                         -3.576182,
+		"~":                                         -4.989145,
+	},
 	"BibTeX": map[string]float64{
 		"$":                                      -4.744932,
 		"%":                                      -4.744932,
@@ -9765,6 +10571,119 @@ var TokensLogProbabilities = map[string]map[string]float64{
 		"||":                   -5.357372,
 		"}":                    -7.149132,
+	"Boogie": map[string]float64{
+		"!":                       -5.802118,
+		"&&":                      -4.192680,
+		"(":                       -2.968905,
+		")":                       -2.988708,
+		"*":                       -6.900731,
+		"+":                       -5.028928,
+		",":                       -3.832678,
+		"-":                       -6.495266,
+		":":                       -2.182232,
+		";":                       -2.773596,
+		"<":                       -3.359771,
+		"=":                       -2.544022,
+		">":                       -4.760665,
+		"AtomicAllocateLow":       -7.593878,
+		"AtomicGetTicket":         -7.593878,
+		"AtomicGetTicketAbstract": -7.593878,
+		"AtomicInit":              -7.593878,
+		"AtomicInitAbstract":      -7.593878,
+		"AtomicLeave":             -7.593878,
+		"AtomicWaitAndEnter":      -7.593878,
+		"BubbleSort":              -7.593878,
+		"ComputeFactorial":        -7.593878,
+		"Enter":                   -6.900731,
+		"Factorial":               -5.291293,
+		"Factorial_Aux":           -6.495266,
+		"GetTicket":               -6.900731,
+		"GetTicketAbstract":       -6.900731,
+		"INNER":                   -6.900731,
+		"Init":                    -6.900731,
+		"InitAbstract":            -6.900731,
+		"Inv":                     -5.647968,
+		"Leave":                   -6.900731,
+		"MapConst":                -6.495266,
+		"N":                       -4.598146,
+		"RightClosed":             -6.495266,
+		"RightOpen":               -5.802118,
+		"T":                       -4.885828,
+		"TOP":                     -6.900731,
+		"WaitAndEnter":            -6.900731,
+		"X":                       -4.458384,
+		"Yield":                   -5.802118,
+		"YieldSpec":               -6.900731,
+		"[":                       -3.483004,
+		"]":                       -3.483004,
+		"a":                       -4.502835,
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+		"call":                    -5.647968,
+		"const":                   -6.900731,
+		"cs":                      -5.108971,
+		"else":                    -7.593878,
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+		"function":                -5.802118,
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+		"if":                      -5.984440,
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+		"int":                     -3.662052,
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+		"j":                       -4.821289,
+		"k":                       -5.108971,
+		"layer":                   -4.298041,
+		"linear":                  -4.649439,
+		"linear_in":               -6.900731,
+		"lock":                    -6.900731,
+		"m":                       -4.885828,
+		"main":                    -7.593878,
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+		"n":                       -4.038530,
+		"nil":                     -5.647968,
+		"old":                     -6.495266,
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+		"par":                     -6.495266,
+		"perm":                    -4.502835,
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+		"refines":                 -5.802118,
+		"requires":                -5.802118,
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+		"returns":                 -5.647968,
+		"right":                   -7.593878,
+		"s":                       -4.703506,
+		"t":                       -5.195983,
+		"then":                    -7.593878,
+		"ticket":                  -5.984440,
+		"tickets":                 -5.984440,
+		"tid":                     -4.458384,
+		"tmp":                     -5.984440,
+		"true":                    -5.647968,
+		"type":                    -7.593878,
+		"u":                       -5.396653,
+		"v":                       -6.207583,
+		"var":                     -5.291293,
+		"while":                   -6.207583,
+		"x":                       -5.802118,
+		"xl":                      -6.900731,
+		"xls":                     -4.954821,
+		"y":                       -5.802118,
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+		"yield_invariant":         -6.495266,
+		"yield_loop":              -6.900731,
+		"yield_preserves":         -6.900731,
+		"yields":                  -5.396653,
+		"{":                       -2.949487,
+		"|":                       -6.900731,
+		"}":                       -2.949487,
+	},
 	"Brainfuck": map[string]float64{
 		"(":                        -6.886021,
 		")":                        -6.886021,
@@ -10201,6 +11120,41 @@ var TokensLogProbabilities = map[string]map[string]float64{
 		"your":                                -6.529419,
 		"}":                                   -6.529419,
+	"Browserslist": map[string]float64{
+		",":                     -3.637586,
+		"-":                     -2.944439,
+		".":                     -3.637586,
+		"<":                     -3.637586,
+		"=":                     -3.637586,
+		">":                     -2.538974,
+		"@company/browserslist": -3.637586,
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+		"ESR":                   -3.637586,
+		"Edge":                  -2.944439,
+		"Firefox":               -3.637586,
+		"IE":                    -2.944439,
+		"OperaMini":             -3.637586,
+		"Safari":                -3.637586,
+		"TP":                    -3.637586,
+		"[":                     -3.637586,
+		"]":                     -3.637586,
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+		"and":                   -3.637586,
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+		"or":                    -3.637586,
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+		"versions":              -3.637586,
+	},
 	"C": map[string]float64{
 		"!":                    -5.402089,
 		"#":                    -10.903347,
@@ -20021,247 +20975,973 @@ var TokensLogProbabilities = map[string]map[string]float64{
 		"Year":    -2.833213,
 	"CWeb": map[string]float64{
-		"!":                -6.405228,
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-		"&&":               -6.810694,
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-		")":                -2.562198,
-		"*":                -7.503841,
-		"+":                -3.766171,
-		",":                -1.813481,
-		"-":                -5.018934,
-		".":                -5.712081,
-		".*":               -7.503841,
-		"..":               -7.503841,
-		"/":                -7.503841,
-		"0":                -7.503841,
-		"1":                -5.894403,
-		"5":                -7.503841,
-		":":                -6.810694,
-		";":                -3.314186,
-		"<":                -6.117546,
-		"<<":               -5.306616,
-		"<If>":             -6.810694,
-		"<Input>":          -6.810694,
-		"<Process>":        -6.810694,
-		"<Set>":            -6.810694,
-		"<Sub...@>":        -5.306616,
-		"<Subroutines@>":   -7.503841,
-		"<clauseptr;p++)>": -7.503841,
-		"<stdio.h>":        -7.503841,
-		"<stdlib.h>":       -7.503841,
-		"<xmin)>":          -7.503841,
-		"<xmin>":           -6.810694,
-		"<ymin)>":          -7.503841,
-		"<ymin>":           -6.810694,
-		"=":                -3.612020,
-		">":                -5.306616,
-		"@":                -4.938891,
-		"@*Index.":         -7.503841,
-		"@*Intro.":         -7.503841,
-		"@c":               -7.503841,
-		"@d":               -5.712081,
-		"A":                -7.503841,
-		"And":              -7.503841,
-		"Conway":           -7.503841,
-		"For":              -7.503841,
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-		"If":               -6.810694,
-		"No":               -7.503841,
-		"SAT":              -7.503841,
-		"Slight":           -7.503841,
-		"The":              -6.405228,
-		"This":             -7.503841,
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-		"[":                -4.038105,
-		"\\":               -5.018934,
-		"]":                -4.038105,
-		"^":                -7.503841,
-		"`":                -6.810694,
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-		"bar":              -6.405228,
-		"be":               -6.405228,
-		"before.":          -7.503841,
-		"buf":              -6.810694,
-		"by":               -6.405228,
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-		"cells":            -7.503841,
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-		"character":        -7.503841,
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-		"clauses":          -6.117546,
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-		"f":                -6.117546,
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-		"program.":         -7.503841,
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+		"#endif":                              -8.971575,
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+		"&&":                                  -8.278428,
+		"(":                                   -2.711994,
+		")":                                   -2.717747,
+		"*":                                   -4.982591,
+		"*A":                                  -4.982591,
+		"*B":                                  -8.278428,
+		"*a":                                  -8.971575,
+		"*angle_multiplier":                   -8.971575,
+		"*fraction_multiplier":                -8.971575,
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+		"*math":                               -8.971575,
+		"*n":                                  -7.585281,
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+		"*n_sin":                              -8.971575,
+		"*p":                                  -8.971575,
+		"*r":                                  -7.179816,
+		"*ran_arr_ptr":                        -8.971575,
+		"*ret":                                -6.198987,
+		"*str":                                -8.971575,
+		"*x":                                  -8.971575,
+		"+":                                   -4.812692,
+		",":                                   -2.537029,
+		"-":                                   -3.235003,
+		".":                                   -6.486669,
+		".*":                                  -8.971575,
+		"..":                                  -8.971575,
+		"/":                                   -6.138362,
+		"0":                                   -6.198987,
+		"1":                                   -6.486669,
+		"10":                                  -8.971575,
+		"1009":                                -8.971575,
+		"15":                                  -8.971575,
+		"16":                                  -8.278428,
+		"2":                                   -7.025665,
+		"24":                                  -8.971575,
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+		"5":                                   -8.278428,
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+		"70":                                  -8.971575,
+		"75":                                  -8.971575,
+		"8":                                   -8.971575,
+		":":                                   -7.362138,
+		";":                                   -2.820973,
+		"<":                                   -6.668990,
+		"<(unsigned)(A))>":                    -8.971575,
+		"<<":                                  -6.774351,
+		"<B.data.dval);>":                     -8.971575,
+		"<Declarations...@>":                  -8.971575,
+		"<Declarations@>":                     -7.362138,
+		"<Handle>":                            -7.025665,
+		"<If>":                                -8.278428,
+		"<Input>":                             -8.278428,
+		"<Internal>":                          -8.278428,
+		"<KK;j++)>":                           -8.971575,
+		"<LL;j++)>":                           -8.971575,
+		"<Process>":                           -8.278428,
+		"<Reduce>":                            -8.278428,
+		"<Set>":                               -8.278428,
+		"<Show>":                              -8.971575,
+		"<Sub...@>":                           -6.774351,
+		"<Subroutines@>":                      -8.971575,
+		"<clauseptr;p++)>":                    -8.971575,
+		"<math.h>":                            -8.971575,
+		"<stdio.h>":                           -8.278428,
+		"<stdlib.h>":                          -8.278428,
+		"<string.h>":                          -8.971575,
+		"<xmin)>":                             -8.971575,
+		"<xmin>":                              -8.278428,
+		"<x|>":                                -8.971575,
+		"<ymin)>":                             -8.971575,
+		"<ymin>":                              -8.278428,
+		"=":                                   -3.438186,
+		">":                                   -3.305149,
+		"?":                                   -8.971575,
+		"@":                                   -5.233906,
+		"@*":                                  -8.971575,
+		"@*Index.":                            -8.971575,
+		"@*Intro.":                            -8.971575,
+		"@c":                                  -6.198987,
+		"@d":                                  -5.975843,
+		"@h":                                  -8.971575,
+		"@t":                                  -8.971575,
+		"A":                                   -4.752068,
+		"A.data.dval":                         -6.892134,
+		"Addition":                            -8.971575,
+		"Algorithm":                           -8.971575,
+		"And":                                 -8.278428,
+		"Art":                                 -8.971575,
+		"B":                                   -5.039750,
+		"B.data.dval":                         -6.406626,
+		"B/":                                  -8.971575,
+		"But":                                 -8.971575,
+		"C":                                   -6.198987,
+		"C.data.dval":                         -7.362138,
+		"Computer":                            -8.971575,
+		"Conway":                              -8.971575,
+		"Creating":                            -8.971575,
+		"DBL_MAX":                             -8.971575,
+		"EL_GORDO":                            -7.025665,
+		"Enormous":                            -8.971575,
+		"Error":                               -8.971575,
+		"FONT":                                -8.971575,
+		"Finally":                             -8.971575,
+		"First":                               -8.971575,
+		"Fixed":                               -8.971575,
+		"For":                                 -8.971575,
+		"Fortunately":                         -8.971575,
+		"Handle":                              -8.971575,
+		"Here":                                -7.585281,
+		"I":                                   -7.179816,
+		"IEEE":                                -8.971575,
+		"If":                                  -7.362138,
+		"In":                                  -8.278428,
+		"Introduction.":                       -8.971575,
+		"KK":                                  -6.263525,
+		"LL":                                  -6.892134,
+		"Logarithm":                           -8.971575,
+		"META":                                -8.278428,
+		"MF":                                  -8.971575,
+		"MP":                                  -5.020332,
+		"MPMATHDOUBLE_H":                      -8.278428,
+		"Math":                                -8.278428,
+		"No":                                  -8.971575,
+		"Number":                              -8.971575,
+		"One":                                 -8.971575,
+		"PI":                                  -8.971575,
+		"POST":                                -8.971575,
+		"Proceed":                             -7.585281,
+		"Programming":                         -8.971575,
+		"Pythagorean":                         -8.971575,
+		"QUALITY":                             -7.872963,
+		"Query":                               -8.971575,
+		"R":                                   -8.971575,
+		"ROUND":                               -7.872963,
+		"SAT":                                 -8.971575,
+		"Set":                                 -8.971575,
+		"Since":                               -7.585281,
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+		"Square":                              -8.971575,
+		"TT":                                  -8.971575,
+		"The":                                 -6.486669,
+		"This":                                -7.585281,
+		"To":                                  -8.971575,
+		"Unexpected":                          -8.971575,
+		"When":                                -8.971575,
+		"[":                                   -5.187386,
+		"\\":                                  -5.001284,
+		"]":                                   -5.210375,
+		"^":                                   -7.179816,
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+		"_k":                                  -7.872963,
+		"_k.data.dval":                        -8.971575,
+		"_t":                                  -8.971575,
+		"_t.data.dval":                        -8.971575,
+		"`":                                   -7.025665,
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+		"a_":                                  -7.179816,
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+		"approximation":                       -8.971575,
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+		"coef_bound_minus_":                   -7.872963,
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+		"Animal.prototype.move":          -10.700048,
+		"Application":                    -10.294583,
+		"Application.currentApplication": -11.393196,
+		"Array":                          -10.006901,
+		"Array.isArray":                  -9.313754,
+		"Array.prototype.indexOf":        -10.006901,
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+		"Authentication":                 -11.393196,
+		"B":                              -8.257701,
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+		"Charts.ChartType.PIE":                     -11.393196,
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+		"Connection":                               -10.700048,
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+		"IS_PRAGMA":                                -11.393196,
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+		"JisonLexerError.prototype.name":           -11.393196,
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+		"KEYWORDS_BEFORE_EXPRESSION":               -10.700048,
+		"Ka":                                       -10.700048,
+		"L":                                        -9.313754,
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+		"LF":                                       -10.700048,
+		"La.exec":                                  -10.700048,
+		"Large":                                    -11.393196,
+		"Left":                                     -10.700048,
+		"Lexical":                                  -11.393196,
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+		"Locked":                                   -11.393196,
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+		"M=":                                       -10.700048,
+		"MAY":                                      -10.700048,
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+		"MUST":                                     -11.393196,
+		"Ma":                                       -10.700048,
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+		"Math":                                     -10.700048,
+		"Math.PI":                                  -8.620607,
+		"Math.PI*":                                 -11.393196,
+		"Math.PI*.":                                -10.700048,
+		"Math.PI/":                                 -7.404211,
+		"Math.abs":                                 -8.397463,
+		"Math.ceil":                                -7.250061,
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+		"Math.log":                                 -11.393196,
+		"Math.max":                                 -9.601436,
+		"Math.min":                                 -9.447285,
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+		"Modernizr":                                -9.783758,
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+		"MonthTotalsPerTags.getDatasource":         -11.393196,
+		"MonthTotalsPerTags.getType":               -11.393196,
+		"N":                                        -9.783758,
+		"N.test":                                   -10.006901,
+		"NAME":                                     -10.700048,
+		"NAN":                                      -11.393196,
+		"NEG_INFINITY":                             -11.393196,
+		"NEG_ZERO":                                 -10.700048,
+		"NO_ACTION":                                -11.393196,
+		"NULL":                                     -11.393196,
+		"Na":                                       -10.700048,
+		"Na.test":                                  -11.393196,
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+		"Namespace.prototype":                      -11.393196,
+		"Negative":                                 -11.393196,
+		"Negotiates":                               -11.393196,
+		"Network":                                  -11.393196,
+		"News":                                     -11.393196,
+		"No":                                       -11.393196,
+		"NodePath":                                 -10.700048,
+		"NodeWithToken":                            -10.294583,
+		"NodeWithToken.prototype.toString":         -11.393196,
+		"Not":                                      -10.294583,
+		"Note":                                     -11.393196,
+		"Number":                                   -10.700048,
+		"Number.prototype.toJSON":                  -11.393196,
+		"O":                                        -9.313754,
+		"OK":                                       -11.393196,
+		"ONLY":                                     -8.257701,
+		"OPERATORS":                                -10.006901,
+		"OPERATOR_CHARS":                           -10.700048,
+		"Oa":                                       -11.393196,
+		"Oa.exec":                                  -11.393196,
+		"Oa.test":                                  -11.393196,
+		"Object":                                   -10.700048,
+		"Object.create":                            -11.393196,
+		"Object.defineProperty":                    -10.294583,
+		"Object.freeze":                            -8.754138,
+		"Object.keys":                              -10.294583,
+		"Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty":          -9.783758,
+		"Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call":     -11.393196,
+		"Object.prototype.toString":                -9.783758,
+		"Object.setPrototypeOf":                    -10.700048,
+		"On":                                       -11.393196,
+		"OutgoingMessage":                          -11.393196,
+		"OutgoingMessage.call":                     -11.393196,
+		"OutgoingMessage.prototype._finish":        -11.393196,
+		"OutgoingMessage.prototype._flush":         -11.393196,
+		"OutgoingMessage.prototype.addTrailers":    -11.393196,
+		"OutgoingMessage.prototype.end":            -11.393196,
+		"OutgoingMessage.prototype.getHeader":      -11.393196,
+		"OutgoingMessage.prototype.removeHeader":   -11.393196,
+		"OutgoingMessage.prototype.write":          -11.393196,
+		"P":                                        -10.294583,
+		"P.browser":                                -10.700048,
+		"P.version":                                -11.393196,
+		"P=":                                       -11.393196,
+		"PEG.parser":                               -11.393196,
+		"PI":                                       -11.393196,
+		"POS":                                      -11.393196,
+		"POST":                                     -11.393196,
+		"PRECEDENCE":                               -10.294583,
+		"PSEUDO":                                   -11.393196,
+		"PUNC_BEFORE_EXPRESSION":                   -10.700048,
+		"PUNC_CHARS":                               -10.700048,
+		"PUT":                                      -11.393196,
+		"Pa":                                       -10.294583,
+		"Precondition":                             -11.393196,
+		"Props":                                    -11.393196,
+		"PullRequest":                              -11.393196,
+		"PullRequest.prototype":                    -11.393196,
+		"PullRequest.prototype.read":               -11.393196,
+		"PullRequest.prototype.write":              -11.393196,
+		"Q":                                        -9.783758,
+		"Q.push":                                   -11.393196,
+		"Qa":                                       -10.700048,
+		"R":                                        -11.393196,
+		"R.apply":                                  -11.393196,
+		"R.call":                                   -10.700048,
+		"RBRACE":                                   -11.393196,
+		"RE":                                       -11.393196,
+		"READ":                                     -9.447285,
+		"REGEXP_MODIFIERS":                         -11.393196,
+		"REMOVE":                                   -10.700048,
+		"REMOVE_IF_EMPTY":                          -11.393196,
+		"REPLACE":                                  -10.700048,
+		"REPLACE_IF_EMPTY":                         -11.393196,
+		"RESERVED_WORDS":                           -10.700048,
+		"RE_DEC_NUMBER":                            -11.393196,
+		"RE_DEC_NUMBER.test":                       -11.393196,
+		"RE_HEX_NUMBER":                            -11.393196,
+		"RE_HEX_NUMBER.test":                       -11.393196,
+		"RE_OCT_NUMBER":                            -11.393196,
+		"RE_OCT_NUMBER.test":                       -11.393196,
+		"ROOT.node":                                -10.700048,
+		"Ra":                                       -10.700048,
+		"Range":                                    -11.393196,
+		"React":                                    -11.393196,
+		"React.createClass":                        -11.393196,
+		"RegExp":                                   -9.090610,
+		"RegExp.":                                  -11.393196,
+		"Request":                                  -11.393196,
+		"Requested":                                -10.700048,
+		"Requests":                                 -11.393196,
+		"Required":                                 -10.294583,
+		"S":                                        -9.313754,
+		"S.col":                                    -10.294583,
+		"S.comments_before":                        -10.700048,
+		"S.comments_before.push":                   -10.700048,
+		"S.in_function":                            -10.294583,
+		"S.in_loop":                                -9.601436,
+		"S.input":                                  -10.294583,
+		"S.input.context":                          -11.393196,
+		"S.labels":                                 -11.393196,
+		"S.labels.pop":                             -11.393196,
+		"S.labels.push":                            -11.393196,
+		"S.line":                                   -10.006901,
+		"S.newline_before":                         -10.006901,
+		"S.peek":                                   -11.393196,
+		"S.peeked":                                 -9.601436,
+		"S.pos":                                    -9.090610,
+		"S.prev":                                   -10.700048,
+		"S.regex_allowed":                          -9.783758,
+		"S.test":                                   -11.393196,
+		"S.text.charAt":                            -10.700048,
+		"S.text.indexOf":                           -11.393196,
+		"S.text.length":                            -11.393196,
+		"S.text.substr":                            -11.393196,
+		"S.text.substring":                         -10.700048,
+		"S.tokcol":                                 -10.294583,
+		"S.token":                                  -8.995300,
+		"S.token.nlb":                              -11.393196,
+		"S.token.type":                             -9.313754,
+		"S.token.value":                            -8.397463,
+		"S.tokline":                                -10.294583,
+		"S.tokpos":                                 -10.294583,
+		"S/":                                       -10.006901,
+		"SEMICOLON":                                -11.393196,
+		"SHEBANG#!node":                            -10.294583,
+		"START_TO_END":                             -11.393196,
+		"STATEMENTS_WITH_LABELS":                   -10.700048,
+		"STATUS_CODES":                             -10.700048,
+		"SUB":                                      -11.393196,
+		"Sa":                                       -10.700048,
+		"SavingsFlowChartComposer":                 -10.294583,
+		"SavingsFlowChartComposer.getDatasource":   -11.393196,
+		"SavingsFlowChartComposer.getType":         -11.393196,
+		"SavingsFlowDataSource":                    -11.393196,
+		"Server":                                   -11.393196,
+		"ServerResponse":                           -10.006901,
+		"ServerResponse.prototype._implicitHeader": -11.393196,
+		"ServerResponse.prototype.assignSocket":    -11.393196,
+		"ServerResponse.prototype.detachSocket":    -11.393196,
+		"ServerResponse.prototype.statusCode":      -11.393196,
+		"ServerResponse.prototype.writeContinue":   -11.393196,
+		"ServerResponse.prototype.writeHead":       -11.393196,
+		"Service":                                  -11.393196,
+		"Sizzle":                                   -11.393196,
+		"Sizzle.isXML":                             -11.393196,
+		"Snake":                                    -8.908289,
+		"Snake.__super__.constructor.apply":        -10.700048,
+		"Snake.__super__.move.call":                -10.700048,
+		"Snake.name":                               -11.393196,
+		"Snake.prototype.move":                     -10.700048,
+		"Storage":                                  -11.393196,
+		"String":                                   -10.294583,
+		"String.fromCharCode":                      -10.700048,
+		"String.prototype.toJSON":                  -11.393196,
+		"String.prototype.trim":                    -10.294583,
+		"Styles":                                   -9.783758,
+		"Symbol.for":                               -10.700048,
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+		"<pos_y>":                         -9.284334,
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+		"Blank":                           -9.284334,
+		"Bug":                             -9.284334,
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+		"Bundle":                          -9.284334,
+		"Bunyan":                          -8.591187,
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+		"C":                               -8.185722,
+		"CLI":                             -8.591187,
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+		"Colors":                          -9.284334,
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+		"Configures":                      -9.284334,
+		"Console":                         -8.591187,
+		"Console**":                       -9.284334,
+		"Controls":                        -9.284334,
+		"Copyright":                       -8.185722,
+		"Cos":                             -8.185722,
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+		"Created":                         -8.591187,
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+		"Developer":                       -9.284334,
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+		"HTML.":                           -9.284334,
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+		"ID":                              -9.284334,
+		"ID.":                             -8.591187,
+		"IDE":                             -8.591187,
+		"IDE.":                            -9.284334,
+		"INFO":                            -8.185722,
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+		"Inc.":                            -9.284334,
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+		"Internal":                        -9.284334,
+		"It":                              -7.338424,
+		"JSON":                            -7.492575,
+		"JSON.":                           -9.284334,
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+		"Joyent":                          -9.284334,
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+		"JupyterLab":                      -9.284334,
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+		"MANPAGER":                        -8.185722,
+		"MIT":                             -9.284334,
+		"MM":                              -9.284334,
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+		"Makes":                           -9.284334,
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+		"Markdown":                        -8.591187,
+		"Matches":                         -8.591187,
+		"Math.PI":                         -9.284334,
+		"Mick.":                           -9.284334,
+		"MilesBetween":                    -8.591187,
+		"Miscellaneous":                   -9.284334,
+		"Mod":                             -9.284334,
+		"Most":                            -8.591187,
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+		"Must":                            -8.591187,
+		"My":                              -7.492575,
+		"NAME":                            -9.284334,
+		"NPM_TOKEN":                       -9.284334,
+		"Native":                          -9.284334,
+		"Nesting":                         -9.284334,
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+		"Next.js.":                        -9.284334,
+		"Niesen":                          -9.284334,
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+		"OPTIONS":                         -8.185722,
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+		"Our":                             -9.284334,
+		"Outer":                           -9.284334,
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+		"Outside":                         -9.284334,
+		"Over":                            -9.284334,
+		"PAGER":                           -9.284334,
+		"PI":                              -7.898040,
+		"PID":                             -8.185722,
+		"PID.":                            -9.284334,
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+		"Python":                          -9.284334,
+		"Qt":                              -8.185722,
+		"QtPy":                            -9.284334,
+		"README":                          -9.284334,
+		"RONN_STYLE":                      -9.284334,
+		"Readme":                          -9.284334,
+		"Refer":                           -9.284334,
+		"Regardless":                      -9.284334,
+		"Reloads":                         -9.284334,
+		"Removes":                         -8.591187,
+		"Rename":                          -9.284334,
+		"Repeatedly":                      -9.284334,
+		"Replace":                         -8.591187,
+		"Report":                          -9.284334,
+		"Reports":                         -9.284334,
+		"Resizes":                         -9.284334,
+		"Ronn":                            -8.591187,
+		"Ruby":                            -9.284334,
+		"Run":                             -9.284334,
+		"Ryan":                            -9.284334,
+		"S":                               -8.591187,
+		"SASS":                            -9.284334,
+		"SECTION":                         -8.591187,
+		"SEE":                             -9.284334,
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+		"Show":                            -9.284334,
+		"Shows":                           -9.284334,
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+		"Start":                           -9.284334,
+		"Starting":                        -9.284334,
+		"State":                           -9.284334,
+		"Status":                          -9.284334,
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+		"Styleguide":                      -8.591187,
+		"Subcommand":                      -9.284334,
+		"Supported":                       -9.284334,
+		"Suppress":                        -9.284334,
+		"Switches":                        -7.898040,
+		"System.Math":                     -8.591187,
+		"T":                               -7.898040,
+		"TEXT":                            -8.591187,
+		"TTY.":                            -9.284334,
+		"Tab":                             -8.591187,
+		"Tag":                             -9.284334,
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+		"Tender":                          -9.284334,
+		"TerminalInput":                   -9.284334,
+		"TextMate":                        -9.284334,
+		"The":                             -5.258982,
+		"Then":                            -8.591187,
+		"There":                           -8.591187,
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+		"They":                            -8.591187,
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+		"This":                            -6.065458,
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+		"Timedelta":                       -9.284334,
+		"Timestamp":                       -9.284334,
+		"To":                              -6.799427,
+		"Tomayko":                         -9.284334,
+		"Trent":                           -9.284334,
+		"Troubleshooting":                 -9.284334,
+		"True":                            -8.185722,
+		"UI":                              -9.284334,
+		"UI/UX":                           -8.591187,
+		"UNIX":                            -8.185722,
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+		"We":                              -8.591187,
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+		"Xamarin":                         -9.284334,
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+		"You":                             -7.204893,
+		"Z":                               -7.492575,
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+		"@a":                          -6.481520,
+		"@a.pop":                      -9.777357,
+		"@a.reverse":                  -9.777357,
+		"@a.rotate":                   -9.777357,
+		"@a.shift":                    -9.777357,
+		"@arr":                        -9.777357,
+		"@arr.splice":                 -9.777357,
+		"@array":                      -7.292451,
+		"@array_k":                    -9.084210,
+		"@array_kv":                   -9.084210,
+		"@array_kv.kv":                -9.777357,
+		"@array_l":                    -9.084210,
+		"@array_o":                    -9.084210,
+		"@array_p":                    -9.084210,
+		"@array_s":                    -8.678745,
+		"@array_t":                    -8.678745,
+		"@array_v":                    -9.084210,
+		"@array_v.values":             -9.777357,
+		"@b":                          -8.167919,
+		"@chunks":                     -7.985598,
+		"@chunks.join":                -9.777357,
+		"@chunks.push":                -8.678745,
+		"@dirs":                       -7.212408,
+		"@e":                          -7.985598,
+		"@elems":                      -7.831447,
+		"@expected":                   -8.391063,
+		"@got":                        -7.697916,
+		"@header_lines":               -9.084210,
+		"@header_lines.shift":         -9.777357,
+		"@i":                          -9.084210,
+		"@initial":                    -9.084210,
+		"@inlineds":                   -9.777357,
+		"@inlineds.Bag":               -9.777357,
+		"@inlineds.push":              -9.777357,
+		"@keys":                       -9.777357,
+		"@kv":                         -9.084210,
+		"@lines":                      -7.580133,
+		"@lines.elems":                -9.777357,
+		"@lines.join":                 -9.777357,
+		"@lines.push":                 -7.379462,
+		"@list":                       -8.391063,
+		"@list.join":                  -8.678745,
+		"@list.reduce":                -9.777357,
+		"@mro":                        -9.084210,
+		"@mro.shift":                  -9.777357,
+		"@n":                          -8.678745,
+		"@nonseparators":              -8.678745,
+		"@not":                        -8.678745,
+		"@order":                      -9.084210,
+		"@order.push":                 -9.777357,
+		"@p":                          -9.084210,
+		"@params":                     -9.777357,
+		"@path":                       -9.084210,
+		"@pod":                        -8.678745,
+		"@r":                          -9.084210,
+		"@r.push":                     -9.777357,
+		"@res":                        -8.391063,
+		"@rest.flat":                  -9.777357,
+		"@result":                     -8.678745,
+		"@results":                    -8.391063,
+		"@ret":                        -9.084210,
+		"@s":                          -9.084210,
+		"@s.join":                     -9.777357,
+		"@seen":                       -8.678745,
+		"@seen.push":                  -9.777357,
+		"@separators":                 -8.678745,
+		"@source":                     -8.167919,
+		"@stack":                      -8.678745,
+		"@stack.pop":                  -9.777357,
+		"@stack.push":                 -9.084210,
+		"@t":                          -8.167919,
+		"@tests":                      -9.084210,
+		"@tests*":                     -9.777357,
+		"@things":                     -9.777357,
+		"@todo":                       -9.084210,
+		"@todo.push":                  -9.777357,
+		"@todo.shift":                 -9.777357,
+		"@v":                          -9.084210,
+		"@values":                     -7.379462,
+		"@values.eager":               -9.777357,
+		"@values.pop":                 -9.084210,
+		"@vars":                       -8.678745,
+		"@x":                          -9.084210,
+		"A":                           -7.580133,
+		"ACCEPTS":                     -9.777357,
+		"ALPHA":                       -9.777357,
+		"ANSIColor":                   -9.084210,
+		"Abbrev":                      -9.777357,
+		"Acronym":                     -9.777357,
+		"AdHoc":                       -9.777357,
+		"Adverb":                      -9.777357,
+		"Anon":                        -9.084210,
+		"Any":                         -8.167919,
+		"App":                         -9.777357,
+		"App.current":                 -9.777357,
+		"Argument":                    -8.678745,
+		"Array.gist":                  -9.084210,
+		"Assignment":                  -9.084210,
+		"Attribute":                   -9.084210,
+		"Augment":                     -9.084210,
+		"B":                           -7.831447,
+		"BB":                          -8.167919,
+		"BB.new":                      -8.391063,
+		"BEGIN":                       -8.678745,
+		"BOLD":                        -9.777357,
+		"BOLD_OFF":                    -9.777357,
+		"Backslash":                   -9.084210,
+		"Backtrace.new":               -9.777357,
+		"Bag":                         -9.084210,
+		"Bailador":                    -7.831447,
+		"Base":                        -9.084210,
+		"Bind":                        -8.167919,
+		"Binding":                     -9.777357,
+		"Blob":                        -7.985598,
+		"Blob.new":                    -9.777357,
+		"Block":                       -8.167919,
+		"Bool":                        -8.167919,
+		"Buf":                         -8.391063,
+		"Buf.new":                     -9.084210,
+		"C":                           -6.686315,
+		"CG":                          -9.084210,
+		"Callable":                    -9.084210,
+		"Can":                         -9.084210,
+		"Cannot":                      -8.167919,
+		"Card":                        -9.084210,
+		"Category":                    -9.777357,
+		"Characters":                  -9.777357,
+		"Code":                        -9.777357,
+		"Comp":                        -6.686315,
+		"Composition":                 -9.777357,
+		"Constants":                   -9.777357,
+		"Constructor":                 -9.777357,
+		"ContainsUnicode":             -9.777357,
+		"Context":                     -9.777357,
+		"ControlFlow":                 -8.391063,
+		"Cool":                        -9.777357,
+		"D":                           -7.580133,
+		"DEPRECATED":                  -9.777357,
+		"DESCRIPTION":                 -9.084210,
+		"DNA":                         -9.777357,
+		"Date.new":                    -9.777357,
+		"DateTime.new":                -9.084210,
+		"DateTime.now":                -9.777357,
+		"Declaration":                 -8.678745,
+		"Deduction":                   -9.777357,
+		"Default":                     -9.777357,
+		"Describes":                   -9.777357,
+		"DocBook":                     -9.777357,
+		"Documentable":                -9.084210,
+		"Documentation":               -9.777357,
+		"Duplication":                 -9.777357,
+		"Dynamic":                     -9.777357,
+		"E":                           -9.777357,
+		"E.g.":                        -9.777357,
+		"EVAL":                        -7.831447,
+		"EXCEPTION":                   -9.777357,
+		"Easy":                        -9.084210,
+		"Elsif":                       -9.777357,
+		"Escape":                      -9.777357,
+		"Exception":                   -6.410061,
+		"Extension":                   -9.084210,
+		"Failure":                     -9.777357,
+		"Failure.new":                 -9.777357,
+		"False":                       -8.167919,
+		"GET":                         -9.777357,
+		"GML":                         -9.777357,
+		"GatherIter.new":              -8.678745,
+		"Generalized":                 -9.777357,
+		"Generated":                   -9.777357,
+		"Given":                       -9.084210,
+		"GlossDef":                    -9.777357,
+		"GlossDiv":                    -9.777357,
+		"GlossEntry":                  -9.777357,
+		"GlossList":                   -9.777357,
+		"GlossSee":                    -9.777357,
+		"GlossSeeAlso":                -9.777357,
+		"GlossTerm":                   -9.777357,
+		"Grammar":                     -9.777357,
+		"Grammar.parse":               -9.084210,
+		"HTML":                        -9.777357,
+		"HTTP":                        -9.084210,
+		"Hash":                        -9.084210,
+		"Hash.new":                    -9.777357,
+		"Heading":                     -8.391063,
+		"Here":                        -9.777357,
+		"Hooray":                      -9.777357,
+		"I":                           -8.678745,
+		"I.":                          -9.777357,
+		"ID":                          -9.777357,
+		"INET":                        -9.084210,
+		"INVERSE":                     -9.777357,
+		"INVERSE_OFF":                 -9.777357,
+		"IO":                          -8.391063,
+		"ISO":                         -9.777357,
+		"Ibar":                        -9.777357,
+		"Ifoo":                        -9.777357,
+		"Ilib":                        -9.084210,
+		"IllegalKey":                  -9.777357,
+		"Immutable":                   -9.777357,
+		"In":                          -9.084210,
+		"Inf":                         -8.678745,
+		"InfixInTermPosition":         -9.777357,
+		"Inheritance":                 -9.777357,
+		"Inlined":                     -9.084210,
+		"Inlined.new":                 -9.084210,
+		"Int":                         -7.138300,
+		"Int.gist":                    -9.777357,
+		"Internals.RERUN":             -9.777357,
+		"InvalidArg":                  -9.084210,
+		"InvalidQualifier":            -9.777357,
+		"InvalidType":                 -9.777357,
+		"InvocantMarker":              -9.777357,
+		"IsSpace":                     -9.777357,
+		"It":                          -9.084210,
+		"Iterable":                    -9.777357,
+		"JSON":                        -8.167919,
+		"James":                       -9.777357,
+		"KeywordAsFunction":           -9.777357,
+		"LWP":                         -9.777357,
+		"Language":                    -9.777357,
+		"List":                        -7.697916,
+		"Localizer":                   -9.777357,
+		"MAIN":                        -9.084210,
+		"MIME":                        -9.084210,
+		"MSWin":                       -8.167919,
+		"MVM_SPESH_INLINE_LOG":        -9.777357,
+		"Malformed":                   -9.084210,
+		"Markup":                      -9.777357,
+		"Match":                       -9.777357,
+		"Math":                        -9.084210,
+		"Method":                      -8.391063,
+		"Missing":                     -9.777357,
+		"Mixin":                       -9.777357,
+		"MoarVM":                      -9.084210,
+		"Model":                       -9.777357,
+		"Most":                        -9.777357,
+		"Mu":                          -6.886986,
+		"Multi":                       -9.084210,
+		"Multiple":                    -9.777357,
+		"MultipleTypeConstraints":     -9.777357,
+		"My":                          -9.777357,
+		"N*":                          -9.777357,
+		"NQPRoutine":                  -9.777357,
+		"Name":                        -9.777357,
+		"NameClash":                   -9.777357,
+		"Named.new":                   -9.777357,
+		"NativeType":                  -9.777357,
+		"Nil":                         -8.391063,
+		"NoContainer":                 -9.777357,
+		"NoDispatcher":                -9.777357,
+		"NoPackage":                   -9.777357,
+		"NoSelf":                      -9.777357,
+		"NoSuchType":                  -9.777357,
+		"NonAssociative":              -9.777357,
+		"NonVariableDollar":           -9.777357,
+		"Not":                         -9.084210,
+		"NotComposable":               -9.084210,
+		"NotFound":                    -9.777357,
+		"Null":                        -9.084210,
+		"NullRegex":                   -9.777357,
+		"Number":                      -9.777357,
+		"Numeric":                     -9.084210,
+		"OddNumber":                   -9.777357,
+		"Of":                          -9.777357,
+		"Official":                    -9.777357,
+		"Opening":                     -9.777357,
+		"OutOfRange.new":              -9.084210,
+		"POST":                        -8.678745,
+		"PSGI":                        -9.777357,
+		"PSGI.new":                    -9.777357,
+		"PUGS_BACKEND":                -9.777357,
+		"Package":                     -9.084210,
+		"Pair":                        -9.084210,
+		"Parameter":                   -7.985598,
+		"Parcel":                      -9.084210,
+		"Pattern":                     -9.084210,
+		"Perl":                        -7.580133,
+		"Permission":                  -9.777357,
+		"Phaser":                      -9.777357,
+		"Placeholder":                 -9.777357,
+		"Plot":                        -9.777357,
+		"Plot.new":                    -9.777357,
+		"Pod":                         -7.474772,
+		"Positional":                  -8.678745,
+		"PrePost":                     -9.777357,
+		"Private":                     -9.084210,
+		"Q":                           -5.543251,
+		"RESET":                       -9.777357,
+		"RO":                          -9.777357,
+		"RadixOutOfRange":             -9.777357,
+		"Rakudo":                      -9.777357,
+		"Range":                       -9.084210,
+		"Range.new":                   -9.777357,
+		"Regex":                       -8.678745,
+		"Registry":                    -9.777357,
+		"Registry.new":                -9.777357,
+		"Request":                     -9.084210,
+		"RequestType":                 -7.985598,
+		"Response":                    -9.777357,
+		"Return":                      -9.084210,
+		"Rob":                         -9.777357,
+		"Routine":                     -9.084210,
+		"Routines":                    -9.777357,
+		"RungeKutta":                  -9.777357,
+		"S":                           -9.084210,
+		"SGML":                        -8.678745,
+		"SHEBANG#!perl6":              -9.084210,
+		"SIL":                         -9.084210,
+		"SIL.new":                     -9.777357,
+		"STORE_AT_POS":                -9.777357,
+		"SVG":                         -8.678745,
+		"SVG.serialize":               -9.777357,
+		"Scope":                       -8.678745,
+		"Self":                        -9.777357,
+		"Sequence":                    -9.777357,
+		"Signature":                   -9.084210,
+		"Simple":                      -9.777357,
+		"Slice":                       -9.084210,
+		"Socket":                      -9.084210,
+		"SortAs":                      -9.777357,
+		"Spec":                        -9.084210,
+		"Splice":                      -9.777357,
+		"Standard":                    -9.777357,
+		"Store":                       -9.777357,
+		"Str":                         -6.343370,
+		"Stubbed":                     -9.777357,
+		"Supply":                      -9.777357,
+		"Syntax":                      -6.250997,
+		"TOP":                         -9.777357,
+		"Term":                        -9.084210,
+		"Test":                        -7.292451,
+		"TestClass":                   -9.777357,
+		"TestClass.new":               -7.985598,
+		"Tests":                       -9.084210,
+		"The":                         -7.831447,
+		"This":                        -8.678745,
+		"Tiny":                        -8.678745,
+		"To":                          -9.777357,
+		"Too":                         -9.084210,
+		"Trans":                       -9.084210,
+		"True":                        -8.391063,
+		"Twigil":                      -9.777357,
+		"TypeCheck":                   -7.292451,
+		"TypeCheck.new":               -9.777357,
+		"TypeGraph":                   -9.084210,
+		"TypeGraph.new":               -9.777357,
+		"Types":                       -9.777357,
+		"UNCpath":                     -9.777357,
+		"UNDERLINE":                   -9.777357,
+		"UNDERLINE_OFF":               -9.777357,
+		"URI":                         -8.678745,
+		"Unicode":                     -9.777357,
+		"Unix":                        -9.777357,
+		"UnlessElse":                  -9.777357,
+		"Unqualified":                 -9.777357,
+		"UnrecognizedMetachar":        -9.777357,
+		"UnrecognizedSequence":        -9.777357,
+		"Unsupported":                 -9.777357,
+		"Unwrap":                      -9.777357,
+		"VERSION":                     -9.777357,
+		"Value":                       -9.777357,
+		"ValueObjAt":                  -8.678745,
+		"ValueObjAt.new":              -8.678745,
+		"Variable":                    -9.777357,
+		"VirtualCall":                 -9.777357,
+		"Viz":                         -9.777357,
+		"W":                           -9.777357,
+		"WHICH":                       -8.678745,
+		"WITH":                        -9.777357,
+		"Whatever":                    -8.678745,
+		"Win":                         -9.777357,
+		"WithoutObject":               -9.777357,
+		"Writing":                     -7.985598,
+		"WrongOrder":                  -9.777357,
+		"X":                           -4.981567,
+		"XML":                         -9.777357,
+		"Your":                        -9.777357,
+		"Z":                           -8.678745,
+		"Zcmp":                        -9.777357,
+		"ZenSlice":                    -9.777357,
+		"[":                           -4.957076,
+		"\\":                          -5.752006,
+		"]":                           -4.973336,
+		"^":                           -6.445153,
+		"_":                           -5.407909,
+		"_.WHAT.gist":                 -8.678745,
+		"_.WHICH":                     -9.777357,
+		"_.key":                       -8.391063,
+		"_.substr":                    -9.777357,
+		"_/":                          -9.777357,
+		"`":                           -7.697916,
+		"a":                           -5.885537,
+		"a.":                          -9.777357,
+		"a..zA..Z":                    -8.678745,
+		"a.level":                     -9.084210,
+		"a.push":                      -9.084210,
+		"a.unshift":                   -9.084210,
+		"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwyz":   -9.777357,
+		"actions":                     -8.167919,
+		"adaptive":                    -9.777357,
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+		"alert":                       -9.777357,
+		"all":                         -9.084210,
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+		"an":                          -7.985598,
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+		"app.context.env":             -9.777357,
+		"app.context.request":         -9.777357,
+		"app.find_route":              -9.777357,
+		"app.location":                -9.084210,
+		"app.response":                -9.777357,
+		"app.response.code":           -9.777357,
+		"app.response.content":        -9.084210,
+		"app.response.headers":        -9.084210,
+		"app.template":                -9.777357,
+		"appreciated.":                -9.777357,
+		"appropriate":                 -9.777357,
+		"arbitrary":                   -9.084210,
+		"are":                         -7.580133,
+		"args":                        -9.777357,
+		"arguments":                   -9.084210,
+		"argvmarray":                  -8.391063,
+		"array":                       -8.678745,
+		"as":                          -7.580133,
+		"at":                          -8.678745,
+		"atkey":                       -9.084210,
+		"attempts":                    -9.777357,
+		"attribute":                   -9.777357,
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+		"auth":                        -7.985598,
+		"automagically":               -9.777357,
+		"available":                   -9.084210,
+		"axis":                        -8.391063,
+		"b":                           -5.948716,
+		"b.bytes":                     -8.167919,
+		"b.level":                     -9.084210,
+		"b.subbuf":                    -8.391063,
+		"background":                  -9.777357,
+		"backslash":                   -8.391063,
+		"backtrace":                   -9.777357,
+		"baile":                       -9.777357,
+		"bar":                         -9.777357,
+		"base":                        -9.084210,
+		"be":                          -7.831447,
+		"because":                     -9.777357,
+		"becomes":                     -9.777357,
+		"before":                      -9.777357,
+		"begin":                       -8.167919,
+		"bend":                        -9.777357,
+		"bin":                         -9.777357,
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+		"bindattr":                    -8.678745,
+		"bindkey":                     -9.084210,
+		"bindpos":                     -9.777357,
+		"black":                       -9.777357,
+		"bless":                       -9.777357,
+		"block":                       -8.167919,
+		"blue":                        -9.777357,
+		"bold":                        -9.777357,
+		"bool":                        -8.678745,
+		"box_s":                       -9.777357,
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+		"break":                       -9.777357,
+		"built":                       -7.379462,
+		"but":                         -9.777357,
+		"by":                          -7.069307,
+		"by.":                         -9.777357,
+		"c":                           -5.993168,
+		"c.":                          -9.777357,
+		"c.indent":                    -9.777357,
+		"c.map":                       -9.777357,
+		"c.name":                      -9.084210,
+		"c.roles":                     -9.777357,
+		"c.signature.params":          -9.777357,
+		"call":                        -9.777357,
+		"callframe":                   -9.777357,
+		"canon":                       -8.678745,
+		"canonpath":                   -9.777357,
+		"caption":                     -9.777357,
+		"card":                        -9.084210,
+		"case":                        -9.777357,
+		"castle":                      -9.084210,
+		"cat":                         -8.678745,
+		"catdir":                      -9.777357,
+		"catfile":                     -9.777357,
+		"char":                        -9.777357,
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+		"»":                           -7.697916,
 	"Rascal": map[string]float64{
 		"!":                             -3.917116,
@@ -137990,6 +140931,2278 @@ var TokensLogProbabilities = map[string]map[string]float64{
 		"}":                                 -4.695925,
 		"~":                                 -6.775366,
+	"Record Jar": map[string]float64{
+		"%":             -2.563161,
+		"(":             -5.589665,
+		")":             -5.589665,
+		",":             -6.688277,
+		"-":             -1.759213,
+		":":             -1.358279,
+		"A":             -8.767718,
+		"Aari":          -9.460866,
+		"Abinomn":       -9.460866,
+		"Abipon":        -9.460866,
+		"Abishira":      -9.460866,
+		"Abkhazian":     -9.460866,
+		"Aborigines":    -9.460866,
+		"Abu":           -8.767718,
+		"Acheron":       -9.460866,
+		"Achi":          -9.460866,
+		"Achterhoeks":   -9.460866,
+		"Achuar":        -9.460866,
+		"Achumawi":      -9.460866,
+		"Acro":          -9.460866,
+		"Adamorobe":     -9.460866,
+		"Adang":         -9.460866,
+		"Adangbe":       -9.460866,
+		"Adangme":       -9.460866,
+		"Adap":          -9.460866,
+		"Added":         -2.564171,
+		"Adele":         -9.460866,
+		"Adeni":         -9.460866,
+		"Adhola":        -9.460866,
+		"Adi":           -9.460866,
+		"Adioukrou":     -9.460866,
+		"Adnyamathanha": -9.460866,
+		"Adonara":       -9.460866,
+		"Aduge":         -9.460866,
+		"Adygei":        -9.460866,
+		"Adyghe":        -9.460866,
+		"Adzera":        -9.460866,
+		"Aeka":          -9.460866,
+		"Aekyom":        -9.460866,
+		"Aer":           -9.460866,
+		"Afar":          -9.460866,
+		"Afghan":        -9.460866,
+		"Afitti":        -9.460866,
+		"African":       -9.460866,
+		"Afrihili":      -9.460866,
+		"Afrikaans":     -9.460866,
+		"Afro":          -8.767718,
+		"Agarabi":       -9.460866,
+		"Agariya":       -9.460866,
+		"Agatu":         -9.460866,
+		"Agavotaguerra": -9.460866,
+		"Aghem":         -9.460866,
+		"Aghu":          -9.460866,
+		"Aghul":         -9.460866,
+		"Agi":           -9.460866,
+		"Agta":          -7.851428,
+		"Aguacateco":    -9.460866,
+		"Aguano":        -9.460866,
+		"Aguaruna":      -9.460866,
+		"Aguna":         -9.460866,
+		"Agutaynen":     -9.460866,
+		"Ahanta":        -9.460866,
+		"Ahirani":       -9.460866,
+		"Ahom":          -9.460866,
+		"Ahtena":        -9.460866,
+		"Ai":            -9.460866,
+		"Aighon":        -9.460866,
+		"Aimaq":         -9.460866,
+		"Aimele":        -9.460866,
+		"Aimol":         -9.460866,
+		"Ainbai":        -9.460866,
+		"Ainu":          -8.767718,
+		"Aiome":         -9.460866,
+		"Airoran":       -9.460866,
+		"Aiton":         -9.460866,
+		"Aizi":          -8.362253,
+		"Aja":           -8.767718,
+		"Ajawa":         -9.460866,
+		"Aji":           -9.460866,
+		"Ak":            -9.460866,
+		"Aka":           -8.074571,
+		"Akan":          -9.460866,
+		"Akaselem":      -9.460866,
+		"Akawaio":       -9.460866,
+		"Ake":           -9.460866,
+		"Akeu":          -9.460866,
+		"Akha":          -9.460866,
+		"Akhvakh":       -9.460866,
+		"Akkadian":      -9.460866,
+		"Aklanon":       -9.460866,
+		"Akolet":        -9.460866,
+		"Akoose":        -9.460866,
+		"Akpa":          -9.460866,
+		"Akrukay":       -9.460866,
+		"Akuku":         -9.460866,
+		"Akum":          -9.460866,
+		"Akuntsu":       -9.460866,
+		"Akurio":        -9.460866,
+		"Akwa":          -9.460866,
+		"Alaba":         -9.460866,
+		"Alabama":       -9.460866,
+		"Alacalufan":    -9.460866,
+		"Alago":         -9.460866,
+		"Alak":          -9.460866,
+		"Alangan":       -9.460866,
+		"Alapmunte":     -9.460866,
+		"Alas":          -9.460866,
+		"Alawa":         -9.460866,
+		"Albanian":      -8.074571,
+		"Albay":         -9.460866,
+		"Alege":         -9.460866,
+		"Aleut":         -9.460866,
+		"Algerian":      -8.767718,
+		"Algic":         -9.460866,
+		"Algonquian":    -9.460866,
+		"Algonquin":     -9.460866,
+		"Ali":           -9.460866,
+		"Alladian":      -9.460866,
+		"Allar":         -9.460866,
+		"Alngith":       -9.460866,
+		"Alsea":         -9.460866,
+		"Alta":          -8.767718,
+		"Altai":         -8.767718,
+		"Alugu":         -9.460866,
+		"Alumu":         -9.460866,
+		"Alune":         -9.460866,
+		"Alur":          -9.460866,
+		"Alutor":        -9.460866,
+		"Alviri":        -9.460866,
+		"Alyawarr":      -9.460866,
+		"Amahuaca":      -9.460866,
+		"Amaimon":       -9.460866,
+		"Amal":          -9.460866,
+		"Amanay":        -9.460866,
+		"Amara":         -9.460866,
+		"Amazonas":      -9.460866,
+		"Ambakich":      -9.460866,
+		"Ambele":        -9.460866,
+		"Amblong":       -9.460866,
+		"Ambo":          -9.460866,
+		"Ambrak":        -9.460866,
+		"Ambul":         -9.460866,
+		"Amdo":          -9.460866,
+		"Amele":         -9.460866,
+		"American":      -9.460866,
+		"Amharic":       -9.460866,
+		"Amis":          -9.460866,
+		"Amol":          -9.460866,
+		"Ampanang":      -9.460866,
+		"Ampari":        -9.460866,
+		"Amri":          -9.460866,
+		"Amundava":      -9.460866,
+		"Amuzgo":        -8.767718,
+		"Amuzgos":       -9.460866,
+		"Anakalangu":    -9.460866,
+		"Anasi":         -9.460866,
+		"Andai":         -9.460866,
+		"Andajin":       -9.460866,
+		"Andegerebinha": -9.460866,
+		"Aneityum":      -9.460866,
+		"Angaataha":     -9.460866,
+		"Angait":        -9.460866,
+		"Angal":         -8.767718,
+		"Angkamuthi":    -9.460866,
+		"Angkola":       -9.460866,
+		"Angor":         -9.460866,
+		"Anguthimri":    -9.460866,
+		"Antigua":       -9.460866,
+		"Anuki":         -9.460866,
+		"Anus":          -9.460866,
+		"Anuta":         -9.460866,
+		"Apache":        -7.851428,
+		"Apala":         -9.460866,
+		"Apatani":       -9.460866,
+		"Apiak":         -9.460866,
+		"Apinay":        -9.460866,
+		"Apma":          -9.460866,
+		"Aproumu":       -9.460866,
+		"Apurin":        -9.460866,
+		"Aputai":        -9.460866,
+		"Ar":            -9.460866,
+		"Arab":          -8.074571,
+		"Arabana":       -9.460866,
+		"Arabela":       -9.460866,
+		"Arabic":        -6.241990,
+		"Aragonese":     -9.460866,
+		"Araki":         -9.460866,
+		"Aralle":        -9.460866,
+		"Aramaic":       -7.851428,
+		"Aranadan":      -9.460866,
+		"Aranda":        -9.460866,
+		"Araona":        -9.460866,
+		"Arapaho":       -9.460866,
+		"Arapaso":       -9.460866,
+		"Arauan":        -9.460866,
+		"Araw":          -9.460866,
+		"Arawak":        -9.460866,
+		"Arawakan":      -9.460866,
+		"Arawet":        -9.460866,
+		"Arawum":        -9.460866,
+		"Arb":           -9.460866,
+		"Arbore":        -9.460866,
+		"Archi":         -9.460866,
+		"Areba":         -9.460866,
+		"Arem":          -9.460866,
+		"Argentine":     -9.460866,
+		"Argobba":       -9.460866,
+		"Arguni":        -9.460866,
+		"Arh":           -9.460866,
+		"Arhe":          -9.460866,
+		"Arhuaco":       -9.460866,
+		"Ari":           -9.460866,
+		"Arigidi":       -9.460866,
+		"Arikap":        -9.460866,
+		"Arikara":       -9.460866,
+		"Arikem":        -9.460866,
+		"Armenian":      -8.362253,
+		"Armn":          -9.460866,
+		"Arop":          -8.767718,
+		"Arosi":         -9.460866,
+		"Arrarnta":      -9.460866,
+		"Arrernte":      -9.460866,
+		"Arta":          -9.460866,
+		"Artificial":    -9.460866,
+		"Aru":           -8.767718,
+		"Aruek":         -9.460866,
+		"Arutani":       -9.460866,
+		"As":            -9.460866,
+		"Asas":          -9.460866,
+		"Ashe":          -9.460866,
+		"Ashkun":        -9.460866,
+		"Ashtiani":      -9.460866,
+		"Asiatic":       -9.460866,
+		"Asilulu":       -9.460866,
+		"Asmat":         -8.767718,
+		"Asoa":          -9.460866,
+		"Assamese":      -9.460866,
+		"Assiniboine":   -9.460866,
+		"Association":   -9.460866,
+		"Assyrian":      -9.460866,
+		"Asturian":      -9.460866,
+		"Asturleonese":  -9.460866,
+		"Asu":           -8.767718,
+		"Asumboa":       -9.460866,
+		"Asuri":         -9.460866,
+		"Asurin":        -9.460866,
+		"Asurini":       -9.460866,
+		"Ata":           -8.362253,
+		"Atakapa":       -9.460866,
+		"Atauran":       -9.460866,
+		"Atemble":       -9.460866,
+		"Athapascan":    -9.460866,
+		"Athpariya":     -9.460866,
+		"Ati":           -9.460866,
+		"Atikamekw":     -9.460866,
+		"Atlantic":      -9.460866,
+		"Atohwaim":      -9.460866,
+		"Atong":         -9.460866,
+		"Atroari":       -9.460866,
+		"Atsahuaca":     -9.460866,
+		"Atsugewi":      -9.460866,
+		"Atta":          -8.362253,
+		"Atti":          -9.460866,
+		"Au":            -9.460866,
+		"Aulua":         -9.460866,
+		"Aur":           -9.460866,
+		"Aushi":         -9.460866,
+		"Aushiri":       -9.460866,
+		"Auslan":        -9.460866,
+		"Austral":       -9.460866,
+		"Australian":    -8.362253,
+		"Austrian":      -9.460866,
+		"Auxiliary":     -9.460866,
+		"Auye":          -9.460866,
+		"Auyokawa":      -9.460866,
+		"Av":            -9.460866,
+		"Avaric":        -9.460866,
+		"Avatime":       -9.460866,
+		"Avau":          -9.460866,
+		"Avestan":       -9.460866,
+		"Avikam":        -9.460866,
+		"Avokaya":       -9.460866,
+		"Awa":           -9.460866,
+		"Awabakal":      -9.460866,
+		"Awadhi":        -9.460866,
+		"Awak":          -9.460866,
+		"Awar":          -9.460866,
+		"Awara":         -9.460866,
+		"Awbono":        -9.460866,
+		"Awera":         -9.460866,
+		"Awet":          -9.460866,
+		"Awing":         -9.460866,
+		"Awiyaana":      -9.460866,
+		"Awjilah":       -9.460866,
+		"Awngi":         -9.460866,
+		"Awun":          -9.460866,
+		"Awutu":         -9.460866,
+		"Awyi":          -9.460866,
+		"Awyu":          -8.074571,
+		"Axamb":         -9.460866,
+		"Ayabadhu":      -9.460866,
+		"Ayere":         -9.460866,
+		"Ayerrerenge":   -9.460866,
+		"Ayi":           -8.767718,
+		"Ayizo":         -9.460866,
+		"Aymara":        -8.362253,
+		"Ayoreo":        -9.460866,
+		"Ayta":          -8.362253,
+		"Ayu":           -9.460866,
+		"Azerbaijani":   -8.362253,
+		"Azha":          -9.460866,
+		"Aztecan":       -9.460866,
+		"B":             -8.362253,
+		"BCE":           -8.767718,
+		"Ba":            -9.460866,
+		"Baan":          -9.460866,
+		"Baangi":        -9.460866,
+		"Baatonum":      -9.460866,
+		"Babatana":      -9.460866,
+		"Bable":         -9.460866,
+		"Bacanese":      -9.460866,
+		"Bada":          -8.767718,
+		"Badaga":        -9.460866,
+		"Badimaya":      -9.460866,
+		"Badui":         -9.460866,
+		"Baeggu":        -9.460866,
+		"Baelelea":      -9.460866,
+		"Baetora":       -9.460866,
+		"Bafanji":       -9.460866,
+		"Bafaw":         -9.460866,
+		"Bafut":         -9.460866,
+		"Baga":          -7.851428,
+		"Bagheli":       -9.460866,
+		"Bago":          -9.460866,
+		"Bagri":         -9.460866,
+		"Bagusa":        -9.460866,
+		"Bahamas":       -9.460866,
+		"Bahau":         -9.460866,
+		"Bahinemo":      -9.460866,
+		"Bahing":        -9.460866,
+		"Bahonsuai":     -9.460866,
+		"Bai":           -8.362253,
+		"Baibai":        -9.460866,
+		"Baima":         -9.460866,
+		"Bainouk":       -9.460866,
+		"Baiso":         -9.460866,
+		"Bajan":         -9.460866,
+		"Bajelani":      -9.460866,
+		"Baka":          -9.460866,
+		"Bakaka":        -9.460866,
+		"Bakhtiari":     -9.460866,
+		"Baki":          -9.460866,
+		"Bakoko":        -9.460866,
+		"Bakw":          -9.460866,
+		"Balanta":       -9.460866,
+		"Balinese":      -9.460866,
+		"Balkan":        -9.460866,
+		"Balo":          -9.460866,
+		"Balochi":       -8.767718,
+		"Baloi":         -9.460866,
+		"Balong":        -9.460866,
+		"Balti":         -9.460866,
+		"Baltic":        -9.460866,
+		"Baluchi":       -9.460866,
+		"Bambara":       -9.460866,
+		"Bambili":       -9.460866,
+		"Bambui":        -9.460866,
+		"Bamileke":      -9.460866,
+		"Bamukumbit":    -9.460866,
+		"Bamun":         -9.460866,
+		"Bamunka":       -9.460866,
+		"Ban":           -9.460866,
+		"Banao":         -9.460866,
+		"Banda":         -7.851428,
+		"Bandial":       -9.460866,
+		"Bandjigali":    -9.460866,
+		"Bangala":       -9.460866,
+		"Bangandu":      -9.460866,
+		"Bangba":        -9.460866,
+		"Banggai":       -9.460866,
+		"Banggarla":     -9.460866,
+		"Bangla":        -9.460866,
+		"Bangolan":      -9.460866,
+		"Bangwinji":     -9.460866,
+		"Baniva":        -9.460866,
+		"Baniwa":        -9.460866,
+		"Banjar":        -9.460866,
+		"Bankagooma":    -9.460866,
+		"Bantawa":       -9.460866,
+		"Bantayanon":    -9.460866,
+		"Bar":           -9.460866,
+		"Bara":          -9.460866,
+		"Baraamu":       -9.460866,
+		"Barai":         -9.460866,
+		"Barakai":       -9.460866,
+		"Barama":        -9.460866,
+		"Barambu":       -9.460866,
+		"Barapasi":      -9.460866,
+		"Baras":         -9.460866,
+		"Barasana":      -9.460866,
+		"Barbuda":       -9.460866,
+		"Barein":        -9.460866,
+		"Bareli":        -8.362253,
+		"Bari":          -9.460866,
+		"Bariji":        -9.460866,
+		"Barikanchi":    -9.460866,
+		"Barok":         -9.460866,
+		"Barombi":       -9.460866,
+		"Barrow":        -9.460866,
+		"Baruga":        -9.460866,
+		"Barwe":         -9.460866,
+		"Barzani":       -9.460866,
+		"Basa":          -8.362253,
+		"Bashkardi":     -9.460866,
+		"Bashkir":       -9.460866,
+		"Basketo":       -9.460866,
+		"Basque":        -9.460866,
+		"Bassa":         -8.767718,
+		"Bassari":       -9.460866,
+		"Bassossi":      -9.460866,
+		"Bata":          -9.460866,
+		"Batak":         -7.381424,
+		"Batek":         -9.460866,
+		"Bateri":        -9.460866,
+		"Bathari":       -9.460866,
+		"Bati":          -8.767718,
+		"Batu":          -9.460866,
+		"Batuley":       -9.460866,
+		"Bau":           -9.460866,
+		"Bauchi":        -9.460866,
+		"Baure":         -9.460866,
+		"Bauria":        -9.460866,
+		"Bauwaki":       -9.460866,
+		"Bauzi":         -9.460866,
+		"Bavarian":      -9.460866,
+		"Bawah":         -9.460866,
+		"Bawm":          -9.460866,
+		"Bayali":        -9.460866,
+		"Baybayanon":    -9.460866,
+		"Bayungu":       -9.460866,
+		"Bazigar":       -9.460866,
+		"Beami":         -9.460866,
+		"Beba":          -9.460866,
+		"Bebeli":        -9.460866,
+		"Bebil":         -9.460866,
+		"Bedawi":        -9.460866,
+		"Bedawiyet":     -9.460866,
+		"Bedjond":       -9.460866,
+		"Beeke":         -9.460866,
+		"Beele":         -9.460866,
+		"Beembe":        -9.460866,
+		"Begbere":       -9.460866,
+		"Beja":          -9.460866,
+		"Belanda":       -8.767718,
+		"Belarusian":    -9.460866,
+		"Beli":          -9.460866,
+		"Bellari":       -9.460866,
+		"Bemba":         -9.460866,
+		"Bena":          -9.460866,
+		"Bendi":         -9.460866,
+		"Beng":          -8.767718,
+		"Bengali":       -9.460866,
+		"Benggoi":       -9.460866,
+		"Bengkala":      -9.460866,
+		"Benin":         -8.767718,
+		"Beothuk":       -9.460866,
+		"Bepour":        -9.460866,
+		"Berakou":       -9.460866,
+		"Berau":         -9.460866,
+		"Berber":        -9.460866,
+		"Berbice":       -9.460866,
+		"Berik":         -9.460866,
+		"Berinomo":      -9.460866,
+		"Besi":          -9.460866,
+		"Besme":         -9.460866,
+		"Besoa":         -9.460866,
+		"Betaf":         -9.460866,
+		"Betawi":        -9.460866,
+		"Bete":          -9.460866,
+		"Beti":          -9.460866,
+		"Betsimisaraka": -9.460866,
+		"Bhadrawahi":    -9.460866,
+		"Bhalay":        -9.460866,
+		"Bharia":        -9.460866,
+		"Bhatola":       -9.460866,
+		"Bhatri":        -9.460866,
+		"Bhattiyali":    -9.460866,
+		"Bhaya":         -9.460866,
+		"Bhele":         -9.460866,
+		"Bhilali":       -9.460866,
+		"Bhili":         -9.460866,
+		"Bhojpuri":      -9.460866,
+		"Bhunjia":       -9.460866,
+		"Biafada":       -9.460866,
+		"Biak":          -9.460866,
+		"Bian":          -9.460866,
+		"Biangai":       -9.460866,
+		"Biao":          -9.460866,
+		"Biatah":        -9.460866,
+		"Bicolano":      -9.460866,
+		"Bidayuh":       -9.460866,
+		"Bidiyo":        -9.460866,
+		"Bidyogo":       -9.460866,
+		"Bieria":        -9.460866,
+		"Biete":         -9.460866,
+		"Biga":          -9.460866,
+		"Bihari":        -9.460866,
+		"Bijim":         -9.460866,
+		"Bijori":        -9.460866,
+		"Bikaru":        -9.460866,
+		"Bikol":         -8.767718,
+		"Bila":          -9.460866,
+		"Bilakura":      -9.460866,
+		"Bilba":         -9.460866,
+		"Bilbil":        -9.460866,
+		"Bile":          -9.460866,
+		"Bilur":         -9.460866,
+		"Bima":          -9.460866,
+		"Bimin":         -9.460866,
+		"Bimoba":        -9.460866,
+		"Binahari":      -9.460866,
+		"Binandere":     -9.460866,
+		"Bini":          -9.460866,
+		"Binukid":       -9.460866,
+		"Binumarien":    -9.460866,
+		"Bipi":          -9.460866,
+		"Bipim":         -9.460866,
+		"Bira":          -9.460866,
+		"Birale":        -9.460866,
+		"Birao":         -9.460866,
+		"Birgit":        -9.460866,
+		"Birhor":        -9.460866,
+		"Birifor":       -8.767718,
+		"Biritai":       -9.460866,
+		"Birked":        -9.460866,
+		"Birri":         -9.460866,
+		"Birwa":         -9.460866,
+		"Bisa":          -9.460866,
+		"Bisaya":        -8.767718,
+		"Bishnupriya":   -9.460866,
+		"Bishuo":        -9.460866,
+		"Bislama":       -9.460866,
+		"Bisorio":       -9.460866,
+		"Bissa":         -9.460866,
+		"Bit":           -9.460866,
+		"Bitare":        -9.460866,
+		"Biwat":         -9.460866,
+		"Biyom":         -9.460866,
+		"Blaan":         -8.767718,
+		"Blafe":         -9.460866,
+		"Blagar":        -9.460866,
+		"Bo":            -8.362253,
+		"Bobo":          -9.460866,
+		"Bobongko":      -9.460866,
+		"Bobot":         -9.460866,
+		"Bodo":          -9.460866,
+		"Bofi":          -9.460866,
+		"Boga":          -9.460866,
+		"Boghom":        -9.460866,
+		"Boguru":        -9.460866,
+		"Bohtan":        -9.460866,
+		"Bokm":          -9.460866,
+		"Boko":          -9.460866,
+		"Bokobaru":      -9.460866,
+		"Bolgo":         -9.460866,
+		"Bolivian":      -9.460866,
+		"Bomboma":       -9.460866,
+		"Bondo":         -9.460866,
+		"Bongili":       -9.460866,
+		"Bongu":         -9.460866,
+		"Bonkeng":       -9.460866,
+		"Boo":           -9.460866,
+		"Boor":          -9.460866,
+		"Bor":           -9.460866,
+		"Borna":         -8.767718,
+		"Boro":          -9.460866,
+		"Boruca":        -9.460866,
+		"Boselewa":      -9.460866,
+		"Bosngun":       -9.460866,
+		"Bosnian":       -9.460866,
+		"Brahui":        -9.460866,
+		"Braj":          -9.460866,
+		"Brat":          -9.460866,
+		"Brazil":        -9.460866,
+		"Brem":          -9.460866,
+		"Breri":         -9.460866,
+		"Breton":        -9.460866,
+		"British":       -9.460866,
+		"Brokkat":       -9.460866,
+		"Brokskat":      -9.460866,
+		"Broome":        -9.460866,
+		"Bru":           -8.767718,
+		"Brunei":        -9.460866,
+		"Bu":            -9.460866,
+		"Bua":           -9.460866,
+		"Bube":          -9.460866,
+		"Bubi":          -9.460866,
+		"Budibud":       -9.460866,
+		"Budu":          -9.460866,
+		"Budza":         -9.460866,
+		"Bugan":         -9.460866,
+		"Bugawac":       -9.460866,
+		"Bughotu":       -9.460866,
+		"Buginese":      -9.460866,
+		"Bugun":         -9.460866,
+		"Buhutu":        -9.460866,
+		"Bukat":         -9.460866,
+		"Bukharic":      -9.460866,
+		"Bukit":         -9.460866,
+		"Bukitan":       -9.460866,
+		"Bukiyip":       -9.460866,
+		"Bukusu":        -9.460866,
+		"Bukwen":        -9.460866,
+		"Bulgarian":     -8.362253,
+		"Buli":          -9.460866,
+		"Bullom":        -9.460866,
+		"Bulu":          -8.767718,
+		"Bumang":        -9.460866,
+		"Bun":           -9.460866,
+		"Buna":          -9.460866,
+		"Bunak":         -9.460866,
+		"Bung":          -9.460866,
+		"Bungain":       -9.460866,
+		"Bunu":          -8.362253,
+		"Bura":          -9.460866,
+		"Buraka":        -9.460866,
+		"Burarra":       -9.460866,
+		"Burate":        -9.460866,
+		"Burduna":       -9.460866,
+		"Bure":          -9.460866,
+		"Buriat":        -8.074571,
+		"Burji":         -9.460866,
+		"Burmese":       -9.460866,
+		"Buru":          -9.460866,
+		"Burui":         -9.460866,
+		"Burumakok":     -9.460866,
+		"Burushaski":    -9.460866,
+		"Burusu":        -9.460866,
+		"Buruwai":       -9.460866,
+		"Busa":          -9.460866,
+		"Busam":         -9.460866,
+		"Busami":        -9.460866,
+		"Busang":        -9.460866,
+		"Bushi":         -9.460866,
+		"Bushoong":      -9.460866,
+		"Buso":          -9.460866,
+		"Busoa":         -9.460866,
+		"Busuu":         -9.460866,
+		"Butuanon":      -9.460866,
+		"Buwal":         -9.460866,
+		"Buxinhua":      -9.460866,
+		"Bwa":           -9.460866,
+		"Bwaidoka":      -9.460866,
+		"Bwamu":         -8.767718,
+		"Bwatoo":        -9.460866,
+		"Bwe":           -9.460866,
+		"Bwela":         -9.460866,
+		"Bwile":         -9.460866,
+		"Bwisi":         -9.460866,
+		"Cagayan":       -9.460866,
+		"Cameroon":      -7.381424,
+		"Canoeiro":      -9.460866,
+		"Castilian":     -9.460866,
+		"Casuarina":     -9.460866,
+		"Catalan":       -9.460866,
+		"Central":       -7.851428,
+		"Cham":          -9.460866,
+		"Chamorro":      -9.460866,
+		"Chechen":       -9.460866,
+		"Chewa":         -9.460866,
+		"Chichewa":      -9.460866,
+		"Chin":          -9.460866,
+		"China":         -8.362253,
+		"Chinese":       -9.460866,
+		"Chini":         -9.460866,
+		"Chiricahua":    -9.460866,
+		"Chuang":        -9.460866,
+		"Church":        -8.362253,
+		"Chuvash":       -9.460866,
+		"Cicipu":        -9.460866,
+		"Cishingini":    -9.460866,
+		"Coast":         -9.460866,
+		"Comments":      -6.975959,
+		"Congo":         -8.767718,
+		"Cornish":       -9.460866,
+		"Corsican":      -9.460866,
+		"Cree":          -9.460866,
+		"Creole":        -7.851428,
+		"Croatian":      -8.767718,
+		"Cwi":           -9.460866,
+		"Cypriot":       -9.460866,
+		"Cyrl":          -7.514955,
+		"Czech":         -9.460866,
+		"Dairi":         -9.460866,
+		"Daloa":         -9.460866,
+		"Danish":        -9.460866,
+		"Dano":          -9.460866,
+		"Date":          -9.460866,
+		"Defaka":        -9.460866,
+		"Democratic":    -9.460866,
+		"Deprecated":    -6.416343,
+		"Description":   -2.501467,
+		"Deva":          -8.362253,
+		"Dhivehi":       -9.460866,
+		"Dhofari":       -9.460866,
+		"Dibole":        -9.460866,
+		"Divehi":        -9.460866,
+		"Dogon":         -9.460866,
+		"Dumagat":       -9.460866,
+		"Durango":       -8.767718,
+		"Dutch":         -8.767718,
+		"Dzao":          -9.460866,
+		"Dzodinka":      -9.460866,
+		"Dzongkha":      -9.460866,
+		"Eastern":       -7.851428,
+		"Edera":         -9.460866,
+		"Edo":           -9.460866,
+		"Eduria":        -9.460866,
+		"Egyptian":      -8.767718,
+		"Ehom":          -9.460866,
+		"Ejar":          -9.460866,
+		"Eloyi":         -9.460866,
+		"English":       -8.362253,
+		"Esimbi":        -9.460866,
+		"Esperanto":     -9.460866,
+		"Estonian":      -9.460866,
+		"Ethi":          -8.767718,
+		"Ethiopia":      -8.767718,
+		"Ewe":           -9.460866,
+		"Faire":         -9.460866,
+		"Fanamaket":     -9.460866,
+		"Faroese":       -9.460866,
+		"Fembe":         -9.460866,
+		"Fijian":        -9.460866,
+		"File":          -9.460866,
+		"Finallig":      -9.460866,
+		"Finnish":       -9.460866,
+		"Flemish":       -9.460866,
+		"French":        -9.460866,
+		"Frisian":       -9.460866,
+		"Fulah":         -9.460866,
+		"Gaelic":        -8.767718,
+		"Gagauz":        -9.460866,
+		"Gagnoa":        -9.460866,
+		"Gahri":         -9.460866,
+		"Galician":      -9.460866,
+		"Galo":          -9.460866,
+		"Gamo":          -9.460866,
+		"Ganda":         -9.460866,
+		"Ganja":         -9.460866,
+		"Gbe":           -9.460866,
+		"Geor":          -9.460866,
+		"Georgian":      -9.460866,
+		"German":        -9.460866,
+		"Ghana":         -9.460866,
+		"Gheg":          -9.460866,
+		"Ghom":          -9.460866,
+		"Ghotuo":        -9.460866,
+		"Giangan":       -9.460866,
+		"Gikuyu":        -9.460866,
+		"Ginyanga":      -9.460866,
+		"Greek":         -9.460866,
+		"Greenlandic":   -9.460866,
+		"Grek":          -9.460866,
+		"Gros":          -9.460866,
+		"Grosso":        -9.460866,
+		"Guarani":       -9.460866,
+		"Guiberoua":     -9.460866,
+		"Guinea":        -7.851428,
+		"Gujarati":      -9.460866,
+		"Gujr":          -9.460866,
+		"Gulf":          -9.460866,
+		"Gumna":         -9.460866,
+		"Gunyu":         -9.460866,
+		"Gurmana":       -9.460866,
+		"Guru":          -9.460866,
+		"Gwamhi":        -9.460866,
+		"Hadrami":       -9.460866,
+		"Haeke":         -9.460866,
+		"Haitian":       -8.767718,
+		"Haryanvi":      -9.460866,
+		"Hausa":         -9.460866,
+		"Hebr":          -8.362253,
+		"Hebrew":        -8.767718,
+		"Heneng":        -9.460866,
+		"Herero":        -9.460866,
+		"Heyo":          -9.460866,
+		"Highland":      -9.460866,
+		"Hijazi":        -9.460866,
+		"Hindi":         -9.460866,
+		"Hiri":          -9.460866,
+		"Hungarian":     -9.460866,
+		"ISO":           -9.460866,
+		"Icelandic":     -9.460866,
+		"Ido":           -9.460866,
+		"Igbo":          -9.460866,
+		"Igo":           -9.460866,
+		"Imperial":      -9.460866,
+		"India":         -9.460866,
+		"Indonesia":     -8.767718,
+		"Indonesian":    -8.767718,
+		"Interlingua":   -9.460866,
+		"Interlingue":   -9.460866,
+		"International": -9.460866,
+		"Inuktitut":     -9.460866,
+		"Inupiaq":       -9.460866,
+		"Ipalapa":       -9.460866,
+		"Ipulo":         -9.460866,
+		"Iraya":         -9.460866,
+		"Iriga":         -9.460866,
+		"Irish":         -9.460866,
+		"Isarog":        -9.460866,
+		"Islands":       -9.460866,
+		"Italian":       -9.460866,
+		"Itneg":         -9.460866,
+		"Ivbie":         -9.460866,
+		"Jair":          -9.460866,
+		"Jalkunan":      -9.460866,
+		"Japan":         -9.460866,
+		"Japanese":      -9.460866,
+		"Javanese":      -8.767718,
+		"Jeru":          -9.460866,
+		"Jewish":        -9.460866,
+		"Jiao":          -9.460866,
+		"Jicarilla":     -9.460866,
+		"Jpan":          -9.460866,
+		"Judeo":         -8.767718,
+		"Jur":           -9.460866,
+		"K":             -9.460866,
+		"Kahua":         -9.460866,
+		"Kalaallisut":   -9.460866,
+		"Kaloum":        -9.460866,
+		"Kanauji":       -9.460866,
+		"Kannada":       -9.460866,
+		"Kanuri":        -9.460866,
+		"Karbi":         -9.460866,
+		"Karen":         -8.767718,
+		"Karo":          -8.767718,
+		"Kashmiri":      -9.460866,
+		"Katanga":       -9.460866,
+		"Kati":          -9.460866,
+		"Kaure":         -9.460866,
+		"Kayan":         -9.460866,
+		"Kazakh":        -9.460866,
+		"Kede":          -9.460866,
+		"Khmer":         -8.767718,
+		"Khmr":          -9.460866,
+		"Khor":          -9.460866,
+		"Kikuyu":        -9.460866,
+		"Kinyarwanda":   -9.460866,
+		"Kiowa":         -9.460866,
+		"Kirghiz":       -9.460866,
+		"Kluet":         -9.460866,
+		"Knda":          -9.460866,
+		"Koga":          -9.460866,
+		"Kol":           -8.767718,
+		"Kom":           -9.460866,
+		"Komi":          -9.460866,
+		"Kongo":         -9.460866,
+		"Kontagora":     -9.460866,
+		"Kore":          -9.460866,
+		"Korean":        -9.460866,
+		"Koro":          -9.460866,
+		"Koronadal":     -9.460866,
+		"Korur":         -9.460866,
+		"Kotava":        -9.460866,
+		"Kuanyama":      -9.460866,
+		"Kurdish":       -9.460866,
+		"Kusuntu":       -9.460866,
+		"Kwa":           -9.460866,
+		"Kwanyama":      -9.460866,
+		"Kx":            -9.460866,
+		"Kyak":          -9.460866,
+		"Kyrgyz":        -9.460866,
+		"L":             -8.767718,
+		"Language":      -6.752815,
+		"Lao":           -9.460866,
+		"Laoo":          -9.460866,
+		"Laos":          -9.460866,
+		"Larike":        -9.460866,
+		"Latin":         -9.460866,
+		"Latn":          -5.130132,
+		"Latvian":       -9.460866,
+		"Lave":          -9.460866,
+		"Legbo":         -9.460866,
+		"Legeri":        -9.460866,
+		"Leonese":       -9.460866,
+		"Letzeburgesch": -9.460866,
+		"Levantine":     -8.767718,
+		"Leyigha":       -9.460866,
+		"Libyan":        -9.460866,
+		"Lidzonka":      -9.460866,
+		"Limburgan":     -9.460866,
+		"Limburger":     -9.460866,
+		"Limburgish":    -9.460866,
+		"Lingala":       -9.460866,
+		"Lipan":         -9.460866,
+		"Lishanid":      -9.460866,
+		"Lithuanian":    -9.460866,
+		"Lokep":         -9.460866,
+		"Lower":         -9.460866,
+		"Luba":          -9.460866,
+		"Lubukusu":      -9.460866,
+		"Luganda":       -9.460866,
+		"Lugger":        -9.460866,
+		"Luxembourgish": -9.460866,
+		"Macedonian":    -9.460866,
+		"Macrolanguage": -5.453532,
+		"Madar":         -9.460866,
+		"Magbukun":      -9.460866,
+		"Mahasu":        -9.460866,
+		"Mai":           -9.460866,
+		"Makayam":       -9.460866,
+		"Malagasy":      -8.362253,
+		"Malay":         -7.851428,
+		"Malayalam":     -9.460866,
+		"Malba":         -9.460866,
+		"Maldivian":     -9.460866,
+		"Maltese":       -9.460866,
+		"Mandailing":    -9.460866,
+		"Mandobo":       -9.460866,
+		"Manobo":        -9.460866,
+		"Manx":          -9.460866,
+		"Maori":         -9.460866,
+		"Mapuche":       -9.460866,
+		"Mapudungun":    -9.460866,
+		"Marathi":       -9.460866,
+		"Marind":        -9.460866,
+		"Marshallese":   -9.460866,
+		"Mato":          -9.460866,
+		"Mbongno":       -9.460866,
+		"Mboteni":       -9.460866,
+		"Mbr":           -9.460866,
+		"Mescalero":     -9.460866,
+		"Mesopotamian":  -9.460866,
+		"Mid":           -9.460866,
+		"Middle":        -9.460866,
+		"Mien":          -9.460866,
+		"Min":           -9.460866,
+		"Minigir":       -9.460866,
+		"Mlym":          -9.460866,
+		"Mmen":          -9.460866,
+		"Mobumrin":      -9.460866,
+		"Modern":        -9.460866,
+		"Modo":          -9.460866,
+		"Mokpwe":        -9.460866,
+		"Moldavian":     -8.767718,
+		"Moldovan":      -8.767718,
+		"Molengue":      -9.460866,
+		"Molmo":         -9.460866,
+		"Mongolia":      -9.460866,
+		"Mongolian":     -9.460866,
+		"Montenegrin":   -9.460866,
+		"Moroccan":      -8.767718,
+		"Motu":          -9.460866,
+		"Mpur":          -9.460866,
+		"Mt.":           -8.767718,
+		"Muratayak":     -9.460866,
+		"Mymr":          -9.460866,
+		"Nahuatl":       -8.362253,
+		"Nai":           -9.460866,
+		"Naitasiri":     -9.460866,
+		"Najdi":         -9.460866,
+		"Namosi":        -9.460866,
+		"Nanubae":       -9.460866,
+		"Nao":           -9.460866,
+		"Nataoran":      -9.460866,
+		"Nauru":         -9.460866,
+		"Navaho":        -9.460866,
+		"Navajo":        -9.460866,
+		"Nd":            -9.460866,
+		"Ndebele":       -8.767718,
+		"Ndonga":        -9.460866,
+		"Neo":           -8.362253,
+		"Nepali":        -9.460866,
+		"New":           -7.851428,
+		"Ngelima":       -9.460866,
+		"Nigeria":       -8.362253,
+		"Ningi":         -9.460866,
+		"North":         -7.851428,
+		"Northeast":     -8.767718,
+		"Northern":      -8.074571,
+		"Norwegian":     -8.362253,
+		"Noshan":        -9.460866,
+		"Ntcham":        -9.460866,
+		"Nubaca":        -9.460866,
+		"Nuosu":         -9.460866,
+		"Nyanja":        -9.460866,
+		"Nynorsk":       -9.460866,
+		"Obokuitai":     -9.460866,
+		"Occidental":    -9.460866,
+		"Occitan":       -9.460866,
+		"Odia":          -9.460866,
+		"Odiai":         -9.460866,
+		"Official":      -9.460866,
+		"Ojibwa":        -9.460866,
+		"Okpela":        -9.460866,
+		"Old":           -8.362253,
+		"Omani":         -9.460866,
+		"One":           -9.460866,
+		"Oniyan":        -9.460866,
+		"Oriya":         -9.460866,
+		"Oromo":         -9.460866,
+		"Orya":          -9.460866,
+		"Ossetian":      -9.460866,
+		"Ossetic":       -9.460866,
+		"Pa":            -9.460866,
+		"Pabir":         -9.460866,
+		"Pahanan":       -9.460866,
+		"Pahari":        -9.460866,
+		"Pali":          -9.460866,
+		"Palya":         -9.460866,
+		"Pamplona":      -9.460866,
+		"Pande":         -9.460866,
+		"Panjabi":       -9.460866,
+		"Panyi":         -9.460866,
+		"Papua":         -7.851428,
+		"Paranan":       -9.460866,
+		"Pashai":        -9.460866,
+		"Pashayi":       -9.460866,
+		"Pashto":        -9.460866,
+		"Pauri":         -9.460866,
+		"Pearling":      -9.460866,
+		"Pedro":         -9.460866,
+		"Pela":          -9.460866,
+		"Pele":          -9.460866,
+		"Persian":       -9.460866,
+		"Pidgin":        -9.460866,
+		"Pirlatapa":     -9.460866,
+		"Point":         -9.460866,
+		"Polish":        -9.460866,
+		"Portuguese":    -9.460866,
+		"Preferred":     -7.062970,
+		"Pucikwar":      -9.460866,
+		"Pudtol":        -9.460866,
+		"Puebla":        -9.460866,
+		"Punjabi":       -9.460866,
+		"Pushto":        -9.460866,
+		"Putukwam":      -9.460866,
+		"Qawasqar":      -9.460866,
+		"Qimant":        -9.460866,
+		"Quechua":       -9.460866,
+		"Ratagnon":      -9.460866,
+		"Rathwi":        -9.460866,
+		"Reel":          -9.460866,
+		"Remontado":     -9.460866,
+		"Republic":      -8.767718,
+		"Rinconada":     -9.460866,
+		"Rodonia":       -9.460866,
+		"Romanian":      -9.460866,
+		"Romansh":       -9.460866,
+		"Rundi":         -9.460866,
+		"Russia":        -9.460866,
+		"Russian":       -9.460866,
+		"Sabah":         -9.460866,
+		"Safeyoka":      -9.460866,
+		"Saidi":         -9.460866,
+		"Sami":          -9.460866,
+		"Samoan":        -9.460866,
+		"San":           -9.460866,
+		"Sanaani":       -9.460866,
+		"Sango":         -9.460866,
+		"Sanskrit":      -9.460866,
+		"Sarangani":     -9.460866,
+		"Sardinian":     -9.460866,
+		"Sari":          -9.460866,
+		"Scope":         -5.471882,
+		"Scottish":      -9.460866,
+		"Script":        -4.707275,
+		"Seminole":      -9.460866,
+		"Serbian":       -9.460866,
+		"Serbo":         -9.460866,
+		"Serua":         -9.460866,
+		"Sherbro":       -9.460866,
+		"Shiwiar":       -9.460866,
+		"Shona":         -9.460866,
+		"Sichuan":       -9.460866,
+		"Sign":          -6.821808,
+		"Simalungun":    -9.460866,
+		"Sindhi":        -9.460866,
+		"Sinh":          -9.460866,
+		"Sinhala":       -9.460866,
+		"Sinhalese":     -9.460866,
+		"Sissano":       -9.460866,
+		"Sitemu":        -9.460866,
+		"Siwu":          -9.460866,
+		"Slavic":        -9.460866,
+		"Slavonic":      -8.362253,
+		"Slovak":        -9.460866,
+		"Slovenian":     -9.460866,
+		"So":            -9.460866,
+		"Soban":         -9.460866,
+		"Somali":        -9.460866,
+		"Sorsogon":      -9.460866,
+		"Sotho":         -9.460866,
+		"South":         -7.669106,
+		"Southern":      -7.158281,
+		"Spanish":       -9.460866,
+		"Standard":      -9.460866,
+		"State":         -8.767718,
+		"Subtag":        -2.563161,
+		"Sudan":         -9.460866,
+		"Sudanese":      -9.460866,
+		"Sundanese":     -9.460866,
+		"Suppress":      -4.707275,
+		"Swahili":       -9.460866,
+		"Swati":         -9.460866,
+		"Swedish":       -9.460866,
+		"Table":         -9.460866,
+		"Tabulahan":     -9.460866,
+		"Tagabawa":      -9.460866,
+		"Tagalog":       -9.460866,
+		"Tahitian":      -9.460866,
+		"Tainae":        -9.460866,
+		"Tairaha":       -9.460866,
+		"Tajik":         -9.460866,
+		"Talaandig":     -9.460866,
+		"Tamil":         -9.460866,
+		"Taml":          -9.460866,
+		"Tanzania":      -8.767718,
+		"Tapei":         -9.460866,
+		"Tatar":         -9.460866,
+		"Tayabas":       -9.460866,
+		"Tchumbuli":     -9.460866,
+		"Telu":          -9.460866,
+		"Telugu":        -9.460866,
+		"Tena":          -9.460866,
+		"Terei":         -9.460866,
+		"Tesu":          -9.460866,
+		"Thaa":          -9.460866,
+		"Thai":          -8.767718,
+		"Tiagbamrin":    -9.460866,
+		"Tibetan":       -8.767718,
+		"Tibt":          -9.460866,
+		"Tigrinya":      -9.460866,
+		"Toba":          -9.460866,
+		"Tocantins":     -9.460866,
+		"Tonga":         -8.767718,
+		"Tosk":          -9.460866,
+		"Tsonga":        -9.460866,
+		"Tswana":        -9.460866,
+		"Tukang":        -9.460866,
+		"Tuki":          -9.460866,
+		"Tunen":         -9.460866,
+		"Tunisian":      -8.767718,
+		"Turkish":       -8.767718,
+		"Turkmen":       -9.460866,
+		"Twi":           -9.460866,
+		"Uighur":        -9.460866,
+		"Ukpet":         -9.460866,
+		"Ukrainian":     -9.460866,
+		"Urdu":          -9.460866,
+		"Uto":           -9.460866,
+		"Uyghur":        -9.460866,
+		"Uzbek":         -9.460866,
+		"Uzbeki":        -9.460866,
+		"Vaghat":        -9.460866,
+		"Valencian":     -9.460866,
+		"Value":         -7.062970,
+		"Venda":         -9.460866,
+		"Vengo":         -9.460866,
+		"Ventre":        -9.460866,
+		"Vidari":        -9.460866,
+		"Vietnamese":    -9.460866,
+		"Viri":          -9.460866,
+		"Volap":         -9.460866,
+		"Wachi":         -9.460866,
+		"Waimaha":       -9.460866,
+		"Waimiri":       -9.460866,
+		"Wakasihu":      -9.460866,
+		"Walloon":       -9.460866,
+		"Wanbasana":     -9.460866,
+		"Waorani":       -9.460866,
+		"Warkay":        -9.460866,
+		"Welsh":         -9.460866,
+		"Western":       -7.669106,
+		"Wolof":         -9.460866,
+		"Wumboko":       -9.460866,
+		"Wunai":         -9.460866,
+		"Wuri":          -9.460866,
+		"Wushi":         -9.460866,
+		"X":             -9.460866,
+		"Xhosa":         -9.460866,
+		"Xing":          -9.460866,
+		"Ya":            -9.460866,
+		"Yaka":          -9.460866,
+		"Yanesha":       -9.460866,
+		"Yangkam":       -9.460866,
+		"Yaosakor":      -9.460866,
+		"Yi":            -9.460866,
+		"Yiddish":       -8.767718,
+		"Yoruba":        -9.460866,
+		"Younuo":        -9.460866,
+		"Zaiwa":         -9.460866,
+		"Zambia":        -9.460866,
+		"Zhuang":        -9.460866,
+		"Zulu":          -9.460866,
+		"a":             -9.460866,
+		"aa":            -9.460866,
+		"aaa":           -9.460866,
+		"aab":           -9.460866,
+		"aac":           -9.460866,
+		"aad":           -9.460866,
+		"aae":           -9.460866,
+		"aaf":           -9.460866,
+		"aag":           -9.460866,
+		"aah":           -9.460866,
+		"ab":            -9.460866,
+		"abeena":        -9.460866,
+		"acr":           -9.460866,
+		"acs":           -9.460866,
+		"act":           -9.460866,
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+		"acw":           -9.460866,
+		"acx":           -9.460866,
+		"acy":           -9.460866,
+		"acz":           -9.460866,
+		"ada":           -9.460866,
+		"adb":           -9.460866,
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+		"adf":           -9.460866,
+		"adg":           -9.460866,
+		"adh":           -9.460866,
+		"adi":           -9.460866,
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+		"ado":           -9.460866,
+		"adp":           -9.460866,
+		"adq":           -9.460866,
+		"adr":           -9.460866,
+		"ads":           -9.460866,
+		"adt":           -9.460866,
+		"adu":           -9.460866,
+		"adw":           -9.460866,
+		"adx":           -9.460866,
+		"ady":           -9.460866,
+		"adz":           -9.460866,
+		"ae":            -9.460866,
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+		"aeb":           -9.460866,
+		"aec":           -9.460866,
+		"aed":           -9.460866,
+		"aee":           -9.460866,
+		"aek":           -9.460866,
+		"ael":           -9.460866,
+		"aem":           -9.460866,
+		"aen":           -9.460866,
+		"aeq":           -9.460866,
+		"aer":           -9.460866,
+		"aes":           -9.460866,
+		"aeu":           -9.460866,
+		"aew":           -9.460866,
+		"aey":           -9.460866,
+		"aez":           -9.460866,
+		"af":            -9.460866,
+		"afa":           -9.460866,
+		"afb":           -9.460866,
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+		"afe":           -9.460866,
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+		"afn":           -9.460866,
+		"afo":           -9.460866,
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+		"afs":           -9.460866,
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+		"afu":           -9.460866,
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+		"aga":           -9.460866,
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+		"agh":           -9.460866,
+		"agi":           -9.460866,
+		"agj":           -9.460866,
+		"agk":           -9.460866,
+		"agl":           -9.460866,
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+		"agn":           -9.460866,
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+		"agz":           -9.460866,
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+		"ahh":           -9.460866,
+		"ahi":           -9.460866,
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+		"ahm":           -9.460866,
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+		"aho":           -9.460866,
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+		"ahr":           -9.460866,
+		"ahs":           -9.460866,
+		"aht":           -9.460866,
+		"aia":           -9.460866,
+		"aib":           -9.460866,
+		"aic":           -9.460866,
+		"aid":           -9.460866,
+		"aie":           -9.460866,
+		"aif":           -9.460866,
+		"aig":           -9.460866,
+		"aih":           -9.460866,
+		"aii":           -9.460866,
+		"aij":           -9.460866,
+		"aik":           -9.460866,
+		"ail":           -9.460866,
+		"aim":           -9.460866,
+		"ain":           -9.460866,
+		"aio":           -9.460866,
+		"aip":           -9.460866,
+		"aiq":           -9.460866,
+		"air":           -9.460866,
+		"ais":           -9.460866,
+		"ait":           -9.460866,
+		"aiw":           -9.460866,
+		"aix":           -9.460866,
+		"aiy":           -9.460866,
+		"aja":           -9.460866,
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+		"aji":           -9.460866,
+		"ajn":           -9.460866,
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+		"ajt":           -9.460866,
+		"aju":           -9.460866,
+		"ajw":           -9.460866,
+		"ajz":           -9.460866,
+		"ak":            -8.767718,
+		"akb":           -9.460866,
+		"akc":           -9.460866,
+		"akd":           -9.460866,
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+		"akf":           -9.460866,
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+		"akm":           -9.460866,
+		"ako":           -9.460866,
+		"akp":           -9.460866,
+		"akq":           -9.460866,
+		"akr":           -9.460866,
+		"aks":           -9.460866,
+		"akt":           -9.460866,
+		"aku":           -9.460866,
+		"akv":           -9.460866,
+		"akw":           -9.460866,
+		"akx":           -9.460866,
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+		"akz":           -9.460866,
+		"ala":           -9.460866,
+		"alc":           -9.460866,
+		"ald":           -9.460866,
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+		"alj":           -9.460866,
+		"alk":           -9.460866,
+		"all":           -9.460866,
+		"alm":           -9.460866,
+		"aln":           -9.460866,
+		"alo":           -9.460866,
+		"alp":           -9.460866,
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+		"alr":           -9.460866,
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+		"alx":           -9.460866,
+		"aly":           -9.460866,
+		"alz":           -9.460866,
+		"am":            -9.460866,
+		"ama":           -9.460866,
+		"amb":           -9.460866,
+		"amc":           -9.460866,
+		"ame":           -9.460866,
+		"ami":           -9.460866,
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+		"and":           -9.460866,
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+		"apc":           -9.460866,
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+		"apf":           -8.767718,
+		"apg":           -9.460866,
+		"aph":           -9.460866,
+		"api":           -9.460866,
+		"apj":           -9.460866,
+		"apk":           -9.460866,
+		"apl":           -9.460866,
+		"apm":           -9.460866,
+		"apn":           -9.460866,
+		"apo":           -9.460866,
+		"app":           -9.460866,
+		"apq":           -9.460866,
+		"apr":           -9.460866,
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+		"apv":           -9.460866,
+		"apw":           -9.460866,
+		"apx":           -9.460866,
+		"apy":           -9.460866,
+		"apz":           -9.460866,
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+		"aqc":           -9.460866,
+		"aqd":           -9.460866,
+		"aqg":           -9.460866,
+		"aql":           -9.460866,
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+		"aqn":           -9.460866,
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+		"aqt":           -9.460866,
+		"aqz":           -9.460866,
+		"ar":            -6.325371,
+		"arb":           -9.460866,
+		"arc":           -9.460866,
+		"ard":           -9.460866,
+		"are":           -8.362253,
+		"arh":           -9.460866,
+		"ari":           -9.460866,
+		"arj":           -9.460866,
+		"ark":           -9.460866,
+		"arl":           -9.460866,
+		"arn":           -9.460866,
+		"aro":           -9.460866,
+		"arp":           -9.460866,
+		"arq":           -9.460866,
+		"arr":           -9.460866,
+		"ars":           -9.460866,
+		"art":           -9.460866,
+		"aru":           -9.460866,
+		"arv":           -9.460866,
+		"arw":           -9.460866,
+		"arx":           -9.460866,
+		"ary":           -9.460866,
+		"arz":           -9.460866,
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+		"asa":           -9.460866,
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-		"INCIDENTAL":                       -10.154402,
-		"INCLUDING":                        -9.055790,
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-		"INLIDARLite.ncl*":                 -10.154402,
-		"INN":                              -8.768108,
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-		"Il":                               -10.154402,
-		"Improved":                         -9.461255,
-		"In":                               -10.154402,
-		"Inc.":                             -8.544964,
-		"Inneholder":                       -9.461255,
-		"Intelligens":                      -9.461255,
-		"It":                               -9.461255,
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-		"Jeg":                              -9.461255,
-		"June":                             -10.154402,
-		"Jusqu":                            -10.154402,
-		"K.":                               -9.461255,
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-		"KEKOMMANDOEN":                     -9.461255,
-		"KIND":                             -10.154402,
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-		"KOMMANDOEN":                       -7.669495,
-		"KOPIERE":                          -9.461255,
-		"Kan":                              -9.461255,
-		"Kanskje":                          -10.154402,
-		"Keep":                             -10.154402,
-		"KiWi":                             -10.154402,
-		"Klienter":                         -10.154402,
-		"Klokker":                          -9.461255,
-		"Kommandoen":                       -9.461255,
-		"Kommandoene":                      -9.461255,
-		"Kommandolinjefullf":               -9.461255,
-		"Kommandoskall":                    -10.154402,
-		"Kommunikasjon":                    -10.154402,
-		"Kontroller":                       -9.461255,
-		"LAG":                              -9.461255,
-		"LAGRES":                           -9.461255,
-		"LAGRING":                          -9.461255,
-		"LAW":                              -10.154402,
-		"LAW.":                             -10.154402,
-		"LEGG":                             -9.461255,
-		"LEKSJON":                          -7.381813,
-		"LIABLE":                           -10.154402,
-		"LICENSE":                          -9.461255,
-		"LICENSED":                         -10.154402,
-		"LIM":                              -9.461255,
-		"LIME":                             -9.461255,
-		"LIMITED":                          -9.461255,
-		"LINJE":                            -9.461255,
-		"LINJER":                           -9.461255,
-		"LMN":                              -9.461255,
-		"LNBoardOutline*":                  -10.154402,
-		"LOSS":                             -10.154402,
-		"LOSSES":                           -10.154402,
-		"Lacinia":                          -10.154402,
-		"Lag":                              -8.768108,
-		"Lagre":                            -8.768108,
-		"Lamb":                             -9.461255,
-		"Learning":                         -9.461255,
-		"Legg":                             -7.515345,
-		"Leksjon":                          -5.995519,
-		"Les":                              -8.074960,
-		"Lesser":                           -10.154402,
-		"Let":                              -9.461255,
-		"License":                          -7.109879,
-		"License.":                         -8.208492,
-		"Linda":                            -9.461255,
-		"Linux.":                           -9.461255,
-		"List":                             -9.461255,
-		"Local":                            -10.154402,
-		"Lock":                             -9.461255,
-		"Lorem":                            -10.154402,
-		"M":                                -8.768108,
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-		"MARK":                             -8.768108,
-		"MAY":                              -10.154402,
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-		"MERCHANTABILITY":                  -9.461255,
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-		"MODIFICATION":                     -10.154402,
-		"MODIFY":                           -10.154402,
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-		"Mange":                            -9.461255,
-		"Many":                             -10.154402,
-		"Mark":                             -8.768108,
-		"Marmotta":                         -8.544964,
-		"Mauris":                           -10.154402,
-		"Med":                              -10.154402,
-		"Men":                              -9.461255,
-		"Merk":                             -7.018908,
-		"Metadata":                         -10.154402,
-		"Michael":                          -9.461255,
-		"Micro":                            -10.154402,
-		"Mines":                            -9.461255,
-		"Missing":                          -10.154402,
-		"Modifications":                    -10.154402,
-		"Modifisert":                       -9.461255,
-		"Moolenaar.":                       -9.461255,
-		"Morbi":                            -9.461255,
-		"MySQL":                            -8.208492,
-		"MySQL.":                           -10.154402,
-		"N":                                -6.628041,
-		"NCL":                              -9.055790,
-		"NECESSARY":                        -10.154402,
-		"NED":                              -9.461255,
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-		"NO":                               -8.768108,
-		"NOT":                              -9.461255,
-		"NSF":                              -9.055790,
-		"NSS":                              -10.154402,
-		"Neste":                            -9.461255,
-		"Nettlesere":                       -10.154402,
-		"Netus":                            -10.154402,
-		"New":                              -9.055790,
-		"Noen":                             -8.362642,
-		"Non":                              -10.154402,
-		"Nonetheless":                      -10.154402,
-		"Numerisk":                         -10.154402,
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-		"OF":                               -7.756507,
-		"OG":                               -8.074960,
-		"OM":                               -8.768108,
-		"OP":                               -9.461255,
-		"OPERATE":                          -10.154402,
-		"OPERATOREN":                       -9.461255,
-		"OPERATORER":                       -9.461255,
-		"OPERERE":                          -9.461255,
-		"OPPSTARTSSKRIPT":                  -9.461255,
-		"OPPSUMMERING":                     -7.515345,
-		"OR":                               -7.756507,
-		"OTHER":                            -8.768108,
-		"OTHERWISE":                        -10.154402,
-		"OUT":                              -10.154402,
-		"OVER":                             -8.362642,
-		"Of":                               -10.154402,
-		"Og":                               -9.461255,
-		"OpenBSD":                          -10.154402,
-		"Operatoren":                       -9.461255,
-		"Opprett":                          -9.461255,
-		"Oualline":                         -9.461255,
-		"Our":                              -10.154402,
-		"Oversatt":                         -9.461255,
-		"P":                                -7.957177,
-		"PARENTESER":                       -9.461255,
-		"PARTICULAR":                       -9.461255,
-		"PARTIES":                          -9.461255,
-		"PARTY":                            -9.461255,
-		"PDA":                              -10.154402,
-		"PERFORMANCE":                      -10.154402,
-		"PERMITTED":                        -9.461255,
-		"PNE":                              -9.461255,
-		"POSISJONERING":                    -9.461255,
-		"POSSIBILITY":                      -10.154402,
-		"PPP":                              -10.154402,
-		"PROGRAM":                          -8.074960,
-		"PROGRAMS":                         -10.154402,
-		"PROVE":                            -10.154402,
-		"PROVIDE":                          -10.154402,
-		"PUBLIC":                           -9.461255,
-		"PURPOSE.":                         -9.461255,
-		"Pakkene":                          -8.074960,
-		"Pakker":                           -6.896305,
-		"Pakkesystemet":                    -9.461255,
-		"Palm":                             -10.154402,
-		"Pellentesque":                     -9.461255,
-		"Perl":                             -8.768108,
-		"Perl.":                            -10.154402,
-		"Permission":                       -10.154402,
-		"Phasellus":                        -10.154402,
-		"Pierce":                           -9.461255,
-		"Pilot":                            -10.154402,
-		"Piltastene":                       -9.461255,
-		"Plasser":                          -8.362642,
-		"Please":                           -9.461255,
-		"Policy":                           -9.055790,
-		"PostgreSQL":                       -10.154402,
-		"Pr":                               -8.362642,
-		"Praesent":                         -10.154402,
-		"Preamble":                         -10.154402,
-		"President":                        -10.154402,
-		"Privacy":                          -9.055790,
-		"Program":                          -7.321189,
-		"Program.":                         -10.154402,
-		"Programmer":                       -7.957177,
-		"Programs":                         -10.154402,
-		"Programvare":                      -9.461255,
-		"Prototype":                        -9.055790,
-		"Public":                           -7.851817,
-		"Python":                           -8.768108,
-		"Q":                                -9.461255,
-		"QUALITY":                          -10.154402,
-		"R":                                -7.669495,
-		"RE":                               -9.461255,
-		"README":                           -10.154402,
-		"REDIGERE":                         -9.461255,
-		"REDIGERING":                       -8.362642,
-		"REDISTRIBUTE":                     -10.154402,
-		"REN":                              -8.768108,
-		"RENDERED":                         -10.154402,
-		"REPAIR":                           -10.154402,
-		"REQUIRED":                         -10.154402,
-		"RING":                             -9.461255,
-		"RISK":                             -10.154402,
-		"RPM":                              -10.154402,
-		"RReparer":                         -9.461255,
-		"RS":                               -9.461255,
-		"Read":                             -9.461255,
-		"Regents":                          -10.154402,
-		"Reilly":                           -9.461255,
-		"Removes":                          -10.154402,
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-		"Return":                           -9.055790,
-		"Returns":                          -10.154402,
-		"Riders":                           -9.461255,
-		"Robert":                           -9.461255,
-		"Roser":                            -8.768108,
-		"Ruby":                             -10.154402,
-		"S":                                -8.768108,
-		"SAMMENSL":                         -9.461255,
-		"SAMSVARENDE":                      -9.461255,
-		"SERVICING":                        -10.154402,
-		"SETT":                             -9.461255,
-		"SHOULD":                           -10.154402,
-		"SKAL":                             -9.461255,
-		"SLETTE":                           -9.461255,
-		"SLETTEKOMMANDOER":                 -8.768108,
-		"SOM":                              -9.461255,
-		"SPECIAL":                          -10.154402,
-		"STATED":                           -10.154402,
-		"STORE":                            -9.461255,
-		"SUCH":                             -9.461255,
-		"SUSTAINED":                        -10.154402,
-		"Samling":                          -10.154402,
-		"School":                           -9.461255,
-		"Se":                               -8.768108,
-		"Sed":                              -10.154402,
-		"See":                              -8.768108,
-		"Seksjonen":                        -10.154402,
-		"Selve":                            -10.154402,
-		"Sett":                             -7.851817,
-		"Should":                           -10.154402,
-		"Since":                            -9.461255,
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-		"Skrivebordssystemet":              -9.461255,
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-		"Sl":                               -9.461255,
-		"Slett":                            -9.461255,
-		"Slutten":                          -8.768108,
-		"Smith":                            -9.461255,
-		"Software":                         -7.851817,
-		"Som":                              -9.461255,
-		"Spencer.":                         -10.154402,
-		"Spesielt":                         -9.461255,
-		"Spill":                            -10.154402,
-		"Sponsored":                        -9.055790,
-		"Start":                            -8.768108,
-		"State":                            -9.461255,
-		"Steve":                            -9.461255,
-		"Store":                            -10.154402,
-		"Street":                           -9.461255,
-		"Such":                             -10.154402,
-		"TE":                               -9.461255,
-		"TEKST":                            -7.851817,
-		"TELLER":                           -9.461255,
-		"TERMS":                            -9.461255,
-		"TEST":                             -6.896305,
-		"TEST.":                            -9.461255,
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-		"THE_URL":                          -9.055790,
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-		"TO":                               -8.074960,
-		"TOMCAT_HOME/lib":                  -10.154402,
-		"TOMCAT_HOME/webapps/marmotta/WEB": -10.154402,
-		"TUV":                              -9.461255,
-		"TeX":                              -8.208492,
-		"TeX.":                             -10.154402,
-		"Tekstverkt":                       -10.154402,
-		"Telegraph":                        -10.154402,
-		"Telephone":                        -10.154402,
-		"Terms":                            -8.768108,
-		"Test":                             -10.154402,
-		"The":                              -7.669495,
-		"Thermal":                          -10.154402,
-		"These":                            -10.154402,
-		"This":                             -7.669495,
-		"Tiden":                            -9.461255,
-		"Tips":                             -9.461255,
-		"Tivo.":                            -10.154402,
-		"To":                               -9.461255,
-		"Triple":                           -10.154402,
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-		"Ty":                               -9.461255,
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-		"UNLESS":                           -10.154402,
-		"UNNTATT":                          -9.461255,
-		"URL":                              -10.154402,
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-		"USA.":                             -10.154402,
-		"USE":                              -9.461255,
-		"UTF":                              -9.461255,
-		"University":                       -10.154402,
-		"University.":                      -9.461255,
-		"Unix":                             -8.208492,
-		"Use":                              -9.055790,
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-		"Usenet.":                          -10.154402,
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-		"VIM/_vimrc":                       -9.461255,
-		"VIMRUNTIME/vimrc_example.vim":     -9.461255,
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-		"Velg":                             -9.461255,
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-		"Version":                          -9.461255,
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-		"Vi.":                              -9.461255,
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-		"Y":                                -7.669495,
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+		"Associates":                       -9.457747,
+		"Avslutt":                          -9.457747,
+		"BAKOVER":                          -9.457747,
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+		"BRUKE":                            -9.457747,
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+		"Bevegelsene":                      -9.457747,
+		"Blant":                            -9.457747,
+		"Bokstaven":                        -9.457747,
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+		"Bruk":                             -7.511837,
+		"By":                               -10.150894,
+		"C":                                -8.541456,
+		"C.":                               -9.457747,
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+		"CONSEQUENTIAL":                    -10.150894,
+		"COPYING":                          -10.150894,
+		"COPYRIGHT":                        -9.052282,
+		"CORRECTION.":                      -10.150894,
+		"COST":                             -10.150894,
+		"CTRL":                             -6.539976,
+		"California.":                      -10.150894,
+		"Caps":                             -9.457747,
+		"Case":                             -9.457747,
+		"Charles":                          -9.457747,
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+		"Company":                          -10.150894,
+		"Computes":                         -9.457747,
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+		"Copyright":                        -8.764600,
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+		"Ctrl":                             -8.359135,
+		"Cursus":                           -10.150894,
+		"D":                                -7.848309,
+		"DAMAGES":                          -9.457747,
+		"DAMAGES.":                         -10.150894,
+		"DATA":                             -9.457747,
+		"DE":                               -9.457747,
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+		"DEFLATE":                          -10.150894,
+		"DISTRIBUTION":                     -10.150894,
+		"DOS":                              -8.764600,
+		"DOS.":                             -9.457747,
+		"Da":                               -8.764600,
+		"De":                               -9.457747,
+		"Debian":                           -7.848309,
+		"Debian.":                          -9.052282,
+		"Debians":                          -8.764600,
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+		"Documentation":                    -9.052282,
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+		"Donec":                            -10.150894,
+		"Druer":                            -9.457747,
+		"Du":                               -7.106372,
+		"Duis":                             -10.150894,
+		"E":                                -8.764600,
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+		"EVEN":                             -10.150894,
+		"EVENT":                            -10.150894,
+		"EXCEPT":                           -10.150894,
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+		"Each":                             -9.457747,
+		"Editor":                           -9.457747,
+		"Eller":                            -9.457747,
+		"En":                               -8.764600,
+		"Enter.":                           -9.457747,
+		"Erstatningsmodus":                 -9.457747,
+		"Erstatte":                         -8.071453,
+		"Et":                               -8.541456,
+		"Etiam":                            -10.150894,
+		"Etter":                            -8.071453,
+		"Etterhvert":                       -9.457747,
+		"Everyone":                         -10.150894,
+		"Example":                          -10.150894,
+		"Examples":                         -10.150894,
+		"Exp":                              -10.150894,
+		"F":                                -7.665988,
+		"FAILURE":                          -10.150894,
+		"FGHI":                             -9.457747,
+		"FIL":                              -8.764600,
+		"FILER":                            -8.764600,
+		"FILNAVN":                          -7.155162,
+		"FILNAVN.":                         -8.359135,
+		"FILSTATUS":                        -9.457747,
+		"FINN":                             -9.457747,
+		"FITNESS":                          -9.457747,
+		"FLERE":                            -8.764600,
+		"FLYTTING":                         -9.457747,
+		"FOR":                              -7.953670,
+		"FORANDRE":                         -9.457747,
+		"FORANDRINGER":                     -9.457747,
+		"FORKASTER":                        -9.457747,
+		"FRAMOVER":                         -9.457747,
+		"FREE":                             -10.150894,
+		"FULLF":                            -9.457747,
+		"FidoNet":                          -10.150894,
+		"Fifth":                            -9.457747,
+		"File":                             -10.150894,
+		"Filen":                            -9.457747,
+		"Fioler":                           -8.764600,
+		"Fjern":                            -9.457747,
+		"Floor":                            -9.457747,
+		"Flytt":                            -6.090451,
+		"For":                              -5.744175,
+		"Forandringskommandoen":            -9.457747,
+		"Forandringsoperatoren":            -8.764600,
+		"Foreldede":                        -10.150894,
+		"Formatet":                         -8.071453,
+		"Forskjellige":                     -10.150894,
+		"Foundation":                       -8.204984,
+		"Foundation.":                      -9.457747,
+		"Fra":                              -9.457747,
+		"Franklin":                         -9.457747,
+		"Free":                             -7.848309,
+		"Fri":                              -10.150894,
+		"Fullf":                            -8.764600,
+		"Functions":                        -9.052282,
+		"Fusce":                            -10.150894,
+		"G":                                -6.685158,
+		"G.":                               -8.764600,
+		"GENERAL":                          -9.052282,
+		"GNOME":                            -9.052282,
+		"GNU":                              -8.204984,
+		"GPL":                              -10.150894,
+		"General":                          -7.665988,
+		"Gj":                               -9.457747,
+		"Gnomovision":                      -9.052282,
+		"Guidelines":                       -10.150894,
+		"H":                                -10.150894,
+		"HAS":                              -10.150894,
+		"HAVE_VSNPRINTF":                   -10.150894,
+		"HENTING":                          -9.457747,
+		"HJELP":                            -9.457747,
+		"HOLDER":                           -9.457747,
+		"HOLDERS":                          -10.150894,
+		"HVORDAN":                          -9.457747,
+		"Hacker.":                          -10.150894,
+		"Headline":                         -10.150894,
+		"Helt":                             -9.457747,
+		"Henry":                            -10.150894,
+		"Hent":                             -9.457747,
+		"Her":                              -8.764600,
+		"Here":                             -10.150894,
+		"Hereinafter":                      -10.150894,
+		"Hessstennnn":                      -9.457747,
+		"Hesten":                           -9.457747,
+		"Hjelp":                            -9.457747,
+		"Hold":                             -8.359135,
+		"Holm.":                            -9.457747,
+		"Home":                             -9.052282,
+		"How":                              -10.150894,
+		"However":                          -10.150894,
+		"Husk":                             -8.764600,
+		"Hvis":                             -7.511837,
+		"I":                                -7.848309,
+		"IF":                               -10.150894,
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+		"IKKE":                             -9.457747,
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+		"INACCURATE":                       -10.150894,
+		"INCIDENTAL":                       -10.150894,
+		"INCLUDING":                        -9.052282,
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+		"ING":                              -9.457747,
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+		"INN":                              -8.764600,
+		"IS":                               -9.052282,
+		"Id":                               -9.457747,
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+		"Ignore":                           -8.764600,
+		"Ikke":                             -9.457747,
+		"Il":                               -10.150894,
+		"Improved":                         -9.457747,
+		"In":                               -10.150894,
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+		"Intelligens":                      -9.457747,
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+		"JK":                               -9.457747,
+		"James":                            -10.150894,
+		"Jeg":                              -9.457747,
+		"June":                             -10.150894,
+		"Jusqu":                            -10.150894,
+		"K.":                               -9.457747,
+		"KDE":                              -9.052282,
+		"KEKOMMANDOEN":                     -9.457747,
+		"KIND":                             -10.150894,
+		"KOMMANDO":                         -9.457747,
+		"KOMMANDOEN":                       -7.665988,
+		"KOPIERE":                          -9.457747,
+		"Kan":                              -9.457747,
+		"Kanskje":                          -10.150894,
+		"Keep":                             -10.150894,
+		"KiWi":                             -10.150894,
+		"Klienter":                         -10.150894,
+		"Klokker":                          -9.457747,
+		"Kommandoen":                       -9.457747,
+		"Kommandoene":                      -9.457747,
+		"Kommandolinjefullf":               -9.457747,
+		"Kommandoskall":                    -10.150894,
+		"Kommunikasjon":                    -10.150894,
+		"Kontroller":                       -9.457747,
+		"LAG":                              -9.457747,
+		"LAGRES":                           -9.457747,
+		"LAGRING":                          -9.457747,
+		"LAW":                              -10.150894,
+		"LAW.":                             -10.150894,
+		"LEGG":                             -9.457747,
+		"LEKSJON":                          -7.378306,
+		"LIABLE":                           -10.150894,
+		"LICENSE":                          -9.457747,
+		"LICENSED":                         -10.150894,
+		"LIM":                              -9.457747,
+		"LIME":                             -9.457747,
+		"LIMITED":                          -9.457747,
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+		"LINJER":                           -9.457747,
+		"LMN":                              -9.457747,
+		"LOSS":                             -10.150894,
+		"LOSSES":                           -10.150894,
+		"Lacinia":                          -10.150894,
+		"Lag":                              -8.764600,
+		"Lagre":                            -8.764600,
+		"Lamb":                             -9.457747,
+		"Learning":                         -9.457747,
+		"Legg":                             -7.511837,
+		"Leksjon":                          -5.992011,
+		"Les":                              -8.071453,
+		"Lesser":                           -10.150894,
+		"Let":                              -9.457747,
+		"License":                          -7.106372,
+		"License.":                         -8.204984,
+		"Linda":                            -9.457747,
+		"Linux.":                           -9.457747,
+		"List":                             -9.457747,
+		"Local":                            -10.150894,
+		"Lock":                             -9.457747,
+		"Lorem":                            -10.150894,
+		"M":                                -9.052282,
+		"MA":                               -9.457747,
+		"MARK":                             -8.764600,
+		"MAY":                              -10.150894,
+		"MER":                              -8.764600,
+		"MERCHANTABILITY":                  -9.457747,
+		"MERK":                             -6.567375,
+		"MIDI":                             -10.150894,
+		"MODIFICATION":                     -10.150894,
+		"MODIFY":                           -10.150894,
+		"MS":                               -8.359135,
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+		"Many":                             -10.150894,
+		"Mark":                             -8.764600,
+		"Marmotta":                         -8.541456,
+		"Mauris":                           -10.150894,
+		"Med":                              -10.150894,
+		"Men":                              -9.457747,
+		"Merk":                             -7.015400,
+		"Metadata":                         -10.150894,
+		"Michael":                          -9.457747,
+		"Micro":                            -10.150894,
+		"Mines":                            -9.457747,
+		"Missing":                          -10.150894,
+		"Modifications":                    -10.150894,
+		"Modifisert":                       -9.457747,
+		"Moolenaar.":                       -9.457747,
+		"Morbi":                            -9.457747,
+		"MySQL":                            -8.204984,
+		"MySQL.":                           -10.150894,
+		"N":                                -6.624534,
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+		"NECESSARY":                        -10.150894,
+		"NED":                              -9.457747,
+		"NEDENFOR":                         -8.764600,
+		"NO":                               -8.764600,
+		"NOT":                              -9.457747,
+		"NSF":                              -9.052282,
+		"NSS":                              -10.150894,
+		"Neste":                            -9.457747,
+		"Nettlesere":                       -10.150894,
+		"Netus":                            -10.150894,
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+		"Noen":                             -8.359135,
+		"Non":                              -10.150894,
+		"Nonetheless":                      -10.150894,
+		"Numerisk":                         -10.150894,
+		"O":                                -7.665988,
+		"OF":                               -7.752999,
+		"OG":                               -8.071453,
+		"OM":                               -8.764600,
+		"OP":                               -9.457747,
+		"OPERATE":                          -10.150894,
+		"OPERATOREN":                       -9.457747,
+		"OPERATORER":                       -9.457747,
+		"OPERERE":                          -9.457747,
+		"OPPSTARTSSKRIPT":                  -9.457747,
+		"OPPSUMMERING":                     -7.511837,
+		"OR":                               -7.752999,
+		"OTHER":                            -8.764600,
+		"OTHERWISE":                        -10.150894,
+		"OUT":                              -10.150894,
+		"OVER":                             -8.359135,
+		"Of":                               -10.150894,
+		"Og":                               -9.457747,
+		"OpenBSD":                          -10.150894,
+		"Operatoren":                       -9.457747,
+		"Opprett":                          -9.457747,
+		"Oualline":                         -9.457747,
+		"Our":                              -10.150894,
+		"Oversatt":                         -9.457747,
+		"P":                                -7.953670,
+		"PARENTESER":                       -9.457747,
+		"PARTICULAR":                       -9.457747,
+		"PARTIES":                          -9.457747,
+		"PARTY":                            -9.457747,
+		"PDA":                              -10.150894,
+		"PERFORMANCE":                      -10.150894,
+		"PERMITTED":                        -9.457747,
+		"PNE":                              -9.457747,
+		"POSISJONERING":                    -9.457747,
+		"POSSIBILITY":                      -10.150894,
+		"PPP":                              -10.150894,
+		"PROGRAM":                          -8.071453,
+		"PROGRAMS":                         -10.150894,
+		"PROVE":                            -10.150894,
+		"PROVIDE":                          -10.150894,
+		"PUBLIC":                           -9.457747,
+		"PURPOSE.":                         -9.457747,
+		"Pakkene":                          -8.071453,
+		"Pakker":                           -6.892798,
+		"Pakkesystemet":                    -9.457747,
+		"Palm":                             -10.150894,
+		"Pellentesque":                     -9.457747,
+		"Perl":                             -8.764600,
+		"Perl.":                            -10.150894,
+		"Permission":                       -10.150894,
+		"Phasellus":                        -10.150894,
+		"Pierce":                           -9.457747,
+		"Pilot":                            -10.150894,
+		"Piltastene":                       -9.457747,
+		"Plasser":                          -8.359135,
+		"Please":                           -9.457747,
+		"Policy":                           -9.052282,
+		"PostgreSQL":                       -10.150894,
+		"Pr":                               -8.359135,
+		"Praesent":                         -10.150894,
+		"Preamble":                         -10.150894,
+		"President":                        -10.150894,
+		"Privacy":                          -9.052282,
+		"Program":                          -7.317681,
+		"Program.":                         -10.150894,
+		"Programmer":                       -7.953670,
+		"Programs":                         -10.150894,
+		"Programvare":                      -9.457747,
+		"Prototype":                        -9.052282,
+		"Public":                           -7.848309,
+		"Python":                           -8.764600,
+		"Q":                                -9.457747,
+		"QUALITY":                          -10.150894,
+		"R":                                -7.665988,
+		"RE":                               -9.457747,
+		"README":                           -10.150894,
+		"REDIGERE":                         -9.457747,
+		"REDIGERING":                       -8.359135,
+		"REDISTRIBUTE":                     -10.150894,
+		"REN":                              -8.764600,
+		"RENDERED":                         -10.150894,
+		"REPAIR":                           -10.150894,
+		"REQUIRED":                         -10.150894,
+		"RING":                             -9.457747,
+		"RISK":                             -10.150894,
+		"RPM":                              -10.150894,
+		"RReparer":                         -9.457747,
+		"RS":                               -9.457747,
+		"Read":                             -9.457747,
+		"Regents":                          -10.150894,
+		"Reilly":                           -9.457747,
+		"Removes":                          -10.150894,
+		"Repeter":                          -7.059852,
+		"Return":                           -9.052282,
+		"Returns":                          -10.150894,
+		"Riders":                           -9.457747,
+		"Robert":                           -9.457747,
+		"Roser":                            -8.764600,
+		"Ruby":                             -10.150894,
+		"S":                                -8.764600,
+		"SAMMENSL":                         -9.457747,
+		"SAMSVARENDE":                      -9.457747,
+		"SERVICING":                        -10.150894,
+		"SETT":                             -9.457747,
+		"SHOULD":                           -10.150894,
+		"SKAL":                             -9.457747,
+		"SLETTE":                           -9.457747,
+		"SLETTEKOMMANDOER":                 -8.764600,
+		"SOM":                              -9.457747,
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+		"STATED":                           -10.150894,
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+		"SUCH":                             -9.457747,
+		"SUSTAINED":                        -10.150894,
+		"Samling":                          -10.150894,
+		"School":                           -9.457747,
+		"Se":                               -8.764600,
+		"Sed":                              -10.150894,
+		"See":                              -8.764600,
+		"Seksjonen":                        -10.150894,
+		"Selve":                            -10.150894,
+		"Sett":                             -7.848309,
+		"Should":                           -10.150894,
+		"Since":                            -9.457747,
+		"Skriv":                            -5.794186,
+		"Skrivebordssystemet":              -9.457747,
+		"Skriveprogram":                    -10.150894,
+		"Sl":                               -9.457747,
+		"Slett":                            -9.457747,
+		"Slutten":                          -8.764600,
+		"Smith":                            -9.457747,
+		"Software":                         -7.848309,
+		"Som":                              -9.457747,
+		"Spencer.":                         -10.150894,
+		"Spesielt":                         -9.457747,
+		"Spill":                            -10.150894,
+		"Sponsored":                        -9.052282,
+		"Start":                            -8.764600,
+		"State":                            -9.457747,
+		"Steve":                            -9.457747,
+		"Store":                            -10.150894,
+		"Street":                           -9.457747,
+		"Such":                             -10.150894,
+		"TE":                               -9.457747,
+		"TEKST":                            -7.848309,
+		"TELLER":                           -9.457747,
+		"TERMS":                            -9.457747,
+		"TEST":                             -6.892798,
+		"TEST.":                            -9.457747,
+		"THE":                              -7.378306,
+		"THERE":                            -10.150894,
+		"THE_TITLE":                        -9.052282,
+		"THE_URL":                          -9.052282,
+		"THIRD":                            -10.150894,
+		"TIL":                              -9.457747,
+		"TO":                               -8.071453,
+		"TOMCAT_HOME/lib":                  -10.150894,
+		"TOMCAT_HOME/webapps/marmotta/WEB": -10.150894,
+		"TUV":                              -9.457747,
+		"TeX":                              -8.204984,
+		"TeX.":                             -10.150894,
+		"Tekstverkt":                       -10.150894,
+		"Telegraph":                        -10.150894,
+		"Telephone":                        -10.150894,
+		"Terms":                            -8.764600,
+		"Test":                             -10.150894,
+		"The":                              -7.665988,
+		"Thermal":                          -10.150894,
+		"These":                            -10.150894,
+		"This":                             -7.665988,
+		"Tiden":                            -9.457747,
+		"Tips":                             -9.457747,
+		"Tivo.":                            -10.150894,
+		"To":                               -9.457747,
+		"Triple":                           -10.150894,
+		"Trykk":                            -5.432395,
+		"Ty":                               -9.457747,
+		"Type":                             -8.764600,
+		"U":                                -7.848309,
+		"UCAR":                             -9.052282,
+		"UNLESS":                           -10.150894,
+		"UNNTATT":                          -9.457747,
+		"URL":                              -10.150894,
+		"USA":                              -8.541456,
+		"USA.":                             -10.150894,
+		"USE":                              -9.457747,
+		"UTF":                              -9.457747,
+		"University":                       -10.150894,
+		"University.":                      -9.457747,
+		"Unix":                             -8.204984,
+		"Use":                              -9.052282,
+		"Usenet":                           -10.150894,
+		"Usenet.":                          -10.150894,
+		"Ut":                               -10.150894,
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+		"Utgiver":                          -8.764600,
+		"Utviklingsfiler":                  -10.150894,
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+		"VALG":                             -9.457747,
+		"VED":                              -9.457747,
+		"VELGE":                            -9.457747,
+		"VIM":                              -9.457747,
+		"VIM/_vimrc":                       -9.457747,
+		"VIMRUNTIME/vimrc_example.vim":     -9.457747,
+		"Vanlige":                          -10.150894,
+		"Ved":                              -7.511837,
+		"Velg":                             -9.457747,
+		"Verkt":                            -9.052282,
+		"Version":                          -9.457747,
+		"Vi":                               -7.378306,
+		"Vi.":                              -9.457747,
+		"Vice":                             -10.150894,
+		"Vim":                              -6.279693,
+		"Vim.":                             -8.359135,
+		"Vindussystemet":                   -10.150894,
+		"Virtuelle":                        -10.150894,
+		"Visual":                           -10.150894,
+		"Vivre":                            -10.150894,
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+		"WHEN":                             -10.150894,
+		"WHO":                              -10.150894,
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+		"YOU.":                             -10.150894,
+		"Ymse":                             -10.150894,
+		"You":                              -8.764600,
+		"Your":                             -10.150894,
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+		"kommandoen.":                      -7.848309,
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+		"rmMonAnnCycLLT":                   -8.764600,
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+		"skjer.":                           -9.457747,
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+		"sletteoperatoren.":                -9.457747,
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-		"CcYDOp":                            -10.344513,
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-		"Classes":                           -10.344513,
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-		"Consortium.":                       -10.344513,
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-		"Cooking":                           -9.651366,
-		"Copyright":                         -10.344513,
-		"Count.":                            -8.958218,
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-		"CpBDtlBGMCrepTdSfjCFnZgpIA/":       -10.344513,
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-		"Culture=":                          -9.245901,
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-		"DclzSa":                           -10.344513,
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-		"Default":                          -10.344513,
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-		"DtEqRriJh":                        -10.344513,
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-		"EgSjaQs":                          -10.344513,
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-		"Et":                               -10.344513,
-		"Ets":                              -10.344513,
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-		"Evaluates":                        -10.344513,
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-		"Expression":                       -8.398603,
-		"Ez":                               -10.344513,
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-		"FPI":                              -10.344513,
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-		"FPSController_create.gml":         -10.344513,
-		"FPSController_step":               -10.344513,
-		"FPSController_step.gml":           -10.344513,
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-		"False":                            -9.651366,
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-		"FreeMedForms.":                    -10.344513,
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-		"GMO_getResolutionHeight.gml":      -10.344513,
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-		"GMO_getUse":                       -10.344513,
-		"GMO_getVersion.gml":               -10.344513,
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-		"GMO_getVersionString.gml":         -10.344513,
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-		"GMO_init.gml":                     -10.344513,
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-		"GMO_initShaders.gml":              -10.344513,
-		"GMO_initSurfaces.gml":             -10.344513,
-		"GMO_renderAnaglyph.gml":           -10.344513,
-		"GMO_renderCamera.gml":             -10.344513,
-		"GMO_renderOculus.gml":             -10.344513,
-		"GMO_renderRegular.gml":            -10.344513,
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-		"GMO_setCameraMode.gml":            -10.344513,
-		"GMO_setCameraRange.gml":           -10.344513,
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-		"GMO_setIPD.gml":                   -10.344513,
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-		"GetFieldNameForPropertyNameFunc.": -10.344513,
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-		"Illegal":                               -10.344513,
-		"Illus.":                                -10.344513,
-		"Immediate":                             -10.344513,
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-		"Irlanda":                               -9.651366,
-		"Irto":                                  -10.344513,
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-		"IsCriticalRule=":                       -9.651366,
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-		"ItemChanging":                          -9.651366,
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-		"JKM":                                   -10.344513,
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-		"JRJZ":                                  -10.344513,
-		"JRvClN":                                -10.344513,
-		"JSAyfWh":                               -10.344513,
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-		"JUwGIlSd":                              -10.344513,
-		"JaRCbhCGhZwGVu":                        -10.344513,
-		"Jan.":                                  -10.344513,
-		"January":                               -10.344513,
-		"JbAN":                                  -10.344513,
-		"JbprAOCdh":                             -10.344513,
-		"Jbz":                                   -10.344513,
-		"JcAAAAASUVORK":                         -9.651366,
-		"JcTzCEGH":                              -10.344513,
-		"JcaICWWtgAc":                           -10.344513,
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-		"Je/XWD":                                -10.344513,
-		"JeRlbMZMf":                             -10.344513,
-		"JgwigMSJ":                              -10.344513,
-		"JifI":                                  -10.344513,
-		"JkwMZqhrS":                             -10.344513,
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-		"JnaxSV":                                -10.344513,
-		"JogLgCFNACM":                           -10.344513,
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-		"JqqKt/O":                               -10.344513,
-		"JuNSNhQiPNK":                           -10.344513,
-		"July":                                  -10.344513,
-		"June":                                  -10.344513,
-		"JustMyCode":                            -9.651366,
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+		"CpBDtlBGMCrepTdSfjCFnZgpIA/":       -10.345895,
+		"CqlmZiaeaKICmChBlCEM":              -10.345895,
+		"Cr":                                -10.345895,
+		"Create":                            -9.652748,
+		"Created":                           -9.652748,
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+		"Creative":                          -9.652748,
+		"CrkMNJ":                            -10.345895,
+		"CsQJANgoSKJosgAdGkFYgKxFcgKlZUnHn": -10.345895,
+		"CslOmoqiV":                         -10.345895,
+		"Culture":                           -8.959601,
+		"Culture=":                          -9.247283,
+		"Current":                           -10.345895,
+		"CurrentBuildDateStamp":             -9.652748,
+		"CurrentBuildDir":                   -9.247283,
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+		"CxC":                               -10.345895,
+		"CyXMw":                             -10.345895,
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+		"D.gml":                             -10.345895,
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+		"DBzumGHJAQ":                        -10.345895,
+		"DCiF":                              -10.345895,
+		"DDY":                               -10.345895,
+		"DEBUG":                             -8.959601,
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+		"DGcYROKR":                          -10.345895,
+		"DHgTsDrjqEfzWhZz":                  -10.345895,
+		"DICTIONARY":                        -9.247283,
+		"DISCOVER":                          -10.345895,
+		"DInstances.gml":                    -10.345895,
+		"DK":                                -10.345895,
+		"DLYhwPU":                           -10.345895,
+		"DLwIOYb":                           -10.345895,
+		"DMBDsp/hHDxQcOFBwwMAgwMDEIKAgoCAgUqBhqH": -10.345895,
+		"DMTyFYXHyPW/XVDiQt":                      -10.345895,
+		"DO":                                      -10.345895,
+		"DOUBLE":                                  -9.247283,
+		"DPLsfvqmLbdDuCYTACnMrPzlUKPABgfPBXfeBXvb": -10.345895,
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+		"DQAw":                             -10.345895,
+		"DQQ":                              -10.345895,
+		"DS":                               -10.345895,
+		"DSound.gml":                       -9.652748,
+		"DTes":                             -10.345895,
+		"DU":                               -9.652748,
+		"DUEMgWEkIGATT":                    -10.345895,
+		"DVXz":                             -10.345895,
+		"Date=":                            -10.345895,
+		"DcefYT":                           -10.345895,
+		"DclzSa":                           -10.345895,
+		"Debug":                            -7.167841,
+		"Dec.":                             -10.345895,
+		"Default":                          -10.345895,
+		"DefaultTargets=":                  -7.860988,
+		"DeferredScheduler":                -10.345895,
+		"Degrees=":                         -10.345895,
+		"Delegate":                         -10.345895,
+		"Delivered":                        -10.345895,
+		"Dependencies":                     -9.652748,
+		"Dependency":                       -10.345895,
+		"DependsOnTargets=":                -9.652748,
+		"Designer":                         -8.736457,
+		"Destination=":                     -8.554136,
+		"DestinationFiles=":                -9.247283,
+		"Determins":                        -9.652748,
+		"Deus":                             -9.652748,
+		"Device":                           -10.345895,
+		"DgTM":                             -10.345895,
+		"DhckMiKMQW/":                      -10.345895,
+		"DhsF":                             -10.345895,
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+		"DiNd":                             -10.345895,
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+		"Disabled":                         -10.345895,
+		"Discard":                          -9.652748,
+		"Dispatcher":                       -9.247283,
+		"DispatcherScheduler":              -10.345895,
+		"DisplayList=":                     -9.652748,
+		"DisplayName=":                     -9.652748,
+		"DisplaySelectionView=":            -9.652748,
+		"DisplayStat=":                     -9.652748,
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+		"Distributed":                      -10.345895,
+		"DjJJwtwLYNMEg":                    -10.345895,
+		"DkRaBTPW":                         -10.345895,
+		"Dkr":                              -10.345895,
+		"Dkw":                              -10.345895,
+		"DmOOBORacaakZwjQt":                -10.345895,
+		"DmgAAAABJRU":                      -10.345895,
+		"DoJCqsxFsr":                       -10.345895,
+		"Dock=":                            -10.345895,
+		"Donec":                            -9.652748,
+		"DqhhkHITU":                        -10.345895,
+		"Drawing":                          -9.652748,
+		"DtEqRriJh":                        -10.345895,
+		"DuBGdhSCY":                        -10.345895,
+		"Duration=":                        -8.736457,
+		"During":                           -10.345895,
+		"Dvs/yGQU":                         -10.345895,
+		"DwN":                              -10.345895,
+		"DwohPN":                           -10.345895,
+		"DxvyeEhGkL":                       -10.345895,
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+		"EB":                               -10.345895,
+		"EBAsrP":                           -10.345895,
+		"EBFB":                             -10.345895,
+		"EBJxplu":                          -10.345895,
+		"EBPJRG":                           -10.345895,
+		"ECEq":                             -10.345895,
+		"ECNTy":                            -10.345895,
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+		"EED":                              -10.345895,
+		"EEDC":                             -10.345895,
+		"EF":                               -10.345895,
+		"EGa":                              -10.345895,
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+		"EJEtETL":                          -10.345895,
+		"EKMZ":                             -10.345895,
+		"ELARmTvRa":                        -10.345895,
+		"ELacEEAFzuQCqmDMD":                -10.345895,
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+		"EQVR":                             -8.043310,
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+		"EU":                               -10.345895,
+		"EXAMPLE":                          -10.345895,
+		"EXPRESS":                          -10.345895,
+		"EYRiPlPfdooQhMJ":                  -10.345895,
+		"Each":                             -10.345895,
+		"Ead":                              -10.345895,
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+		"Edge":                             -10.345895,
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+		"EdgeNavigator":                    -10.345895,
+		"EgDRNmk":                          -10.345895,
+		"EgSjaQs":                          -10.345895,
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+		"EhuEMI":                           -10.345895,
+		"Ehul":                             -10.345895,
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+		"Elements":                         -10.345895,
+		"Eli":                              -10.345895,
+		"Email":                            -10.345895,
+		"EnNR":                             -10.345895,
+		"Enabled=":                         -7.948000,
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+		"Enrollment":                       -8.736457,
+		"Ensure":                           -10.345895,
+		"Entry":                            -9.652748,
+		"Eo":                               -10.345895,
+		"Epidoc":                           -10.345895,
+		"EqhJHfMGbAsYdIgORkLjFUaNXENpCcE":  -10.345895,
+		"ErZYNvvLeEplAU":                   -10.345895,
+		"Eric":                             -10.345895,
+		"ErkJggg":                          -8.736457,
+		"EsFChVpZ":                         -10.345895,
+		"EsLye":                            -10.345895,
+		"Esc":                              -9.652748,
+		"Estate":                           -10.345895,
+		"Et":                               -10.345895,
+		"Ets":                              -10.345895,
+		"EuluS":                            -10.345895,
+		"European":                         -10.345895,
+		"Evaluates":                        -10.345895,
+		"Evi":                              -10.345895,
+		"EvzuinJYiBfBty":                   -10.345895,
+		"Ex":                               -10.345895,
+		"Example":                          -10.345895,
+		"Exception":                        -10.345895,
+		"Exclude=":                         -9.652748,
+		"Exe":                              -8.959601,
+		"Expression":                       -8.399985,
+		"Ez":                               -10.345895,
+		"F":                                -8.959601,
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+		"FFFFFF":                           -7.706838,
+		"FIXED":                            -10.345895,
+		"FLORAL":                           -10.345895,
+		"FPI":                              -10.345895,
+		"FPSController_alarm":              -9.652748,
+		"FPSController_create":             -10.345895,
+		"FPSController_create.gml":         -10.345895,
+		"FPSController_step":               -10.345895,
+		"FPSController_step.gml":           -10.345895,
+		"FREE":                             -10.345895,
+		"FSharp":                           -9.652748,
+		"F_Speed.gml":                      -10.345895,
+		"Fabric":                           -8.959601,
+		"False":                            -9.652748,
+		"Feb.":                             -10.345895,
+		"Fields":                           -10.345895,
+		"FileFormatDefault":                -10.345895,
+		"Files":                            -8.043310,
+		"Files=":                           -9.247283,
+		"Fires":                            -7.706838,
+		"FlEjmDpA":                         -10.345895,
+		"Flags=":                           -10.345895,
+		"Foakes":                           -10.345895,
+		"For":                              -9.247283,
+		"FrakturType":                      -10.345895,
+		"Framework":                        -8.399985,
+		"FreeMedForms":                     -10.345895,
+		"FreeMedForms.":                    -10.345895,
+		"Freepik":                          -10.345895,
+		"FromPath=":                        -10.345895,
+		"Functions":                        -9.247283,
+		"FxD":                              -10.345895,
+		"G":                                -8.266454,
+		"G/":                               -10.345895,
+		"GBlnZkG":                          -10.345895,
+		"GCC":                              -9.652748,
+		"GGDLmu/htRhtEBBruGRgqi":           -10.345895,
+		"GMO_colorFilter_shader.shader":    -10.345895,
+		"GMO_disableZBuffer.gml":           -10.345895,
+		"GMO_draw":                         -10.345895,
+		"GMO_drawCameraSurface.gml":        -10.345895,
+		"GMO_enableZBuffer.gml":            -10.345895,
+		"GMO_followObject.gml":             -10.345895,
+		"GMO_getCameraAngle.gml":           -10.345895,
+		"GMO_getCameraMode.gml":            -10.345895,
+		"GMO_getCameraSurface.gml":         -10.345895,
+		"GMO_getCameraZFar.gml":            -10.345895,
+		"GMO_getCameraZNear.gml":           -10.345895,
+		"GMO_getIPD":                       -9.247283,
+		"GMO_getIPD.gml":                   -10.345895,
+		"GMO_getResolutionHeight":          -10.345895,
+		"GMO_getResolutionHeight.gml":      -10.345895,
+		"GMO_getResolutionWidth":           -10.345895,
+		"GMO_getResolutionWidth.gml":       -10.345895,
+		"GMO_getSurface.gml":               -10.345895,
+		"GMO_getUse":                       -10.345895,
+		"GMO_getVersion.gml":               -10.345895,
+		"GMO_getVersionString":             -10.345895,
+		"GMO_getVersionString.gml":         -10.345895,
+		"GMO_hmdwarp_shader.shader":        -10.345895,
+		"GMO_init.gml":                     -10.345895,
+		"GMO_initCamera.gml":               -10.345895,
+		"GMO_initDefaults.gml":             -10.345895,
+		"GMO_initShaders.gml":              -10.345895,
+		"GMO_initSurfaces.gml":             -10.345895,
+		"GMO_renderAnaglyph.gml":           -10.345895,
+		"GMO_renderCamera.gml":             -10.345895,
+		"GMO_renderOculus.gml":             -10.345895,
+		"GMO_renderRegular.gml":            -10.345895,
+		"GMO_resetSurfaces.gml":            -10.345895,
+		"GMO_setCameraAngle.gml":           -10.345895,
+		"GMO_setCameraMode.gml":            -10.345895,
+		"GMO_setCameraRange.gml":           -10.345895,
+		"GMO_setIPD":                       -9.652748,
+		"GMO_setIPD.gml":                   -10.345895,
+		"GMO_setResolution.gml":            -10.345895,
+		"GMO_setUse":                       -10.345895,
+		"GMO_updateListener.gml":           -10.345895,
+		"GMOculus.dll":                     -9.652748,
+		"GPLv":                             -10.345895,
+		"GR_cmToPixel.gml":                 -10.345895,
+		"GR_init.gml":                      -10.345895,
+		"GR_meterToPixel.gml":              -10.345895,
+		"GRlgqeqrk":                        -10.345895,
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+		"GSct":                             -10.345895,
+		"GUm":                              -10.345895,
+		"GV/W":                             -10.345895,
+		"GXD":                              -10.345895,
+		"GXSvZQnCKJOu":                     -10.345895,
+		"GXj/K":                            -10.345895,
+		"GZ":                               -10.345895,
+		"GZSWBMscVAJhjDDCTBYjAmOUTQfUysQ":  -10.345895,
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+		"GameSystem":                       -10.345895,
+		"GbA":                              -10.345895,
+		"Gd":                               -10.345895,
+		"GetFieldNameForProperty":          -10.345895,
+		"GetFieldNameForPropertyNameFunc.": -10.345895,
+		"GgI":                              -10.345895,
+		"GgyQnqOl":                         -10.345895,
+		"GhB/pxvXNxBYq/":                   -10.345895,
+		"GhwkVwyFRABvKbEkKvfI":             -10.345895,
+		"GiJXDaNvAXzsD":                    -10.345895,
+		"Given":                            -9.247283,
+		"GjFhB":                            -10.345895,
+		"GktTQOGSHcvMA":                    -10.345895,
+		"Gl":                               -10.345895,
+		"GlTjly":                           -10.345895,
+		"GlbfnRMDgTj":                      -10.345895,
+		"GmvtY":                            -10.345895,
+		"GoROT":                            -10.345895,
+		"God":                              -9.652748,
+		"GosOJ":                            -10.345895,
+		"Graph":                            -10.345895,
+		"Guidelines":                       -9.247283,
+		"GwlqLObCpk":                       -10.345895,
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+		"GxIBDfvxeOE":                      -10.345895,
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+		"Gyn":                              -10.345895,
+		"GzVqDFvljl":                       -10.345895,
+		"GzlyWGJcdEnEiIYHS":                -10.345895,
+		"H":                                -7.637845,
+		"H/JQyloC/bHK":                     -10.345895,
+		"HAS_SENT_TIME_BIT":                -9.652748,
+		"HB":                               -10.345895,
+		"HBgohM":                           -10.345895,
+		"HBocGoBIpyyoqQnSas":               -10.345895,
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+		"HEMIkfvkoy":                       -10.345895,
+		"HEoFIoE":                          -10.345895,
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+		"HKWVdDDpKstJB":                         -10.345895,
+		"HPe":                                   -10.345895,
+		"HPeZZtknXG":                            -10.345895,
+		"HQiyBoNdi":                             -10.345895,
+		"HSSvSkC":                               -10.345895,
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+		"HXDYIn":                                -10.345895,
+		"HYSkZYnnFjQ":                           -10.345895,
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+		"Haq":                                   -10.345895,
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+		"HctIlWNtqQfZM":                         -10.345895,
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+		"Header":                                -9.652748,
+		"Header*":                               -10.345895,
+		"Height=":                               -8.043310,
+		"Hej":                                   -10.345895,
+		"Helvetica":                             -8.043310,
+		"Hence":                                 -10.345895,
+		"HgmWU":                                 -10.345895,
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+		"HiJH":                                  -10.345895,
+		"High":                                  -10.345895,
+		"HitTestMode=":                          -10.345895,
+		"HjH":                                   -10.345895,
+		"HkSedItDym/ET":                         -10.345895,
+		"HlFFVCq":                               -10.345895,
+		"HlzMjxaXq":                             -10.345895,
+		"Hm":                                    -10.345895,
+		"Hn":                                    -10.345895,
+		"HnM":                                   -10.345895,
+		"HnVVe":                                 -10.345895,
+		"HoKyU":                                 -10.345895,
+		"HonlgLg":                               -10.345895,
+		"House":                                 -10.345895,
+		"However":                               -10.345895,
+		"HqlUFGq":                               -10.345895,
+		"HqqnFP":                                -10.345895,
+		"Hss/n":                                 -10.345895,
+		"HtXHSclggU":                            -10.345895,
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+		"HvQfiMy":                               -10.345895,
+		"HwRvXDd":                               -10.345895,
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+		"HxEp":                                  -10.345895,
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+		"IACg":                                  -10.345895,
+		"IAF":                                   -10.345895,
+		"IAnGoU":                                -10.345895,
+		"IBRQ/":                                 -10.345895,
+		"ICxeva/qqN":                            -10.345895,
+		"ID=":                                   -7.210401,
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+		"IEnableLogger":                         -10.345895,
+		"IFAYamrzNvN":                           -10.345895,
+		"IFICItUkqgKiKiBSDCo":                   -10.345895,
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+		"IlJEoKoiiAksNiJSASimIlIACgwKDAoOB":     -10.345895,
+		"Illegal":                               -10.345895,
+		"Illus.":                                -10.345895,
+		"Immediate":                             -10.345895,
+		"In":                                    -8.043310,
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+		"InapeW":                                -10.345895,
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+		"IoENAaotyr":                            -10.345895,
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+		"Ireland":                               -9.652748,
+		"Irlanda":                               -9.652748,
+		"Irto":                                  -10.345895,
+		"IsAotleqCCDcUZ":                        -10.345895,
+		"IsCriticalRule=":                       -9.652748,
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+		"ItemChanging":                          -9.652748,
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+		"IuSNAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC":                  -10.345895,
+		"Iv":                                    -10.345895,
+		"IvDERYR/":                              -10.345895,
+		"IxD":                                   -10.345895,
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+		"JEOCIKPXFQGVmbvzI":                     -10.345895,
+		"JF":                                    -10.345895,
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+		"JK":                                    -10.345895,
+		"JKM":                                   -10.345895,
+		"JKoCLCsgkg":                            -10.345895,
+		"JLCnrXHAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC":               -10.345895,
+		"JLRoddOBLv":                            -10.345895,
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+		"JONES":                                 -10.345895,
+		"JP/K":                                  -10.345895,
+		"JRCXfeUiu":                             -10.345895,
+		"JRJZ":                                  -10.345895,
+		"JRvClN":                                -10.345895,
+		"JSAyfWh":                               -10.345895,
+		"JSNJ":                                  -10.345895,
+		"JUwGIlSd":                              -10.345895,
+		"JaRCbhCGhZwGVu":                        -10.345895,
+		"Jan.":                                  -10.345895,
+		"January":                               -10.345895,
+		"JbAN":                                  -10.345895,
+		"JbprAOCdh":                             -10.345895,
+		"Jbz":                                   -10.345895,
+		"JcAAAAASUVORK":                         -9.652748,
+		"JcTzCEGH":                              -10.345895,
+		"JcaICWWtgAc":                           -10.345895,
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+		"JdWu":                                  -10.345895,
+		"Je/XWD":                                -10.345895,
+		"JeRlbMZMf":                             -10.345895,
+		"JgwigMSJ":                              -10.345895,
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+		"JnaxSV":                                -10.345895,
+		"JogLgCFNACM":                           -10.345895,
+		"JqHaU":                                 -10.345895,
+		"JqqKt/O":                               -10.345895,
+		"JuNSNhQiPNK":                           -10.345895,
+		"July":                                  -10.345895,
+		"June":                                  -10.345895,
+		"JustMyCode":                            -9.652748,
+		"Jz":                                    -9.247283,
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+		"KBeJqP":                                -10.345895,
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+		"Management":                            -10.345895,
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+		"Mar.":                                  -10.345895,
+		"Margin=":                               -10.345895,
+		"Martin":                                -9.652748,
+		"May":                                   -10.345895,
+		"Message":                               -6.978599,
+		"MessageBus":                            -9.247283,
+		"MessageBus.Current.":                   -10.345895,
+		"Methods":                               -10.345895,
+		"Metric":                                -10.345895,
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+		"Microsoft":                             -7.860988,
+		"Microsoft.CSharp":                      -10.345895,
+		"Microsoft.FSharp.Targets":              -9.652748,
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+		"MulN":                              -10.345895,
+		"MvAem":                             -10.345895,
+		"MvBeniWG/Ui":                       -10.345895,
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+		"NET":                               -10.345895,
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+		"NJ":                                -10.345895,
+		"NJe":                               -10.345895,
+		"NKcDAx/":                           -10.345895,
+		"NMC":                               -10.345895,
+		"NONE":                              -9.652748,
+		"NOT":                               -10.345895,
+		"NOTE":                              -10.345895,
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+		"NQwMLCy":                           -10.345895,
+		"NUaV":                              -10.345895,
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+		"NotCcDuD":                          -10.345895,
+		"Note":                              -8.266454,
+		"Nov.":                              -10.345895,
+		"November":                          -10.345895,
+		"Now.ToString":                      -9.652748,
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+		"NvH":                               -10.345895,
+		"NvU":                               -10.345895,
+		"NxJEHFVf":                          -10.345895,
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+		"OFFER":                             -10.345895,
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+		"ObservableAsyncMRUCache.":               -10.345895,
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+		"ObservableForProperty":                  -7.706838,
+		"ObservableForProperty.":                 -10.345895,
+		"ObservableToProperty":                   -10.345895,
+		"Observables":                            -8.959601,
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+		"ReactiveCollection.":                    -10.345895,
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+		"RqUJKlgGVUMM/KtnWYh":                    -10.345895,
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+		"RrJA":                                   -10.345895,
+		"RtXeU/":                                 -10.345895,
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+		"RxApp.GetFieldNameForPropertyNameFunc.": -9.652748,
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+		"SHORTS":                                 -10.345895,
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+		"SelectMany.":                            -10.345895,
+		"Selector":                               -10.345895,
+		"Semperin":                               -10.345895,
+		"SendMessage.":                           -9.652748,
+		"Sender.":                                -10.345895,
+		"Sends":                                  -9.652748,
+		"Sept.":                                  -10.345895,
+		"Server.":                                -10.345895,
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+		"Setters":                                -10.345895,
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+		"Settings.settings":                      -10.345895,
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+		"Silverlight":                            -8.736457,
+		"Simple":                                 -7.860988,
+		"Simple.":                                -10.345895,
+		"Since":                                  -10.345895,
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+		"SmhEajokBBDFpIqgtKzUa":                  -10.345895,
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+		"Some":                                   -10.345895,
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+		"Source=":                                -8.554136,
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+		"SrbEczr":                                -10.345895,
+		"Src":                                    -10.345895,
+		"SsdeZ/DNic":                             -10.345895,
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+		"Standard=":                              -10.345895,
+		"Studio":                                 -8.736457,
+		"Style":                                  -10.345895,
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+		"Summary":                                -10.345895,
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+		"Sweater":                                -10.345895,
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+		"zyBe":                     -10.345895,
+		"zytUAlydFzDXJeIGGBsgbByC": -10.345895,
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+		"{":                        -6.320543,
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+		"}":                        -6.320543,
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 	"XML Property List": map[string]float64{
 		"\x1b":                               -7.228388,
@@ -185939,4 +191161,4 @@ var TokensLogProbabilities = map[string]map[string]float64{
-var TokensTotal = 2017836.000000
+var TokensTotal = 2052449.000000
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/go-enry/go-enry/v2/data/groups.go b/vendor/github.com/go-enry/go-enry/v2/data/groups.go
index abc1b8c491..cadcee5b7a 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/go-enry/go-enry/v2/data/groups.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/go-enry/go-enry/v2/data/groups.go
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 // Code generated by github.com/go-enry/go-enry/v2/internal/code-generator DO NOT EDIT.
-// Extracted from github/linguist commit: 223c00bb80eff04788e29010f98c5778993d2b2a
+// Extracted from github/linguist commit: 6aed0bd564f55c4f2d987c2e6035eda7aea26375
 package data
@@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ var LanguagesGroup = map[string]string{
 	"BibTeX":                         "TeX",
 	"Bison":                          "Yacc",
 	"C2hs Haskell":                   "Haskell",
-	"Closure Templates":              "HTML",
 	"ColdFusion CFC":                 "ColdFusion",
 	"Cython":                         "Python",
 	"ECLiPSe":                        "prolog",
-	"EJS":                            "HTML",
 	"Easybuild":                      "Python",
 	"Ecere Projects":                 "JavaScript",
 	"EditorConfig":                   "INI",
@@ -35,7 +33,6 @@ var LanguagesGroup = map[string]string{
 	"Isabelle ROOT":                  "Isabelle",
 	"JFlex":                          "Lex",
 	"JSON with Comments":             "JSON",
-	"JSX":                            "JavaScript",
 	"Java Server Pages":              "Java",
 	"JavaScript+ERB":                 "JavaScript",
 	"Jison":                          "Yacc",
@@ -47,7 +44,6 @@ var LanguagesGroup = map[string]string{
 	"M4Sugar":                        "M4",
 	"MUF":                            "Forth",
 	"Motorola 68K Assembly":          "Assembly",
-	"Mustache":                       "HTML",
 	"NPM Config":                     "INI",
 	"NumPy":                          "Python",
 	"OpenCL":                         "C",
@@ -62,7 +58,6 @@ var LanguagesGroup = map[string]string{
 	"Roff Manpage":                   "Roff",
 	"SSH Config":                     "INI",
 	"STON":                           "Smalltalk",
-	"Scaml":                          "HTML",
 	"SugarSS":                        "CSS",
 	"TSX":                            "TypeScript",
 	"Tcsh":                           "Shell",
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/go-enry/go-enry/v2/data/interpreter.go b/vendor/github.com/go-enry/go-enry/v2/data/interpreter.go
index 52e3371727..844b44c3d4 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/go-enry/go-enry/v2/data/interpreter.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/go-enry/go-enry/v2/data/interpreter.go
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 // Code generated by github.com/go-enry/go-enry/v2/internal/code-generator DO NOT EDIT.
-// Extracted from github/linguist commit: 223c00bb80eff04788e29010f98c5778993d2b2a
+// Extracted from github/linguist commit: 6aed0bd564f55c4f2d987c2e6035eda7aea26375
 package data
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ var LanguagesByInterpreter = map[string][]string{
 	"awk":         {"Awk"},
 	"bash":        {"Shell"},
 	"bigloo":      {"Scheme"},
+	"boogie":      {"Boogie"},
 	"boolector":   {"SMT"},
 	"ccl":         {"Common Lisp"},
 	"chakra":      {"JavaScript"},
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/go-enry/go-enry/v2/data/mimeType.go b/vendor/github.com/go-enry/go-enry/v2/data/mimeType.go
index a3b7bb2198..e3e86de671 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/go-enry/go-enry/v2/data/mimeType.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/go-enry/go-enry/v2/data/mimeType.go
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 // Code generated by github.com/go-enry/go-enry/v2/internal/code-generator DO NOT EDIT.
-// Extracted from github/linguist commit: 223c00bb80eff04788e29010f98c5778993d2b2a
+// Extracted from github/linguist commit: 6aed0bd564f55c4f2d987c2e6035eda7aea26375
 package data
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ var LanguagesMime = map[string]string{
 	"Ant Build System":               "application/xml",
 	"Apex":                           "text/x-java",
 	"Asymptote":                      "text/x-kotlin",
+	"Beef":                           "text/x-csharp",
 	"BibTeX":                         "text/x-stex",
 	"Brainfuck":                      "text/x-brainfuck",
 	"C":                              "text/x-csrc",
@@ -98,7 +99,6 @@ var LanguagesMime = map[string]string{
 	"JSON5":                          "application/json",
 	"JSONLD":                         "application/json",
 	"JSONiq":                         "application/json",
-	"JSX":                            "text/jsx",
 	"Java":                           "text/x-java",
 	"Java Properties":                "text/x-properties",
 	"Java Server Pages":              "application/x-jsp",
@@ -169,6 +169,7 @@ var LanguagesMime = map[string]string{
 	"Raku":                           "text/x-perl",
 	"ReScript":                       "text/x-rustsrc",
 	"Reason":                         "text/x-rustsrc",
+	"Record Jar":                     "text/x-properties",
 	"Roff":                           "text/troff",
 	"Roff Manpage":                   "text/troff",
 	"Rouge":                          "text/x-clojure",
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/go-enry/go-enry/v2/data/type.go b/vendor/github.com/go-enry/go-enry/v2/data/type.go
index b4c6ce1bfe..8240ffb3c0 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/go-enry/go-enry/v2/data/type.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/go-enry/go-enry/v2/data/type.go
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 // Code generated by github.com/go-enry/go-enry/v2/internal/code-generator DO NOT EDIT.
-// Extracted from github/linguist commit: 223c00bb80eff04788e29010f98c5778993d2b2a
+// Extracted from github/linguist commit: 6aed0bd564f55c4f2d987c2e6035eda7aea26375
 package data
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ var LanguagesType = map[string]int{
 	"1C Enterprise":                      2,
 	"4D":                                 2,
 	"ABAP":                               2,
+	"ABAP CDS":                           2,
 	"ABNF":                               1,
 	"AGS Script":                         2,
 	"AL":                                 2,
@@ -43,6 +44,7 @@ var LanguagesType = map[string]int{
 	"Awk":                                2,
 	"Ballerina":                          2,
 	"Batchfile":                          2,
+	"Beef":                               2,
 	"Befunge":                            2,
 	"BibTeX":                             3,
 	"Bison":                              2,
@@ -52,8 +54,10 @@ var LanguagesType = map[string]int{
 	"BlitzMax":                           2,
 	"Bluespec":                           2,
 	"Boo":                                2,
+	"Boogie":                             2,
 	"Brainfuck":                          2,
 	"Brightscript":                       2,
+	"Browserslist":                       1,
 	"C":                                  2,
 	"C#":                                 2,
 	"C++":                                2,
@@ -214,6 +218,7 @@ var LanguagesType = map[string]int{
 	"IRC log":                            1,
 	"Idris":                              2,
 	"Ignore List":                        1,
+	"ImageJ Macro":                       2,
 	"Inform 7":                           2,
 	"Inno Setup":                         2,
 	"Io":                                 2,
@@ -227,7 +232,6 @@ var LanguagesType = map[string]int{
 	"JSON5":                              1,
 	"JSONLD":                             1,
 	"JSONiq":                             2,
-	"JSX":                                2,
 	"Jasmin":                             2,
 	"Java":                               2,
 	"Java Properties":                    1,
@@ -331,6 +335,7 @@ var LanguagesType = map[string]int{
 	"Nix":                                2,
 	"Nu":                                 2,
 	"NumPy":                              2,
+	"Nunjucks":                           3,
 	"OCaml":                              2,
 	"ObjDump":                            1,
 	"Object Data Instance Notation":      1,
@@ -420,6 +425,7 @@ var LanguagesType = map[string]int{
 	"Readline Config":                    1,
 	"Reason":                             2,
 	"Rebol":                              2,
+	"Record Jar":                         1,
 	"Red":                                2,
 	"Redcode":                            2,
 	"Regular Expression":                 1,
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/go-enry/go-enry/v2/data/vendor.go b/vendor/github.com/go-enry/go-enry/v2/data/vendor.go
index 73dfa80521..d650cfbdc9 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/go-enry/go-enry/v2/data/vendor.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/go-enry/go-enry/v2/data/vendor.go
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 // Code generated by github.com/go-enry/go-enry/v2/internal/code-generator DO NOT EDIT.
-// Extracted from github/linguist commit: 223c00bb80eff04788e29010f98c5778993d2b2a
+// Extracted from github/linguist commit: 6aed0bd564f55c4f2d987c2e6035eda7aea26375
 package data
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ var VendorMatchers = []regex.EnryRegexp{
-	regex.MustCompile(`(^|/)extern(al)?/`),
+	regex.MustCompile(`(^|/)[Ee]xtern(als?)?/`),
diff --git a/vendor/modules.txt b/vendor/modules.txt
index 66779fc23a..840b9878f9 100644
--- a/vendor/modules.txt
+++ b/vendor/modules.txt
@@ -258,7 +258,7 @@ github.com/go-chi/chi/middleware
 # github.com/go-chi/cors v1.1.1
 ## explicit
-# github.com/go-enry/go-enry/v2 v2.6.0
+# github.com/go-enry/go-enry/v2 v2.6.1
 ## explicit